fIo a vllt1 reosl my liraI allamPi i . nt U etm'piug. loae ani aadiamalýdrix- oie I1 - tigl invante g pet u aalljor aswa-ni W tent. 1igusto'Sadditartiw I c, fl ilé soren adered svr te aa nragj5 tU! 1 camp~, s-tare I Wahisjk4bly _____ EIm B fl camping lie. =unt la.rvilsvd and letriod, ad lava evolvinOos on. fG h.fen aia leW'l prioticel 'ideas Shiclr May ie of nomsaidsor. mun. 1G#svlll"!tanu. servie.a ta other cèmperaaiai Mr. m in.hlnobfflii Fict telent. A ioals-Ili t 7by.f , 0» bapus5 oaI 7 or 7 ty 58lunîooply nfflient foiDte qbasqk"" mili i h.ew y. M perina. And te e o aplo isbtalnt ia in addi*ois le bin!a r Oum iheobeit rate. Ifore i aaptes o "! inîe iejrraceints Veril agrLej-M u eone 0e ao ho ai ordirly or diiorder', lemn OOnP&ii5Br -a&f ysi- iy as tri ploasesn. i eoiof aill o- a. itsa , 0 o stlimat able . . otoi proonog0e ioiaeoiis-at oftcedei a theen"#1 yelafa piiasait soliode and lodepeodînce ot Te coin luident 'ai the oavll camplito addovi s-g ~ lent neauCOiOi sho reccntly 0*11.1liMr.: cam Fie. e eenwit th tint f Sitrl' MinalMin eB. 1Snit, * ooorauo om lihi inocofigetteldent d*rlluler, relted h. folla*Iag Woods. 1IlIioge iMY top poli the uloryr ."Abottolayeanargo) I wum iarddio andCoutory aille poig in the tlaeo ute di.I tomme pale md, cecotr, jointig, ty a sbeili loto.elangujdad i 1 ndrlooktle do aujy o'ih oroko freiy. Thui the -hle -orkb oult teboise, wold eudiy trot outiteio bo -folddltogtlerorloo boome trribly tatigied. t1heoiai sroli copass,anid palt i a btruno bjec oe trrible ick t eadiaclen, amd iooîp, and cetoed L taoiination. AlmYm aÇh beoais un se mii latiI vorCYecooveiient4lorr o Aoni!tlenti hatbi food. My troble mmi tartine ovl Ici, watildtbc Wort te ryi ou-oietagLyOraî lad hy s-ont pelli, aud y t (a wa ornotrroviv -tt y.rOpes, ltet, ai ter or nommer aerî as ol weil rrie airay trppig oeopi,and aron; l itoîil smed uan if mm"s faten i t lent lotii-00.okrtoînltes- anDoo elingîntem. I lirednseveai conrs ad pokts &7sgiv ft iovr indi o Medicine baltiroeead if telp. iron ohai d ire torio ocureiy. 1t mn mei aangroiaf acaker. Oie day haDvorfud oy usfor a fy aMat h,l1898, my-faher ranaiil whelài ue ebc oiinaywu.rneaDo'oif lYr. VfjliamaioPtikPile. Wile alp 00010ire îoy ji asid. 1î?mme alely diacooeîiaod the ohiier Weeo letine oÏ) I ir ext ilotido edicit o and tegan tatung lia pille. vrathiero Cîr ngt hiveo e in. 1touad thttoy talpod me aid four l'orreootroorryrmaireini;a lucre il xeOs-repo0Oî0*iad yth lonereonde oveo, ootrooid olatua lriot i d iiahod lItem tIs-aq ce -ot ta, cootor i trL, ilasbsoi feulsed iroiy eil. t haveeovir ehd btiler file o ohti io iars. A olo irahealt ns-y lf inte Iai m asnow enjoy. j.rtioroadrorO-iCAofie itooey ai idootlae. il e YaPPoila i.n os-wayi gaod. %o;lielorbetîe, 'oi lto. The aid i a iou in las-ighl. Ai ..orto ,hoteto al, ad ail wsno is a 1 ti heeffiaoy ot Dr. Vril. abolirt 4o(o), and i lsjieta n toopiot- liams'aink wuîd advian 1 l]t r (ttjr, selta io rofirl tiait aoolioor cure il the diroqitioni ara filiis-ed. t rril b,! Tho. fiisr aeorroi s-Wara 'rire lacli ihove roilod are impur- -rinelot ,r od aroos-Cwattior, laitte10Prntosrsea Ibroare aray 1 (ailr o.r r til it iii acers wharo Youiigirlojot bulding itoos-on. 0,0001 sai Dt IIiaOod, as irte bodii s-l oniodiion is. le gay tho I'irart oolinrtoacLioud. 