125½ thg wishi Leavg me to o.43 m.wiBbe le- A b,' JMOne ml&mable ad," te only toý the mediet a constitutlional :tattional tet- ire tin takren in- spen the blood ie systemn, there- VOUE DRY ornidrfp Oi jauboliion of the dlie. Our $ubig.ade atet cne stnghb h lsB trdand , crgohl i t tlion ad lsisting 1 4 8 E e. death-14 ctife!ÀAhundrédhaom nitcrtvepw a geneaU tEncandme11wllhbeexcented. Will e tat la neHunred D1 Iollam. £ h 1 I elk h aon thbm Ad or n c 1falls to cure. ' nd Ipm nverti i d fine67 P --shatmatter, Who am I that 1I juld AddresY. HENEY ACO, tad tol Xig pU peris ith athem? Oh Othat 1 . TOuFt, C The oinltg "Cý.the "aey i received front Ti all 1la orconstipai r g1an an I asteM oït. ie* aiderick thon* hasty',lines: Lah-Ob 80prsad m vrt aiale oeeimf is ebrake and donot lose no dea ow.:Ùißerably è Pruiai sorteetl ah on"e M&$re"for evr tgeherba-lait.Weharo bean happy. That handie theirtaln. The.nobles do a brie 0, divided, asW"s decred lin160 Past 11110one Caitake frominus even if Oteyplueas' ihte o mnpo p kdet inh emBut ln sPte of the treatythe situ. hb.1 i o e ti 1O p e'na eirsntet dodythe de là"t ildished" Three ouncso" atpoki uta OMM t herete and saw tht'e dn as not rmilve.PaUotientrea, tth Je rrdehe, ammseont 8040, mon, And tel om shouldbe isnsued for us sas for many lsalldowed for each man. They ar- cnailiaD C h ampioR TVO» d, 'noih,.dth&rtir01 ing f hdUie udla Paf 21g1*e e Il with yfather on Pmacemmndvar aoichild. 811«1& a isours whenevr ster s.T-syiemette nmy nacstmd ofocd»achsaI.sI ofm usedfei h iea ie o h oniin btI&elly sm wyfriomt he-eeginhet chowo, Prhpsi shll recognise somne Of the the hardship af short rations, anidur-• PUsLIS pdeaibie, four oley m CUldbàry blieethat war woEid i&tWgedand diugss gd. rgglg"Oh God! Oh GOd"i groaned. gl rsincmae-ve ygget grggg on fRURDM aØRNNG AIWAYnot ntiely dedo m fthe.l e Cld a i comiented myself ith the lterLthat -it came frouswhirng in"must thissoanictioncoms upon o» Couqin Gottfried. We march upon "The papersare@full of tatin GOIN0 BAeoutr.tthtlywetpend o fouhat,'adthught that légal queistion s culd dts circle whieh bis Jack Of logieonc oeWocnbes Ceota.iebenam-Gallth.Thaan c uadof es Yuogh okeptem a mee a i o. 7.5 a. n. 0" heatii',W« teoodnorte airudalways be settled légalyand justl. ecessitated of conscience that fórireed and a-,outCs.Gia. hr il1enota"And 1 have kept themo. This iTONi ONT. 10M a.P.s shatteed. Bu t e Imfotheainda&, AI, these wien minister, dip!omt.•, • - bition--- lagunare Yu for lttes--a .t m on t i n o one ought a1lay s et ,andle n o I. PON W&. teewa ohreabak ptojudictOi ou oucllors, parliuaetarians. INewYsear's ove, 1 A.A heEs nd my fathler, déeyangthait it waaissur&eyou f ysaflety nt h i nstgglestnerospet one so!. O RI'"1 w "i ei.th-e -- bacgg@past onand polite #8u. AstheoAre ai OUdwJusreadannot theillatest newnshibut the seo senansNo ap<r n bestoped2 P En 7. p.tt .fomanoyeissetl uch a tri ilpoint. Thuns1 Imewas wwre sitting aotm)ahrsiaroi ro hc resdfrwr'h oeIba o.Icnn D ced ounts of te prece ding wiarsint i - rr-rIaepadx tateoption a. ctuated more by euriosity than anx. table glébrating the engagemet of [aIged o hIubeti hs'ti: M rh'" Yuko wa h eh how lttlae