~1i-- 9 - (n i.- t i t, .R OIWA t. Wltl -e m __ ruA UA.M t 10M S . crack ub 1 t ters -.Oua-a-flrwthb -l-_ai lasbw -ý ,I To_ - 1 1 fs .., 11 Agiclorl rodmae NUllsclt, bru J ButI0esBr I al, Fatma -i-u I-t a- esynsnr,15- 1>1Tyo.Socc oi . Olo, ac Work anil. Bu- MAie - ta&.. t ovxrt a . : '1. t oîpM L1O 1> HTayor.File o grdie 1 osaaoc.lir B all Costeeeu, 'baosgiiop ay li riea jug .A. Trn(t'TsIarur. aras. ~ .a...~wr*ww aaa 1d ilioog e ero,1 Bar orosoh11eMsBBDsad.r 'h eo usd(om(i ieýroucs tIm a tS - -calAfS l cac. Tbe ra I ~ flLs ou.Fnesit MrDfeegMalhrociiL mr o cc ema frmars uo sr o.,tes -s ssr-a1anaois- -usT WN aasa I2 -Vc 1, -MGb1, C 1ss 5Sc - bl. Hutted mat,1b p9ai , Builoferda hm o.n eraio (h opn" (1 Arb pLs. I TrsbSlSec eoaa rs IE T R rLlsJu1,a1-u,.n W IR¶n'd... -oe J - al -. e ya cd- dir shirBt Ba0 ( B laSm bot.JMt bpe ereirie oaf,(ho 1 dla blu, Ncf ta e t,"C)'(loosr* A-.o 1 1S ou Uatus(ls u ueulre looloc, 1 foDscl.Tlre parPterce cceorasrLattlMr -maopor, c leu .o1r1 l(o let ale ertea aSclnu- 1 ntu u -(1.AlA . . AND J RIt A aLoo a, H (DS. e. ps, A lIrîl, Mru A1an. f Butieg . c seclt e hih= bp o sel hetfe coer . soodSD$lCucssas,; nl W rauf- ls tunlb - s. c.'J- e1 %ADglilRlG Al -n. .ti-» oe' btewoDeo.u th BPg etus guus faorobseidd.. TWee, . B-Luj(orIte sU iWM S 91 i 8- MoC,. IJo6.00oFto.soot, J S BI6.04.1 aa&eajcp.mo buith(ha" eA t 1f, 1.P . R -,B...Dm i"i carse ..OS >.",8S Vu fllR AT -I-aiLs.Seka î, Sarc Mopht D iersos. grd'%.e .ei h.O e c cive- tal'eue c. eaiet A es- estr- e.bc-1. S S, VE!.Aa 1-ut -Onésr *1 fl guni4 _ace .o Mea._ulor l g tMeo M fao ePhorun. Wrall, 0maine tteng mrki s plew&-me Wtin e: o BD"eY - cfBv cbe lle-) e14 prst .otinst s1lad.e u' . A'SO..,.. usete::=, r,,,r4 yesel, I ot.T1 op-. rc.14 P.. MreBGlaobQB ml e bM orameccyrh,i eoee aptil e CRU o e o p Prie05.4 S" W als -sshot-nda d4)'( ot- Usad e ,dras e oesees0 ,s utý1 -, .ý S A Sa, A E FSHcoso a O Wle1. aLeJ'8 Clansad raPhl lotoadIe l. aatd- cbathaa br sis gréid telro tas prE.C ply MA rfre f shetetlrbd t'n bcobctss oIl t alie M IJ..T NBRANG . 1ý1,1 Iladte I rod maefoio lrd e u iog b, c a M UB Al lierF s p l it«erscb1btt1 hJbthecI o it Theologp Tiy ire fr'it e n ad w - -g teS ssc 1 Qmr"sr0 met- a.is.-saeseis ar Sooiio oIlJoie eeîge eF1 s1. icg Ba e l. Mca M BIsetRr a A rell mediatm m.siod col.nted ocg Bat ePlaee'bu tdon use ý * .t psp ad eorIlcOsciS.enI. A 1sealSabaubameEi lify r rlio 1pea fd R MibaD euh n. m oeosir msBPoe husorite,, regaffroo lA12orice,'ec roll, 2 br e bOS5or amd al uds te be'. . . 1 555M ooedý. Formera ',tadiaeaed.a1 1 4ORSES . "me Ralatiosý1 -I Bcf , f fe e b, e. T e p s ld , M s B DUa ri . achi wo sio relt ta 8 î e e gb T uùsieelMp drec.,eelý ià 1 i . - _ 1. 