on th stock w»$d' &W o tu Travellers' Guide. rDuo ynw un o ORAnMD TtUltK OtY M. (. (WDittu 0(1( fitu l niny in U .n ottbt 1<nomwraceo- hepU WniL nlob"W d.,iS mun (10 37 -1 - 'i ý* " 1ý, ,1; N 7' - f'TmALl -kiing! CA8ADA PCIIC OÀLWÂI No n»i». hi Willia Wn -_ = buShme .- - up l1m nnu-- n - .-..... o t- m ""ice .naoe.... ý.,".- 4 - Nfglr Boy. IL Soper ...... ..... 4Sb Qj..M (.SIimeim àÂftntqnwt= psue4Ildý1 ,- . S-Th tthser vonts rmnltnd unalb.eoople uemnotabeta to W1 yowdotgfu t béiI 1mu3nkt nmun... -t ________________-_____________ 42Tu.-. OT. Oty._ - F «<o..T oyudrae--pltenn n Iidd s«éi*t, illot.A te ", i i. Il mnmaknJ .: ý ~~~~F. Dock ......le.... nin with tSntr friands. bancbe Tht ' Il .h wOO li -pnaty17dein o mtio l PION T. Atmltrong..,:*.:,. .2 dny tht 2 uait 1ftby the momiýttf Se(1M1 - TWHE CH A M M . ktt,, . .. . toton ion n à f.ow dttn. Thty -YS.ýh K«mm"'noisls ýý Y dk p , W. Steenuand C. E. o! 's- 'tho'rIIIE Zt IrtO m e cf indsy'T . kt. ipi - -.- écie days go n aabofo = al e n 2-.2M trot- trte ,to t sado oâ 4 hovi-tgIï ii Govuerie lunt: LItho FruPyounon . '2 - ytntndttetroura bae nlory. w;u on ie10 torc(-à uu I -W1nThésonn - ' n,_ i' Tht OppritioJr-otedWilnd yToisn yruinth furnr cti otitY A . l1# day whot the Beat of B. E. Aylgworth, Littlo Morioeanud tCharesStroonloo J. t vie i tl ku tun OuoîphTorout--.----- -unod bllib su SSOIý 1 1 vtettt ootut f otrplucthy Futtu clt udr4ynr- l Uitth u ho torke vou.ufddthio touulolo( uoono ( tht. puopicitilnbuanon noaturunu nod MnmpoliticBa __________________________________________ vact.m o Ayluothcouuuuated l u let l t u h er. . ..&m the sio1tue nt t ho coo wouaroltbt f 0ttiuno T o r Irihe n o in oon , and1To Re t .........1dotryîng houe ((10 beuc ut of thtuoeno-booy MoToo ReînO.uoj 'rOIo«*.'îu*th tht abolie decisiononouth petitionuru, T. Armtrtong.......I .......... nuuay mesting.; nOe 1lute e t hnà, ThtSod o Niairu nalw-t .. huIlho n v1ltq% Ig o ogta wthdr0w prsemai charge. Fatttcolt, hy Citrio-A(hettnvudtu he evênluf de.it &ratuion ofy donrio di vorufhems-Ito11 *- tb I * ouW.... 0fSh* Quiinle.i Dt tgedbu taOutu i rl oi nctr aih n rtis o o rts ndo teCunb n seén pi - W.fwl8" Ot~ ~ ~ ~~A Modyth itol ! ctA itiug rareowuotht luxiottvott lb. mtIna0Bible tudY and tht roti huof usOIutpoing 8Mnn Brtloh prtn wcu:ltunnhbmisn pS 0-Jobbu op tyt theteuobend ho ou!.nutu-bcofruoce. Ho lhi tht of Cauna, nud thir oonttuutiuloto odu 0h S tch, 209wnoreugo,. W.-Du- '-Sotu * ,U-E , Welliugton bl a convtion ta uelet Thet inuer trted iun acool, netbod- hruterm,oninh wuo larplY a homo nu lndopendanteuuleln(é0tionl p 91,iuot04 r the 96; St nhe 209; forolt.- *-m t oddttlt h utt!iottcu tourwon(oword uno ivetu, wo, that tbe fanly wuu the bdnu Tho indicationsuaun thnt thié yon'u 9.Fo h o Etnon aI. ,cisSgd lal 8 canddatsforthe acacy i theicw mlne10hothlleAuigute,tht totalue thétndodl*ét LIoCUI. Ottoio Lgilationconsuould y t le ud vins bl &round ttht riug buloru o uuttty anud (ht if religiuonu u ttexporta o Candienu ha..on Robiethen188 -Iis, V4;Sotéch ,1, nd ' inO' - douth oof theloto téotobtro 1r tr ~ ttuo tro tgthendcon-u3Inato n utit