$15-45 [0 Quebe)«ame h Irom MIL YON The popuar route to and LAKE OF 1Ay3 'iApnî hilto l.îij RIfTURN MILTON, Quebec SýINGLE F'ARE i*i v IS 12. o îo, NORTHWEST EXCURSIONS fa h.- fi The EVAdS Piaqo La Ù00u hî,fna yopur Photo aken M. R t STONE Il thein n hioîg we f'i,,d piret f ,, are o ria t'oand rved ty G. A.Griffith t -aîpU Y cWATER GLASS f fO u b o, m a0r iL hcep 1pouleetl froior la~~ ~~ P=...5'8 0on o. saie uLLTCURE f B0p iadoî5oars. r 1i a nd a4 HEALTH mti ni1,îIN f lf,. r ii l J V TUh Poste i.fvecy bootlnoothpeante Pried5e tbe Dtcmo r ton.f fi.na, Auo"r11tirutioit aica dî à.ï. g§rdoheel .Ilfpandoserfol n manr mol,.. Of5.on., merkn. 1,, barlcS y îîSO . or 4 1 .',t b eS . p. 3 lac as . f f oe.anfSaoj. If,1 t5i fîrolS...î1-b .. f 131 SUaS MSD f OUR CREAI OF,, WITCH HAZEL 20r'. Sl O M.r WI... anaet. %OM C.so touletg owwm& ..Corone#0 Os. W. naft YOD a EModab. *tbM «mu. m d.et au ea. 't 1010OW1 pnsaIbloe lze uhomque beur ta euh, pi.. »Mrn lrou n oe".bytbo BnuaaKodibakplo. 0un lft alnhabut tankrs la the moli We houp ml aP. PIle.. Corne lu and taltO 10 Taicum POowrs. &laiOnd.. 90. 1tSntd 2e. S"haemg Onipa - Coigatos and Wllume*.. (Dem Tetu, pure., 4001i. Tangietoot ami Fty Pain. [Iigginbotham Drug Co., 1 ff fîîlff17 MIT'ON, ONT. r s Siep owards Independence ie a ant in the SavtQigO X THI. 4 METRO1?OUTAN BANK ya .fl --I 00m000.000- o ro u p . r . a0' y-o j MILTON DRANCH -W. B. CLEMENTS, Manager. T. O. McPherson GR OCER AND1 \F' OE 5njokad Meats, Caqned Gonds, Picklesi STEILE BRIBeS and FERRYS NOTED SEEDS, Va Il, Ii diI0 Iwaî s iii detiriî,îdi( t higiiietpr, (S STATIONERS.1 Liocal News. blItion Ovie Holiday. Aag. 5th. H. J. PlIchrbor.-oToronto. il cltinlg at bis omeOboe Mtse L. Paeo.o Guelph.. invsitltg frands In0 Smo. Cerîl CarI peti o Soc docî mîs lionds t a Iee.it Boy. M ioBomoiiObasgou o the lerrentolo, acY celebratîon ai Quober. H. H. Fceee.aoloiftifcr\'ancoovr. B.d . resterday morniag. Joihn Parmi. of Buitalo. it npendîog a werek atTon. iloDowello. Mc. ond Mm. W. J. Armtrotg, of Wetroooto, poet sodacîn o tO. Ocîog ts d iain gootiîog mtti.d Met. Se.yîbe it sot roreivo ouilSepîte Misa Haiie Cowau, of Georgeown, nPecEt Snnday 0,10 Mc. and Mcm. Hall, Mc. and Mmc. AI(. Ptrb.c, of Toonto. are spendnag amwonk witOhic.. Fllhecoa hMa îhel Scaîhoc,, of Taronoa. Milite Ftchaer Daniel A. an Wal bec MooreofTa. r'oto. speu SaSuay and Sonday mîlO fiendin tSi teand vîrînity. Miuses Ed,10 and Haoei Cochrane bave JietrtttodOhumfectenpendingr a coople oi eeks wOtO inondsat aIvOOille. Mi. and Ms. S. R. Bemu lfton Moan- day for MraOoma PaOk. Mich.. miora tOy wiln ptd a