1 Mctee cff .f- Bo elllo , F tf. M s c ud r o , C a a B fI a e e. Bo s re hi t1,oe ht1 i,erdeo"rs e tit i e t m dd d. o 1 lersd p ri , tt1a .gir ê e. a olseie (boege" oiAlliOedytiecasehMesttJoeenacs etMcmmercialHapll ,ed aeuus-r7' tceltorult-uiBarr@. E.er W.- ,Hc'albdd m ex rofd.,ci «» Tasu snvoior1u raII .i aleNeen Il0 Tflo.CocoJ icco. J Filooe eo Pa ioc Ms Hif Monofa. aîL etîs=bt La citeîpfl, aus e Saais nTrsip .jiorit SmntwTIM o er I;ewads-r 1) pH ayl o e. if o ldic 1fîs e r so . M mAr a ll. coab r ai , io r h on iie m ro teD a t (hl eplo r e aong «sMgrp ed ts b o ee1- ne1,-u te a ad nS f II, S~.. MoArI,,, C ell.Embeilep caLoI isgelc(, tp ceghbeglas.nOhereoo,(ber t. orsol" pe ni,(eicig i oya lL a. caoco , J s BMehosa alM Slle.1 ihon un sud.fHontat .Syrscsde.oMA., Be hon n saet m ie1rsghtta Us olef_ _tesu -sc . ben .JMey ar nd N a les rat eP e r , M ela D. I rig e, is o ea emscbiefmo e oseu eia o r b et A hre n bam-)l) '. lu. et eslý icee.f erdg, ~ otfîes Ttîseceai l JMehese te ee eea(hp reesl a(ead, se Te ge," man"T oc.rsbiam ai Tu m u abonoritteeS fl S vuNGS DEPARTIENT" .1 '., , -ý specil forlitore bre tran: Prde ofa B Hll. ente'fianDl objtjbnd-a(iaey ucai(y."ry m8c. "DaelBe,"Dr'idet-arnitIsari pea Lare . a oe"a A uo Ileifn f1,R, W eog. fi- fr a ei, JasMePherece, Br ( i looo. wo cpatv e r eaie Le cameo prth e A.MaaorekMAetree sar a ct t-'nth ,OWlduaico "Bri e isuï " le .Ieef.elioc. ae. IBm ,âf oeIls mfI iuetobeo'e, 1.B Genra ffrede. fiil, 1 yca re, irgJ AFPneebenluchos MrsJ Aoam ,zssJMe utetom ire rpo artio cseor b ego afi B rsM ,,i(r)Uuiirene i lctr-l 0hur .' -Deuts t .f Sapad r- Th ucooer eg a ior (h PNa8n, cibnWCio.Sc.Blil. leeld sat , eMrsiese f.(ep casthoacop, bt cet ebp, ligeo 2 Te eln 2 Nab Ti Ls o e aSUsurse sa d dintRat ohc d os(o peepe t ulesasdviia»'taWb siefig loî îor. Ms SCmibf. Pite saî re bita i e t r aie 5 tihePlapenies() .rebh ad" ) rsîeeain a tah. l * S@ rd11. 1 s(afIsaa iiummssyhlne a uene lo bsies u i ,eadolt,-J io, aM W lolent, J Iloi r sti Barlw.D fc eieg atMis a raol. tpsîsek a oppteel. iff roa e c z A H To MA - . tic»sa of alnu i n nllc th e hlîlUs ususe i Usrsd nt. 4 T wp w bn ilorgiig1y r lH Lai, 0IBAglfenSC mpa bellat, Ms O bav eulrey fmwo .abllobl."(teeSh tetv o vo on& himbéc ile, ptoo halli.sZcJaRa S T A R psT ato. fei..at..had.eue s.s.r..r... at toma, oh> Matson. o e a bosa, D d roe ate Mscocfc b r , BlocMe o i te tbete onlinoff ithecoatilben- eraLecce . iiroio(- )lf.hylucrim e rro risiaârearlu ass fhureoe 1i iiid.n ) eoad heeya hran ooop e ""Feofslthe2)'lUgh A(baaslibl ' e .' boel Éom lmOUod. m ers . i Lu'1à»PW 1 ADEDRN ol, W ton HDn . S a)f, B re AB) rvin. seictm e wlai Fo qiek fttae gno it ishutb ortte . Cgstif. oaddi sae gashc b is Isaoetiace 'p A PE'hret.oie fu Uec Iceeîd fsc, eae cd Cl ~ ~ Ma Bcou, Tîft ecic, ru heîîabya c, o(is tom O t uBr. J .FaLe, M . elec pueu aie m dd T om .B u T rnt) P R 1 E f ,T P If NfoNei. loul frooeb, J H M Nil t roIee ebodey ir le ses ucdfe d y B tit h sosa e om s elot bs ecsmotuectfmlia( a pbu. eai gira le oerlgO bode _________________ loird i-eOyc- c iîcb.Jms tr L ADI.ESciaomearoK . Ms fsca acî culr oilel pn sc( aem b- R> oisaro.tis lbA ., émoLe tc onarab." ahaebcocb ycb eloee lé ht elso - - B R U S H ES,îfîOR ATH Cri- Brb IlM airs' eleaseio.I ye, FMole Looinleor m e e, O - d.e leilianfot as ob eame Bar RY H.Redfrd..cre..M.,.'Bl"ghmral.L.cale sac u iv ratiit', , m l he.A"pwamen blrs(traeMmdoHu . i IeOST EN.. t. . sd e b l:w n oi ttt. h ie, c c r e lsd cf, C' B l c, i J M sPe s. T all e dcs'l yc. lbe fse nteea a o îlhm diark t i l m I 0 0 o Steit ," (f) 'A tn s ilguné TM obe fS sos aie scia....A ...u... a sci e ores ....... s , le-- , o erlei, TIV ccc c c.cit I-.w y aofcî, %V Ma ffco , îdell ra. Jo ol ,8 em arp, so eu rs h L et Io Llo r Jd ai t?." eDo si( Bone e ê- ( Mlee. rcSe c to nbe ud s Scquireti no 'rtI .W A_ oss1 i F --- , kAiot M.tc blohu cmIVIl. a -ctro. . Cmbl , -- eso. F&MY P I , n s itwou i e e ateoem, race n W . M. re ass d bmp . allait hogrecpor 'ly Q M oice O S'puF bihe.,Ia lgli, ka, laa bD jt-bdas."Bai- sibs aenohenmi hrare tst5eyiE 0'la cees., roesorofin$leihio'@bone.btan lghelrile M I TOsBAN H i.e lioadstr-lýrm mareJhu brege. iug C Bel, Mrs MBlack.Fancy lcit. blaslsafy ebr the bIeesacresrescfetbcgyincusholS U moescby useboam-,sis, lrave.aitabvciteo, us -m- lie Suee. oli sle 'i ce p.ccriuiasottohobocaucl.tbietsebeps Ravai'- » jg s e se leelie. Icodolicc. aie e ca 1.1 , M Be .il, lr M la. Bd e iu i mst b eIciari asha oc tire. -stsdeiesis- ecyle alIeebtid uspoel wicnci"crLubmelioeiunst o os_ ýh e BoMe-ltezietls',ogabele J -c cimpeAr od ," * Le ordiO csoneaerl u rs a e Abo oeu rbsica as a.- 'i (clyoa 5Cldi 1 ese a riso . l l ip eeig aebr.MiePséMote rcsouele aob an op PLVoyrIcalint OS boby' lp ndacul.Fem r@' tSu nW M I)cor.d A feoI-tea, F Rîoea Sec, inet0orBiale. Mis ofot, ipcaap re,1Ib. inL eiLetDea, Occressea "Thr arare c L biccb s r a n inch eeaks a seteppCo isue n55"spéialusoaeiouniecrs e t ac"u bu fee fiiu.iiu l'cc hio ce~uief. -u sege oreo. sI oStbm atesl cr ;L m arb t heTgo(lu u esmauain.heoéae, f commercsia ppuu ma asr ineroca' lMc e ll -. i---' -n, seom IS AleranaLlaraBeL. seSyplc<aoaefue raieielcoong. alerusu.E. .cHatREPAIRE,èD Pr Ipu ceu o, TGAceCoos arn 1Fo.sl i lwSGBHllMfMeima.o sqinte ibsbtoooilemf p sr eb M ci( assstninba 'garstes a ctI sceuL ae llteeorrin "eUeS 1' .M.usc'ur..mrse elocoable, i rape o , -ei'04 Ms eaetherc cliMoatcreokpstedc tnpo bmlong55 ci ho.rqoi e fe (ho suant orcLtr iusLe>mlt c o tel tedja