1tDow regaro astimreocriliouitai toir parents tb-roa-, l,.rto iidieirl,iadl roimgirre. Tieir compiezionola ple thioz -rN,uyrrrlu a prtvsoaod baveo..dls-aoY in-appearao0o. troutled lloo. t1oe flerci] rtilr any oir wihlistutlpiatin, Iratactri. r.,, lto 'i', open lire iroltibo niorlooot of iralîron toe lrrloit b at Ilarroboni' o ofn, h bfor o"od. eOibeiiO, flttooosad cothor dialieno arr rt thie et ar iigîr, aod irogiog r'in yroplorstroiciy ariiàltelnd 1orrr1lr r.eatid tti sitar, .YOD te 9 preiratOro gravaerUlo1sa promfpt Rai %l lrrr harrirr, rend îa anerrari ilipiare talio1teîblgni;eabot a Untl. r-l , ý., r otr-,tj. C r lu,, o tlCoort. rai cnitionOfrit eltîr. blutisna r Arý o rro ro eitheottt. Sik a oucynooreaody yoldîiotrîîrdriin e iote rti l a iytiYtie Pace olDr. Wiîim'r Pint ortro tot, sadrevrroiaith it iii.s-tiot lrtriid aoio te blood, 1'togttrrt Ir irrvo ad iitro it iLo - rorit ir teio' teirott iroridtrootien trheiii loto s-ano oynlCrte r-Lýr -. 910w r,01rtI o oronioo reIletate ale and sa-, i oiiij lor, a jrrre ti4re ,rrrl iroorot e aitri ey reta icrti uefataie, 's rt1rhi, tothfl u t ,trs tsotrrr t leIa i rtoC . iohe ofe ra daîyt oM , hor r, r, rr'r ,orI and otrr ;'. rt ae vo gorn idolîtheeio laie cue icilo ' il[ 1t, ijt'to ri I I e trein iroo art ld re iat , o o no M x s r1 r ' rrreIer oroi.'rio r,g,tie o r i v'Du epos ra îti, t rialler e eryr o, i re loe bd arrtorrr ti rtraetri 0îirjors oinb Pu 3 -IlrFi,t- - Il or . Il FI ILtyoer Itp o îo ir e. 'o t bu 1v r tir o seipo r1r-1 e j, ti1t, atnt, r eoroeî sa wmofes t I r arlij, -f i. Ieî rroali txpir O r tO m e or lrd n o e ec t a r rola oet tf,,,,oae , Oîrior, and SpayiogMitome5. V-oni,1al r,rrr r t'sin,.Ortthesairretaor 't,-hrrr r 'r e rttt'trr 'r oeialtiirî'i q~ee r,-,rror.rrrrrt a brri Fierto"eir ,iour IAthrta Ir,,I' rrrdit.,riro, o ai-- i t îrorrrrertroirro a,,ýI'terirr ri, a or lw Y, a ru, oarrArrrry Rtiorn. rrrrraor r gondar I'j.y-n,' o confie ta Â- let n aieotasora r. 1,...ri to,,,,. lt-r tlime lia ea jrrrtoraLL-iIî moryti trI onaatie front1 ejrro I(r, ovesi in ena t or ilrodnt My ttr- ,,, er a aIIerl rail i ji 11l, r- (]orr itoi, sairne lRed Rivner 1 , oie ir r.of aiMorngeve iintatire Il,,ntnj Ttîoro ."ire ieale scee inia JIe ,ig ortto thev Aialo ran ige Itr-rrvnrrpni intrIini eFrtlorr o jrr itr toC aIe. Oatd ta ,rrr1r1rioir, irteerrtrarinrg poastr. brtr:.vntat oirri trrIr o Aife Igýýàýai >rîo ne riaitor les i anol 1uspüdud oteo r res -i n'-',io tire ror. A sai]]mi re -r.. Irrr r.. îrrcarlin t0ieepofrftire ,I, ,,trrr , n g'V a.4 s-ar loseti ar 'r- mn ni. i,( rie ieeni lti. h r-I,1f - 11% rrbc,' t i t trai t o los ai Il, o i 1, irkrrorr'ni-nirei Crerao tim It m- i rt,, jmean, TheC ie- i- iatIrrity te nriio t tmitire, Ille rt %, orriri %trtn rait oiand ., nireart iu ,0plartiiaOs. 'fie rrirai 11rrncratrIriteinteltedrriom alt. %*ii co1,ire' -ror-kI r, s-e oarei "'rrYin'rrrrlna io-oa rrd carrl irroî: tr tjaa,. ' Ti., .