I 1. ~ fr~ t.; njp 4' ~ ai ~ 'p 'p 'p 'p 'p 'p 'p f.' 'p 'p 'p N. ~P f.' j,' Acii, '1111y if-The Qaces Citys OfIb tic 'rFroito IslaanitLesqse defeiet i thie liii ai teas onatuaIsay. TIsis a&IN If car fîttilnne ArIen bha botetinsà» tiîlurc. Tise teatareseceastbêise-e.ho Slif corli ot bth tuesudntiWm' I5W "'ýceisteir'c bstliag. Sctt anad Olot) h bath f cîelîc i eil.'Tise fllauile ié lise comcpfles core: - Queen City-......0 1f010121-0 Acîce........... t 0 80 0 0 «ý Teo.bae ists-Wisdseetfl Wray Crois . Mill, Ihacelcasi, Hrrei. Steocb ot-by Ice)) 6, isy OlstI 8.w Steolen asQaus nCity 4, Actas IL Bassucebaff- Qaces Cty 5, AMctas Tfîc blase tofeorgééola tise fuflri8atl0rcngtwlle jea posefîp nmaeh os ii"bY 4.ifhe ematch cas ougis, thse ssebe andl tiffeneti.155 lise Gergetewn beys dIto tisen. GeorgeIon'e ee le criiing a citaylg Pa1)t At Bmtasoe, o 4. laus e! Trante 8. a prcty eut), tisa leil , saperier teatu pay. - sc bergaspntaefaul Ibis Yieitylu Me.Thos, stayieg citIssb etursed aSme J,, Tsrcoand Deatu ecîtered jise bomoe of Wl ouifor many Sy ears iagees-i it ltsc G. . R. station boe, leist uerasY.Ilbenfhie wite puesd oves bie). Sîlo baves a ilaband and. a arcq faiohîly a, growo ap. Tbehe'rs& rMr f i f.Icc on Fridiy ttatle. louecaeme.-e tery. Tite ül(lier fboys ot N. 1 Co., lorn ftfifc. arriccil liea las) Satlaly àaI iconalt aiicrsof SItwelve days èag tii i, b aila f4h h iaa ouejemedlye] 0eo il jtic itaIthe Mrray Houes d, iliwlîîlei Ibehe uesplssg tpro- 'br fsgsd O)soeê sSê*aFe $1 iil. W f~iliamasn, pt)p sortb Ws1tlsta's~~1~ ~~a Ul. ae si Thî'eftficdist Clîrch Wase rowndedCaeVJi.vFg,, t s eri iccoesasday5 t e len té ai lctiilCol acevete Jeu. uWso Chas %A" lablit a o . ... ,u. 111150 sM lIo box. m 1BaSe aes x Wasa iiii1 to preacb. Tise s 15umuu&........... ...61 batise.75e botla. "0bottis d"06geet uoaeubts I)e(lLrtLo iflit'etecy of bis l"te and Ayer's . t ia vivd and iaprossive 5075*. . . . 51 s o s 5565 e o tolsbBaSt, tli*eia l- oiier. efiu DEOthe ie sragleu, YrI3p « lle........f 75 5 gr sFrlay let ...I lt, 750 Z 501* ,Woh là0 friiiii)Vici situdes af hm vide Be, Ia end taue........50, M ~.A jew, heâstlngo ses ail¾cai~ Cciers e .splee1 Butter...w.......................... ..ne 'lien* focargsg hT s 1 basn aoL i fircbly 1agants) ard.îiSoilt$ andSOlIslsn(best)...........15e Oo r !b 0ieu M, lib lib& Mia eepiàg abh es,= ifyiif anIibflag, Wajlailà aCaos..Dore" .... . .. ..... Us ' spueIil. *M a el5iWbl ylsevsli id li,, ilii iIidowaiaî. DM.Btaaen. wilsssasFIe Pub..10 10 êt.gdg wéo p mbu U er .