'~~~ The deer-huirtisig Part r -àad Ca mp.fffie.on Thy d àiS . n")hveasu ver.aboadmo _______________ ot gord lunob, and ouf y brougtt home13 G SL byve deer, whieh, bearever, mare extra J,'» 'lO iar1'lt 1 14W), fineaanal». A rums.ti waesmrènfiedi I A about, toms fot eeb SI HarY $ 1.00ud baahwD ]t.aThis, IS NOW IN FULL BLAST 1 __________ _ sqry was giva glaeralcrédenceasud fým elrt ti i é cosedl Whti'e narnerous freeds con THE CHAMPION .dale ahiîy This mas quieted 1'VlEL> TIN GwRTI from ear tatcabe lt hursdav mbu e uibe aoped misaL~ odatbs ha eua MorerceXoe. 24 190 lle r f i ary. aOil oelevd si'priees, andasince this sale commenced it halI been aîf MIL__.__ ,_NV.__24,__189 __ tb Tst ov Laty. IL drtisf out, rna te ry yall o g..ette ioUp soudtory t i ft@Crowds gwho have been there...... Haitn Lberle. persan cho laed sothiisgeIet0 tdo. Wiibur T. Malatt and MoreJn Oie IN IF TE GROCERY VEPARTMENT iteo iiioralgaie!Haltos set baeKentitwo of GaLoiea popia Young 1*10 retaalt eee hiroaoat o podou jitiy marredlete i10a r lsD ied Apples W anted baOeriOy tu ealect icanddsodi.. ii5fTiorrshooy. Tr:1 0B r sD the oulig he elctio. rnderd auptial iLol; mas ted bv itey. N. WVeii. teesay rte ocaatingofetMr..1Wood, cf that place. Tire oeeas of ta; For imméodiate shipsaent ta Gerssasy, and thesewia e allonesjuet (ie Iýarbe, bu. Lt oslancat of te- eddng miidiy sorpraedOrs Young srea ahdra h s ha ae rs ma ne (1ay beisc a gpubie oLliday îLe UCoor. copopte. as hoth the contract0og parties on sehdrn h i lepSl.Bigte i ne %vont to.presa a day ahoad of tirso avre pesmiseat in social circirs, Mr. - -LNSYM NSBIESMDNO UMU and beice te reslLtof thOmeetng taeîattlea memhar o Qntir DiLNSYef UINS M N UBO balbucoade IIsOuGr repot vili Maait & .Amstrong, ad for a fers a ILaprocarOuitr let$OOb eers ostil receatly mas inachargeai As,.tiowevs. ficBiarLas a an.theMotreai LansoL. BotLltire bride bm eoold id i trLe gance toms uoueed, is bin addrèe te10the asîccorsanad groom areaniatone of t ie we ili inLd thot il e de4r ' ervos )las ~A.~ II c Lch appesascla asother corca. ,that Ltra ILootrlattr eogseloseelJJ . Mfl lI VE D .1 lc is agaro sn tLe field,.asotiLe eatiothchcoire TLey iii rerdo e n ak.:Goo traîl looght ou otbtisg f0 bis per. vlte. ;Misso bi Soceloi ,t, üli, ros1ai disceedof. and as Lbe s ortLoot Il îLe aoarberof Lbocs s ay avid. OTireoduy.a fMr.N ltne Il ',lrbt te trngest avaiiaLl candidate, sace. rOavLe in saisg in romnence TiefcrloMc, .iruocr r ,ay htilenb tofor trd OLadthâho asea fi il castra. tas eteheecoiyolat eLmorer'.' ý aioe celeot. . derlan tLMa aLasoL iereoftrolrcrarya l'OC moc o uco Liêe ofthte MorcdhiacL asada rstatctiahod ttiSaded. TLriher-rotbn dc h C ,aeto. tn