Qtided tetZrSe a lCtas. A MM sthedr t ryla A esiS Ceraîhttssle elehsetel mille - waes aie j lest Tisersday C i itan ree e niâ a.try. C forill Cthe referedemaofsest ar Dentfhr. Very Cfew deeeput j rnThWintD5id5e5..U ~ as a*ppearance and ualle souid hae heard I"sCtseEneirois sahe beadqtatfetO otera ahout he praseeditega. ICleiasheeu imCd Ithe isterneatistokFodC.ihe Syin bsnss o. Ca irop e thanasse about prohiiton farat esactuerteoetstace foed je ry' CCCis, thton are oho ie Hatos aCer tht lentos ef the Scott i he werld. The cempas hbave a vaid eqeale se et sieat. 1tlrhya" Act anditsabuoser, and it woul ihe stii al, capitaliofone milion itarge. These eslseil eSte ."inerntoaSo harder tCe dote il C uere est tor tueelimrenet large atory gsves 0eSpC-YettFood w keep your pptry CC7 Y vielationt et the ilpeeclaw ndich are te 3oo men. The greetis ot thehisenecasse yeee ibenal Ce ayMM yettuile Cri ofeteporied, tee lse nipu5lshed bhu ehea sentphesoeteaiiy raiid oetllaie te fates. asd eeiih erdi>iamy tare ad hchdisust auti,.proiitios totm- Cat aisisg lare tacilittise have beh ee k ali C e . Chet ce jrnemes. Tht mert effective way tcasd totaliiCedqsaie ta met the In- Pethaose etrf? ten obîci the licersee Solder cen lgiirteieg demand.s Cat a tCisrd laPgelCeat ha eed t probhbitiensat agitationels hy pOet tartrytanewi ourtsns f eetiott. hI eedt of hbieego: Ceail=o z ,,bedienoe te the iicensue law ut hittla 15 ont eotseial aitat ehcslts contd it ham tcaed semasy lmitmtaWho. bord te get ti t eithr.tagh isithick lie atiaised on asy alsiohertiatin- wthont knewfeZ he serdofete hcei- sud1. triesi, meit ftise gonds. For thetfiren t ienof etihseliatmsif Fed Case mntsofetthie rear lise output oet j plated as entCrely diresi and Agriculture anA Proeotia. tht laciory amntseu ta suer hait a istelot artiele one tisemarket. copying itetetetOo'etd. militesdolars, tht geede hing handlad itis etra and l etfipackage and taler- W'rt out l plar. sd athcooe fttrhousand a ens thruuout tiseng anduvording ni lahel sa elsly M %Viri trtus ifere cie, eandbasettemejted Stetes as Canada. Messrs. ilay daee. Wa wseh te wars ailcas-à 'In'lm mre lca i th pat iveorRom & Roe. Winnipeg.miss are ge-s- neeres ot tC e hatiîefed uh fsme- ten rc.eh iaisec etitealterai ca100rts. eroiagens f or Manitoaaand Norihucai îiisg satd te ha hast as giad as he pu oerryeendeceedlary, are theheettelofTerritotica. iiroedt Chia mrvetistleernaional. but te hurlitonsgetiig or prrpectc. arAdtcet'tde the mein Ceed predoci esiy lasi fali, and yet iheje tha gremuie, uvisiss nili sol disappoini ireofeethe coeut'utsroutbtin sleseîrntdyatantocloseeo 0,oeeyosmin resoit.. arl] tetato, e t aeus conte et of te 1utmouth. . Naisitt & Co.. Militon, are genetal cocrretyu te.ter, Ihfetfolios the e- cTheUnioteotaiteis em s thtn-agente or tht International Stock Ford armple that Sh ees seihy