Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1923, p. 3

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f 'l' e d lev .s 1 s JaVr r _________________________ MieaMary Fard la viatiOg frieanda S NENOAIETIEEI 0 u R --.umLocal N ew s.] The conty cauneil iwlll maueto Fm LE_, Çj Ia bcw for a"ie. Tallori g D epar m ent oaass ouait s aosamatof aae Mr. and Mi-.. L. J. Maude, of Rien. FOR. SÂLE-A taw fine York pige, TfaIloring Departmeflt~ ~~~ell 1aasaasc ca-n st a as frew, are lu town on Mr-. Mande'@wae.1 ah ApyGBHsad saSse ahi. bar.isn. i-ts isoJ. r.. .,î tlardy to llu.iiiîh jou sw'thi 'tialtty clo)tles. Alfredt Maya, turskey o! h, ja i t sit<a i' Ssth, 2-TON TEUOIro IR-ruk h a ain. 'ver. ln 50wn for a fewdayaia.lent talkm dsiago hr aind give ilsa call before going elsew'here. ntToronto an hia.vacation. withMri. aeek vî frliendI* dlagta.ý-W,i- oan sangor sh-t \Vorste'ls and Tweeds in grey, hliite, BffN E aia.-TbP Dominiîon Mr. andt lira. P. Wililoalefton FOR SALC-. .CasetracorI- 5i5 BordofBilayConllimonr bs onedlaYtta $Pendaitavacation of two Cackahutt po,3fro,1 n o. it1 browiî shades. 1 askitthe caaunty conocîl te place VtrM e8mD.PO,8frO,1 n at stnada~ ntern aISfiet Re«ular meetiag o0f Racrsbyiwr».i. arene nnary ew. eAppiy S. V. King, fiaath -iia tth roti-.Nt.'ii olai itis ao flr aSnGrgteigetown. 2t efr-roasotng, 'vaise-eatboyod irn l rieNeilandsda n îAag. lSth, at 2.30 pr.t ,,,,t ,'t at kilied by a train on Juiy i7th. Question drawei-.I Vi t t lits e hsinp1 2:, t2Minaeti-k andtMiss E. N. iicis, rof 1ev. Wm. Bai-t andt faanly. of N-BOWLING. it ie acitid tollari-. John Hopkins Bospital, Batimore. agara Falla, nara viitlng aet'r. (c 1 't ulruîgosoind st',, lMeli 'Md., 'vers 'veekenit ad monthenil Usina. Tbey icava to-roorrow foi- a Two ilto -ks, akippei by Dr. , .. v isitora Unh te,- brother. W. 1i. k. ntai-rtrip ta these aaide. Ith ork iioandiJ. toarnyeanent a iTo :1) ir'iilg hey lftBatiniore river thire weekr, i ME.Cennt ntfaly t ot nTaue. ira -rd 9 .et it' tttîii,(j ago b y boat for tBoston, shere the% iikie Ssan., viii tant for home an 'ret ngtra- hi eûd - ~~-':lutin . tranafei-ied ta anotiser stianier and itro.atraediew nnh odya-PrtRînt - t lUi-k t-lit- tul 't-' Scotia. fler s amy an th s1n ,adSl.ýaileit for Hlifax sait DigtyNons v.itîsg triendialn thia vielty. Hiiian orRoundo(,- _____________________________________ 1 ipince tbey vaent le Quebec andMosnt- ishn Galbraith han returned home J. W.Biais 'ra ndt oronto. After a sott Toronto after t'vo week' vi-lit ta J.Ir the reu ndir'th Stteson ire-ùMltZILnd ;betreatiesanrals is-Dr.0îwand. 12 S. r .ge 2) S. R. BEWSD.iMcCatract 1 u"at and(titers ad bytir Inite- Jmi) Seond Round. onti ei, iati ofth twfl the Prabyternuand ehd. cn. Miine 5 r yle 2. V T O T I E S F et]orit s.Ticy Wer-e as gi- egatîntrs viii be beld in Knox Chirch . York Toh-itRud Ldgi-leal by tlc cansipere. 'vo nenat sonday at the usuai houre.. Roi-. Tiph F-silan. ___________________ ,' thire platsaie l'yaite made jT. H 111e viliipreach. Thiotn.- s gROMt tabli etoff iis le llunch, *Di-. (lowland. 19 F. Wiite . .... 