grlwiM.abr a s asa it, idii omel iCarotbelrrilles Barobeo "Lerc standard lrarec, mil1 occupird by Gosi. Andrerws ardwareig acb. go jeta the cortçbt cofidenteof arcceos. store,sd r ao doisg bosness. TLe PlowMatce. J .J h s o e ' interrcrofthe placeioasLeietenlsre- Cc oeoeoc Cococeo,, e modeted ad tted uftesu sit tLe TLe amuiraisatabes of trHallos rirecsmets of abol. A large.ana- pc=as asaocatin incte ed ou A.,I --safa bas beos instolod, sd C. M. Law-. ihlmferfait, os the eastaideaofc \,,tieoltoaudioiba oaLds, lire Con- resc insortinif a systrat of eoctric Miltce, tact Thorsday. Tho aeafher t-5urniture Store, slrvtire teuveerciooo eLd e. ls igLe. 'and oaler conditions emre favorable asd I cslsy ta elet coeadidate for tre TLe sorsar rresider etiW. .I tere e mes23iicompetifore, eho did ,o5s.i.g lye eec.i. Ha eftlteoou al wllCtoor cfiToronto, os tLe taLe Laab sorne rctra gond piowisg. Coaspetoaf M I LTON aeteooid f1v oictoo ros rude f1 rasostred cd restLig c as-Lider.amaeded thesriors ad &althe .tLule. rý élcto vs s toscaraa vsyThchocofas ee Iarrangesmensaerre asaisatisfactory, a Prectoiroetrog vif tiro etegates betd eacant for sorne fimo, bt bo L tahLo ae fflece,of thre aoiefY Laesg dose A FINýE A SSOIITMENT OF.... oist Mt. liclirottor ociice. At b i.w. a! tica avesa suspicion ebo the perpe hi okwl. Th mtcesbavosg plibic ieet.g !,Tcne(tat tü twD 1traor o thetbet in beu coc Leeofficers, judgesad îooioecoetro orceo attlO tms ratr c Ib tbft s.a nber of invititgarnie repaired ta ostt. ircrisde.t se. Cecocts io ths CLo popia attesdrag îLe srgh scieooi the oamrcial Hotet, sahare shey par- hair. (). 1the pisifevro reo Cl. iii Lcid Ibeir assoal commncrmnt tooks ofasrexcelirai dioaer.worficbmawon, Leiu, e MA.P.,1).liedeo F xorise onFriday, iratiretouea ha-lolboseji Ly Bougandsdeeches sr bere c I i.,o.tieda, M, ~As rxcrllent programme asoyeauosr. rotes cf :thiank af0tiroare ho coatai- %foye ic, i. 10.iioye , . 1. W.i.iott racgea f0 rtaosthoelarge Louges buted, tathe momeets of the matolirra** anod W. G. ictor sticipatrd. Tire rmanagemrnt lia TLo feloiiste c.prisa fit - *r oeereirratoisrth tiooucaospeakedasîropitsfcfctirvieoo. . ra C arnages tcie ired t4b m eeing tst Co. thevti Leou ise cd reite a st CscsS. Cromley, 1ex V Wrr rorilr d re~e ossirneevtsy croorvToonto, and ic additiono tc tis,ýSccsd Ciaa- C. J arve, . Soper. loy ior.oeeotebut liber Prosta mooical programme, cnartic f ecar-Cloe. MoGragor, F. Iýobino. os.t leon, ve oeoed tLe conelfrom otoe, etc., wl ciii Le redod ire' rdClasP. %loir, T. ato acpiyctie o.ill e celesollste o andpoty Nfivo f tdhecaoo The De tour iJ.A.frfcMiciag. LO ViERJ? TI-141V CIT-Y .FRICES J J enieai ILooneeakeotroiaectrcrr