Englasd.Ot e c eroaint ethiît t thais etEshihi-Cet Ostarioe. and caususppir farmats o', ,idusry wouec lie leiee hatt i gis t fetoCr hich ivre ecarded tihe haand otherus wtuis in dispensable courit groA rodott' u'ald h ccle rechc5Repbiceahenode brhenze ty.Ciaisccdnrad ro'oyoteeceuor herdee, conetMeda elcccgiig thteOettiof-tChis otut lltter edsor n It comerce asdtinidetry wued tCtri %calteie erticle. examine Ceod. rbar. thcI..tittghbenc5tu. lsteed,t rTheempeoy poese neeof itcsut tr ou propoedl, alerecagriculture hes cut emm ~co e nthe United Stetes. oadTANSLEY. radetcthc uhore counotr'y ppepreu, tau s ei ett g teu tec't'tgAuog 25. prutxr'a bro-re iertîut becseuc nngte the steckindstryoftht Mcu. Bigger eud see. et Miltes. Cp ,t cteetLog iodeutciey opea fw _nt rAhet b hceo esounetry. Ter inteettexteeduesen netfinieeceat1j5'uithber itter, M te. mole. bSyod thelerrrto tthetrae curetaed jervis. t hey eue Du etfite fautent tottetu en MisssWoed, etfSîibride. ciited ie' Efforts e taMesAgricehie.eal Fret the Anteicetterf, eng othecu -Out- îeue reoeotiy.M MoeeiEdiacative. fine," Witba2.04 record, end"Otirce. .J Tnlyad eiofHml tron." urt 2.05Jttebis ccedir. TScy Mc.Tesoedceie Hatl Saoc fll eIIc A rueted thet b se of, ten e. cencding a shert tinte ret R. erorad ierc. "re. tok Food " theirt r cttdrt atterri McCehao's. TheIrcrttror hocue.ooth the dAch paut ceercs1ered de caopble omcre Setard ecrtus peut Sesday ai bis0 r, rrryeerdt he crame showsgesct'elly, endrnce thauuertld othertcte b fichomSet, ece, ,,rrlLI.ospear fro Ontaciofaie ifrG. oese, ulitle toc genecAl prpcer al) Alaegec ometehcetthe ceegregatieu C. bclrt,rr.erccretcdcteofAgc ri nsAofestoc net oy domort stet- oftSiPai' chrchtteAceitheeeeli- rriircctl octrr.,. centutece egcuroeItaciactecc reteltu flloisustee, but inethe oreury sericeuet the Srteochucch soýcr0 tutheredcetror Ireseopen tattet'eoe eoup rt taeetitgraineitu on udayisteand enjeyed theteqaet rvirrLtrrrcy wecc ocrtreeity deurgoe.cviluecttmainttemeter. and praclreouestgtceohpyRcr. Mr.« l irocreglrttoartrace siccdy bcrsac. Thsetepct'ieCcouyybas receet itioRay, tecbascctsued freuthe Hely rngecrîrrrortorcuts, softlet they ceoSbe lyppchittbrd at eccu,, o ec $3ccc.a Laed. tritd yrprc jdcpest. Twllbbok etedt c of cru tc vle tetteorSerdan aig i ic rrîco'tarlbcprtorreto ie theircudep beoticr crrored ergreo.rtgo s, at'coNcteoouou tuoirrtcoasehs rea.cy tcCeApccm itc.oforrecartle hcrtonMnd 'ri rngemetAs fatvie o etetroeade ositt ot cocrcuco'orrty.ashot rrýjllckihg,idabout a dcc,ntarceaie cetainue crehîc. epractroAhîc And ASHOROVE. rr,îrave dortoontortoeo enpîucorhrg seîy îrurted octtercery dcpotrmcct Aeg. 26. e rrrîrldressinchickrrobrrfrhomband ,Athet wlrrî rcYocoosycret inf rtion cir Aotciu cthetcofthe peu orrcgcc mrtc.o WhtyeandPcrtirccArd tetmAty accidnttand dis- ceckbhachcce'cyemacil eOcye bhp If r.rrcrr irroocor