Heads A f vaifi it iii f Juil ... uuut.,ti ;î - titit Jl ll iît - 1 Iett lm Ittîu.-u - - - Co, ilve :ei a i he or eesiiCai -I.ii. I . ' n I , J. and pro bIaiiiOibllîtifT lpgiît> SdîîJ (or fo Ari. Ili.e than iiîi s ts\' 'O i ... ... ,OU have evli,,Tk (I- t lV twel affîj 1)1.0%,el)IN iv il 'isi .~ """~kk:;; ett ( Il î o re ou have evet T 'li li Ma e iica ada ',,I.1. %fic, lw.. t, ' ('lm(18' LevisysCitieS i TF Il ]oiiiii , tVef 11(11 Iiîtle ouI knw' Li (t, ,~ Mtir(o Cîîaa. ~ ît.ttr~utem rîet tjie1 h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A eu i. fg. Stan Oiiii~ 800 1.11. h.5 LI I~uj o "b t.O~fI 1p -~tidInChmpon ILONSCIOL REPORT. 1BANISH PIMPLES GAME ANDB Mî.toe. ar, Of.CîASMov.. A NT)ERUPTIIONS f ncreasir Jolit theMountains of Maié,;~ F gnrBakCss 1,lit fi tf1arîiitl moiti, KBtha toits asa Weff a' Je Ontio 'rute billsti cr-, f Iiilitîitttt. CIBtolt Mutrtay,. Weftion Botti- la Élite Sprtn o s t o l ed i A n nai, Ba frkewune In MmS Fu i-j e . Tlir ii.iis t ... k NIi thî tii-il Keni-li Mooaî Iff. -Tonte Medîcine. t, thretroin is re nafd ta lt IneresO Ftt If-t-t lîiî l y , , ' iî iloit. A!log îln.tifiti-t. Bt.t -and thaltttt-gt. if tutui'. J. ,»*tiittreritîgi li v spt i p lg yiiC tCimus ~ t ricot exporie e n te Ridtte tieDt.f rt'I in B- ..lt .iiiii iiiit, -,;. Jr ii..,.f iiitiîii... iifiiiitiiiuxu yu l itthiti itttetli- lfottrtinrraorie ii ttat Prov-incenr i I.rîîîrîî .î fî. ii tiii iii, ci tii. ii. b itil.Il i . ..t....iiiiiititiri. itif9.îedoo Iei Mou tîî ot oefco Ia q, Clovttprte Be titll itiaettnh' Il ill, It i to oI i -- JiîJiý talirîitî î; ~ ;~î u ed Aadti wo attklnow nI i i,,,iiiiiJ.it Nit>iti.til NÉ.itiitheeiiliioraii iiitiial-ieîeiiaio<uvoîîalngî ited aOya i ti l f g l ul id i a ,in g o I fBi ci e .. i l . L- II i u o , i i i U , oMii - î i i t t i î î oo u n ta e i n l o I e a t a t y p Ltillitigiho heur of-iitetiiti n-ldeni m lI l , , f l 1 1 J .i. u u u c. i i-ti vvio .ttI g f r e ti e t ý i n clw itr n h a in d p af rt O , i Y .iiî i i I o.iii. ., - , i .. N P l - , i J,. î . J ; , t f i , . Ii , . a t - t i i - t o n .i t e t te a i n g b v t t e d t f e u f c e e d a yT h I,1 -llit .,Il iii--iic . uiîei,altiaiI .I Itiien n ftii- heunrit eonhe the eln, fil, . .i ....... J ,îi d i iîîîî i. - 0 v t ' ... eattitlIh t ightiean d trîr t e o l a y li. ti 1t, V . .,. i G ,- I l t ii I i ,, i ... .. 1.1- Ïli . h a v ocgi ,ii Iii e c-h i a i at a p e areb t . ... .. 1 . n i E, I i.i, - i t i l iii .ill» i lte irie a r ld pp aet. J.h.... Il , 1 11 k.,j I ,, i i ..xiuh i x, v m t toe e gho c eil l i i i xii.....,I, andi l i-' iicwlti ii iii'. x hexii A, h a i d of ore tey e mr a yen ' i i i îiIl h, î.1, fi a fj [0il , t iiiîIliiia ,I JfIo , l it Ii, w , ' i i i re iad d egot'r e k r a e île o p p otir - ii .,iii i i,te bohto ianeiti î e nioan. tander fiil f Il i 1 1 i .ei uc e a mtgt o eiiiefi' i i-il,9'l.il I hdien hl e o erile lterTneti tia e marclti i ,,,,~,, i anaîto Nafona teifti(ie Pize iirohair nu tr ok l ivhediretin i ti , i i l i.ii.i. l i1. . 