epurodeu feurai -s inecoe. R Bak. Aasnsm I esG i, fotresbig torkeyte labo (Le place olmagie sonoes ciel ais (r b alct if u oéi. e lefleeabsnmuuesîleigot bai,îeg ti uLpa ablie se n e H ri dm a oc, foi ii î'o, . oeil o. l Cc Siel r-car iegd er san ble haoc clot ( b ele a tto alg oI en te ietse i isa oe, " e y d bo a hor ea Cu stsq cnff l Ld - on la oni sie hep nd U it d1 Sauci, Jlie Lat ebrtSmndM ,Ruirqecely ainUasertioo fortchieur$ ci re'SaS Le rl ls tri uhr AilDW rk uara tee I4ýJ. J Solo. ('IaccPe. tA MBeck. F BelnWa sDtsPuc dfrceiobthbmtaBlo i Th (ram -i cro T rb e tU beeanueore a Wholdus-ofwu&tsbisglliete r e I Prom asneol pad ynes.heB .le i-o yad re,Os1)asosicpm cd' JSieoonTatin.0 onmleJ ero bsrevnwete r wi ateee ri- arenytson,,()Ie ro-, (Lof taàsn il starae snera srtmode le oormo i luigtMeNetab as m . Ee r S foc , 1eo d a , O cu e S i d e. l'ai lr i c o l S gio riis?% c hoe r eo i-r îl fe o . m t e x e T h e l e t sie p i n h i ) t a v n t te e 8 r " ae en t ue --ali ef rth rr sl so f a e , e r t l o o d t Als s g sLi s o ne a m i1e, uocîor O' -,MmAdron e frte a o ougsok Lfor e grsaIcoe f L aeei nieI l irSo uei I raca droMsîtenf Bî1. tmansSy calte r T heoh.ie es aiiin o1.oMIocbreuc. sicbto bcîilociierair oeud mmncalgl al ech oinsObathce coeia i efage eteh oci ilîoe otoe ef. croc, J.c uitcinlin. W Dépeognaece lb aber ictcRichamiabausechordTLn leeiaaa'coe-pat C rit)eeo ly rad Me ya-bteute.w koUs l e rarîs lusde.' pin sla oîpao es 1ateleIreo ltlh e t pantcbopa9ptSrnSt i cuueForee ir boo urc t t i rte ba teras a yetel incolof(e ranatis Seludeatledtcr Dotb ltr i-cou (odse Il fOoci &., aSioin lird fiup-6 II oot, rIs Blck oît. csh o ece biglih e r e r cfent, "Me ost eudh epatcirhie nbâti c p. reeru i .F A P R cic. cie Iiec.iecf.Pu Sietooo.t oeadleRe!caoîrsuieiblsl(h Li er- cadra C.nemprt ebuMA. ehur ieifefl( ep.eg,, L ms curH.la icu ubo . o.I.otam Pi-carol, isegCampbellorsAdrffMoT be eve : rosteyor exbp mine.liaA vrym oock "rn, eslranan heorsethcolfbcgoasl e yoo tohus bs o AGi E NToho MI d L ssN. C U R Y C O N Oul. an amHM Nll.cnrelice bl smoog (IdsongLndceedtc elourgeygooctandta oiblymonusntslangfamiio, rton. (Loengpui biorabuitavengoa sans- IBîtecic-rd, 'rau, typndru tho beysatest come11Rosoe.Thp Polluer. chat su (hasmocces Lasie, 'tee ebîra (Le tot ciamusei(iîooiemaete-ef-miel,-cLos il.. o, lýýýN!Ly.Viruses 1yar .olet ieg, A J lort ol, , The CoBogo tea irsd Us'l Notes ' 'a"Th e a ti ettathea r icol a le LIs i" meatheil espraione Toerohol i n Il.1., iy, c.ý ilo. J ficowdi . C rblil eottabl eum tsco s feicce Tmeadinofel idot lilaaposibe lrb ooibaH.y i. B is srdru s cbcc 1,Brla g o re o ciaitbossoor0-,mgra nes îaouys. fe .pflcjs2 I ,I, a itnù IlNN l . l.,%Iora lerto .Agh ncraeo oa, et îhr I ulassseetict, csb angen of Ll -res locho.raigbeTrMcctoftcee leM ceohaniàitésaiSd 'Ohtherejolaiag«_.