Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Sep 1898, p. 3

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iq as ir prtanntafoja aigmse, 11I EAP-We buy in extra iargà quantities. HFl'SH-*e selin extra rgý quantilie. --Juet Dow ue s"nlt yoi Mi eegond- L Y TADS, 5TICKY AY PAPER, SECT PO WDERr GýxEM 9«JBBERS, SEALING WAX, SPICES--4LL KIRDS. t iii FOOT COMFORT FOR SORE AND TIRED FEET. ce apprieciate y our trade, you wll appreciate oiwr pnces. tiigginbotham & Coo, DRUOISTS, STATIONERS &0OPTICIANS. Local News. Boioute, lot 12, o. 4, Nasace. *Lasostract-oryplantsforasale. E tolice,. woubsbeaiaidnup eu ,.c.eei.s ciulutypluosd ever is a o re trry tosayibtha son Rc ,.îobet-.ri, uriouaip : 1"t: Ie osbeoti.ncnuthse I a .the lo oeniueg etSept. SOu, ,îlaýothle lai. A amrt, "actveboy wctel b tsears thse dry gonds huaises. Appîy to Jobs Leunon. Speciat Rat SaIe for tise balanceofe lhisaeontis. AU gnda roed ltemks reses forneecgoals crrvieg Cr tai. Nue in tb. tims te gel a buygia.-S. G. Trebte. cor. Kieg ced JSmeIst.. Hamilton. GORGON âto e ebave angrad con. concert aus Frtdcp, 28rd (tair sight). Tise tlntsconsista of Madame Maris Harrison. prime dosec, sprano, lte et Pari, France, nutlota Nec York et Oaa Godrepe lcoLeserl; Mr. reSt A,"" I,1. PsTI, OnOflSin'S Moarin Caasfavorite louer;sr. tjý efl, odm aIt AppIoby on Davi Anderon. so ilastiat, 131h tycn iagei 91 ycarn. R tiud amitos; Mis e 4u Ken-s pn,,clars of M. E. Miloisols res255 ced 5 eonte. sec il bousneioid trsiture, nec uvaUa.Ms kre 5111,titi, nIMuits, ae bus.urytis, ogrut45, cite outhlie proprebetr j B~i i[v nod Jas. Man areied et tise Alderekot Rot, lrmeeiy Iupt i.inl)r lot sdnseond prioon by the lctJames Keenep, and Mrs. iihi Lllst Trontoexehibition. Watt, eced 58, cite of Jobs Wat, a.nud Robert Anderson tail,0 ReaHà"ltea, bttk ommiDttei soi. tieso cise cent le Lendon ide on Fridapisp drscaiagtbeerselyea 1sdav"tu iIt tise Western Fair. in Periingtos Bey. Bonishblaut esin por iatt ced despcldent torsme Riogtea eteadut iss. Mc. Fersylislaef; fonr ohildres 1ceeu.e.xlot-ilion ]est eek and and Mc.'Watt five. i m îe esI. er seoo our. Bicycle GOuesset epeiaiiy lue prises 1::Geo,,cov Drmatc Cub illteeclear ot lise baance of ourstecka. 1 Ir ec-üth. ly Feolali n het-ciSweeaters, Bette, Stocis ad Cae into iL.m teroida Ohe utIbs beaper tisne vr.-S. G. Trotle, Im. foicu,e esN.. porter, corser King and James etreeta. 1-iec cen Sateeday 10 vioil bis Hebwcn e d ftiafor obtail r M LosdJhn . an u o ng money onalleeprtesssintaing -,ay i, wet tu ondon 1seders in Milton or enIarging photo. us, tl u e of t huel' graphea nd colctisg 50c. on aecooul Irilili.ofl lat-îiof ecet-order, t-o prumineil elargea il.,r,.e e-tllessal it111 pitres nt iaviniseeln dsiiverd, výýo %ýnsay. 21,t sol. cen tried bstore JusdcnHamsilton on Sel. ,o,ýae .reuing duttefîoOray . îî pryedtiaie-sean an a * odcccce, tsceh-s, StirtS, Cedlinc, frafr h ebr fwihhvl ccp ,t- ulsltS.0. TroeI'a, sosdod,anadtheishargewundsmussed rm , adlareso st., Hamilton. Hceo ov'HAT l4TI§-Tise largeel F.Al patoOtooindebled tl et-al. e csapet abocta oC Soit and Stiff Htlect ats in thes itp, et prie that are il-, lctcs, Mlon iicieapertlt-ns ecer. 5l'gen in tise City Ut'le,, outet- y Oct, laI. 898'Culit nu soc our npécial unes-S. G. e - tey civl bc pin.ced in Tciisie, cor. King and Jaesr strets, :or to. Hamiltonu. . t tttt o.druggieî, ot Hamil. Ftoo AT Buit.soueo.