Mers.1 largot ou record. Po.;Ilh 41 Stc,148 u n v . W.Stoen 1, W. Docker 2, S. Nw- lho b.dilottéuto.feM t.ortletiitezttt th ho oig, 6892 TO N C MI-TO stittnny, Mr. Craig. Tht tontionuman. ittol odWl d t nlthink ute.urtoillehMinihtuadnllur inavuuuty for the d. ___q! K e t w t D W i dm I v a , a egt m j o o l r o d n h t n o f htth -dlu n w o u i t uJ uxth o n . * wuu êiosi hooioa Ho. .1. M. Thu horse McCorutnck guvt n tpuud itlilohly thn(t ub op ' dovoto 1h oaitu(n lytr trt l i gn hoL*skiidveputY _.ta tel ohiltoon the tenat lu lun228, oveulug te Bir thd a ty létuytdtfar o tiaIu Healacptahih om t ci ot î oeotuet hu i w V7Intit etion , ouI Sr Wilfrid Larié wl iarriveoinIY san neid hrteblidct ttrot Lob( 10t%1=1 OL mesg*hu oe adthotn o cul bgu KeauM teu-o-..-thtrreutIruiol T ud*:.,*____ record. ocpos9dleso it he nmr r .ofc lu (Sh u tk. to éin he otnt lu the cdtp nîrutu, tnd the ov .n t. o no or no. a au. ith othomAionu. Tht couutiteuoy 18Ircut.ththumil tir. , tEPto. M& atendo doly snut oMiohigaétlamin, tas m * .11. jîuetluoooiere tnat.Athnu h fmloOd touu mttma lo éd upwuoo f 6t 2000wu ithiswuy . n1.w(hn v r ft y II b si e s (I o ito logoluIttrtt t Trafalgar' Fair. lettttiot n ap ho for thé homo hie.cvru(tyadlntlscrdi bet. \ .bog,ýi-n - . -- Lontu bertim etothie hiind o!tt g; in L . oonltoud t u hin tr.uLodon(I uuo d s revl bouu tty . ecàtont.i t rnt1nu Iluk t, t. tu1ut o aor b otter directio, hof l bttht. ede pupet r looeyuytt . tulctuoo j nenuo * ist. W1JR Dnt a A, l h uet 'tett Thetuduue t tthe lair etOat(job y tndD. Valse, the tualyot o tho Quohot îogtt D biu iit ttatoin tnIra. I n nnpluua uomOut.t4% ville t n T u day aud W ed uoodoy V ew_ _ _ _ _G o ce tu nu( o h ue ul (bu coul10 to p o t1. = 0tore0Il ooubriy l th D ooiiotet oto 22. tt ueater ot utre ovouht, ut ottautth ttatnhooiycegSpthltd, u uîhIth lto n(u ss, hic 5c LîitIl t- saitp tto trt *S at rda , O t. lst W h n ifg o o o l l f l t s l t o 1 ,lo h o o i le a s c t n u l a r g o a su t o e u l d bt e bh o u a l T t F g i e K h if .l e n t o h so h f o 8 0 (0 u . 1% P - " t e M m .J o a n * o p e u e d h e r e i n e y c a r s a o S a u.a mabrL i hebmiin f vr 0. oisssp aýe oitcllaieonuephynimUly y.,out*.I.t i "rs.oII. ' adteewr tonn ttîu thc el(coecttu earolW tcu ht éoes t h uuuhcrtIkOi bgoa tlîii I ee , tntloe alu e vraebt mu. Th he Fua t t u i ryo. n a rgu"' te.niny o0tliiu4Y'. leur ther ocupporu ubloo otoîlta ual ho lé loy acid tht îiroOct.lu-Th I{hl oltwhe i'aîruuiutpiton nîs utu4 u tthuett Niaguut l th ttou thtatin t!w. i.D1OK tfin lotoilOutluomountrPt W reat.The how oflitetstck of lu kin. .as a..storesUnitd Himgom of te comsructioaof ' ecletadtedaly ine he Cire ,Ct l.TeKalf, ut o oison10 q a is naulithe; uch t tunnelt oul buie calculuhlv B.tfor t he 88000éare. k.r a y an w' ant afw i ernwppr w hilbave hall woo very fine. Tua o ulî relid rm rours ohuahtp ecetlaointéttt sffcw t kl. ues. prillioIiitli -aWDc.' .Ha ilon a age t (at the smima ooity at firtlthetoeullt ftht cpediug couttts: vis tuptured hp Coonorai Kithener, Coder Dr. Péthh'e'n lightouod mn-1 Ti. O. H. Eldrodge (helogical Sur. - - -- bas.ut