Mlier -ç,-- T1jýLt,,, ivliy everybody lik = %È lUnât «rruvix,£Lxw-Lqjl --------- - tanecé Of Ring Swive a ............ tO tirade at Iliggij),thiijl la now ewin 20 MUR y .3:4, tfie residence et . ............ .......... . .... 1 ........... rms a . - N ta, si ho notes soni W, 1 1., Murray, Hand Saws- .......... ý--.5ce ta et es. Brow Bonds... ............ ...2oc es. 1 RA f il Wood ni c tbecit since lie 0 lu A BIG FA LL TR A» Fi. Solid Steel Hammers .......... 2sc es. Horse es. Aud then there's tbe gla(lwèicome il at cc)ulàt. y n les Ge Zoos ma and VÉ Iton Framing Squares. 3oc es. Curry Combs .......................... loce »' too. trade is appreciatiod. Batisf,,d Iletomera lait it, nd w [Il* john G sým, ou 4 1 1 Nickel Plated Bruce ............ sac es. Cold Blaut Lanterns r,5e es. our provementIL', DL , bis 76th ýeàr. A. 0 Solid Steel Hatchets sac es. Plain Lanterna -40 and SOc es. 41, Ireman of t'ho clay and Soc es. whip Lasbes ............ la. le and iSc LY we ref undMOney in any case if desired. KILLED Bir A TRA4N.-wný pollock, ra pit of the Draw Knives . ...... -40 lirt. He toit fr Monkey Wrenches 30e es. Buggy Whips 35 ami Soc eu. Olt 1 nto Pressed Brick Co., was in tOwn on Tuesday ni home betveen il al, -M an 12 0'iclock and -ite torem watch for our agent ait the Ceunty Faits. ric Vesterday his body was foumi appui -0 ù-rýV alu(3j3 W e quote a few , « walked UP the C. P. Ri truck. IfOn Pressed Brick Co.'s works. He will show you ait latest novelties. P es of interest orfflom Our'Prices It iras hOrTiblY mangled. It la impposed toooo.OpimacrOtIm that lie was struck Il an oist bound 09 DY an elstbound a en freight train lut the olieninz of the switch sol '1',iiigl l' foot Sticky F!Iïp , îît: 0 W-d,. Ph 13-tiggy WW-019. aWr-,ï-, èéts f î,5c. by..d the brick works and lieur a fortilnate man net sfting the train. Dr. et, bu Any kind of wheel you want. Buggy Whýls, Wagý e . re mad f Fiv 1 curve, which might acSunt for the un. aigglabthý odi» in 1. haltionn by IlÀson Palis 50'-&n'(l 100 a package. 00.,Droggi . - tires, set for Dise. The wbeels are in all grades, the tires a on Whecls. li'tý(t Powder (mir guaranteed'kind) 50c. [b. Mccoll, coroner. who saw the romains, Are unsur glas Demeurait Wheels. We cou supply thora either without tires or with WANTED-À TRUÈSTWottTigy GENTLe passed the best round edge tire steel. Prices range from *5.oo ta $15.00 set. Powder 13c. tin. b=,11 -=f.-r an Id _.f':ý'Cd BUGGY RIMS-A gond stock always on bond ai @1.25 lier set. P 49 cc believes that at tenait three trains must lady Lu eau, bave Passed over them during the night. iîtandi Aotraight.býfidBw-k- DEMOCRAT AND WAGON RIMS-in au siles. 1 I1ýect Powder BlOwers 100. each. Nothing aise would account for the way ly aah "Py of $18.00 VàU by b..k sauta iler Rubbers 7c. a doz. in which they were mangled. The car- Wd.-dy with au .peussa M-t ta. a 75 and 85e pair BUGGY TOPS. eZbjýUsL" IL for expemieu. A ll Sum m er Goods m ust be Il ,.gggy 8--'ha-ft- ironed and fitted oneroidered an inquest, whichopeued = ,ýs B Steel 13-, Cblýt covered fuIl and waatta= : cl fer ýo (in the white) lined Buggy Top. withBIýtion- c, lý s to fit any bottle. ye-terday evening, r.r - ed for a week. It la hard ................ ..... .......... $2.90 pet pair al rail, side and back curtains. all hinds (extra strong and pure) 2 Ozs. 5c. was Fi ara for- &&le. cleared out r gardless Buggv Shafts, imned aýd painted price ..Iy . ........... people who saw him bers shortly before ready for use.. . 