If Ofjns.sa .'. a MON.as -CAI la' le', ,id tenrol A.s I --t i- .r t,î .t, Vbii iet -,t.a tit 1PSt,, hile , aits. ethsIroul udt oii:sudisinl.t ,Ie..t.Pl aine piiupp .rst . Fn- g-..» oa c.ti M ihttitut 1al, atttPtotînroalict Ti, -art.O iJtolie- tpi ,..»:ltiutico te'ecsi ,sebho ,etphniiuosit îr , Tuiittuttthtii ,pr4- 1 pi wphs thati roaui _'yAy n i p i l t . u t a . iS,.utihetisIl oblerY=-- Aloi uhootst iiety tiptl . t1ten t:ht insu :disihaptPrca %Vide- 1 e nrd, it theii .il r.se:,.2 »intIca:lîiii5tPt l' inniýhyh. tuw ,uiei.h het Chn, . :ti . euh sui i ontle, tbr:.ab o., h 1i. ,Icaest istru en, Tc tccotiot ersnOMOD uiqut ct ofToroto, too pace, si colcoroftihe 70mb Royal i coo edosietin tho catird eit psrocordt Iot %a ortimn e tmnarche tbiits. A foaminuessbec 1oitis l ietc, lce trcr' ite. John Prnt, Prc sipieusnJto, J. Sentt Walceo, AIcrcttsudl Sot iho shisclicactecus. cal t to elit. li. Ithoji loliti sai tics CoTABiliccp ni mi wot tire licir satril o robe, paccrda p the oentre a chance],.ThVBisinto TcT hit pltc ibia the l&î stiteco ai ho rChacnel iepa. tnaqouctr ts icr,ihc etiî sif te Gcantictii, Capti ioaobolioodlp euth is s mnclaineo pti eb tliealîoâtesbotchrarenst h amuenais iie aneonf 6 n. Tbey rîobentl an tibt as offloo of ths renai adaittooso. 'Iaeresiet .ilîieethmovocitcePt i 'B onctetiotto tfieurt I ,stelps,and ho ing mi eh rcmitis mietcwue siisentotemintiTthh Risle,%iielhuhnt -O>arii. Ct dor", ta Slihac'oel I flslisedacsaudîa.ts usVCol nebd thuointe .rts. tii.,-s sleo efihoros su e ne' bt anlaleteerted tocrmier adil..cloiathoittics, c = dth tte lcoaW er. ovî,tb tho snl ep at ptoini the l rtsk tselort ii ia"bo cce. baingcoi>loibnpbthe fics osos tiutai abount.Ikorol Tho et-.or'prossut tu ghvjn. tle' aid piaieg 'C,* __-rehulr balaie bhotea t d'o a hitytsie. tai baalc lb mocthe ew, ah - to oue Alova~ lors cie Tbai atp go's ar hae.m f -atlaa t c, TELLS BOT RETAAO UIWDoFr s sa Neu AULTEEZIP. i Mdn mdproiâr t ta- Pigekia miTiaTocs a Meo itst otbro cd .Cracks nu brou Renoesmsaonsea&mm &aimaias.I ?n17' o Tihlbe Tac Ismile t te i. Iseer mcliiTaa uiscomassarlar Ibthoo. ru.rtlrrcourmserhm Aie 4 =, mlonre inal tt li.Eb htuandltsqbaaaZ loCi'~ 1 bovi renm ru lleatta en net 6adamio tMe nsp.eô ta bats grel nrol jour papiet tuilaeml re ltsUmet oit cae, ibiave bossec eesutw slmdflt. Cmii ab" i aittai mm i uita j urmit.a ri.Wlratit'nPitb PMl i, s Itbas-tbat gtiie aâp qicm o*Mm"lo, rcst &"a. h1 01inia meine I-bbl Mr matêSM rtTtm i emi Ians inthes e e-.. tijelotbavn bar ibye inibu tiven kaki ildegglainyenau inesd nt rrt isena 711 ps mI&W.1a s!' mesl, Sd eai Sbtee hnsmasn railbroiten tu o-k poniMat, adinutact -starmoe 1Ibisnag mu ottebbr prios titan teen r -r -it took a sOMMicniD. Tlllia huit tnsra sisi 1. 