Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jul 1898, p. 4

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Tra'bu > irbrser > O 5o .M1.5 55MO.1 647 &M.. 10S5 &. .850CNAAPAIIOS LV10k ""'0 Wla A BLACK5EITK'5 U1051. Hôs losoSme » asa wa Th" 1Week Vas, 1fr. Austin Fancy le a Wall knows baokemîtis ivii abtBaier 8ettiameni. aisemiet abouit ton milel tramu.Bridge water, NB. Mr. Fancy la Wuil known - in tise lscality in whirh h.lves..fné ilisnotheroftlinleoliou Wbose restat' of 1r. Wllamn, iiRisi Pille.LMr. Faal relatad i]n tory of Ilnes aad ried Isaltis b a reasier ai thse Enteprlse se illows: "Durîn tise luté winlor. swing I auplisoe to aîrerlkand me puesbllond, I1locame viry inus te. dscd in flissi. nd liai sevire paene10 th tlsc oisoî&IlI oyermy body. 1I <eh trod lH tise tie., lied Do appetito, and sîton toit o lew oeçlrted tht 1tWielands *inynoitlulaanotiser wsulsl. nomns nitise timB sscoeeiy covpellod nie t sîder. tell. a littie esoris nusy blusiltis * nlop, tbut i WB@ Bot fit forl, aud situs * loI:j&thesonb, souhl hel in.talie dowia; ssîvieesî ta try1De. Williasm%,#A's i. Iîî sd ater seing n couple of Iboe 1 tit a doldesl relief. Tise pains ibagou tc sal...sdI O lat &gain as thoseis lite Wb§ et ali rearie.. Dy tise time 1 boiad use sixarabone O wsa e in oll ovor, and able te do a liard day'a Wnrk t tise fur ge wtissut tati nos, and tisas wlss knsw isptoi sanot sack. miitiîs wsrk will i kssawlat i t torosn:. Thse Whosarc iot woli sels Dr. Wllllam'i Pins Pillesorsisy go. mng itise rouaini tise dises... Tissy resew adiuild ap tse iblond, and streogliseratise nOVes, tisse diVlî dime:eeetrssstise sytein. Avid imita- tlas by inaiting tisat oîtry liox yau puroisaenla enclsse&l n àa seiersa. isg tiseiful rads mark, "Dr. Willissaee Miai Pilln for Pals Popl.." Whnt 55 Dnn To Age. 1> lias com « steas aiso ferdse*e.ilis u * " cqale a = isei< n te sue ta, orifnce&. Frol ie jt tise bru e nsd vimoa ssi .I tasanegd i4am il leai9smem naluit thé eras u sas. Itajrnit le sud forp I nigoaltlie. Tise plp bees am. ahIe tes.s;asd te ont, seblaia 0legian aeelaise, Lapeiwilm nedua eniostitre ts of m 0 is: w3od of tlis tem muicai iîelimonte. watr.toises aud pompe aemade. Tihe ptle acelent onisetitt for oeuh. rrmte stema hite11,101- .4.1e tthtaltisthalcala sudt a tourang roemiliî maions may be ndjraetei. Of tis etrat halo, baskets, bi maie re made. A oonelderaisle pan. i ibis etrase la aiippedbtEurope, aJ àpart oaIl roletirs a reli man fàtctnr l &st, Tise sOtîaw i leas pound iOt,h2t0iif hisse. mreoer, sait le sated traie l, snd lîbevst le aikali sud iu tise mauatrir a=.nom mon %cap. 1Bu1t ram aun ldustril an d commeinsal pint ai ,iew, th o iasi vslcailepraduiloritise carsaisale tise wax abtalisi hem tteil&eares. As Ou-TIsse uIeMMaon. Tise Newe Yark Leiger asiohratee tis e