aru the ntie p n tidi-ety in MY .research, which 1 was IIII and Conrad. My father arose ilgalmneublghi arg-- an tomdiheebatgs nd hepoh rs i th un53.0 ]&Ws-7.5ILuIl . icaATR Vreflly-joing into the red book: - and ofev rsNe ers os: mente together, proving that all wish-|Conrad had alsobeen ordered toe n;ta oldb ntutn - h ai ln.ana. bring foulad me ln the neighbor. Oct. 1, '65-Imperial Council at. "My deair children and frisends: The emorae , bun t i w aqit rame it must march. He was full of ardor and felt H P IeRI .R NDilo4 fIoen.. Hei oud rrankfort adopte the following ranci. yeAr '66 bottns well, for loghave be mt-nilswsiut rntc n eog-hatred of the prussian» ofHATi)i ERADmIPI AILWAY F rederickida&ily. Myaitersand aunt Ilutin:1. The rIght of Schleswig. I desired Conrad for a son4n-law, May Yid eside myselft ith eotiO: makte is start a pleasure. Still, part, -H.. etardf t useme 6 ches GING en were ff forMarienhad an fri Holstein to contrl iself must remain W*IhO ta his year may brings o nwwlthtntol oIng with Liil was )hard, for the mar-d foextaourd iary! critaC N GOàEor r UTI. there Lilli wroteM OUTI:-1in force. The Gastein treaty is re. Rosa her Idéall". Azd you, Marthebttewoecucwn a, 1Wthe n elicenise had arrived just two days dfa sor.Frttecp r p-cnt > pe.d. p'. 0.a.. 737.m I ofe II vss m bgna Jected as a breach of right to the MaY yoür husband lbe promoted towhy not say it out frankly? W'h y a l'beforePol by icoonlight; Clamin alas tu a of ten .ss.coer .. inerestedonfi Cots1na Conrag tobie nat0on. 2. AillofilcIlssalltrefuse théelrank Of Colonel. For you, Dr. this falsehod W ytlltePeoP'e Oh LII LliLlli, why have you Put ricaed;teaetknad u ump of uB r MiaanotherPeretter from Aunln1Couiover taxes and loains ta th, eress IMay wish hosts of patients, an h or ty aremeoser Io.riot? W okosi Isalue tiien qur Gtchhi lil an wthot racios -Mar i:-Oct. 15--The PsIatn royal edict spiitof Bay wishes for hth andwyoupr cloed fis. butdnotftheawhile Upon his departureiher remorse was down Our smen ran matry a rbidande cordngly akmgag g gg g MY Dear Child-It has beena tire. approved the deeision in regard to hapia. Anuo yu m eaw Ifer oft, fale w rd s of âg rassuw r- a 1tiful, a d e w ittelola iteeyatogra ry r '-ie, athB-- c ýih o Et .maea 90.MPat nsome swinter ln society, and I salltbelhereditary claimant, who renounces fatalistic Marié, mi ay destiny bring ane d. du y ou preldyeag od rw a rm. cnseu hrwoh hethug oined aln ar e even now , i intai1 fn.wlb ax. M dip. Siged W a LLIIand Ru&aare married aillright to the throne for the snm ou u the grand prise of a full indul- lthe soiyCrd.de t retn th a t youthat hadl she been is wife Itwould downrage aintM ne ur h lli, nhs, deaths asmrigs25c. W.M. It in a tresome, thankless tuaiktoaVienna, treaty the cduchiez were ceded wishIng Tfor r. or MY Otto, MY so, l e rose to 1 Imteait o aso' The family now removedtoGrumitzrnib es u i onnew Liecapr n wopleasure-seeking girls.ttothe Alliez, hence there ec a 11be 1n o cn only wish him esvery distinction nda llyI urt nto exhausting .and 1 joined themi, oppressed with the sLiaen.hmCue.eeii, 'Lý ertismensoOcnrsMrMtae.1p.