coupleof we.n 10Miss Myrti Feld loft on Tnesdoy eeonog for'o'ogr-rltie. All., onna vînol tu bec brobeu. D. C. W. and Roy. Mm. Go. PeaccailMi 8oui Whitney. o Duohorb' .NY.. arat500 gormool ofi. and Me. iJo. Peacoc. SGET THE HABIT --'lO-F BUYING YOUR-em--' ~DRUGS AND DRUG STORE GOODS a MacKENZI'S~ Red Cross Drug Store fiu 1R ARE -L FEWN I. \.lO'NS ..... Why? IT 15 TO YOUR INTEREST TO GET THE HABIT 0F DEALINO WrrH ME. ~oBECAUSE You aways gel a sq'uare deal. &I BEC AUSE my> drugs and drtug store goods iare t.he bot that are mianlfaOUred. 0 0 BECAUSE my> prices are rght, qotalit>' considered-better than it>' prices. SBECAUS ni> Tinctures, E xtracts, etc., are made scoorditig 10 the standard 4 requi5e by the British pbarmacopoeia.a 4BECAUS£ my experience in ever>' lune of the business enabes me tu give yoti e4tie tistactioti. BECAUSE 1 personally attend to ail thbe detaila of sny businessh. 4 ~ .eimnMEET ME ATr MACKENZIE'S"@« JHN M. M AC KEf$* iDruggist 4d Qýtician, - - - TON5 NT! a JiuUth cR0 Me. ais- ffoons.uAug. »'& 4ti ad lSOL The te lB 1etNb t re b illmih e.mu.medetl.unouand Mue... b4&viSn lmuni a ramei Intuattarnrpe n ltit. eson. a 11n.oa-Aon MMouua ditel. MP. 'M«0t. W. I. Chlnhbo. A.&J. KaK..1 emm anS W. J. Oould. akip te th&big bambnuarnot bhei atNlagar.«.1 Jt bawék I m t h. Gem toua". but lated outlthe tourth lu tOec eoamtlou rnal. RobertiArntrong a «ilto nid boy, atppeirj of te; CtueaBOWlingZClu. ,of Torouto. WChO ce'bnt ielealed outi litgetl to1 th nom-ialu ferthe troephy. )ir. Wou. Doooy iidet aiHateeom, àduhoa. ,ou katorday. juiy otth. alltr au dissou. Mf co ootû, inlier S3ed1 .ldedchie in0Milton. Her renoolot moebrougl e-a auModay meeulog. TO. k fuea 0hplace fracutGrcc, Chnreh. lterenat ai EcergreetuCeise. tory. Sho inourvcoedbv bree Sous aud IWO daotghteeo. Tht magazinesection oS the Toruist,' Gioho, oent Sataeday pobliohmi o cîpa. durtloas of a pboogtaph or a ehildrn'e gardoen paityin conntion it nilthle Anglicaa Cbuccb at Wycrbooi Park. Toronto. Te quieaaofthe party »tsoo on the tbreointhe ceatrofthe groî w Miss Beaiioco COccîanlbeprety itille iaoghteot i>c. il-.Crcg, ai Toconto a H[lton bo '].luoe= e mthtsucOe.îuinhe Oueon Cit7Th cror of lOîs cchut iaseaifortmel Haitu boy, Rev. W. J. Brits, MA. Oakyil.lis 10g0tflg hoadn the malleà ofîitu rapoaditooe. The Ontao mRai oay aad Municipal Board bac, validas. .4 bylaws uisant hy th mussicipaliti, aaibaclolng a total capeudilora Os 076000 and ncreissitgIthe teof inter. estonathe tomt'a debatitucesfront 4é t' 5 pe enit. Of1the total osatit. RIo.oo is taobe pened on oOsatermorks ;5î0. Unou leciric igbi Plants . So,.aooîun tbe blinis ebool. atsu 05 oo Oth, pub. lie cboal. SPSerATnoR GnTro.