irrrutop lareteeto ese that yccrtckharerrchîcetohbavecoctyhcdy.8 rerirogrodo, cntcbrh reotrcei atdtty trtorTht, hookh r goec Aor lThecpubli srorobasîboucopeocd oncec r -rII b.rrocrhgcrrileo r'g tc,Iy rhroorf I1ciaioa0 or. rytr-r'.,tIofir arncred MrsStrochFoj tu ,fhI.rrci>. tt'a'ttggrcso h nd Missrtcba b Irtr oforîorrr. Th'lescAt deteon oocooorle Icen..etOe aupices TbeiLagi8t inte Wotîd. Ctcct'rrt, ot Guelph, aerorstrg et l"o, .rInsrtitutes Ieitly or- thhorthictc,t ... Stoorckhhccrr .flods ilan f Lreocrerc' ' Irraoorrrrrrrhor stochrurmade ir_ M-,H Mot'tttoepet a eedeo, in 'rrcc' iorb c.ntt,tcbît'rr1rrint ,thecIofrthe Toorooetacchk. fD rrrohroor.îrr , lohaaon - 'Irgec our arh' thactr,rr Mr. itncdrMiss Stcphcccud MissuMcr- olur regolr orseocckrOoandrrbae r,ccortiparyrieo freceoshbiLonrison spect hodyccrorcngetJH.0 Icrhcr biig to gthtock to poely Il ictryc.,rror he rer t'ft,rc.rt MssuMnrvcTchcctn, MissElle i f.i, 'rfi- oe orfc, The. ,',cortherteeror otrrefrrr" rrou-o hWale andWaltercCcaertpet Suri 9 xI r.bt oro ro rilrOr sycethbctdrger' rrrrorc y 1crd rrrl ccilagecrtrd, o.th rrAshgrocctcriends.f iIiau eci- bfoic, hile he n0mer of ondecrdgsigtîcetreorte'rae telcsuc f-rr.rrrrt.or.rr,îret. Arrof WhIrooSuprtc trrrlierIr\ar prcua rsh-t Lor nii ve a orrctthecncrood trrg-r acgrrmscofth rrc Mr. and MssuRoScedcyedetithe of rrlro ocorrurall mar rtîrgbovie ;cer acobt wo'r home r, modclhrorutr,gfed a c,'sxgct 15, tec, gct AAlong O 'rnd irAc Mre lvitngfesn tr'i ]cck ousc.h r,, 'rOSha, .Afilerc Londons Big Show. .oet of Ieci)r ed hA,.ier trr e,c SIXTEEN. t 1,0 grec is r eba,,, o c ,,o'rrg Acg. e.r I rigrhrpinz ociItforrrot ,,tcochIorctu therrhorr'orro Tee Rt0,o'Mt, ad Mrs.MoNmaraoandA r ctosfl destern Foir.'r'otivitbutortd- r crtbrtrg i r c oO r a'0000,fcr Rot . ',Ir. Moto.y upror ooerday wtrt grîiLre îrdates, Sept. ,tîte rrth.ae eohcrrorcoo, grorcrb Iurt 'roîrororMeA. lcKay. 0 oi ,,.r.rrct- f,, cr. ctrosrc A'cStock IFood, r.on ciebas e frt'Ic " ilyrr1rtr(oht thyrtlcest y-oetl cocîerrovust1cc dr oj'ldc, Ot tiue, rc . S. A. srrrtrct ititrgoathrtB torte' andrl'ythcî,rrgl oc rrttrýfroe ecrordfir ,haerr t ifrothcSoohc',ritOttawa. sr tIr ~ ~ ~ r ccrIyrbrtrhcorcctrOtrts IîurbrotîorcdtiOoýrI lrîh W orrîMruuAhe sssJordant.otn rror'rorrIl.r 0 crrc,, baecApp rrd ccs, b' rt rrer' Itou c,,L.mtpli.,hcI edy "' pit- and ore ritrfolle-, oucrrrry Or' ro gaeint0 1'cOrgît r, Fcottreancd Misus McKcrrie. Tirrsock, ndorIcrî,rbuildings art %aor,trîr..r.oveof.ths grcotttch of Neluo. wre e gettuoirMc-cSp -ogrrotr..rIrrrrr ror udcrrpurtrrl, ood 1,,,ocy dt1.rc totoris,irnthe Phcooctth,cek. -t Lias,coniti.onchages brrgrmadeoLaonorooprodtontrofrrîlcore. MissAlircMlrIoftî,owvile, and r, wl r.Irîîerorroc 1rocebhriroethor -utrîgoIr,etas b,I te, tOin lîro'srrroyc'rthle riitheiteîe. c.spen ,filtý,rit amoof - toond rtanh brrrieco.1tof e Mcr, PeMiss erha Dae.rrCc îroie I, .rrit-rc.rrorfIrorrr'I,, 000.Loes o frmtoyctkO cttlheo Ptttr, and onsn, fcb uel, m rrrrrrovas made orrîc ,ri.tofrreci oodrhceg orroctrcturto aro or Mss A. Emrsone., o Tasey,spnt gO l'rtrrorc.gogd il, tu rt, rt.