Os TIE BOÜuNINIRELAMIs Tho HOME OF 60009 SUSSES. Indutriels In the North Art aln P;erty of Moxoy Just Now. A.0,O SAVAGE The toooutriat nth of troaxd l fl.~frI oayo~ffrteti f goo çîeeperity. Haie Tn1lon e- e dn Ino' eM le Soeclallst Atr ptoo evoeo-edopressionx tho Irish liie ilIa.try a boomitiff ]Ille thc rubhetocorhoTh10e attfftet- e<gh t the Vot Office" ticsofe the coton trxde in0 Lancatotre Ph"-. 9 YoJ. have ttlr comopenation fi, Ulster. OU&gLPM. ONT. Itwl o-îc otetort Mooohettro recoze- _________________________change oxv lettoonsta hoow ethtO ttlgetin exporta o mxoolactured BoyOt School RePort. oer.iioo nondo gcod hy Ill e meiiof IV Chtevo C00olony K~O~n e oXtofttxet nanutaetured linon freco IV-Clfforl Chý,Icy Keni si llctatAt dLail evo-ts, the Ulster 7,ert, Fjo- taojiiroi roe Traer tltod enouecrosco ln I-1,tt Aroote Atett. Llloa Oitet, tnecodittoe,tsud t0e0 e tto tleta- NtltodMaeîteegalt, Moteo t.a'ree Taitt Refomeeàarae Ontlot oPtattîilo ni thaât ttep are Fotct etepeted toenet Jo. Il Ooleg,oet ?oto-v el it foltree ttel argument b he ooexemple clocoo of tltOO ton iloooo t ry at 0 edc,ooteoo Il Ireohe.loeoettojlot ùlttx-to oh eololle -o-bt AtL, t, oooO COoOo100oOtilé,t melo o ro l i, e 1ocld to i nto-oe - kifeodxetfthuooen Iàoaoa eto0Oed in etI-f Jo tlOoo-o t.oeîoco.cIlJcOecaoteea have tallec onot lut taxhioat Campbogott oelOell t noooureasesxooend Irosh lineos it 000 hcolhoovo-al 00e vogue,- to. althe oh te l oîîotLoawrence %Wotoe ihone- radela sper, tetocoalle and lac- llývPret ofBettoot, Lietaharoo.fatadcan, Ayov-otthl/looto-eo toooeic ptotkoo toodooideory and ail thoe ndaovoiat Sr, 1 ini~~~~000 ooot t Ilgio prelloaoo Ill theF4II, M x el t insed i'agbo User e d oOOO Nct,îoltooocto-ot too ako th, Inot ot tth e neuvroble 00000 10' î.oloooogoI. 'tîto toe Freco fe'aetcvnoil) the Ulofeo tnea ti t y %eiootoocOlO-oooolcoceloocoloe ootooon .Ëuttooooeoloroohe T i . iIleiof héotaneeoîn ,rlil C, M 1 mot 'A , et be n a ull A t GootCr i M liocoo- as Ilo.re T raderolc -hile li4boa l,otheT 7,t io 0000 to,e g 11 ' ri fi r.oo OI olo T t totc uoo b l lttoF WARNING 000> yooIor.on.t o-ccy oo jo-ect, ht 0to on . '00! 00000 t.cdcoo ItI , oltieoi;F tIl Ike O-l . 00000 tlofIo lIu 010 13 l I k l -O--o, oooopu et ift toaoo 00 1,10 11t0 i OCO. t11000100IlIonO. eoi-lthocoo lii)Yo looooo bt oo- Y" 1 Fil, at ko-o o.",.l 1Oha',O1-11.1 .1.0 o!l , 'l»o sage , fie 1e .'t g t It o, 'utllo,Iw nool1, 00III oot.ol 000 .. .1 l'Y g- - IIoo l - g fl h0vo:~0o~îoî oy are 0010.00 iook .