Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Sep 1898, p. 3

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,aeae ilad sueh au enorirois stock o!- AS \W1TIH DR'1Ô0 rIl I, w ý,,e111 Of 1bi', ag places echool booýA tt e i a ti)teh of y oir pocket books. fIANY NEW LINES- Y' S i yii ill appreciate at a price youwfsr va y_ fra ch idra)n to us, we wîil BsaNe yen money H"a,.1l 11, ie Iargest variety to select fromn Heu t"fm~vs o 113gi*a à0ft c a a baa bd~lay;islàe Aise Men's and »oyst ghits Ovrcat and! Usaterf. #cN1 s.Klg~d James --an~ ~I iy Q o101 ixog u Cohng o -vas tan. e t *W Ex yutn"î tLsseebmoui . us IGGINBOTHAM & C0 Po, T Aien N amtý,zwmm uifu.Ee1uieaotè , fi l T r f al g a r O p l ch &s , bOîy ske p s dMs s e l sb w a 6 a = staie Lao e uit tolllsat n L r s o a ~~~~emsss Aille, on Tuesdy.Iae à .tse~iI -Wera Seestess . G o O ftojzL î.lNeWc'. mg..Mr bu tn0ý tv Mr.kieas î Mslsaffy bus rétamait fm7m Ta sndbreèsî 'st val il 'titliti Aiei andie vaon. bandis &MOelile bos ..y tOtela --- an Gr.Liesse, of Toronto, waýin sWerse "àtsd efria si L trte 'rsU t oirs ou Saturday. 1 fdnPry ttemt OdtPatn vu1 byio s l in-es 5a'5.T'W) Nee G i tab~ s~(oods al ust ()pened GOroso BeAIRNI, taller, Fine iong e b ad >tcPsll (b junior Ia~l AaNwi te jailîfroi baseeoiged taGeorge Loe . Ear5aMilon.-5- e.tu A"r. %W' 11v.A.. el.utOu i st, Was resise b thse lages.rowstres Drie-. 11.10, ;sk B*r*ý In SERGES, P~LAIN LUSTRES, o ,,, ]Ie hlli becs eGa iol if hre btî orait trou a four-mostbr fialt to Thse proeed.s amoasted te, oire 100. !pissumd 51 trr5ei5 a. il IUE UTECAHEE rsmkn tee poi~ugîs I cPsLlBs.-John A. Hornlcis Artrss sem"e- Dýo" exCv HENRIETTAS, SILOEL TIL abt, ,tlh, Pl liat. oatatssite ooiVealds tbsobeeuduesOm. a, 7 for . dCtln Dress Goods, figured and tweeds sot îe serva tnS Applytleirs. bellville ou Tuesday moroing; aged 28 eiroasas, Palerm; Bti, seesgien l At'O ýtiýll ett avleWin. Pestes. Veses Re lsas a yeosn man of _______.___i Ti.,À L FAxHN ATL fort teo orkvtl t oe = lendi esady biabis and wa 't- tt, - 1"adxt if lo oi tbe traosieftFs t eae r rtm sgbyeteebal>bbshs. ~ t las ritbedml sai Oubla.ieb. Gond plongbmaal. Asisly li Be lied maay friands in MiltonsR Ils danls Wasb Wortsea, altat taisg a fine flair wu~ oaeBfye a a startîcularly îtsallhy, athslo te i tais. laie- Cosîr latei -ig, v. 5to A a ujogîs orjgei NELONi sud Borliaglos Agricollural, YOUsg mas op te abouIt '0 M5E '55 Itt il, e nc O t'Il N'il, att. carriter stalt Socives show wil l b hlai at Burlizg.- wbea aonssmplies devaloyatiast bs assoe; 1ssi itc le .. t B10 BL dispi c f the newest style in Ladies' Coats sud Ce toteTrn o s Oct. llb asd 1tl. tailetl sleadily up le tbe limie ef bis psrta»e M.d Or Rutto ev. J. D. fi"- ais ~ 'R eefers and Uloters. II, t tt .te îoso ardeoa.OBer Cspes; ...s sreîtse ta 't Boltî ass s"B o Septembsr Sittings et tbe Finist b.-. ... lltaey arc e 1)0 î on Court ill he held te merreer. W. J. DouüxLÂsa Duàes.-t'l'ins . Duett, UnI.M J. W l. Bsv.50A.