luthoea utardîtrain. lie utaiugeaoot, ppet Canada lu rtarto reocate ,ol rratte ovett ualCollofo niery puty, Vithhams rtTDdfTotu av o 1.redwthy'lhtter'ee o recte ollootol(h ccr.Fret4ora- Rb.tho u a rcb weetof ulAhhtaganont 1( ig- ck lltc.ury clcaod1 4biO (çu-.Potré "Statea' ... u i t Island, obère llee cot . h TeoatIo Thi le bt vedsoeeth ile mutanM eyIetd1tma ftekfd;w p psd4 t ntigi e tepoesoa,,o.CH.Stroocc t'LittletMarie" '2 2 2 tuett vlth hie lieutnanti, Osa oto arderu and 144 tut papile. Tiae iotoe (ohthu atuuuMoe, whtdi*mn f h in:w rooc t i banit otbethe1ntuer-iC.ttnH.inNorth Amorico. oTho paénh, whithd om f wiî, 4ý folte ot ruecla Shiiiam tiNumol'shore........ ttianeportit thtthet ouataiaoers e oo voooDr. Parbi i ta rtelu he u t. Eliat. lu ATuo tué intePtruuvBoé*yo anc kid Weddsoefuîî pgitutcon cota calprrohitn.Wil0Oe"tul ,3O Dco atitl elVa. amuteheh uomsitutteil lu Aasuautothe right uotf tn uth 1* luooowloojfl<to nct vour better atteîî- '(bey~~~~~~ to c iry L o ht h u h o .e rl r t h uighhooho.od bacc releclta ohargo. Su ela iv r.ad i dcarod al iehof-uu a u ., , Theyarcnetlikltec, hon ireTiesTiii-yThuAd raa-h.A ttangercamaild MLotu-asas-oethon20OWfee ihight. POINCIAL lUILDIOC1iATION * titn We'veinad vbo eally wic toptoootetemoporellsc . AJorvieuscolt ......... hae Oy deliootoith bia. Tncmuu2itu88,c-'oerootîée mad fie ds f ototool (orc raaio rhh tHSrr eli be ae Bhotile ta bit. . uatolby lotptdt u i t T henoiyrE penso hnaLa -I>LA wletiýinlaeroforagint AoIb. W(H Spercolt...... ..., 2 - Sudoy uturoiog tondloudly- Thttuguae remruoftroir"a btfor 0ASSOCATON*of people and we're trying lharder eveîv 4 lionaboud uitc o -Alhotrt Bggr't cut..... .... ig neotibleonathoeulad. Ho buâtiuant ttd a li r objciga utorbae"up.lotý Alodp'cocat..........t44SvroKilld hote trbbtl f $80 in cash, ité oaL htooc o ujteoohv u.Thi uttk pay 7% per »utL" e ti o n i tera I rooio a T his 1 -#@ . T o t-rote re o naso t el(tel-e. a le lf y a ly m p d ord a t i t à rie d s h iî '. W i G rec. trot- a~~~~- nd a ttt t0 tlof 0 l. e t rA u I p rt i si00.p r s es t e va T oc t ep ý ooold le irtotictl toperauoooeo, T .Relî . 211 Oirtu,(lue., Oct. 12.-Tht lile uten are cole otreut i iu et(iunolt ptod .rtum olb lh dr0aiwallytockrpys. 6 r ét , y.o etaï whchoul oel an o ulrooî tOive thce -j ohoi . 12 towu ut Viranle cocparativoly quiet tht ultair. Th ivrhdtaifl(oodon pprotOl l o llgod itiens alCuanada. C,. ri ........... 82 2 ( gtatirl!uti(nh The prolongea on ueathet t iToltluiuitrt eihoisrndakîouî.Oaî. ' t gve e man ones ale oîlis', --.--,- . .).Hall............. 4 44 heo, the oneutpetlocluubiholueena labave rumaeîeae-foro ntbaa nthea of ou ecigu deil.." Theo tky tirât mortgtgo anmîroved0 ri *mny. We csoer oplii Wo. Dcker .......... . 