îrîe. ficeflsgatcmmer- TaglefigoliL=lsy........... .1e s~e1 -h e$Umbe5is ia1 Ieîiiiiler, fiut aises bis convrsiee, UM w«.P"0» (mm m iITxuJakerl ' hlat h" oeseebeaub lice allIiitui) ear' ega, bas beeust ("Prs)m& ei JrI M srYa teliert»=a badlesh" etiilici cari1rflic arr, and la aba sspls ,llfdY t sthe Klnie :L e-t'MMIse. peraci iîcgfer tbe Me)isadist Beosber, tises areDM et tprmese, but oaa reglas pines every dayad Ho usbsard frmoIaw eek. He di aiîiiiî.ifoîdy esesgiedlivr-hour sagtâa n psa.ÀAlrbbtommiurese ibusinesmess nu .drop in mot go te thse Yaks,.'bol in living t id a focttru taIfe Metlasdist chareiprince,,trnu i on.tisebhuesfetshe Roches. cin fi îl --t.ThesJeas"and quitte tLOrÀàok.P Ths a aricirclil1 attendes). TIse lectrer HIGGINSOTHAM & Co., Waien, as u cam.p .tiasr gave a higlî] Y citeraining discereas bonass uo.7so, et catNagrr île Ciii B1,Mnto n pclarte i«e, wcet)FortErietin 8Mwitb a uif filaii i.audif oireed imaelftlaooD. oxxzm.ofLdg.smnyrmWitecmae b tiool, ycnesan)tsitthe iolrY LoCftî News. D1 asa o)tic, tiivf.lis aoc, Bernie. a boy sa.ign. aimeJasO. Peaseof tMron, tiselaieCaptuait Wellman cd ense0 aIlfai1 If iillc Yeara, readered c a ur. WH ss ae~ues lise este ofConceilllor Peaecoo ttlsd tca eFeniasn raid smodal. Its eio be o ýtrVl LICiOgWhC B[PIY-Un âo a. . . nmà v neitJnlylot.gethîng out lise ppluolsforel. hlc e ) itfciea s claeal y ud. jaying aetrp to Montréal. Ry.A. IB. Os.sos, B.A., a gradoatte MNs. JâNt as I& wLLu&,takes W LI ofiîirtlae aey kisd was Tm bndcwlleOSmpny thelilton this le of KuoaO ollage, preeoied inleuatlisedayaset &hs n hercawua :eU iîillc e n ly flat, and cas. Oreegemen to GWorgtownthe Ielh. Knox Ch" sllt ahlatb very éooept- Brampton ultis berson. ByttheeUme ciýfîl I ii ct of Our citiceeis lsed Ten Osasmos 5 tineI p las fears. ablir. He ilîl snpply Boston Oborol be hditrsaebed tise toue sits had Le. îfurcîîiaica3yte came oahier place 1) ceameoed lit Iltis vslaase let 55b Sabbatis. cmense soi choresétth)ie wucar- ta ii ,iiimicecent ait te spenal tise eek. Drsuss isabslset ig d . Waoel dare orryt summumt.hr cis. 1 lia as cNNai;seasechat lirenea.l rleoN h b ee akn d ,je arbel sra dto sommébtes- tiio attiicietiion cloe a large ex. O0151< Dtam,, lanber. Carlise, di a spoé reduate meuls a susrgsry et condition in ver7 serronsan d ber ro. 11)roicli iiaiirilifiaeîeihh)drd sddeuly asnOfatrlay 0Dilifromt heart Cblosa6, «goshomeoegeUetlait) cgk. mrery coosdlereal doolttol. ceoSe iii aotiticgîiragîudAlre.faisaS. Me. Anson arend coltdres, cas bave crtec i ciffi c fte['r *yoaunis A ares Fse be fTs as M asevlltlsg ber relatives drleg lias A parent 5 lefCntise îadaea mailing cftc of a th ile s muan o Fâaiithstock Tr ics and Secl aifor ore besenos, baye Oeertorased. rosas et lb. Brampto station as Mos. day aflerooce, cas sltened sd feuend lai-liii bsect, nlicli, afler aba ) d Ste., Hamlton.Amsertelslis lomaedaestiaisllagrlby c brick iL'tut,oa dfated liy thse n B fAW.a AaIeo otball., nuel lt.