Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Dec 1898, p. 2

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_____ItM- Paz filmt lectolu le .bye-eimction lold n Wotb » ise. les, a# mmen Monte :;ny-ebtato.congnrvatitOe; Sicouon aicy amjiyo fS. s lm OçoNuavoonvundoitM N&litins. Libenni. Mr. (nov Jndge) %btalov ain t eolnlliy Mr. Calder 05BIh vi lenled by 11« joty, was net iegally onseated, thot b. o Kd Su LuM eu' tili the 'aember for 01OOtNeyt e 'D'Aloss liCatiyns ajority in ed tlitao. John Dryden@elmecion, t»Mlwuvan 117. obicb they bave prtieted, se void. Wmnt Lasbo-Forretl Conserva- tibm; .ehobn.edLbeea. M.(novJudee) Rm»Eooono eCgiunoo, il oà tu b. Liitt Wvu 0105<04by 1158 maorit hoped, villnot objeol In have il omne si nlPoino ewLi"to.Contai ont a &YdaytealeIis veek 1 ete sO E ut Lino-Lt g 8 e.oev aa. the tneplt4of t».day'e e01t-9-aocodlng tnt) Te& m s etatned Ly 117 majototy. to the retaono recoivnd froso-b hpoil. 0lx1the lOve o.diteo"in n obt oog subditision. Thoe officiai figures hye.eletions r-Ioheholdon the 14th, oi ho podihneilm t weoh. only oevsoldhp theoConservativtt. Il nLe utiettT....... 8to le .............- 785 Il Notnsen Campbitl.......409 mltV.! Trotalmark,65. 1EvaWaleo......... 528 '1 William Aithîns ....... 24 5 OtreolpHBIol1 .490 & rentBHoon 480 7 Bs4CI--,» l...; ..... 6 8 ii,. MbottS.........450 uni -o ........... .. Sinon A Pir Qonstît. , Jr. V. 04 Ton ýCout of nAppeel; n ofew lock h ot 1thet -nnTotalFir Question Stato lisn decidrd tat tbe anti-scalp- Ttl aise0 ilt je tra vo ires, ralway tichets Tht ptblinbtrs nf tht FAMILY 1 Thomias Elliott ......l.... S0 TI 2 Lanrs Scott ............ 49 Bil loiog stmple pro3pert libm horsts or HEHALD and WEEISLY STAR lttly seEdwisn xOoan...... 5855 Clyt ontooheo, and rigbtly noagotiabie. Iin pottheIbe nt ntaight question tibcî 4 Eenut Dewar ........ 530 wtt t 10 bped taI îlotCasadiensuani- onbcrihert, somneofainohoiumtimesn 9 Cilvor Bonlodo....... 530 dotv tcalping tati soy 10 refotred te0 on bcosot indig-nant w0h04 thny rrceivr OoAlfred Bo4ttdo . ..... 529 Se oo1al aeil nr.1100 ieyjnoticn that their ppetonbave heen 7 Honni Laitg............ 4890 s te ho amtnded in prliomtnt on long an eo pe ooing 10 theironoIsiore 10 t Emily lan ...... 1 do.... renw n ime. Wu con nndntstaeand 9 ilAgnnnStooort..... 479 .aIle îtm tucnett occopt hienin the obaps t ipospsibhle for a largo papor lihe 10 Thoma Moorthoad.......47 6 non$ o lontoto. fcom raiiooy componien. tbo FAMILY HERALD and WEEKLY il CitarIn Barbhrr.....475 W lv00 ! tîrtcooleÇrn-STAR to,,allow nohacriptawnota( con. 12 Wiliaim Woon ...... 4 lt c. tonne IteyOnd theopity date, uoiotoa 1 Edmin Young... 4.30 viewof he apr" O theCh nnoo-nteew hofaretnivrotin gent t. The 14 Frd W'hiteo... ... .. 