25505 'iheuuio minera und imprtlegrauoctu. urboat rtp. Thrslen i e ai aaltend- l e nueroorigte ofChi a teat oauh ore oulotho là we lse oýt er e pa a in i( Tao nca ooutic ul ohlioly te lie 0 _ _A Chicago and Altotu. pecial (a, tilil d oeltersare tahiog seond McnîoDtgoi !Cho o ecaovrt oo*ia eklse4tterfxln tin m hoamîng 200 nogro miceru trototht hcvotouoff thoeumaret iagte h ao eudraru.aortlae. calloe olooely to coctooet a proooeo MANSEWOOD. South arrtel at 12.40 putn. itt(ho uauty dlcuitu. #Thcroaaîuoetof A litlomorethothauirty miles root Fer lurthor piotionisn Ytey1 ::make a satisfactory allowancc for iv ' tienfon the Wi OllliaCcoo . iesotanuao__ etothnoi. trootolthr ChîcaooVirdeOt hue opma onao thteoocat the ceut of Japau(he Pacifie Ocean 4 loonuer, o (lait. lToos coopuov e ibo oagattiuo (i he Youg peoplo Col CnmPa's minesotndai utudlto . esou f ait 1er i fortight. h.hoafea .,outr t 4gt3 - repooltted ado lr ndIug crowinof eCamphoillille for oct Younugpeople iy teititrittoba. Thr iiut et10mta oit a ee ola ,thenu loup. Seoucofaienu.oknoere F- H - - CN A9 -eg,'stathaeno poe-sasfato , buim, emtoie 65bandso eg bashtu aoyé b ortuueohutat toablu, ooce i ttght standu mavon du1 and &g rain i e ytbhtuostt1 us eyif1r rbai iiegrth ttucil Farni to Rent. * 'ie've startd nth cwnieve ge ooadasolal [ sie oTh t h oenl ucreh e ,uubln t (bl oe 10o utudolg. -o-osobo titwork hy (houcnai(iThetu ohi t o tr rh t( la. T i iiàtuat-* r s l e o ts ou j s s w l siI .eo botoaol the l iloieuuTe buooe.Th uolaller playol thoubeac garcea tO ihe he deepet aocaoltng tvto made, ol10 acres nTrafatlgrtowunship, f reole t Ls yu ut*s 4Jlo I)teiüem bs, row setha th ctt.oodelhoe ((outeu aOtThakOtperMctonbThawe bu.y ipeeanl1endtioaedeebooteheuro tele luamlane wIeep.n e (bat0 o t0hth tou. ne hnt weNthldmsk 111 ,4 oooy'e peeeol o1,ooteraeu , eomooe tory nrocei en Sahhath vteoe ant_ laiti nlel tht tatrete tht toutt80, 1mocutiua la Japon, placed ocet ovr restnunparatlh oip i nd prthe na t On thinTino d*a. tooo alleoad tloey are i caseurofbeto w ihot l reotus te thentr - F - ityoa(ce. prredg -ico t claolaud; oniore eler bytv u * 1.. e 011 lanin nMoaday oening 'tSaocnte a îopore.Thtpuliet tht(otr inthis tbyut.Vunuldlatthetlwtet brs.Appo ~ csoest d s hnteco1e -w0 loatio. Teiite a o e nofOuco fluoyon t(too oieueu The Iltu CuooooeN basuretietd aru alter hi m oreo ton.'eyu.d.,lmouta u npprt tutturc thidoint 161. .hA. eattu ,etoo ol oi to 00 t u ï o ung gt(oe é abo I eo on rt ci. Wt (oae h enetltthttniangloneyedO 00(10 olu huuraoouetwth Vîtor 63 0 . 8 e Tr n oato. v b y fon.hs tr4ae)t a S6,00(0, te bcLepnyid oin cntabcnts noiecethot lhcîr Young laloon éhecl 110 00wtype aud everytbong iluiu applo luo petato mrhou i le A certain suraeofthvol, erS.Bo27,Trn tsl i-r autdoig o ioeonnuel toc enI ableitprintersn urbohulle l, pli Inglo y about the tasa-m Locie, obtahutol a derec oI divorce to yki d 13le u flOW îtI4 ,ovod theo payoooootsacet coue fdrii Heened ai liasoeraothtu C Hmeo settl ceolinicc sel oin(he potaito ttite by h al olot sfroctlibru hutol ouon(ho grosl (bat C R AN R IE S à f c hrmtytettrntrs iiaon etlloollo otoet anuiou ,pc t cpeorer pvtiug ethioh lu nourbeoog yttiîy *ttteuC RAN RASR..LCtr ,u le abot $1,400. 'l'he euiepoyorc c etro u atceocnl3y reeroltO oo t oo xctel. ucity visite,.etc. Foo peronuéwhc nnd enabitl o uppot hum luproper Broklyn.. Milice,. ilegh ttooo' ous eo wucy hile panitgo n a renueufrienone ttt_ _. -have net hotu tu buioess have tnp tyl."' bA teatu Miosouri iudgn MiutCiutié uotéttoutoAicrtea *. 