ibou fLD)S AND (ATARRH. .1110 iii na-i, liit n'îîeî lh" beo for the unt m. Ili a i l I rie~ d 1-izenslîrO or îîait. g aét ,One n os, riai 1,t apea4T !i p neesali IU alibi ,kmai ai ioaed lun Il. ritng haï lecascd R-' îe niver. Asi u paele on' di aan pai covr É aeOn 'l'ahntId iricae oe r pri I I caro fc t,;1 ti o iabInO aa fon abon,n anSfrP Savoy Ces Haes Oetr, t.lu %l. hi le hles aveurd îhe top, tisaI stes. The lira steasesdom \l,, ned fcr tirrlng. Iloseon robl , iansatuera' dnirA ninaltla.scrpe oKl iter sicon f theo mot UN ade. AiO for ab ' nclv ils sOkf h. casa,-. ais tiie la01 sesla . c su oonM Deer Die aI Brouit %ilir '.eag eIAer e-I enr(; liista-irTiioIaaay .uiiiii.ke, Ilîe nte0 A real ilt 13-itiiSintSl hrc. 0 atte.ii1trd tofcrosns di cýt il , I l i lic Irîiben %c '1.'f, 'ielif ttiT jnfi Ilii, ... ifii .t sFIappO 1 ii fiýIýLimîroe eU inksît.SM.i 'iÀf lOdli]e ahc A, i îa'- comnpuislor to ,ilai al meiPt h,- le-- io oeï naîeîîLf, .o fi s mt r t.an.1 , libl far $100 Ri Ii, t e..ie lllîovnf aik if' iIoi to ra' ci tý igln'C, fa fi"I! lies pasie. Y4, i f" I f ý ý ., f" liat large% 1 1Wl titiltra obl If i,, Indli..Albert 5011501 1l.t ' auoiiOe the engsHO ei acîîlitrr. Octh.t 'r-.î.aa f tIr. anA Mrf Biîiii.i lIrli g ton- t.) L"ake place rarlc' 1in iifOei t eg la îaainftheO-1 es ,f. tlArea or eesri aai ardfer ahiceeposx ul l ]]P.ueup.iaales oreo y i ha aified Of be~ lotiono h e t to oiet.-à( plia -r6 gim'en that O050 îeliAeo hâvmo the-OP; ,t eNleel tiifobile dthse dit tbei, r 'oi 'Ancre." ,aLaial n ail IOD KNr~uOX 1 LPr' L.1 . . li 001 IR. O. E.îE DENTA .L i MRILTON, THURSI>AY, APRIL 19, 1923. No. , :011plon T ravellers' Guide. T owan uddle witbeut iselpieg me keep ThDitn BteUiFI arvie %aioqMine. 1fi et timt the decisive moment - CANMII1>1 ' ACJ eAIW 0 ft te dght bad coma. One aide or tthe er îA tlAsl'CFI AI AY other mont qulcbiy yieid, and I trig- C' 'o mf e t 0 or, coîciiaS O(111,0 AST PHONE 224 NIGHIT 127 gied mightiîy te get itrm held eofy DIS ~ 1 odlg0 . mar. »Word. It seemed te turn and slip ln () NT '.9.3f) i. ) y m le od eod srk 2.-i ati ,I Yo t 3.r p .at Mi. AM trs' eduresfr ft, meneney eii upen me, break- Toronto M otor Car Co. 'll .03 I.,ing donm uradyet1 tydC L-- 7.43 ue- Its tnry. It glanced fretin my armer,, 7,44 010.~ ~ ..sat~5 he an I c' wer depefor U s ed Fo rd C ars Troub Ve,-.'l. Temnwen a gat, bot isSE ATI N L RC S p. in. ~~~~mevementa Were qolck. I'erhaps lhe S N AT O À R C 7.20 aa.n., 3.43 & IlA.40 p.m. sibiw1s ctr ad t as a moe. Ail thase cars have heen traded ins part-e thatlit Itr a o esmr payoant on New Fords. W. guarantee GRAANTEE I 1ANIi TRUNK IIAILWAY FouI stock of New and Rebuilt Batterieson hand for ali needa. esaiiy accempliohed. It maddeeed me. the tila, modal and yaar and protect you I ot :,,k Ti. 1 Il N.R W>oanuReaiig" ~ ~ o te thlnk that t coutd net ment hlm c.. agant observable dieacto. Evenv car yea p. h c '. lI & .W .,î. , uulîg oftatrly. t curned the veapon lu my r a dt iea epeetd.wrhiLe..... Tf .10i ~. e. e r.