îooîîoooot, eloo l, r mid 0 0,1l,,-,p 0.0I0o0 00il,,' 000 lie, I.0llcO lit, lO ooi-OOo Ocool. - v . ,,î .1 IlIo 111l bol l 11. Flic n"et f.11,Il 0 ,-- 0001-I l a Ill tttooogto 0rotoot tReport, C0arpi..Lady Bollottoogcr. oh 0000 1.101ly O Ioooooo f cltuIJy n 0, o IpoOoOOo 000extlooo, î OOOcy leu-l 000Pl' oo,~ , II,îOe,1 dp-101- ,yo1,41, ce,- teotoîe Al j v ol cyAoIIIl"0, un000 l~ol00d lo lolololo s,,,, Oc1 ,000o-, ,,10ceeOor rCo0î % ,,Io Iool J'in 'ool 00 y.0ri Ii, Ive d0Ili Il 011,0 Iloool 0j'III,,-III -IoollOOOle k loo 'l,ooOeOT, lot p-to IA 17104 1 o100a 100lu o 1,0000 oI' o , ,lI l j, FoI, . 000r ot A BIT 0F ADVICE Harr adsSvrotCitc If I', r l - In 01 000- 00l oakare sOoooor» I »,IO Tl a -111. 100000 Il 000_ ol Oot l> ot olOObo IIO, oand-Ille l e t 0000 loooI.ooeoIol0011oe 00-000o - n lo - cl , oo-oool no-ll lc oo Oii C 000000ell o0 O, ooo. 0.00 I ,' ollo 0000 0oo , M l'toee a nlomo-o'Ooy eh i I.. y oooo oIl" 'o ' cc , 011000 0000l'eo 1e. 00000010001n t ,.tI! a ofoîk e -l lit te i0' ool ob , vlo-, o 0, ' oome o.t 0, lO'TO-b , d boon on'y Kiooolooo Icooco I"ll. 000e kloîcy 0,0,00 llo--n nlo jo tr lertoch o pill- lit a Ill i -, 00 , 1 0 iîl Iblîeee lit OcOoeo tht t lob-o j.oom ool 000 i cI--I si , I 01 o, l ,o-ooo-l4e 0l0au00-0000 y looo . rthey ll'ooolîoolîlo,.. o III lg leoOnooTo0 hoocfiet loOOOI010'cOlkolO -looll rIicaool Il,,- uciot too ý l ie I1000 100 ,1,11 00 000 I . 10000,l il ,lloOonoo 'l, .ookdies ,otolo' îo, o l ,1ol1OunioolloL ver lhe o I n lloi lb Il. '1 ' k ,,-o ig 1 ý lv ry J y o0,ook anoî on lc, o , clo-Tonr 'Enil I000 eI-lcdl k -îl-o ollllo 000loîo, 'lo oeIII Mo, toltooco iîold fie iooh oool ioo lo llaco 11114 tooSfier OoOylltrîotheo cl dapsofet li- er tîoootitami, orim le i 00mii0 t.0 " wax 0Oocol n .anotcao et. e sl'l-t ,t, odento, lo , t--o tTooe. oo.cl bbov iolIIao t h00 bO o eto a S000-ole U'aîoood,oo Agent,. 000010 000-000 ~Stottoern ' retylo-d tIr - 'ort" N, ceoOcooly Flat. Attotek *UD~~AUitbo, thse are themaitoaee on ahoch U W W U M elle pcutatn aos."ltee0 peeAn WMUrnWU~M are 00000oboothtt Sirdaofrd ltoiieJe to ai,ooo'Itoohtect naI rbue t tlhe et- * m.w m~ m troetioeoorofthealawevlon gnctorent, *U('aJlstEoDcaYO-I)U axd,oilye nneogh,i fibrieOctl e CURES CATARRII, ASTIIMA, lu.oaFfr.0 Soatoroý Bcexehitt4o, C,xxCoxgfxs and CotgÉ4 c toftIo oy deohbttool nbeh0rade tirt nussV hao. Sehtaand Cugoui soa0y laiooed,.fur traaeeshave eufotu!o looîIg Co, oooooog j00 ço'bl iUoeTreoOxO'0 ait ve tioggoîloeIooo oo,rterx tKIaeoîo odeati Il that 0the art wax0 praeoîend hy piettte people, -~ F01TING A COMPILE, 1 «A I gAn ExeitltxaAdvetera le x Chine"s Thiller Camp. 9 A cance vieittr ta a Cbitxfce tt- bey ceint heumttefei nCtaiveture' journal an exil dnuyetnxtr wth eaccodfile, in ohiebo thee, roen flîtle caitle vcry nea.,taixg bloc'Oelt a- lt "Acivtnt cilmY boat t tile lggiubOthaO littetjetynortaoîtntplace, I wai Atget ectoitteo tn tbeoctGraha,ao.the wetott tiaitotecharge etfttie camp.II, C'ilgeIlleH c atlooa eeeeh notixa teor yar