__ Me.l alle Mes. J.ul fi.i Fr1e 1aCsl indeu Boîela Fiar.. If . Sa i ct ate sU eme e foc sOilt5 Thle dockt wilI be very liglil. no aulelt Hin otan Flo id w .Boit ,%t CANADIAN WÇOL YAHN 45C. M.Il Ma n m J.sta A. Frazet afliarte thict.cesesale u osdgritita Ie tic obis bdids ettr edMs 55 Wolliaglea trest sertf ra s sis Mo i5 ieSetÂa CLARK'S orCOATS' SESI SPOOLS 3C. 'laeh, 4 for 10C. tilt ~tt it Ma 'teoi.aa-AboEtî Edin Peart. oer Bri ngtgn. on Mou larssm rdtlssto BiI ts ... - tngra frS-a -fas isaprisa. Dacm eabss h lai Butni t1ea t a It ar oligatFoloce lifesaredslcg iueria o M4. xi. sa sii MOAn B * ttot Il, i, jrcparad te supiapla s.yl H aRsses sud daigliler, ans andI lis ws &ac eosseced aîlb W Meoe. J. h hleOrdais tii, yotn the 13ett Ove railsa 'T. E.m~t<teut ty the quarter oiwo bure bleua visiting friane din tlsir C. P. MeGuas LamberCOompnyTo. Mi Wee 10l therad ate 75c. av . , .aa taltit w c s 8a c a l ta e a t L ab e E r , -r tr e d bo u e rest . L at teriy d er aas d U iaspe otr il lerl t , O itl a r a . i a a t a a s p a ir, sa n te q u atlity a s îîsu a ily o d a e d t i i cas-. i r Waes s a ol. lst eek oft ieu for thes Grand Trsub tailway Oakd51.bea.CoSad 5P a..1 rd t- if..a 111 stouys bil; a Il Br. eft tie B. T. oftT. are in. an I lors lenatteakBuffoCe and .DooiadrOOeo foureit ____________ a I.- y t atsat etielraetP""'itci * act e attendil couscil0le-aewgvlDasW. 8.1.C' 15 ~ ~ ~ cne îyD'bt saer nonl lieia Ta.îeuI, manager ot ther Bell FANLTE I LNESDotvl. fieawlbssometisise aeeolu ly Way Tslles e liraat in Satrafford;t ROSA OstiediasE AN ess.S Goa ale 11, F. it - tu Tliraday a of retreslisents. C7., Stratforti; Frsans. et Itntreal, asnd -sai es Ea. .Iu lie cOSideoita of WV. Barota. , . -'eie ila MeLed, et Oliver, efthIe Bell Talapillue offiee, H. M. S. tiesen, Taisiel asnd loi. IS AL O ,oriniie, iih wt uso 6tt Q , , t . w a rc o e n i o a dluo t s e o rg et o w ni issbe a a p p o i t i d ru . am il t n . T ise f ase ra i teeli p lace o s ta blig a l eil iei t M o stre a l ou O t S e p t . G rîa d d is p ia y o f m iiiin e ry o n t h a t d a te . _ a t a t es ,ov skie sce-a1 hbbî lebsie Lord Milito ai ai for Canada os HO0LLINRAKE &i SON. j.aaO taaa grabbied. Mc. sud ME.. Csaes lia 11o.eti4 bMs greccýry (tsoo tIi. Wsas.aýa, a Torente lise Seoemsu trom Liverpool ta No- q, 'i. attiâa a aeca in Manitobaltuou dean t thlie stoes tnmerly ma, io cisargeai sis siudli a nom. veber t. 'P . at;l t re t d aa tca le now ai ilicr ocaupied by Holil. Bennuett Beit tter lier et liotel limpers. E hbutsl. r.C rtiaaeLaurier. bretiser et cou a attîcres haea Out yai becE 1lt Commtecial butel. issper reeeive a letter stulig tisI the Premir, (lied a>1 Artlinliae ilte -lb, tii boptba t liot itca ay Jooti Feallierste is ubippînsto sao Ir5 sed Pue uP at bis bosne ou Ftiiay. FalSok isa 51- l tt d ltl1aaa ied.-tioorlato prC.P ldy Hi astiaiig Moin le tOy the e. e .da Dusdas basogra ilaubonset $f 12.. '.5 Tliuroatayl. bi utTrate, ainhv seiii 00 te Jebn Bertreo à Sos o etlie Con go *~a ~ ~ 5 efeige i LOY-! TN1a0lIa ero IIclIe oie "a'0eet sisiadt bise nt tise botel. The AT5To ioia ~<JnM W E HA V E i tI foc e tarie, of years P e au eFY CISsuot., oste Nfasaga. bote-lacp pait tise chargea, n brt Fux, air b liatreieti omerst N0 ~9 t es stock oftVi 1P rra tR iot tc.o a B otdei