1 7 oe fo cooon, attention la drectilto thIe pnbhtts of tht IFAMLLY iIERALII5*OoD'pooi. ahat îaootîohatooDo garce1 cao n t ftom Pa/tgreot attention to theicoid suif St. iV*-Aooe Itlondoioee. Stanleiy El Candoa1taOOnîhobr country lcy parcel cth e, hst tloey întiy chicoho tiglohi' esooto, ract lBerry, Victor Noroo. Vihol toot malins;m il loantaeuson doclar. ooo.od on, Ths l bait 005nest, nd ti '.:ooi ltoaio oo.dn ation Thioiiv hoothinhenature0of its ClarenceTurn,roLt.(1000 hotitlio, Betloo hani etoit otlOo brto îotnatteol ittheon ely hooilmolite plF ineth lO ltrngtooo. 0lackt.Cocil Eâti, St.1 ooooioe4 io n4 to oaioo. Thte etotit nimtropolitan papor ofl oi iwidttOOOOt tWilliam Attooot, NotoonooCrooiet, T oto corgftiooo ili be Otlla fwCavo atne are ohdi1oiotov toecry 'loroon i0ooto. Iathîeno titooo. l.dn aitp .,irsvlooto- Cileitman precoots n giota the FAMi IFhîLD, and Asloi uiti Caooda e fnti dteabotceol n aleithnloonntv -.simstain ineo,htoauoo em.Lnds, Jck: nm1ooiî'7atnetode co-ootics. In ontea oherotheon art n tht FAIIL I HIALO ond% EEKLY .JaoDet eI iheo1omica States tho articleeau 10, STrAR lt teahocotna nd a olarge fpnr. air.l'o Bena illCowon, Jelln Cou-n. - andDo leut wn b, slletei frmacntsgo n o hnuln. TtFAMILYLsBla'tokfae ohae te n oootmo h, necedItmHEHAISD i n idoohtetliy the iggot 03,lih' onotHnt ob a o lonericon cataloguot andt advertioe! n-od hbeledeollrs wrtlo tth ail. Mouray Caimoceli. day Datton, Msggieod; muni, an Candiaudeaers ill 1 ýtpbenonAgge ic tlî, Florecco (lb. oooot. ml oodho dalre ti h1 .-.hbor, Penrl Maine, Edmy Atmstog,'a th oto. LIl moy hbu en for ganot.- Tht e nt Booglooy LOt. John Dornan. FlaeNorrin,' Pearl Heff. breo cd thal Copodiao onstocofnicioaia Witn, -1 Fond Iman, Mand Liftte, WaVlace Mc.loto 94 otooa, note thrnegb tho mailsfor Thetrtiali ero-imn anti lotchio 1cr Cellno, Magvie Foiey. Ro(ett Buah, TI ltlitmas puentq eooing front othor Pgrtieîphtion n àthe 13:;ý0,000 ooglaty otf1-itino t0onto- Iliotonil Lavo1', Normaon 001 . White. GaI. .,unotriOO andol by doity onqery tht DomitioBont ni Notane eon. No oio toit. 58; average, 43. wero a00tilt, ioeeer saan, O hictoa ,ece o h 3rd il.aneueded on -lot tOpo. hit l con htau i oead foroI oing no. Tht 1S'atooreday>'. Mhiomi eoce dleu1.LiiMon heoWstoot Iiýym reglatonf andmetodso ientodtateton 10000in50 l.tonttnoy Pl0oet Hmbono, iRoert ltriirld. T tooooyoco tgoiîoO a motied elandt the tory disogreo as ta lootonto tlamsott inog. t Oooioo leiot loon o amnd 00two fr cutigion -aon0, toeomiol e Jo. It.-Maed Fortonato, Lanceloi, - d7 ied &gin bu n toliN a m lainMae Cchrane. Mary Hol. ru ouaceomaof etthohe nget s S.I loVilamAderon, Jamsco John, R.,abertooEectndb a Mjotiy' toto Fergoton, ohicit nocgitoicot the Im DowH, ,LoocFIomtrai o 160. .jtadigof e totel. Pontn ieonti o'o0tIo off Lus ese T, ono 10,000 bhol. Parceoaodt fldeo arne o' iTo-dayto ye niocîoeo n litonlor Dont lihey oti e ho oteocoti netil olier -No. oitoll, 000avrag. .17. trio, 'lie Legiataoo haol esolteol on the ro. Potoos neo t rial, as tîoy iii ho41hdot p,.Ba boan of .io Il. Barber, the Lohorai qonrd Oasoittoss. Potonstriends loi. Il.