&.i m eeld to heur Othat you are furtherCloatm. ,ln his fdnal examination, that lhe may tours. My father was so amazed that premonition of widowhood, Occa- e tedcm, vrymn n teN«o u Ogeg Well once more. (TIbhad suffered fromn Protests were made on aillhande. acquire every soldierly virtue, and h i o ttrawr'sionally In the midsot of my dull grief int o ohem ia, ami 1w acn tefr -heqe B-W M ea.Hlse. asros ee or ubn a Prussian arrogance" became a catch, sOoeday lbe au ornament ta o earm, Nwcmu ieo oe er, wouldreome the bright thought: "He' te;thiem et. \e II, i.. s rr \ . PANTON ~ ~ ~ ~~ .. and 1 .m. beau Vary much alarmedt. But, thank word, and aillhande déclaredt, "We land a pride to hie old father's heart..r r in" uto salvHewlcmebk"Tnen; ppehrir Edito n 0opretod., . God, your time hdbou t tyet camp. must protect ourselves against them;.ldfr yef wokocuoget rewd" war " tislttesedo tcorroeonrhtaheiigh"beno retrealt-hemmed in, --we w g • eathote O@ - Wî&QZ ar The service which 1 had sabidt .tthe "King William would be another Vic. joy than the welfare and fame ofmy hogtfnstswyotefr tt wounded, perising for water, or that te sigtuh ti metotesodFdUrsaines no doubt aided In bringing ter Emanuel." "Tc reconquer Siléieiafatherland, I can only wish that m huh.fnsJe a atfot t hoheavy wagons were rollinngIover hisiad(i EO Lmab eetnuisy sse 4»d P.. about your recovery. Klan little Ru-is Austria's secret intent.""Prussia Coming year may bring bl ack o t gob seems ine bly to Prue-g wuàmar rtor is, or tha t l e reinchis en cut rtef r ),, u ia)'a> 49&à«ci gga dolf for me. Tell him h le must learnlis paying court toarane." Austria Austria the province of Lombardy u h ieinfrrse uti Pen wounds. or, worse yet, that they only the army but the pieople againzt --- Esv.0sosaP.0son9eotor, Il liecoin. 1 am sending him a fewlis coquettIng with the Fench. Thug and-who knows-Bilesia alse. And disclatimed any intention of attacking whiee troing i I nt h rnhyu tTruea na'a LIAM 1. UICK, ~~~~~~books: The Pious Child, and 1his tittle-tattle and recrimination was ln- a etk akfo h noetPrussia and demandadtthat the latter 1 1wil edh e!pord oligwaelai >anty cown Amrey) à at an p Pm Guardian Angel-a bauifl1 toy-dulged ln by the Cabinets of the greait Prusicin Lts land which they stale sol iam rsi elrdhr ol u gup with hik ttePrsin. , a er no ~ ~ ~ ~ tgî£;grandgoneyacerg•, and The Héros of Our Country. a Powers quite as seriously as by the from the great Marie Thorea@." sl noeto arieitnin this thlought. Acyo orraddqe» 2 Court Howce âmo m:lanon ,tathe menuh collection of war stories for boys. MWe gossips aaillage eaAChili fell upon the Company as btsrntee ersadn ry Shame, Martha .My fathler wuldM, ---ou.rt annotbegi tooearlytodtachsterné.* 'MY father closed his toast. Truly, henceAsra etcmele uoc n ieonstrate, o ilbcm n W r shril.Iga:a S. BlabEN. ramoaGud Iwo e nw. uhglrouédel.Your brother The entire family returned for thetnone to u roeltinyes sig ed orlnue.ber preparations. So the dul san le e ss roo n tiswy Dr efahebu watwul yu a Norvos cny . Girls.Thrà: = 7. p.m. • Otto was barely five when lhe first autumn to Vienne.teetopoicsgm tne. and eoam a t ip uhweke d ea f ro y umIld. "hen inever again dare tell r, tu