-rr,rtie rode îroooe n ,anifr'thle ra, t'orc en.vra rn-- iroof ,Il itadeiO 1nriniao ýinr, rir the alt hiraIO notatnrMire ,fraiioiiji.,of!nutritiorrn siti th ire r iî ,ae,7ifraudanire, added toaits r- 'nJ jntiti". t las Peilat- al Iutee ateo oin er as-tite ai \V)il, , ir e itrir etAasoka sitb r rarr rar...e(; inoritrf Cpedition, infIn, 1na iioiroaioita'dry a iro1,ne ter,, srioii. Vt'lii il sa 4ytnore ii,i1ratnlei o aiiliv en -iec eajai thlie cnop-fncm. andtialler' verara o,(etl it n anoavan acb, ta thrr tto ilm'srdiuii .Ilseroed wrany Oaus-Cme r refmnirioth ie tarm eer s-linateg evrsatalsobatalu- o i nc ahnodiui of il miree ti ii holericrnoervo'ed a areat for twelve hingrgy mu I8n cColmuCe an a food rton for madiri tenomoitohrcanantitehodus- patati. oltiera n camp Cii toto eriniableoment. nod tp driniotanti îna:rîninol tinotir e s-od decritad irae ernot aceptataeooiteiaucn in oraiiirrrlt, latioig iny daya. b -havaCoeoer ktaCs- uîtlcnas iroamli dradern oo ottor eocpanta. orasare gons-elirroidoced by n ortio etohnge la a 'riribi ortide. Au au eouomiafood ratio1re ~gard pemmsicoa alfgieal value, An noliieriiy nlaten tO t e 'waa n lteo- boed iuoatlie Britisir aary orotoining yainiordrm ltaipiy titi arttic ox. podion rit-mat aa nîity pronred food conlaing theilargetasonant ai nutri- manti thedia ntllool ospece." TopF arclir reffin t ouoaiad noar l peommian asa1 onnaodhptualioal il wsa very agrreaube. Spr fil my etimanlrou e reua ta10 hoclato le evulaiun e gpower anl taedeire for il le Alaskaba h umot'.ýg lino is-preecen. the rîvitior oveqr Yrb. Ttc Adrîîrol prioe oit 150010 frnc@,r in àmuoatlin luFranâco fr iaretgail. cet al of des-tion, tria tan aw ardndl se Major Mauopaud. n Ar . ,~ Stritllnte nf ea1per, toroporrrrnt. Qrielintrr, .' . Tire ooinir r lptnatoun dissolve& ia sne wat r, lit least four galionsitana reoaren sonne1. Tire lim s-ounvabedni anoeqialairitiy of oator 'roih s- are-ioonianti diutesd te orty gaions00 toees a Aaicr tender faiage, au tire reaeir, tire rnrrtnrîe iss oticentolfoi f ty gualn.rt.htino solutia on iauefr titie elicne,itaaioud te siod s-il, 7 haed soaa,:diataoti o liat wator ;a proiothero oaîr li tafflient oirlthe rjaanty eatitoted, 'TAe Pario gre ituriimadeiry rxnrrrigpoar aif Ibm Parisuîgreen i i, gallonsaoi of alorTa praîel ten- dem tliage ran,,ta earonutic afeoctso i onr ouo-ii 1uoliroio ir e above qurrotity.tijo say bta ade te lalbe iiardreaOoaeliut iaoinsecticude areneenied ans-eli as frogicides. The mituireof tlis-o -gb ir e aioia airorriri ot bc e aglenrled, Týe Justices-id tira Hor aeaoe. lia-riueocasonoaMiJuetice Hos-- ks- an autiung niliraLineoln As- sirnCourtoithe rerniico tire day -ntelhte popiar Lineolii Ilootir s-an asta bc rue. At theiosle ofa aocael4etornedlto the jury, and, n theo ary. pteaii tmanner s-inieir50 raroiy talot inru tiafetel, ho tiaodiy addreîsoid theotIs-abROMgn'eanad lrrc. 