GsofEtciatonfo Otao ourtFC:îlas-b. Waidos, fil Joyce, iltoic)weilt viibocd firs anse ostit rii baprsat tadeiioeauaddeoaH. JobseatM. Smit, ..Smith. rOUixtSsiordsy, miieu, tirespeaker os tLire .cbjeci, *'Tire Gty f tira Statc o s-f ii.W A Ci 5,S5 orcood lot d'b t i tfiractive. TcýadsHigbrr Edcato.' hs u Ffittlfs-.nsW 1 Ls ~ < 55 ~7 5 ( 201 i44 \1tc. leodervOco vain robton Oc cisost cf rosasertsi ias aireava droa.w a i balotE. FA. MGoogall. roitre eeRsofettiresle ieov s oorid 0e15 morve'sodroce, and itif r rpoctrof fsiiL CiasC. Mi(reor, Atax.Sid- irol, ioi speeotochi, toob moa t sou s IWtiatrit cr11 retaiuoit% reptatioc aaiaronsa.HA L 005e for Me. Catclc, 2.11' iis Ymer. opecial Prized Bsi crocs sin hst;i uO POSITE THE TOW N HA L .ie. barsoslco oIrpeofor abotrOau s Ther risce toob place rrcesty jsclase, S. Crawley; hastfinishb. o.Crac. lioeirr'.cd-ctoall fie cbsoged tireoffi Toot of NlissT. Fo, ro otatoy. Bes crwninssconlsde, Cs.1_____________________ etai lftheOirtaaooCoeercrrt fa yearasago iovedinsOsrviiansd W; Jaies; bhastfinish, C. Jarvrs. ast irenoaclyrcitbbeoacîLe re tcto or tbst C. aby, e! Toronto. 'flior yosngcrocs iL ird coss, F.Weir: Let fianV I~ " ' V I ~ E I; uiu.leleotcoeeettb10ooessre uo il ii eideis the city. mlib, T. FeaiLorâtoce. itrst rom VO v ~ ~ *m ryctoroos otoover. 0etto f0cerce rtisraie îay ofrielldde road I fortb cas, R. Joyce; est titeb.J. sud lu, torattackeo the Lsto f W la.1eyatfrs et lWatdosr fUvt crow i iftb clane, H. ANY QUAIfTITY ta LOAN, on Frst Moecgage Seeerty ut 5 P.C.PER ÂNNUM roropgt.ffc, t f Wat ~t booisimie ilt :n'bef firil . . .% IcDongali. acaigbtiban, orecopayabto tinquel mocîhiy instaisooco cf prncipaltanddroorest. .rooeLoo Uytofieetie ytt-w lestFrday tring a ter rebiro aLteJ rc ssabeao .1.fi teecle oooiioeo'ooooetaeoit..41AUsdonccd agoocriseortybov. er s r own u sit" camC 1. e.o;sosAGTLA .tVL Deecuseri cayti. lti wsoneorooftisoedrt raid.Or'afor ;bertst nshC r leieo;1-SRI ' Ocboro-heeorooon amU .eerec,rcro1oooeasscc>-nlrorosoreseeroo w lot îloo ccit tue oand liody ncifoot booly oteo.îeered ctizen.e fhcllodlioncu"d tsars osboys ciaoe, C . )feOvegor. Is.. seovemas s'avsIEmoas.AX (chice os 0ly r eeoo -roroorb.oerooo ilaoooooodoooifortoorneedfieieet-ioo . ccert otooscol eei-, A. boe. r).,2fo outýrree r orntacprtairbeeee thp . 