Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Apr 1919, p. 3

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)any lo.Ont. s iFSli h l - luo -.uye -, - - W,'u-,csi Suits& Overcoats N ow is the time tb have your new sdit tailured iu poil style, fiished with hast trÏinaminga anS workmanship. NO TRouBLK TO SHOW GOODS A4 good assortment of New Hats, Caps, Collars, Ties and Underwearý always on harud Men's Work Shirtso,,veî'aIls, SInoeks. P FION E 58. S, R.BEWS', 30 PAIRS Women's Lace and Button Boots Patent and kid, loth ilp aitkid top, t e sizes 24, :3, :oud -t. Reg. $4.00, 4.50 and 5.00 To clear at Extra Value 1 9 8 Repalrlng Neatly and Promptly Done. GRAHAM SHOE HOME The Store for Values feýr bicyl Ic.. c= c. O a tIii iobsa A mate teash5n otrtG SW.V.Â. will bc eAprilb 25l1h. AU retred rckim ' lv ed te ho preoosat o dss.abboeca andeother 1cportaacî buallosa. Doult frmet the date. SPraao Lwrr-Ths Meciei1iaj Iote ni icee efthIe Onao arioLgiahoýtre bac1 reperled tavorablyoo i luet amead the MtorVebiclesa claue. oI line g tor ami t.e h drivAc tapemit et teea bL riciliset & spae Villages.icatead lé se a. apeeet. uca lal et an hu hotinuta mertere. lthouagh there 550e a tew boltere teemte eformarta. ubo oseien crs tecelve, backed up tics roquect te permit Motors te ho driven et a fater rate et apeed. Miltoe Siteodisl Cheison Thutedayr Mey let, by Ithee..bers o the oseto thb aBuourgCooeratry ofMuiTo- ronto. Thse pregramme vilii roamet ef ciln oosetand qurettes, pianooand serai eolos,.aedd cilatiee, ndeIbe dirctioni of Breudue Forerc. Ferîber1 perieulan nouxt wee.11 A 9BecOnuSCHuÂum.-Lucl Thara- day Dr. Metbeel, et Burliegeeon, cee arrecîrd. Heowaa brocgt teîailbhero intetbc crrieg. Ho ic ebargred ilb in rmnloperullon on Kheooiew, o ratorte jury lludieg thal Therea Kew, wbo diod ae Ibe nerai Hospital, Brantord, on Apcl flSard.uce u eeleiee carne 1 ber e dalb ou the reulteofa criminenl epertiee perormed aBur. iiegtononOCMrh 281h hy Dr. Mether- rit. At the jequest Harbaei Croose sw iretlsihe wecel te Burlilglon it lithecdecemed wbowas her siser, tiret Dr. Moîbereil aduitrd tirerlete his boîtetekeil deseasei' a te q or- tieu and theoperatiouefollowed. Vit- nresens preceel lbeeiigolt. De- ceroed pid te dcttr 15andbe ah ber coter instrutonscand Rome =het lolte. Mes. Jecaie Kew gaveo on olrce as te the condition aediaet lii nec oidrorsec,cho wsauber daeghb tee. Jobe W. Buogets, u freiture droici eiln e a idoseer,ud.iteZàlul- peoper reclios cltb ileoros, sebo t i- isere cao goiag le Bsrliigtoe, Io Di. ,fetberell, as a coiacu bar] telil heerlie coild gel ber outetfber trouble. Witees ebjeeteil and propoeeelteb- rioge ati Euser. Dereaacd refuerdeon tbe greîîed tisaI there coclil ho talh. Witnete gare ber eo monee, betlter. oneabcorîof e ber illnee otld Dr. Rtobinsooit ho ,bc oitd puy alil e- ecoen.Dru. C. . bapte andTGE. Personesoe irtn tepostlmeetom tbop focod tiret deatb bail be docte sectec eriteeltis. Thieseighb ase beee ecoîrd bp eticisane operetione oa liegsd. Dr. Methercli goss 1 Boltegtoe le-day for the preliteicary eeqoiry hefoe Police Magstrale Baro. Dr