nei n yJ. J, mroh GWUs, dett, 0p.m. Inearnied of Alexander and CSmar. it I was very eager to keepmy little "No, father, dear I1replied, w gm a taly armed herself with agianfhe .wo ld a.11"Yolr husand- wua enno ble rupole a it,! . nom tertolo". omas CargoLleggomeg delights me to see how heroic &and Rudlfa way'from the Influence of hismstnt ore thtnIayadhae'sasafofeadwllotb -un a hm, rtaze a!t: SMr.PAmsm SAVaan, enthuiastic ho Io. I am sorry your grandftather, who was determIned to Prussia t Lsaso New Year's Doiy' Th. excitement became univrersa letdasacnio olir.Bsde e ht ie"advr al . 1n11>9AJIDTaPLa -nBud .eplan ls to stay in Vientis asummer inspire ln him military taste#, which and we wll wbish them no evil. May And more, vIolent every dey Ever·y otr u ould thek at tgandeur iol g! EDICALdéit.9Jaosi IT m e lm sa &0. to aBoneter Frederick. But you were already awakened, probably teya 6 n l teyast o enwpaper and aipeech ancred tatIofnthe rI etofthewa, nent bot .'el-dfnc ad' hta, i - - - shaould think of your deair father as through a long Uine of soldier ances- help us to grow more united and war uwas li aIght. Bïismarek was hated oT et nrosfe Ing" are juistifIble, Marth o><ai wel, who would love to have you ut try. My studies of natural science apyad revIIed oni every side. Lettes1 , ntt t n .bu i. Tatw lol ae their nedi gus OLL, . .' Phone 57 umt sTke my word fer il, youhdtuh e htscMenece| O y ou fatatic idal trainfomAunt Cornella Il) Prsi ateilling is a wy Athe way eof tjýbraty human ut t itot eur" <>r 0' tso",stnlytoeterlbtaloweah thrda hs radfter brugthnadeNo 1tat'said My husband ln my adta imrkwsn eshtda u itw r rle o otiketl. Htwe wIjbeaf t tho . somelittle liberty. That Heaven may sWord. I remtonstrated:-once. Tewdhi otoeofa tnhu is wncuntry. S m @he ai hl h e efrw r o u eosadt>w R O Pg "WoEd.yoatie im&toyourspron ome day. The world has slojwly bein ug t eesiy etac a o hu atd utpse tr aP_ o. EA QU RT RS P.S.--Your husband has r"" tig? Nvr id odslirgrowigbetter since the beglining, le u n u u a tdth r&o hesea hert.elding appe a nehd hurid the r l1ussiarotier from tAhe ta aoto e. rnehlra o nPruesle. (Happily he is not s lo il el1e li rwu n and it must go on, although we do not Had Lerh p ot bea tiful Enir ts orlth n e ofSaferino, andwto ntheO r ole fm rsatuaynth toop.m.an -.30to9p.m. FORarrogant shis countrymen., Pl e e ewhat profession he chooses-the nte Iftfromn Ysear to year, we aill e à u a prs ol hth sw Hsso on- been altogether wise. Tit 1 y i askhimwht tey resayng hee bnobles te;alet a m u rthemiliaryd now htmn rlapir a et. ulodone the simeand with tesased lyigrive adc Hsto daorwitout nd faut, for thedes e a i fGOWLAND, M.A., M.B. C oi -M as. erthreliah.-Mrta ess o a ,di n bat. andf r ha i te 1ri e ,-If,"ammrt ishtcud igmn u uned i r p idalit ofThis letter was the Aret inInuation the samne fate might not overtake one "Ifyuaesosr fetrl r he thro ebcuitse th aa notrin eedof only thdreyofw er r a bsite|Ko' rt, z . h ere v.louruandr grento Unicisvertan f eSIty ml e e aofta me that sorte complication %was 111 inebsd.whyusoe Ondtencomponain ofaide, eatg , o e ouwere nburaed tille 's[UZrabelfonstaught and w d icConrf Mia nd oI Su K indis view. Having been 111, I had neglected -If a hundred thousand fl i atotdterelapelnno arbrim esue 1and saonevey tastde. tbrathing it ie irokeotad rthe Fr'jj1 ede rick a to ight Muton- ~~to keep myself Informedt on (the (ur battle." 