-rcro rroîrrtrrrcrytLimesooerconthecrr or'rrîoyrrrrîrMiss .crrrengoete. lu-'îiorrrrmore irgh r ldoo rr.oc'cdgrortî rerh valueoand pro- \V. Altonand erMssParonsof ApTb ha- Iror, li.'trort i,,tor ve,,r lororrrrtrars, itr'toorseoerî , cd oneTrixe Essiuoehedo Th Or ot..rrrouavesr .seveorc rtr ry rrflic edrrg frs Ioroalond ec-evcoclrrZTh ther.roorrrrrorf.rroy dr orrrîrpelcorrrrta startions, tbrcgh..t the l'Oreohrtrg 1, thc odee of the dey. au rot or.,ck', f rontry. Oeerrnryccureoarcrraod rort 0of tO, fermiers hae ficshed bac- \,vlot rr ric,, yoatofrîts hrrrriîin,,, rrrroooe. Ifîsrartrve intifsuc5ects 0,c iifire ofaîorrocrttce, IlorrîrorStock Food teoed, ondittiornrc'ders jos. Pecock lcttotheuecuson for r.rro.r.rotrrrrhrlýce croritcthoeccrtcîrcflarootrotMotroeoWdrdp ir.rrrrrru trîcr, ctoro'eretoccaithe lo"coorr t crrrlrrg, ndIn-R ev. G IMLeneeectned hoen( oi and a îalbof h.rrgrc1rcrrcrî or o , Iftocterrurtnoerrriony lorre,.olrcrchnsgtorMr. McQuroie, ot0 m rtrnrkirgAh nrrsencc,cor , tr tychnior.rr oyrrnjcc r'oitto.ifucoacuccchuk.1 'c -nto, trrorckci-ooocra'rgcrerettfocrstcknrrboedrtg, Mr ad Mcs,PattcucofotTroroto, S .rtt.oor mrepe, lOrbourtciy puand rripe7fectly hfrocsn rr,rrr.orrgeî."irlgcAcrbt o oo c rrrrhrg theeyhe BU.RLINGTON. ,li iL ougrrri rp,,,orr.'rIcofedoyrototchcoy dy rcjuasA fi, gtrc5'orrirrf.,lrr'rr oilrrrrcri,.ocr ilI a... rthrrrt. Il, oooorordtfr, 'Ihorr" s o.t'rtg thot di]ratr ran t oHcdr'onsuuetWednecudy rý, Teof,,arc, ol rsoorr cd. Yoiacorcrtdffod too5coathrc St. Lrr's Sutier SchoabeId tberc rrîrrîrrfliccaorrckbellercfroh ooi,, h,, fohffty crentsccorrocouelrpeit TudayoatToronto ,]ci .frorhae,'hrieteorfan hrisrhrread hirtsltnd gceg byhboat. Iftuos welipat. hfrandrlrecok,inrfinec orondition. Porchers-oc,, al-ror11 d g cror'rocr'g o iiirg ,o tod o ys cdoeire o ftthorse. ocet AL the seeting oi the Scheei Beard . icieettoiofSouoth Afrroeo oflra oOrseo ftorrcale vrent Se iri por, le,,tue Misu A. Rrach, teacher ie 'ý h ertrr iforo usethot conrdtionNo man ceettel whthr thl rdtcaothetbsralschool, as A ,orae ran a pcrorroior orhorseoac ftteucdoocnt, adf r gced cleeoetabsenceCforc5eptcnthe, pj 1-h\,be raged forectse tat nofrrrropoothctrgtilrbcoyptttco py a st t hesite i B.C. r--r..