8f for a h- lif i l il-r. C.I ,e I iiy tîr îeh ltf a Il i'Ili,. i.l . i -1 i- i îîîf .îî 'i iiit v e el ii ho laotr eeog rI h e ointif K. j. i i.,, c VîILail ho tii,,îe -bulii he y ilit itod Il, lit'ýl I lit, l J- I'ime. tnaiweigoithmati.y ,i,. 1i f ion ,iî,lîe iow le h mdii livot.i J'I' AI. I 1 t;ooI) IN PRï E i i 1t o o f a i iiiiitc ,lf. ir ir r il . .... Motrsot a s A m ieauly itdita o a M orher o . Th n e ctat JI. it .l ati na E h- e a mo , eforfi t itoom oi t. io-tiiwitic , , utau O tuî(tei'. - in, air 1 k 1 %, - l.l I \il Ilfi ethtt e ul y.,t,,i afild rt es, O i.i.tikohetlOutl.-ir iiIa JI, ,IH. Ii I l. L it f u 1911 J . o int , ,.,'; Il bu la t-rtnd -luie u.ther ytinti e Ii xt I, fl (,,o ian N.-u fîiu i.i, Ioth ott t..rt ir o gth e o a otf J %i- i>ýI,ýIl. ghtl.'.1.. .1- 1111,i l. i- i- rko t 1îtIl î et io oxitntiuraiti , I-.otiuth.tai lotlie ut -irituanti -il . i -I...li l m. lieue, l, t diveu,..aloi he ouemt i- Id., Il l, 2 I- ..A. roll ira ,tku-uioIl th io %%a.uît hoi ii. t i---' . - .1,1.1i- lu o ui-it--otniuf all cyfo ari 0 irs i.ii. i. ili.iiii urdtlien iii n Ii iito ite uderl-iitih i i WHe N llriNiAti, TOIl h)aiS aoken bttiand Iffilo.Oîa JtttopatiBet. fîliitiMou i . lIi andTxc . n'ore i Nfaiilffl o tii-ui iIll.i I, e ilîlIll oIli.euiJI- oui i.1 J;"-Il--t 'dt1......i 1 N lorio r 1,iî. -Lt.-ie ut I , l11 i , e. i otl Oy. i itir f ie,, Ill. t3_ lare. filet - I l,,ifet. oI oui , aIdO itjg i th iiltutuJIt1[i1,ul'I -l k M a e l,,,- i. lii, lei I, bi" , f uuul. ttîor v Il fii ttti f Il lu l ait-i JJiIeI l fro kiona i t'y aiiîuuuiiutt a f t "v 'f' 'il l u I iii. t tain to1,t h.d oi- ,Oog.giî..u lue her hit.. I riîu tt-. lte ai e,$uîîi..Of t ii- ()l-îiue utlot 1iuffoi, ,,1I iu.îltirtito1 a a,, d I lOOle I i.iii i Oui isloiiooî inad, i. JiiI- i s fi IdI. J l l, 1 h îu-Juti. lit Itu- tuu iat fe iliiIli nJ g,.,t Ni 1 in i_ itiil,.tIr i U, il,.. . . . . . .lW - 'o1 fh ? n JI ti.u 1--, J Ji, MILLINERY EV ERXTHING new, distinctive and up-to-date in ottir ulliucry depaf t- trient, ou 2nd floor.Tust opeued, a neer stock of I tcwers, Straws, Irfiiingstuanatd Shapes. Moururug M ilinery a 'pecialt>. MEN'S HAT SPECJAL! t loice of an! of Our regular $2,50 Soft Fett, w fer lit ,atd Aition 'ttiffs; colors-blark, browu, grey aud navy I oz. goode-uothfinp better.,........I......... ...... $ 1 0 Items of Iterest for OousecIeaning Tinie1 foî rlîtîr ... .... ... ... .. . ... ..îf rJ1 o llîti t enser, .. . . 3for J25 v. tti Nîtlfa fowder . . . . . .. fotr Joc. f irgitii f'o%îîlcr f o intît xi 4fr.......f 4 fo r25 , îl u 2- ý ! foinufrvcf forax .,,... . . i fît 25f% J unfi- t , Snti ............ . . . 2 f( r 23i--qut...... Gifin-o Oi . i fipatii Mle nm'Na)11. .. .....h'11 yoth .fJaflvise flafitiý , i 3x .. ...... . «. . . tif tif tir JBath M efJats oti t f eig e.......... . . . . ...1tg ir9c Mafdtîras, Cuain Nit, finroite tisinrli. . . .........,>, r,1 flîîiîgito Nit, SoîuîîîltiJ . . .... .. ............. J , - Jiirt.inii, Noîittnh eglîî i. . . Wall Papers' 'lle*vare îtt fotr yoiî. Etegiirt ni-w J tflol hi iiioif i îtîî a iii ifli otht l1ite tott tuke tthe fiJIers theuiselves. Untît voiiitr i tOt iitOii 1 J" )til etîstîaYîtrt iii zot kuow how tîeaiitifiitty ynii î-aîît i-lu- i ti it ti fs yeîr-aud i-et pri-es are aurprtiigty towx Niagara Camp! 1 JUNE Ôth ILI7I TII( LI Wanted 5pecial Unes for-.-., ?Oi 8EIET, ATON RIRES Extra 5eIIiq Tbis Week rl Hall, Friday Nlghts i 7 P.m ,*'Il', t'f,EifiNiTi iJif 'f., BASTf'IJJil71 LINER'i Z Y 12o Rent or S"'e"" A fDJ tot of Stitpv. andîtl'ri iiill i i îîîîîloî-lllig pUit fl ît., .J.K.i 41tit i ____________ Lot or S1e~Wall Papers [,t fitiotg mOaiikitandttlot tti.. Ajoi. I Xtiî, t. Ilf. Hîui vtotk., Two muore sbipineits recetived w itiii the istt fcw daye frofnt Moftreat-the besttîiiaet s for the iîutîey ;Ln ' wtîce. TORE PROPERTY FOR SALE. W%'e show, a very pretty cottîtiit.tîi i t grevi l utfîw Il stiades, rvîth a relly handsotîi eîi ig l ttîttî, jfor .-c. per t, o k -t oi, ont .i.tI1id faitainir, rollt;also a clice conibîinationtt of t and i itîtttin, sîitaîble &(",ttttc.ti avil t for about any kirîd of a room, it 7(%. rtll, and tanîteoirie par- For ~ ýlor and hall papers lie, 12v, t5î', t7c, -2<0' ult 9'i thîruîre -.1, ndrîtai Lace C.urtains !hxa le tixt i eýn ý ti t e. Foetttîiifl ho ftir this seasîn we li vr itî nmore t ici, Cirrtaiîis loto îtJt;îlt to tiin uan> seasoir to date for >ears and itre<cf ttiulysho%%v- .41 B (i f <i ng inagîîrticeut value in tus depî ti tit. ýaNHenson F -stMary',(. MIfLTLtN Iroceries erpenter, Contractor, Otîrtrieîtrtemad J orfo. Ou9r grocerv busiuess le iucreîsiug steadity and we are KthenCaines mdeta rde, epiug sfipplied witlî everyttîtug uew, fresti aunt cteau, and ,air. ec, stiate gienOur delivery is as prompt as lbt i possible to niake it. Give rît.~ ~ ~ ~~u eIlîîmiegvr.U trial order if' you have uot already doue so. rHEPROPULAR R. L. HEIS TRfET. )URIST ROUTE - Boy,. sehooeport. Jr. - trprAndretws e.Orafif (Jer. Sr. f V.-Kenneth SitzerHaef Ant- uherstior e, ho,~.Brh .AKE 0F BAYS r.wsViolet Cooper.otttcew -ýff5K0XA LAKES, dTî.îV,- > tort.mrt A"-Hart-v fiioeflii. LAECFtrozier, LUllie Stoutt, mef vinU, Av-eagietttttndaett. . TEMACJAMI ncT o LwenmMiltireit M. lVinifrtd Stifteefing. N1AGANETA'WAN RIVER, Don Ili FRENCH RIVER Il -Lloyd Bmsoîds, Sdny(,e ,Miessrs. If, C. Pfowme. otf PrinïrtFd- AKE, LeaOk-t Matt.jr1t Fer,.wtIitIs land.