-Aima Bradley, Mojotin year ocoddte, loy 160 ttaîooty Thoe foi. tetltctina movcy te pny lot bis do. Berry, Wttaier Iioaoh, Atoto Athinonoo The loiojviu theitlrtitrus totteitthetotet trial,ad laoifie - J. Il-Jeoioampbell, EttotiAn- arde Mo otart pvtiiOoiglot hit pardo, deo, Eilanooots, Elgio Fard. iCtOot Ce Oý-_- _ r. I -Lillin Stltotos, Jeanc o-o Coriton ........ .v7cx eae iii ams efi 10Harrison, (dodo-o ltntcdo, toto teoniigtonci...a.......t.. C4co MaintoWhite. Jevin i oot. quatt oiovgoooo --NQont or-11, 5i: nyttogoP, .7l n0" Milit , Northi O t, i,,......,O,.,o. ,, rica V.I-ot . ... % orGoto fl bon o its tooqtO 'o-i(Oi DoolI ..o..- . mtoitan ý tf I ilot., Pt..Il.-Plot .eolo t, Martatoce o oîoiýie o .... ilo..l.t.thL- h ittocnt it O thobil Maois, tbggiooe o.tooo. Fillo tn r toV - aatiose notitie no4t1, oto a, noSamith. N~n-ciSol ii th lato oc oteit oiJo-l Pt. IIlCttooiio SvCagao', Erto ar vircotoa ....... c..t 6ont Ion toit toiLt to 0l erolc. Lito lioooto. Ilary tto ton. oo o--teottioc . attnd u t ptot. tto-, ttiloo'li1, A" Clno. lPt. I.-tiatieotHanuant, toni t-itoblin Niagcra v-t l'oc abooui t May i cool 1Ooto n Booot, Corni McCotgco, Seiomon d 2"haogis'or ... t]agi16 oîoyo. ihn it it ooo.olllott Hncat. 000, i,-Glooiihmo î dnys of cnmp lion cty hotteiiios oiti ho No. oie toit. 2averatoge,.7. oallod oot for field iraai----r-- ooo1ii, /o,. Th ..aipropoetao]laveoaoitit, of lilitttto N..i Cotootliotlioott......oodtoth eccto1smmt -lCato-totsNototo. Leootîtotthety i-Bmehùvilit........ eta,. tito ieno. tcoîthe oforioto ooer 1 aoudo.Clora lIleoody, Cooilat o .3 iotohoii - 0 lto F4 eiEdin Aiterto.. 0 oooooe essot. Heo into,100 N oIFocoon........ toohitog otoodo. tai teoamp, mitot trcino- chie, Amy Mhloooo, lioettoStomoot, teiooIoti ytmo ctit CCotMohea~o.'ttH t. r 2-Neloo....... l.. i4; edoeh 'in 9opotited theooi.g Eootlnacocch. i Cetoootoio- -10 for elle!. corps. Pndoo. tot Ioii , Hermto- on eci.0 - el BIlio hoo.... --Clarise Hoff. ;Applshy ....... 700 Fooing Bad BsIt "E ' tiams-ttooetl Notris. odea - -1 Boootieid, Jten Scoît. Jchn Coeo.. No. t 1 Bampoin, Dcc. il-Jomot tiotcD "7oot oit. O4, 0averge7.2 o Deomuat ........ o 65 mody. areteldino Toronto ato the i FPoBstito....... t;i charge et attcoloticg to paon o bal bill 4 'bltsottoCornerso... 10 oa bartoder aiChrleticlo uiog oooo.Hc ,.-lrmo ....... 4 thc lir (bore, %vasobeoterothe police V. -Clocî-S)laý.ie Sooctooo post (irlioto-.....t....69 ngietroto lorre to-loy. odwacaomca Sr. Shieo~t Otlds, Mohot Har.23 Ir - - mittod tu tand hit trial. Tho inform. rit. bermood Coolooo -Josepho Harrit. 472 323 alien wm a oeodtd ho- odiog tho Jr. IV.