'f uror. cocsec inuh ayitD frtilreotyoo %,'g e ibo qeroootuieOthe andidate. eiotcOOA ber t'icclrgetamlyandscoond classes. J F. H. DEACGON, ÉcNiton. crio lossootIPp coato. ilefletfgeoman, e de arjWwunEutc u hm So br i o. "il, hi, ttnocoteIrcdîts'redfrinds 1sood aeojiraiitaDs c' itri acd -lobe NiQeo;roro . rasd sistir -- th- ca<o0srroi L. e la I, at teori tes sd atrcod 0eli o sb1ioceH. ilo insoand .ltos 1fiC .so.oostotro'ct 1111hrooo ooe .orayta . odescseoooeerv. "a"ýpln n foalry-tLrouooft,'* ose cfe stir O CJE R IE S !1 l âibcay. Dc tr teoligacb, rsoionthe atebr.4 or erciveà.fastire lToe VWiliamso Shano C. roi sîsot -ntr. rocgh' cvOrLasir Our es lori ooder the supervision cf Caft. Jrc. bîdrar e iaer maesey ssi eeb at the cId To be Sold or i'Gven .Awav ý Jaiiisi- -i st: lrer dasignranad budes. Siojoieut Yongtooadry. Airesdy a couille of Eopeio.oooetalol F lb.fr' 0.0t, wlo' cail golfams av bre omisg fne h Prives to he reduced in Ever%- iie. <cc oitr queters. cm bn ace mode a pratty qoroL jbL IIi aea1" . OUf thyorrodoottLasii fat eas l'aso.üe-c-o the rbosormeoeei oforaticas ccc Toesday. alter laviofainisiatted eerai carioads cf rsacbirrery thsiee .",t siooro netiooob1theOuroaooosbly boryoaoo Au rormmeusiaaarm biloidigmhbere scccatialin teto.gicitirl n.- l)rioeaasanity f afpesaveb occîseio hieLdi o o r of.ic .o0eoooco steo..1oooooetsocootirsbormeesdt ys u tr obrsafltirsbe tn.Sad cer ieroiy 1 ie orrect oob s tab e tLee ea anrtlob bes c tre ioeanOsai 20poy. I is. (rantitlatcd Stîgori, i1. 5Ibbc. Jicpact Tea foc si . o~ ~ ~ ~~a t'loe eeb.oe ioîpr. ' iy ddot ro esaa toc iceolctstar teetae boy iird op 21 ocr e cpty Louses'2:3 Ibs. Brown Stigar for ..5 bc lc o 1 "bl oDie' coio'o.ouenooostOtia publicinCCoths eLtoms. Te firmsaxpctoiotarus4bcIetn o rrerI tire lboabrge oroectoes esslrRoc. VCan on lis lreeaoo4 a 100 baside mtiin aarot[,. LsDbod-4 grfo15e 5 b. isdfr ai, the o 0lei groi,eodv cetie aysoosg cLonci rorallbo Lys, eLo roe oleicg Fulliesof tLhe aaInouer, liras a ortccoboorio 'iboeec - 'm Leeovtriced cta c buprts inrheroocsici largoescieto tbondays, brideshia Best W'atea White c.rmeesCan CoalI Oit2ûc. Ga1. cci iLî e l] L teoetinsWll moritseerof Si. Jtde'sCooeic. faos "logr beetblo,'andb t irabs. r iseorb 1 0 airooooefeo. to As a reaott cf tha aeceai ebetoosa causaef h. friasreeli as ieseeing 10 bbc. Rolbed OaLs for 25e. - b bb. oerý fine Rice rfoi- 'lic.I i11or oooooleocy irsofthi field ooid sorco f Haillonc iactoas have becs Bomne 20erotas reotpls eoting dores ta10 bb. aotal for 25c. li bbc Sago for o. c0'rro'rsonctoeeob eboroyearevn depaood ofthsr votes for auacrofbios tables.-Peel Borner, 2bo 'îrtebfr25. f b.c 0 oco thoeee irrothq fcvc avrm il boe eare for corropt practicos, Avion.og, 2 I) ninaor 25t (i s aoca'foC rt ootel <osIir arod It in esiiog c hesreoîite a fewGOsvits6etctors, Cru Seti Venioce b lt b f boerierpoorotoriuace' watolroesf OI te Lain the ajol .Thio Best Canadian Coat O0t1j16c. Gai. vo.rok f000 oretcber, darry. ioactoe ofoieoganad reevlsg oory1 TLeoginesarder to.day anosacd ibc rahn X oI,3e bol'ukepîooof or b pbylcs. and the te netrire the vectors f u paticailet cbaall duerdo a qualification o! r ise Is W si Soda for 5c. '0inegar x r 00.0e pe (J OuotseooirroobJd inkscroabo cancdidste ia fast bcorisg a factor Om dri.ios alantt iresal, cf ceslies, .Reg, 120. 