000w industrescia posible, oili oui Rutoaalaya ArbtrlOte.bumvi lth o tdtu« ;tjaouy coetoo oyhif îe ivho e.ottel b inbison c huroucb. Eten I ' nother hbuineeu otn are bled lu this tht Inoune, pititg ot thît poeoty Surek Benhart la hgéig10piayavr-' 0 (ýtunc nthn bt b onuIoty e oft o e o lthitrotu -- o1uyw . If (bey wocld comnetaeputa'u1 ntu nluMisouri gooue tor divrte. ,donof I-Metes- kpifu(""noMend& * 'îL lcoooclloo e hcW'ilittsoiC., hattecol ai a pri ucoot.bu SPt re,.Oct. 12. ro e nd oI t (btey have (hooatter ilu (kuioS th r i oln vîis& l isouitntu r péunuI.Fd hii>fmibaveusMilé. II te the0i.(h ao uo ct Sei' PbtilieorAlsh Mcigu ombr lo)evrea badl le lasei a abai rcoerd oI u llte plerncoeho uttâtbythituation olwbands.tt toht1epuitoonpo net i e cllett 1a éi rmo or .le san. illeprore nIi» lot. mtirly o tl:o1ioyovcotîlltuttot (bu aîheutoa 'ioce 1 B at l e ar tht amp - trkiuk o"A nSure re"dnu wt om u oumdn-t ik Capelil isln onntdf1dsue rch cocoa ortan nd The ace oteée u lu l'arasThethicf thsde tatia amp-cer. iehII OmltRunhiihepn Wane o, - - - _ ouncgpeuple. Tboy hav" aloavW beau List f Faito foc 1898. lave beauoiol dthat tbcv unI1 ot oeut at tht Mchigan State Faim, bell mtmoudy, bhp arMuo frto, nitd "Un-lé H.A1Là TON ELEOTION CASE. ,ey tuetful ithi baot, aouI t lu -- le alioe r ft l e tag utht Coite1 at GradRaptdoshbuhion ue unutmiui éio Dck."1 10 _ poussel ahentextaitpoie ybaso. uTht Freultot,OCt, 13lti, and 14t1. States uhich havtehoa tuttios ss-âaiconl sue. Thteuprese noticen are The youget Bjornm aIJukunn" butc à 31a zt0 0, 0,,00 hýassnett u ro eo for otabout twoc Er Oct(e. 2t1o and 11. soct. Thisn bate ois o t h(e coot uin g ith wuronputltot--tho fneot tm tkle nMut eéoéto l~ . paril tiwtooaclrlloonda000,0 tota00W1.pll otuédulstc. nol (homadeonuioth0 epéatio lrgardutthe DreyfM anufactory Io ,Teool c l lio ouchgeso- seud al bll heurs, oblcb bupt tho Nasmgaourya. (ob iSboI. fpatiof s i eh muet00,000 te r 0e0,000 ,in . "hellu bule r Ma tle te kitJ. tl n mrut of hé I"hptmei. * uffulr. gfa to r , tie gaoOoei M, lobefil. Boared uaitees oery beny. Hotrooto, they W'odhedie, (o. lbooollto. ltio (g oih ost tihr nOaî,n.'hthdt falrluu(o .J.(ihtnaIPiid-pt bnt .oo th(fiO 'tstath andinGo cite a Shthmpnrmo fetval, writh Jouen,à lion woOOcOOfile1 yesteedey. 'rhe echres propaeotg thout for omthiug lu store, CANAIIAN. Mr. JuticetRuobetson butsuphel eneut agentu: " %Va lrmiyhoelieeoa. HwrtnndCare BRnfr mjte. 1atbr160, oo, &L rage 0 ite othole ohich nghlby tomutolittauintelleccueal theoomuemolal etghit uf the tccuid t. a resut etltheo ocxhihite ut theoliffc- Att soetahrs.é. * 5.KIN S . EA T iov fteol i o n oecabpet. Thetitent. Tht programmeuatoOéaperfect -hotitI oin(ho ocivihly ohuro tht rm utSaeFoire throghot(the United ,lil mnthé e not tabe Utu e o vuoilgleo.no l lo, toco ou lIc. bbcAdamos. co. Thr adîrmautu stereoqetaoci, Thtebaqnettc Petmier Hardy ban ou chargtî. Tht cenue et the Puttu Stton , blyo u etv aro oiht0 othen ue tth clug i 5 K NG S.hrT, 1. lloo 00'.'