-inrgrthe ExhibiOtoo rotttrtetrtr cecOf thehrmd that haon wleprsoslf eeo h P ca'oorb c fatettod. oiccforocxpcrt hare, ecronpto tetthct'etbc 5C lrrg ormueg crft ircck roirutanoteoFrdot, Asetsgethccuti'sm thtevilae itolongsea oygetdtaotrtr lock fccdn rcg at,, ereg Mc. oadMu.R. R. Watuo, Mrt. Aogec i. tcetnahtconhe cadiipdtyclc-H.H. Wso, M.etand r. Wet.gle. 1'rr fr5 gr., 2o ,.rirelrcri ru atocklcFocdrt1ro ute, Irt Srt oadE. Wjlliienu r Iooltifa on tohecocrrreg ex1rpee d torc e rdir'thor, Prv FrguoBlir, wh bs ehen in peet ar .t'r rcoorcergettead- Othec srthcd-Ccod naua at forif,,îheoitSteorsoneucahpat. wesîîcb t. Pr' .i, r rcurt.trr.,to Mric, herre mscle ithttcii tey wthti'rent. lcurp'uHospital, Hamtiton, leutoueei. ro'lar.rrrofrr Mr. XHuffrett) bv Thsru,rerkah1r food iu eqceiiy ete- Wr Sape the ireoiteat there wut proe h ofro.ctrc rteroPr.hyterea ciScforaeasceu o cdcroftcithcr bhecbojl.t r- .tf.,rroby, h hecrrg o5ticroted bccr icsrî If is a mey maeetforc Wm. White expectuit tert hiseep.si r~r rfortrire attroeye, .Therlie friote, Ccw eittIntreatioaloio eery inShepttmhe,and, jdgiug ' %%iil wsa ey f0haborat t oocd il igrac moe and chrCcan te app rp, prspcts'emtgsA v, ,acvad hy \VilH. enedrryrchrîc s.i hanuncdcc otto oticc ConA toet- for'aCeeouCfiliraite.C - It r, flie rrprr erntrd taru. Vaerscet. Thiusoas ee epeatedit, Acnu Alfredi Shepperd asd Marer Robert, rtrrl.rh.orrt, t o irshe.on-u utectby actveepertetttandochesj. Ct-ont Terra Cottalenet Sudayuith rrg.of uec adred dorfjtee1rrroces.ce 1test uu one o ettbr iegttdrrY Theu Sheppard.- rrr.rhl. oth a fcsw, cosuestaebishmntstthie United Sttes,eas Mrs".SamuetlMarshall anA Mt. Win. -11trad rrltanie crprp Mcus.ctl au bC tindivduel etpertotutcru. HiiAreth, st Taptoytoen. iittdatR. lie epeutf Ues wilgeu tettrued euduntttrcn-hRWieunatch th o ortndctccM the ccgt'ege drties tSau utu e es neeuntlhe- Rentbaseit tirataueeloismnt tath ilrorto.r 0cier.ccThrRr, C cietrcely.îIfeutsîo oecetifor paecar the vllge acoupleof eeka 'rr.rgh aleu maile a e fit', tîeg e' thmee edo. Ne progrestive Crner ags, het nathung uertaie ut knawe. clu', aletcr il lrttcrtrsuuemetrptcttg the bet aud quest reuit Wesoticed otelofontri'Luegseen of rdhbythec .trctinr bccrtauoffIe. cou fferd te bc uttheut ttttcaltabia the Senti Road careting cestideraisitof nddmncr ams aotn duic dttCitdeetntahe yooftlttenor aelinptlet wetisaed faepeehasteuliy tei heutadailged ru. Tire cn peoc tet eifpr cent. etre profit tuer the recautrtd. ;pere inrth.tw-ui rbdd rog uoetlpaueo fttitg.thetcntpany tiendOrcr00eicirs'edCIto.t uIeetedthe perchese moeey uEvey Patate rot 'uprsuaet nsomaeparts mian lv r ol odf rutcntaysgoireiea TieCsdaaeSsLnshe Ael] t i rots s Cht nth pstie n eettiee te rendensa tieo,, ele s dRisiegt terda ayand p er ýsChie..teeeu e h eiwl d _______________ etru. Pui. ndte lattu is hag. a to e eget aiT.C..d.-hi . - ileeiets.tsel,5 ~ n 1-ser e A , ete. jaes-seaee t sr, "t F. o. s.s'r. eeareooffe of tITO manager. ~ Fdand vi. r ttndje MuiCas c tyard ~L 5 L ............. ... bethaa it.& ttes Tiseiges Tise Ontaris RifleAssociaeias nteltnt enad atiteLong Branch rangels. na Treentie.yesCersiay. Tisetalltsiegpes tetetnbytarsmeof the 2th Lorse Riter Canada Comtpaty. 