Otorlaus Voans isy eamig out in ared seiito aid hia. acuer, t às siheci bohisa su Oli-Timo Fig ai aling, a apiriqi countryscia. othtie Rgeriretrai 0 ai hall saslcney ago. Tise nid lime dreer, thése sanddrainai tise lacalmuiaso, tisomilita, draseî op te sainte tise ila, tise rosdesiparobisa lis coutry taeri, mire a petale tisa lis carrectinhpoit aifissterical Ilsrc . dbois literestiaf aind jitrqa. Ths nomaer of thse w* meain uai kiii ~in. ae n # beot Igpthla« is -rata ise e boivi hm~it peubras on lie aesb"ae i l,.ofoma. léie ~meren oi~ ftaib fond thnee dSimaem iti o ableioti elmyonasilaavs' el t. dle têsteplaît food mâtisa tocl rossesun eaget i. Tiste loie ll WUU o t h oe ii bpntteplan** sui s prei liseov ertse Patate patis. maeî cier tihe pllobave made »Me graviS. . POtaaeare 00b su P" etesai 1584aiOeo@udilte or lota.p pari ttiaelaieesidh ti Wood u hiss.eai ec bave sa tertlialoir raie., bul may be isel te lipsove Ieo me badinasi andillen a9 a isard, oitraetibie eaul The Wouu Wes Up La& A isiier se c uris il on a is mil ni stInia eus tte a oi nichéaid Is' imain t ID ieornint, 0Taavilii caver ouess," hos au, 'iales.yen moud pour woys, Blloi -inisl, the serly Si assoides bo worm,"- 'And welat abu hasi iewrr., tttn" lau the ouani malseiagly. "Wu'l ho ralier tin lagoitins p »0srl fup sn.s,"said ho id1ns, "'s worm bedat iooa 35 ted se ail. Be me Thesoenasmasn ogbe.-Pleteiserg ITEMS. Tise ltet Coyeramant asnone la Ihuda sowet 0,016,750 girlneistweenr i ad ineveares f ewhi sere araay marrid, ai wliam 070,000 Lai iename wiiows, Tisa lite oi a alior le iecsmlag ovry vear aafir ishte imornnta in Wu are tauglat tisaï;&go s tu, ho r. L.aoger at, fullo as rimesarassonamota Yta ler55. -' ' ue""- v- -- pected and ravored aiply bocu t inli.ô4m t tise tille. ,ilingu p grset tisecoastructin ai veasela. Tveiîe . Nai sol Nthisigletalie rovreas. avont. la tise Revintian, auaissan years cge -one sauf r la ever>' 106 tisat imspiy bcaase aifselat lb i. p,*,. "Pausl Joneen Great Victsry," "Tis entvio .ses,. bat Lis Ilit; nas e n voroscas sbolsoî cama tm.m vlsat la Drummer Bel ai 176, aIl C aptaila 26 la let. represerate. One muy pI>' ail ae Mou>, tLe eroie 'of Mlsimontis. Tise lana ieart ls six isalsea la mes and vamea lerauatiey lises Otser ttii ara fuli if uageni0mOfsatlie leautisifor incises lansilamobor, andt grovim enfcebiasl, but ona casasa roI- grat intercot takesa h American peopebeaste enuann aveaeaof 70 limes per erorss e es impîy taesen a certinianautise prmeel var, oseisti theaIo,3gr minute, 4,200 timos n sisus', 000,800 namber ai years bave peinai over tliseir la prisalig idmirebisi'llustrted art« tises a day, ad80,792,000 times lu ieeda. Wlberetiei tface&suBraitisir icles, inaking ih a paper for tise iue thse ceurreofaitise yeux, stsabtishe heurt ebnrssters slow tiat reundinas