reeidsals, dieti se Stn. siseetisesrier d t i rne opad Ailrgb Fira y aislire s ver Am ,e0W Ladies, s4 1P in Ois h paoti, Miltn, am day. He sus oer sigbly yes.r ot ase. ed tise parmil, le fisd il rotite ab. fil teboCOs pîsele. WE u...L.. inreF.J t sitseD a- 1 et oelit kinds of freestous. Tise foaccal bois place oa Tteutiuy. ttitb. Thte eperaler efthlie gaise, ot Arraagement& bave bea made lac E L HO D umee4H rtîtdreaseti, ciedoir Billu, 1 course. cetai t he . b o. a.cagsb l o lag scl f urasad oti WssI Ste 15 e P 'Pcgng etiac.l.gsCiss Aias ___ atgnd r riin al._ __ toar. lae5og. te. Aitlitidn uligeoe ar arivif d i f Y"t yen sicis rangeta tram $1.75 te $4 s«Ci, la Cloeaee Sealli. £aeaz.ERE- irori, îtdrred for. By serliig Beed Usdrar. Socie, Sisirte, ollis, in Toroato, a te consigner ofthlie Aaaigtpreaae Sasse 'P tl.bla troe i b oîte te recite a Ties, Sta1ieuder, eauaS..Teles pareel. Latilunti eltysasanseot ie bas beeu arretid in St. Mary's osn Se ai S. t. i t f l' a Augitot -ed teie keepd Sagae810E i ii 'P are J î-tie patouage.-CHARLESt cor, King astiam l iuts., Hasmilton. vieliets. He paiti about $4 fer express ebarge et saiaduisg elergymten. Seii iiiiý o uyadA ýIs dt ep wei H-S eýd oDn h ulc FRo RAteOea. of lieorgeatws, tiart- ciharges anti abs tise Itarcel vas open. Thel<n At 1o fer doing a 1 aSt raidaso, ser jlie rr.special ait vola tane prgt rade grocerj I ititto A - 717 st s-ii eafraoy uvn lvi h an etec T OrBl bs lie. pian flaid. Caours sas bastie 0 A pétit a n a ptenitsio ls 'P - t,ý tia iaaa-e ad rivit broedlirscsaiasliCsrlroa A gentlemansh insuuo aiecro Tbeedtle Poirier, aef'ted ofimoitder. îew LUne of Collai's just to Ivtîu ... sw are mAi ~' Pa degotOi~ SEsea. Rites Mss.s,\t Ne. 7 CO-., lis époinas tol e t he s ler day oftn Jertme Martin, of t. Ltus etM pa il île 'P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2t ltcate ie irersaLorse' iles, abe is lebisg a sme ot tise ocisues lise Toronto de-. Mstapsdia, Quebr, bu boss deetareti toaacashi8 â-a,1tuoaag att Tlios. Bratiiey'a -,longcourse" ct instruction ab Staniley partimantel asti etier stoes, uris ut sol gaille. i:, ra i tie ig aggtgsa st and BarosTralepesl RSuda asti exhibitito limie. Tlisy alsayo tolatlB-5seacrit IOs eît LIDEA~i BfiÇ BUer and .d," 'P S-,- tir Saidther as a yioadaywili bis pareotà bers. onsgeWDg rideofthelr olti asti octet. te reanne tise sumbas of tossaciliore ,B W I O S ICg,1, sfins 'Po thuRt MS. WtI. BUCansd Mrs. Terebti of date gondis. More psrtirtslaly l sn and atie1 borrts $10000 ftr Street im.-V . D V ~ 1'aIl) ,l, iaI at bo revisei En ale Bratford,. Mmr. Tsouer and Mes. Pike, tese ofthe1 dry gotte man. Tables prevemens. ! Iýý :::f al, jbit 1aaii a re netuserions. )î Minassoiis, Misa.. aad Mien Bucks adcouatersare pllsdttfll etOnlcait é Gond ( toeli sctets ing growasulOan Ibls ae s can gl foraietny 'P iiea t the borne of W. A. Lawen e ing eiy Ibn e she. Tein DaSstfacl îa ftreletar. ar mé. ta ho aIin if omali ta y liasie e 'P - l a liet for sale itoe Canada. Sesr su as Negiaes Shirl. asmething ses asti csp. asdtihie) Belitillesoelby&eastigta i c,, M tta. iltlon, ut 1Il pe. pn Chueper lisus ever.