03-Pit.J. A.Taey ..... .34 3-Liut. K. tD. Peuiee 34 Canadiet Cluh. Set yds. ; tauabats. $3-Pie, J. M. Beck.....................3 3 -Pie. J.A. Trastr (Tyroli.. .... ....35 Duis ofCornwall and York. 60 Styde. ; 7shots. Si Pte. J.M.Seuch .... ......... 0 3-Mejer M eelre... _......... . et...2 3-Lt. R. D. Pautas fTyre) . _.24 A.,rrePnentutitee "*Tire cent ent uere sirsut supporters et a local en.eperative totra. buoedsys one uftChent urs s nisieurs w the Street ohe eues nerpelsei b, set hcr triesai comtug est of a lieeigeteer's ahae. 'It ibeeh, hîru. teresu. yc umn tuer her o' tha Co.?t'uras ber rentor. 'Se 1 am; bot. dec ye heu ihie. uteresumi shop lu Olesa1 C tC ic te heat hant es ie here.' "Sonte Aayt inter Met Breensit'iesd uvenloto huis ishep ta hep s &le et the ir aetSn. Ou ctteriitt the ehep uhe nekeA tht mantIt ht wued gdc bers'apua"heheef haro Met. Oree gecs it(rr.' A qeiet lmstuc oe ve the etuspotas tact. 'OS, yen,' hae ial; 'l con shteegc yae. Hie pou hreebit à btrolle un' yoe t' Mt'bile ure reati hlitry ire mabo ies tory. Eery greet cris[$ et huas his. tory te o petsoeft ermopyiu. anA thereteoelurepetai.enkidsand ies 300 tAdie ttInIIf they Careet ceutitti' AAd sionguaslibertyhas oeemaartyr. te long att cie siraofet Ieeale poured out for lher. te long trdmnt ht bioedy Bert ef thtettgsuy o uthntteaboti spriitte iteuat se tsestteas tht tercet rlet esandottebtp ne the ses. CLUBHINO OFFR. iecual centbinaîioa Wiih tise Bright Torontos Motaiag Papet. wilSth tepeSliutr'ofetThe tVccid, Ta rot. fi Sci W. P. Meciet. M.P., r, tdoogrtgredter. WCrcer etpca.roi1 som ereageto jn e eupepectiant ecd Aaciog Aegeutstid epteube,. 'Se Championu. ',i o yer f We teili gice 86 tfSr c Oc. tai CSis jodrnal oadTher iory i Tbe Wccid grie eecoeectnmaet i eotietu, Ite omarket rporte eu ws a i [amuer nYork Coutyfor mny ppcrs t and heetru Sou ta gleot ineomatiou i 'hicS lu correct. The SoadayNeelt is lubeiuhet et Satecdey ojghtand hba 2paCcoftil- citrateti thetchesuand veeuofiobseeh 5 ng iteeut. GUELPHI T. ditl 'ci .d biot tent m hv reti for sac. Chalcee Orgasila Mesliin andni2eC ard._ tor fotht. p 57 ainaosi.. r . CsiaeeclDelas 5cae i. fei xsc. Enthepitieriet mttth soc Ce tiC Yard, fat Sc. Loceiy Faney Neci' Rilions ente 60C yd. ter 30e. Bloete Wase leesorati .oos.eete45c. Blune Waiuta. partenit. Se et tor 750. OdaA and Ends Mllineystocks si hait price. Honey Cetb Qntilteuwiteite. 'oà~s tbat on sale on, dha4ytfeit- Sesr. pei .00; HaTsC3 Me iltiSai 0 AtefiHsaI0yet Fttoiesefca f5e. ew,ý:S Maaat uSirts e uc. Chsi rço'e CesisjseeTosn oc, Cor' ES reo.cehireti. 35e fat tac. Geie ckTiafI oi' tthe. Stctir mary '7fie, t25a. 8PenelleBet's $2sis0eetfr 5e scissteen 5ae, tor 2ýe Pocha i ees 30' Cee eue. Bastedo & Co. Mid-Surnmer SpeciîIl Cut Price List. DRY, G OODS. iWomen's Black Cotton Rose, regolar 12jc. for 1()c. 7 NVhite Lawn Hdltfs for 25c. $1.