1 une theebtter. il irt. Pin &but t ira alqé, bas teubp ao* reod Do qiwc rtbny amntu sPtrnr njlytins k bt i4t, Blfreébl bandle. tmma bai Ime osmmemtm, e bavidba a tmarhmhly gondi 1 siYt as Sstiw U cton, scn eà ySutamaniemais ane bi r outait nMyi us eaa btik. poadi tion ta enter theo înter. ottoct ~ notonu~ itlicemllpsiOuti m tl, John i.. Turner. Bal- ansewutoong I ronil*ade sep arcm acp'Aloi. a rk abma rite sy bouade1 I esetl nd, btttee dasas hastcos ioMare, * gttinq rotes and mmi. id uth e a raiaotttcnMma&"cer C. ha.o id ar phir alme aiofýy bande Sed mp lisais MW»snailstbO-to iso stttrnhIliniit i. rerp a e t r&onp" arcs aud Inn. tamO ,=lblt e O OWrt bieso mae 1 tho tan g i ains hstO" .5 rtl. itpit .thabcd. i.gnjoit ciné ai - .at cris t.nîta r iot ta tite doctor, niici1 onueaifor bara mac' nslm aprrblt sist aerai reste, rite »ntaobâteil r hatlt"p le lsn psrliiSt u * er-n'yitandu- itili bhecunnMm ectr J r~oae. . *iiti.ead moneciasled rite obe disaie. S5M5h*t une Wrîid. easnaita sud ani1Igot sllsconrmumeiltoC'sf«occtvroC'biaiaaai n Mt ta boegi#branvietaobsîp ft lbter. * toieacdste,,eclbotinmiQu ltaliaiti id ilitîs sibenegeplai tteni rwu graailly »4..taios- 'Orr » a colum J-. spcemaianp ner my bande sd ornr2tt ttnai' sc s nco riata tae9ar<ti ny arie. ithaaeg.onoai t Ilrt. one dey ia roueoahta rtean se cn.n.qointone that Dr. WTabsasePnb Fifteos o tnsn ai ed Ititi,itPile cors meniione in h ecthon i ah e e- -o lai, ciib anme oter Ocasn htes uaihbr t he. riCealeldam h , ,ti, b ora», ,ra ngutd eiItacy etbiadcu orno n. ~,= ib tom matheu. I ted mmsnb ha ibbinrTtno n. rs fail the lbial. bntcolndsto t a tala a chiotin taou. l'atiss"0 tow rhy. bon and efit ai tgod lbp migitoai.ranîsanopnphcrynib Va mp ecoat dliloiltaru r nplbbnillngt fchi"&sot&seltheeprodunction I toannoiaimprovementc the conitiogios fsopsthlltter tu te niippoit te tse .1th- Y". oet ny band, anaij I tiaic banes mrs. oeuoétep. Lanat ban beui sed 1t Qii nt use aIl the. ,for biesa ihap on y5qgsSra bout **aoie eles won cO gonte des anstd vaehed anaiSostit ut e-ýCam" s OÀg e fc ne' eybande rere an sonnian over. The ana thtitckbid aiifng ferro nI! senso cor*anerama on as nnStb anai frasit lscore shntly. Tho capitalisation of sai anonnhieghalteaubsnthes mener. t1lis proposit opauyla 140,10) ni tenit on ottur Meciine chIls noing theo nilth oneaterabîe bas alreaaiy bsae Pille ondtiho choIs paisetfthe ro ahbcribeai. Mr. John Wilson,ofnebt b ut'a, thonâ. My «serd aîit ltnpérial fBash, i sapoloorsan tbe litis as alto gratîr bonofitwo by ibir masagarouttee nwoun'caan. Sonno onsec atîtondod al mny wrrh ite iho.rthavbaite chtt;arao. W. t m.ocre eoerandsotnbottai sirii lAodihane.W. Gocaerban', . .B _tces-. thon I ilaiooo lot a nuster ot BlinI, H. M. PolaIt, J. Roca. WT t..t oa.Iavbooin exellent bllate Donglas,asai F.lttlpb. Sit oapropoel te eirincloa ManoqlEr yaro. anuai iocNieuttarin ilb 15000 laing boue. rio nu ign 0t sali rieon' bas siien appeer. ant baidoo tbe saporVot an-. ctchitlot 'yId., et. The box or imn nf Pink Pilln nil- ooailyrîsitrboln ;irtdo se.W eh 1 loti nuon erc eait nsp pnipnut ie b alai n Canada and lb, tact- cils antd It br oncitgoot. 