-A big ama- teratbletiorruet wcîlI O. hcd ai Gereg. soriton Mooday. Aoog.3. 0901. lGeorgeownm'o Clolo Hoifda)foadct the auspicesaof Court Ceiti. Nu. 133, 1.0 P. Bg lii toi Soeatus. Foc programme wrtotae 0Soceaey. Th. bad utthe 01150 Regment la aiieoointre. Pmo gramMo ai .3o. Admissio 50 yark oseoto. Tbîoootoioigîîoanrîioneoiby lb. Canadien Amateur Ahlîr CUnono. A mouste gade parymîill bcheld i .teolunig.-J. M. Maure, S.-r..T, HALTOft Fao AsocArîîo.-Prmiî dent R. D. Waren, bat namuoned the aatnbrof tbe Hoiî,io Pc..,An,,oca. ion ta o hoIbaaual meinîg ot Ta- routa to.uorrac. He and Mc.Warren miii ensoretainm0.anod ladies ai the King Eicard HoSel. ait.r, .00.-bi1, party mlii upend the alernantsaiSesm,. barono1h Beach. TO. îomeme.etingî Lablradîerlfor ploautissuhfor bc-, no. and tbonba lo the Olndoonssiof M, and Mrs. Warren tbatofait-moron os sure ioone ofthe mot pleatoin the bltory ao1bisOasoioaîtion. MSOoot.-At tbc meetg of the Grand 1itdgofCanada lot oech li. W. Bmo. R. L. Gooa. of Hamlo,.w eleolsi Granod Seceetacy. He bi pet- focmed thb.ciselaiof aI 50offi r che b deatb aithelb.te M. W. Br.. Haîf itîoroky Oual isb elersion.. .R. E Comp,.Wt. Patsion,.of St. Clair Cbop lt L 75. G. R. C.. Milton. hsbas e appoalod CGraod Rpcouauatîveof othe SopremneGrand Chopterof 11Western Austoila ta the Grand Cbapi.î of Can- ada. itcommsin.loa,,mot îoon the recoum.ndosoaso oli0. E. Camp. John Loahie. ai Winnipeg. Grand Z. EXUSO orn ori r.Nî olanA FALI. .The bMilto Band i mlIruanau ecursion ta Niagara Polio, an Wedneeudoy. Aoc. sth. Mloono rîivcr oday. Sporiol ran wilraroG. T. R. siltat') .5 ae..; A.BI7.30oa-..; Tannir,' 7.35 a.e.. Bar. lilogtou jct. 7.50 O.e.. Reluontn. the train milsi Iace Nagaro at -000. ie. Featcs oe.itlton. adolt ts .r. chldre. 001. Thouibig to tohe intbhlPire- e.a's de.conatimo at Tloroid on chat day tolîl bave tb. prîrllge of t opyîoo offetatoerrtton. mbore they laote elecrr carn to Thoroli. TO. band ilacni Psytheioexcron. Tickets are ous!a ta cornithefolowing ioy. A CLOS& dL- Ou Tbucndoy ee n g Editr White. of the Refore.w$ labi hoffice for aaatsrUe eand toitsta attend a meeting of local liberain hli ai1 tbent comuits mrae.an the Dewar Blach. on theOnppoulit. id o of uinSt whare a Moln mas bbru tamierI dle. gaton ta Fnday a coavention. On galaoc out ho bleu ont alae.p obîcitaoacd ona ofmascepapr. Tea miuoten lto., lbe- tceou t aud9 oociocb. lbt appeu.d Ous loaok utofamlwndomeand unie tat bia ofie indoms moce iiiamlautedt. Ho ruasses!acrois the teoul oud