ail de toIon ,r <MitIL to&. il,, t hjt. 'rt 1:11Ad. t 1 ERA floweÇtca %cil rAIoqS ESo I.u ItR' PI P NTESBNF PR NOýf T CO 1ETED. DbRAFTS ABU) MOBET 050555 SOUGR? ANLt SOt.D. IMake tlhe resuits of your labors NOW becoîne the mainstay of your liUe LAEL Open a Savings Account ini a sotiII( Chartered Batiki. MILUNI BRAICOO W.B. CLtEMfNTS, mmaaegr. I IGGNSOTHAMîSJ DIRD. Blaeebad-At Hamiltona Ciy Hospital. on Tisacaay. acéo. ta,'ttisjamai & aleai. of Applebr. townsip of fialio, la bis tise prar.1 is-('lcllcd-At Denmtoe. aunblctd*Y. Meen is 1s.90î. eutt c Ciettacti. ctiev Bof bltecWllam MClatcd, ageet6,5 yen. HOniclrcle-At tisafalYr rodeure. Mapieboeut.ilftone. ou Ma&croàbile. eqî. JtereHalbarake, c ie ls otis D)emar-la Maedcy. Machl unh is oDunanaDewar.inbistbIl lll nery lOIeninir. Pl. WHEFLERITuuuiuiof Muis S. DICE . -- pian.., Orge and Viel&. lssucr et Matelage Liteneg, T .ut Rpeterd. = r-1. enplat. 0t ud aiteat laaraer irs S trhS.. Miltan. aeàiiusin-JaieaBeez. M ss E I Wante4 att Orie.. ,-t,.... o-t 9 rt mteil ta lt a Millicrv Rooms d ery dprî C th. ts Il. ,I a tu Haneeceiltinithervillâgot Outgb! fcue% gond repaut. borne stable and biaciseetll Î.rels ; :y tartes. For ftrtber par- T .r jMarl1 'D", a nena .àCI to.milaab j ceaI 1# donm. e MACKENZI 'S A Oood Place te Iuj Tour Iup amiluI mai READ THAT LUNIE AGAIN We ~do our very best to nake Our Morle "a g<od ph±*10buyyrDruPs and D lrug Store goode," ne natter fren whal;on yu IiIkofit-mly rrt antd fre-hies of druge, service or reasenîble rie. ae up but eu or a&U of tti' l)pints and yen wiU fiad there s aothi gIenantiMd the 10109 yen trille ýtt MACKENZIESte botiter the place wil eem te yefl. Nya's - SCiSfLU Pure LuccIý Fahiiiljy Remedies Hoe t atelai" Olive OHl j,, bue. tbe formata a f Knd «lacGK[ oudg,.uieabeuelcm N Nel~ ipudHypepiseepiîtet - 5,e botute Scatî. 1Sore Tiret FOR T«. e 'i Nyolî sLacoldise boli. N .Us U NI ysepea Tabl.etcSeaid remM ,Dt a a :box. Bt y Nyte WotmCleca5c.L a Nyle Steeeeb ae Limer 0«Ido 2ir bo, Taitcarda 4 Beaing Waa Initial apar eema81@mtla bazez »S . 2M0Eh1,rw _ Xal ec au m iel. teammnc. bmar asi vail. ferie*9 aay 7.30.fed rda t. (eea Fclaiat, :in au raeceiFm 1meae a par ceayl TeammNade ecraointis enamut" m aifrie bemeat ansi- n peaiTrne Mc e pro,.le "yerrl.e once i dcy Mae an ace ota Clarb, ssie as e'ete rRpai. bie~ Iao t. cesi.