-S. 6.. Treble, tes' lsimle invseiably 9M tllit M ssii eg ceat, drap il hile te alot machisne, gol ai tise tise fermer neuf Tais cet I Y C L E S ..< tu a, Seit i at, ltt Nos. i1i atnd 161porter, cor. Kief and James sreets, houmesamelbiir5 tblin Botnl y s th i lie9l'uslieml 1, 's lý s, ofMillstreb. ie-T he poel iara aller lliem. îî~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ' a- dellltsecb.Hamilo. Rod hisesiod ave lan mt aetO R ith sata oflh lte Joh 1 Mo. and Mes. Tlios.,Weir allesded belhe fer tise sm a -a arrtI "aa le HamilIos tietegates tu ble Meloist 'P sibta adai rosie, aomoacrFrerites, oa Stsetay. Tbe doeeset, pour lnrPlns Cashaihu. tsloe iila as rpaaiiiy fr ie 'P [e lbt aisir eotside, gond wcli, aise ws seil saiase in yers. isat ativertisbg MuiU~~755Rplft.(rulpPrsmmaeel 1 lbr f hocefrittrees, graprues etrourile isrdasy il theBD >= 1i11L The origial Soutb Ontarioecto otýrsli tiait. Irei per oent. soslmisido pliinb ie eis on accouaI tutti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o tri.Tsohrts uI issytMIeIsiihSasêa ie pelitioser baing as aitea. A qe5 meyt.tibe paid onuduY OfA____ tMttl» h LP 1- lhied of ýle t ae.oual wec DaS. ZtsusseXNoftzimmertBs& ratet r e i »reldmvate '» 1 ses petit] -is all -le Bîle ta y. 1) ~ ~ , 'Pcen~at. îsua Milton~ 5 iee s~~'si y Tlîieaday (te day) saotly T.LSead~oTssb bse rle ise Rtemi. etuiP srdy a uryad Moday. Bridgs e lil:,ylktng nabost lac 1 Lasse, merf ast oirapt si14 - $ 16 atij,-etae >taiocbtrtrrssu eara Ofce sr o aMbite$. Caiissets of SqppeU ' -oDten, tiraft and gonds, anti A FINE AI! the iii20ta Locse Rifles eel. filsa MsJb Wis. ste 41»oe 1a 'i Y'cooitittetlelie auti attena ME ttia.-l !n.. a ladlei 's~ Vant isnboredau Anglican ebarehis 11gb grade, higli frarnieiearly up-to-date. 'P~ ~~~L lik ticie ceportd tisI qetre usytiig in MessB ForeOisn~ "aolt inu thmg Ivis~l ie village of Hasehdese os te Of.~ )~1 eea i tt ttb ie cti ay ae atose in Itipstt ' iî aig* a d! ~ b asaro broise the vidSs b r:C t,, bat battaitit bt te tbb Wei Trabiescre tefl bis al5enêtes ltie I" a trnilufe. lis baplissie *» mil Bcyesntt leared eut te make room 'P t~itleg> titea su a typo- at9 i aailn suee-t la , 5 M IS blli emAESlaSS5 rasos h o tv rd il rrr n te piz lit. A ateCIENTT?.tO tXaoos.-Jim. Bisais. heip arrive. 14see a'W 110ny h Seabeél .Oslllena forth alsoe rd. 'PI, -,L te of t Doiiont Rifle As tee et Jolie tilack, a irreit tisetby lied Bot sea asY tervaisd.8tiT. e isoeieed eeo a- 'P s ý eithia aIet bos ejititeiyonettta hi'ocw'a tde5D uyp els ot *0Ui~ onyeai door west 'P ~ t& ~ ~ ~ ar ~ ~ ~ Mbsdin., OH Tl MORE, of TownHal ise h.brse. tram lise wagon, sbilb natal mO5l55S. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f» tut ,,ifotu ra ve is miakueadM. boiei tlli. i. 8.-At Toronto, os As5i. _________________________ enra doua ipîcoDdit sioobittf. He Blei astrasa off, sostaieieg =t: w àý 4h B.u JaseOkwlle, but- 'P, prise in evtry match, standhingama oth " jet1siez a boe n - th4 aè O libell Dow' !O O et' st. Louis, sMnd Miss Atice Asr tsaol àIls , otia e Autis 7 esB she Exie iasas t ofet the5 'evecoo.iadi eg seces nGulh t5wad Wm.tdiostoe tI._b O.