[(00 , ch01-obif agents wuroohueronsu andl otly, emodeyisc houa totol tor Nov. 15. tili otînt e h bogel, and thetuasoiluxoct tor é ri hénie*h ptoéPtousugiguae i:.~I A I T bl'ý ,iI1, o i . soloo o t . aloboet e to C 7ethouhswh i ed-t Oaç h it Charlea Tepper i10in Poari u o b o i tt oug ai N,,aouto. The ac- oi lucoGet luWeotern CaaaunI, noe IlunoL oooOnd-,_io o reoooothe pyw o.a er ao btisatouited atot aed al. ta vicltiSoiteerlaa unol I(aiy. e la imietharbé (bat Lennand uI ouutbhdao proopetoOéctizonn.' Juto Hudtog cutéecrpa(tu vbltstotébto *W - HA I T N 1.4 bi 0.Ogooo hofioev toond oooopi 000 Oi s. MahlthbMeNtb baou hean icit fr Alîiton hâvbo ato pulation uf 80,0W0, . lýýllteooooooe tietopy n.a a dybu s o n h mu. Noesle rcelvedOf ethe tadiég O et! bltb a suilbbé paneti, ho .Affairue auetili inunoeaup cnditiou coutry mnt ommame te a nnges-'* Walla, $21foi a.,', tv. Snne o thegolquartzeit Shagwray aiog l91,000 Itn. Thu Crouru bla bouger puiner t Croe. Bp uvery vassél Cbutiaus, mno c! a vieil huavu Actu tum- i « olragn,.1,Igd iihcrut Ms lawoba envrBlkte(tht tee. t *Muneulotte atd Joeos contine b otairo, Mr. .ivingmun, wb.éofert Qu- 0 *; : - O14 l 00,, io000r . o C-boueo foc, o reeo bou otttu oé wek itaIMr. Shout.t- ia ho peeoner (o chalenge jurors.u. ýout oI Canes. They tour a hon- colon Ove noth&.' o obe b.b. Wo _i,,,adIte. OioeuîgofelKo e od ou aci e rî r William Armstrng, oued 82. f etCdor Loul ureoita 1iGytor ld htjJohé rn ent of thety.tp Il the suttan Auordung t10repoe,0LiiiènMouevait 1Il ,(ooo; AoliooIl. o, .konoooooîgi e et olltgaoui heolontg. Co u., cOmittolsicide hY Writoa,etof iooptvilh, uto tutaly0otameto itklouo istoitps thtre wota o» yh otgig. oà--, --- _î O.ooo,0 0080 l 1 IIolo. Tite ceomunoservice of the C. P. bouglng on Salnrdoy ateruo. asitot ouI ibitd Joomos Hitiomae, orite wil(i houàcolliion htuen tht British teccsin r-heleTpefomaceof.A N R LP Il ou.ooo. Mot. Ilbotty. [b lîloottI r..Cbootur ii lhe beid on tht e d oet tbu Pter Marshall oaé ucquittel t hoiug hlm a uen *'iuoetn trilt.&aod Tsrhehluete, for Admirafin- pemed wSa. ht "owé.eu tota the. 1111 1o.1iolJbloobooeOeooo. Fia,.o, jenoltoeo to.uclt. ev. M. Kttg, ehf at. oilOrngoillu Assiseson usthochange et Tite corcuru ijury ouaad (bore vut nu Jack Shamh, the tareMicutim-étii yl bois.é 1l.-1 hs V-. n. cfr"l Albtert Polîlo, ufTot ows badntu ed proper caution lu baud. toncl bu pretty voeil molubed, vl, lacWuwhi lehm.hé.nted taFMorceau, Bu Ae. Li oo. Wý ohu . tfooo Do.leob hc o oi abba. Tmte uu i The bletotes Police reord heené lut thi fut. As a moult oI thultelo. Brtish having .4,200 ueo, ton feitel nd ha.ou. ~étnlasuoti t -AàSpdtgllttr- ,auîio L OOOI. HtO . ab erooo o n , is, eobadbeldfrecathît aboutî 40,000 people, iuoiudiog 700tugi youuug Wormbn a bu erretul elgt mu1&ii ati n ge, égaint 45,2 i,d tt'DeU... whléshah«n.si muereO T 'A Snou .htouoo . Il i. oooo, I . Citleoooote. oe tht boosts oh Miss Bellodîu oudi t o: teBoosloii. htoâré Bnoenluohit. LtnIuycé fuEluu i. Dre.lliooItso. i.ooo. -E. MoCïatoooy. W. oer Sabithli. a ite___________Thb__rai_ ________riley.Laen dymalu leumDo I. lobolo. (01.0. Qooooooo. ooool Tboco. lirot. Acbryeu ay ra htot tlpk Jobuntuil.agel 17 yearu, o itorlY oheu the turuhey luthé hiem Inn Constantinople e»y that the Sul.