17 t t t ,it;'it t, lith.Owath the ifret vtsii-otherruas on ats. Tbey ai-e- R. W. Hi-o. J. M. Mackenzie, V. DO. tO 11i' ýjjth iiier n ne. Fi-ut iLaey wrn a mansheit byM., 'van et the rcicofDu- Secait Round. , t , s , li-t ..r rr ..,z a utlaerthe fragmenta we unLag.AF.& e ýIDd Oko. jlý hj Il cry ari-yeoff -for k,itUotig. t is iipposi-<. Dig Park aî èA Dr L i i. t 13wW.n F.kode...1 Uiasi!trtsii.oth utypanied b'. W.Hro. Dri KK naisn odak. t' t r ~parties are koowno.taiseboys lnue Mi-s. tlia.Bocnabr.o JT-. .M. Derea . 14 J. Borland. .a labihetideMailbo-k Barbeso, breake e tra hen tfhe lucka resetlle rnnte wthn*thela- litUJe iaughten- Tiird Round. ofn rnce.Irnters il niotored thtrnagh Id [Iton uTaeaday J. ). Denycos . 7 E. Gireen........l Go dy a a dDo iio , a re r o d poecataonnandsont leie nt. and paid a shoi-t viit taelira. O. S. Mail andt Empire, FMeut Round. A fatal accidearit ,,ccurr'.dlai-ie Tir^. Boeyr. Mr. Barber ta on bis vacation-. 0o(liasd.. 7 F. Turner i iii 5 lnyaig rails oi' at the Ssi- grouias ertIVeitns- J. M. Desyre.. 13 J .Hl i x t t' Ion the(C. P. R. vianleiiuk t o.uen by day eeniag. by thenActon,George- .T al 1 an rani bounoi riigisitrain and iiileul tiia ndoitMilton ibande, aise Duncan lnsthe Hamuiltansturoeyon Monday a trme boni-s later. 1Dr- I. i. Ebanîr, ('-It oan of etToronta, noteel enter- Besoie ndsat ennie, et Builingtiiaa PR. doctor, 'vas oîîsaiîîned and at. taierfather ait son,'wos tise egg Tropby X ended tise mjuriil mari, wiao van aair for- Scotch doubles. about 28 yis-ofe yeai-s. Coroer Dr. Mri. and Mrs. Ai-ihie Metibbisho f ______ S. H. Smith wasn Iioiit-ilansoaioio- Wnnipeg. have came home ta Ontario Alt e l' r II htfloiti 757. I. queât 'was hi-id 9ami. wiesdsy fui- aMa. S.ctibbons vacation. Tisey ONTARIO FIREMEN. ~-I ', e II asiiine titi-Sale. Iion, and adjotarued îutFriilay nii. ru. SIeOibens parille Mr. and Tise 22nd annueal posveotian et tise lii t~ Tie ictîn. asanJobhn Kritet. He bMas, tiie, W. Atos. Voltier FiremenaAssociation et I vntking milS tii tbe bsrdiig ci-nir Mi-. andt Muis. Robert Wilkinsa Hum- Ointaio cpinet at Bariingtan an Mon- o eIt' O7-îecial prîce luti arrel lot. ilnoyacsifor diaoer ad atepeid eut bei-Hay. sae Ice tise enagneet day 'ith a large atteadasce of drue. tfi-ini Widet seite. ra- ,ii iet thnii- daghtei-.Forenca Myrtîn ta latia. Tise lakealde tawn ws i gy tiinogtof bithisim Te îl lie ofMr.Sial-yWilliam iH.tMl'.e eldert ecerated ith iti aga. buatisg. etc. .sdson etfliii. aoit lir. Wiiam (llbey of Banda met tisa ielegaines os arrivai. au roka,.Tb tedy 55Milton, Ont., tise mariage Wt tie Tise foiloinw'ere chai-mes af tise Clem ents' H ardw are, M ilton sent t eorotoait bilieira .tiri- pla c e ai-iyirs Septeinhor. committees ln charge t Wmn. Meteaiti-. Ni-ci-pulno -St-i-ianiti -%t.i-w. Baaingtos, sports t Bert Duissoin. Poue CURT Abîîi tino nik eaty Treanurer RSobert Ca dBarlisgton, pi-gaismt 1 Harmaiwo-tis,f OICECUT-bu w e s dvertiag ties ale OfteO &cl Bramiptan. eseculive t W. J. Arro- agu lassc Jai-kson Jerry a iiiti-ierof adin tatise village ot Sti-eetavilie. atraag. Toronta, pitiag t W. Hayes, E w'vanisi-bs geit by lus eiiîîlut.