ù.it O. thTeselev cý .arLeg Hanritishl Mssab i p es a oi ggreagaieclaaalilosed ails S.A. CLeESvTPI,st Se et am Cgosc , Ù.0.P.T heoke erssglliB&.4 àtemw o N -i a. ab~atte esysI le..:r petIs on àî Fr, aTséoo l nrsg -t p 'P aie #«» t y i.~t pro- ! beEpatrlab meattb, soti siaie a ut naîti istaillisi Silia Alusa. a osUe osd a fou! isei e. frit reysmi 'P t~eo~b~aaautti 20 1e ler te lise talleir. reeetvd ~Thay Toss lee ass (îbsmly des..s 55t un ierau atu-l oI edl ieobadge Hayuride # e0. bamisurspcsa fuor glia M t Mprgfy sla 79, en CbamI Bien, *111vat the afdtib esst alaetls Hwer e, te'Ile tl shoo ilflc iei le.,te ta bubainmrai asist tou09té , ' letleal'amatch.~~~set He$sltlido spesattefropeta ru4o 'Ptlis i te afinut tceaty il donsaI cane sfo. tee we lise ib M ;J No. 8. Tifl»555 *Ml f1 tVjeed le au .terid- *@à Ptleéht. Tfss 1F'a"c' 0 - t one ofbth big prises, sd teraies ccultie!sWY, sdtitedt Dno casidaites in '_ î ~ ïfr so.ePrndle i 'P to ipriatatage of geieg le Bisiey le drsof5 -c.4 bresr s seo lJ wlielii tea Un o lea5s55t ,obt~ oge, sud onbe 2is lit fi lieln wie Iso usos asti oi azm i IPoýc rg and Stationery St c ,,~ 1q . 'P Min~t lti]Is the stoe iu which yon-shoul! "ea if yen Wts to obaiatisfaction ilipriesio and quoity Of1 ë50dB btaî Ou.r Dru eac ir isna a 1nits Md ,"çiVè il Et)' lu letît two or three ordors a wek thereby l u 4tOIf iîtslt ytu with f resh and PUMed~B Our Stationery and Schoc: tJi~ blt ai evry week. Al ?i4i!9 ft t goP JI ~ 8.00o, 12.00, 14.00. Nwis te*re4 tyCLO2:ING Chesp, : et," A$tL 1,PPtR výrIetyi-fôr,1he pr0sellt seasoit. j Dry iiiGo o ds Ü in BOOTS & SH~48S, aGROCEIES & CROCKERY. .e tiino te speak for yctnr place on the iist cf srdera. Our dreaumakere wil ho on baud of Sept. We are soie agents iu Milton for ,patterns and publicationi'. Menthly fashion 'ee on application. Hemstreet Bros. stedo & Co. Afl(~AI~T~ in ail Suîîîner Goods RG N are being offered... athere is money in ît, and if yen have nt eîth ls, begîn at once. New Yrne, 2 ati t plp, per l.. 45e. Hrey Grain Bage, apeci 1. pepzsue2.50. Mess Plass.UeZ 8 iS t bi b tc . Mens:BlkBisets aleSsl ta, suis75e. Large Stock ai Catleades, Pafrpti. '20e to 25e. CottonSbsirtiaga, aplentilitvalve, lis.c Big varisly otptaneatles 5e. et, 7e, lSe aed ifie. CoItdia whigsyat rie, per pair 76e sudi $1. CWotmea'Bea ud ChisUeiiresCttes asd Cuismeco Heeisry. 1arriving. Money and rôom are needed. We are ver thing ait close cnt prices te cash buyers. lis5 jt~ reclas1 Fcor iiciotho, per pd. 25e. ile e ba td-. 4id lTable Oithel, yen yti.255e a Uneatru, irsee, BoierWistiusSisdei, eaeis25e. loua, tc. Websâvh a nice selerlion of Walil auper pain. tchc»os. IVe are 10r0n~ i O. pè our reputatioli. ie5~iutsCocos, laer IL. 25e tirst- ciass hjgh HliohSrie Blond Ceffor. treas greesti, trade .. . . j'J*taps asdIiiis Tca, peolu raiues. 25t. Lioglreaatiosaforularge iaeraau inssribusiness, andino rai t osilyltlewaal o eust otmerssitl aeweuî godsssd e. .,'sM)stee .arecash orgrade. Ugj Waoit ed BASTED0 i& CO. ust Arrived J(9HNSTO9NES Furniiture Store, ~ MILTON 6 SORTMENT 0F.... ~THAN CITY' PRICES" lwn Hall

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