a et 3 0the hatik, wth aiheteo-exPresMride' Acocabisheue, notgacont oxnteili'et i q o*hrowing tritooial downer feinhltO r tn tire wIo-beeoIe od,. I Icoroted l' l to ttginOOetttnti tebbloc dem' - y:hao-e tlfOcnai " 'Twn oghtte oo r hamnci once otxrat ieih àlo'ciotoO toocco-lta i li ts , b t 1,Olle p aboti eoet oft ufinilo b-ut hieoco-in aoo.rio-og aouot futot i ,ootvoîlle to c yard. frttc,,.il" rivercc ati.ooo h n iooo 04 o ifni AlliO e deohogaro oo gooi. Glii oroo'-J flcte]ol ct It Suni und wakiod rou.cooflic,alt o 4- I>tisnuageOlOt r $-bfin lc,oedct ke cal hIv grogeea A bco tth ruec00. acolngIIbn 1oieogcnlie "'Idretlfed to ihoetigto.ntth.LI kcol eglon aaileavevilacoo? "Poo-coomonutes Inter ntcnaaeonlc opo-oatvr comtopare M ore cca-omédl'ly te1Y"11,fonotoo thl. o, efdecit ga Jette0 a o-I t,.tr,, ecbify c lieycd tc hih ten' con feoc.ooooOhetofil)" odIo.Itobot 01 end orciumoibebt btoi-o wiffl foto-î.. tel nlando',et eoryon ofioh d eo ceo n i lft oo- l icty c av h ter ot c ie ti to O i l rigkt ih-n axoen a vcoc o- Siccyottae octiooeà o j00 0 » tIr,- totooctI.too-tootol 0, ae n tr e dooeIoid ilth igilofcta lange ,cdioio oe Iet oh Igithat oboo-to1i 9 c-ellcrroIy eoookddeo l, bloct'h. onatilyvnufaoole, c "tiockwirdcund orlcvovltfileaàtrat- qbhrtif ttcyi(a tic nncn'0-, thecroeodoololninîOng te tien tboeoooglt .pcll tnotco'ooondooictoo oioeee ae'c îoooocoicer itol e elge ancolo1 tincioaooo. looîood Danlhc Malebtootcgxeio r nwu.byoleon nccoo.o, 11v tifiotneanOoveevltoie for Ilin lte teeLeh Io lit o idoî 100iton. gadito-th 4At alc"tIOokoct.tf, li10000000nlsbcOte noccexteibnolcbi' 1 lte gov.oooId nlito . ihkeoft ils00o A ocoarebcoi r vici tool. h ogcn o draOog tlieno acoOlîn' -o.andi top "tocco tficeloole, -oo ootc x oog be o tor-ec nl coo, acoILweo'a-oo-li ooche yar iltoonetrIbo., 6 coj, lateffortn feboy s t ito , l , fit. ah- c i Ing the nom' cL l-e bcoowtuoi 1 me; ledcooage ofilooooooeocoobovyolteo lie tooatct one ilý,-brute- coa xele Otg blanc a fe le t y, loo eccmat uo,o enucei,-,ded tli geng-ioo c, kc l i t ho, lc,,, be o to ir00e vcîc ihoe iercen 1 r -0'seve 'ckts tlb-pa rab octrahle now mae.fcturt 9lat ol .. e Joooll' ed, .w h-boltkobac 1 bT -el01, oIl theloool I,, ,o.o.a or 1.moot.Taewoa b,,t t oi, - iea nl1 a-Tor ,mit.d, OOOOOOIe 'Ac n a. 1 ;i;go-c oop tocoba 't he troiceno Fo 00001000olJlie i . ' qmle avteabesil il r t o ioot ai e , go ylo , o-t ocotoher xo-oeoo 'fh tlrt t o gN t,.0 o. i )rniiiOoo' Oie ag quatifiteso. >00, 0 ý' 10b bgele- 000, f. clI iran b atitoox lttO an o, es iooooy ne t O oly oîo.og ooo "00 îoîoîl îeoobc tto-ococîo-ooate ..nl invothen n l0 , , f.le lO0. , c omi no.. a0 on h 00.0. oo t oo ,o.1-.1o Irguodo-o l loi oJtcd. -1IJ Ile , ,otx, cr I0iOOl direet t- I .