-At ose octchk L ti mlie.îucasvey ulccessflonTosdayouriag thuécorhneof th c,!iji cle-di setters et t-e dog ParlOngton Manuocturiag Co., asar thee it 1>,t. nesot tco firnîG.T -. rossieg, ceretuorat Icrthe I d , cecei. rcoud. The ovner, D. A. Giet. '-t u lA hols and Colais in hgros bis Iota et 515,0005.Me bcd i;I c-- cc'r lwNogligee Shirt. osIy $5,000 insurnaee. Tihe oompaey ,- ertl l er.S.G. Treiselo. manuCacureduenshing machinies, and c -tg and James treels. clthen cringera. Bsrliegtoa'e council f tLou.beegita teees Sre oeigine orsee ime i t rr, luaseordeed ill.a go. bit- tansnadmade a standing c coIOkipiesessoffer of $5 10lise ocnerof thcI l c lea -l fstok, mpemetswcih ceuld bconeoniasirstrnt ase [LCi!ioale plaeeo eseduy. Sre to drawetiorOiine to ilssen 1 t ,il il t-cerso4 t-un The engine hnisg been col ot ie te f-epsrzicuIarn. caes osevra alarmsead nethavssg bronaeeded nomoseyema aid. Tise u ;,l Wetcoclis Aenueu. teem senera cere denaotouraad Ihere otit 1,ttc iusesoa o penod ons oorus fr te ngin on Tueaday lYL t elteocere: t dLue moanisg. Ihîcaogot snlsPositiuoton lttutiBuringoeVitorias laos luBsesthe sagineana hbolIer t uk.t-Stoney Crcct-, isuse.cortis$2,000,ad her saralh ce(I\i-,,on bnd aslbye. in Brliaglos in cpequence. - (ttEec-Il os e STONE I STONE I STONE I-Hav. '0rý1 tileun'sFnrniahiogt logIleaed for a ternioftyears the fre -Isa nboing et S. 0. . elue qoarry ons J.PB. SetIe tfarm, Dri t, Rouingcad Jamstise goid muse lob pond, Milton, 1a prepared tu oelî&clikinda of rcoese, etipped eerdroised or unadressed, uiadoe oite, t "enismcetl "eo6, corners, fieugisg. ste. Ail bîndes f, t Toon s ar c[riagscorÏteodered or. Byr stttang îid$00cdet resoionebie pricec 1 hope te receivo t loegs cd e car etars o yeur pâtronaes.-CdABLS 'i - oe, itlanstkertone , HuGRES; residesce. oser tbe pubstu mi 'lmeut yctiecdayo c eiool. Milton. 57-Sp t lait \ ui rsti Society, et Nus PRovN.-On Frsdep imac Clarke i!i rv.Ji tiocsliteraon S ept ppearsd telore Jolge Hamiton or liese C54triai, Ceiurced citb obaisicggEods nadutao $ lalan protons"e. Caren a tt, llo,ît,1t ttutofuSiscon boca. he admaesbi esdciqertersabc tA* r cII ttt200 bs.-hst $12. PeulCed sceshu t .c tt tc eooy îc IisActes.hisrs 1khenseMplsDaca iao t'oc t- t I t-yctions of Mi- ices. telel igbtcctebmaa et tise StoreGove nors. Acordisg te tbe pevidse tecari balacqsmtity of 1 R.EN!tl IlrIEuET-Attention elolb os hena. andeantise 241k Anfimal eelt t t"l, llociog annoo-Clarke tegit c Piecedl lCr ukick A F. %il- tfl,cestE aat lie cas te ive unleusr in pcpmest. o'a t, tat i., i, epnreedlu anspply ceate eStoccots isame SteClarkun froi !c,,tto l t I te quarter ors ett twAghm.Seatw I o wlj at eîet cIspcie alu, ibut bsss o &Set bannes.Carke ti' 200 ca, t tMlnsis asnId lldîthesBontht heoc teelleaetber ,ised 1 ;i. 'tt . tep alwy isapiseaoC cote or thsne, .a-- gelthee t su1) v , 1"eat, eloModerte pricesOne*fo ý fri, h 1ý Gopesactnvet os tise eclene&ancal sîe tIü,e Ot ttmmrId." neob. h 1atrseglyebot Ctarke' aoeulaet, ubtei l of toicetlu, beieg the Isa ilwun Iabuoset. Tise prtaoue 'tYOfIthelot tioiir, Soe bis. ca liaatiazg.