3-lb. Bar Soap loc. do. cider, good,O.25('. o e so l p0r!brofiablv e broogfing thoe ectior clef f oprsDorsos Tirac meat may les ootd. borthOe oe ldzt bte isfr5. Srtrîiiprgl,5e 'un boa btedirrepota, aod tire Gococaof pccving fLst tha er m as&li 'ov ie o otro oiu oiC'y. Crmenoca orvcountry sbonb otaImsucoes drcsg tbroperc scassamvi, senon osba ItsCad-s T aarie broc.'bc ei A creoioosii. ossto pt a stop taot. ibisOr maris afinito.-Toronso Star. NtCade , -.nges, .aerVofls, oD.atestoaiie 1eiroeeoOdbtcoo Lfloro.oord Ifrs. .op1ioioiat te gicg orcrcei ieg of boiI Coc. eoc- -1banr tireloa1tcio, ohiby iliaitesa beoo bO er5 O.N SooLsbar ee d 31 lbs. Layer Val. Raisins 2.5e C.-& B. feeioi Peel, 1,5e.bb. O' a oooilg oul0ar eoiraloir a e by r recmabas refsei $250 for i prizermiasiaf l83Ibo. Clean Curronta 2.5c, d. OaqePe,1e b cor.1tbo l boe ierroteotr airae Iriedbr t.hcoeni.oscî ai o rig mares o ed sigL.Cooking Figo, 5e. per lb. do. citronbPeel, 24r. il,. b liOob1b t unoboOi borrbOey toc o iotrby. Tire Ibaboro coveue Tom Hanlob ifos ribasaacd te a - 'Pue Ket«Ie Resdred Lard by telat soi udrire asnnal wb itio f tire ltruo os bVerboesdy w9 s esobiLy a t lcciod orgaioatics, gave as roter. iepr5 c b l).trlto be ei OoIer, bori -b e c Who l ar e llw ' f rhis nt, L 0 rt rtîIe b cbocr u Guelphothoîe a( rcilo.ogcfroiloluoto okiometin iéeLgtomra Lall st igLt. csEp. niSats 25c. inger Cakes 5e. Il,. cri, .'tire Gue0lph. otic i 4 bcr.., . 'Lenobir; aswii e setifd bc.Stlphttr 25c. bice Cakes 8c. Ilb. t, c c iobf e risvyasdistrict cf land bal in ManioLa and' AnsooiboOC 00 b oooeob0cet tc soohaAl.inoi thîe Tsrufr:e 10e, Bag Salt for 5ce. Choîce aasorted, reg. :20c, i8c. lier0ecercc oc r made soobo Oboeoori o U, ooOi crbcvu'ot file Edmard Efioti bas bersucmmitted The qifality of the godocafifotbeetTefri tlie calarbey c.'rrIpaeoocbo aelued oesîbo oftNlit.s. mnond t'eft le cd for trial os tLr charge o! mrders.g 1 tbfns t eec rVenia h e e tireTnoe' aruitb ,,aeoa t a i aottOeno. d thaxprt 'o'ti rfesteak for ecis tepel renwan h 0tcct0bi'rUe v d oL1lceo re b ge te c l mIro Larsard itheoylas agais coaerdf behr. W husbes oltpî i eoebyn ý.c ile Se a- i ler86liyoar. cime an ira prassace f bic abrad1eswee ' want good Butter andl Egg1and oill"psy eto. -beemale il, t . o/.a'i DaTo oaeds of ntario appt..,ilagood priCerto maetthein. cc, o.oebir'o beirc.ielph. ftber1 occLoboo o.eerstosdmicb arricd receatly at Vacrsar, .iercbrcorbba bro