( I l le toîtol Iggjlioo bt -t-lt, a Oc atnel. o-- e t l otî lýj1' o t II, bol pA Io T1,ostc oal l .o . -m t-t" 'tI ooobboogooooi, y nd heL 'Ac a b., 'I. o.ob ho.,..be l, ioa l i t a nl o t o b - o O-. .oOIn --o- lo utoîoo 0,00,0jr.f Bokseof0the Oit Tetament, îItl t , t.oo.coooo. t 0- -j'00y bloc leot ii. lOO. gtt bIcO. o oIîbn o.I l t, Inuf O îîIoîîg t l-bd e o-oo..n toi. j rite bi- lo - ..b . oo O ro. eobee, cnoioo toi.o~oooîî. o, .o l.. l i e . 00Pecbnot. x-n,.a ae il 00e t' 1111119o tob b.o0 ,0 be ci e n00e tte ilm p gi -e ..,boneoicotO, - ,atteredtîoe.ofo %Ij th-et,., . 1og "coooa elt lnît i00lt ocîoo . l, bobo-n b...ayen t Ali .t oooooOo -mbakoo t, 'totoao ora OO eO'iido bhoî b JJýfleco Mcll bnxalmt, pae e utoobd i 0.001 Mdc, ito0, lefîcboufits 000, . 1000i oncg th. fl.it'oîet T stame~t, Wh flb tl ooticoo 41Tha Cortintyof-F.. xsi id net tripla ~T00e xrtabo~t-nf ut,. . h ioeed otel o-0itI11oo tiefo.. etaugt, hebruao Ino It,- Cbo.- ,to. î-for j e- 10flicapeteeeUV .o0g t, 'A-ncool.oo.li,,îoyrilalfi1' sdc-yfioonu Lhough lt o,oiiI0000, 0000l ,l u.te 5 eieiiifr uet]rst fic Izer e- -.x o o 1 ;ýcaao' i ocrO olbol,,Oîo oigel îof d ee W oro 1 ýL-îtîo yo.ooio. telo.ilée o wd ilo, tote- coi, paa hoce y do cai0000 ro eîoooe,I p toolt 1hnce too ollars t,. ?o0 aabolf ta 1l "Gto ' fioî iiooo,,-o.lbtot-!oi lai,. I. ol Ia)xiot ltoon ohoooA I., Oitîoo o looc Lacrd cobl-I ot f'ilettallero- 1 t ool tcoeot xc bb'/lona vercbelle1 1-bM00 loatto. - iyonion' ." lite, o. r hu0o o-eoresto khuit toil, Sttyrrioa On Mo.tocly WnIto.b-, du.o-. 1 bfai-c b o- ttflc î.oclo-l fi' .ofli f, o, tnal f Moabey bb qdo not cur o A 50ev10 o 1ervn on e ligecerooty tn ciim nd thcre tcw cati-rers,o n eatt IteleIl AVEDTHISBAB ro. o rinn .,t eot, ceco othtef en. m... p, cetiver ofth1e aomo. cciiO ncethtu 'A enri tOrvnes ', rshet t .11ciilo-etxtcarby' 'ocecaid cxd ltme peeit ditretiaxtfi liait wite coecei toto, sa-tp. fThe ic'.nO lOte., xont inei andolt.. ne' W.l trua ht.puxa hn aoio ro O xaegct itexf dOIiS 0,MLTI -u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wg Du oHaaanIptat ouat*IW theh le7M0009109 t PEOPLE OF MILTON BENEF ITTEO thieg e..etttixeitco Olctieceeofle foulure et tua int-om reoertioo ecterfit. ne%, acot evero zeocieeoablec Our, ta vi atoltf ehc oitOofcn00erontl aoietaetuief h tavn o tfetîttnceo-vl. O , C300dtlet retetie ocat.'rhc cmon con, itca n beonanudoie0reidctote pecitbe (or oîîtevprine oto a >evia aoifoelranent, ']'bu fOc e'oeece tieg o-oev *75otI vif ert t iggitr ierrcted ie tINonto er- ,Pifxetoxliex* odextpr. - ea e o.esctetitoldemetrotratedf 00 thio gcuarneoo wl hh ta evîtic ceceti dretaot detoggtntn s 6.o ag TcUcytol Dveg Ce.. UnItrd St>t nd Ceon tnboo, e "cRotait stoee eftîg titoofnlotliaxsse: thloopveioaoaiofl