1Icimen u 1Unitea îe. tt.Spaatoce bigîlp o Dr.Tlllias ,àPink. . . duoa -lPillaSnul an' pleasi te ltS acy tué. in'eny hu teir monit. loping othern THFE I'EATHEN CHINE!. n'ay tbeonbp bindacat tueunan oe'- rn .d bliiiillyin "Se las M nain.The empreins er China morélp mr& ,tlat 'cati efls"n Cilo.EY. asteoa l aneg g@o rtso- arThe edaitr oft hi eiprse cetadai@ pIonAis.. tint Si. Cbéiep la a roprnmiam s Pll«ei aChin, a leibitsa snnrh fta fermerî liig abonut thns Mi ielotn]eo 0 s os sots A nhcp l le ipihy. thé tousof Brigatr N.I8. snd lbs hibeilesandI hiehtd en ithine alvt, l, -tuts m eteninen cao bo place o ia.-Wnniiktsmcal. bio statoanînt. Tie yrnnoaprio< o Chno, i meule ctiV a Dr. Williames PinkPlIAs crsie ne mntklebtmrl ir f h ott i -ili'biotd set in tim cay drive dusmes ebh. oins la ma"cav debi iscén h frnbbosne'e as rs u n-ebiir.'-KnaC ity Jouasl. loirem teirtral Win.î non..- If thealrertfChiinla la nei dandlà venses otsocl... 500 nlp e lle coifus tthons rwho hInleothe in boxes. tho ciappei ronad eiclo scii reme ihon bnavebns "Port" - s 'it '1 oubasi tfunll trade mach "Dr. Wiîlnmi ts i@ kle ai c«.lsioîtLidr 1 jý èu PinsPIlertocPalenPeopIe." Il joni Chinas doanan>emproi'dcog bhl ie den.ier aieot h "ae te vhn n m untaie ha Mge. ihn hu.su ppiitber bon otpea i50 cents a bonx i or m &Avriand nlosrltb olfcits poie.n sicbos n 11111bpaddtisbg lb tum vrai Mnio.-stL.Leste Re- Dr. Williemn'i'Medicine Co., Breriville, pohbloe. rtIet-. Ont. lbitg nrieportai lbtthbe sperovi -- -~. - -à bsa e t.otne.,.. cosnaimremp c t 3 45, in oto, au h- inîau.n weontheo IraI- TheC utebl, andl cfd ta tho feo theap-1 nt Weltb,l ,tHoard.1 lAr, luéd by1 locet by1 an. ebior, 50 diocèse,i covocain gile inibé1 oote tmoot r cil4 tts Pcrinatly1 Dg Adjnlmt1 .ln Wiltis, tord au the1 bte ic otr mrtoorca enctlehoik. routai bIse bhog ae -a theoIonr, taornrd tht miotetr . ThlhirSo lîi in s, leonelNau" the colas ni'eca hoisia TC raten teeý Cooel the eh&"ci 4u Manouu Theo Delinetot. rs aalrcsil sieset si ilparlal bluh. bu -MM a s a lb cortl lah"ted seteti The Dosmer entuber of abs Debn sii f lîsn svltrslllatn ein l e Sthes Chritimaomssei.