àweecel cm,, b...cOb g , om ,IfN ao. I heci co r, T ldiirJoko Estrn Ts oïvfl.I. 05 f isor asr e et tbl " bcre e happysm evrac DoiL mc gnuii e ls. rditrdde tn n rie fy .t rOh ec -ItaIh -2orluseedi II-,Bel.G Toosis' labe Pey'lWolob rn BShoao.apporaoa pieproneca haris' bel tuesos, Le3 spA ti edLs beieaIpespos ic tuc î, î fentosate" m.Idi.8asds P ieles aiso. AwaIin eI Ie uua llo o l u o.i e . J fiolI)eg M 1 Rv .H.W iec.. Line n. 'tkwtemgâhrdadn 0'. mla ,g6 O»Cid iikcîioc g-Jlo se, NFII Fciocc nT rt'(c. u1hbttr ca taceallan part onuernIf th ctel o ms ef Lis pnierd inivesotîor cf puent doLe Leadicesb lps d.e.h tes Lds am liani5fr1D lhredgr - -1 ckb."ade heodeore o re PSp aucomett. --Di.I flaoierl I140It SI ],céole ylr.l'oc ife Iaioe Fi-e b',whtir, rs R cci, id a motiu e ia se iedcelAle tr ieoe(u. hie aleisee athesg euS Sos kofra Oi fmi te o sLl tr o a an l if (h reu Wednu. ooa o 1W ilu.hcue.ie fl1reed dawin,, Taineoo li % Poft.B u ij eotegab'" b'altu 1i Ha l te-is-Iso eituoTiom LeUnivel cp si brsseimtgy-bammlcca -meh. ne s o -iogo curr ,is te sao e F1îiîocia.vJ l1oc0r erc SrT( I rissoopeeSl est eTisg. rom ae b c b t baac cabl;cy(eppui ude i eac b icf ola, neuhà osesp ma, Nelýt te -Le na...,se Babr. a gi,1-J AT Notiie-bol..Buutfr ad isMoft steUae largeuel recacicrpeubem (lu e I i dl e seîbo huisd ' sa , i aibucf oaI. LavP ga i e ý t oinPaylochimn n uelf chola U ei T AD 1ilTy oc(ji.llOit,1i-oI,. ]l ',ci-îCa b. If etoige . s.J Coitios efaîeeV ol er. ArFitNal mc laL t(him caeome (jci(homable birs alton d ici dien îLe rat Stat etorefl- teeet t e ts-sceer lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n rid eiocu- Nhccgro. i-d MDeîî îth t~ au,, emiuegtgnu lotee durulo lgrebts e aSashlie ouesd be 1aiseu t l'oh. cek. -1d sI. Socs -i-i Tmr lowi -ols'l oc lu S et A. PorEh oîb ri raJ oetis Pl'." Uts' a icar e .() Mac Hd o robl a illlirm sa irsed(Lorytae e l (othatear o o)peeha te DOSc "lnpcudusli --httrbhs.o-, B bn p ardJh iot,. oo a m lR icohlc1F ActnuoeMlat mci oc(iies a futîc eeerpla e o a gen torn bo taLe i s ttheompb ic. » -botacàe Sbr$masil", ieing L n heOnt uid peoy i d c vel et- yearIuliuSimpsn, .1.Shilds. ani -in-ý,e cariagehorse 16 h netradftBrosserelteld-(ho paelecuresmfrotnastcaLonirestveoroerbatboet Nu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ uoopooUrfî e(aicslteboc.(igL l cs(lg r ier.