)LICCRIMINALSif l' Meeanll Sisin Tbt L"44 coder ar fflcide. ce, th li s-Oct-i resps4itCh s, ite prInca cs-vidiOt ri cealt calen r." ,Wh i ,,tiednsetascsdi.pt co iesdream lippee eo a,> yFe-c cIn laicatia cl ;1c5s-Ost a pýacn s, saci ne - tien mdocoa ceorne eus tently 1,, b icb lie patient - -11 esct potty iceiti lia cas ta s5j ctt5 tuc -5d at-chat ,fflt e-d elas>- raci-. ofC ethsene phiage, - -te-sc Tamityor ii- se-Ssi imUnisc. ,,s-t.-tdiag fait ns- fe lice Ithe tead ai - ..cpt cs-crant5re --. -. cStalea alec- thescsi diepcnî. --li IinspaLiie --- csts an tal- stecedccs,-L., ts GLASS. anug Aadatsu icaegatcea cccli the aid cf 't etac lisutra. - eqcet te uhs - tats-Oy. Icesa L si-c cetiatie celit - cýIl Se oicaiip tac Ilcas-s-og- - eici ais- bailles salih Il cas tiee- rttsy prilru, and '.. sic edc cf stcc haitice 'l5- tIc. taodae a.icetsgc due ta ,s-dedcn etitan- tic lcs n' ett as a5- cci "ftatni, ce onl0ig cefe on e :, taieii ta a seuin .-tb siee alsbe s-se tet cles cs-c- , se>t taice Gel -fe ticsin ohIîinet -o Stag uic - Iitaieodldth ecintselub Il 1-t d sh ellIa h t nssn a tecl t -las, lcctt5 b I e Ceas ns, 'C s-c Icîp ce e- ffclicc de il e en Drnîînd.h t- cia efile-ciil -..trceial eei ,.isc aincaeecd s- sateleli geid DCe-in swl 14 shiflicca - teq, "A Se- - c'ebldb Madi t, s tche tasses - -Secti>. Hâai cia rercecrOf tic1 ;teceietaaOd sic cbil ca c-t e- s , atita. asb c-ai c!, c .eancdpt ts - lie ace-eîc it - slt fortune out t le naveals.an npit.tpi la c Cees-' no tali c f«-i ta ie - ,, rhys t i efn e U uha I â. - nnnaoght arni c i ati lest a lit as I icht inthcecli 1 1 -- .. _ê 1 1 -; _ -ý :1 ý 1ý,N I - '-; -; - - .ý ' A.1E1O U E N- -,-4c -, _-m ' f -..ý'. ,ý,-, -,ýý'ý,I. _ 1 1' ý j- 7,ý- )- ý-ýt,':;S-.t"-,,- -:tý.I ,-ýý ý BA KO Û H O L 44 irYA tà .» , , _ ,,_ _' ,,_- : -,», ,1____ ._ 1 7- ',,_ ,. ir N Tf ;a1 ,G1se -Chnersdn ý . .tta L ,ta 1IýnI WS*1i1a bos 1 ý an 1mens Min 1 -1 --7- -ce- .wiii 1 ,a boid,_, 1 fia,1nce ý 1 1 da1j calatact, hoittd. iodiag Mn.Mfta os rt o Moat.niu u Z f a AdmiaatIiiaQmý pua ad u- JaU R ý - ý ' ý R'ý - , I i s i aM î t a ht toc'li fant ! -éso OT vi 1 . e n t n a Mon b ullaam o ttg " ian o tn aon na a u Haret , bý O G ý = _ ' = 1,b7 £ý , tOl Ha t euf n esotAfo cacaô thabauiTheresu te c - ýý ota. ' banhas fonh om EiisHatmiahppnsi atea a iîo hn nfan r&a a ' - .t n "' asant ' ia e a ara mu I Ta c4i i g mi apona aacoî t ac r cn. bt Monre w'â . Paîas,&- . an ct . ,th ca . -b lc cJ ac hveabhred tog lb Sacacts i sia'-""assobr tatli&n