50 pair Buggy CushiIns, coinplete, wit Apply on the promises to- of cost. Buggy Poles. ready for use, with trimming, f -r tII4ý25 MIL lie left for home an agree that lie was whiffletrees. doubletrec, necl- Democrat Cushions ait ............ Tansley. wb Ch iwill fit any buggy. In Buggy in Ccirning, the iiiimber Of lingering couL perEectly sober. Thongh not a total MRS. CAMPBELL, ý.k.1 sud adju.table eye, Yhs just noW. abstainer, lie never allowed himseif ta ii-6t botter tllall CoMpotlnd SyrUp of HurehCUnd. It bc overcorne by lijuor. No liquor lier nie wh te, rýadv ta peint, price or spindle patterns, ait als. Bstrayect P-1g. P « nted and trimmed price coin- Buggy Dashes, in ait sizes, ai Large bottle, ouly 25c. broken glass was ound rieur his te- $5 50 $4 75 and $5.75 eue,,. aild lie mains. He was a reliable man as fore- ai man and particularly ex r in han Ing plete.- .......... $6.50 1.60 ta $2.00 eaCli dynamite for blasting. 1z left a widow Strayed on the premises of the advtr- in R igginbotham & Field, and seven children, froin six weeks ta ksmîý.ths" Toots. #P thirteen years of age. tiser, Milton, a large pig. Owner can HOTEL STABLE BURNT.-The large have saine by paying expenses. Inquile ....$3.75 upvards Farriers' Kiiives 25c eacli THE DRUGGISTS, stible oftthe Bennett House, close in Rit Champion office. Tuyera Irons $i ,ach. H.ýe Rap, 35c and lise erch test of bat hotel, was burnt ta the Portable Forges $10 each Farries' Hanl Sac cadi MIL-TON. Soed Whoet For Sale. 14$ Handy Forges each ground on Monday night. The fire, the Miss Anderson, who so successfully conducted our rizoutal Hand Hammers 25 and.i5c cacli Il esCli cause Dit arhieb is unknown. is supposed Ho Drills -94 75 each te have originated inside, and may bave About tac, luisit. of Prosperity Wheat. Millinery Departiment last season and whose work was Upright Drills... 88.9o each Steel Squares .90e e.,,h sinouldered there for saine time, but A niay lie seen ait Clements's Breast Drill .... ........ ... *3 5- each C.Id Chillels lac 1 LOOAL NEWS. hAST END MKAT MARKzT.-Attention within less than five minutes after il Hasradmwaplree Store, Milton. This wbeat so much apprEIeiated, will again be in charge this ses- Hollow Augýrs.ý.ý _ 111.75 each Hack Saws, adjustable franies, isdirected ta the following announce- showed outaide, about 11-30, the whole wm grown on new m.untain land. son. Any early orders will be promptly attended to. Taps and Dies ý .... ...... - $2.75 sec with one saw ...................... $,- ment of F. Wales of the East End meut building was in a blace and nothing T. COXE, s. Mccanneli ard Mrs. Mont. market, that lie is prepared ta supply could lie done ta rave either it or ils ', iit,,g i. Montre.l. frig-e freth meut by the quarter or in contents, which included Landlord 12-2t , Lot 9. Cou. 2, Esquesing. H OLLIN RA K E & SON . STANLEY M ILLS & CO. NI il's I, prepared ta do dressi- a o or small quantities at speCial Hartman's fine black roadster, for which It lier I-ine, West Mary St. terms for cash. Mr. Wales's la an old lie refused 1225 a short time aga. and a Faim E-of, Sale. established business. new rubber-tired buggy. The fire bri- P. S.-Millinery apprentices wanted. j% of Toronto vid.w of the TnE RiFiR.-The 20th Lorne Rifles gade turned ickly. attacheil their ïi à. -f IIalýon. is visiting a out qtl nul bail their work 100 -- walt-half of lot I5ý 4th eon., Tow.