- 'n orNg said laa marre, ofeoinplotae- inta a ito dliséslent& Tb@oTiannFanbiotS PUECIISEL MAND ORUSHN.o in Ornes ami Nillîcary &as eactaîp illsrael aiddemialhstthes Llbeary TAilmanB&tir. lbhe totte, te teorul>ib foatorOOfnSUaatannsa gilei t le asplatirn tetDowroistaaPue., h nr mert.anolte Itoisehold F îlipetls Urjol lesugilua, ltheNrelue ane efthie nMnst eanaeti 4ecio l nplr miemade ntsqWWit*tta W chrentas. Theise eni meantfcie e ses atClrlsttiAe, i e. A Noera Cibrloient n.by Caa lt Cher l Sen hittI eniA It. Latgh!in. cilappelata rasni ofodllto" mateaIflscvlrtu tels Steyonson in a partie1lrstsctiuusie ;àaM.litnc tqd,"a eoy. Tbs ie u SueaViis, W. stIacretce hy Ets Wilder Breliteal. lase pn'es barsehl TLZt Civoa ertitet o'qssebitntk onsIîa iêied toartetcinrctan tu nstaoat cnth er r tes bassIn Ino ty *qMdsuaild l Stert. Wasntonisu Scistc dur-ip sluhl.t ing tboeai, by MNs. ArcAiihsAl lHsp- -dmon tastndthlb pesg sothor ni t tins ln se tatanstînp ninaprai ci .,ta -"lasudae snraa," 5bs MMbo W il ai the capital dtsmie lleit!sia. sv. iteai sèrloenry spitanspinla Ieepint TWateit, au n is 'vaiChhiseueatns ud " apvrW. gBt, ra nosme'by Elite N.Thaomas, èlhf rt wucasecmas, RaS b s bais i I~ ter. tbellsn ufb iDlg -.1t the Chist hild. In tes en Te POLITîCAL QuIPS. CoumnlIsoniLitu, Dr. Gras Parit- hinnMuray analynoslb l»pImI oa- Tîelistem.»suricge Name*lie ] ditioonsu anehocal aspet* uf OlatAgo. Pwelabilîlos ioaéosttasntec ibhm The artirle ic lb seinsons Amaeorsie, chars"anate éltmdsi-Rnst le Photataîhp con"$a sa nnoboî t oflnnionstes nsuleaioingar teathq 4anettor Caraiteooevltids àihoserblle n'holarly abtinsouTheiCnltttatiot ot Cndeutsle vn Wyet runds ws eut' tho vols a. nPuten Talmcax. hy saoIta am àgciai mnn'-Naclsrt MM a Lhn insBard, nil b tonai compIlteand-'Eocoln, tecninhsdhrecionstor prpipatseTa. fi ird isecsloe itoiqea elborsie oitto sutarmioat A s hlniîpPnsnâe" les. wla le 1 oltaegrotap oHolday Ennniiold caine a ers. wset n biae. » n rdotjeIn hlaestrareat in An Olai Timee"Anolir.îs*sseJoe tChrotme. by Hem aCmat. itohay Coclp At1 *satt l«»t. bp Lafayetteamw rInas omtun seténiePb.tmimia Mc4rm sel Club Tensu said Clobtan Bnt-Aecor c 'ltaidst sI, Mser Liec, bp Hais M. Tieslor, btasn s irtU ta 1cis ebsratoeinhcutiily itarimniom' irdr Jons, Tite Tea'Tshi h 1Ea&S. Wîteuta" and EmhrondrybýMà Tu, *t oisr lIo IseMt - n il he If t t' ahs not th Si aà i' bas WM Ig In So AN 000 con. V.O Pr aaiie lsti ii tslsiiiaeiUir mtsqssi7>$ Ia Tts» g-M la ns la pohiki i*ki wt oluttnlu< lb tas or.tia4e5oin ey âmntacoloa- Cnntitootetg." ewuslb regy. 'th"s' ans go6ala iuplerinot a ohm ItaS I ate.lt wmIWgrtBlà i .nGis -aisu s - O irî1.tt An ase dap- ade etSiat neaini-or int" asYistmn u, mule Tie ta loktat oinsla 'nkda ITo, roctn*itp ras aies90n nomi M Untic lbe gîtionclteints, hna Il cas ie amsrst.O s ide molelb eards 'Clark, Groi AC."set0oi hor 'Pitoe'tan" sai"&Bd .'Ttou ten, t otni eldrO plalnol.Wrsla- at .A» rhcn iq h-as sbon llltio egll Doe, la th esninnng disairict Tien - s,.g. mntealaitraseand troubhesin enllag dton or nogaasethte cou- nltnse wucneamati pproclaieé hp Itn unit ionéamtn n sair -enamir t.e gnîernmt Ajarteti lmieaOtoi 'cg of chie moa.y rtc stappol. Thon a anited t BasIinet as ewablahait en-rer, tie gcssonmt pnrChs o b eiatIos Ocesatlarhk, Gctboe & s., osd ai balecta oni roPomtsoollmaOf d. tumrl" opmftmenlIlilorccupr thons. -ChisaoTribnea. Wccane inaaa e eom-pnt.b ng.it cwu appsronIlr noI onlyc"cI baveltheporat e tqlateig tha pause t te stig. tbappeedien herrOeeone.