-StiiartTu)lotlotî, 7iiil Cent-- 3112- chnrge of paoing o bail till0,n Stiss son. Charhos Stoomon. Edgar Cramlord, - Dodds le o Charesonestore oi thîotfait NelsonoShetet. Mimojttly foi br . ...-itto Ony. ltt.-MoInde Couion, Bnxttn Bidg. nul, Chition Pattoroto.w'iam Cool 4 The Vote nMiiioc by Wntotns. __oi:to:rtoiome.t giooo a iih tome ter, Ncttic Hontor. Ker... hal lat Fida eeuiz b th pu'il GIl.-Peaol Coawfoed. Tenu Hunter, Ooot-o- .-ct. bil bt Ftoto- ovciothy h,. iotiin oLe a elladm îiohlatd9oe, Harvey N of lit Tarot-....70 44 eofSMr-Wylie'.seloil Ltgo5î mot an Bridgman, ldnrty Richardston, Mltol 1ocat ' .. 21 44 immeneoffair. the teoipt aonig Patterson. .o.. ...-67 3 te 843 8ü Pt. It. r-Altos Dioe. 131Fl.-ILl. a. eatoicotWillihoms, Wtt. îoîo 101 * - Dalvo, Ethel Agotor, Stuart Richard- ThefoUviný ae te iciresof he itW. W. Ator tas donoeed ta0 . so, Gnrtrud Cramiord, Frank Coanner. rieinionof oot htlinorr aItheondo Ktolonocet ochemo te foote Pt.ol. t .-George Agîtew. Nellit lot tio o d n'lachlatt: (loDam Memortol Courege et IÇiotioum. Coutier,David Enjeu.I BI. Fîi -raon tolpohlhtsd friit t. 1. A"-Mary Atit 1:1i4 ffl ;Ill pato i cm thc Unitedota iit. The - MocoIRG o TMto-itCfl, Teachoer. __ itatimotiao. ..lt5l 'I 114 an San-Joeovooc. -Mle. . -7 i4ali14 0 maiocloot htinlid A mred oit .eitt7o ot.I.-Srolo Chicitophiero, Ina Siiito ~il ~ mtonAloo ,Franh Aibn. John h'oihoogiit, Pl 41 il fo 1-7naastarou.. ialyth Jme l e-ot - t.ti . r. euIti d.ra anatoer, tchoniedo teolond- Pî I.-ýiorîorie Lucos, W. McClà CI'R S , tNo1t1ct 'o 60 4 cRd Go. ispeor .there, report 44b tanW. oC'ins, Ad. Johiqoo. Arihoür Nova -9 ito deatbn lfot the lot oein otNovomhoc, Iîî Lita Prtsooil, BeonoJohsto, Qtif 3. ottoatteo c - - o3 ou- - Or tte nnmaotroe ,n0!114 12 per JestitTool, LonlaMnoro. 1. Dublin, - t10t 42 5 8 1,(100. Aboit not-Iml etf thefal Tîootop o tCot. 7 Cases more due 10 catecitiso-mon al II.-Harr* Alton, Gerio Preocot. o. ; o oîoomîîoaoeo... io,.! ît03 laver Mnd tlerocelosill, and butfor MaRgin Porteor, Faoy Albono Sarah o,..toctto frmyticoee oeentnrtd. V-William Brochet, Clare Nic- 1. t'amphoîhilite. '10;; 1052 :s tt ie ail very eta gay thal postage Clonahao, George Clior, AIma Sbep- Politi Blootto le ...119.0 0 00 tasols mueoot e o scd an nmali otrd, Ettie 'Mrslnp, EronstAtnu, Knach -'i.. 171 ctpcency, bot hem is tht praothoo ta Hannah IColer. butnPpod2 Foco in tht posalt V.-Mahol iMro. Claudtto leco f; t I-s7 o.notn oystem titeir onnotoenoceo tIis ahian, ODudly Witiasouo.. 70o .. t 72 ,.2-2 pnrpcae la reeogoined by tho regulation Boys onroli, 27; girls, 280; average :1.Cantstnmit. M7 68toto 17 permittiog tatiotal soeta buh mado ttoodoocn. 47. MA& 1. i se ttto9,h-1 p ypating on tnmt>o. It la giDg W. J.,'otCorNRNv, Teacbot, o. tie Sttoidol... :37 3i7 - tda , aoeseo-tftalway ticbetn -co.r A. luby 41 114 72 &Paie, ont mili "nt'ottranseroabio" hoie (,BAS OO-, - 'u pritîcdhetootho potrait ofHolrMoIjmity .' 