goaeeIt tegivo nytfor th1,polr0exe toifactionIftil doileioetga hgotbokto c - o]-t thetc stprtte o tre vieo-erceveou noght il ced'glt ocoeed, an. eyta'yeonomlr--It hceit go oaYn, anti tC h w hoti eoweioDames waxfet uI e -r»" ntate.f;lIto arnitn Tthxis oavtcbxly an inovaîbt otoa, eare tbereeghit heotonl Musct appal ta th. eole9 ilo, if 1teec druegtxtn andtirtoto i ex.nlrýtyzint ralofatctli beecoo o-h woitl e toattititin' 0,000 toeal dvruttîe, w00oarc oWi ý Poubtie acd0the voem- khom Iaondot lol htpec-iod 'or tit te. otbctxondtotaed- lniroott re oocireot onbb lb ctet-r -uavotce pvoe noobieo-prite amotacoooahiotttheïrow etOtcra octl cnttiectquesotiono oreputaton on ce cqotalibty , lt the" oem ,a, honcrft £iutc ercories aond fice o--o' ictbnkne ntîbh 1diîteveet forvmulaso wov honb 0000 labo OI't. Pecpt.et'rhmilieu lecoPcry'0ep t. bo. iet, Ibot ocot fodene inoooeoan r . ciel]teonaue 1 lIiio-oOo-il i to-'ooo l xitierO boy il îole" vuein st ,caootabteiahereputo. Wtoich are millticivîle the ctrdeaooo ooaaugh cnotoîxel anod ttooool inc-h masono-ox<tgei'AlI Freint Ypontnt ph poocia., r. vpcoocoooci iooooclhooooansonf tetvi Mmitee i "Prt hem andcilextirRaal btootolîox are cor- riittoîtt ongl eoav cMot' ait1deonooxnclting tho-toul leobO tu L Iloatm ivetetonea mooroholODame. y 'o-xndoioet otpexot- ooai ioooYo-yeneorvainiiîoelheor igre- octcal sne e acb boy dornts. cati oooo iornhco-c' tail ttoom- odcavee o atielavoeile.btie firill000 ci( b0-tch tiaoy cati bundrd remi1ýe% a ioik yaoooo-vxiooOxobobby tonoo te1 mrd by tho- corripn1ocy, v0,i00 ta-ooaot ltore lIoao- le, , thetiiel teoo tt' wIo-ccoo guranioe,oîe'o.cooc teob ox U tre îavg ce,,OOo-îo itr moo t.e.t e.oîîoopooob teoasiotto' arc JtlooeaDuo of ahoooateoenoinAmnoica, iO lto-o aIle Iloooe lîenoi lvoottonj on% outputtoetIbot on- cwhocoIe b-nna nloooooo Anyaone e0îoovcboe iongo loinoNIoOo-oooOexiOooooootonjatch oie. eorv meteoial toinv ocgenclo ooobgenlîcnor eOlyo.cOo 'tÉliee o-oaî,oaooon cuni] oooolnol ho'ooîto- 0-o, tvy tiîxtis exabt nv-i îmo oour -looc Rvoooo-oInlho-y conrei, oogiloî'ro- itnxi bc b0eoig otlyIlîr000l nb;l.aoltoho-ol oloN .oo-0uch b-f ooodvvynnl cii bcOoob.oI tbgî'. ,are sce , Innooblioe o-ng îoc e o ot .0 cvoool .ooco-' ou n bioo-no on, 010 i o.e ,re îcioloCooxiC-xoId îo-Inioo-.coootboy 000eWC0 to .00te ootoxooo OixcnnOOOo-It, l arulc0000 tiretobvn l ire.on te ca-cv 0e v Oi) h"tooooo0, 00 ic to,-Iotl 000 ro t e ,dc "",so W0.0000 glo . 