ýye,Jai's on aniih tise arreurs uftlaxes amasat St. Maryn, lis ;o E. F. ari, Hilton, Tuansr.r 'visa eysb e ws t i iik tbreeto $1,1453.'is canta $90.00. In Ta. audit ; A. Toast. Geoargetaown, ci-eden- times'v is a na wi-ek ad it. n u -m, inîdTownship. Il pai-cela are ta ho tiials ; john Waugh. Nia aia F U R N IT U R I damagd twve~aai ici-ehWhe Id ts an OtE5 air ~~ias mFll, im ma e nMpriraelton,.but 'vent en the i.Mi. ton a igistorboud it'ilgit ar al nanother cltiwatise sparts tes- Turner sas. A somnationis tulewed musaicai tri-st neit Wednesitay ev -tsa-e noftise day. h 'van tollunedin l -~-sT~f-1 -r-raîa-an-tahm s.He aas serveit aitduon Meoilay ing aitis tar giounds, tisetattoo hby tire evenisg by s monter garien W EDDIIiNG PR ESE~JNT hi- ianale bai-Ste MiltesI i le teetri- ue Actas. Georgetowvn andsiltotaprty. îaig be asaitFint ei-hi-ly appieri-id t ,- bandsa. iyin epteiy asd massed. At tise eenisg meeting ofthtie iele- tfors Poflice Magistrale Vicie aid plia-iDuracas i. Caas fToi-ostoenoter- gales Alfa-et Hlimni-. oskyiie. wan 1 1.3eitguity teanaO.T.A. carge of beiog tainer, wilisappeai-. Dostrmiennt. 'vies nA T. unnahtis fr ritt dend. t nat will be appreciateu by rnan iodryaddiaig lu hnAT.S tMeitn scd druak aniofthé itoneiy si itCausgisg E D oSAÂ,-- Polim Magie' nice-pres-ident. iteclineit thris traina- i et-thereen ts. JMutas ilfin ad o tae seShuelds came bers tromt Oak ile tion. seatortis wans siected an is eh ai isegniesn JerysOsesai cetsyeoleaday andt toi-tise secosnd timros-1924 meeting place. Thomas Bastings.b E VERY BRIDE. italli-s about $18. lie pli-sdi-i.tlat nanderiFank Robertsanadi hi@ 'vite Meriitan. trsasursr outhtie Association, uic hait bei-ai i-si atrsy by Morteý,.'ue o dimt ,îitLabochiaro. or Hamiltan. preuesmeit a fatisfactary tatemeot. shappliaitisas trosidrb oie îea- lo it days. Tise trioaraie betallos YesterIay van tise bag day et tise C . R . T U R N E R e. Tisso'no s ni. ls ui-iy tise chargeoet iett fi-om thse Hi-es 'meeting. 'viicswuvn o es et butt aedwra i fin ed. drue-n store, kil, n leai pon- suaccenaful in the issory of tiseasoso- amantei tet about $32. Honsin pdis.eation. Ail visitera weire deligisteit iesaaid ta ho piestiful anit easy ta get Ail a resait ai a rai-est trip ta tise 'itis Buringtao, tise'velcome gv-n MA N STl'EE M LT N hene andt thi. seemo ta c ho ie case at Stata di- Ohmo. District Bepresentatîve tiseroasithtie pcnfect arransgemetst Coing'voos ton. Carraillniof]haroptan. laetaing 0of made. Aaiespecleit anit as uainal, tire givim tise chilitrent baby chIeS ta Miltasnecnsiag tesm ditinguiobei-t- raine for theisienoit aira, lnatmd 4orf l, iin iut i isein tho houre eggn as tormeriy. Me floda tisat a veniy r'"i race aniseacondain tise iook ait exensive woarSia carniet onsiancng istter race. 'viile two ofSlisomeaubers CUL z ïe zg otise constry boys andt girls aoisio 'vosal race eacis. Thae fsiio'ving in tise S by lise agaiosatasi separtment. record A F:z E allnsoS andtLaitIer - Niagara Falals PîCTIJRES aI the Priaccas for Fil- 38 2-5. Hilton 39 5l-& Georgetowns 41. ýC N L) F V RI E M M !itO - 5 ay lad Salai-day, Aag. 10 and Il :W-llandi48, Sanseaa 46. v Qalacy Adams Sawyea-," wth au Houe Reel-Miltan 4e Niagara Faime 45 25.Swansea 48, Geogtown 492-5, ail-star cant, aathor Chai-Ifs FelIos, Welland 52. aine corocdy, Stan Laureli luai"The lti yards-E. Merrett, MiltonBail- Pest," and Paile Seuale. lier. Niagar-a Faims.h 2W0 yards-Alias McCieady. Miltan, 0. T. A.