> ~Batteries a SpeiRlty. -baed; it muet bave bae loesset b urnadteh sriaatd.,ot t ef bilt. I cnrsed the mon Who, faluing, The LO WES T PRICES EVer Ialeh danaislbpota, A. MoLENNANbail napped my ewn. My tastb vere Qoa n adFrdCr .io . p. , I elJ iiachsd ln Impotent rage. Qou nUe odCr e od J.A C E N NThe tory eftor combat, or tsel I abui ar Btrr Tcrdon ioîla ~atraople fes say, rather, is. hal.cleared aaopaenASH CASH CASi shoRtevTetdadDsile ae fppidfe. aot ne.My eword twiated lensay' __$___0___________ $54 »OWN $ 1 DW coid have flung Il dewn lnmy rod ..11 ia tI'TeaeHl, FORD TOURING Wi-a F A1RSERVICE FIRST turyaud given up th aig>.But lhe service ef the priaeanou. wih ocure tIneod condition FORD RGADSTER LIGHT DELIVERY savad me trainithet toIlc'. Ho aîruck, promoton bhaen. tmae Balance $6.50 menti Balance $8.50 Month Balance $12 RtrîI, and my evord van wrencbeal frottame wndynhvi sîtegether. For ose moment L 00w I "A litte batter vldl eo the l 1D EC AS LITTLE AS $2.00 A WEEK W0ILL fllg threngb tbe -air,ad t thongtlfoture,-Bîr Verrai. Tbsre Io teon uch LAS Y TERV1MS> NARLAI1OU c'OYA ar FORD>THL, Yi 4 Y, '1 DoubleTo'ack Routethal the end liad come. We vers aide Jealoay urrondIng the princestn. We ________ T.The liUIISe had net been geIlng back now vers $10 btennet g.se. I e gin va mlht ha la $ 05N, 2 CASH CAS$6, r ~~~~retireat vers ltnet for thospeer devIl. nd$29 DW 6 MONTREAJ. f pisoeFORD COblUPE cn-FORD SEDAN FORD TOURING TORONTO > .c qonrors, but where le the botter tu5FOD.CUPECondition ln Ceai f..RI' e prsonlers?' Balance $17 mous Balance $22 sonth Balance $8.50 mnIl Uanrrl Cil'AIO ~4' And tilenl I panned. $7 ACASH IIl I.i nxeldDioîog0Cr Seecices. A R » e"Spltted In thiemarket plare? of $ 2 C NSH $118 CASWN FORD TRUCKS fhap lifeu"onnigiTtransard1van thonghtful. Thosprneners Oslbe anî sd $18 a Mentît l I, P1.1.. li- (i- o rinc ial t trains. aodbie Me. FORD ROADSTER caln g ay rfor $66 CASH1 W IVE lAVE WATCHES Vll'infoîrmation from aIl Grand 3 M CY jBaace$1 ona OD UE Termis: $9 on 1 1 i1,l 'le, t Agenet or C. E. Hern-- CHÂPTER IX* FORD TON TRI C.'. * FOREVEYBDY ,c5.lf.rirtPeonoerAgetTo~cayr~o.lUT b n.s.v~ae c AD t hadl the oppertuntty I FULLOSET 0F TOULS A P. EVERYBO.DY îlîaa a ,>t M. IILweuld ense lght have rut Ibe DRIVINQ INSTRUCTIOND FR.EIet $67 CASH Cf" ' i ffaf..d.I >,,~ ~, Fprioaneeru bendo sud lt tbteni b"i l oI Lgo frees, but tht, 1 roold 001Ternis:$11 rmcntli fi W, IejIfIfII TeXpti cia r TEEPHOXE 17. do. Thnc' vers guerded tHo rarefullc',J $24.50I FERH $72d CASlH FORD TC)- i if>CK a '~ * , . ieti lrr,îal r' Bettsr ]et thaun tlink tbey bavéegot a nad I knev veli vlttbwhst cHialser le-u t.IYMONT D~ U~IOWN ifî , f jiilii 5, vec nnlecveed.t vii t etetentions. t spoks about the priooners soya tibis oeod-laekiag 1elablo $ CASH , a e s n yhave s sentery piscad bere. We viii jte Woten, and ha dld not aympatlilze FORD SEDAN FORD TOURING \.F~ NEnot ctrs thae armoningbt. Lesta t jiîh me ntau. Hf vue a geed feltow, Ternis: $12 rf~clht. da& M~BHA Ol BULDR odCDeRdR S «tait This masaaction -but,-. afler ni], s barbatrialn, $150 Cash Down Balance $11 menu F00DTO A.M R H M ] PItenaonlirne. "Soon surtkae. Thét t p' . stigsn rn.ag isaboeseasy ternie ara Hop tenir, mostl ar nita ad id r e reepaira. oti . ad daskln.. Asdilsoaraane. nnasantlei entra Bailafr Lt. an. Watchmlakers and Jewelers CA ..i1c, ihs (!h.ehrilot EsSai Wnibet Ing epon ne. Tou galow Impatient. ' J sfas uedte nt sge 1e.laithe harng*W.at bI oshreaPoen5akoo irnç.businessr,. 01100. would that 1 ceuld tract all un I trust of e the prlece5s, Dor did s knlght un- i5tîCf OREtT stt'r. Th vieswite îîyereikto Isteadlc' epproscl ber. Doubtissa P kIsI ec.SRE. MLO moeg us, Sir Verrait,.or vs bad maide. .knew tat surh Ibhlegehappeaedbot "" _________moe progrefaayf abs dd oat couentenuce theon, aI- f S l* _______""'~ '""""""?HoEn etI me et My lient aed vlth a thougli she could net eltogether pre- T INSU R A NCE gond ntght vent on tevard hie ove, vent theni. ro~; told O'Iyan vbat ble appesed ____She welcomnd me an ehle welcomed 32-5 "CaRISTa 'PHOaNeet.Fe.id Deei8r if li i"tORTH ALL KINDS asud rerieated the caunot' wordà,. others. olthogb 1 vas nov a popolar (uT.ieNOeI-Mors ) ORONTO Paîr'i 30 ti..F. IEWAR, tOne10,Miltes "Thern bas atvays hase a gentry hy I lo. Semewhet plqaed, T dst"Itned______________________________ - 11' i~I L I W.F.the ri ve" he snid-tboeghtMnIs'. "Po> __ hah ouild uederstaed tIbM 1 cnred - . fil~~~wb fh , UgltoiedeLiftia "InctempnydaHMbaEnmail. onisa"On voCLIN ~. i U ~ iii'tIIr'AGEINT bnps ha knsv:.mst orIer cid;ee v" ne moresfor ber thas tor ny 'otuer 'fI . Lk.... ,f lsurnc ,Ja f ny scpe.,, y"a bernres sneemnied h be - A dozen lorera vers readc' te mc' "onCut n lesoreIlovlaes GA LT.ONT" ye, and avan o anxtes siout tbem sd together. 1 heard hlm grena te band, and for sport I rhose one port- J1c'on. and laa n alîanuttg 'ng" 'ai>rii-ff CiAlT.ON. ______________________tht ho foUloe e bmalte certain lavage satisfaction ase b rolseai hlm- y. portly fer reveage. The Lady AI- 111oe!nie!'rhapa once ho did. 'ta hy got avay natals'." selîf lanbos tlrrupn te strlke 011000 ood drîda did nont brakon me now. 0f mc'nbo 0WIt Is Ihe priocesho wud lr e AcîirC C. R. T U R N E R 'Ws-muet kesp clone tegeîber, Ver. aIrs me my quleton. But as lie rose avea accord'- t vent te ber. and site vin a grauas aicni frani. Volant, d.to .ar ae ~ FuseraiDretr rail, tghtleg or net. Lie deve and od e ltd1,andI. ewlngHg mc' anrm,1aI-'drcv bier gov asIle thet I nilght ait Son goy, pet 1t Osoaroseîmorervilanot i ooiiîîî ,I:îî I alfDrecor iel 'lfwat n eDt b f mos nt yel ranthe oaddle os byber. tanhe yheurt Inaped lovard 'on and Embalmuer