it argerîsîrntrt oferafolcrd taoliepariiaffy sfacteýd CCooc, Sberbo ,2fr.tOct.rro err otocOce O ar bc as tbe eodiig moib. ose Earmers ..l'iadquarters, e ,Ml.Den. Ir t""I 'eegial." i ca. w ichwascosinaild a 'Victoria, c1AlLse. Ioiabrrooig b orcorocc,os iOc toraI'tir@ oshadl88 bLurrels cosdacmed, and the i. OoDo etCmirllNt e'e aiti.cesoloCIfiloceoe. feced fritand horrmis warecrernated, _one_________West___Commercial____________ Iit I. tr.î lo.o b ac t oei tio rft 'lire fIfrios Hort Cub as rci _______________ fiýo ai ekfrcrs fIe f0ory Sauna dhlitrtco is adora Bases, wabs cas arracied t Obcooc eoo co brin bc f cv eat 0a.Montreuil ee drosheres, rot isîs a J. T. G.arrom, Q. C., of Urderigb,lMarioa Gihaf utt i fMcs dibrli soui ccodavrorbl D'ctt geterePooDr D. .r. 'bbGrogor, G. K. igt ia tiLe police catisemith nomnebas bers madearàomsralof the Ontario'vilage, aras fatafty rlof sNoetonc nai. eoooa eayr tereded imp'oy, fOror audW, iaryryciof Ntar 'W 1rprsWaralacS eceiedyucaboatscsitnefailrnteriflis reboo'r'mooid snob coron oropa hrdomor.Frei Rl ot ailctior. l.b"it' La diarn sd i e uhi.Glauin ihu otoi, s paRntil idflat mn cette uc kRirrosnto,71i. N' eBu sotk afeandoa. At Nibsiaief, Loaer Nuisis, tsimay. îpla riLa afs rs i r e lioi b tI% totobrc pfreriaeîuian j: rirsta 5 ie placefe bute tir b soiecebo. ctcicefcs osret. iifroaJs ito.a persena mre iffeS by asua«Pfus- 1Thaeoaeeissdsir s abah rboayaasccred tiocia focS ccmpent ,yRE 1. tons in a rochet factry. 1iend emescy is the Case si Hery J folk rbe chs very Dtrorby o ms o or.iatdigaeslrg o-àeins sNor. lt, t b ithe b TheéCoumabusmnuessnet, formai, b Daridson, wsebwomasceecceri te haie oorii c ie eo 00 aras no 'r ý1reir AnS gaaise ofssnty N. S eccureeIy lunor svOoo rcsra a eradatsgc ry L ilie ro. N. Weimsod, Wiî T onvaii ta $pain,.n as teesiaar San 9- otl S P. A. Fw,. .paa-hiien ais te ompoiaThé, k I 1' The big ban k-rupt stock of Clothing we bougý,nt two years ago contairied oves' four hutndred suits-, for boys, ages. 13 to 18 years, or sizes' 31 to 35. Tisese suits are Ail made in -plaiu1 single breasted, sacque style--coat, vest and long trousers. Four big lots !are now. ready, as follows: BIG, BOYS' SUITS $È»i. Boys' aged 13 to If; years, ai-e ilsi great luck this tinie. Eighty-five Suits, sîzes 31, 32 and 33, long trosisers, sinîgle breasted sacque style coats-patterns two or three seasons old, btut just the thing for ev7eryday wiear. The other tir sold thern AL $4. $5, $6 and $7i: voui5 choice ofetise lot for $1. 