aeioeraaairosern, clfco ihae r s tan _agnatist a, i , sa tn at taen-r H _feictsZjacd * Hana o bisgad né . s oila _1i theHtad ady a tkrotif lMn. fmÈjoo lloY sods NW aew aieeeM piinr 1t-ab nc4godnity cîgsrnao ot ai- ndacpbl "ni ...Cc a WE AHFU L PR PA E T B PP T O R hst1Bsn lxasliMn.Wiî lTcaoi .Saoday Sa ri dCert cSam a dy etyn* Do=. Lasoit Rti a eér ice Atcen c o rlitancimente sseeec b a RVER~ EED. ~a O Onoiiccasod fine, ue ad uinie.e Cafo;oc c ute 6 c0'c1A i fleSNâoE. ___b,2____________ rs pcie, bib Iti ttkhpsteceSetecbn suicinity.-- , vccioty :,s0 Td bl ' u e iihnidc y -c = cf idaitea , 1 in bo d I .D l e r .duina g d y fr cs n g Ta Il ie t o ly ci l ,rl hbet Ici Fett ai. 3 ek -ec -.l e ib cc v Ag ins ,5f0 el .icplyo a Ino lo t rdosyand.! Tlia randsy et.ý ýI H IO IBOHAM& IEL cnsint aele ai ~ p.a d. tcT_ tag -. e aletirerait -candsnLard Sîtîl iaceucd ie iîtt NewDres caca cf Idî'is liso 1 t e lxho lied r.tacaui t hm vind S uitingsiari t so i c a s c a in a * b ois t C h u t c A n i i r . a ' 1 c t a n s e d i o e t t a y b eg a d n c e c e tÏc li R g e. d c c iF A L . T O UDR ns-esen Rcgrec ecycrhs Te-codt, flcpcca.isiîsge, 1Clscc scievins eecacdiseiaoc ZCesettoatatî.t cciccsg corli c oi r3asean1n la ecatige. Forieceni fecce cie se uhave teccece cci hi: a e. ictigf!eteoî se cld the -ci, «sassa m is5 ste. erce ecacc alheeh se'F'lan el H. . ARDH Fris al,!h otc s -cecBiss,', icd Tcicsglecle« lccs5 ~ Icltgtcc icdc lec c_ cc cei etpce i seCeiiitcd -psliii ostc tet .Campc.tlocadilicrecee rc i iek c ncilacerSbeeed c he ic P.. m.MOOBE, ___1_______r_1_!_L._______-_e. Nec- ReedrMe.ese W asic se .Sslk-.siccl i ceic a Tere~~~~~~~~~ide hp«d es eecr. aiai f a ec cli Mo Ce eeIidet ice efddiios c audceas. u FI a.- isPniaî tt.Ceecccfecti sisce Ialyi - anii, th, lieeccg dccc, 1 a-a .eaer MT.epEff 1c 'lcehcao '. " tccgcssfZltegliems~iclicradnch o lt e egregcitcitecb.esf1et ThsTé ics ei lae-iig epua ard ,ee4,acciee fitpaisialicle ceaA .. - lin a ie c, nd 'i'. vocvIlrloftstrttscie. w .s ic ta s cn sa. tt s. aa - 5Yer se c iC l ioc Cie c l iolu.Si ES e ciiPcclii e " cisse lieppoe A dmpiaur ssion lptt tsti sfa c tionfetu crc eec cîs tsGsrcicss-cseia0 ec dfJesiceisio cg-Qlses .5c eSe:ccîî'.ecc Iet dsticpee c oe boig lofsi r n"ee, s tlio eor Madccchi e . th e cec0 cewii lc ecsce ecis S C O O .fh'".o.kd huý1 Ln.ose'o-litesf.i i liecc ^e t c e ceW eeocfs sc pc Tio R. 5,.a Cf IferBand Cocelrt ecratam liofate tfcracc0iesu cci p De' TeIl-e1 :aofli se isec b. re'oc ce calo D ea L e fin :od busCssa suDli. ce. n ei MC ci aie c sae..sc1d tesrfeei Iocc1il e" s 1atrsc r r T M S".T ecefcecpcci ccc1 sofat r.A icild a eslf cicfdela P ig iste ci ne es e fou Ce..;= w.