____ îe , o in q. rowunshop bau coma ta opa tew Wkiby, coiided oith o couple et ther up, , tan la preprluf ho withdraw bis TH-E KINETOSCOPE.. Pooeo.ool cr' noiog 0g 10 outhe uuth u. Hr pocldecosuor une ioylo ridera nIftMot toe dr dcouic. Chiua Vatedoeur, iunb.r, butte, troupe..1 1 oooLn bodtt O. cootl teootioog are aliegeol (locegittuo petctwocau i a y afaudtttinljuis. tutuol gondu and bacou nrn Canada, Au iuq.iti eutti ticlun, oupu the Ieiobslbshs Id b wD ag., tt( ' oooc L t looo>(ooooobo. One perotel ysadtl i b try dfiltit uio Ato Pt fliguteon.ouIandJ. A. Craig, et Shtanghai, Chiet, le London 'i Cktieb n e 1 no ts10ut.( téd nn v.,lgo ni-ainli sta f(us th, i sewds'ihy o- hp a ie oeo ab l o ttneîoit 'e-roitO the Dorni utu that Itle Snateotf thet ton.-St. Il(aSe Bptblis. % o AI A E ý f T OIIaitling a boObl k 00p00r 110Byro vet (thie lady its ubnady contunadl y bité othor in intane fr mulicîne, cttri n imeth.At pull#cf thuC ine u nil o CaunpdarlJtnh on énu Inn forb.dta on T$W e C,,illoelut letoé Yontgntctal ore a hl0ofth02e Poctet. (je emorryùperHse. m- t h. ut it unwgL»bû',d9û.1 s eItitOOO ers lo c h e eodct. a hecOr pplr puercoaroye ,uy and eletinié Scqth Onturiosand Eut market. Ctanaasd amooe othe §»Mstthefaltbu;or the H i n i New Yoktce, yle »Or id bbsa ,thcoli OtOibboffbitee wart orb ouet twocw o t u. Welliington havd hen taI edfor Thure hoto lu the vurlol pllng bultawn Théla"t touod, théeu OD, vlrd Warumb ,1,0 m ule mal M Za fie ballet hy touiog publoc ohilo (ho Yong meta o o ta eoit sunI guI dup, thu271k of Cacher.Hong Kongbtil t'jePFuile oc"é. Thé vabure in Londondtri réltnd, ou hoDlThe presoven e.180 nslklehédb.slluue.t inIE < -I3 R sudhowthe bal vted li bahfu. Yu villlieDotMote. o i, Rve hei oporttriahs -t8Wotndeutotîhunhim n i auontTb$eir eppertotitMÉ6." nolItutoe cdstl. h huoel u u o caaune et serioné set bock to'the J "> -éoR l'le (col i8 oetlotrOctoben 2711o. ut Caadies att geting cheni, "hop.' the Mnitoba formtsré onu an la eé.._ nuuana nemachant Ilu M ou g*Boso ., Pailp ta lum elà 1 -,ý Mlov. btcest égala !.1111 taudng lun tcke i l eil&.ITEIKS. Hteorna Oturéed 10 th* Itosu o f, rsoS noiIm ut "wh ýg0(0 dfiuA oot'_ ho1t -- - - Mr. (Charlet Lewis, tflonhiogtou, but ttt ta5N . er ui- -_ Ke- ut luWh. 0 the fels lmtlmn à.ý ho - . p1-ýý ICW o fatwIurpriose& yousai Prohibitiot Enooe Out. Itastd the Tornto Brick WorkasandliécutapYongmnuec eo é Iéné- itip.u mieol tht grot Ktc ep t ! omwtth- i cll carny té au extusiv boinboin 1o tHupBori erteo~ hn élehistomytlîpur orNth 4p!ç21o. M -' 1 "0 , go*"W te C, . ldr en' Bot---- h$1 .a SO Molei (eýt lb-Le Solei, ti00 thtemanufauctuofe, etc t. Ho pur. 1iettcei lub.e il oon n Dec. fahll. thhhp mi"lion bocha. untr hSotW blt. d , pIt éo t me Do -_ ptbmiB 1 . 