- on t no representatives ta the Dominion hose ta two hydrants ai "i j IIa1t,,uý eut ont for them ta save tbe hotel. its hip.fT= r.Co.Halt.. wif'hi»2-il,ý..f Rifle Association matches. wliieh came Ziton ul.y lamn soit, ta g.,d MI, et Robe and Set of off haut week et Ottawa. Capt. A. smaller stable and sheds and the livery ell flUI-ci, g-d ton. dwýlli.9 - Robertson -f the 77th Regt., formerly stable. The roof et the hotel canght fire arid outbuildingý Owner cleilhell to mille ;,j, iealy as g.od as new ni the 2oth, did saine fine shooti n g there. re k -le. Par ta- Iapplywýj.... Me- lý.'Naisbitt & Co. peatedly and the doors and windo. e11ý . au il.- 1l".1-el mm IIan Dewar, Iý-liau-, is holding Division He won a number ai prizes and seventh fi unies in lis rear were ait in a blýý, but Milt... Oui. 4.4t. G R A N D C LE A R IN G S A LE ý:,g, thi, ,cek. Thos for place in the Risley team fer 1903. seyeral fireme, pluckily carried a buse MODFL in between il .., the burning stable D O & Çw ý-j -11le ,ff to-morrow. A ENDANCE AT and though il was sa h.t tbat ai least Fafffl te Reat. B A àS T E-< "f apple I)arrel headings Il -,11 Langtrv, S. nds and face, We Luilst have rooin for Fall Goods. We are clearing off blistered, they stayed there and saved First-Class fallu ta rent, roder g.ý ci all summer goods at cost, and invite you to call and inspect Apply to BIx IlS, Bramp- Fonter and B. Andrew, Oakville Mis three et them hall their ha 10-3t Nickeil, Rockwood ; Misses T. Me- th. hotlcl. The stable was insured for Coltivati.,L lot No, an th. fini Cor- children returDCd ta Quecin and MeDonald, Actoi ; '. $65o about two-thirds ils value, and the Cession et Trafalgar, 5ioo acres. Apply CIROWING business and increased stock conipel lis goods and prices. It is rio trouble to show goods, but ratliur few days C. Taylor and-M. Scott, Milton NI daInýge ta the botel was covered by in- MRS.BLONG. to enlarge car advertising space in this paper. We a pleasure. Come one,'come all, spel)dlng a ts. John Orarn, Acto . Theaverage age of the surance. Mr Hartman had no inSur- $4 511, for $.4.00 t', NI,. aud M maillet studenits is above the average this 881 Queen Si. East opose to advertise FACTS ONLY and intend to Eve up Men's Fine Black Shoes, regular ance on the Contents f the stable. tin pr Men 4 - 3.50 year-ic)j years. Those of the leur portion of dis Ilote] Toron what we state in our ads. ýs :' : : . . 3 5. 3.00 ý,iý iVýNTED-To begin to Men , « Mail The Canadian jubilee Singers, ten in were considerably damaged by water. Men's Tau - 3.25 2.75 anur- nom 1 for the good work of Sunimer lis alinost goule and already we are planning for Mun's 131,ick - 2.5. 2.C0 tory bel. will give one of their unique Huit it net beei concerts in the Town Hall on the even W . D. LIN DSA Y fLl rching the markets for seasonable goods Ladies'Pat. Leathe, " 41111 3.40 M linery opening S - the fire brigade and the Dcwer ait their is clown ing ai M.Udav, Sept, isth, underthe command, sufficient ta throw water over 1 business by sea d make people 1-diC,,ý Kid 1-2,1> 2.11 ýýl- Armstrong -al Templars. This the three-story botel, it is Licssible, as M,£=,WcDIT a- at values that will satisfy all our customers an adies 1.o 2.50 with No. is tbe only company lie commencement there was a sout'i wind, that the Pumps and Windmills anxious to do business with lis. The above are a few (If the prices we are offeting and ill otlier suiiiiil, i f,.,Cr aud will net lie able jauspicescif the Roi carrying tber wn tire tlIC 23,d inst. orchestra, sud train te would have made a clean