îf. hapWilsonf ir. O CHICHIBY: eo- n, oFetheeitane l oh.ea.an ore LARTCUCHA KE, on. bnt Wiltshre, ~uW a.have bete-pointti taithe Sonrate. KAMagAAff, bi lertoL 1-elawrer DFinstegal ROUND TRI P gIWe, Df 0£)wl n theaalaet, thel Andtrews: ~ GiOiEtei Iomesgg80is' EXCUrsIons Wtllte 5itzer Ciarnpbrî IlMcphstf, «ainl owh i WB"e AT LOW BA_ Pt.tI~bi ralrGirn 1~ "od ins A Via ~ tt anaetOtgo HtfJohn J n, Goidu ea -atoreandfall tnfoeiîp renbai ioe edBeOo.iP W.u eooa tie oi O Id f, .P., Totonto. geew, FitMaw,. Y, .I pt>Mdo MiIton-YS CA SU Stôre! le l-. ic i ilIdfbceaete torN tiý ila oeith aam ctinîa or 1 are ni-t.u nie;the aiili reto c ai heu 1 eei ar ir. e le eerigIoi Oheî tra epienes are et ares t tahire icîaucinu riete er d reOt erand ahia hem te uefphane, tftitintetil cemnpioee nstremeci. Thtea ho tîse 1h as ho vuld aey 0ther teilen Tlicela ceae aa ec erotem du tu mnt spociaf caaiO. Trie idea a intuai troot .Lgpr-,- are ofiten a iocessiep !'Jeargri- beraf rersoa engage4f in atro i file of one otr ieatither. ta. tatutrcabudrivers.,fOBllierg, antd crie may cant ft e Cemanircit. ieoadîiartoee cincage$ 0f accidL. o other emtergeacret. 'Tia yeraîct- vides the Cap. Aui f aflai has I nvecled an oa tic baliat-bon. The machinae.--1 the tatal nambor ef votonera it figues for andi agRalsp. Ai tht' baaas ticd iuteWdrop 9a diceili. @Lt d5tt'rpftnuig 1iot iiiail, THE CZAR'S WATcH Made by a POti8h Meehseîo toititi There la la the iteso,0 - .Czar a very remarlaiblo doil, 1 ces matie liii8aPSIish tt ':' teameti Jues Cerroa.î1 The i-ut t- ftoard B ceondiefutallSeesCou'i - Inventive ahiltyorethisîtmi, he steminhlma parel gotaiuit oa t. O etipper nalla. asine o6d ellcfipiutuutto ;' Piace of hrshen gluiathan ofd 'au lud china cU», Bsoectre, andia fe îî., il, bage'bosrd pae. copattyinglth Iffli a, commandti If> e iheîu ict. ltti' t25u Wiihii a'0 - chahute tlov lte. thse Czar recoei# Oient bai itlu 00 .'iàeof a a h.The rasa ais 551,cr sds anti onds,-Sapfeaedcnd â4toflteti Wa5Oçt001Czàhar le sent I0e te man and goÜerredseeie 1 ý tif-i j i tif .11 liii,.. i "Il-t. i -i il. - - Il i ' i For Bald i-.o ai, Great as rho l BOrne F.,046 00Iuo(,îoe Mytterc l Ct an .wbtOijbsBtscheaIt lattanai trati0 gton, ta ln somaie efflets skiatu oa r wety Itein. e1Sf , ereaioa e ïaifse n esation ftllaugîrcet ll gl On Aprîl fift iof ltaI SeRaaoat girl, Miza P'enaag. Nmaa itagerd ai the Obti Eatley itIth avie0 rdeetl uý,1 gamily altIt Whom biale can luticoxî" jMseiileth~e POaD mtOpfoyed liedh -noüiofwIeItcerafn daupituctweiit maie. r wttItthe reaaltl.fkat Ovliue T,,. ner. a lac niationer 0f1 Chatiory Lat,~ his son Robert, iesoiet I oit, Roger Gadnden. an Srprruui1,,ba beetf aeinedti cul oont niil>ki.v, il thte ne lif ife taage o f thei îo- Thes prleceet vehemuearielyirtgl, Iter innocence. ef ivIirl, t cu ggrdtng the etiee tIieparnu - atot there cao ho iltie doabi i- however, foanti eelfty. tintL iq" t wefghftif evItielce tttr . , tItat fte reaf eafprt mcati 1tdoi.