latin bu ocecue lhe. boni te0oume .palier biennitg. RiotrioS ta buout 0tbthau old oat. but ludiug tissusho moun one faoulug the lame.nsud a.ltaoramon nau "Wtoinmtbeoffo.booe ta10ete on hall A"i nou.dooth.fire aeaanouithe brigade tomai eunt, but iu the eOO- die.tue.ofMWM. Wht'n god Meghb.,.. NMorn..Choc and Loirmu bo Pet Ot th,.fi» mth atr fime. bucbote. No griai danmagawu due., ni, lb* mmeebtOgge moudmorh .04100 hamne itho hochaiM eu» ut Mr. Wbte'e boahoami tho oendeoM pupers, chIcO ceeinla poalisu in the doub. Jn JsdY Mmd A*guo t di t Ual. .sy00yIn' 1 rz_ ~houem a~ahlMou..a< - nMBl~utI~ou Mi.. âiane SouitOrne lait e. Me.doy Misa m sulmeSMOIne. Bout. W. 3 abot«@B. Cg ts!atoa. Ol,W J.C. aubmo6mole. . Mm J. B S rewum lata aente M. Bea Oa.SaaosUàMaiedo" B Qoorv. CwueDam Grnngslocn e St.. doop. pe.alun Omo p.auSal oroca J.W.mUIt. gIL C..le nx«atnga mm. moeead.S.rna.eeoui.f Chu.Jeu» trio th. touset am i .omnemrcom- 5ev. W. M. Maekay ami iamily loti tast Fndap fac Rouode. Vctaria Ceentye. seeyOoy mut nod ibelr1 vacation.1 A no* bohey namonu mho opeaod op1 in Mltoo le the store Iteiy ocenpledf man impianta ceaeoo beobo t0ei Reformero0f".. H. Hilioher. of Locliloe. basn mii bis Rilluerai tor te Mr. Spanhbout. of Hlamilton. Mr. Htltbor and foo117 la- tend gaing ta British Cbluiatoa. MUn. Jao. Bolton aud fae.iy. ot Sea. forth. wbo hve beau ndiuina tem mnii ih ber faiblir, W H. Freeman. retorni homo yestecday nantrie. rachat homo'Chrh neul 0.00000. j tly a000. ut 2.3o p. e. Seconnent *l b oadmnstorti atrtheosem of serice. W.. Hartolto ma ai Paierma yen. trd, adcolait dt oe Dr. Buck. wo o itferlug (rom a strobe. H. report% the dactoc'n condition as nigbtlvt- pîve.d. KnoCt.eni.-Re,. W. H. Ibflcaster. af Punaa.. Fied Bee'yothie Amorono Sabhotb Union. iii preach t o ab eu- 1 i? vorice newt Sondai. SobjecI. .fr Sbi quetilos, lbth peuple.' Jobn Adamo. mbcloit Mlttoa i weobo agst iluater ai Hoîtaît. N. S., roeurontdto lto. yesoerdor. Wbiteluay b.eoot:atrip acoemthe ,cioan, vlisezEnglad and tScollod. He e.boyed t1e ttip very rach and m tts rnigetiy lmprovd io baratn. Tho cengreguationu of t0e5Pleinsan od Appioby CrcuMi Mftbe..ethodiot bcuch ha"e poceharled Mm.. Poler'. resido.sor it Frcoe.o for a pae.ooage. Thislonaa aocy desîrabie proporty. aud mîilmair aexcellentlapice fteb.p Taa. rh dont was putto ugb byý. u Hend. cea roi eslato ageat- Borlîsglon Go. DoarHoaoGtoac.tGma.r.