11 vIIo 1 oîo oooova0 ICo ,at loi.cte byprioio b"a O , ,,oloe , o llo-oo c oo .ooooo- 000000tir e aoio-l c.oloo-oý o ta Eny Gieooooo Ai Ueîocl lo co ielm o ,l I l. -c o ton 'a . Il A inc ecniaoo-otriloy0.0 bOIoooOloot ail to'tleco fio- 'ncclone il. lra oe o,.cl.oo0000 'tote do, leataMr (.l. üj lu o-ta , .1 aor'ooo a oool oîocloOctn ttob 11ottoo ntcure$t liroex, 0 0o olt obil f-loy k tréc 1et 000 'ho il, od tattoabo 1ct e-'rs o- I , tu, lice rreo o raclai]0 veandetit eaoo fte.oo riN.t lbet ..leyo.0blllîof('u,, Id àà aI,oo a toolot u!,Id lot - ut-' lclOOe 0 il ch un tthet'cvoo 'o-ita, 0,I0.tItuej tr'O, j"'kao, u %e oolttet-anslltlun, ,1,oo, 1- - .0 t-oc q,.oîîcofoo, cen, l or h to eta t aoo lo l. i 0c0l't'OIi-) 0. ,ý t. ritc tirv Ilc ntîto Lthl e C orn- c , Lobe b . -ta.0, , bc-L.eî, Oioo evu bas curtivn'e ai lb ,tl. bocOîco ooeoooallel.,taio, a-h.to the ootol00e hue . i ob-o ,,..-.tobo-- îotire -11-e Litesa as ie u , tiriooîl l,-r0i NiiiL.Ol ilooo îo. c. I Ooc ,ii oboul b,, W ooo o .1s' ltire,,oaibjl t,'o Oc- c otioom a Ite' O , i t 01 boc i, oo.1vlon --à lrt un l Ionlynvcnteocoo. oooILooOo Oobo.olblCIOt acn ar x I d yaar tr tain 1- 1 lo'u . 0000 bb(,,oou- IcytlIti,' hnca W toous ft hct - gil I .00 oitî,J;I,, ri-1t,,b i lui. .1 to un tre the , t,ý,pAl v, tirla n oitfr , oooo t i ____________ ooltOifj-okot ;, il fur me.roolt oo nu e fo MeO bbc ner-lolon Coo 'o loot i,, nax ooîoo'ookoht- Y 'aIened og. i obe 000 11. o o'ooc t r gjutlo 1 TO R 1TO A h WRInG? -t "A TTLE DIGESTERS u t eljbt cvdiret (rom end surely. bacloIlfthey t- 0 cTHECOLEMAAN lre. MEDICINE CO,, dos",TORlONTO af Cernante. .Thé Stemega Tepko,f te ave c proat thet e Blcmem ebootl. xrther bai' cr 'cx futtn' eqal tto h14gict,wOreait- l'air in a tîttia topknci ,nurtn' pcrt e of bi111e itil tot 'adt teeaitoeothe aga ofetee je tbrue a slave in AiI Or tnnirc n'eco On rnehing tht, cee mr hetevieoa lettai to ~the taphnef eatt.og ceemccnY taee 3d thlpteec i bis tei. 1ta, Theetooi leadrce.mo eineU One et tboor trcitr- Mt, ccnoimid meh Orejatetng et re. 0e ctasign, ead ttoer ltces cnd Irtonolethe lapheet te cul, hccr d1ey eofe A etchetc m.Th ead te thono tiedt tfxex Itebr ttv o.a xPtely ehuved hi'the pricie. Ait cat they rreveaeeth 0e gueets txvbted tuotfhe cerexefoft rbng ove n'y eempeeito Plae or gmcectcnx Ayoexg pricnce Oh aioe." er prtnesa orit sOmeltiee rcexve au oh~ ~ ~ ~~nw bhetarpdio aun1215000 tepreseels cf 0fs elloxcot fim l ee bo b p.o ixltgcareemen', permittd hi o lit hte a 00cr chilt man' geltt$10etr$06, tieoelld atoo e ' Wtate WerîI& a gate 00 an Bis Ltinars. A Voctîtte, vaeWte ot etea-t "Sir," xay' e e nxteeucttor, a1P teuedntex cbig "Yeur daeghtc han prefeereti cta thréox cIa i tr -e nou, I er-thâ at-pe, ouro Ocao aleea propeseol te 0bcr," rau10 Iha athe rate "Frepôtef te Oct, hure y7eeP tlcy. te )fh ,al o uld )yobterve& 0the ftîbr. ,Well. I otore oîlti est f 01 tOc thta f tmc, ed yn'e ughl te he tata 0 arttetifr0000tle rtcx a goo es bc teore aegagteg yusi loi a bit f ilTOc te xme3br. Yeu keaohas eefia» ba aloI rcscnuel- xnesotivoe e four teo," u hc » round, and iexthe Yeaà sir. Bout I1 c1 laerayse Wuiot ooulti q"rael tif t 1 I at i enproid ba ,0,YtblOO, n«tIhe aisicqfor atmlina$bOcu#bitbo eeuta Ittetto Iltlihksotifoodi teflacOurt Oarttagc. àhieolbéaa flxeui,.. ........... teont 0t xtîa4 Soulth ! 