carnecte Canada trou nlugndina ISsOaned houpracliceil medice foi-ocre clty yeprce.rtrot nICimin vite for c ear, lter t Freerien and aI Hamilleon, wsecro he as fotee um br oyer and waset one time a ceetberetf the cily coueit. He bas bru-e et Hrlinglofor la peurs. MÂGK~NZIE '~, [ASTER SUIGGESTIONS Easter Confectionery LIGOITPS and WILLARDS hollatss and Bons Bons will make ice Easser Gifts TJhe recipiento will kno imtitot these are the best Chocolates obtaucoble ase oion as they aee the name on the package. Special Eloter Confé.etîit rY in Decor- ted Ea9ter paekages. WATCII QUP WINDOWS Easter Flowers Ealer Cul Floerre Boest Tulips. Snapdrcgon, Carnations. PIease Lave Yor Orders Earil 3u Easter Dyes Eatter Egg Dyea, Elkarp Straw Hat -Dye-o Clorite Hat Dye. al ahades. Stanset Soap Dyco, Rit Soap Dyea, Dyola and Diamond Dyes, Rexaîl Dyes for wool or cotton, Turkiah Dyes. Have you boîîght yoi r Tbrift St Baster Perfumnes. JONTEEL PERFiJME-Tho greatesl aseation in the pertome îsorld. t tontaicse deodret26 flowcrs, e hich have produced the muest delightul and dstinctive odors-the delighl o thcueande. 'orene anod ]et os deceonsirale 10 youi. TOILET WATERS ini erw.anid pli oe- Hiehest qualitv Peruse in boxes trom 25C. Toîlpt Waters. taveoder Waters. ISATCH O Uit WINDOWS Easter Cards L arge diaplay of Laster aCarda d& Booklets te ehoose rie fromn u Easter Crepe and Tissue Paper for home decorationsB Easter Roquisitos -Tsilet tonteel Cotobinatiofl Crcama Jontre1 Tlcoce Powder-comnethtflg different. Poradise Massage Crecu, % Yucca Dry OCcam, Hormooy Cocos Boutter Crcare, Bouquet PLecece Complexion Puwder, Bouquet Leurice Toîlet Water, violet Doulce Crece. Jenteel Face Cream, Violet Dler SoaP, Lady Fuir Castile Soup,ý Theat are joli a law ef Our Bet Toiles iaqalsIteS. lampe vet? We sel1 thece. A 1U~&iI Mary Piekfiuj in obegeA Of Sun»pook Papm., isoee ebsom an s -a SOap GIpi,and in Algo Rosce. Fattty Arbceckle in "A Cm.try Hhers,' . -a laugh every minute. ADMI89ION loe. & 25e. PLUS TAX. COMING TO THE PRINCESS- APRIL 22-The Deacen'bY the 1.0. D.EK 3Q0-T#ie Wotrd-Beickner Concert Ce DepcclrSheciff Rbert Joyecbas ce- ,Cocp1. Wmi. leaddocks i iteprceeing uigasci. Who hie aUccsor viii hohas pieprty on Main St. Blot beauo aooteed. 'D,.R. K. Anderson, M. P., le lhbre, te' GBA"rcTI)oSOe.urua. Last Friday sday eeti1 Moedey vercief. Riqoeaog rounoîl'ouneil paseed aby- rher em bers ofthIe foothal club are each ueia for a maare$tu r ecolrte otere out for practice te.' iachW [U geeidia forand ran etur25 le niht ed front ervieeoeerea. firrsieg FOR SALE-A six-roemed dwelling Mr. and Mrs. H. F' Rykert foramer-' hanso,,in coït ohar or Qeece lar . of Milton, havo receeved ireee Te. repaie.u ohn ocunt r ticcleeSt. roule tu St,. Catharines. R. Siart forerlyagen of Tw o osfor saie. Appily e oe. 5.RSmrttocoeîyageletthe Young, MiliSt., in the evenîge. Facen ee aab bere, ie hock ie Toron- to alter 33 mathe' overseae. Dame reecor cuys lbere is aniliii He breegbl wtb bitea Scoetch wife, àe clinjeopertonfie Ibis iciiy ;hbut V. A. D. sher isit? Brechegto aette. Waeledto boy,hrick dwollieg;ooeî