-Tbe Liv- atm Cltoc,.Chicago. anaoaocen the destb 1on Ju. on4th, or dratînHosptal. l'opelba. Kauti. or Geoorge Vaughan flmslyuc. Btpaq."amauementoaci. ic. GmIce.amloistdRural Dean Bell m lin pu clnb Ove yearn ogo. antd bit mr. rlro, in thei nocoal ohoceof oithe ,,nb bhhe or oe lwoyn ogolîy appce. Coat]d R. H. Cark. Aon oft Rer. Dr.Cliark. bomrocy of Mlt. . .ontothe EnOl' bitioa Schooriarp ofi1859î AiToronto Unîrolulr Imo peacI ago. entitled hie. tumto ycacsnat Lnlpnlc ¶Juoceiy. Ger- many. on rcommndaion of làe Chancellor the acboiamihp bhs..ttheou- 0 tited fo tthd year, and Mr. Clark hoî roneteto moiiein, ffltithstand- aog SIOS Oo taitbi liP. [). iegree toxi rougi The marrlageofo Mine Mary Eca it. er, ooly daogbior of Mr. andblMu. Jobn Bîggec. Oakviie o MauriceBuce Me-bl Cauantd. eidmuosn aof Mr.enod Mm..i Robert McCausiaud. Toronoo ok plareoio St Jude'% Cbrch on tdonday1 aftlrooooo TO. maid Mof onlcath1ei hideoroano.Mi".oRuthOarm,mof i Grimsby. MitsaDoctbra lCoulond. -ter of the groom, at hrldenmaid. and Ms% Goeotoly Armsntront. oi Chotham, flomeglt.The. oornan wa AH. Greec.oflNnpoue. bIc andr Mm,. MrCaolaui alît cotde in Tco ber.. Manitoba. RiRîîroKIt.oU.-Goorge MulSoct. oe o the bot Oioooo .îoeplecbaoo rîdeco i tbe coulr, w mai lleai stantttty bîlrd in Oohcilte onurnia,'. He hail beu e.tloy.i sfreenly it T. P. FOOIOt', 4ltboe. rooducteol on thbfacm yorbased Oy ie. tc ae.Hrcy Gîodîings. Mattorhis ,aoor shoolngoa home oooc theo împi. chen i teli. Tht animal raied aa thr rder,. rc..hîn hie. toadath. Ward caoîe.medlatly sent o Tioronto. and the rmais meSntto thcdity in SOc aotlccfnoo. 0nd tabou Ioithe fae.iSfrosi- doeure, ai osa Wellinsgtono StretWes. Mattl.wks looreo a idooo and ftoecal istol,. Ditîso Coair.OFF-A eddîng .ahed- aýd lai t lae pin Dondon Shlu me. d1 d0 om one oit. The loecn oece t'bomac Fitzgerald. 7lyeaa Of ago, atd Mint Cuoik. h.oo isw.ves'atye.tn yoong- et. Fîteral c»o o sure. oba t0ore wolouai:01bcoaa Illich l0saitho wooutat Hautinand pomaceed the cou cicr. jet and amarrlgetîcttuo. Il wntmhen lio Rot bock te, Doudesat hlMianluscl battrait.Sbe cao 1001 au fond ano re .)f ber hiver. bot *lieohjected bol gnir o cold tri ie miSOitre, chtch mas theoplnlo aOd mapt ont. Asna ce- sot. themweddng wcaoîed C.oand the morrioce 500eneosdestroed. suitiDl tTGontR;RTowN.-TOe Cdied body o COarîso Souhat wc o bo n Bradioyflash ounkaudayàatieanocu. aude hlmlay a bode oM carbhoiic id [rom hichblho had oidmttploaien suf' tent tooodh00lie. Thacarbollo aIid bal beau parohoned in a MUtixlouit store.an is in etoo0k p16M probablY Sudautd ndnsttos ouo iic.ami ia nlutiy deml 11atoM t hachIDt btoelatloe.cWho *e eary lagbly ce. noca. TO. bonsalookh place in4 irmodooeteoy nerdoy aoho.. Ooo.