ast, aad sp t. dub. onias oriinary lmss eigity yoarsofa age titat melavien rici Sroe ia hansieabera8.000,000,000 times. lang lifa eolli iied, ties. indecdis Fr o eou Plflpire. Ts ibra aiiessttUia tiseme notiiag au earlis vortit>'oaimare M..a. The aue e ee asbansotbibrot faveil0ias.n0heUnte iglaer rvorsscea. Butb vieaId age ouia.ato s ir seechidse.e.bwhs5letthKiagdon ain ve ,M,0.For mereiy rapreset. a luedia ut qucculous loId. t.ruan net Iht .darthaos, au.rayre-&tise Unied liigdam teegel oeincomc hya. aurasl11ttd ffoO,asi.g ard yscO Sis pt. as of £10,000inery250fmlc;oe wtibs, iscreaeiag lanimie r itis eachir ce g Ti .t. i aa.e ana t.tieabottl. or . s e o ery£1,00ismilias ans, pear sud oac accded aslionorsi ' W Vtatreohuona ru or tir hussscm a rm£10 aevr laca as, siaringlissdansed ago-. To.ti55.i ut as, ts euutl e ar t.tmilie. ose isauma af star £000 ta astias ,ac bube pssei ae slu. o . cirua u t. eatâe.n . ieory 75 familles,, and ans incosas aI ryltabla tien isu ld ugo est ta h LahaOtsr nd eti. e, osa cotite out ess,,th oser £200 ttir evary 14 tamiiieu. revaetced and the yosgart o O.., sieca Isflcossaaa, setaigveil t...n ant art n T tlath.irh.1in ytta. 'S,,Itaie'. Tise gcatest tionais>' utthse papsia in he eas rerebnsile"orayod. ig eefrsiaietetsinla ies irn o t i ion in use vorlais iclrestnBan lutseiau epeceiO' o aoi.SthetsgOyrsa au ,ag amuisr aida ing eqsciatian ,wih i. Oreasntiy th pr srp n os..s.ate acuesbay, and tasoriy dspulati iv Agra. Tir raad a itary ai sono cbildman ssn±o. rasa te.sty-siee...tu a otsie. OrIti bypopuaioin oh Bombay amauraste t.760 raise parents rcaetm sees ery au11iousgets h'.ogbasu 3th. Crld._ au. ~anti persans, par acre inscrcais acoas, andi .repreben-3ibiefr to bjectiag ta sttrag .its.. ... oos , . su tlae sectonias tise street accuaeiny dates at a table rili a dirty iii voman accopies sne-taartisof ai ui ea. If visa periteati>' tiopprd Banraifonatis e Ont H5eHouWlai. lise estice ppolation maoeed in tise tabie1cilish. Tisy o>'istod ot tise faut t crceta toc aay pupos, tise iensîty tisa hieinid, sod, tieretere te> ha "Tiera's blatn eler nugogemon," rasaisi roai 3,040 partonperacrme. revaescesi. On tise coutcary, las was eid yosas lMr. Dellos>, viss iad beau Heland isolds tebise rt place la lie tise parentesvisa vore repreiseosiblo la readîng tise latet var oeve. ,.I-wl aaatoofmkesEyr obliging tisir clilrs l do omethisii l"Ob, dear,"sghad Mise Frars ,c rorda aatis1i mi era. 10e0 wbisiîisvas utbrly rrpoiais'e taieium-ralis O coril ho le au ongaemeutîl Dolaismas cosumnes as se averace10 sevsadwihoutrages] tisir sursis Asdi ir a es muntes ise raseRgltnoie year. Tise Beigiara camesa ofdnelvst.abcs gbi d scondusitaiunssuonaiîcoaump- aisoca>'. e&ofth 55e OflOu 12 n. Lion et 80 oanses, foloeeticlusely isy ta age as age basnsa srural deai ot