75. BIGGER BOYS' SUITS $2.50 Sizes 31 to 35, or- ages 13 to 18 ycars, better patterns or- colors, suit- able for sehool wcar or eveis Sundav wear, single brea.sted- sacque style. Priges wvere $5, $6.50, $750and $8.5C,. Vosîr choice now $2.50. More Big Boys' Suits $3.75. This lot contaibîs just as nice pat- tcrns as one could ,wish to sesinîgle breastcd sacque styles, ages 13 to 18 ycars. , The firru that failed sold tiei for $6.50, 7.50,- 8.5Ï) and 10.00. Wc l)oughtý them so chieap we eau iseil theni to you At $3.75 per sAlit. QAIYBig Boys' Suits $4.8,5. t seenus a sharne to sdi thiese Stîits> so low. Fine Blaek- ' enetiaîî and Coî-kscrew~ Woi-steds, Clav T wills snd Eniglish Sei-ges, single hîeastedl sacque styles, tii to date in every way. The prie ere $7.50, 8.50. 9,50, 10., 11.50 and 1200. Nom-,thev go foi- $4.85. Wce iotît dr'iw the itte at '"one suit to uncir euis- tofli - e a lîer s oto bty in qbbdttitie-, bItsdine iWi 2 C '-, "dverttted. Smith's Clothing Store, £ 1-ing St. East, Haiiton. 10 THEp Electos GountY of Haiton! 'GENTLEME N' t regret van roroo oi O00000 . the pvar ocrions ClOrbe r e poficicat friardsoini '! Ocrentt warbe aacte fIanaas tin o 0o1î r o c Biule in fsct, sftbeoughoico Imiar.h fcoocety 'Las cOiCL' tuc therithîe trob l i sool rric.' ilbfa siactiocontstr. lr.'. ,,O ,adjyoci actiS ondaethe strict o tccojotiblwo aSd aviag bras elrcted 1y oc h aud. Bonne rnsjoaity ef 000e b'c d'td ccd tmoaty-tLren e. o r y obo e if to e ia tira mittc ci l'o i Ocd rotera is the coorty bbor i I1 lij, prosesi fhinsoin ther 00. 0. â 00 Sure. 1 thrforeciideero tc agaiseWace mefbtoa b0r e ilfatacdtu tocurry' Oct Oloril r fised. and tie re ootii'oOi durisg the campaoign 0 f i ,oi Hopio tu ht porc. go' io 1 , iil ssrairtance soi b-1 oco rctcrso icg iseagsin t to t o 1 reniaio, it Joi-, rgR b Iii lii TENDERS FOR W000. Trsbera avil Leb.. oi undecscguerOift.tiDrc . 1-c ad"'tenderrstfor eood ', : oto. cit offirt clscgreen irocoy Là ,' hickory.sd ieoood' , I LL' is theag8:01 artonoei'r 1.-Uborrcb,1 '1ib oceol ndosuject ýi ' . o, eooo01 tira gaoler. NOMIE TO CREDITORSI latheatter ofsLt-t or 00t'li SEFL. bte of tire 'i 'rrafalgar, Farnoedo rA' gr',00 e.n ato othe if yeohcietheo'! ...i.o <Thanksgt'ving, ~O* At the Gî-eatest Trade Sale .' ay Noben7ber.4 th -OF- ,sarsN ~ j/o~r)J,~l SINOLE FIRST -CLASS- FARE, Rubbers - O vershoes, 28uef'thce,OUUco Hebd in Mosîtreai lottweek, o is bt3es smader sonie '-,e C-mg. rooooTo. O.,o of tbe best purebases gier muade in the Shoe trade, Zoý ICS2NDfogors.pot Pli-b For the NEXT TWO MO'0 THS rie Wilb gve lthe * Men's Long Boots. r Men's Rubber Boots, Men's Buekle Boots, Men's Overshoes and Rtibbeis. Outr departi for LAD)IES,' GOODS c ioOerlowii %ih Baigaius iin- RLCBBERS, OVEIISIOES & SLIPPERS.» BJTTTON'D & LACEn ' ROýl COME WHILE THE BARGAINS LA&T. ing Fuciters< SalebfVIE TOWN OF /, " hOoo eecutrors