sweep clown goods in the saline %vay. WC have 17 p.i I , f Men's Situes, g,>Id Iý -- Rifles. ir entertainment tothecorner of Martin street. Milton once a sailor in until tbe close of th - The coin- lis ta be cont;ratulated on its fine tire Repairing a Specialty. We always have bargains to off er to our patrons and we abc) g $1.00, ta Cheir ai 85c. *eThese prices are for cash culy. there are no dull moments 't' re ula' ho is now a carpet pany bas completed a fiýe ours' tour in protection. if the voters of several Wood and lion Pumps. are satisfied týât a careful study of the following will well 1. CUNNINGHAM. ýýi an neighboring townswho have had the Brass and Iron Cylinders. repay the read r. ci costs on Fri- Great Britain, eleven in Mted States ýI-_j 1),- fur usingindecent and eigbt in Canada. and is highly question of waterworks under consider- iWAII order, p-omptly attended ta. Ille clergy and the ation for saine years and have donc of by bath 1 miss a gruat nothing, bad been here on Monday night W-, Tvo or three en - press. voit will Certainly plu. of hall they wonid bave huit an abject lesson Tho CANADA and Shetlands Floss, used for making Umbrella Shawls, best 0- "L'I'tell f,,r thecoming tout il you do not attend. Store. which should bave convinced them that COLL, quality 7c. skein. :1 ,, uCfurnished. Apply at Higginbotbam & Field's Drng --11- at Ille residence of Mrg. Admission 25 and 35 cents. For press the expenditure of money for fire pro- HAMILTON notices sec small bills. tection such as ont is ont extravagance, Ladies' Black Serge Skirts, eut to fit, $3.25 each. 'ING.-Quite a large and that their economy is false. BISIROSS C011896S Ladies' Tweed Skirts, variety of pattern, rego. $5 for $3.50. W . B EW S' SO N S bouse in Milton SAvED FROM CHOKdL12 Oakyille took in A NelBon Wedding. haire an international Ladies' Heavy Cotton Hose, reg. 121 _ýi1gh, hard sud soit party flair, Broute Î 'e. for 10c. l t iit orchard. Situated the ineonlight eerurion ta Toronto hast tg ing. Tbey Liait a good litre repu tation for work of Ladies' Black Cashmere Hos6, reg. 30c. for 20c. Celebrated Clothing H ouse ej, tIl Mr, Lavery, 342 Friday even A Yery happy and ýretty wedding waa; the highest class ..... 6.6t dancing and enioying the lake breeý,, celebruted on the 2't mult. nt the resid- . are Prints, regalar 1,21c. and 10c. for 8c. U Whou returting- s'ici ait tbings were ence of Mr. and Mi . james Coulson, Graduates of these fumons schoolq ,f th, Ilank of Hamilto Cf Branle. white employed in the best the best business It was cut in a arl Win. Osborne,. Nelson wben their daughter Nellie and Job lot.of ends and remnants for 6c. Ullu. es -ici,. 9 t a piece of meut CharIeý Wilson Kjbg, aiso f Nelson, hanses everywhere. Our faciaties; for We can now show you the best vahie in Sui iligs, h in 'vl'ich Mr. Prentiss tiný a sandw and %vas Irnost lifeless were United in holy wedlock by Rev. training and placing students in poýi- Large si7e Cotton Blankets, pair 95c. Trouserings and 0vercoatings for full and wiiiter et, i $1.00 and $1.15 for 75c- in bis throat are unequalled. Write for co""'- Ladies' Blouses, 1 il, ,ý"I crgetown and there.are W 'here was nu lui Mr. Wass Lowville. The bandsome tcýî nnsevidoncc ta 94 ing, but IL, is . ben discovtred. T beautifullý.decorated 50c. and 75c. for 35C. wear that we ever bad. PUI!, Iloocl al assistance and whatever was clone residence ' was GALLAGITER, Principal. must lie quick. Il SM ilest' with and fertis. -1 il'.! y will = ci. W, . es u bout for R. E. Bronte. r il The very latest in neat striped Suiting, no '.11in service will lie con- Who bad beard of the ceremony was ýignaIled by the ýav- Hamilton, Ont. Men's Tweed Pants, per pair $1.00. 