-s slky o TOWedy motbs id.SBmugonna n e G. T. R. Ray. a0f. iA.cl iLBseMA. o enuen-eveaalsg et aboust 880, Il lae ald tu watt- honnîd traie, chtrenches Bcl aiwill C. Culg th INCR1Pit 0 nxbave falent oser ollisgwood ileaeBond Braimptoin t 2 a'ctera, ins sppou et have fiean sent te the ctasraps oui) SaLei. ofesmoke, malingae roar Ilhe tbosder bave jet1 the baby betisd. SQÇLise ri ,cci Ilfîaîd f lenitîl by several adapretbe&bc ianl tukéa - il h onaihriilg4 (,f liiflcciticrala coceraiag the Mme Massa, Ws.ofaToronto, leé apretbeeas ua )nre bt1.sgil b assabcte ,iOC ofi f i i f iîgfler-honces te spesdisg ber holiday cîtis ber parenté, tpthe gmud, are takiag cars et it Willa aIl the,e. cucl iigu chofsA)tis M.Bd Mr. T. F. Wilso. Gasca Ceusez Suceur SCesOL baid sport dne ta ber ses.- lai ,[Iiiic ui o) ighbon t Ataheasl Maso uur ssesiàta eplcaexcursion ta BarllsgtosaADZeeRaUCTrsrSeea.-Saed&Y atter. ictie ciao ciaa-1fraont Dr. Ifryrs. Pro. Vacation citis ber sister, Ms. C. F. Boacb on Tnseday. Bigla) af tbeex.z sngasstores did se damage isMlftas %iu ccii cl ithier si taa.Elr, ,euQs~g i~, crelonlste wVe onls ac boa)tclame the Ibongb l louke a aarmleg oil css.uip- fr iiaCilOlI aea aken by tbe G.T.R. traie limitai stier home la tise a=1s*1)11. it cwu sucis mr. e "'ral couicif theicilcra cuaIgras) te tise Nec ébe) prospuchy ta Omm orn veslng aed tIsa dld oet rechlaMilleson evr, citis a ec ailes reas %be ,cicfc oîfiaiaiîllîli.As ysî tle citb s, ce expmentl; c)e gui masy otlON ole sitg. town, petlcalarly éluensthe tous lise1 if ii Is tabou jaoctps te have bock eabsrlptiesucl lspls - Doesîs eI'TEE Srsuci.-DsurisgbecsNIseniTrfgr.ie îfîeac liirii etiets reasoared.It. la Oier BzDLMa no iras on se-legged Soeday afrteonis a «joit Thones. Owci sd senoirelar mtisn, bot il ap îItLs tci itan Ifi arlie tisa)tise traasup se Tnsdcy ho wu ,dosu d Anaersn, seale <irv-gaids Blettir. proacieda cycloeelf.frsceai tIse liraI l i Aleigli boys ccd girls attend- trospasslone tbe C.Pt, prsperty. l'sud Abertinoey niel, ssoetofDL ". liDg wu asterîiat, Aassg tisa iCi lii ccI)ofuafihfieenasgered Gulp teraid reports ist fWa s Caeek ,cre afsced le Toronto laildilege daasaged ars tho fellsg lIv sllu i, Ititutionia ituateol itie iTee jGee telybty fi buytreb is os'es eetlyMr. Shertis stable asraefed, W J. clooti ric f besebel. î ~~ uea ibadre 5 h5OSet Iihecd. ThmeeHamilton asie, Choas.Necefî ar lysrsfd igce L)ntci w tueu 10m laauelsciWellington, partlcularly se tocg anj. ' Wlliamss, Chsu. Searle ad Bey So.tituber vra sb lîgitisi, John lcîcan 4U)aîîc il)urmidlet, asd tise MIss Houpas, of Wlarle, mand MiI& et), cere dreusea inleàa amlar Mene- iels De* bars. tiirty tect of yeet 000 le ci)ILii lîiila doncetIhe botter it Terryiserry, 0etilosîl, s.enthé ecette soiIn Brlsgtoe bey. bssraeofd, 1. CGarba dt c