'Genlemn of tlb jury," aid ie' -il bas ban IroogtaMle s -rne tien lirIt tera ie an svont of 8oie loeal importance làttetritranoîrî inn atirnooon. tI ntoibd tn vry basth la stand for a moment bts-eu o gentlemcenanid panE pariiupation ini yor ocal oleratiou. Aay on- Sironiiof o opiniron, ttnreore, s-il rCive My Mut Marinesi criiiderm- io.' Sut te Sot did nt tatie tha liait. The Is-lve bonurt Irados-on, loin ruegioîy fiVos- tteir roopaclîVo sud repectable busiaess iry te îlrong ara of te las-, wslond ooiy ta ge bat lte thoer s-ans suce -an posile; 00.naler a ies- minutes' dietratian. the irman rare 'ad anueuncati thal liroy tîd n oopren. sienofaiopinioloi iffer, Oit camu tire velot glose, "'thIankut oiCr yoor cos-municai.gentlemoen," aiti Rua Lrdahip; 'the court la adjournoti uitil eevno actol-moirons-mari. ing."-Loadon Idler. A Sarroi scaitpe. Miniter-aflar ctnrct le aooitia cogection- Peter, t aoc rjaiced ta senen bahrse n en re-tlahavai reè formoi. - Hanve yenustlonioraov liua lima oent?" Polar. "Na air:' Minntar, "'Nor ais- geenat" Peler. "Certaii ot. silia' Iiniiler. "Tten Ini vry s-il naiied s-it yoo." Peer-&iier Unoe pasler tied gets- AistI tjulilai d te didut ast mo about duckse,' au r arfts-*r. cea. -onomaoh orvir ev riaba uaOy ittooIr itait lst, enr.dta.or yiiaioaeg. laI, irnrM14 stOia.nd .Os-lin O ism«iIM Ib liSombeclai atirseib«mcm dehaabhabilif tiga h m sud or ttc.routele. t111raia s-bu, Yen" A fllE AlI il yonr enitrella oiltaf1au-u-- vus. - -n.. ou atuld tbpn te aietannm bo a enc mmci op, Toi may ëns-ou ose omnbrelle a;t i lin OMMu. And- colnlse 700arc btler th" mint PeupliIETR you donser, Tiraiin pan do mbenr o n amc iont fhering of yor fm JOHN STUART ... . ...n... b aye aise notiond titiîneaeraiaos A i ASA . ri mte 700oiOîJ rycur umbrelli m a x in. lOnri, JPoucra, pan. A. T. Woo, A. i.lnt (Trontole Tba vrathr ma muni baie a goud Wu. Gire M.Y dc"! 01 foua maltiRfaîe iedrlOut On JTURNBIULL. Oigie a leigitsrnieg abs.utei@la mnH. S.STEVEN. Ac. iai. airc &yse a sermon on oturot rncds. sud H' M WATSON....*... Ife le éb4nwn -tety are hl ay 'tai al jauys n ed i-ill tur onr a irip' na.rliig raie elermo. -hILTON BRA C-i T tenaly ay ta a n a ie lu 10 have H tbienniac, oie for ocatend ai à goerai iianiiinx boiln àBi yanr dabby trip sud ton pou mili dia. acted. Carmera' Doeo ien dl nid a un s-ote l yo u a ir v ry op p rtuma ly sp eci& l a tt e ti n g i re c t el , a« t li0 1 lof abit n tQ e e d. of co m m erc ial pal er ae F aimas4 Uintrellas are lits cea. Thoy arc Sale Notes. prvileged proprty, aud ail colira. Drafla lunisd payable i ai1 1h They atino eleorlios oftIhéir suieaty pritioipal ponte i ada mid Uoi but aneociata wts-ltay Ou. AuniOs-States. Dflaze o Bcl S-" tegt hrein mets jut ain uit enitymeil Out aud nld. of cotiig np capora aitîr a riacrepit old aoman sau s-tJrihnL. Sullivan SAVINGS DEPARI MENT.. aid it wouid luit aa, iooa. or a lttie rmllrr, boit nu a iodale and d'onified 'Dapnilsofot$1.00 aid warde ra,ý clergymenoa an ouabeetituildnde.coireri mnddinternet alas- n0etti Umrahiioldoro are madet o l i animuminmoatlbiY balane. urntrellas. trt tbey uonr o tainItem Spoiai Deoptisaune ived ai Ail lirey tain urieblia joihii--enrentrrateslu. ia tire eorract allera rein, bult lai DotD. B. CAiliELr jontai. Il fobeIn ioaa gfond ay AplaTcesTO bt doue iodv eoy gnod. . GETMI ON 'litere i au' tinraibi etiquelle, but itocoobais-aoisrorradWhau i-aur uigiro OrioffyOur ombrîbia tal tiraI t arr y ti ot. and if ha jaba it ito ourushort iti,tat in a aigue bbmb yen are a goori mai sud ail ne .wa.If a ind persoian isett - uatroii jric ta raidoao your toct,.