000 I. ». .. - 7s-004; 1 the postagee aompo-Hamjnlon VCl- ecore Dolby, E divinSlow. itotooots ..ou î;o Timen. liso0iTa Baial.eCP i0otvile - 2S, 7; 22 fer lthe m isoueriai RySr. taT anr , oyeTankerni - t t otnctrr 7600 0 ; Penny potagc namp has W hoon eo oy Cmith Mri kUeiBes 59 'oiooooo - St 1,0 i The tamp iti bhotnttht Ssorcifte 'Srmit -Lh. eJ S.i,.SoieJadn. o-' 11o, )f . c 2 2 johotonoltamp. and on it otîl appear a Bannait Etnaslly. -vae rlon o - ~~mtp oft he woocd. os iloiniaîsthtur, it H Nna nl adin rileoont P -2O 1000 e Britinsh coonaiesin r004. Sormot. II0(Em Na RansrJatlon nt - ~ing Iis ia a eOwoon tondrhieh it a Et.aIt--HenlAuinTanitor. li toe~ bonch nI sait and so. m"at evn.yocArthur Vipond. qiffood Taniter, CeusO CPM (boittiseoOea. elon. inglthe nsity e1 Eou5adand Canada. i .bnvin David lDouglan. . ICP AtItheOPPtrneOftlototamp are thi.Jl l-lyiot.J ogatP oore c0Iaad, sof.e,'and setier. -PL U, HAuLy 4dn tle otad,Dcc. Blite Aonficias.nata it "K t8Ill Aspootal post- sualydiBan.stittat 1<ae ,cmI t ý trmotihoBnrono. aytfaillit ohousBos r lerot HtonCool"e, CjPa 1ieiato. In Coaloit. Heebrtoh. etotetIc Cattoo. t. Staîo Ost - .St. Pt. I..-4ambel sto5tlt, (letton 001 eral Hotton, (itorra Ofloor ommand. jsiiçl eoî,at t oiot.dmog t eut "inate etieo..p toat whui. ant cider. " lot t êLenoc~.Pankio.Tec . CPu loal loLCanada, atott tovhapein m monti. ollt a-at.oOt'.eà 'Teesn'.'IIorn mor MiuoÀts...ontptnisa ty W qnn Inellits doa tt Ohle PS- bit1ý onvon ,peuple on hoac lte oeb Steamer Clan Deunntod, <tm lat Ionrlte Cffl OfnI <bel ope, eted in.the Boy o! BleMY- ol. )Wood. " aada commnettm laotlto ont coma vitini the provinloqn of nu lahor sot.and ueaset on 0d n B in the United Statto Wilamo Malont, a070000 mnliving cLtolnO on tbo main lino of the tfot w ond duiin theoe ds e bit bone. Ht bndail cedootaly i bimonlt obte bnsllng. blzar Mono, oho oas recently con- ed ni onrdooing Madame DOojar- ho l Iboottol ad setenotd to be trot, mitt 10 imprienocol fortflin .Vioncent do Paul Ponitential3. Ton jury in tht Provott morder trial Port Arthort vtotnnd a verdict 0I ty. sud Chief Justice Armone coun. mued the prisonert,OliverPréost. tu ooongod en tîto 131h day nf Matcho Miss Iolon Poomer, a nurse, mon hilt- ; dine FateBarhtr, a dronomaker. Lfatally injoortd. and Mis. C. Sted Lu Fierot oas noriously injnreOd in a Bot 68.j King atonot mest, Toronto, tant nighi. TheBritish Forein Office bu00ro. ved neorolthaI LDents. Kontingand ni and lionaotive onîdiersn. o ir moanacted in Octohor ]ont, more aid obite parleying srotb tribesmen one Nigtr tortitnty. hob nom -gyction houdget aboihec latet laxenslted eaon the nativoti L. Thoo -a au ontimote orotn- .oed topooditorco lot the 00007. thé il oomiaistration ofthe ou odasn and MfONDO4X, DEC. 12, 1898 ]msimon,! ama, snlsnrt. r. 