bas etruc feiii 1 l( ubic lcaft. f Ms. Jobs Kelly eotr CsmesalmRs Ms cciMear.Atetl , y Itlesarbtal a a rnetîlgass th Couercal- c fiDMIif MBcru hietiO Iif. T. If.anléandMc.latigrw' c neiri t ruî tarI 0 rdeT. sR s. ch JeuRosses, Ch" as-Wisc, Harry là darelelethe folloclsg asosece- bars botis cerootel, barsnetf John nt~ cc~ ii flr,) aiff fr ca mosnts- PtbrOa- Peasaoand s uler, lr. ment f7F. Wotan of tiese Bd imet Selds, jr., routid, aed l. & 0f.Mc ah iciic iiîi n scIbîrittr~g)Popaper, Il of Toronto, cire lu tcou00marks), ébtuina epropepa ot uPI iartsey's hid eroufesi, Mr.fadley'a s fcaicui au it aaeu ..res helt rime frueit men)tsy the quartier or ie barn damegea b y lighlslug, I, N. lir;,iiitionI alngétssletise seuil-seitles a) spécial Sol'qWlacldasîlI blocsn f:iisi?~rn %,cf.ciiaIoct ll f 0 e carrbrsake, Irît ansta, Tie, Srf, Ssîrta termeuforosh.el. Mr.Waless lau otd otf, Joseeph Dlceu bare damgeis ccafiiandsîcf iiuefing te alosiesthir. aai Ussercar, laent ) ulsestyle,-se0setebi uieilsm Ies là Oe lceyu bis thée roufof iEr. Vîpt a rrlMay. iraicou s canîringt tIf orcdovuertoiTreelle"s,Bor. Kieg l'oJamss Séâe. aels tamuapipy et set moderal prises A oreat masy ntraIce ere sgoali uic, fiorf.l0-ru abu.eapte t trI1.Wri dsace eHamiltoenrce. 8 0 Ily or ters ssp iy tieîr r=ta, sasi u du ciiI u cclfeut, sairs cerk- JungM. 5A«rsae rodeaslyeyester. Tioband clîl play tise flloclsg Shields, Jr. c Scpee 1tbi On ul cic rilayaifle hlol a y mere hieo.bts«el to Violélis programme on tise stand oe Saturday bad) r damagod. e, l iiaft c c cuIcuisiandct le fsarfsg Ise uleer, s.orIndy, cho I115Dsilr @Vanlao':-Tuesardonsartyuthersdn t Iigk lu -, ccc i ICf os tdinse n tsethack Paleru. Ju)oor hiue W értiMro-"Dellter Tisas Gold." Me. Smith Orfifin, Klbrlae, sn thse le) urct cc'li tu' ttin onsre imnouc)t IDbck for hbasise hérgie o bn iebt hiICaallsa-Veseace"oclU oi- t l ctu e1grec)Teustie01 reopt tisa cîcîuu i îlî nafeilragîag.Na hoke sa s tirscn te teloisenstig.' mste l 12 h mcats f iii th lo rg g Oboan butu ll e wul ulîinsesible walle-I lSesn TIses Agals. " rkvlo sbruasdsîwu c& Il'tisit liii îucci i ufria ialya aidofciue founÉ, ilce)t tousmsese thIe Negr Betlais.WtsOmeIoDi cesld hidesireai for a gardonepry, il.ý iri lc usri . feu prlu îi f bescues). e I etl) ebMr.ne. <11esFDtui&-,,oneuPsftenrd "ansi swu& ast)bileîtime ose lid ia. un u Oesde, sidcWtt ooo@Udit SbtiS-,r«l = 8 fntiilic 'ýe bLry giroueioui Wiues- éa M.Ietaula b e.a) risi g n is) sbliseaWledlof Sks. pesere nt Aiîleg skil aIblîbrîdte, day ~I aile.h.BabesdlIs ansi. Tise '1pSur-ii etc aodayl sereoisiSTONE!1 STONE 1 UTONE lI-Hav. élégesofetdignesa Moeufeu sed Har)lsy, il,.III,,icif (ii a cool trüersos thé laIes ITWitt paly leu te cuit ut3Oslgle iO foc a bon fYOM t f icampbilller maitisaMI$s"* ai u'.fuuuuuyl t aiingao asluSogile slidcabe ieaises tise bargla tase qOn y sJU111eo))046 0irm sare bertsoni fWatstdoce, cws&lb bly tuî lut ii isa cii c adort ca) bl eele sh:ab10 Ils. destlbela".ie ahpnd lltoI mappreclalti. W. M.liy%îsp at1.5.