Blstap at the saima timeaalsi." vwtah att the streegtb I laed I trerb f"Ta ouenr mn, tIr Verral" las Coant Vanra rclned la norIa that o'uÇrîî~î.' lf .11~~~~I one e t esrespect at last Taa slis la vth luc1iaheit malinil "Na>', mîntreas; Rletlaever the lady day."i i"rlaii i -. . "Inîire ' >'utmbiIe~ IAgenit for Dlea FoeraI Desigu.yiepes lunI'tantnigbt. Quttaest. Il vas a goad.lov.I f011bise-ha ouerello the knlgbt vhensea- Ibvehdrueraaratsel i iu!eartc'laIhe mernlng lt u evIdent boand Jerkbn abons cdicks la ils sncb- cepts ita lcemuanc'." t thal. mîsîrns." and, falt that t lI seiciC PHtONE'u63 1 MILTO)N.that the dsc' va, net te be isana n. et.and, glant thst bd vaa, be reeled I"And onaerScon svere that c'on ves vj1as.Inuibiuehed te thintbok lier,'"f 1f I. ________________Trciap.q f mas moe aloeg tha oppo' bIse adtie, bies ivrd tslllag llghtic' rongli of speech. net glyen te an a).S r tIlhabotretrenaed frou, e. is.i Výi:I[ T111-.1PRO VIDENT 4SSURANCE CO. it-lsIt ait ef tuae rer levardlb.ead barmely alcsrons me. AIt east complmens.s" beb Isenktaleproveoc'en co I@hiall SO, ~A. E. McCUTCHEON bridge e ofote tv-.-miwes P the va vers on equal itemea .Bot.!Bihe csst down lber @je'on cht aldb asa ttu" aha vhîopered 'Ir.ciri fV, i f. i f e' iirai, Que. Streatm, a bridge wtdo bâtid bease coe ne; the ldov hsil dones la onk.lIt She lot'ed beantifot. snd'-'i. as And Ihen abs stnad up suildeelc'. Iie ta ruIl PAS NTER santly defsnded gand wblch wv aibotetzinlitbala inet 41 mac'- ha, for la the mont 1taîle ber beants'. "There la music lu the lever roola. - a ii'i fl f ai y fr:' rliie Paintling, tininrg. Paper-Hangiag, ne1er atîsmpedte fonu lboi he r@«plungod the rider roted "salid 1 no" Iasked, teanlng tevard Mc' test long te dance, sînre mil, beari 1,l I aelacor L'I II It ap'ai '«siIfTifilIrçlif a'ted ta Ibt ue an ntsudlac' thara. er untIEthe scent et ber heir vas Inlea1 ight. Wil San labo me?" 'Saillt is III, f lîîaîîl ciipi îr oA eoraiagni at iea. anenageent. Tbey' mude no st- "rW*n tsruck, ir Verra,,îr' mc' nenîriîn. r believe t vouli have merrled her - 'I l lTe -1.I J '. Fn amaples of Wall Paper le select leisyt tleve su i!; set bibe c' y t. Walon vas hostlde ma. A nsv avaril "Indasd yen did." tleaito a bentd eget 1Ie h ru .'fl ' I front teakeld us le fult force I doubt If va vwu ta mc'bas&, this tamettd lna al"Tou must bave troveed Ihen, seesl sfoot van L 1ý1Ia ol, Agent, ' r~i.MI LTON ebanil havehae' ate ta auccens'scilet res. tmu er am1evr ilsares.or t contdl net have bae 50 The Lady Aidrîd daiki grarefelly, '.'î.rliig Ia'l T.-raîîa Ioderate. Main St. Westt Pestit theni. er uIl te do eAIm a lt e or re nagaliset. Wben 'on slatee ot-ce and I do neot Ilikr1dlsgrarnd ber as .. l wiold l', oeef eh DMQDgIIpHoe tangt t Iistie vs eforalittact ltho eeve ral- 'et churi could net hetp but saac'pret' la porteer. 