-5 uiecete soriman uBttn Tiser e sassti se Grmee aule hrts Dram Vedsei. ea"ye cabay mai. nTiead odag aueWoeg giseaft g,and idayeOcod m ay a a point neeeedalitas Ci pe Aa aarz au it lea realtave caag mSilfo patiUaeb e satera ni stre ylr aIle. me Te8. sisadai.ftritt tan gent Weety.em adcGaieaid roi U«Wtoaube, zýine aise ltisa. Wa.t ica eua tom-Ae n ilcy for. T e rut une ue l tie t cln lier ad Tfriob utae itaZ a o routa eAut ngeg-a. t10 o Doitwalai otat nibmisntg4ne se louger. aittauMiel. obalongt le Brd rizo keetraof tleg ad anntl re Curait abcAdu n an neie adteG edodgetownlbattag millu fene plat ainth ae aofbafutante ccde îlet enaissaf brefusai ra insulaifnte Neagge UCoinîl Ieira. lu lceeia- Silt. Zîmet MesM.Ntai, bat .7eed ce fie nenutdimor ec UV . : n.ageasaitinselu fueneona.onde for idaitaiee pre hlets:ellie &boud fop ear au.raeoteeor e ala.e Wfle. se itaeyo be i e a ee. Fe mobe ro thearUnîitefosaista ný roTb o o ngel a l St eat o.e isetCle tW. Bae'boano n long eo fao kiscie a aieni C ectinaigeaCuea I i rerofv. We ba. yonr sie.bap e. Wats a . l o Rvabe DAra i ani Pa rer Maue beear tci Oa A lu hnnicer oftr platal emcé e b [re aerie.llv es tae oueloe aisi be Tse.ia ta re S.tomesac bai baiessetegase l a OMM ilnile froravai anaslos- 0i r&Cytsho wni andbirea. Va suc- ale . flove n boutsr2i te,.stec ae enaemts Ma&i. OeBe O . il il olet and o~t yer mai au bt»ais! rleimae i 1leds.frta uum Ifauealai f t a-OeekTaFor. therolce Clulaa illpsee lu.tna S.l aie. obthcsatse lutia c Ail. iduce sati n a iIa Bw'Smm B.Pe natient chdapes, yen sverjrs. We ce Tain byi¶AfrdmlPeey Maisn, boegianl GeMIAg's.hardwaestoe n ai Budli t u 7andy itan am iea e i e. ltatuse W't> tetat cl aaibe aie farisessa»V Apèle @. aà- let- tp"th vise timlllhýanad Ceair Müli caai a Mfebew' Hockey Liuefyoi Oie lacSgama ni eiseedmmpisallpe ela n neMon- da eeilg is eby eri-laltraie. tisee arasvie psty et ecituact etishe matchie vIla eam etbare beaieui ue-aiaiveaalulag At fallt tee aq mai6Bail. Fire minutes 0,cr t=m.v playei istheae ci a ac te s sim wn,7 t . Syder mai eniane. Tiesatiecalasevie lleS lbarebeais an pragmene et OicMeteilt Cisarrisdur- iag Oiepuli evmors iii bo nitlnact darlag Oie nemlng merle Jut ared, c ei"t of nIPrine oAt- beseumi pais. Prune rglt et T. Di. Stecbea Hececy siil bbegan te faîl sm ime ea. ýa genaral bredisia OP. Ho iuairey turoevaticndite la laid tisse le caeeotlire maey deyu. Bshonmadevw4lasale af teel. A large shebtai ei tu-dey, aila airayoa ca nlîancd namtison. Hery bot@eor lctise boye ad i rlemadeofaidfitimSer. Abso upraiagenut for tise Scobl Fout Emer adOiathe iober tuba nPrtertar. Foract ai t Vate' Oshon Solre, epponrina Post Outra Mr. Demsrt and Mite Stella Harriso. of Isabielle, Man.. ad Mr. ced Mes. R. B. McDuffe. Vacouver. B.C.- mis bu"en beaniiieg retatves for slea izeekis ieMilon ced iieilotlefor Itislebnmai tait mere. 0etise roure tocurnee. Mes.Duffe retlmd teo»4i aera tIat ber brotber. jas. Maboa. mue aue.h mia bd perllerd ie tise gmet rai- aCier et Ragera Peess. 8OCescoCeNcrAT-OcGoaod Frldey linu.e~i a e..tI iimeor Street PblseauiS=aey. nif Hamiltton. lii ulny îthe mmemacirg peuple of Milon teas rare m tltisetome biliagreed concnert aed ties acred catate. ~Daniel. or île CapWctyad RtorclSc.