1 sid w l hsamatintua?"akd yfthr aun- n emy Pustl del .ar fT he irs ie -th'ireriod e c ed e ry.'Hi lasl, ettoue had aid[sl 1 j a KŸ À W BT R FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED. rent Bnew, and I asked lmy husband: have been theire in peace?" ly lustra antha she would ienua irelhedeneau >nent- as cledand'til lotn . n iy osesn apn I i . and s Erv ER "You deair Prusstion, less arrogant Aunt Marie was always ready with ecause -Prederkk took out his responded accusing Prussia O o ln-i Whlylhadt not Austria sent delegate i tik thete witten in 9[wnl. h Ir. - Landsreos than the rest, what doses Aunit Marie an answer, -No, It would have beenupI n and drew a spiral--"because thelning anl attack ln concert with Iiay.Why lm everythinig new met eit k nthe ten , be t n 11 ngnees. F I SH AND PO UIL T RY moe? la there really a politIcai their destiny ta have died ln war. , movenient fprges ggsonlk AustrIa would caltlfihe German AI- with opposition or indiference" Te andi t) l when. ner hesouin;, T- aallus.ioKMn ust no *"1-suppose thley had been bold enough ti. It Continuailyascends, although fiance to arme and decide the case law of mental inertia and 'he sancti tbunsity atedo tso. S ome anæino m Bais"0. AOAT alwayson hand. "Yes., there always la, as there al-t efs a ot ai1oge t ttimes appearing to go backwards.(0teD is osensol O n utnLet im f a h a . ,n it e ve ftrthe a mp- iii il ways la weather some political situ t euet otowr",sgete.Ti o ig yer f wr o eof te. D uhis. Holsrd hte hol co gufledcu Tmhe to a me y a] lther tothover and I a e hem as j , m. i nochâaniers, Bnmin to - hc s scagal n Impossible," shouted MY father, and upou us, may be representedt Iy one boeate rusat ad te lare tha t I aed T ea de a la all driht but to this or They lare t-i "li"" * •Nothing better than wnwih g " cue h e Thethon the old controversy bagean uf4ithfflu backward .Curvées. Suchbokeste tsreaty, ad teymd a in to riticale!" How erco tmiltar hes cri oorardefu ldie .ai prencherous as the wathe. Thy The Greek fable of the hundrekosti. ima@yisedacDOla&utoit llwprvtesrvcioth M ISS M AY B, KELLY Grpen GPound Bene are sti oat ing aboutthou om l-headed hydra, Illustrateispreclyeasur yllisation materiallys letter. The presscried for war and field? And then there were sptes' deawar or LÏ %ent cher of Piano. to make your bhens Lay, For sale t hbemselves of these arrogant Prus- the manner of argument between two "Hfow unsoldierly you spea, Till- preinlct d ecr.t stenthe teAnd g th epene!it? ot wr costly pictueof the btle , s : ý)r F l. Tir iotrn storean,'convjaincedopponents. Nu soner have Ing" natonaJu l t poonfadtee.erlnoug without t? Vouer ner selare s A ome ommterigiIl eourrsttre. stans-rather Danlishtha rssa!you sliced the head off one Pint and "These are uiversal Matters; te te O incu e11Ausdtralpropo s d ha me r at necfressary bren a tic e A ovly summcer.1nihn Milto.s sa.arda-. tey r.started to attack