- Stop ~ EmuLbéon of Stop CodLier Oil That î seysbepldbemlh Couoh ti e Iliat lias l)eeii trouli- thm enOd h7 zyoiU .s0 long] u- J. A. IDSAi à tha w e ùz la ana slagon thebeb insisteut=morne 4 -4 neteets. AU oeeied te a 7* 2ee dimensieons mmd us setyn Thse Sqpday Sbu goerL ohesisortaetof. te hi&. qssstly pregrelsstng. MÂsEUcs.nvusDono.ussu.-Cl. Alise the)e Rtere pemnssed Gerge Revit. , et W11 Actes,st one tishemagaeget aeet 15* Ornmo.e terird Clarka ubea thsepriener wusa noinaleO9t d b e ted for triua. Cel. MIme dtnseted. A Mee9 tdn teObiY , g tv Âefane lheir "Dry- odBol"n Ce dape cterwards ColAllise and Mr. the Quels." :thet Ses, of Eperience for the Jail thip w Pearses met. Mr. Pecaurneuittise JudgHasuaalistha, DIivisnGolent *timeenveSokfEý , se c dsor.step asd gt sop enddeîp, sn Oakvtls Yusmy 01 lem .k. butiha eB.ev tokof(*od,1 and Cl. Allen reenvedtc aIse won ie d ise &sstet uswu escty BataslIe oompiuing the following iUe face wbihibe tbnsght cas iroseMr. oajorty of tise us uone Persese kband. Cnstrary .te Col , m cg th squ*nmsouces AUces wvisiszeauisnormation wue 1a lad a t e uni fa iniltaI.Mr. Lasmss - b sra bye ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Ibr ciecgs r essbegscTren' .Millinerv and Iuantl uttb sasît. Tise triai took PlieOOn Iscs.sei ma tcsety cerse NIE STOof Dressa oos Saturde'y et G.s binetmà$Oav euuwing c lue rouleus her* eq odW Kaltrsacd (iGR.e ,sd-7J. P. Tise.oualt beut c yen cge. W ecrge ces dismisoed ced tise coin-e The"due1arOkilles t casuel MENS & BOYS, Staples, Gloves, pliseet ciii ihcve te psy $1082 conte. exhbitasiohiessa'e st t¶U.'inforHosiery and Gwills Octelsie4t m l k.acd àpi ut UISpi A Novel sceeo orohdoced. eclipeeail snob frmer aeets se re LIT Groceries, £1. Clsopics. -- gards esibit it s ttrctions. A pro.-o~ n ~ E'd clIpio. gam etofbicycle rcoes ltsbisoots ad S oè Ss,--Lnekisg iseckitamugig Wby tiseMansgement, tecîs . 5OAS Tu ksad aiss tes ei ctll ere et lut gs age dcprace. lnned oaus toc rieby ced sseecessary, A gang aifcisot tlurty Italic en &eArar tisey dropped eut et preetce aqincesbeee second toue for tise puct ceca. tben drknko care, hp tbonsewho file t ebiog egagea in teyisg grevaions tbe exorcise tiseir rigbt tu pertcan efthorsea,. .T.R. tracta. They cre dnmlesticctedlRo esily gel theengis morasm or re. in ico nId peager coqiles. It in The Big Boat je loaded with Thousando of Dollars' Botsei spectable oweera licemed by govera- sctd tbere cre cisout sinLy egaged ta worth of Merchandise to meet the increaBiflg Fanep ment tu oitsasse. Ithise semsapoyaient nsliPort Credlit.deaeoftibuns. Tbe propolsed forcng et Prohibition Tbe localiealts officere on tise re. eadoftibuns. by Dominion or Local Leeiatnren ai coaseeatios efthtie Proviciel hecltt Provinces wuld preseut c starttisg yet'inspecter. have iestructed Ed. Hilmer verp esceennet innovtioenisenniose' and Jen. Stewart, nf tise tuoelesgbiter 1,6é foPaiantid. goneralty,isccpcbte ef emontis srrkiag, 1onses.o »dcha W.0lmit fent1g P~ comersentty insteallaSuC blesise, wsr owns, te ramnre thunebenes outidasr ra ai:mlLolu be ac orne. Tbe ttempi centd etreet of the corporation limite. Tisnmuve DesCo:faibmLig isIntaTas th rcin otld.tenhioeed stills lg cetily in a«cordnne cith the enss ed rcth nigFrs ateTao enatiise iu creatas er in caves and teeingsao et inontles, c se eti tosse .