'stay Ser ton Mmmetonotion. Mhsrh. 0050.2btonhoy, niod. 8W"Ooirtn.vooo'notatlt1eo-hov. Tonno-nihO .ed onrlrr. omi; --cco ts .n..Mt 10 montOo r0000orffl ooomd joit R OAPLASI, Auction Sale Far,, Famtook, hnpliments, Uc MR. M. MOODY Te WoIt b PuhtiçàAootle. M eo iit5, 3d (Do.,l TlOAALS.Caorty Hiton. o WedCsdyc Dec, J4thr 1898 Mal ta L-d Ltosood. in1sr 4 y . cppont IrtiCothoe tc'ontooo sotercr 9morhing of tihe Section aailwayr. noo.aanetn hn. ('.ÀTmr.-O4well'bt' -aM,.1nJersey mnv eft(ho tndians atnolHnm.Mue, owôM .,itotifr tnliotg 2 o.. dse O1 edt Part Arthutr lot the Hrin c'o"'ts.erlrctct Dohtoniicmr otoOdnro ple1destemtttyebu8otuoiaMenthesooti. 1rooo ghtt'o and ocre scotoncod to ton oco. ioprod Yorhir. dueon aJonooc, ore ec n oKIingstoon Pnoitontiary >1 jcrstcn. duejo le t. Sallo'osot toyoungee hrothert marc otîtoord lowrhho Onnb t. eOetu der noopeuod setesne r.uanosdZMT-l Mome-r arie blodot inOocd mormonngorer, t Toteate sower, t bonne Wilit T. Stoad, woohas joot somte, tk..otO tooditl. irCttoüth cotiintor, cd brom tth Vstican, giyon auun- tOeusttec'.Orolri-» onm.tmt'tm ioficd denis latf IItMotes reptena- N 5p1Tcor là-rrm -ro.Od stir b that thn Popeoninhostileotethe Am. irth.1 og.1ticth. 1 t ttt.tt1,tdoo rue. oot ~tt~~,tt0ttO. Jeos 0)00 oogoodo. .1otan sat the co aryhis Holins ni broaoly e.1th.rartoieo Ottm-.-on t.o 0e otoo. eu opre mlbitte UtedtStoton. Alooaltte moceOsorodOOooTOCFAitM. restooiug ordcr thete. eomsitiof oeletetteoil oco.eeortl, rond e.ay 1- no. Onthtetoomti sot-nattted cor-storion have notppiaotid Oth' Osothb.- 000 feet.anud gaed Oate oleq rrttc timr hoirg and ths Parry Ogl otott r roos bs ud Northtaiaces tn resoaritthat lmtsecd. onsnudtot&bot-f or1 mot , omollet"etr *wnrc shipped flrso soteiîh; tht Solý'in.,hta au t ac'on oîe ina nStation o couplet ot vos lanod ' ecetbot ilose-nhoh,otoo ja osk,,ontmsswovand Piohm. floaro ta 3.Une is nnid bc have veighed 285 otoatot tlo n mOto ilýsud o tatIf -ftolton ade aad the othcr M310 pnds. rtt tet ute -hont . h,'tout ffice: t8e oreigitto tnay 10 correct; bnt did 1Thsrvtte0cýciluO. , -d ottooo t eporter nec the dtor moighed b IfthOe ptoettnt iagainc tte cNothwrot. lidot ho malhe a mittans of atout ewo'0air htcto -at r.).80. thoo. teo. anthe meigitfthe ttolarvet one, Tenn or o0ck: $10 00onOdooder, -oh; 1noy 75 ho. in tiat of the other -9 '0000thot sm1on tOoth-o ttnun arreto- ebhi's Gceat SlosfnIMena Liard 0ForlP ruot ! nUeeo.rn' cmn Glovet o .too g0ing n. Seon nor tollnt'Bts, b--to t' ooit rser. cial 50 trot Gîove.'-S. G. Troitir O -tritoant ro-erospOtu'tM »Jaiut Kitg & James Ots, Hamittoo. 'Ottttor in-ta hnottoon. JONSIFf. For Sale. Joctsud groundn King St.,op. lt Couto flotte Square. Apply te lm. ns. H. WocoS(F. ~Th e fChampo ToJatucry lot, 1900, f$1.00 pron te the travelling publie onrecellestIaoilieo in pas. onger Iraool. ik Tirne. Sucpberb Roing- Stock, Effeétive Serice We mev g ,« NIL? The Je olf the, Limiti fi qulitr. ar theca uitt 1675S4ît an d for lO 1l tre 25..optr " b is',g:4 . oo si C.,20C.,2. 