- tirt inoagarid aiuotb eth t tihtero Trravellers' Gilide. ta Do mono roas- br it tare bat oise- alieie. Tierse io oaov othor ittie RAND OsT RUN tReAr 0, s-1 W D, iorre Ltiofe picarrntry luetatbl.bu o 0 oilido s-itlif yenr bae au omrtroe, rrr00 and iyoniaonouie 1 - amDt anrry nrrsao5 oo 00 for aneoy auhatie ai rombrelbin, CNArisAit rIC RattAI A Sasos-hroibno tsaraeooissistorie. RüittirtoaCr0000 s-ado an tririla ont lIr. ato.00a otaguetaliirand ilt bcamo taiaors 0 protîtiy, bteitue rotody evor obole it. 12n,,r or .rr Nabodyecooid steeliilvery Voieiluniani Rab. ted iabo il boofm timsobi. Itio manFridytbadl oaue for onie aebis oiotea wrorot ijured byth e raina. oi Charles Lambi umniila borame S G faostecauseaf bin atoouliindod- nana. Hewsanabsent ioided tirat weer oce aoirnes-o aI'lt wnold pal teIba rlla 'ta lait abibo lire stoor i irsel ontternd tire door la 'T1i Tm z-r W iray-o îaet rond an artiole on bow ta rolila autmrebia. Theo etnt ay lina p, Dqi ta pt in a seuing mao'iîoaiud ..g. w2mm y trcrr il. lointire wsîiog mchine. Au nrii ltorotrof aid pioluroîqnelroduetof i thre os-trola lute os-brella mendar. G bat, frgrael mmory, heoainme WtrT s-iop; s- ilitllyourabout insaine aibor imes-tai b as-maietoabbele - catriiimeyemotioan. r Whisoand ...r r. Arma-ow . - rtf,1 , i ra,, ttti.. ir4; arrk. i Yeoi cao tell a gaad deai atout a man'soebnraeier by the hiati if peopta s-ha inoarnbrio deatir. Wa s-oder avorp nlay io liliug pnoiple finddonerianoiireo sa qrnbtty. N3omno btaoi aortieaa far oi.. morm...egtu M. oa rus. aine-0s-n Ir i Li1 s t ard loi avoiti 5payiaf trir detioînan otheru do le pay Il le nirrciig tas- fas-mon have genue eua.ogtatoi avo their -orey. Wltat a bot ai mool tli a praactr e ohliged le liatonles-ithouî being ai- ios-od le nwomr. Aocarrisd man eau tellbisorereoat in tire dark by:the hoies in the poobola. Mou ats diabnlieve the Bie unoabîr have sems-elciiatressens. A ponlinastor gela rusant more tha siybody aie e epl an ediler. Sp tes-ay sema mEn aIt, yot s-ald tiiot ley %vers Polliug in ali teir loue Iryiof 1tairep oifthItopetit jury, We iroar nome pompiacomplifita th&at thoîe s ai na noitatbe oiety, s-bei tlep ouldot mate gn o phoulara aman boyasom, fnetro ta est, his aife als-ayas-eitn le port it ns-up litCompany Cois. A anu Iinhua atouseo lont -el kep l u brie teeau put berbtabandna ibtipporu es-ay orbîre hoe douu'ts-ail Soma methinkt lty dcuerro.crodil tor Siag thoor os- i tbrea. It le vsoy- meidos- lhtla ws-as-ad. s-ils that ber taby crie. TIrîro ie s-nopàaclueb iu a fine rue, tbat doeanItsep acourala tias. A s-Os-au thinku if ate regmate gusap boit sate ireard it thora cas ta ao Eeery s-n rau Ihint of at bJriot a dorimu businesseonlerprines btler tbin hie os-n. r Aanes-sapltuiave