Ve wsih voe A4Happy Eamlerand ho emoderne wiîb ail tbe ceereciecc eeemy Ibis REtertide riog poce en Phoeto138. ertrh 10 ili eetieee T. H. Moc-1 Dayjiibtsaviog begee ie Milton on heud. Medy eeeeiag. Burlinglee end The Star eeys Jas. A. Beil, C.E.,ol AtlaSolîc le l^acd lime. St. S.Thomase.a beleco cecoeieg Ocheille, ciltoe coueci led13 agic etreete theccoadseaye of bieh tihecouct-, daplgbl cavlog. cil propose te pave. A meeting et the Fermero' Club seul Boy a reat Vicirola and Vicor re- ho hetd alîtheir reoc, Miltoe, oe Sel- coasfor sale only nt lirewo'e r ATHEC C.-Te ecnt. Dpeth tain effecta, Sateens, Chintz, Repps and ltîlkuuat, in great vai ou- bas retarilei tbe Miloe AIbiello Ste. and Mes. W. B. Cleeien c 000so, Associationa i e rh etprcpaeicug geiligist yeovo. ce reoeriet teete; range 25e tb 90e yd the taie grounde for besebali. football, au etuel,. of îpeeumoneia.srih ws tennis. etc., hnt i ijl iii ho eeitedi yreorîiotoi-eerecdayu. D FOR SALE-Sesegradoe.cils ihOulsoue d 100 loto ot gcoeed. Ap-1~ t weveIabe APY a . ufmpvyta Sir. R. îOnlcv, John 'Street. Mil-! p H ouse .uress bpecial ic lot1, con. , Esqusie. O Hff on.> Posîciiecter taue Matthewstwi- Major Robt. Mettcue, C.AM.C.,bno brated is hu&81h birlbday ou Seedap. reueîud bus eidîcipre Lice u aSoa- Ladies' Prînt flouse Dresse-, sizes 36 to 46, ini fat colora; Re el a godreemuptat dylW toc", Sats., eîîd Mn.McEwaeoiittl D many yocoger cîtiees Sp cîîeoding Mlton estoaloy toocief te joie bite. ' o! prînt and maSe un t -o styles. These are regular value ut $2, the chcrelueserrlce. betiseoeai,îg cad Mocîeeo OdWudub p eenleg.-ActoFren Prees. lieeod threciî istIlLte WacdBuchý Arc voit io, rie andioaiy jcLeCoocert C..O atîteFOCD tise protetsiontey amsente to A.Aprl 30thDp Y0r, Agheneot.'io t f i) ijear0 , F a i aoý oieBo , p6 - M tofl uBig Ca Mie. Chus. Porter, of Applcb, t,- 1 ecr ieee c1, f i o ecosdgleorn ecoices theengagemetofblerlfourtb t otii icMe Ot duscbîter. BerthnJatLaWilliam si, ,riisi.ii- e. in cKil- Mesnahan. BHA., 0 tc csefbride pi.Sy ce,-,oc Choreis. an Situn. __________________________________ Mr. sud Mn., W. J. MeCoea. of a.A, ldt.cl00 i.Seli_____________________ Milten. The elerriar Ic lobtae pilacc i. i%. Mr. Aiicooti ciiprec. ESIR ERM OPENS APR. 22nd ici ~ ~ ~ A Lpi.".i. ileinistic. ec es oid hie fecîtý White Rock Pggs foe r. 1.1 rni idjoîiîrg Milton, ta a Torento ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE per 15. M eui hw e vIpî.îî tant,01.andlias ibit'VW.Foif,-r'c yS A c >R D A Y aT eoc at Tor-onto Ntoeal Exibiion.i1 b. S--b dselliirg ecîihcf thic locc.e r1 ee -Wen. tiadilouko, Miltoo. utsolcia- e diotihi lieeeb Sleuagmpheec, Typiate. A ccutae e Liet-Cl. am"Balantne.D. . iComeciliToehere, Office Cleebu, cou,, Liet-Cl.Jsci' Baicutir. J.S. l~Ttc R,.tii. Beildose, of Toronto, 1rfily get upieyouet IFTr rie 000- Oi O., l iheoe ageîein Oeo-geto*ccîicîîîc1selpiecueline Doecbyuand Ocagi'osn reou raIS CoLcuEE. Openllyer. OrVctor,.iudg Sues riie sa oic', ibat Haemilton, NY.. foth Ie Eser oie oipî-esictcrcee iSorceociel Scuedcy, 1 Enter eose. Write frteeguegr. toserse Sod tienitfor