1 did mc' bentta10pinane aaine puisueiersaf i caca -~ HCAMPBELL 'drotlc'la ss,'.muid bea h@e a" isg ftebridge. f Oc'thlng." for t vas giedlte nd ber through the "aihi c tus le »nacc'taaOtlo. "-»e va neyer te crosthe ricerc" "Oece it vue satd that couti c'en use dance- "Sarely c' oe If 11 0ie1tot,11 ':> T -i ~Cosveyancer, Notai'y Public, lnsnrnnce 'Thes'bavae Dsoleav, tuair mnhe1t Isstd. "OfvihaI use jtaa a ryc'c'ur evord as you nanA yonr tangueaTbe dauce over. t pledgnd lber In She looked ntelit iio, Cl utcîer& Lve toc Deler AtnnyatliR.OOCnahi'Ca bs," . mlt a uykê1~ivIt susseva ,ltviiiop" t rml tet 'onvooi h a ren varlo. Nv"-vla, salic, sbI ves, bo ord i hntabesawtri I l. ' bi. Ita W. muaI Prenantb Wcie "thave gIron np trylnarnd ht"AndI nov?" 1 anted. touchtng tue lied apoten. andI ahe blunhed uavent but elle put ber hlicol i î" 00000 19. lagituaheriver. -W#esre ratiez Ille te. riddle," 'Wslen anwered, "Protibly laseupon ber leeve lta asort of mule ncceptan;e.af mc'S honiago. on>y. IasesI. ae pegdSo o £1 b". '5W"v ail-done Sgreat dedsd.a"Ah, Hir Verral, c'en have prove il ed."Tbenletlusan l ýil We rde twian theb aSoody "Ad webav don noting.If trdoobtef w"I yhopeordnett oriudit"Irspeven o yhas ao "Blb a Blae mmeotoI %3 W"i A H E E L E R ,rmastematu an~fa"h.bigIoaeMa-.-iff il cau vertgreater-damage lian le t desng ît ho nc etks ic'"The prlacoin tie O I f, 11 i compny D loner."a t presentL" Illie 'f.T. . MUSIC TEACHER 1 Hg back fron Ilatib»d d msd ar- liISbe, ufler ait, la a voman, Hir Ver- j c'er longue.", "ramlyc'a oo ta or." sc a-.Ilv n rur , nia. t imîevii j~"'*eili raI1 i," la id. "Wbnt ehouli 'ah,"Earb to île business," I1etnvwerol"rt'ato efraescei-" aeadIOa"' i' îlOt faIG*102piersa. vîoln*-ed ThnrY ta leUttar ra, dep oalc*vdigravi. knov ef var'l"i gac'tc-"tue se-orsIfor the heurt oet ' t ian osInosa for the fuvers of a "Adangorousonc iT 11-1 PIÀN TaNIN5 AtO SPARO. ed est frosatue baàueé Oreelt aIL"A voonan, ninybe,"tIasvsre,î msn, tus longue fer tuehe art et apirn"aeahdlallir-ae.Jbltoluaf10 lIt erea. - - aa.OO rrlar wbe thongbt lnemore et cein- sther betty, l"but aI beart a varrior.w "Tell mn. net us 'on ne ith a lover', ceoant Tacoen a thlI, if if i 1 i tug baIlle tIlie ib.d'ta S lg is 1 warrant 'en." "Ay mno as omnof' syez, butl rrtlliy-on pour boar. Tos. andsI ai, 0 (91~,> h dînner. The rseul dec'the camp vas sImd "ay c'u reg me; I vov tL la vt-ai-e a o oraThhecor s nci OralNE 210. ILTON. ONT tare on. sud, allOag#- oit estisaï rea tins. au O'Es'an put IL 1JWO5fleuose I love." bat hal y." 1Ii oonvred pranipiîc '1. sIena'abravw c a, ~ paured blaiti digisha et ivifI *n 'a ebart sitar sucli a figbha tvs _c"Bai yeu saisI co vsn 'os plineoelinsfrIIsrac bcnt id net ta.II îtI' P If 0 Specialmat in Sargery and 'Denlislry. pon teib eeon as st i"ntdeabould gain nothlag by IL," ho sald, complilesels I might have halleveil e bra hat hero arolun v ero talli. nvldeiittc' grr. aieOes