- odet gralncomentaetabînls e r iPo- necanec tio ns a càssuan conted, ileaus a rsrsia RnsrOvc inn0a1n Snbs»i baeagîe fe nhr. ot lily proéliclsg I aoy tJugsetndpalolsl iwelllng, but solclea bartatell'cra tr le Oae toblnlai dianlveSi a bic traps nr waterandt applluîl.10it tlimiegr aOm lneiîtsmove thlb p";st aent,4 aplisA n bseacirlcnfeaic, BPOe$otcaoi.iA tn dey. otI teruidt"listIO tquclly rffeciv.teeMW nf abynoeggairmWto bai baen mVedj sBtutoeg Oe lba I have topé a all h Ottl iO as6log smin" Ion ot acm.u. rsedpfor *mandsuit ,bas Iniqe prnie a sertiat necitl, of courns, te.ppliedam*-onsc spasîble. bmI isesn a bi hgavaepoalto-IeriSven o eIgbt hoorsaslter lbesaleg.-Pionntr Ttc sonait DOss.. A écehou ntrs aabon -Du on uag In sh ilcl hbiMses ere'nelr onivnai han àlitenMillasel"sMta&L.FTr b ase iaanmlp Maie ai basneset ltrebe enîthensheiblese a néImneeo orns ehaseti teeé,ibnpite-OB te@ soa Oetlrmns. Be naesnslnons ciof bertcnhtaveyl tatbio isth oN a tapei R n u mLeh actcee, com' tros e btant eh@a hs helonsta cprend. orraon.Red abae leé to@prt ersort o nn abop oeth el hd itottn- Bue moitit ipeeily nameshoiart sU O "pe utateSnv iutp e. edandfltohexla elhitioc, frt hopersiito suind ingor' = elle lh1z cyaos ouethair loee ian sud Isncrrgilel.dilika iet1h Antla haon. ..cllerrnn'a tocseahj ni r aims. r~ tbe aj pposrOr Iheit sstlu,4donc trai Nthal0a r5611<.', hldadpdIsonDr. Ptout b mn psietar b hIn Un. rb eot r s lavortns massaz oeoointa as 6ame lietaeut pelhebsi, teIneepva. .à., wau mamaitan141 beacamlrsofMo- iaeliu. a asisesilana bars hae lb tarajh losabed- taeeiahata Chrias çitdeiioce'si oliteCrailtoco waelie,«tin aiasSF tiom s os&o* flg tan ;Ptcreon -Thelalf es abcr otl iun aodi atalén tl. T.1Ushe Sltg ~ ~~0 Anm.~osiei eplit eM een s aa rm*1 4M i 09m" 10 ieoctait ries bumai hi an ,ea -n-l - n'la tmaînau adtitalien 0lsthe ohflt. c .MMdO Otl ' ati s sepamnés -acepro' ,k tia itbtoaices Cittri. Ihtedy ptirla lia" onsenmuietnformsas.. bi' Rb. ,drogolutnhbenr sat laihl ,gioitot ci dstttu b bp ibm aPecte. tj iîveisionap isoao lto0 n- t ore m anrtrisbob se s btud.tl le ronfeelof u$ ira$. Annihit peostlarcir0otte apcooatl ta th"tont Of ibionbase anes dlaplar' dcpn of thisor histor.ie. The nanUà-e0 th. shtishase ssrvivaitda onuoslet" slhhtihebapuonD tintaeic onen sb*O givme plaetaonabesnbitter esitot h Oe sommelofh osuîi fmodertttImes. Tht- olty t~etpalumc 44 îeo sheeof