mouay luje ta l the feblus- pou inhta0poy, for aSucheck boaaist a revenueeaanp. bômne folk% arse amwys beneg surin- Nebody Ori« accitraie itniu arondariug atere everybod>r ln geas. A barberSmaera manà 'aia.ioNa no0 miller tas siiàiia toard bha ha.. talonman )lusnrb«isguh Lbo oli Wta.c i* sonie peau ia tir r -oastotioceti aI Malta a.cospariy f RoalFnormeý' grn anidaoigltire«refinroane of druooknnens in the coimpaiy tirecrs- mIuidinimoff r ian odeiletinoi offet tîrat any erppor a lban. le, la lring dribnklarin tîro t.s-ul iod1 boletppod attle enrais-e gat, and the biuoor colefcatoti AboitOtIlimise lire oator il;Iboeiarraciru w1con. demoned ty the madical autro ]rien, and il batilto Pired rom ilrej les-o. Oua tire sappr-an trinhmun hit opon a plan by wcli oaelde te viigance ofthlraergaet on guard. One day Ire nibiet ot sit napail in emoir banti, or t e ppased furpoau of toingiluf in lIre s-ner. Orelurnio sitt bisto -paila ful te sa nee at teentrier gtuby teseroontr ou guard "Whml bava you in eail Pal?" îaid te ergnant. Ilat.rer, said Pst. "Soit s-iraI in ttl ltiin ont othtes-nier?" nid lIre ergeant, Pas uppitretinoiopioied. for lu rath puai fwalnr tireas a s-iahke btIle, air te neet ot caîtprotud. iugatavo t haiqid n lIrepaiba. 'Fait voa're tios-ct far me, ergeaunl." eid Pat, &anlte iaidud thea Ian lec of s-aler. lbtaiid "Wtiniioy letuien and orroataîby picbed up te pale flid etiatt wsey aid s-lted insu tte laîrachi. Spring ia here and its- ad- vent îa the tîme Wh =ç m t people flequire ne- hr 0i A look tbrough s4e s stockwi~Ieunvnoê k oftt. elo ithùe .em e' j 'C".n nid emabl lok lite ries. r biodreir aid leatiCr. Vou sW-rreoo fromr or. artd revers >d itotrn ala mIess r TEA thydo not Cd amy m m o = rteCtaoederring ail gunauod ammanglon HARDWAREC MW. B. CLEMENTS<-zýI Carnies a large and fine stock of Sheif and, Heavy Hardware PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, ETC. CUTLERY, SPECTACLES, ETC. DEWuA's Bî.ocot, - - MA ST.,, MILTONO. JThe "Whtq IE DDNby theprofeional tuaor t bu psos-q £w a g profcnion4 lrj tihe U"-chuie for seator pIcleaunan,ofeocta-ayE ooplto.Rde yieu Inra arecord secod b sione. MaLeclal anad âis conruci.m, pals~akng ru bn sasufctiilogdetaflacme la u anlg, qsao __iasodssney.mi=-necùgiln ime a fevol l aimfor nuailnity.q R ablaie prices, conopled -wh h ith nvaltaeg mgutoflamacebn of the woWMIrL"r Oui long atabliaheol reputaina giarats lhe, excellence of ou: product., modeaeA and B .... .....................cq modal G (30-bn. wh9l).obi.... ....... .00.o 'apecbal Racr"-- ------- a---- oo , Modaîn E and F lehabnianai ...... White Sewing Machine Company, CLBVELAPEO#M110 For Sale by DEWAR BROS, Milton, Onta - Tte Dlinestor. ~ ~ O3~C The Maiy nuniter oet ie Dalluemin NUMBErmedilu dihilante affailff aalm ao mv*peàiof U the alaN tséao, flly mi*- IMmI ~raiIea> &md Iael)ina f apuré@" ~ifnfneoorisensntca&W ogo=UUtGi leep stri'itair '0 couti .1j s-o ep. telqor lie ble anlire lia Ionegerho la i raotr C- Net mla ifie tc oa uo drarilhomd s the lrat tels-gobsfcillby taae ml, tonga. uld 'ien îoed .r i oNAt s-myte iiiilhe f,ii ;niqior ie fima pls am iraarirvirrliin a ov tte, t td oabiy acd. o. lenI iiSI ngh Ierrrmantio. .sudace. Joot' bé u d r.