1hoMetitobaosonet#rede oint he f 4h ~foaf monda4 tOc Ippetler îlotf oajnccvbea. ==Lui« 1 17, ~ . o Roïtn iumucta magOt alter ta the mnatrimnalcmarerbt. PuFn' aOcit inaried Edorarti AGrecen, a intIlton- atre byn rîrte nIhie tradibngt pera- tien.,inte oEasttadiec, adieO cars' jui aea ancte-nuicleIagreemnp- pant btnd tht h aOd aet tel.c doe o lattc e Oer mean'Y. O@ tofit tht e aoceu la te thceLo tnad- taaoftbar moesu aio de îotattend tebtrthejegmett.ec that goof-rcIttaaea Whieh have weath oaimeetittho grecteat finacersxAnti ftrc eilfer her thât .0e dii Rerf buboaoci oeatuantîtleat prcctily ttO hie fotreethe direet areu af lace fefatOh tm an LIti 1r yearx 00 one tituaehrtxrcai bcrctotitathe Greeon haincteeil eBlleo.ata.sVI wrooe otytcatpioeotic ta2CMt. o Seee alter her marroago Mu Greene$Ifotune ona oereexcttehru thc dolath etia caut,. oheltI hon 54,- 000o,00 ad mtO ttxtx and the $1,000e 000 lot b00r Yhy or tather ïkeebasse- euinetated ct lecut $00.0000 Mo,. bGrea en jauteti 1cr mn' tixgc,, ohilaenongctchehare bar praiimnystdiher ltifot.gtae ptrt. She dree saehbiy',oret cI eaît eheb- Oh' fer e pero e etbar magnae, ani tîrex on homeli' lare. ,Whoc ber soe orce e lai lis liet te e co coe wbif04 orropatatteolandi atemthar atorapa reoticrc i-hlmtesoithetOcmorox- teg ppar atter IL bi beau roci. Ilcti'Oe a borrar cf peng taese. $lchae nevet bea n tE O x reolcf Ne:w or Tnehecnehe a10e xcire coetd auve1.1 ber rcieece. Teavaeot taxation .0e more, traminoitar te Peat, au malter et chat ioenaveni- oece.axof hm en taclbei aadersas- eniýnoms» heltcbotter te prateCt hec oreattto LatterlYfilseb ax ece aucip tega $19 at tn Hoboken caiprcr abli' e tbthda tes eontn' rentai ta tea high. AUt berIltcr. Green Oba bouc ta- velvet inlaeutanit et another. man't on tebita ten connetiee orththtceaaIe O1ibhar galber. Rer suat$ehave cXt o-ed groin ecaco ta ncean and .0ebc hmet ad eed tia » coi mûee", ooxIlghtý.xeit a ntd Oevi'- origta. inbe h'iqu ad tintelect. than ail t'bt.eng pegatao.amBu- tîva toteJeffrtex. 13Ocboust. that tlto tOctheau' warontonin tOeceountry' oho mvr on c cuit &gainât tOc laIe C P. Mentxgtae 0f9a&tthe taxycre te the eountrn'. ebc hâtes MotO"Jc Choatte." t e eleale thOcex-embase-, dur ta Reglaxti. MnChoanteha, Cig- croot premiaetîn'in itigeti uattiîat 00er, atd i0e hto lorayxmanegedt e gel a certatainouantoe rather uauhtv- ntraeî humer eut oetbhecleothcu Be- tegn woemax. seohau net forgette ltu. Mcttn'wor cetcd a Quakecr andt soa't h tat