* anties:and Caps Diract f r. Manfactunars. 3 mosataias ntseg tise gret expase f ponts n djecent bcte We gh aed pnblic 9 2.M5 miles ot coontry, diasenuitofaneel cheosth on xtremelp edageriengN -8 lIlFOyOsI.e a cen, empioies budreda o lsmid the pnblic hattb. ü .15esl acyOos nfficer, rsoed tu the teeth, in cctch- The iete nsoenger ot detb called ing sied appresniiag speruors, nontd ee cl nocenes be an cupennuve, cilelonstsrylit1 sday ent Jehs Pcrlcyg rs.r. s n drenmcdetfsinor phîtomophv. honni! te drn.gond. mercisant, aed oeeofCthse Supply yourselves with the Best Spools, cbeap. D lestd te ekolesale smnggling specote. ol1 es roiln&fth winie lion an in old dapa et Panl Jones, the 7561kyea esiee oa ooenla OrBstberYr 5c e l.Ra pirate. Iltbiaproposed scbmebe tried eiia r esedbc snt 1u etWolYr 5.prl.Ra t is aenredly doomed 10 prove se a ciic cosdites tor sieslime, eud been remedy, tes imese orsethan lbhe dia. ew rhsice s egv hc e . cane of intemperasceountil the peentier Cee yara ega agisjreasetciaed e evere lad ail. sud, lihe thse Dunin isAt be toeul recv iries Creekinieash . MILLINERS busy at work. Man ules b dego piun-d.l nbabad and e Ccmily ci rscsnp Our Millinery Opening ou FRIDAY and SATUR- lety cei toe by adsoes hdbtter childres, ose o ber sensi, FrankaPar- lotwe0 le e boral oouystn2 ing ~~ edmebrtIenstaet.,DAY, 23rd and 24th Septetsber. moeamp disa e. t-eue b ego, hute RP. Barclay'i. soited wco eeoran olisers tromt, be benetot eitb bis aiker in the adry.gol bai- U(1TTINRAKE & tSON. araigmse lia net es. Tisfeaitnl1lcpe t1 treatingspatees Il et on e-tiast u thse loua emetsry. slow proceso--bol itleiscertaueycworth Th rploOcaarienr uble Is devisesplausible, sumple tmenas'The proel1or1Oces nrriv to lbnI end.1Sunaday moraing ced ater teiugo One uap ocenrs te anme ot on tocards'tend of Soar rossFonildn & Shaw's __________________________ Fal dastroyiag Ibie trenîing evil, viz :nacoreboone, loCh Iter in lise day or dratietue migt liepessed compelicg MonireaiA.n.esu.Itl.T "1 taverno b provide tes. eoffc, oda N n'a ..5yPeu biscuite ced cheurnaol tiresnod on <s accoat of etre il ig eliog ex. hNelson Wedding. lour Sto: >e Prga ense, tise licease es W onsîDObirdC Ions. Tee and esffedrinks mca tet ose ot timonepIonnant evecsa hicb Woo1 wold prevont drankenness traigist. coma upesns t intervels. secasers in InàHti 1 simsula bisegtad tu ses in your oeil; fisevont desert o unr social existence paper lettors ross nS lenst reetavers c'ad ebicis canne e aligit dsprtnrs AD heepera In thos open tise bell and set rose our ordicary isnmdrum existence,.YuUe tt stesout-e ed t Arolliog npproving ti oe cen okplace onWednnsaey lu'eu "Oak su c yaepeer eeuaucu uatuav- for and arelv rigitecus probibituonsi aLw," tise residesee of A. Galbreiths. a-r i o- P-.W --t. o eansot have tise consciencee IsdisngreEsq., seer ieinge iseORD--"> grad citis anoba magnifieent objoc in viee,'eocaion