re-Sie crecie squaeres ws days. Col. Bellantîee condecons the uc l i ciciand 7: y o, .stsedarei nie. I W. J. EmaIOTT. riccai ocrecol. _%eoc-liitellifortsof titichie or5c. Do. e U ropoeed .W.V.A. -eesoriet lf 0 lýTf1 oue etOGergetown. Do scys tbeui- %V Wo-<eî o stivo orlithIe Miton 1 so - .AUDYT ternerilmenro arro e i e lite eu nuS Cldric ,Aid 'Sieter ta Miton. le- O. lite. itielslaro icr ui dollers peeriocîh.BONÎ Assitentcîippîtîed. Appty ho Mr. T. Stephenon-.A litbeo Apil 8th, WEEK-END CHOCOLATI New E itter Hat, Cape, Nrohurae. J. Brown,.Sc. C.A.S., Milton. tata, le Mr. andilMec. Hecor Suip-1 Collarsaed Hiter. A uie r rooofi bo., augbteiMartOrt Jce. May woîdr bececcan eilt tocS goodlcbOC4 tbrc e ics br beid aI b. R. Bce -Wîi cuci .J rcd.Let u seoery aboutfl et. Tche odreetoge of uSe les' 1Ciotiig Store, flot. Ss îa inrobaeedfront Aie. IARRIED. OUY. Aeioterd coositlrs, ref. 50e hS - a... ASAioDt.cro..Lac1sterdep uior-ca oiibdhAeSo. ihuerîco ttat eGrabaca Hoeg-AI the Mîbediot ieg Mits e MMurcby.of Cirhitherg, . Tcrco')%iii eect a fine brick re Cbc, Penetaecciolhe.enMonz~i%~ ee onIhe cap troin Thorîîbîîe ti) cideoe onoîtSe properey ibis oum-eîrdny, Apii 7tb, Julia Hoagertea doM T. ri'4. 'MOOR EI rlz,î Hamtilton for trerstmer for accrvon-s Gruah, e tBirlingtee. dicordur. Shc look abndlspril brtseeo Thc peopo9rd peoiîii--- 1,N LuPec-A u- :eto au ITN BA PO Gergetwneandl Miltoneand d ited norTonoîo ckSiaelethrougfbGerege-,dmp. ,April 121h. by Her. Was. Boit, M LO BR PT N G tis poc c cnh testaftîr e tise 10 Gelrphis tecceead Steet- Niî Pe1, tLsdo ' rhi rae pseili etle -ios sscrford ce cîppcueed bSpthr i F0. Tisrrc FNaîni Pest, cf BeLeondon,______t________________ erain. hcoule aterstriere r tit, le Ibrdepolotices front thcecosnicipel. asi f uleei IrsMooc nant. Sé wit neten yser ofgeýtiro interest eerlikeip toa g o tO- rogry-Briisur-At ln-e-os Secore yor tickets euriy fthe lice Coco letipport cf lise rouil ce Feh. i. lala.Lieut.-Dcldwin Drec. Bramlan iccreiscenAprî l3r Ce c CieS S~ 0 E ry, tee et Mr. andlMes. W.D. Oreg- BramtonMintrels n Aril 3rd Crce h-h-Seýic. onEaser rytafrener.dneghler of Moesieur On sale uit Brasas Dtag Store.,1dey. ily Communîio 830 aoc an~d Madame Alfred Brihop. of Firceu- f~C~f Cîenar Teaecea. is ieîSiîoîîo ccoancd Dole Commun.- les.Mo, Beigste, Durt Spring FUITWEAR H ANDo TeC rrbocd RTee matr-iie ,a c1cil-ouiSuchect, 'Eciteraned the L..ub-Wito-At the tero e C leeilad aietserenmip of -futuroietr. Riciepruyreand ie- heride elelerCambridge S.Liud- eensîderatioe. Darold Mahu Frmr mi, pme Soisir Ol ueriing s50, ou Weileeaday. April tr1antmIn1y919o Le.Aotbce, S, Striopr,Te. hylise Revr MHachin eIs, Ae Coe hm4b a me. Stedea sale of ae ist aaym od. pcath omtFeoicendLeoî,io. clooce of00ol hou« br appois.bTtrd, taierycî bas catrhioheee icLed Serc Ethel Whie daughler if tr I eucciMed tlte ic aice of thise Dav noid White, Mesuehan, ta Peruup iflhiy new lhues o! proven mickeo. A. J. Mchienoa. BexWerden Bpedit Aleander Lameb. son et Rberot retoooil te pellen e second application. TOWN COINCIL. Lambs Miltoe. GoodsSeleetion of SoliIdLiathei Wilà 0 Hc hou