the second, when opinions of a soli ritor civiliianhave aath A lle fhubl take laph a n ae gbefore friendl offIce it w m athe r longis oea la oiexha 'iyrlatf-teOý Horme and Cow vHides, SheOPskiq84"And what will beomutonn fAugusten the first head has grown OU 0aga1,12.no different weigit haro, for the truth aantPus1frhlighreft vnage ha hsuncsaymnatraln ocdmrh e To t M riy - W o n alwbogta ihs brwt i undivided righit*over The following were my fteei lwyfhlae.Iichn i eH ltin nJn 4 h oesoo udnwulcnraet enot of have been pitehed for stal fn(oer, PrcToroeDninPovnetotdedalfvoiean noqurbe aguentsla m s t e mm*.t Ifna aitnbue e-n@ntaotsx-accepted. Oh, those three supplies and brIng a rise Iin prices only Tin minle there are tire nrci St k-M LO ti itr with the greatest cara In faor of war:-- cause one wears n bauenformor, terrible votes! Al wu&aoer. Am- Such ls officeal wisdom' loleaned. and my two comorades are aBleep I Vr our, Live Stok MAIN STREET,.- s-ied 1 have tae my stand for th£ 1. War was the decrlee OfOud black because one wrearsa ack,,,bassadors are dismissed. TheAllince no prudent. eto heartless.ado mthfebelgtImwrtnt m Old Inherited right which han stoo:1 Himself (se@ Bible.) noat"rgnssA sti n Bvrilog eaual sui!beloved wife. Puxl ]les ino .- h .THE for hundreds of Years. 1 thought Il 2. Wars have always been and ai "A whatl said, My rathe, woto therescue of Haover and Sasxony, The first engagement took place in'Poor tired dog! 1 almost rekr. Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a O R KSH I R i"" Ye"'t'" '°" "" b" •W'" "' lie whe« the argument went sgainst hih= av led.atce hePu.Bhei tLebnu ueC5 1bouh i ithm. e, Y R S I Ethis right." 3s. Without war population would latp oaperhr o rn ins. "It la a magnificent begIlinin." sId ing and dreaming of his im r iernc Co Itd itwil g had ithyor hstrle icresetoouat- ine tsatappltr tlofpea a lng' 1 on the 5th, Pruia's war manifeste my -father. "Heaven là with us. Our menatr count Rudolf noi)zky ,, claimracmy dear.tMartha aughed 4. emnn eaewudcrrp'agmn tedsusonicie oappeared. On thé name date Austria's 'trou Brigade' wlll reduce these wind- Martha, am dreaming of >ou r anone Frderle Aginsonbegan tostudy trgumeken, reeax, nd degenerat the dropa troope maer" Olt,.and on the 22nd bag. They will punish these fellows it 1. a waking dream, but 1 e o Kii ENG(LAND 4crigis, and discovered that the Vieillesrace. -u fc, upnour return aoue, 1&asedmY Prusa is ü fg t army orders.lwell." sisshw L dtti n tfaDorve fr ofthe iln nie caadtratyha rall sttld oting 5.Warbet eveop sef-ac i"husband: "What did 1 hear you Bsay? a .ing WM eilod: fr oue How.ferve heut onex t ns sh odadi dar e ntmil fr.ar Behleswig-Holstein 1looed more fOr-lhemislm, and Aneaebaactler. Thora is prospect of ws r? Never T theiulrast f waredforsait etha.rarene orsfnghapating.thes imageppwiloutaish. Srt -JO5. TELFER. V.S., Agt. Widalythan befol The ait! ClIM, 6. Human beings will always differ noery & I à o uta 9gotataan-wthAsrbuitasefed smergdfomnaprtfte stpdotammnttrgl ansrnwdtheir elaires before the ln opinions, interests, and desirée. other campign. Kaiser _Prancie Joseph announced: advance guard of Clam-Gallas, re. ligures dragged themselves uip to ouir Aliane, tand no one could guesslwatthence perpetual peaice in impeible. "How cau youra ss ozionate 'Never Prussia shows lher deshire togmet treated to Podol. I learnedlater that camp Are»; they ad been left ilnI F RUIT and dbey were go$«gto do about i. The None of the above Ovinesayingl ssne ver!' help in the MattrThe Dnear. sohinathe. placé. of right, therefoe Frederick wuaits engagement, road. But many more area t ly >1. 