ot tise marriageofotbisOXF R D buton te coarary, npplaod it te tise agiter. Mdargaret Jeue, to Robort C A C L O en echo ~~~-J.C.H. RichardesnWtses, aIs ofNasse. CACLO u - Tise bride wu s ppsrted dnrteg tise tous. tise eflet _ _tw ld ,. leo ree scowlu Paio lt atir rpigedc s ieEmma Ford, tusu ssnsm st pun.Rcais-bocooth- Troislger, uhils tise grssmna aprits ocrset wtroc , .m57 ue w B cere cheerefi iy Jobsn(Galbraith,.0 Ots-heaeorlroqukerun Ss,-lt ina minlahen dsnallogett-e broîber othtie bride. 'Ttsonslsonîy a oe e ta seos c e.O forth be a.oald tesperasce partp to Cru othIe oporialt rienda of the con- Ceme and ses il, compare ilta naze ced&adventage eith cap aciler range os inthe fotnent ysoregiedsaronsealletractteg parties cere prennt. pet by the markset, thisis oC the lac, pries ad remomber tet es gnsoantes esecis-e thei fotuns byemorageu dunk I-,tisir presonce tisey sisousd tiesdesire Ponre suce of a litotime ar tiqfsotetioa cite liseChancellor. neRs sud ail crimes of the caesar in tu give tbe happy ceuplea eonant Ibseir places. Tisfc$SeisevideeltisaI1 atarI senliseir ematrioialtjeuney. Made by Gsi mrp Foundry Go., Limhited, Toronto. il sucb cas tise case moderate respect- Masy pressaso crs &a Ie iuanose sm able dricbere could become disgustd nI tise marks et oteem, in cisiis tiey and be drivren wnp, ta hicis dilemme cere iseId,nt oly ie tiseOonmmuitp saloonsa und soca abt ep skop. bt rosse distance. Tise auptiatliseot et eeta rosdho prroahaiC vise s onty tie orr Bar t.B.sgt eo J o n M o o re , umbbed tun re51,p aI oas pInce ced Louville. alter utFsek they aIl prncoed- comnes toto ceothar botltont isaacfit sai 10diseise e peoat soupper, ubeie saA, hbo svehe ntissa;ip tks ah ot osed the aoi ry goneel éteSOEAGENT FOR A!LL0N. andenabbstveesiernnttalion____theaboulant___IlsfouinainSnob______but______fruits sud terustutatide,gon tisaIpolicemen. of cil tinda, ceres Iers te temp thtie cas do dty isp tatateg him te tise lob palete ced sadd, Occor te tee repeant.0 s np-theel tus proper pleace te asoes Ater sapper theks parleftton s aep offeader op. SuaIl schistsacesashort cotera trip, noued bl oti tsriaeohus ke têclbPTai wda I I o d - rigisa0otejocîssent uhie a Poticemansaumt, and teeis' mey Irleedos wishte dons sot poussaon te se ter estheslatter yeseg peloche bey jesemiscoked canntenter satuonna 1 catch peope ths utiient gueon af marrellIe ARE A R RIVING i soc la.ia reu1ired, on simeest ayenvisa cpteaent trip cal tist thee uces atoA tender iesolnliciat Mth; ta oitseade ppinsa ed nrecsy mmy boBo doan mec~rcm~lem hs syer oa beiev e W ut received this week a shipiiient of Ptot8s Dt 111sute eol oges,oustil Iber etter IMaeylemars ju and splsitheute s ccmtirst ieu»d peceeftesi) 005p0pytiCe,0 ter& Scotch Tweeds per S. S. Kastalia. mre wearpctoibissts m e te e - MÀ6til DWe guarantee the veluee and patterns cannot be beaten. busiiss of ealsaud ai tIse reepect- Wuvso.Gs.saran.-AItee residasce 1blî a prepriet;ra wce they re nI thes brides fsther, Netsons, as stis - Come early and get firet chotoe. :,ino. Core omit"i ~te do istertO, Sept., by tise Ber. J. B. 