nd eliîne'toM 3 ,'t T. crosing I se ua'dubet lapoe on a lthough. fer mc' ova parI. lt.pteaes c'on."abcshs bsperod, lac of. Catlnov t hnd bheneIfaIte "Yon renie loù i le il e10 i of r2~~ee ursd t tuerivet. me nia v o ugia." fAns I I hlspered juet as lu*: all navs Lady AIdrîde.seSrVral ti "ii .T. .aIfa PliiPàr OrnaIsHauwre . '- ooia, Siî"51tigzit sud limau merhs. t y 'n ,"Toare Maeesîîc'satlsîsi thon j"tIuaItrass, 1 Wittquarret vithyou lb "Tomorrov la ihoe rket plae ,T olit,-i erîl. À .f'iIIl SIOL Wear ra," vu to'Rsana a1 lae won"c'n eîse th 0v. Tliio c' on hrrla.., f . 0.40 flOi' D.aA GOINE, of adilte te me. ."Dealat iloccur to yotataIihave 'Qarel"sli.vlha uon o edthe Orna n sated . gltOr liaohoda" IDR vrs niasci hc' tenuanald a 1111e (TO BIT1-IC() NIl1 - Lîbî il. ..~~~ - . Il vas auanelllgitbes'*u d' e dgin g ainst Mc' former lest, n lIttie band taid upen mc' an. I spore froni us, soaie ta hsl pinr na-__ Phynliei, nça ues,,.gan ' M hnc'of. Mr' etav * raneacerues t !!abtee"Ion, a vomanand lI rould voll uUJTPAYS TO tI)VKFi loI Ilr Il frainithele o%______ A buedred had bhed betore lier.,'et _____________________________ i r.2.0(0 .saLERO fea ' sIssge'she nIod ent bvote. Il vasmc Orn1,ea ndaýdeneeoi.a n fni. tan erefuge or-- l'ra41mb veR vtctnrc'-nucceon vbsre others bail Pha ca --. metîoniua vh%(jýU0bIutta &inltaileil. STRV C eer thani. XtOrMIOaeTon' AusI deeper c't I AlvesI. blaîfoli. os T. G RAM HAW <~ . ~ &WorA avunog e bgvs'to 'tIglit d-il vers. T. AG- uao itIl A W8 Ç«» "er O.POM& l eft now dtsstbkahitr aiÉ lsîresn If 'on venti, prove mc' A savings account LT - .. ahfiitl.rao ic 0 nnîlt îa.~ stsnrok N 1 sa inter lie bits. , WiseD i $liee. bled up nuildeals', iterruptlag lff'iI ~ ~ ~ I~C"an eneaAT tIte~bli h Its great possibiities 'ii îolctcî e .~ >o Adne meeto me ening..et u " -Mac' Ir, n- ,LADDIN'S vonderfut lnnp poaphit Adirei'"Hovsand vhen 'on vlI," 1taAL îiîOM OU I ul Wàbath. t1vagadtai b-alîýt05Se-Iîaoe i"Net no,' abc taughed. "I have n avna acutlt d5I - T i_ ...pans'. .lgY uvrd avui .o*,à nno quent ta est 'on le'.no n somc' P't'om e nnavings accounit yottr open au *emy auo' af Iulf h anstandefpd muta10point otit. homne and aIl tat Il aneanu to yt>u oev± LTie hO O T 0'HLTaret r ît k iuy pis s- "i IWelI for hies.' Iboasled, "for Yoyacome; opporttnitty, content-. Inclantsaw heedl»on iain'àe herola a lftuture, ail' are possible i asavings Ou LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR was pon.me.'- a;v sitt k un accoutnt. ll- , 1 . 3.. ae vrI' ~ th btd!1 Lv tor te <;tbva.-~.And you cen increnne it by ydIasr , i DayofHîs adn OîtJas Enr.eub iec'Ute "ws.eovn effortur Onco loyer, baye y- cktn: eforts. Onc - -Fy .... O lla.i. o art iit, i taalla00e - -- e"eDs tt acuon atoizbt vwa o IIIS' flISTER'S VOICE RECORDS. fron n wne4l ROCoi'. tii i, iand lot usn Anoaoaltiîi'iii 'on. Agents far \ît'i. iILTON. Ph.- îc fi40 004,ha 1