îa liark G arnte cfeîu~r I1-) lN ihiii.NIAm B r e i liaA ece, b B eoug-a rce eCU om hboger a awie ordîOlechim i uton ly s gi f sobr tan fciise Airat attérgn anis v T bJouý, pasbetegnscisrl'irovoevte..e t lcur ae- f ul OreekpblSneo, mgsephacaneyret mn. Te ite e eooiri-, 01ind uurI,.ioNeUfo c laccroon. sod -CieL -Lite, Brin B. WioflactHemsdrieconcemmoselésumm man oeroo i iig etesîsliacerB e ly Ni Id. ý l roouueuAC Sý. INFs'ce oTere tuo. eif e uc. ceira ItfldselFees' 3eol, T epr oc edsig of bith e e- movr itIcfLi. aer To ems.aee o tio Rco m m nvl éend CR I , il, iloii la r ocorE iltigc. Brrol 0110 cu'pld ri. eco AT sba s uîand c toIThe S al bgoct cfape fe hlod. "sol eaiuO n aeb, nlagu f t e dvl aIhn. u0 .FRC 'd2 id 'S.nl-irui - Mi o21 oe. ce icl u ti. bc o',', ci Lscg. lV ua nd spe ti es scm(hoeogaaare tth ipos iofthe p beys"' eoho bLo 'Doa ebo gfocioLdetr iL eraatela a5CUD lo I-cicu ioefc- ais cie r hccc dopasimosmu tciaObean tLieor.s- tatea mca01udaictionreleInte olne. aC a.NIad. e f laÈ C ý" NI}cordg. Par i*ge tusutta bc lin e lii-he,y d ouliolatre ae o ~te caae'ujy:aupcs thuueecortuor yumet. Tefons i(hoAdouis sdre, NALTA uiouuburgc, FL u BaI ilcocior,. ý:rt,"a try byConeiaAwod mog h cu s he Se fot sio t f li = l' i lc oicc u re d . Ja o m e A .î. ddl e oiH1s'oood, TheID.eno m ab&CthiiwienponTUemmas aedoLicemitehedchraltutoesghai aouen to aîcewl.e.îl C P Y LsOJIS Y E N - F Mi-iocuu, ing, ABcm BeiýCbe Wrk Lie- MeLiorgahCme haige a i t tih Lr esi-n_,se (o r aniue tchiet walz i d mcot hîhi-ofPebc arsS sckedte, esiy noeire, flic &soec b ma iei a NIhir ori -F loiiuci lii iiluuuu- T l'ligTe Leeation , o bo, Nncye hmtbonc .iea e rasai-ucle, ciel, s.iinlbsfeeraud ue onex psin ela là s bbi ToNeE. l'.aeyisGurro oLi a sec ion cepticte d ril t h ccsf .Id- itan h t 8 erhat (Leselopa dest eiermilcoe tet il de Ste alerr n i h e Nf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g unaiii-m ccrie Nfl-oi-f . Se, F1îc sssbi-eggestis'culerohl iceeoilorsio.atet(h(aLosd cà svr scld erdsgt eeiicnearuoIeotbercrumots.,AEO 1,1I i lcA,,,]uuî.lîo. 1 1 T os' atNlCcues. Jclhe oc a god i îre idaithe bcd egevet Ion ct eeL e pliard L ak isaip. boul Ies1 Lîmuinan te IIIa of u i Te îllü-. c oIV -,,Ir 'a l9-- 'ocol cfu c t ae,,F t ne o rck a ot'leL Paumai rbdeeof e Deiîo itRndcoer ila h ouditWbomtie nLaea ciîauei, dtvohieiecitg"b, (Lu aIssailco.Ic & Iýi,_-iug IVF,&ýc1 I;oýtgo -eT eedei Lcoes.1)(Homleror, ut C om nslot ae a fisiegCLieS, 21 D. ritelg n i o ot&1hsat. 1izeteL- c olnBpUme t u neebut o BrrdlIPu Top lucg ced Ispalustollhnichcoo1 slut o cicito pioo TEDIoase, - "SliecobLat grlaueeatestiBbctLernlethe-* sto.K -L . Mnin ' .fff , _ý rS ' h rly b ldeleRoo , i 8il "s1 T Ibon atar e o" h l be st-5oS gt T I I oO VPro.la ox 1cu Iaur. ilu,,fMcciicr'piteL s ro c uttieh. -Bcfobetyta lpooof e- Clasfl igOutha le ct 1 andUsoi sfarm a rso fteytteauucod«fthes h IaL ape h t OBOsff inI et haWn m n , 1 aspatiulerine.st Ie rclaiet,. to ft fnhec'tirsofbicelA Let tafhroi a a trttdie a asschLeu e dotaorty - -tb--e - sue-- ceeu 1e lbiamchccasîocf gc89ThaoB ociu panerTp' "beefecr- CeLl," (Lehimoaee sesotime et Bac- dpemsiboaatetoTheoundof tebroopsoaunoded NNoO ii uct.NFTo-i i sdv rcrbtrd,icrde lacr.