to nc ught the ta coaa- de.c a crime ta taeare10e repaui- uttuittn' a vI gll , HogRene lOct Oighieg nitril, Rott n a, hoea cexeectai ortO il.aÏtOaloterea dnee 00r OeO'hoati. At oui se eaacahicarneti te reati abc ceoo eoffastck eortt te tact granoltether ant i aIthe aâg e of texnue ating at ie confidefatielt Clark, orit- ing hie ttteraoecxi ttentiigte sout et htxObutsine. Re orac a mati et mnt terneltmeele. and hota tath0e chitti ohal aorn ganaxi hy, Hie pao? henith and bai en'ettfht. suc- eeedetih womre On' eint i or eek' Muaeu e 0eprt ot Oct tather, axrved te malte hr devciap as l ite a yon'eeSgirl fiatea apracticet boa.?.cî. Eoxp te Arranea Thc pour but hoect yaung ma li boartcidfOc. mtlioaare In toto den, "Wall,"lOe a tîi, ' tt eefometrn' " maieble, ir, teapotibtc " e-. ctaimei theoelot mac. 'Why, 1t outt rather gire up orern' peeti 1have thon part oith mymn' aet'taghtr.' 'Oh. vcc' rcit.' ,catmtn' rjetxei the diplomatoe n'euth o 'if thate the unian'nYettabout ilt I ot lie Oc a heav n cYneu, Jixt rte mceout c checko for a henedtfheusant cxi o'lt lcet lgoaai thato Pvi'coxeoo8lutjae ofaINorh... 0e- tta ltib Oc cet i futhe bbidng et O loiotic tioeatix -lstet Pde Oàm it 001 $ioundllobe eboas fii 4m',. til.- Col00, f l . elt . 7SCDA FO[ City Dairy 1 17"fýll Fruit, Ice t "ýrl m ACKE VOLUME q~RICE p9~OO0 o IcJJ~ AJIOnew lut col tecorde-<tT I t uer ttic.o-itt ao tL'ALAND 8IF, OU»t NFJ1'A I AII l:,o R, BýURLING & Co, F. H. D>EACON & CO. Special ;otentioongiven to Investnîut o i d I 1 First MtertJage Bondks and Stocký3 ec et -P purchaser -à Vo 6j perce)tý Ofi 97 BAY ST., roRONTO MACHINERY RE PAIRS off cIl ktnds proftptly attetîded t?)> cIlti, SCREW FACTORY MACHINE SHOPtt Aise Ali ids of ELECTR(JPLATING Nice, I ver, andl Cootoer bItcîoI SATISFACTION GIJARANTUD. P,. L. Io»CoonMg', , Lioni I t' ML-ONONNT K. P. SHE~A PRACTICAL CUITER ANO,ý TAILOR t T.n.eiet O fJKthnditttcbareho 'noits itoade tb order trîcoî $17.00 îp, Puntfrorn $4.50O np. EVERYTHINO OUARANTEEO A PERFECT FIT OR NO The Season's Most Striking Oxfords. Tht evituotit IEÇaEAP I)t)Sl-< oftti, ombI, iii tlhe-iioite stylet. tit iwlîitt yoit tteed îlotm., W e -ito have t large varîb'ty of' Oxfords ibn hIntgr, N-Pherton antdîlPeeorlc-ata iîoookeon. PRICES FOR AL:' FR01 $1.50 TO $400. LS'peclal!1 1. Clîtîdr-eote Barofoot Sandaols, oplendid ittera ;n. reaootably marked ai , ,,...90c., $1.00, $1 2. Boys' Bîrown Canvas Boots, witi leathef tôles - taps, only ,.................... ........ $1 Thos'.Wlson M ILTON MOAy freîteIandfioe at ah.tcit i 11 1,1à,attl Papacaltot i mno'fancW iac4, bam A. iàleurlac gras seottrong-0he am-. ,tffblt rtocah the gs0cctiaeasa 8)o,» »V aaO ecUg So 1rmwad'Artge f " s"d o , aa' 0 1 t h e . c l dW LOC Dm QUI 00010 ~th a 'ALI