Tecisey vils 70 osces, aid tise Unicd haiuy alîawing peapleosatiey ad-i. RRRIsFuses teopuapera. Stiauevili 80 may vasso is yesrs Oc tail lata,-carelcs s si j Frunce, Spain, aud Iai>' treati ciasel>' sipsisadiabitsorautaIluatise fiais] Pour hot rater lto theo ototootol auontiret susslue tbie Unibedi King raiinbc>' i ati aveu tiseir uuleiast o iebsihtoe ahu a cammcomparutiyel>' loy ou tise tendeacios. AsR age ed*Sosntheo 'rovte, siltiyâe oand lises cu,,it" itsO an grete viilncetoLeobsre ov "tl if yousvosiî discount draisti. Tise largest catiseiral la thse veri le 00es elf, for. youtilO ailisgs are SitPtrs i oe ntest vcr>' cas>' ai exiggeratiae. Dateuman- Navabitcis a isren t. a t1cm hif ou i oes t ae nlet atls ss> iscae oatuae, rmaanthu>k anytissg of tihe traie. viere il le ai Salut Peter wvu nert atio maybecme ostincyfirmeroi.dThe total leaglisofethle interar tocs labe smperiorasassqisirane aet Asn a 1Clocondtiosaara gond tcfortoe 6 Ii'..glis etitransepu 446J fret, repautee beoaie i astureti ret. esmiaf crope. diameteu ai repala 198 foutieigit oi lacis othbissîis absûit drecaen ecue A dullisue aisng su ube vrong angle dame tram pavoment te lia top ah lovesisso, or ýaer Asiety toraiei malctins e ver mutis more trying. crcass 4480test. t vu bagouelu 1460 suaihoan.11 urnam0s A>' Lie w v ici re ramig rp in tise carra. A.D., dediated iu 1020, bott oinuais- sudails iseleSare iard for n rili tue fiel.Pst tise iarrote an. ad Outil 1880. Fetylihren Pops i fed hoarad do attesd is codear theo n iddrn h re fbid aged one ta tusse aroead. "If At tisn enno t le agiea I n aInsi dThe dncn lipue hba. iouogit IO osild ho ii s m>' ig t. iarmone iet rancompl:xosing00 Tisetoleinse dosen at 1thO,tiOO. sotisor ase et igisiy.aiht, Iveili sitis ecise viite nows;seso; ecial>' nt caidliving teLe hosunnl" ex-dl'e this Pr'bleue coatroat taebicycle Mauciege. accsminilaeOD. Scisseris, clautl ava a lg voros rrconîîy. girl. ai Berin, la' tise muet imwotat hsat Wbst a auJlcomment os toisa Tise wst as a iew mote fermer@ 10inacgety. 0f oyery 20 'vWay" aitisat gsamatheri Ail Wb*sq visaknow enougis t oUssetheoexampeie h athtie ageofa 40 ycast =mR jsnew tise sidslady isyed lier doaciy5 a" ot au et.rpriniaisg o t who via nmaried adi 75 u nieI Ai OR ue galberang amier o yaeg reatives maie a seceea. Thisapplien te adupu uis o ptortiesueare .e8teu2Ù;; ose qalto complt. vwitsot ier. Bt !Dng1al s a animmauap. yoams, 27 t. 1, sud ab 90 . il rae nasiber âge wours vas reveed; Iftyoa lbave a tliasstand ohoojet FafI>. aiteacama bai il oas tise mOi1era filo etoiseexPreaOitiltandi. luisish, bl e ocreifieli iod. Tise.dadas enerWIe ise and tise bai prducd.