dons bis bit tor the t.w ore oei able ra s manyearcancd dnc ît cl. The couicil eto Tuiedy eieg. DIED. Piil Ceme od hve a sod uugicafTOe Min ithCiscchirîanedlaehpresent Dyeei-ýAt Briiegtce. ce Aprîl tis, RPIIOnal n rmtyal Cemeandbavea gnd aughlitexcep Cococillor Turer. CharlePN. Dynes. aged 79 yean. EARN etyadpo yatn( Prîncese Tieatre, Tuesday erening, Theis îoimpoetatlbusinessotrinseRebicito-At Berlingtcuu, en Apeil 10._____ April 22ed. "Thce Deaca," fivne hyacted co, lise introdlucticoniof e b-lac 199aîe oerge Rehinsoc. l isn hiest focal taltai for lUOD.E. foc the apponoaeent of a Douicg peut. elsuox~~~~~~ComecmEsc eruc euisesion otdee tise Atlta rovide, Foslr-AIOergetoten,.Seleedar, I J . IiS H O ise bell le aqte StC servioSce isrte E ose f eln ass U E S H EIi edi nxCurho tna h ylwgot ils frtoteadieg. I p iltis, Prarl Poiler. ogri le The iorniecciuiject illie "Peter tîetpoiirtoieeofeer andi John t lise ope epoleisec" forthce elcit ofdwcîîicgs, meelci- esaed-At Suait Ste. Mearie, Ont.. Moenineg aothem, c1Thanhoho e OoGd," pniîirs to guerncîe Oc t ih nApril11h. Williami C. Dusanil, tCari BTnoit). Ering cebjîcî, "A ioeleeset fîreperent. OTite borcilS formerip of Nelson, nge 7tyars. mine ihis esboc" Eseel auntheci, erecagelsetfoic $10 00 te 113Mt, anudjMcKeee -At Burilegt c, ou Mecley, (We oucctrl(A. White).lenmet pey foe t ine o tereinal. Apei 141h, Lawrece TheteasMc-IR addition tate opecini muusic hv the mente. Cini payaintcl s roteteillho Ker, geil 15 peurs. sEN chpir. Cuepl. Wilkineon. of Toronto ebali Se i'e posiioe otenteland, Detoret_-In Nafrd tw sîip.on te releeneil itldiler ini ~ tSescaesce cidefttl ech py Saîcrday. April 1. Peter DeFeret. Somstbing that F111 nlereFt the f services. Seteare aitfree.000Vit ilmccltis te Coeimissioenaveter iete toreri3' cf Bariigtoe, gd 66 CLEMENTS & COlS and gf)t their p ho wclrsie. poesessioe efthIe bueeuniderLandil nged.nM. Miairloco oa aylord ad Tenent Art. ciieup.t WaterdicsiceM0 nday. FENCE. BramptonMa stel edtees'A ,,mtsilieeouais wcec e sseil April lacis.Becale Jasper. beroild licey hv a sereamu on - Wo- oite ofFWalter Lillerep ler. lu W haie jIlsI received a shîpMent der h cItfli? April 23rd se'lihiîOw. EFDING IIELLS. yer. BICYCLES. Coule un andseoe themi, A memorial serice cas hbrileZinc le McuuORuAM. temi ehdstCu nSnay FAIESOEMO, vNTir. Lorsî-le iovisg oucur et Ie.Wm. We ialso carry a fine hue of SI-IRW]l amermaccMelbril Cl, taedouuSiuuta A PcoSlLette uqitTo'iE 0.lee, octh at t 110icstBri.î PAINTS AND VARNIS-IES. the emor otlhe luts Prusate W. A. Acpprt.icqic clitgaie, ml Coeaiiao coigeet.. IIrIed Kerces. wc iileilinHengiandilof appert- Lock paceon eApeil .