ý miiL If Thisrterriflie tqaellisîsissDalla, i ta eleu, fr 95. . as Ibo. os)tcenrit tal) lI 15i edIfw5e55arll.Aiâes. o01IHamiltonu, ceueanrs tor cari.,I i lt :.:Ii ina tIneatteresoand.et-Dalla, any dus,.n f s.o r oueh*y6 PMU ebal et no abc.,iel oebd ige.adsel uéeoa stas e. i loir.Bi 8@1108 eifraneluati aeIl cs id Orl di. ýi frîisircil thecliaran, ripplîing brks 15. ami 850.enèhLafbrrksl. eaaUIfse I i neass e Klbridblaisspofdthe socao.lîg(giing*e,01 btb eh ,moM§ 49 5 fl 1t1 u1efed fer. By elé WîîuIbeIsls.l~eIs Its cut re. tiieîrulag ara et caves. scsualsent o s, 1Wilk lena)enoble prise Iby@l eev eileg cvuMuliet Tomme Grssé,nt fofrtu.;i. cc.ickdiresirnîcdamulllaoot"cal.9fstI.f cil b misTommymtectaoasfineHÂRLE I a lc cOlci/silssI l ee as, a acabme . 5le5 issu - se tse Ile Hltn. ommbt eonds las er 1fesaýt if ci isnliig Watatal. A cm D 71o osa-lîses ueiuse5Of5dHONitsem.esW"rFeeat sc euliatlel.H ,0 cut alepsaSsde e'q u gee M> Ime i>,'-rl0s0as, ila..y i eualy eseonet, ant Ii usoatise Mîîc.cc c. uicvBaireadaes l skcifbfyla 111 éfé ,eei cISiO less o oiauab bai)sselmil If~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~aa doté@ c iaof frniatastessr.IleO5bATîbîý.~d br lsse aiéel a t a ys bu) amaglia deieti li misile sd fin uc cc mie îciff eîcatae ta i mtili e.snei@fth L be '0c 1 ise »bà,l odete laieSn @oaitin heo ale 1 1the cldlaaà l tlti iiu ie n lad cou hééglidou. " Dg1hbl. fllOb d@»s obédc *"aa&Bd hlma 1 1oise 111sel the sces beé inuJsBinyh I i lc fqvtlîren oreuoelle a ans. o Tu ti> subab 00 tiran, sa1be *0er' n,'e opl'L I4 6 olele , n dy car eemlUee beno Bcdi- célitecMstfotethe , euh lebls'sw uhIlar, uJI cumeplainesW -itii;cyA ossoasse. *lm: flad« Mis.. a 6IÀlofs eptbi fseul40; lime lblg #qt1 l'u IItl d r - ltr, u l, t ii m , al Md m, VJhn1w550 lai g 9 »l e i g lcm~ ols h iîsll tiseé bee wWt do"mtobl iI5eti.V vle.la i the "a4mlàlIleese et Z; pm mo by te OMMIM: lé Do se DIY ~OOD flLTN DkY G D-$"ýILTON Immense Vaýlues in ail Departmentsl See our elegant RIMBONS, fmi sashe and trimmihtgs-50O. qualîty at 25C. yd. Sea our Superfine French Henriatta Black- saleprie 50c. yd. Sea car choica linaetfFancy Blousa Silks- 80c. yd. enly, worth 50c. Our Milnes" Have hada a eplendid seabonup te the pra. sent. We always keep the largeat stock ef trimmed Millinery. @mLovely hats go chaap. Why are Hellinrake & Son doing the Dry Goods, Mil linery and Clothing trade ? STbey have the biggest stocef1 s' ell the cheapest 1 Becau *,keep tyes ate odate lseepsthesbec) geedat à Aemepetesat staff