* Tiscre mli be a cirsuf ai uttrolit vocanes, illefuît orchesitroe cmpai- ment. Teeaonert wlllie oe clitseinae girea ta Milise and bouti dr a, a fulboaue. Dea*t %" laa. Ad- missilon *aie..reeerveanosec. FOR GROCERIES OUI SPECIALS: Aueooib elnon aTac, 40e lb. Cylu erac or m trd ... ..... .. ....2& b.. White Swa Cnfc...40e lb. Amnean Ce ...'. 23e lb. Tenteai.Ctcp .ntin. Minte. teve PolioS ... 7ctin. 8ùnihiShhleren..- 7c otlie. Alype nnar e@Uk.. ..........3fur 25e. OALsIAIT à SOUPANT. -A---- NOTICE -Hi~ Lii. AIo ais.mmhc ,y a Chorus aisO5train&] noier, untb tfult orhetra aSopa.ieet. aither TOWN HALL, MILTON OOOD FRIDAY EVENINO flots and Caps Th lu rew sprîîîg styles tii the Faînous Fitîwîl i skiff andu soft slitpes, juot to hand. Adailaioe 25L. Reatren Sea35. Specitil ialies ut teat ilesigns of'Caps tit 51)d I MPO>RTAN'iT Auiction Sale Pare Br"i lmpertcd ced Rclistnred Clydesdie Mares aqd fillies Wednesday, M1areh 23 ce Oie prepeene ot A. L. KENT OAKVILLE mile ccrtbmait cf OckioîtirStatien, iti Lier, Tcfita r. Tison epcri finey"tee toit cee 3 Blaron,@ Pritir Ma"o, 3 rNe" <lt. 2 BDainePowetl, 2coiS t3mcma kil. t Bs % One Cot by Honcar ;, liai1, .0 oaPridc. 1 Soyal Chattaa 3 yesae ad. 1 ioue ., CaltIr Lard H one"-. Ocfla a ta rt t Tws Ormesr. TSItMO-Caai. Credîit nePPree paper mInis ltereet. WrIte for Catalogue. GE0. ANDREW. A.cticea. jmha te busines fonaerly con- e, do saui keadaof Machiaery Re- mmuneviiirecive eur ppraoipt atten. mwâw! Of lm &W Mi pe higi r mgios. -!!!@IL o iiiti Agents for Peabolys Railroatd King Ot sitîneks. Ail szes nl stock. -ýW. DEWS' LUCA'- CASH GROCER OU OTTU: "SetaliProfitasi Navel Oranges, Etiý Navut Oranges. jiiil inuteeî-Saturday Siiecial, -l each tI large mie. worth 40e do. f .... n'eiiuz, rme, nnrth S30e do. for.. 'lexican lratiia goûd clie, worth 25c (loz, for ... ' Fine rl nelv ci f.ýmII9 nn< ......... Beautiful CliLstor Tahle lRoùino. a healthfuli lecoert. Pinient Perejai Dter. lorge iv-, "gond ntfremh, mil *v 3 lé for ....................: Butter, Eggs and Cheese. Fluen;t Creaccr *v or t)oir.v Butter. ini pound lîrints, et Jirican .;<lhler grader <lureaper. ChoiS e uw laid Egga ontv ...... Cold SqMaga Eg, but ecprcially gond qualit . Fint quialify June ('heene, rich and anappy, on-ly.- MeLamoîte Cream Cheene. medium aine jar...... Limbrr Cbeene,in tin fol, par lb ...... K. P. SHEA PIIACTIUL CflT U 1, 4m....-M 1 LT O N-...> (ttmedam W aa et Uhw terl Swittamade teorder froua 117.009 Panta, froua$4.50 Up, gr-Min. GET YC)UR TOILET BOAPS AT Hl(i ..LOWAY qf E/Ký lats, in 75c Vpi da aild tti~i Il' r t 5<5 ~25î S On 'LE' e- ~aauoe ~geo y ga' 4rnlllr i. t itia Ho,,' a o. outitil "'~rercoe bed MW