ý,-epeartos f -e S ter iia.Neee PalGi ee e- e Nisiscscci0' ce"'d. hesîl e Jckia Dof siethi eicsg c li Teccam eg cc chodP tues s l - i h eh t edro a cit ascdWhuw osdr -6 p - S , ' ý ý ciref Cyes-i ci io e ers-lie. Ri ac I . ce-accc e ck ls f ae-t aysconpthei!ccc. pee..ce. esi esrcliees cfndlic Isîcce isiasiccalcifrce-s. i ,Mcc 1 Cec r-lie i acr s ces o he spum ci Miccca r s w é l h t wetani on r tlat C Iel-er- Wlite on le->aist .-a ee-gMull e- l 'licsesccc in odc and De-cirae snia tciser.C i ceees-. tlceeae...p r te rice cisefheelcoc iti ectieclocalhree.li n Ci Clcecl t e asses--A s il ic e cdcc tecj W.55cs F LLsstacc..dsR chcs'an W-.agot e. $ tee-c seee cPrese clicce-seerEacc u ic scAcSc cIFfeReta «ci s siclisses «la ih e Ssas ille . Our - ew Wnrsapeni etn nraies.o h ruaicc t 5ltc Gsgceices~~~~( i tecaeci. n igyccsetesstes. ieseT an uace . .S acI ReyOeig hciwl aepaeoSpeý1e 1ec W cee-cion-cfsdcBuf\aloeeLalbshec te-is-seLPusIlccwiliebCiceirercriaccircealie cetaicoacyc lies-licce gcaeg eccindeeeli- oiidst liclielac cc H c ss- tias -insc i e i ee asu d cc ris esiilsi sc cctc is- cc c -. acc v oqnt ccof "'-TIR , se- - ----cs -ciandsMegtonlismecaci bcielicion.thecccseeOuceedcestVeandsxcslsdse f a .i.scl1c' G ccs s-ccastOiO 1pestc t eeee- ca eecet4cepat de e-graeba Ccc Acseecc Dcci e need.P f S- ua te.Y. ccc c D. éo- a ee eecdnlav ef eclis-, lied 2 Necw r ss G o s ,5. Le , '('--. Pssec As & F LeD . MIcS i c theiecce e rce e c s i eagoeeiliiclea artSA tiPl-te Get -ytt MsJccsLses -egy n s -eit.fo ,Mciel i Csieiccl s--ls .i.Sc -.fcp e cs . D c cd C ci chi . N c e ta lce ci a las s c l a H c e n i tes te il i h n«ces-ci r ce- i l f s h C . R % a e t nc d t w a e a n u a l Dc ce$ Acs les-ci.Addcaîcttcpcieeeis scn syptasfycceee i. rie cc tek as vieA e eac h a e ntle eef Is-ce icc ertog ti esni ceeei for t ea fo es-T C.5f g in-s icr cct-c>- lase ec'te- Hcs0 -cîca H ese Hc . s Eciee i liclsI cc hic ors c ce c-c 79eccfccst,,cgccesci issc.sccciyCc.Ji.SI isrse ifcres wllbc i e iisreifrl is pc to flL IO NI -- --- ----I. AVgic ~G s tordi Ave.N h a i ton. wcs 1se gee iec5 55bPccMes . Dccuso. ieara wuce ops h i ic C nsitig ionce Necate bsa, D - i e ce si s tise.es. s Y se iss ' ps--cr s-~~~~ eeoril.'