4 ,t ys a t 1.0> 45 (c000 toeu a ehe v a ietelotu u fo oek. hi At Otawt a.on uTelapDr. Lambert Thé Yellow leutraliutit iq Mb. . unis .t h - n- -unb«M'oTl.bII su- tofilcost e lboe ( ibLbo'Ovoie oalabuhhproeoty and omnuvnmkieg nwu monulttad trion acharge of isippi idgreumuf repidiy 1nenoret, toi di..tu__ _ - 11 t - s i 1.0 - 5C For gnnthuusiess,01hnd t se oduutbut M. _&,,,, M é.sung . #%fihct. o no té l tturrn - a s I thte. i S1> -_t t1__ , -(_h lboîaoe 1.1. ot, ii aeZtI op Msy ol -1 =or Ththe i i' 1 ris=Shoa'W,00.o44; lIeo91,2i -WtL 1, ptI. ..r. HO Mswttu tthsd t104,00 baill.ont g. 1a u T. no iftlée «o.n*d n > Shs 1Ie,à Summer tt 45 Oesaheeto............ . 4' în-__wlllbetut py hn o hatar pJeple bA1wr. bmý seu ltotd y th cttpof , rbperWe, o divmcrs 1 uni sonl1;28toncca o OieolsioCieecbu 114 nîdt hour toy fn nom ~ ~ 629215 tocthé etalut th titr- 10000)léothhsau ut é Fmubt.tnhéoIlIlfta.Mngaus W 8notehoaedsadS one '26,350 Thaies poprithé ivrcsidmu,.O.e * ouuh vead a voepau alhuifr ' Uth slnad'y 01 tti la lat1901 . umbrhiiaýne otdaforo à Teoronttrcoiooooal4laien T e ntiM g )nthC.P Z ta er té ta n uNewcout h ut tht Bm,. utoné- - - 1 -1O . 1 .I -';woad- web ........17,4 auet h iessmn tu Endasnoor u uCuéecestiono. 1 » M fi uà t ,,;r »t~smétno éu nTun a ien,.ile n t. Es thénde s terUted nStati a 6 nléék . 1 t I. ý. . 1 M P- Nonoga, sln..6IC n m n rpdta,'él h nenthé roir Guilb etMe utKo- Monsw.enéford.isum orthratT.trtoI, .. 202.sup otonge0fh1ddsh ihndssuwonb4.upi"lnui. lmInu1 a1nto nI - us- thérii" '-- -lhiug (n- Mani IsTc ttobI....M........ ,10 eft.e mont omn . t Xo .um th n h sg Utobsae o th egs ci sthe rTheaug e m n &t he W,» s c b@" M , te iii.. la . jne î nd a or y bundtinin _utbé _sfhtgca s1 or o o10mty a immfor U e . r seaég iée cgn n ubo t in mGii.DVtegthii a11 1ýý C a m t , " wl eovl vt eéno 7te l,2 vu 91-9à ueé n etit i.lbto tOplc, w. so .n T tdat uel Thunué vue msaâse-t1,.ce-d Sry ý'. (hM Oiebtl ut instdrol tio , sd20u.094. nmhuétoiémOtouhIn.P l mégétt lt s fnm or tedeO tcwu dadnw abéltté . hd onas~ .At " »"M s oUr.A. bunqéé l! lo teni 0. m" & IIeut1l-.ry 89_. ý Brou tntnt. éofir.iu u N oeu4 wnolS tanu thienhe= . gtieWhootigmlené ts l é~ti o n0h0 he s euul g tit = ,1Feuosert " 5yexo B. Mtr : Ray. iSr ietbenpo Ebt . maCertin. srenniét abhoo. -P-&é bp vtsdanlt aa i»l - 4 T kn ofonir a~~s be 00u .ndu1a "mninha.d,.s wih u nar tobl, heh ý eot telise daedl te u. Fru«in il clon aby atn . O ,:..1liA.1 AY'S. itli thebetttiIo tt Caag«ve prie loto . llg bCIIsale al1 o(el' > ve not ol It1i oý îx aLarge Botttee5 ~ggitnbotî) (JE URES TOC. HoOl Wl ' boIt ilto 000001 Cstladiao 00.00 .0 A Pli (. teeol-1ue C4 olial,0o 00.0, Otert. L Wot o u- 't otooe" lo iiuell0Il00 MI,;Lo . OI, I ureli th,0 . h0- idto.eh.O enO 100001 Cayle N r e t bo 0 'toto, ped tbi atou iu ltoth, ( 1" Il - be. aI l Ca Ilpreol is l foe Lc ' E E I ' 11, " r bc frh of w Il I o. l basbOt Vie c000 Oo ése.he loty 0.00 rhtbu eî l r o. tapue eou ooco o 10 corh tKe ln 00000 teiltetI $o\ CtO,.t10pl 0 îl ut Sitbtt hby i100 i. r. uts, ch blera. 1l1,o00001 Sthe Most v ooo l 001 M obeté aIf tht e e l . ' obol' Mells. m Wc tiioo .00 houredap tstung 10 i îyetil Mntis tero OO - boatp.. obalbuson eoide oat Hayerefi. V in;Stiileu« wbc litas 1,11o W, atoýut tout et. 0, SpecillHRt Sale fer io.o4. hie moutti. Alolo o cEs eWthe tmtur<olo9't00 .Telcen. bieg Cut Pt W_~ al