0R NA M ENTA L T R E E S two grat peri were accueilngseacl be maintained uder arument, but er the fatal loy com., th.elims Po, this unholy wâr of German aganpt and the samne night General Horn at.athdtceanco-ild Th ORNAMNTALT R E9 EJothe tecroahmet . eaCh in turn can boeset up am a frein sible lit will b y for me ta resign. 1m Germomncignat bu avoided. "Bétaire tacked Poddl.) hesat of the march waà fentafuhITh SM ALL FR UITS ."Now, what aMethe arrogast Pru"- defence when the precedig0onemediašly after 8thlesw.g-hloistea it th. jodgment ment of istory sadfAI. "But," continued my father. ",aven brasen nburned itoaour brains tli, stn ptf a he o nstnt s.topples. Fur examsple, obligtso tedroP le«g idhve enpsil; u y od inun-hi- wilo fiât botter news comus fromt the south. knapacks and moskets sga l; mr ud plantingtrees nextti aswelt asof heorggmnt o.osaniadltehatbuat aD1boug tI s ey onupnorAtCsosa obr children, we have shoulders. Nonse have complained. l>artl-, iua he varmedthe Dsbute. N-is more apt t te Mhappines, Pros- "Ah ht nlucky Bchmidt & 90» CUWIJU and counatryr. ' ained a Most glorioux victory. 1 thllugh many fellfromtsunstrke grade ymi r [e. Ourg godPâ-i t nnxperityr, and progres, MY father WOOIJ the bankeo Tew s.lip hdsrff aearaysi i:Lmad ut ee ors gl hsJn ih itrou 'sii ý nown er, batgr, "War isaan eilboit (argement dan andmymelf aniously wi t h& othef pWi."L, i salvi ythe becme our@. I regard the vwar naslasaimeir and nMntng, but nightin- ured tClofnal A l anwillin. 1 aMd 2) -inévitable." Then 1 lot dvele#mseet«.. the new i hdr Ode Who chooge&, Oto ovreqipel, décidai. We muet send some of our enlesand roffl r.tljeasmin2e ar, not rmptipre eh,ý faiesl at e eanproeta yiterniargé-s, eg ndraet - Baprepatrelfu-wt aiht wgais euasad nshofteeiain(To le eostnuedl) it is cheay than in- mu et and Liwvar could be r -1gs||sou - anow"theécr0sh rt"g4te and thon It will be selasytodeal with grownls cek. tanin-u eYeedu kowede hatit. ri 72 estp ndA. these 'talors' apprentices This lm- MTE' · - rite for informa- p*,but sghtotrait(Na. 56).. a len las«ad Pytme# g:pt h atnn Pusa iiiai o iit aalgy rmatheoldmes fo gaea psea ie M(Mae MW a1 làe ighr engage with regular fldier.Ti MOWNTAtE TS, n a thill thrii nids edILs a mai b td e -oi biar,-&10 granthe shops, the b¢nb, àand n ,'ýIitgon Jas. B. Leonard basatimiemas a se mtrd rubb&I and Othey einùt steas , r. M. E.Lraftn, Àt$i, Or aggin t ï Oui, blood tddt fronas0eni writs : ••liiiiiiedBaby, own 1"tepre..tsauve O m si M"d*of. Slear the g40M tblew ever aby ivas tw. ausro-roe or as 'lie zthi wesedea not he without ortILlMgi 1 n lthan& - 1 the Obest med i »uta the for littlo one. Tatsae and CAPNTER uld BINLMR ' tåne"7ea ep.Pai, cabfo F'.ýne Co..Brock- o