(0 and $1,25 Blouses te- duced to 75ce. 30c. and 25c. Dresa Miiohino, new gooda, per yd., 20c. Untrimmed Straw Rata, $1, P 75c. aud 50e., for 25c. Ladies' Sailorilats, ahI at cost. Ladies' White Lisle Gloves, per pair, 25c. Ladies' White Lace Gleves, per pair, 25c. Bleacbed Table Linen, regtîlar 50e. per yd., for 40c. Reversible Satin RPibbons, 2 luches wide, per yd. 5c. Shetland Floso, full toz.s.kein, fine quahity, sc. Ladies' Und'vests, nosîseves, regttlar, 12'c. for 10c. Cbildren's Undervestu, assort- ed sizes, each 5e. Umbrsls Sh'.wls, either bl'k or whjte, each $1,00. White Cotten Blankets, large sise, per pair $1.00. Good Pins 2e. per paper. SilkEmbroid'y Flots, skein le. Wide Factory Cottoo, yd. 5e. Babies'Bibs, lace cdgc, es. 5e. Men's Colored Shirts, regular 50c, 75e sud $1.00, est.'3Oc. Men's Strsw flats, regrîlar 60 and 75e., sach 50c. Meu's Pearl Felt, line rjtîlit3,, regular $1,50 for 75c. Men's Heaury Braces, pr. 20c. ý1Liglîter grade, lI1,c. Ments Suommer Undcyxuiar, per suit, 511e. Men's Stiliinder Coite & Nst eacb 75e. Boys' 13k Lîustre f o ts $1.0o GROCERIES. uCrand Pee.pccrnSo., Bright Frsh Dte er ]bc , CelifrfcciePrue, laege. rrgîr, 't-c. 3 Il>,. frn5c. Lemsar. pcc dcc ,. ,jsue Jcrcc Cc,d, largcetbol et2c. Lite Chrpu P lp' g 1tac. Foc oree Gr crrhgg t .,r ottir Prtekules h toc i a .tesiedot- adii1bitS a , 25, ,c anutio tclb. ipicru, Ruteoctu. JlIIy Posdtes ivletrr.ct and Vreegaru. ipectel îrtoe for Segar bo bccci. ta'Ordet r car'cidiiy llctiand prcsrt. ly dcîracrd. ::THE:: Trousers ::: AT::: & - .. - l- A x~'itil eîî, Ct 755 lS0 ýfi r, t,,In t0Wlh> e reiy ' lna>rnitt itA, u or kI0ae i douetdo.rr. sacarsiCele -IlW theo etired" t' a tise obel tuckstom et h,,d,. i BotisYeu os e JlgtIbcd netc Chat"WSS ' npleyed e ,, h leuilee _____ Thr l vls s, Mirlt iany0a Àfenot'lar, . de iiis ootài anhi a jo 1br yie ye.ep mOruico ,1 Of tri 0ev. Th uiticet- a od ranle Jthé iiymiehlrt ed, Engiaui108Thie teett habit ane et ite po ce ru'ýl Caor eg ettbitsl. oerIi t oon oater heeiOet r oi Ptsee St .ee dse ifterrI, betht o ePel.d piecer Chrc sheelAhe essecko, wreeslntthle fArbeeati totO her ieslaa int sficIl,,.f heye ceemAyArle rundhe r -, lie ya isol all aeid ,)l'" autiheNolteg pend fola aidesh l es. mol The aievertustmtcîofe da" Iaiieeee" elCebrui,. ,I ted ta î'ery his etan e ii. ,r brcels tai fonptetîfaut' r i habieand fther paeto seha a a ine.eo c t eas ia the ti - ro"r Crioesterdeshieyite ri,o rr Diro y eyo e ii,,o-rbro CetlnaOoositary place!o.', iîthesod eorneddcabobo O r rctAsl friteranrl i. lonsg.slitteoutCai, aibu, -rg 1 are mesestrc tive.eshiO ir 0f laiothrocite l entoooto r ebody of ere. rhr h _ vîsh jorkey, l buset asa " tofetheere.Strn ostfuor trr' aATe t a ieeenelc aImpaieela ofhewi t,'I-;, r. f etsueiert the pper ý , bic tIoterd ceo t IOo.1<r Cegriher orbîIe Cmt ee tý, h Ir l . beitie for oetirpotn cluead isssS5aLenv. Ne-ie-Sice