of sales people satisfy the catomers eaery tisse, Get your Groceries froin us, aise naw Fruit Jars, We beat the trade je Men's wear, Clothing & HaLe. 0ur Overails and Smocks nt 75c-nothillg te touch Lhem je value. Clark's or Ceats' SPOOLS 2je e ech-3c. dez. HOLLINRAKE'S O MLTN Rich Effects In SuItings-mmu We have exültusîve effets; those wlîîch c'annot pessîbly b. seen anywhare aise. Otur enterprîse and kîîow]edgae o buying properly lias cul- mnated in etir sherung te day the greateet valuies ever knewn i Milton. W. BEW'S SONS! DoctoriRecommefld Issu P*Oeble0911 Un 4N0ofaàhSi VALUAILE FNEEHOLO PROPERTY IN I NVILLAGE Or PALISMOi *- cosioerti cou «ess leasus. Fo artl aaapply th W. L. P. MAGE, urVOUR LAST CHANCE... WiecsrssMass-AItise jia ce ni H. S M r ocso, es jusîv tia, lsy tishe i,. anele Jordian, Tiseede Wlelamiyers niLeipele, Gemmas>,, ta Mary PeastonmoMre. CAAIA R .00 gay ExsmrsklumsliA $ mut hWust T 4,jIg tcus4L S ts for Little Boys 1 J Suits for Bigger Boys!1 SSiùits for Young-Men!1 Suits to Suits Everybo~ Odd Pants and Vests 1 Our clothing ie up to date in style and reliai Now je the season for WALL PAPER. ing soea elegant good-the latest, and beW mrkt W. also have the nawest things in A and Tapestry Carpets. 1I We are clearing out our stock of LAC] at -bargain prices. H EMSJREET Summer erBaste dot wemeni's sîzea 5cUp. &Co si SUIIIWR 'BARal DItESE 000DB lu short endse NEW PRINTS, (ceahllaflns45f te f0c. yit.l regalar fc1 Speelal et f2fe anal S5C. patteras, fas Menas Blue Overafîsailtît Bib, regufar 75c. le bVemraa ffBlasea, Orgnttie ues1Creoploas O liii. antis white calfars anal aeiulat, fuli)ri eiam, opecial 81 cactI. elasnd; troi Waace's Blaca Ceteon Itee, ocrtnan dys cabas, ca Beys' Black o 'ttonaHase, lssavy rIbbfesl, fts)oiera,a Cacisasere linge, rilaisen, dotuble tass ana l Ieelfa, milles MensqWhi ta Slirte 7fc. Men% Bisck Satees tthirWtl Miess Soit shirt a, fanstrîpe, just tIse tlsnfaser wus MenasLinson Colf ara, ail ascea, stand ap ced teÏ 4 Ply, regnler 20c. fer 111. Weasea'nS 51G5ovaes, biak, eam aad tan, perfect (iss.acnor Il"PlcIonen10 SoiIIngOff G Cersi8 fotr 21e. 8Ils. àngr, sasWe laave a tes fer 25e. %Id Cabis ue Piciina tlfe. 1St, reo batîf . Sînrdîid Tom, bla or groce, 1platea. tuas 2Ill. lbm. IbSaga20c. àf lise, Ta-. lisSl tWTrade wfab ts-ll aie say fît. (Ta'issa 5UI %iWl5snol frlalOaid fana aaltar alai Sgum. i Trucd.M Just Arn:l JR. JDHNSTý - Furniture St( FINE ASSORTMENT 0F.. Baby, Carriag% 0'p FownHall.... $4 .50, PP 0l We're Stîneli î4 Tphe cheapeýt n quality. re ara sho0w- binga ie the 001, Union, (URTAINS ROSI Curtaine a. long a. wide nts pair. INS 0 ites,. gst es ln stock. id tic, 20c l aise "ad 81.00. isethrr. te&400 Pr. tC Dinuer culs, e., ai EDO a 0O. MIILTON "j S fl.70. 14.0e.