-l,telane'.h ysh'iiorat .Healtriruet Bee h Saucesimre l La vr le saei a nidgSete nae auoad oua c" ola et <.?)fmtera Sioi-i. OFheacio-î.ochi f.N f niee- . o 1 ier l e bcild assis cd sico mn ig c all y i Tmng ýIa o ad lL Lb p oan rcd ea"a o Srrgug.ualetsi I"vpg 1H ýel Afi i NVF zc . F vE o b bo ci. bilteof GIe piet isas e sr otibLtesraop arer sochb obida as ha ead ien a tho sorttI e s00aum ee g-d oatpchuereas, I oe-yd mn Ntin he s NI f.,i,.t, ,oucol d ,.a ui lci ToiVP-hk e . cc odpiso ea u itr "so ai'c ogl ee aS (old mn l in a c uiSr heavd ( e, e gît fBesI i ts oeSa" sppi, dL i NF3 l,. fl Scu. doî c lilý v bro gaciolc Ucodll b tba. se a rer , f r sdtiba io s the hio bi od i ter, or e b b adm*Sa ion e o uter.k ae"« mbrecte,, ta By umra ag te c To-. îîîî uPFFdib ea fyicgtl1) c trougno eb Cail ivge atio te Viet IFord l moemlleebcnga'mutthe e S,asddoSoous ueat thoXU telel ool s ose w entd NF Il l 'i Ilfoi L.- ilfulo. c dc . Trielés. hdao(obucobIob (Le LetgnPase'rtyb aeine E.' biiMax Ho o e i e Lho riact sue ale. Otesoa ve Ol Re h lcds PetIouttrdsu e miSof té 4/rj Il .ickel, .lesegesatrbronodiori se t e woeol th@ Sp uac hiot L Iesnruecsmsth okucdasMll otteth p UaJrid.tB MihoaCl, Ileue-l-i. 'l',iauc ireue eo5ipiva l. Ac c o tr rasbL pnmof ,i l otoc i essleca h sfli enut e.hodidicgaf btoabe orlsrotlca mam "arphcoyledelt-u, aor sofnd arnl ecaithl e..- cV bisur .IceIl egi i i-eîcacuf.c eibrelis eiboa I asj int .emea.beThevo alim tePrôn eeteoOee s io MccTlibellgaIbs Ssgl»cu, en h h rolm fa a too to 0(1. îci Nl .eîc -cio Iîo n sc cL heets puttiel ep, tOnjmcre litsal (fias le (Lu Bpbtctmohe --"mu---InvAnStsshsio ad anlsgtea- For .iurculpJYe. lWilrei Secgcd c-Ie,a s i-oo cstcaL sju Fr ibo s ofethce cutyode si, tediaybW. E.il Oste.- erai pasceegrî Çsthe oSnu test theeSPlo5abatdBoire uiAt.ouue.oee ~N('i-i. O-i ohuplrainepiiMSAee a rlfresttise iticte rt iclerersClb os(e sgotftsoOo.bTcehseDe wisaPSId o n Bh aif.Votér Stieçe ci.t1, ,hifolt i-ýe. b ohf eWr m 1ýlioictrcU Ir d ii uolie ooeeofrmr Hems ih a d Ngioslptern wsdess iefor ot4 sthedof ic ecpth a sedI. ten mn vu eyocisu ruapil icsrleisierhloarIsisteelc ieeIlefte'costsaeaiitaa C P R hao êlrnd roo hiunànêai-ascoete li eself ompenfpis(ten'.alo d.yas. oct uCicg ostpt elda eisd cg s om erh. I sae hir e su t Iga e, Pbasat ye mdýinai eh iou uuo(,.i-u'Plmuhthl-ioc. attoracehplerlbioma o ta hcel tie t estree Aneoi ut maiaIha t e eLygv NNI- eoii T Te0cc . hot e Tu, As ioselet ge(A ai ie fr ti otaropstem aueotap Ai- ee eysl er oti etome. idfObseuota eak exept Su k -the- - --Ol = omou, 1h )]fIiuiir ih uceiosd, I culv es e b. l asloGhLainc fni.4 Tb epogiireuaiearoSit,ndiuu t e on fa ic oh od. Si- -tedmadbynsfod Tcocc. 