-Gotwoun Hoal. Tbl. de-t coneiladwon uco çouhaeinag beaun anipinymi liy Rd, for 10.l thePm thm obac n.eB.lat Milebu fio Geo.e bomo Slm ?bnemdy. Me. Vo.. edli netI id t: wma cwR0 as, but1 Dettest. nue ilkgoshe Inti persas la lo e. et bp FaIalM VnciYrb le deai. ril O T.MC.Oto dao-.0 117 , ..g 1=a0 aMbC....t ... 4 ~ 0 O o n4 5l,*.:. *::::4 aa : 2 3 Ca1mpbeii.3 & 4.la. . o at tyea»tt ILIp...b... 4 0 0 0 30 O 4tl1 2 1 a a 38 ryPen 10 011 251. 10 04 h oA bI L' r o . B o aS. i l.P b .E . 1053bd. Lit ....o . H îir.0 o0 0. Olotok. anil. ot. 1 10Il .1 - moodik . f*blu...i 5 1 t.b1 1 .. D~ Bate, C.. iCoe l ,b o bI l Cbi-'p . .... b 4'L 2t! 0 Ilkotty Bety . . b p .. . 3 1 oa b 00e bogie goma0a «rtoo Miltot, base lbt. Georotomo al eampb0 fel mera004 b, TellioeraI;h I.,e a s lm Ouiltten 2. Carol attAr1oGrees-fa Batyooou yCarouli.eoubl Cott2offrl eatty1 fooarrolo0;J bi RoEclberb tî. MeSolatcoî1.[ troollli. Umii,o. idhl, and Lia.oleorler sca .îfAdas.o thme ain am i.tn nSt bIll.Coobrgown harll th.' a,,, faeooi a sco rOf1 buI . Of1 odîgT, ownCo al C.rrtdc,..met au Mend ale evi EJolothrcai. .,., IdiauteMrbolatt nh. . .- ad n Mr. l)eake. ..es- [ I - regardin watur fom st- a ie The raî t-le.n .o ~llg .111nd pa MtOf . l ic f If........ ..... J. a it ... .. ..p.. .. . rti.c. rtrleadg a îîeo Jah tp.... ....... . 5,,3.25 r h apt ai t .. . . . .. . - i> The rrminittîrunaPial,'ail %..fkarc S ra c nta a din g a yn ietu th Th'oeefa a o.f afî.. sc , W BIIEATIIE HELP FOR CATAIiIiI. iliggoobobham Dcog Co. aro Bavîog dploodid RepruefNon i lomcî 50tO theoison fgerîmiainatheairl- boealOoIOî. rcrte and leeds ottiolh Hyom«i tmiîr atlrhsoithc-g.iiia. il ThI. On m hceof aIilîri air kiW, offl catarhal poison. This mob e air..r oic011001bnkio inoari Oofpfaf. s gacon faoa IbrougoItie air ypane. bfa,îa o tubes andi Iao.gl bîd iNith g,,., dr s'iyfng poweoer can10001f Icbe fî.isd. Itsoahesndibeaf, the aaorlcd ofifi Tihot .05'Hya l,î m, ..1'ally hepl. orau ooc dwlîfcoi fthe becabblîa orgon. olds a.p baoiiia.,Ihma or dcoaiod pneuninia flIcr ar fr g.co h(.etho, l caîiel al, Camplterguafrc.i .,alf iî r- Sld by HigginlaaîhaSi lrog tC. I'.f1 MARRIItk. if. iiaa, I..-tfe Re'r J .. ,îîîîe ai Lewis- W.eleAtI fhe lc.delfe aI th. bride'. partcoft,,P.. ail ive.Iiie. day. jlIyoiiil by,- f-R,-. 1V. SmyOb.ibî.ea.ea . N 1.1rfrf. Iro aIWi, VF. hhî.,'fe.. ý h.la E4aa cd Lewi,, E 'ff1 111E (-A (àk i. r Stoaff.d lPcaobllafb. .iad.lSfcoi Lee- AI Paf ecn.olaaf S'iafaî Jffl,. 1i9. Jaonce, o-91d f7f.- Rlliîaîl AI St. lOooas, "o JUIN 131h. Robert N. EflI. fassloirt ai Haro, aged 84 cerc, Haris-Ino qesa'ing. "o fàifîaa.t. tal tsIS. î~,Elfîalh St1ffînr. 