'Lire sud let ire' tee altUbteto bLoutRle. itoiset IL Watson te Mtc- ébunla lte hallncrel isy mU Chritoiaen& gis, second lccghtec o A. Glrih Ila tethe dty of pulpt siRUternteueoz- tu ofgNelsn. tie:apoe otstseCr BEW 'S SoNsa tre Wacr.8sosegu,-AtRe Det Prm-* uitb dpolitcie orr baouieeea eira to hries Otureis, Alertc, on Auguêt_______________________ 5dt5055.8~itIs4y tes Ier. tMr. Attimwin.k ~ uulItia lse M. irâitB.. Farm for Sale. I For Sole or To Let. iit d ainbfoc 1998-0. iscle B"Is. yoi T*bfHMKL Btl the s- iltp lessvai5Os, de 9515 TccuIsaS b uneulisalnS ct nug su, to Sept. 2lied a dr » p pic sC I U <im uy egsie BCP Si5lIsmd Bt.h P" 16e tnte 'W oCtm 0 BeeScofir Oe-t21ll lIn5egeu ct.1lts 12UtL caa outi t- ~ OWER THAN CITY PRICESIql C $4.50, $ 5.50, $'63,I ,p.'Town 'Hal.. 8.00, 12.00, 14.0 N<pÇ lte tloWto buy CLOTHI$G- Ch"a we ne m~t se bnil1latllow. i thgs0sm Lw -- 4ores, Ne bave i de up ooiw mil1ds ________ îthe ýoniYw'ýt t them is to selli ma "a -efapAu- >g as eheap 88sas sn y *do and seli bet- ý VEDHESDAY, SEPT. 2lit goods at that and anmd'follovueg deys. The ol are going to do it. :p L. 3ring on your cah kt. ite the faet to you and save you your fae. lie city and a heap of trouble besides. have net space to quote priceg here, but lbe pleaed to show you gooda and quote ces if you will favor us with a eall. OUR DRESSMAKERS Irecdy bnsy. Now is th. tise te select yone dresses and hbes thees sade ap in correct style. member ponua getgl elîd here urts Dry.l3ssds, Groceriees Crockery, s ad Shos, Millisery, MesSIes, Rati ad CapsCerpets, Wall Papers, and ~ y Goods-ail eep. Hemstreet Bros.1 Bastedo & Co. [G BARJAIN Sare eaigofrd t thîs list-there is money in it, and if you have not ntrading with us, begîn at once. New Yarns, 2 and 3pty, per lb., 45e. l5ravy Grain Bagas=pei, per dosen 32.50. . Mea:s Blus Overae, wthbib,65C. Mensa Flenneletle Shirts, 15c0 np.ý Mensa Black Satees Sbirte, eacb 75c. Large Stock of Cotten.qdeâ4,per yd. 20e tu 25c. Cottoe Shirtiegs, epleadid valve, lSlc. Big variety oi Flanelettes be, 6c, 7c, Be and 10c. Cotton Pleebets, grey and white, per pair 75c and $l. Womene eand blidren Cotton aad Cashmere Hsiery. JStock is arriving. Money and rooin are needed. We are sffering everythiug et close eut prices to cash huyers. istooh of Veilisg, juet receiveot.1 Floor Oiclotbe, permyd. 25c'. Laotien, au to nec Ibese goods. 4/4Table Oilclolb, yer yd. 25C. Zne in MeansInderweer, Braces, Roller Winidow Shadon, eacb 25e. Cankeere L. Rose, etc.. W bava nice selection et Wall Paper Sox 15c per pair. j W ehoone, deri-Tapoc or Sego be. IL IERIES-We are dtrmn CarocPenn, Tomatoes -110é.: bokeep up..ofr:reptitaticis Cboice Solseble Cocon, perlb. 25e. doing a first-class high Hsigh grae Blond Colles, freib groan,. i per lb. 40c. de groeery trade . . .*.' Japan and Pbl Tee, epecial value, 5.1 We are makios preparniions for a large increene in our bosiness, and eqo ýwill bcospaed tW sspply tbhennnt o r cunlomerg weuh newsesi gsods ejt mt eaub pries. ,"_rOur terme are casb or trade. ;. ter and Eggs Wanited. BASTEDO &? CO. Just Arrived R. h9HNSTC9NE'cS- Furniture Store, ~ MILTON FINE ASSOMTMENT 0F.... Coýa.rnlages ST., 'L TOI'~ Itwlo qfire iarp- ed aies- 4 You 1i aiec iis

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