-Emas vilolawtinsi a dry »&M;iou liase eof vsestây -bi* Clucaman Seweit in tise llinesior. tht. ans h Ivo bars opale.j coul l ire sa 8 MW 4 du e never u et nipian e u lforase- i,," risosa. A t..ey io' lrcsea ud. sud lbise happy cniionlet - nsvseslaplau"ocstisa vise applied - Lainlense ineed a lad aamod Hau"m-. ani to cf. ili idhc 'rsstig mansry. pisry Ptter, of Zugland, ta lovent thé-c .-1 ' _UT-. tamecuner of h lée cootric. Tisn-bYsma ï TIR oy si-irs is cmeisme vuie ers ratiser Iuidmi ffl ,~ O si O lé sant tgo t'O toatail da.ç'1 "g gr tis c i Atgsnir.i lise clamse>' iseos..e thausadvls, woris the elyes ual aaii~ t, te escb ldilc tallseeytinsa. aeesin sd vate giath eb.sadaci Tisera lin fertlisler tia u t fortla bh is pabe-âmlce t et ehalan fis.&Ul ap, bt if yon caveenailtle mas. tise houera ta driva tire pin. dovraiunemaie on Uteo tari n fl y lor ad teiso sjet phfcai.vainte ao »b Pt dose. ti eitauà aiwdho*w rgihvWlI4siA iriog tl is ttb bhe A Mfi 111111101, ci mode isue astpa as is troke. l n e. Ae ho giaaael tupa eo me =els day, ht a .e 8lre -esofa.nogme te ::lleui osin e ht ee _ DInua e u Su aridst v ladpu éw il bidassi t tis OMMnor s un and.. tepe"l wXl nduil lie eus Il l=e . whiask à ot. ilkplyab te l st ts §e@Mcesloess let iiionlels18,1018eli tiroeye005hss n...~e55 vare*&is M oiuOf ne benoofblell tlnrelSb baus ont Qeil he à fl raids aia, ba*e0ligesmaittso. ia te tr§u i ez or s ab iablesu i iy by eaoter i dltillers-NOW Tok les. THmAT oMAMmsfMAIDIO MAIN. à Soit et oaesitelnsitpiaSI? ka sie .0srwibb àamotoOD $tis OPleOs oftise baie, *sWhbaelwalo plus tise dollr 11.11 in roamîngmSinapeli aieus1b41e1. the tel ioanr nhbesrmaldloau vs einenteill la lime orlts'abl-tbit 1latteiy, lilseal neilion bac Whusebon sd aiyis. aid iU Ionisotssai mmiii i in theiOabsaui gea a ou# an0nimy trouible&.I lai Cwaro boe aput ibliina, seaseemi t'ýFcî instnc, misant a seeei agi 1 sktrnaslitawn aif<jilasîeinese hbs. I bid ta reeb tisdollar limil. fer 1 lad ast haeere iseinri lan tai&aoni yes.aTbe saut oanin elbeinsd"nia, 1 inaoared tisai e keaton ws entlaffamY ameoosi, and oniGom a ibra aseraDs talerllorai oene. no 1rallid 0 tis ans' barrmnid and told ber wbat weu setoi.& 'i tiii.'sbcInid la gond <Jilcag Irishs, 'tisai you Gan do it botier poireau 'Wby dû yen tuiktbatt' ssIi I. "Yen ras, ma"o n e?' sMid @bo, sera ing bock tua Msea aisoiue t cmmit "'i oforses In, sali!, bai hase il y0n basse itt De I lookliii à aenW" aowod on biassem issilce.?' '-No, air; nos tbâatsic.' abs inplslned 'isut Ove noiord tiel tic mai vie tuel a room on the top foor la ableéo dao 901 don] more tac kimeeli tisai tbe dais us bises alosciments osn aie perler fleur. Par- isapa yos'e otsoed isl year»&M dar.' " Tint pst mo ato inkiiig" rancledad tise drummer, "and O1env lua &nlntc liat tise nbamtermid sen on ta a asti versa afc$ tli a d nv e oarrslte lm betoro. "-Cicago Inter Ocasa T lom teiadila a Na»SaisI A hall. Skis maa buaded tbé Celitaral exprrse ni Kanas City and OeU ibmens