apntecmo, anai sens, bts@adeatea Oaea token croi e in motelluaiot Iglm la e b bler are ttct.l'hnen arn-coic ens, adslatmot oen only bp tie -oaiettenrpropclrit Pélien est naterairt«erdîas, lbheuanle i ton mim'ai la lis bonclr. The" e aIl icol ai eulns sone tee lns-bieîb, ,il set tibits. Other ames teoltllai sansIas, nmythologieoa es,manibtns Ml antlad Flore. set royal till lIt Frcedich ont Anglis&VictOrIaMat oo n e honela i"rioshe -tietsepreoiteee.socia Atilse.e tond sua iefied. =Lat-boaDfe wa wrotn p ta thllYiact clubhte ma tie prismston ot pizmonlhyibtmisel euyH@ m.et la psilnirlp jolrbn- momil bits ail aet pr-mstamm lnea moul pllp obon.oDes pIrierli, cle sGermeant Ole uloar.rolpcmi lbth lmpcrtanoi of the nen n menrs lie mne sllrsonburm l b Filecap in 'ue tant and smiidln Ibo othr blenO tndy te reie lprIîî-a poi cf large Astethelcusof te hoar'a tpeeoblte hautoat lbevases Cte clilU tlost, cie bnrrleilpot enp omileoronumserd nelder lberanitiscceltOeis, ces. uow athe kaliser insistol openaatis band ifmcongratulaion, onst, ta lbhe' barmt hahgrineant bilsofet* ins-i nath &lrbonu t 1lniightrrtrainelar one ",bolhi& amicil . TbenaFtlrin'er IV« nIvee sliqnuer met setderoltal aortelsnt ta drltrtis aIl 10 glanselnci.-Oellog. ÀAconrespondenit ofthte Ocnswîeb (Mo.) Tetimspb nso11 litestng rien asn- dent laurolt.bcarde rItte amather aith wrie icir, aseaft i raa lilng foc tenuiIebala Wo s MW boomas 1M1a1 broot. Atabhat tie;l the duçaleUmlu te Hecilhornut bico.liaun s eor r F mervait in toanner, and bai ban Pram ataes. l nIn l ei, brasasDo 'vr a fat 8 oiaobla . hrlb. t casthe roà- bie et test tiot tac te tontnts du tey sas Picideai Allenileta ilskisir b l Nacthcre andtJohn nlnlca.Il cas salait, Vrsbrotgh Dit ailb h Twsit. soiMMaboyéS dnoe Il eur ha rien puethe bprn"Sltns Ontemsa riautmomansal ibors, lbepitil or a thel cla nd I bate tîrgoilen tibeter ie ras somendet er ueseoni ritPai cr P "Blggieank"ateo ner bynslt eg ormmaertlbnoocp7teon, n, il tc' tbanghn la casm noaorloasrsaltIl il1do craeneldnt'npal" 'flans ît.. fis ageot ecrhs,uas.à emors etolla oesttili1are sud Bltrlgis thenqehaufilea b ya@ .tPeWvitaf.s.ilgW e jol; T atof aI Int, eu w 'Tab ealbtatcao teeay ahle- tepffsîtta loc.' "rllj-ChiosggiaPoil ilasteUtasarfin. AYreasousiait mou cater reldIres thathéIc ta letnd csudîbolgc'nploo. th# fllfea taorlbis boralehn Il bout!' on aeatrieicac.-Cinenuailon masll Tribuno. Sos sieneeltoomaiial tlb; eV. My 0" Ott"bsPeantnbha i atioot daois îPlatattsutabil;sedtie1wterslts li mOIsc $MDédit mi! au h feseai eP e-Pltiorgu-iay-- ý DTHE OinplnssAisJnTUa..~ J J la A. a Oso. Rbe*; SpadnS A. T WtO,1 m .'