* AT BRAMPTO-o.POIine Mag- Thomi-non, Niagara Falla. irate Mereof Acton, bila hnavy Bapongfth Fance Cap en Mositay.. B. F. Trimbie 'van fini-Ils tise rencan race, th is'vnne-s wei-eu ________________________________________________________$54X)tt ait coule, 'iti tisre menteUnobSwansanaNiagara FailsGeorgetowna. tb, Ontario ltetormatary, foi-a aecondt Tiers'vas a large atteniasce trom vo i-mtion. Fine Young ment, R. Miltas. Abont9W0 tickets 'vere sel liai cy,. Da -la. J, Keats, J. Fisegas sy tise C.N.R. asoit maode tise anîd J. Ytoung. pleaulea guiity ta légalittip la ca-s.E pui-ac e asil'vers e ued 100 rairi. - Airt KeeetCookaville, got suvni-s NNJAL MEETING 0 ilstinnatai toi-beiag I-sanS on tisel (ieu). G;ibons, ofitreelv asati-cr. LlhraI-Consurtative Association. illlmi nd ost fo illgalPosesson. The annuai nmeting outhtisaLiberai- TOWN COUNCIL.- Conser-ative Association w'ilieh haitd ln tise Towns Bail, Miltas, on Thur-- t-t'ric tanscoucilmetoa ls1' enisg. Ang. lattis, at7.3D n'cdock. at l'le twn outeilmetonTsesiay V Cosservatie s intise Coîaaty et N evniainig Mayor Irving intise chair. Baitas. Nut, ton aas takea la tise malter T. A. BU,-csiieeon, ot tireosai age systero. tise report that Secret"an. » il action, 'vuîld Liho aken iaing bers a t nanitake. 'lie report of là@eginenra TENDESmO ANTED. t ' is~mamnnt yet rend7 for presentatios anid1I fA- t lant fuown 'vhs,, t 'iii ho ready,- 'S tbna is tti-e vacation seasan. Sealeit tenders aitiresse tetotise A bylan tborroan 815.000 lander unseraigneni anit market ~Tentera for tishre ausaOniSec. 4 Oatie Musa- flge ' 'viii h-e ri-rd niatili Weit- cipsi Hassieg' Act 'vas itroditoed and naasay, Augunt 154, for tise cos- ilrend firs-t taisse. ti-e applicatins âba--at-ataan af a 45 font concrete béamt O t tag bhi-ees ied freisa citizean@ for bridge in Une Townsahip of Nelson. Inanes for buding. Plan@ansoi aficatfons may ho aea Accounst 'theisesuut ai $1720.88 at tise office of Une undersignet. OaS- wr-e paseid. ville, Ont., or at thé reidesce of W.A. - Irving, Reeve of Nelson. Tansiey, Ont. TIltiJD sa s: oi-ari~ oOBITIJARY. T'ise io'esS or soy tesnder net secea- Dr a -s c - o 0Mus. SASÂS accepte. RO-rF. SMIaTH, 1)uÉ or or "o /r ayt M@ SRHj MACivil Magineer. ;fie.Uuers and uWord 'vas receivet lent 'veeSoattise for Photo su i.lies - ieatisoatM-es. Baiah Beasario, 'iloa of 11 ev. John Beaman, a 'vell.Soows S ALE BY clergyman of the diacaaseof Nlagara anPd Kodaks. tai-sonne yara ir-ctai- af S. Geore'@aO '-tIte, &aitst- Joihns.a PH Iii UC IO iSMARCON In MIODEL laC-, Long Range RADIO RECEIVERS ncenitit nsily gusi-aoteeit to gi-e sainfaction Conereai by ener 200i natents. Pi-riertei nturiag 251 yiars' experiesce in Radie andt Wiarleno Engineering. Buili os tis ectioaiplan, ossblisg oe te bnyaemall sot soit sîiuLuuher units ta it laler. liist-ibnîtu-s Hepburn & Spotton GUELPH, ONT. Phoene 103 fenoi-rstimationandilfar-e dinsation. The Super- Salesman -Long DùekSno "In one afternooilWO sold $750,000) Worth Of bonds by Long Diatiauce telephofleas-sa7 banker. The telephone