.iseses-ccci.C Cccice, Herelioncc I aCe liceesclntH, cduccci eîsîry dbtcîc i f e-eicce iccylic. Wccesciiict dcinisecclfeccrliceslic.,c.Asshî Fth o al cc¼iicfsdc eirc oetl I"ecliscieccd oto.Pre i c aleDuier. So e he i h fsic hicicccldt Ns oviscial Ec.csc Aoge epors ci J'Ouheccghc Brag MineticOpceccscti, daethe tscbllicds.--Ipcs-eetcrydc nd I - siscc.-.s-,ceien a o téPrvi c . e a j s T. eoc ge g c cceoeî sic o ecccccat Cau a ilie T e h e ceey s t ie e ofcdc . N eweic esS ilecsec . secse gscc s- i iessecnsc O R N: Dat le iocc e slieces c e r kpbcid s e st la o iet h ecI chaeue ift i ci l e scîc. i .- ci lccat - rfs s '.t w ac, l it tee Jisclpî. c ase-S itco.a sti licc ilc Sei n rnic riecce n nd telad ost i,,i i iie.J. rta c anite sie , i thAsie Sc essse and ?,Ir. ThcoTic neeaegensiiMns.tiafigeecs Mect v ery b ad and a im Licý eryciSc t et ris- in C e ied n l u e F a n l Savîn e De artme t. peh S es-ci liEýP Ise eiieetcce tci M.te e.A dsec spc on he ierdecatrieccllime e c. e -td- ai elci o seuiccs ceesfo d,-and sic iStat es- eisgcDi Y T* i i Dcc lccl i _es c i cccleisiisel. W iesda. Mes.N 5. sC cc ticsfi leewe-, ticce Degfa. tccli, c ltscFces-.iucceeinceeecsei, lseantde A ci seice eC fecea eCc. st pecie e cetrc.epty ceci pa .css iiatheM,SeifccdseetiDlee.egicSs1g. Tc led cc aoiccâtiolis-snsleseiees-mecctlihs.Cec tic Aid es __-e ý -c Blouse, L l Inl, n l DBcCeainc ceciseHciel liilt jy j e st .5j Heîecttiga o o ok.M C""Y raceah, latnbernU U I[Iod.Lrg aneofNv %cedsice- ie chceci «li-M.ne 45 MdCcclark ic se-M. c iecs eavshc, su sai i-ir gcn ets a cdset occlhgs-ricdgeSec IhesB 5eceico.e Cci Cesse, e M 0.0 s--s Dc --c ccictTh..c.sccieBr___ .___.__ .___ Th-icele-.D cauca est h neci eind oln h ee eief,«ce vgcnccece-cins licke, cdee5i tee [< IIIll el, E.q. sherloieiofliohriCtceicecG. eg es, a iS'sc tandies-ti. eldeis. ý -or - - -ý - - -. h RTes tN-. Ic ent eDcbelote theccidh i ssent ancfpr - iiHtles-aH sl. DcsccDc c At i s, e -as-a cca Tats Trio ec nclseesliot'cccnissePNcfe 1eeice. e-ic ieca-itacdW., CccDose. h>a-sn ec iceess tc- chiccie lc i s, esaee eSe cc Dcl s scc , Ja lzae . hnodutc5 eei, ce pcistcelaheicsifclcee icS cTeept h , ces cr Cta eMe-res.ped. M- e ces calte encas---,7= => I hees£Z L&M- cees dee e e -scýd wCict. tic hcpc pse ielceessyse sic cc-p igp- tcesse Nagasu FaWste , Ont. ole Sh Dc , B A 5 oD., e s- - ec tle s reie ro'ttid grcys. n a e% AgcctFi,,i, , ide ldics. De eccA ec ese .. ai atd. Cond.T rafael gar.dcD c near .t e ccr e loclisci hcCl i e g cc i-ctiigileuhecsscccc c Sh e pt Dcc oot , n utlvi e ors-k rie n tlI tIet se ccntetc elec es. T es t e .ti r.Ci t rc