îan ko n mat Sug.isy1yeaa a vdte u oaadie Vimypbokrreinhed s-n iiuiuit tebillati ge, Stipuetion. verraoa mdi e b ottajpor t ire kwomonr." 1o ireledSes .a buet. u o.k if ye etl i thnind m@lilanes 'al nivor moléeaay. Buna md pe jil in gnaîd or nte ?'.1lNa. an"i.' mnoaJic n, Tmn7sup.rEA, tSTEEL, HAYTER & CC,, Loontrrace Protnnl. Detroit, Apil 20-A lnun lamiuo Blay Cet)" r ariiu Lu Tire DetoitTri boune nsa -"I iiel'y tirs deipaboj, tram Toront l 1' twrtras P1 taâte itaraleteio te idle tliroat jenI àfori.5 i e fer A .i lri.. 10. ty Due M. Dickison. 10 lir e ntlQIatl Oio . te importoanmadien lt be nto aheIl- s-en me iaesn-o-.t.1 r Unitediéaternis liemnorrtlld. ADNs.-Sth ntrs-ieir.iornsrar.r1 n bady aitîr i ipoonini ni brinsa os-an l - """ roas-in.rIr, nhttim il be e rosiottponl . làrusranii.enth. ,w .aiu iy actiion. Ciradimnlfmitira i in Essoentilu te eoierniian iofont ri-rrrorcurerr- 'soodaartlngetatbiahtne uiaduct nrrc1ros-r-or:1 ran« o art embargo anmi'nla ugesîrd woanl dnoipby nns.noaun 'r barsete i«rctof addiug te thsetirty crîppled saimmilibs uentioied ty Mr. Pitte, Ihe hosjareiio.pir'g niibn ud. muter yards aunte Sini- Rier. Ttc adiioril in lialtSatuay'u £LwACyS ggP on uneN Toranto tGlobesud theroatulaient of' Ria. Mi. Gitaun. Cos-auinalnr of ~ ~ l ~ r <Jeonn Landaeal e Pminer efOn. 1Jj taiio, ibiow ne indication of a taeidis- EL' thora, Aa matIaslen eau a apro- bîtinatheltn ai ig npn.eisud vama 5o aMasOOF pain oi nediaissian of John t. Ilic'h -6 ico., m , ITERaunai nORneaTitw atonu ielnciap anti s-tse aIle lad as maa.Lea maocirn uti aIr r aiis anmd nlulr ltng lIre i apeal sesian of 1&37 i Wnaliouo ara ilaue reaponsible Letre 1.prF,ýent 0.000 enFRIITr'A'TIrONASil O irustîsof lina Sagiea biier md mael . I arioca -oea noce, itembantrnin." PElRYOVIaSON. Deangag aiMin eciei ie ela- Doseaofyibaletleinaitlthde.. oia.. aon Sitadiy muttrfoe doanelaOet., AtDrtlreiimnrrc- 't lepn fotraywtoe dolt li*AdosautGolden tlip Miag Cariratta tumg or rra c.iW. il en. Mica. urGrildeniaiiurooii t roCrltie i &gfoiMr.EnW.uinilPuDri i O.d oa q olar l tu re -re.r ther liq, Dait r Ibl e a yfor iand eueof rofleopu, l oot ysciîar 'i a a forb Sti &îleu rof oul iiioaataanv mouid ollueandihot llty'keosgA. l oile fira tor, ci nonrnrî o i tuM m nathu Abeou i iro y uro aa i rativi lIecuer ý' ntot C 1Ieet noyéikno n Ithel siyou eral.t fotriadte eiotrtnonn t ati braire.tenarnt elliona. Signer Marconi btan uooaadd ti Dctliofnitht eI:ri. ,r,,'no uenmmenicibiiaby oireloan maiegriîhylmitted bp te tapI, v- orrîyro r jo.hi, SoutForeisoti.C miSiyireellât raid Ibaroglit errrlnrnrr -'roti Franju moiip in ttc CtLi. kMcis-e tagieorino( 10 rmnrilipn.I hublo aie iiaged t10 .OMM the sun nid more peamefricziojjan"' rrOl ucacign ouinnpoitlato t4 5nu t a bm ouinnaid an iira',::o-, ~tai et ittaw w.rr. sc ed. - L-h... J.a tW. r, a r 'V at ai[r', a rorîro.. r r gSOCo r, a l Les 5 d.a Molley iilyr Gh ea p 545 aI ailsrca 40 lima.r YoD M Elmi put iihrtý do oupsu an0 ýdu u