han made auccess democratic. It la the creative force thiat enables business te rise superfrir te c ir cumin- stances and competition, by creatlng opportmsi- tubes. Fearleas methoda of at- tacking the problean of sasae ebringing Pro- portiosiate resultu in other bmsinesWela at minimum Costa. Wc wiil gladly co@ipi a report on hoir m. tlépono la bei"s me- cafufy udod in youir businesste Incr*ae /900 Electc does the work-the best trial. We aiso have a full line of Eleeýtric Toasters, Irons and Electric Stove Toasters GIEO. H. DAWSON PHIONE 48. HARDWARE. M 1LIO N SATURDAY TREAT! SUGARED PEANUTS 29,.* -a good stmmer eandy. Regulai 10e. l ................. .................Saturday Treat Price 29c. WEEK END CHOCOLATES 32c. lb. Here is a real special of high grade heI r Everybody shoîîld take home a pounîl of the.-et A good assortnient, of hard anîd sft ceitiuH ' e 40c. and .50c. lb ...............WEEK END SPECIAL 32C. Try oîr ice-cold sparkling Crean-' tda,'Iiey p: are always refreshng. W. T. BARNARD White Canvas Footi \Ve are showung ail the Whute and Black Footwear. Women's Canvas Pumps. Women's White Canvas Pumpe, lu one or two strap style with button. New styles lu perfect fitting ats with low, mediuma or Cuban heels. $2.50 to $3. 50. ,wear latest stx les i \\Vibite îIIii White and Black Pumps. W e are sho sw ttg evtetal omart styles in w-hite aîtd b 1 a e k coiubiîsationî,iL, straps and Oxfords. - $3.50 to $4,00. GRAHAM SHCE HOME The Home of Ck»d Shoes ntment of a Co the detail work for the forina- ;,voluntary contract wheat nitoba, with à central sel[- ey for the three Prairie pro- "bu been approveil by the ex- mittee of the United Farta- ,tobe. bw- -I w ANDERSON'S M Clearing Summer Sale SMillinery, Voile, Organdie, and Fancy Sunîînei- 1)vee.-, Straw Goods-in tact, ail summer merelol uî g reatly reducC(I to clear. ESARLY FALL GOODS Dp We are silowing Wool Delaine, Paisley Velvets, Ali Tyrne Cre Lw, '~ 0 respe, WooI Homespuns, Flannels, Fancy Skirtings, &c. Th irL t \VM Op of these goods alway. contains stuif which cannot ie had latei V tW( t Dpyour inspection. U Dp QUALITY GODOS-Not hought down ta a price, but op te a standard, E2xtra S5pecial This Week Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, 8; to 10................................. .... sdi;iI- fi Dp Ladies' Allover Aprons, ail sizes?..... ......................... ...... Dp Fancy Voile, 40 inch, per yd ................................................. DPBoys' and Men's Beits, up to 75e sacli for ................................... ... ;Sanlcrson's,- Milton's Big Cash Store- 1>hoîîe Preaideot Hai-diagautest i- o tkea in France assanetet oftise lia-at a portance. it even a ssaicenltise gi-ami- pliticai en-lais 'viicis msy i-ad tut an esit efthtie entente antise backgrundsi foa- the tisse beang. D)R. G. *A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Offrce la Royal Building, Milton. H tns-a5. Toi.pheae uut., Ecaîse hi-a-palnlssOa. oFafa Tienv Opsen-- Asaut 27nf Yo.geand Chsrlao@e..Toi-i. rtesncaenterSuls fa..ShSel-fanaoss' fric ilti hgradt e asit f-or peai-i ueoCe ds.C.tmioam 'v. J. tt.tJOTT. rtelsai.

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