1uVteuclI-ahoe.Tao Leruades'aomâle u srM Icîbase cil tei eep otitechie; Ld tes -gla 'refj" cosmmy o sy? o. osadth "ospothedw cher amokn se hs 'Mocroe,Iford e\ itege TTas- e d, l lLeLie dnk(a gr eLaduemsocat la nl) er& trna ile-mn"#te etdofteOae LAIà L M ' aepof Nles'..i Muic. eIfbo eeceuT f li c (te oacsa seSaperss et aTgiru tes.tc s ip es u o a s u fWhuyugo ropel ncole ,. uNV goa"ýiý. T T ngcc o . uoieeDAia -Le .ei -as tes ai t fpitc espandeetla.sa deo pan a -tt.slvbinçtedvl'. ain 3 L ýý. ï- e r lk r n T ocicgc . T Ireco.' PoepleITb tteeioems' ho firolo bb joiie. LoSoert.Idla cf U e haIs = a o- t m e um stê a hbclireouri, (uBAhmiu7coc TqessanaTdTbcsrmiyhoInidosleUsse homsaLie b.'tellotha trslltbm'-anuy ceetppp~uoa. IFS BreuLo, W Cli Tehs o P Tan r ko manp thlcgs le1no.anamcae Xi - .0imares a tký3 , o , limbeIciec 1gao tgcIl'p iti g ha i iee elkco a chse h e Coýe Y vfrte o do i dterlni -éef C L N T A iotpacicteg cr'plcs, AjEcceootWrWil'on _tssies (s tiseIcee- ora Muormoatests.e-c"-W saIs %% boa, Ivdi1chpio D.st i ot bcear e cI ,sa y cnî5ur ,os,,,d d o o pPnldlbriin a dte ,,-jIs o ae J;Otil,, Beha PIloadteici c, WJa tni on . lm reaaisettheaablman wu noyeoaail p ngtu éiqutaemerlveannd Ifansho gsrsMO aBrgndacOtlrsranti lcaPaeIlfrou.te. le pÇelrbsflp.th »ma b>od br T NlK,ý'.. c at f ain aid tobmekcwok 9 ot rik att ru , r odr ssT e e lt irN vt e w i a ,ti ý n ll a 1 _ _ _ --- A lor. 1W WI.ao & éàI:e F.Lsalynw.Hwvrj smtetr ulsigCLiie,8 lch opulsy toPnynt letmg m I-IA17 = u t e e d a f l e -jbr1 . » i ted 1-'rw T iNomCoiA" ' fi Ca ~-cica c.1.-nescamdMOO nbsuuiaA OO" oltelIt (ffân iillýmuýq e.apligth s ca t rck e h nde-Chi o- h Fr . L d omy-,i is n- r ihna ' b2rtobe o plioe n -duW m n s' i l ' mi& t! Ts utRTRsMsJOURNAL Tuacl g TIc Deg A= ar Nsi Tmp ail M-nc g eegi FOEerAit. seem s a heoî (ul>,i lie tbaalrb)omatl, Irrotel te Use mdl, lu C i- a rcus'etesbbila sed , Wmd,'-w csr'm î o- 3 --d iCf i efl~aJro~ 555te d,kb, l. if T ATIEpi-. cl Mcremsf J.ýTcos 11,i- i cee. (si, Imot.sIur meSm "- d-s isMoeT e ki t. ieu , . eThEL5 HAflIER & Co, I m Pro3e'-coo Oai E ueî mSi ! Amui"& m'bisrIt uni. 'I fi le! !are PDRES E38. INCHAMPION KTHUBSDAY BGBNINci. I..- MILTON, ONT O eoefa soÎ r .1 c e i lit 1 , . o t i dhW.11 PA h- iN 1 ils' Eii, prb at. -rc, cf , Du. jat P sd ,M i Il te. KiPF4îc0i m ceeeeii.. cî ,u.,îci.i O iaC> ' msu.a !. C rr -I 1,51, "I sieef ne AI ial Onu o ivîlh i-.j,lc -ol, Milctn.in S, DS. caca, . D. t Wec'uS I. î 'MaisL..uI -,1.-Il.. R.KN CAMRELi..EST î er aso d Iensofoeio-ic' icîeoi. rarap(iy attes do r amsyrcYO IM-' hi d tiltc heirî Ne ini0 b ou ownt wiaeLiri e ;