001e :)o iJ ~ RCOUTS 1101 HILToN - G STOREý,i- - LINDS y'S 'twaStock! fi Onr ligodrkl asud ten Meonnd Yutj C ho. lot. 9wa te ise lt, rommnb looint,; et glondatise eoch . ,,esa.'thjt ooat theo 10tto f u ooacdLTbemamcof theofittnti,1u a tilloun eunh. suit. TO THE ' FINE BLKE NCLIdH WoIlSTP.G SUVIl ~1 /~ i e~ F or fer er*ltin,lounldor titohed ed2ev. LII O c tL V > - Sonay. ortchoicafainotriped pattereo. Co, OF Tll .. debeel. Vitsant1ooda arenilciotstiu. 913 50, $14.60 an$15.00; yoarou, Co ny î a tnnro for..................;.......- C S tyofH d onf *âENOLI8II WOBSTED St7TS, 1ti1e i.o-- - o~as and tullît.lack santinoto1 -d.,o Consider olde a oatctThooo matott!.abeLotos 10ENTLEMEN o1 l rln ed on muait Dow s Ivo )yeroP01 0 1 regret veiy sott. itac o tht price on thiatnk hettd c~il o-om. the oer zalouseffots ofnomeof-m1 0u0wa ond osacqueso;, izos, to4-4. c tht nor oaton effrts o aoeotrn>5Proono occo 0#1000, 01200. 00.n d - . political friands in the lotsenaoteel, iià.00; pour chioet ne(Ow ' -'.........o. cvor who 1 bildnonconutrat, and fot whnmeacte 1 W&& ntin Sny aY rspon. -NGLISB WOBSTED COATS o'l. sibte in fant, alîhongit held to he 0octnt n oaovarety nI malte. diagenaio, 0.00P law, the oonsy basonoce mors te go iÀ AMixd solinOiih, oic, oaeqon aud. c ot-'i v Ibrougît the troubleanad toronoil oftanu Lot. stylée. Pnittas mre-lot coot aedt-o olectin c ontact. Haviog personuly , -07.001, $850, $10.00 and'-2 i actod nadir ltenstict letro h a.rkd lo... âo aud haviog bee te ote by hobad. nome soajotity niofne nndttd and twonty-threc over my ojtponxt t est .àMEN S &A Y4NG 51)21115 T'o'EED 1 "t1 iý il ho bc the oiahflite nalorîty of * Thaj'ra All tht finetland teut the tsto (--0o0v- tho otoi tha rs J Faorits, ad, montty dock ttatternsand goc00%,00.00 voter in he cuatytlia 1 éouldre. Favrlte. %tightn. opitrodidly made andi;ti premool them, in,Othe OneioLogita. là liniagnoer tein orradvoacol,iio.' tort. 1 fOices sort1,$Il,012.00. $1.; .0000 il my dnty 10$15.00: nom the rinieof etii,,I'- I tîttotfor cousodr to martnd t tetoct agoito place imysolin Vonr hande, and mre nrdik... ...... ' il clecîrd, tbcarroutt1tht pottoy out l Iited, and thtetpromtises made hy mina MENS AND TOÙLNG XEN'S s,Ooa; dnriog tht campaiganIftrbrnaty test. * Coma Early wmont, pnco pab:rrnn, jcrs3doto.. adplan omfotnrtn. bg 1y tl r0, Bopioo that yoor gond ormnhon and * kfor TISSU. lit and souoe durtanno K'.&, A Ni itind assistance milI bave tht tienct of SHOOTING COALe tnltav,ý olo-.. retuoing me again ta the Logiolatre .j<Pcloeo veo'87 50, 5 0,0. # .0:0: . 1 rnmata. u00 y00t thoice tonl....... '- Yourt tory reoipeottiIy, 3t JOHN R. BARBER. - léï ~Otur store Ielueat6r)o'ec11 exceptt :, on Sat- CoI Smnith's1 Clo ing Store, Jiaig~5 KINU ST. ElHAITN Stoves 1 P. S.