. iTUENDUk .. .STE!CNBICYCLESa MIL-TONSACk >g*l Ùetora IsBal Nota ,MVdS'DtARTUNT. nai,nnpntal.btO ik6 j o ês et ~41» lte e by x.x n o n'inimum5 mnnillpalass. - Speoini lpoaitm alunrclria tercent mins. i. F. HARPER, tflnau AGENT. NILTON . J li TheSU EUS Týie gmet dllflAntp mite apateais0a finessstlail"Y nr eiaîwhlp su rotais tary contribution$inla btheaMUnsaOe ibse rWho lavauIsboesamir bordones lain hborse beyothera no ahir than thor are ta carry teae. Tits boss oecre lt in intu mnats ta the onlt-imoped titiîsu ysteot rhInh setsapaor a cerespoge rn et intoeemaîtà boccouinaveuatn à,t usp Cte Lnc a siars for roi ns soat eootnt porpoas.Il Masy saS te hdilty tlb bai madena bntit hie rosdernly effenliva ta animpîityiag tee probiers nifctnhc sud n'uaonnaryitet. Fower mils ns hor lilethcp givi nutil tepupt h down in bilaksot ,hint cd maclle cte retion it beau luthir i Uce nm. noms. luih brans nsosma p declhsm un mats a tl oi fornslét'rm tint Oteson mnnt OMMeedoenftiem. Ecororvta icia Tirso. hifl~ -Waterproof. -Wuaru like iron.' Just reccived a fuit stock in Ments, Boysý, Wonm's itnd Ghtlg1 '-That wagonsitouli maets at rosnd andoonet tt.' L"TIneela a lot ofi sonni pitlonopbin "tlsplumas. Vii mayndasijrai ta daobt v tirac cann rotai. inba rcmdwrlit rain moutore* Til hdifloilVS'b roai botter aad bit4psesrnmtn-na su ni gcarel r. Ilapimiai xpoimto ritlî dynaneoniar.4 la gin Ran patiebaie ietin adbs l4tabael She to . rii iastc uater mont ondiflias4 beSàe la etier taon rite sarrwsues. Tit ose h& espially dvantmgennefor'ail kW$ai cf tiamig ons titifine. Bp anu ordinacunaof"lb clip9olRonhetar, N. y. bau ieffoaisi OnspWmiChange t 06 ta nn nen0.0tflfl1 aotbp banniqsemsqso ornaes, Atfe straStz. Tb&a émoas bin bm onnlc . - _ cipy, bot sootiini ibli inai@ uFmPlaoang wth ta ord l ming te rminpt ng iaB er caaettl4nt... eqoUtj ll=renu For $2.OO rL.~L~z TE CHAMxPION Murray& Lannan's wMnra PLORIDA N¼TER I U I IANDiflCte!,TIETOA M L-itt2!lL::. -nft senlnn.r - EON R Ila. silo E il .ME 'J' Wp&iring 1 The almocrler iog, t, S.. NLTON? e pIs Ofni Mlice anid îlei, ~ ' n I ccpaIllM .Is W.4 l. a 3hRUSHE ad s , :.: I=_aw___ ortelt né S. A ou f 1. ,o ii tn Il ETC- iie 3deots. ce S fil liilAliFi 2,it «Ii~ Lil Work eGuar ci~ " ATSPEJCAL V -, t. e . Ait"" jsatilbpepufteyutiitL'le. ;u tePagi er ufaor taler im eorjamarrteur ail Lili.i11. 'sjorioous hir lk th lir om oî.udil ;gbhbri. Tbtpicisic o.,(>T ocd nwsteiborý; but ih2t [ o e1.u.1 rocnt sile trestn otps). ad' f00 AND acotuti M6. armaiY, %i Nie, En LPB'. ,B tus br s lPaitts ., . non a d p te.' jet d. Wrettrr Oineol 05 p Faraîsaso trap A7001., N T TR allucac wlet- N"TSi.. iotn I A nv okfruag -. yn.pititoitiîtt.Si' =C-11.'.anintIlpà lb.,It [b.I-dLSD.b. drut N R o.. P E'À, pug.C leit __i OTRIL, iàyTg -ANK las fIN leic Opipositatea Tor. p p -st S. Cecan. "f oung U-.. t'Jli lesaipr oWn AL Gondit arlse. Apu teqil pet ay Ber Nabp onl flAlto np 9. , O't Ul; isj Ob cal cal isi (ai sci ýll