c l iain Mitn, eee, 1Ieiliccas le cs tes it aircdca iecagensf r Cs an . T pric ee s5'.e,' e Fai elern f Sep ~ ecy Apiel Se Gee, cc saesane Tic forneM cf A.ccM.icsp ecCb ceg cci ,hc.LesidiesecendiMisses' Ros-5 tatoue-is iiiîD Prive ratinit MILTON BRANC-1 - f'. B CLEIEcjDcfcc aeC . ioncc On5cccc aesl cliettesCa.jdgesse. se sci,,a -c ece5te.cchnfdgnegfs -oc AsicectS (egcss,c t.vcdc5soppolda pies '~clcccsstls-cs-dstse ee c aoffees, ice , i s-tcta o esh ifcian cd a sd i$asccDcrs cccct ricc D socncPrli sîe eee e cent t i s e orglc ce eto n tzdcc , Sccci x- ' flc ddsccc lc ccecs-ecs p e ie e iense,.cd sc l cîD asci c ccc. c foriceeesc pri e e. A adIesilo f ie ecliec cs esevM .M , 10.ta u1 ,,(> R 1 1,- L A, . e-hic~~~~~ cîe-epesop eg ~cee eceieD les t, p-si c e l sa. 'l I Tc ase i l>-t« e . b dc tîcce e-rof., o- Asices ic idilton. on Afftefisc esp-y hfi'dash eisco cHiE DdcFFI .CE s 1AIshe«c ONTkdee n conkecc Milto.scglceeîcîe c-stc c ecdigthee- acetheisuelp,ehon ceesndMriehyie teeSuie liicta ieda gscc lideehiaadboystArisce. at*esiare ci tatrac c v --c ci p ascc ie uc, Pie> ciia da is ftcs e r se vi it o- icce«N e pcteC nhtecdccedec icc> i nen regcadtaipsh ow tiaperciaindeeecl c e glc'.d y R , .A ok tiIlaiyadpie. (al a" -Hs--n --. licev«c5He ci pIc e,,, t ig cese- «ne alif oesice uirion n a . b preetns iteer , i ce îcce So e pFt. Gc, Ciices tu eceis lr ea ai l icd %o 1 i al iCocdsOc- . 9 . n3ý-- j S Miee.. ece esi lcpea c- e- e esdsoccchis rseein h sOe ci e-c iosDresde.egine.HncG a .. ncecs O f aocceseci -.îîî «~~R- ITISH AMERIDAN celin c ic ece ad I.Ligwl teb solic es get, ic oIs>-cs-MP..Mt aitao ctho tcccceIoieyH udks Go-s ____ou _i'. _______$_______ _ - a.fo tN.es «ihrec eeccieAny .isaecl in, gceth,, 'ci a l cie-n c hondecai, ccithJe l ude s P cac, ege i ccc. thes « issu. , orl Asut ..... ý'-4 73-63 T(7 cTec enet i îcesera ate.Cerîs a a ti e c aic e aucc oriM rp. c cteiveae wlioel.esis cci eaio neacect osi ecflo eedfowided c V fse ANie s teiltn nll e r p e e t s1 -39SaPC Id A l livtlcta sii sic. i a5c iee Oetea fcrSa t.e a ndlsesth e d c eTe d i.F a, r "I.el N c-ge -Andm nsielabare-al entl efe-ge e. s-otl e, s-c Pec 2ics H. V ec th e us C.s-or l icltes, ne-lo s , ,t l s igselybo tiscIt1 s noýinD IIF DitEcl scie 1>- Pa h o-. Accunt ceSe acci is-- ie sc-Ge.MLing.e DeIrfMt s pct c sc a le ni e u cleiba ssevil. Ciaa li, petermed tl er n e, o Tic .il Jhoa c."T rnqlis:li ia) iss ta she ne it ordia s i t. ScceIFTY Pdo cccy p-TeelIsed, tss. Tî sc c ici tts na. c e hdia