- o ner, Woaie s naIjet tte flu Int ut,.. tfa. tiaeig n" teof WchOt uct, Inardlr1.decraro ho coîttdtuu. famififi. aftimatefy ieictid i Indigntioan rote ta forer itrati - manu. nightsthîe- Tit-aoe t..- <thaacet'y Lane cas boeeird i.ý> rageti moalt wai cea cttitfifti ' vented fr0,5 areahf% Iterca - geneve on tfte objecte etttnis , -C A 0flasgow Sensation 'Not proeoi' ansthe verdi,, raeof Madeleine Smilthfa. eue wsacrttndotcf Iaiet ioitl lover, Coilie f'Aieller, hah t mcrrr a rit. lfasgow merchii. MIfinecl. The case ct-Oti Itîteveat. aed mach 5YM;tattiv for te prjorer, a ghr of gros elilibutbai file eommainetoti a tretinot fer tfie vfcthm. alto t'1 wabut a m-au rageaadlitiiî Atiolocth îe rvtdeDee fo(r tIti,- lin-a tirry aftraeg thet. med ucrlr Madeloie'sfa o..)-,1 cottettetuevrfiet cas ru -i iftutiotii apgir ianatCilli , Catheirne Wilsaone car o.a plaier wiiOaa ffot'd iti -t aiiy for leur ie.luit . cvomd or oee f P5ll rrul. neaulo ten Years ceteýerroI 'i. dvirg wtIollitperfOti-air i-iti liane pronrd a MAr.tti.. Suamtes, ai Ore. Jackson.i,1- I tif £120, and ile f555a iii A'i. or KirktIiLondale. a iiiiiiî- m,ilî£tjoi ablitt laroni, velta ow tr s hy cetiito t. - sica - rlmea etlerut""»" attemrtc ai merder. ooethtoui Ceuurii, to chlin elieadit' fort-tnatoit' mthàuuifattf i-nîîi virilt. l'ertila, Indvod. tii uct-rgcd e uts aatyiibcu, c.ourt, butu for caut cf rviilI, kaikcd justice for the dîme Ilu C-oflee anti Arnitc Voin ieison io rIe eoAn ztter tafdfOieeeJegeiuù. 'i1 afie an advelîiUean iie.du, o so cat by trouie onfu'uiot., male. rock, traelfti--îiv , r Juifoiiiar cuas xte. tr-i-t iii, ElIe Po i'f'Viti] Cru1 i.ý liope of mertfyi u.u lt, i desictinlti i him l fie paaedt îi L'llledtou -dmliniitii i.an if ati. e 'ln tec eo une rr i." Froc J' utnatr icio ire priiu doctre c wr tuidenlrri ueuliiîi tulifii i t.ir-tt. Ooîoliî dIeia,ore lie famliY mut,, vh.i . -.aed sicionît reirtde a MaZecig4 r - fituetti anri d andalteratpr.- (1,a) -ut i toto dedatit. The e s e ofcrime et i. i. -j gedo, a n ce of Beilttn,- longetir duIoner.tegdirî i. rtcutteee art. dtirIcg uticip thitty oie i aht eaat mayle c -;,;, to lot- Car t. "Iam a o1 icnat.v.i.oever otf poi.pi setria i-O. pevoîca o ecnre, covnt in e tiaife eece -u ciiecd ili 'ai Iufluence of tir I re iioxoien afcotiienot aciy teacir. shoc pasced. i.,a oerywcle deaihli telier r lie ai tegtl. 1t1851,retriltiîou - - ler, Sliea acctseti f liati tlt snid aif enervaîr t airti o! îlle waa e .IoedantI.,theito mco, xcg leeu : ylreagfftthomeiiii- oted ideeiotod. SIR :T TELEPHONES A New Sp ni label T'ried iun Soi- ete, N. Y. j~ust ttie eh lfSheS iii ý j"e , ', LI1QUV M A liS