2a y".. jt m ni Goîlye. Esîed ti.crtfa,- ft. jiî She Bapîito la.-, )ale affb. ni'S.0f Christ. HonpitIM.T.ipmk. Kaliai.. Grgem. aoi Hoîon. <athi,taicil 11 A Grant Al Loan Cnllgto. On. f the0grt0tprialres fi. le ron im ai bhe Canadien Naii.I lEtbîb,. liantToconta. tlbîoceoc. AagatlIof $*plmbe- ith.wil beLady Butlas'> clo.bt&W PtaltO.toitlb. Fac'- charg. Otbor peunre. mol ue heO hamum pissnaelltery in Ileretor. baly. andithlb bu>Art Gaticrîenof Sorop.. A. G. Teple. Dlrer of othlb Gidti.1Hallanbof Art, bon the eboon. în of the poottaen n band and lho ban touttet Dr. Orr. thn blonager of the Cauadlau Natioeal Exhibition. uoyîng d e olldectoub. propoben te tond ceoCe@"&awibl exeed in caloroand i ain mortb auytintg thot hon eve eloth1e ahare. Mf Britalu ou ataermsin Ille deure ofL.L..D. ol h. cnefer. rai openuLord Rberts by rorotto Uni. eOuitydtulog bis ct.taoag vii to To. The0Utehd Sttesnu Uurt of Appeai aI C«dlcâge ueae.d lim o judn uge1 I A%âw% àIalg due8Sie aid011Ou.1 989,94.00e. aud pgautai aà nam HAS A FUMILlIN Preserviqg KettIe3 fruit 011 5toves and 1f feY Ct. i' l Pto fidera ai bfll ifl î t i> It]* tteili J~BARRO CANADIAN NA Aud. 29 EXHIBITI, Greiesi anid Best Aiended Ainuixa s Every Province 10.0. lUs Peo.dnclo 1i. ies and Agil Grand Art Loan l'en, the Parta0Salon.a" other Iternational MtIitry btObo uni ThMe Siede -of Wiuh 900 Porto Interniational Doi Showc mIe 8,000 Li've Stoc- Fe Pst, Lw It S . . oiO.Od îoî.11 dàt- J. CIlE A P F A RES FPRO0M Foc ixtecnosea,"the camc vufai'f 5 bot ,lttoc filte maximum offO i1iaitifaris poclsy and fla-cin f0î,lrileil Celionfi saî. lIa Teo.tw) thathe onthiîvi.îî oro'îftocec.mwaxoy Itoofor to nhe 'Salaîa io'li o rren orf,500 package , .4 Iro rooboy. yfa g.ou iboasliy. Via 7Moda%- igbî, RlyecI ha 2rlb. tho egslac îsîeIt.ia (etCourt ero a H.rubo. N.,. 489-.(V <()- I..-iii brOrId '- mro lO t. Sousoof i rosntareu ittflocIt' cop.rtt by. A getteal tsont.îoof the iembe% st] kanl na reqtouei. Vs"tia og th ruo'il bolmI'scaoy celceme. )ie .$ -f ' - J-, F0050y MusI white apt regular val W hite Mosi regular val Chambra', bli flnern ohadi te'- rhLs la the time to ses Galbraith & 0 Men's Requlsi Men's Summer 4 Straw Hat Summer Shi Summer Undei W. W ew5' Son5 um pries i25a' 10 prîre lOC.' eon, pinsa nd 4% roce 120e yd.' Dr Values. ýpany 'e its *s ea *: Mitn Ilrs, frigeratori: 10. Thse Tlnsuîlth, mili[ON. [ONAL NJ Sept. 14 TO0 an aut 4oI Ma..ed lîaool lection à G.Hlceso. stopol )ual Ca# Shos na View giiiiio. .e tif.11 11- - Y W Il ES B . AI.-, hliff , b. ptlc<IfOir tla b- f, oend 1-f, .' fI h"sl ffa,i,,ohIl-f elei acb t.,. tifb g... bu "affnL.. '. f.f ý 1 --q