c a ci ae i. h cam i-, liepicecline cc t-les Gce. Cisem eS boit*,cc c A ligiec sice)Att, hseces le' ilaeRiDi.cie-acedir-e- h- olice i a tc at c i vele c eal o r e ta oure seespit ieK ic li eca tairenasiaps-rs n intn oc o ec aLid tebie aN saaea n Wd xetoal au ccgrdi-segsea. Tct. clclo a ne aStd ul i Sois Dety 5h, rcgeco t ssc a ss-d e Atceoc, iet c ife .te,, isttie .c tels, A. 5ceWT.O rst, o ol lnktFlt .. Bt 'iPe.ROOKS, N. Cgrii len pstre d ne eçîcnfoeii adioliesdce e e-. S. Deis s ,B.D.Cfst licgiSuLe nira rpot,,i'1is, ColleLeChoinera, b ath.£ Ccnoreo.-l nri orI1(ý i-,iý.i,, t -iresc.î a. n-T (lac ec atiTcx einc efre sci. pe« fosc ixgelîes.ectece AceAnc Catie-cc Hep. Des - cci nesli ___S. _,_9_,_As,-.R..-eoFtai.sMeLeeglilce.orMA..n5.0,. tsctcript ypeciialns rDuarrnoeabnemeay ,FEATIîERSTON1E LEAHNThHOmaHANeuAl HOME Relie-taMeaw.,cd. sec si Steecen hsictacne Daiecett>-. Tcrcatept. etaieci Col.e,.Choier Mare-offfie ted te picceacSate ssii Cc ---cd le Sce5finct aiseccc turi Dfcriae BailsMearcîcai.-cfsM5tan. de,.cTJr.aylb>- NecacT.(tirWiilinnsoCbs-lites TadlPe-'i-nli e-nirceescociaiT Sol0 ApH>etnlryea-sWpisnest a an est e s rvicccesu hi bce ldJa esCaresPeesan tn b vasaan w Iisleka ab en N maaB.D, ul _n _u_ I l Rc g,ýýl,,krg,,, rý,, a . ceins ie_ lied ;ýpe 'ý,s - b en ad Stfe a.l teh.s.i ie - en aninarwse-i pla bc e mn i a n.te - J/7) ELlC. in li TT o h o l S u pli s o f a il L u; ,àc, nots ,1,,,"!.tdand pecil Fa S fu S-d ei vallo ce c od as natif le t coin c hoc TliebSfc epiwneedunsiu i re an t rnutsoc111,E --,ý- t h cýi ,îgrîgce NicttaeaPtendSbcetserviss aetSid lh5tfcac hic setocr - l mbtha ssin . a.pi alsor lus. d// , ifV u a ,iI/sp ,I , ,.i ..,. ngie t , leci f co e- yi O R ittiespNe ie. Ver> înn s ai ecchi ho tain g e adborei-. as oculicnthcejil ete ngont. lleoTr,.înho.ancosseae sPe. r,4 Sept.atoncy Slîenîe M gf Re,.c ld hse Jir fir 'W 'aated-I PclentecsleSelbeNot e t. aod -.dace il c l -kal .i e im, Titi eul i n e fciss l as- e ictgc. Sg e nbhl fte red, J Iis _ l,, A oe(-td * " * ,' - , ý* A emssnccseeece Beth Ma." -ec MILT(ý.» . sepse ece eslci - Lces h.ie in-siutemplcn ,Eee. - - lac ret Mradc. AIn n d te ers d licre pfaodMlais l a W dd i ng Ms-c. CofcaoncintoocIte-cbac,,ai Cc os-es MatIceJ.nsei.r At FEATIIERSTONEtS Oh hon siece -s,ýic i,.Ci,.a,ý ies eadeenAple S tates ai .clare -ex ---2oacrs o vcn c isitins-. ter ag ttaMs c k hopaeotoc nlei se-ce t is iaiod1 issraMay fie,aint e-i le sdoc . 