yof th'oolui 1. dsorrv -1, coea rivait,.0 r, ' Os h. .erprrod 0cr.. eta btb-euearm-o0 cnc . idre t rt er..e ' _ Th er r brcnro. " meseaf et it oms partD-ec 1 imm>.'3 J]IINI l -«>4AFi:.fTTrnuecr OPR eos.oos3 1tc ucll ýH p Y UCPRcoeua OioioEOo OPR Eggs, Butter, Che-ese, Poultry and Pork c]PM faa feero .,. cb Apples, Potatoes and Grain to- MR heVi.Mi CJAMPBELL, DÀVIDSON & Coc, PR bscrcng i, - lb 13uvaiRnm AfND EXPOSaTlte S - OR mta ieac soor rt CPu coR cdr 98 Front eStreet Euat,*- - --- -TORONTOi CNt c ci <-- Wdnesday,Itocamber 14. hnyieg cnaidrabir reeat. d' se es lfus. aiaLninflasi. eusae bl---~0o Cil 'rc cin O<eaiatbo, ot br itaart, cf Toste. n cstmng 5rIbox .di an~t~I bNorth Bay TnoanitxaTaa!w .s..o' ' P CP-is . Cs-iicl SirecoWerstcaurgay BagottaS l bàhe paroisietaiTIsaElmsn.- tar a w 5d5285ni5505beusm the (canSmieITboroglibredi pedigree Tarnanrtu Thea L<aranmtlcaWeriM i lisIeI ls sisele Lb(f Vh O'afHuescotsiatt u Misas raciord is isiting caHansi. 6" o a..sns n ssal mi isramt n -hm Grasnd smln oPrdsCd hm M Garetaue. eism aiu- efmolfejatW.i~sa- baldi[ae.%lm .0r fafrc. "d ftas a. mOanP baveiee»WssshéIltnuit Alth -atsara e iendfattn' add. This a iN te ha Sora, Crantea, Ont, Tari ýs bnllao« feelteabelgfor atoh n U es ii~as. aebe.i iib Af iLie nec1te ap Lî m Idf the- t n' Imanasa btaa saileenSt te espco.ti jsLot 8Ca I L B. 05fS t iiC.le.oi èsa lb.BT Bntot. 5 f ic y ùsg na fros Boels- teattbsa dayeor toi212tmo, iS5ceflqr lis Ie Iil.,. 5aW ' s it asîeiloiio (DR 'X refO AtddX not s best, l erefon SE.AOIUBLE JUSI (olLi\ e-r Oib cohtliob)iiibd Sy . . .. . ....FRESII Lor au Neý inEses. S . o 'gaya,lOotcto0 .oooabi 'Nu,ýtO il,. 1 . li bcfa oi.,t5 c ol Oc io i cta c ,c.boo fsi.id rbt.;OO -tnOo I presetciaî bre ire' th,, r, KI .'. ii. iboreeil o c teerctI Io erc 10e Feu ri o seL fo ro i Cllrob, ou 1o i cio pvrsairio -. Treice nIr 0 0$ycossOd.o c oths Sjo. ' 00I Sdte 850cli- rehac Of 1I, esLe', saiy t se o ! tomesOr U;cri i Loni.reoro' alkil os . . c. liuse ToiIIN otflamiogtý "n lad te o, 'a baLdCe - TseaLtfre N te os croc e ill. RB. iiC..L thtear cGî 100 rag mai e t. ,i , Oc ad e Ly stre Lc 'y Hneo ecaoM , th h f iobO pcolot *u5Oh, arrOrOro IavOc 00 ireleHs trc..ecl aSpée ur o,0e rud i n ,mil bo 00 . M f -î s on eo. i i e ù 'par oco'rSo fr br U t. llenc is ler the troublt e Oc 1 li~rom a r0'sOcirirt Otl7*àaî.beiti sloit b '9Sojstebiuob. Uer. ie Tr ats er ruLlc cdL idVitrar1e oOCloc t Ba fobrncte ec.' o or c LK and liocr . or l ORTH.. irlollet la m ois, o0 liaco' O .fraiHeiy-lbeerbo brff Thse se e nîet.T he or c cee rOroteStr ~Oi t ris ort Sfdocrndidates ut, rerroin T'rsnee OIAlfred anti Tylro o saie at iii nie orst Sar.1 Wai i. E DG apa ymbo0fs 1 râs Dmt