'l in -'Ocid U. P. Cliurch On ment struck Osborne on the back and . f the Weddin March bY rs. Cotton Pants, per pair 95c. 'ilst., et 2 P. mi, by Rev. pUuiýg two finges down his throat re E ý1n of the bride. the drab and blne, each $1.00. two alike, front $14 to S,24. MýTý ý,,uith, of Knox Church, moved the obstacle. J-je thon worked contracting parties filling in in orthodox W anted. S' 1 Il oc k S, Iacký r ýtn. ýi-1 t1ily evening service on a surins for twenty minutes. order. The bride, who was supported Wool Sox 2 pairs l'or 25c. -A dozQn different mak-es of Blue and B ibat)l 'i i ii st., at 7,30. S ubject of wben consciOUsneSý ed with it Uliderlvear, fall weight suit 50c. Serges, everyone giiaranteed to give the the man' was regaitied. Had .. th. Brun of ber father, was elegantly ýiCl in the den." it Dot been for this PrOIDPt treatment atti rod in crissai, cashmere trimai A good representative ta sell fru A[ rENTION !-J. T. ja ' deuil, would have been inevitable. Il satin and ribboà catight with Pearl Irises. ornamental trees. etc., in Milton Il Latest Shape Fedora Hats $1.50, $2.00, $2.25. . 8k wearer tbe best satisfaction and keel) e Yand wreath and nearby districts. Ternis liberal on 1tocý of Cocksbutt's 'K'vi'd2' would be well if everybody knew boiv Ornements, WeatiOg a vol 3oys' Tweed Suits $1.90, $12.00, $.2.25. their colon Ccrck- as tbere are inany alorry or cominjasion basis. We Üave 1 Plows. A full of thero Bhwer boguet of Wh .,or 6oo acres under Pants, per pair 50c. sp'ecial range of Trooserings, from $3.50 ýIl11e Plows. also to bandle inch cases, of dainty white ý flowerq and carrying a S Mr. Speers was heartily iÏ; roses and ferns; cultkyaition. and Il tCd Sod tlv on band nked. . -Oakville Star. l'lie brides going away suit was gTey bave the bout and most complote list of to $4.50 per pair, all pure stock. Constat - - thai Guests stock in Canada to«day. Our ied ýf Chicago, editOr ladies' Cloth, with bat ta Match- nursery iýi11iding lately OCCUP Robert Matheson, lit ý hundred repaired auted free from diseuse, -Rain proofed 0-ýercoats for fall, in greys mai. si.. Milton. . a writer for allier numbering over ont ock .siguDýTýio ood condition. truc Mina's Clitelion 1, town on Monday ta the dining-rnow,, and whern ample'stot lie ^ ver il M illiliery d fawns. went ta . '« lait ta his brother, justice bad been to noms. the pe . dicals, arrived Il a tu, the tempting f P ose money refunded. Groceries lught fol - fiYi-gbt-'ý' del e congratulations tativ wili bave exclusive Our milliners will lie at work next ýi carlypartoftbe sum atheson Mr- Mathe- feust, many were th - Ouý represen es OU, O_. Il.kl.g P.wder, per tin 2oc phoid f"er and got as Connty Attorney --or bestowed upon the happy couple. The territory. Apply NOW. sol.lta Tes, blic or mixed, 25. 40. 50C week prepared ta execute orders on All Goods well made and trimmed and on bis way borne, but 50 taught the Old. Milton gta short notitie. Notice of opening Lier. kat PI t presents were *ery n'allierons and cosid PELII NV"ERY COMPANY, John Bull Pickies. per boule lac gLiaranteed to fit. H T ,.ci g..i,,2,0 an losl- -non], during 1858, be'ng 1 S first toucher- ' 1 which theý, iw ig as lie =Moved to BeTlin and returued ta and showed the bigh regari Toronto, Out. Glass'rumblers, per doisen 'oc 1 the Milton grgmmar bout in 1862 lu friends entertàined for them. Amid, 12 Cied and, it is hOPed, se Lnd gSd wishes, the - jolly jats. tin screw top. per doz. 6ce un le , 1 tuetship wiýh thé showers ai flo*ers 9 Potted Haut, Beef and Tangue, tin 5c Our Staff... A G 0 a% pure Vinegars. Pure Sjaces. 