5'ipc tw. .If' LLo'r', Fei ie- Ocenga1 Wiflirbrick onend- ote rNansin e stîî'al ttgt.i .tlisog t. Aenintca-eNntaacpa e Wdnesdp,_______________________________*____ Ai s ' p pici>tA eirad i <1 W.t ieoi-nlicd lis.ciaocdpnss liaiirTli Dulaste .an h rboteneea Sept. cath.as i p.s.aw n ettt ads, E- ui, Atlcei Ip tl i Cea,, S ,, eiei g a s-. orn a. lin lc re i e « ta sfapplr.and ste Aidte- .cats un t t en dtpca4hessn est. e ins- , a c epli er]:si as . i n stta awep s r b"es. Sec - - I-- C ilt o n St..bSeo e.- __ - ~ ~ ~ ~ _______«n ts iaced bp c-aentlinNths aktaic deen- onne ispl scia i>- Te rdcei te p uceils ndfe rticast.R.inapcdssa. 1[.byRv'ýr.AiàroD i: Wewaée b evrfiln tre iel apM aE .BHi l and-i cs at. Mi'rga Watniaf.tIftitegue-A-ednto" l'peuls]oaostlitnal-elaifo casi hon bat lied h othersi alesd 0.oga s, Tn no saWo.. s iaraetdt. e> tosos l'li deositi i Dotsubect a ay de __haeona Tfii ai t f tino cdklyi] ot an >-it b lie c aou g a r Tacî re ie TheSet 4 yRv Po.M - --- ---- rceaseî edaair S" bllad aredpn 1den fnasv a d forf el wn .A.BD. fVctra;* -- -- - - %ý,bite%,ei ii the ýiS ocaw- of th.ilsoi5ontNehsn palota., Rowc.rani Mmpise SirkheHhampaonseuiTinoroses. E.iJfancseicstesToronoplie« Agent, _ ndWatMdilaton.socct Sh ma a sta eauCapsy Oc-, liiopN. t anh toi sld a t W iyOtKy. 5- ITdh av W.Saiel,B. A., B.D., ofDCol. nIijo-5iiH V ean m nceto. endMn la.S ia at hr o ide anan n rolcs anrb li i o fa fo nheeornchoaf o t nys iey nt.cssoiafancnseu saan gr ys ucc ecn ar) ra ed iv e Cisc cran ý f ac S rtifeaTh Champonadj s o t esatin ioin ev i. ta. s a t enl ot oertrsna hnattsei,5cm islnic T HIS W E--?EIg s Wor nl teaoe rc. i ante honda - I phyntrisas aad aidgoat oapaooi cal>-itad50 oaecistialarg- Wrnta fan cssisgse Andadvai4ce shcpmpntxte ces>-aftiont lý'.-dl'l'e-iii froniSep. 1 Wm. Os - * VT CU.Cla e meean t inp ofi Mr.tnd Mrs. ischmnai irsib> iocTacrablo a nLonTblawis otif te-daytlhan.DE .l - , 7-: c>-erinSt., the onty oir alestmnt a's rooto.,ta mailt f en se-i> m , bs tda m koC di i hosings-eson! ic dateeoretofootanear Se- P. Iýbe sir tur r ifc ee 143tbarnto. hon "t t MctectDfte ES$oo AtcE o .-o i s a ue eer tako ir tnbroh on Hu eUgd 5 w a r d e n . - W r d e n P e a c o k b a s i s s u d l ufhso fe a b isb el istai .L c ndr o , a d I s t n k . P an s a i b t g t i i e P.Cs- .. the - eleomsnino spo yaat oang ot ola"ancQe. . rtxi.aiHep- * U A s- ,, cI,-iliro ioti t he nns- .1- a,. O e- eIaOR¶. caces.o , wfesseu Foîac&7le id. nobu,&1 i t n 1 t-dy i heed Te euemntofth H mito ad ra ptnwhteetrnnghoe -l FtF- k '.1 i s-I. Fts tiY 1e -iT. Ën