comfortaisly ln tie smai nibic s 8ItLIan Oocaalonally bo we5iid gaas, et ib waleaind about eery tvo baierehovant walisk bai to the waier eol sudamiol" saino modlolaî. "Wbat linze do yen gte lnae&CiiyP ba seoite pactes. "At 310, ir,' anwersd liter.110 ",wist tinedo Yoa" gel tcûlamw'il lion enisi. "At i:12, sO," asvusi ie th* ! "*Yen, tisas t.' VMi lis pgSnf 'O*1 eil ssbaen gtinselds In lime for tisaunean te sot np a"id da se se tela aeietosiigd.p w rallod bin. ', Io lisaliriey" aakeusibs@sPg "Ne, isifa vS av 4u ibri "Pdon'lwaneedU. I f 1'J" 7men «Si me as qoeo8t dgs _lii 7 O "As s maiser <i G,.. lasain Je~s~eveui A. ~ Wr ~r~T' wU inefa] .,e'l. mr~~seÇl MmmesleB~~IPI MIL1TOT4 DRi~~NC Mthieîeh f eOeltUneisse~5is ~ .w~rtuts SAVIISI OUAB3~Wt lg l o& fj' mini Ise uedI b d qsi5 MOT mA. MOvntT UR AMD MtieO MOP ALu., elPmuPIAS Oit Tifip1, AÎIIueROK. TOILEl OR B1ýfIX Harness-niking Repairing I~at Tho.enheoiber is.gsct-uiof iacb s People ortuiua sMd vlioiity tispis ha bas pondiaad lie beitas ail lMt. EsRd oese sud là prigMe s Mndzepss*ail uinis if àlie. . ts islalnls.Atlnallieci Iqdi i 4 stlgumts 1 WsA ais ts ly, Arpetne wr'aete li We psy i sli n inmiulaSf We a' enarg ervilcor at ii lne teptein tm efe us euifcl O u eSasoemprtobi .es«4 Mme Sonisset w" Us vie i*s Yeailed DmImanie. a4i At a lu. t5.'iunt ~;~atl i ' 1' H C fAMi Magl4uq me *jý»h lkbw a lm qier the 1 wma luge- @@ pnti-1 xb-, ibe là hbýrC ami ,àmmiý i is n lssvve lbusIh lii 150 tlos i, aid auii W ai lamis ans s1 te ara setsdau a lOhiits, e u esinisr, 1soàtes dQU tioy it i tis , A sa s ire t %nnhe a&"nm vpoa la rfaf ne l nit itro poo Ahoir goe ascer lissa Il teocp ail i r itla ref -u c u ienter aiut ki tssi i irriso thodis a of teai mil n Le tar le that se ises cou i cv usî e tntt he osidof te oda e oorso, f o t h l barss. in sra ostl la tuia gaer, ist byl i ArS ofstaeit ojait fsore irtu i oteu on he wero 15513 ai utc md ops iamos sysiass 1)isyjetio aEsososol cnbeat W ei isi .cr Iorsw lies t0 forteol w a rt oi D" tsrtes ý&te ha iiaa l oia tiare t !ontsofsuhe O s0,upn W la ie opu ast ugo t .cstai is Ming. ce o r ulaut Mo aessaa4letly na e iar M ee ana w suexplaa e lio e aasdalob faur e am i vitabOMMr, itot rer.daIn p. Tie ,rrsilerand errseto u4md tisa basa bt,enlu&p' . 1 ai.nisu a rmbl sud a blasas sina uiprsd be areOcgad ;Z sitts roi, the Meactloae selodton-as àlesas a isatmpbinstancie- the tsuo ocar le thea ,MtteM ot tseausE t p h ab'odt, trasre- munai* â e ote roalt o brs J mas koce ofsiwdol .Cte teilo ., due te th sk ruiae the rbadee aiser Mle à» sam 5In- n tu0l isoiet, osa k ai nodlk- ntphsiooge- ins v te briO sh r ,iso l a d gsthe 0 ed, tteil rno t uaia5 'geas» popeau amne, asti ihma i lto r .1 abimpes' NieAn at pee et'liuli et sh biaas I te t uis ectaTHÉ =

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