îit be heur a agebainairs i e ad hpar lacplsclttqurp dicitis. There cou n large ateduneof etMer. eed Mec. Abert Moluni, N'l-utangmrF dn pi 2î,Te r las inelI ut o the ehicbebiog auitably ilcape l it sec towcship, formerey of Teoeeodec, ' d 1 co915..mi ecA blach, cilh the nlies ai ciosluril ebe ir rideet deoghtee. Ada, cou O 1MdIMotieriun. r rouend the commaunioe rail. Res. T. uedin j matelote te Chaire . tnRi Snowucile riedteservices. Sui t' Foatberescue e.Erh.W.Brerey.B.A., Bamite-le leviag teecr f y etc Clements & CO., abecucc rupoideil. Miss en- of Hcreby. ol5rialiîug, 10 the oleanos der Brother, Fie. James sultite, eett presided et the 0rgan andeiliyediofthe BridaiChose frntcLohengrin, shs amsri h a ue hr a olcmildirge utthe cimse o! tise sel.. plapril iy M". rourley. Tiehelride crs age. rereil thse or onecthe arnetf ber worpesn" bhicrentersoerouuue Vice. f~ather. She i echamcieg i l e W hgar aiitbi h "lEDECN"amateer dramati t, u. orryiecaebouiquet of eceet peou. Tiii dset ain eeendoi. play giv. by I.O.D.E., uati iraçem iFI1nilv telie oromopy, shîeh s ieray 22d wi .0tesed bySp leiuateorelaieoeil Fclbrr-1c5 oi eio ory oetMytep Theatre, Tusmday, Aprîl 2i i .0fimfreic Tcroeto, Hamailou, aed tather NitholaseFettar, she peail dTU 1 YoubU ic adatloc af Y4 p.. (ces hue). Total proceds tor riorchero, earu cheddiog repeet 050 acur on Aprillaîte, l. 1 L'whetiroynbsbioeatcc ok.G. .AU bai I.O.D.E. ~enoejprl Spail. The ceily.maroiaie etd o1iia seseoute cooer olter but yours miloue stlong'â Cel r ieft hy meitoc orTerceto, the BuNo r lry- Zhotcue free testing and5Silmn errice. Rec:loue1 MEHODITeene lOuei-L5al Suady bleltravellieg in a eaed ciore itu . aimSe "lt-Md d i.caoey 1tay ccia ih pie. hn wa rdlttr dtkinte t -yo i lttamthablktfun. icuulir.couer chas. I Ctry pteread forthe di3card, buy a"Pr saua oil leter dag iotebiateYot clhhatoteatuhacorm cee. "Wca --c-'ucacao .e eu. , i heuit y tis O Seree icertae ouutomcobele Hilton Methodist Olch eS thiog au- T«- 1.asecce etbosan.Aeci alivertardey. Tics seatoeeceadiliuei Fo uerr eneece mnz werefavomaUOa0dlatgreOgaVIIE - Wicaon ORAPPER & CROZIER ing W~~ te ahlrrbail to ho openeil5dFDe-obb oayo eds uTccTn .1 asacaatfeepal.TC e mj na~stae, iashues O J MILTONf, ONT. Prs.icyterlam *wcIares eeveniog sho passed asaY April tth.1918, service essiticlr oiaicsw. MSs. W.M.t d obfaelsO ~f roo SWéa *at More eream, a& hu ubltrla Vefy scarce, and epWaresf plu5~aî Will pay thet bighest r for bntefatat .1 pric i. .O IT ÊA1 0 .P Exquisîe MîIlinery Dispiî yon will appreomite the new and dainty 'Styles tbis1 *variety is Most d&vetsified,:germittiflg seleotion of al liates Dpcolors. This Esater displa Y nCludes the new Watteau sailor, PC Dpeffeots, aud lace aud ,paaine combinations in ail wanted shadi ! ing is exclusive; -no twîî alike," and otîr prîcea and very mode Dpvitç you.r inspection. Dp WALL PAPER Ap A.plendid selection of parlor, living-room, dining-room Spopses rsnging in price trom 10c. 10 40cý per roll 4% The new 4-yard-wide Lînioleum is 00w in, alto thse 2-p Dp Oilllothes. Dp DRAPERIES Dp Juet opened, the new curtain materiaîs: Lace Net, some 4% with lace edge, ranging in pric e from 25oe b $10.00 per yard Dpin plain colora and fancy colored bordera; Casernent Cloths wi JNO. M. MACKENZIE The Rexsil Store -h,~ 4 0 L T ï an. Th ba iian Tu. hew . We in- ti 1bed-room i ,Wîde Floor j sin, othera s ýrqneaettes i fotble cor- ti g. Prices tf IEAT r.dAquality Iii- ici Seýal 39c AT AclicllosortS 30. er-i l pcil at son WR l Yb.E er (or

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