s e' ONd ta tit $,3.o and 4.00 hi s.oattoe country is e 'c ~3. o n $4OOary eh.iuged hiieliin thould he your first consîderatton to-night, d t-loseâs* aitee cuonoay naay be to late. trfi Cte smono by'ptr seCet nCheltre; ihickea urust yd M'K E Z 1 'S --Curawoeggt; nt otttDoi. Iti bi,> sqlueC he juic e ohuialfalili MAIN STREET, MILTON. fore aercîug. Htafly preî.erly eioreti rW urlth nge. acd the eIder t it, I.ber Cit uCU be. lBut hept lsn tîirr. h igue, lb. Sý oLO019 £Ia o ron we*" lt nomnhecamrstitaansd te,. ceg Wt.dOa Sk teY. A ireedett eltlney k Ir fr'7-t higis le ln oeaoet aiM ltn,,, , Inr, provincaet ofDrango, te .T'ire trr Caer le ae i tis . tt0'd t ii andtithere areo pIlttrmsei iterai fot in ter oothe t t I catehes ie Fr a lemne se a spiriof Santon micea equart a of spr. irhitset,1 SueIrr, lagier afCet otiser, ts luito «Moey i5h5t. Gide lIeam t "o Cemeegase' 0retret't amie. Y.,M, C.A. l L Six Hunt DRUG I wl o'. An to-. tri am; \\oh We quo' ""E' N r. Ol 1"' il Il, l'o ' l'OA1 L.a, r No r îs"t CENTRAL At BASTEDO'S. EXHIBITION, , i - 5EPT. î6th, s7th, 18tki. TiS u FULLÂAND COMPLErE 1. canabett daeo, 'IZE LIST tN EVEEY DEPÂRTK'T A, itrn su 5CNLE IROT-cLee terraI Attractionstu(eceS ACiers on). SP itrî i 1992 i .FABE. Secadle. 31. tg. Bal]-. A- . -d 1 =ii f4pt. 2.d, 19W. Pnenh.te Lntr. Highclam M"ýandCANADA'S GREAT FAIR MauY th., ptessTORftoe.T 'ontenadeCners, Tu.Tda and Wed SuPOierltto t, e. uauday Eceningu. MILTOtOII.MONTO and Ritur Th. beet bhu5day ,tth. -o. Gooa Roi-ag P.2n th, h Sittet tesighu s-d pamcag.rt. - l) d ... ...........ptC il-Y. 5AIl it .lit . .t e.-I ,t--trtt. r et , 5 Set. Liest -sd .11 Catrmtint Item . h A tteeSe,~ CSCHOLPILC, WX LAIDLAW, POP tartiet5Pantd laationapply Se Pr"mideai $«=reAr1 ate. lu st.USox tieM AS 0. MeDONteLe, DitPm. Agt., Terusto CRACK, S&OT RIL ',0 PARM I BOERSI W WANTED and lots of goods equally cheap that space Won't alhow us to enumerate. First corne, first ser'ved. There are values here you cant afford to miss. We are handling Groceries at dloser prïces than it is possible for credit stores to do and are turniîng over large quantities, which, enables us to always give you goods fresh. iRedpath's best Granulated Sugar by the barrel at prices tEhe lowest in the world's history. Hemstreet Bros. GreatClearingSale BOOTS C0 SHOES In conssquce of enlargement and refitting of etore, I wsili seft at cost the whole of rny stock, con- sisting of Men's and Boys' Long Boots, Coarse and Fins Bals. and Gaiters, Ladies', Misses' & Chihtren's Button and Lacs Boots, Oxford Shoes and Slippers. A Lot of Ladies' and Men's Feit Shoes and Slippers at less thian cost. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cardigans 75c, 85c, $100, This je a genuine sale. The stock mnst be cleared before commencing extensi've alterations. TrERMVS STFRICTL-Y CASH- Thos. Wilson, PROPRIETOR,