-Noariy forgotta to n py e o$tilt gol vo ofvît. - -Esyto regixiate, bWrtnt uoinde fi ~ 1 have morne good second- band Cooking Stoves and Goal Heaters. JOHN T. MOORE, Une dont vont of Toirt Hall. J UESTARRIVED 1 ie Attention fro Etoployees Throgo Connontion. I > I TrnbCheceJ*R. JohVI six 8 W.s IL oomonont nOctOif q0w.a f. 0Lia.T.&P e A FIXE ASSORTMENT 0F... t. istone s store,i I~*M ILT-ON CPt CPt' tw~ Oss- ý»CW At the O' il' r" 't' Ifl 't' If' 10, t 001 171 f VO 0#1 ltto f yo 10:-i oÇo 0' I.' fi' Ff' If' If' 't' o' 't' ff' OOC 't1' o' t<l 0~9 --re""e j Trade Sale BOOTSSOFS Rubbers ouv Overshoes, ,09ekiîn Montréal le# w, our bîîver ruat&d -tof.the best piuwham eV adein -he Shou ti:, - FrheNEX!P TWO NTHS we wîll gîlto' o .-'best value r oflered ini Men's 'on Boots. if Men's RIti rBots -', Men's Bée o b0ts, Men'S Ov-e hoeà and Rtilhhc0-> O r d s me n f o r S I G O O D S I i l r ! \ : tSIIPERS.A e BOT$. -Ko-NGQST. E.. le cowolO DRi. aîlot f tortt80 nâw quit iri L5ocal Nei Ialooalkt hcao Lnn,.D3nt. tocl lin. Hool.' -n ~Manager àusen'h ort the horna.0 tte ti hie *egk, lha, osMc ingbi'retîidg rha. made' oBol ified by bit uc iEND MOOT.IAnK' ateol 1the foilov of F. WVales of tho à, that ho le prep ifreoh mont hy th or small qotantit Lfrc ant. MIr. Wi iohod husiness. 1 O.gopjlytottotoetfn h MAT NtIGT'S oSOC .Il roas solt, toi iado troc. moto. Sdamageodo yoda. The 010000 vo Ito. doonogo oii The Bell Toirp: 1H Y the htvohoo loto. Tho ielegoo cotopoanoot moto ce eri osruor Oieandhbrancl utco thlor 000 l huo th tio locge Fight. At 7(Nigti 'àas voty loonot ..y otîcor pleot. tTMAS SALFo. 0'0: aoor To.oto, F-InIt oo et Yirsat S2s, léeap. Nom i s holiday prosonto e boa t. Itomoos idonut occorred1 ILo theo e topooder at ioglit Zp Melferal %.d -oding clavîcdgeio omily wrtogaUooooo In. The ho7o lIali Wder on tho coot, odùns force. 1h, Elilis. fared tho o ta nI The te aaattccoed botes.,Mot W, hgnoar hy, mav ~e man tht coil .0 Lu. thet matît "0 ando a don, o the poordet or, 9S ahttoered.-ltuo PFtoseen.Agenat 4g Iod ,J. M.W lit omn, sI.Bisel! Pulpeto (cyltndvo tma000 opade hql Pas, leig, hocgi 1 slI ad louo e !Fleury pIot. anàger made. I. i. 11t paysteOn Calin 0004d maehîaety. kn0 the Wallaceo1l, MET0 Tooto., i ýean, died suat te etbhietridet tlîton, on Tneoav 11tetly in encolleol rttorned from To attendod a mtttiDo se Tridera foot.,, MIr. Thomsonw t, ltnmfrieonlooro, 1833, comos aMoentaaond titres ,a of ago. tht b:i ington Soquare, o Bnt thtY reoarol- OllIMr. Thomson Ir ibwere bo nhortlv'i , emeral oroin titng husiness, A o&el bit obole ati 1874, ton hooghl of tht loto .1 &nd reonono tornit toHÜano . , as voty Iatg vu Ontaoo.a qes t(il,( andt Belfat, eir~îetnlt a.litto agh I "gla oua Xie vids aad in Hia wtoi

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