'lS IL b, i',me long. 1864 bc WIent IDfJý par hase of the ited unes departed for the eveniX ora and e W U - Extracla and Sug. who are prepared ta wait on our cri,- ýie the auspices Of St late luge Il"--Ite.rts foun or, J. train for Toron à H ATý-We are showing the latest in Fed lu the Îcarc A.,'amP- un tu and Ottawa. anda _vville, ILI bc held champion froin 1 happy and Sti Hats, prices froin $1.00 to $2.50. G 11,1 111 ýhea= edited the Ç-hxm- joibed in wisbing them a tomers and ait orders promptly- TallorS and Lits AN 'ARL' IAI L_ bon IdT. Mat prosperous tifs. M, g, ilL,",I, Kilbride, on the' . - for soute Yeats, Blin teaclainl, in !lie MR. R. B. GALuRAITH, -,ri, ng l I-Ila, ýýCpt. 12th. The fol-; Pion mai school, and after eaving il Pap,,ýr Miss HAMBURGIL; AN EARLY CALL SOLICITED ...... Fofnj$herS. a "ing lai'rt ha, ',,en engaged : Jas. aXtna: pabliibéd, Devrspapm at st. igwn Tennà. Illz, Toronto %il d.&bë, Points in Canada. The Gelorgèta" tenta club played a fall. bousecÏè ; iniiig.ý ;We bave'an F. C. BASTPDO, Tailors and0 1ýý 1ý CI , 1 1 J c match with thIs local club bere on Satur- A. C. BAsTzi)o, W . BEW S, SON S. ii Y lots. Catharines SU bicago over years or Onevi. Y ne ne è .. Ilient istSki cOmPriffing a large Miss Brad "oc Il in day the 6th jèst,, and igon bVýa score Of . MOORE, buo und 6 to up. 19. a lot ýof ends to be, cleared Miss DoRLANi) in charge Thora- Will ag fo a '3 avant%. 1 Thalie were là évents en Varie%,>f p.attorns,,at prices from Se W of nMý sin t eue ever si Mou- but one of the luized COURT OF vviýsioli millinery ýepartment. bu a ori,,,Lralu attioll Pre. short Il e U ng wbic, Visât the grogram"D ' di -dfiifllied o ac.-Ilt et josathan Lui price. Aýimissl(),,, 2ýc. uhild il, 15c- toi y r don les remaiL lits were idi keenly giveà-that a Court Ceeds in z-1 f fu of,,4ar y 0 Co., MAIN ST., M ILTON - iifil, b. beld, "'DÛ- 11 1 lit, to the ,Votërs' &-d tennis restilt Y BASTED 'IËWllowi4 witbl kaon in- Llot Act-' by iguilor the judw f ed. which aber ofý,-gpectatom. the COLII]tY£Ottrt IL the Coanty oef 1- terest b quit antir - of MM«ý > ton, at the IM ONEY. 1 M ONEY-1 Afte r t e msach the ladieé club 9 'ided a tes fur tlier contestant% L At' a Re duction Notîceý o P courit H ivulton watýùU, at W tch ViegtlY 40 ýëýU3 we!e frolli'now until Why lot long be !dle ? Make Il Work for you. and =îr frie disait th- -iii&- ' --tMrs. L turn matchwill'il . kely be Oý llzy.ý shlirid làt- july TO A Soie investments procured for a»y amount not less-than arou jýlýjVF, XEXT *E to,1110111 ind dwermise tue In mortgages, municipal or loan corporations,, d'boutures, 0 1 ___ __ -_ -40 , debenturès May lie pur- iiow of 'eTrin- an roi?, ýýltL choicýý of OW stocks, bondser annuitieg. Bonds or ïf tg chostb4 toi mattire at any time desireil between lune year and ai til 1 ý 1 - .- The fullest f th a nt a ýrà ýéttblý- 10 P.Ïëellt- .£oPIý, interest paid half yeally lu the meantime_ Lake o investigation « "y of my securities la respectfuil-y Invitell. Now is the time F.fil I)F.ACON,,Mr.«FW Broker. suc- ý*;M be and New i lime at R E. ros, ale] ýýit simes on, I'Pli'TOR. 350 -ny of -igri, of -da y of Baltoii,