Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jun 1898, p. 3

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~d tilrear wel.for sSr to 111<1 soldie to mShe go0 on le way ataj îh"anot ler 'îy a ilighti iollally youi 1 Some takej tumrble to Igenerally M te fines' il, Ilaimil- es ve have OIC mfaniu-1 lie, fîtmousi ip Our new ayafeim of l ". We oel atsuch priçet 'eon almoet every pu andtet it. We undertae t<fsUI Bt 4%' PRES5ENT NEEDS :--mr PARIS GREEN, PURIE OND Fmisu, '~ NSEtJT POWDER-NOU BEmIt. if'FLY PADS. STIOKYAFtY ,?£ 11'IIGGINBOTHAM & G Local News. o t elime asle.thedbaa B»aarriVed i nyeser a dý: <a Tebu, In ram THECOesty coc wi! muet ieo! JORY Ca.orDaelà, abttacab ol , te inorrow.viàiigrelatiyea n15 tn Pra sjeAoel'i paid tua omice avisieil yaoirr sud. r. ieseen t ART» ~Coio... of.1Hamilton, a 0rlbas boran living taje U iic lfr lb. lK t the icloO _ tcjvacaioo.paol 27 pearu, butlibegeard as i 1c teof P te , o prat ocl hine àavialevery 00Cr rer ANLx oro Seaday. awene.yeea. tihe bomne cf. 6Geab euhW.A. anroa1.tihsemoe o f mîrt, pou ('iikFCOSTALE AWONOf CLD, RE Rie . nW. IlOcauve B.A.,soneai o asios of the mars w.. i ta"on ooe u ncoocfAcee or touelilas, C. F.Gocodeve, Enq., tc tc'aia oF. ccc le lua cii ooidmacenti, cao ordainedt¶y tih iicclp pinatr. Theo bridwu llecro Ocaoogcrcco ill erlebrtteiouof Torot,.inlit. AlbaosCathedra[iniaed incan ocn" .erretoc n tce ti tI, Jîl7.i t iy, lat Sunday. Rer. Mr. dm floral eminreldar (icoder bas borae aptoitrd taothe cd by MlineraEthosl Se.Jeie FEATERSONîvoo. Trafalgac, charge f UtheMrntmecWet Miosio.-' Gesby, il tiee as iicg,,9 ç ecte i eMookia. Acio Free Proie. 1 icceboquetse cfrcue. tiicuoocPioto Studio wcliiebo Comme iceca Tolîccv.--Oec reade lepporirdic y Meurs. Oltefoe ni ta6 loO ltiJuIy. l(Whoeareufbciuganrccctuerî oudcf Haemiltoe, amdW.1 O .SilH ef Hltonic,nas agRenutlatsbenote cf lice visofh Too y. urcanter. Altlerertt tu lroile, all Im latet wcei. clptere Specialint, te Milto,(Hart' efre b e.J Fec'o KTicoRNBLof elon. i ecîîmn o He) Moeday, Jl 4dii.,,,ac aodby Roc. J. MoArtin faite- ceirec iiCannb etinyvr ovic .Ssta alarge tote b forc. . adv. ooderciced f Rupture fr fotbr erptOetgly etcred w M". MLA.i e.JOHNS ON, f Minecota, pîrtiCUeri. nirddiug foast,sute j.ciiOice bec aidt, Mn. MeKirr, 1oprn a elur and wh M.II SreeltDc. IVcINE, a noterions Hamiton filonidrarh tet Ololi Slreebiccrgior,wclco hbid alcraoly let 17 )Coelcprosteite nero naey,e Fi-ooocl ilaocf Ticsiaid Seartu fr teimd lice bars,. ni e rteceite 14 sud ccrervideueeoft mi, eb~i'm, cor. King aud Jantei yeerset utluph, Tboidoy for bergioc the 1 glecci tewarc-iM st'..lliochlou. i0,00 tice rîitruy istiat ionetEtc. Clie. Thce bride Dieb Tboicpon, anerHultoîlooaii a 1soeborcof tc, old W,1i. iic..iSErvtcei. cf Loville, bad ecerplicercoco nia cierd raucne' riiiir, eccecptae ais cocUe liciccaîrd tat cccricolirtirer age te cnr yeîr foc licsue orco cricofcifriaode,left I.yacco fooa. crimecand on encore iformio irviiu ocer in Aicaser-i Il te , 1irte lt.jcly-Coco cruearrcsted, wît iota tire box and' icuýtl> picll a tFcailoclo i uiede..Cath i.ieforrrstaemetecoiel JOHNFÉoecvoinE tacc 00 ,Mote.but liiievideice oiacc iet ticeei. Iday I2i bad cf fat rati i Orcîc om ANocM iceucrdiigroer. STONE! STONE 1 STONE!1 Ifor ila ocauîby ire tisi Fridicioigic. iig ieed for aternieoftyerR thereec. JU'E WOI Ai, ceycc lia croc vasutircause. eoie qoicry oni.B. Solifoeint,cjear] 110bthegolinee ihen cd, Milon, 10ai0 Eiriy ou Wrdccrcdn u '. si. ceeiài irxCtrhodrsato nrsewdwsls.O'oatfordofrciaed Irprdt elatknso retu, r eb oown suuc,. ly. r c'Il iee pcî eiogrltiops, corners, flligiig, etc. Ail icodu lice ilepu l te ie baut of bridgeniceicteideed for. iiyiciieng le cibcu eaeren lfVirlW le.Tocs, Seerfe, Slirieeit riiocabr pricer1Ibope learecicva amoy io Milon. The acu ocrader altentpriîg tyle. go ohare cf yeur patronage.- CIA RL.;rc cociige of Mine Rn le'rebic orc. tKing & Jamesi Si., HUGHES; reideiee, perur lice puecodîcgiolr oft Myor Dic lio.ileun. cBala,Miltou. 37]yiy A. P. Chadniick, MA e.MeONrHAN. et Nmouagaweya, bai Troc gacdet 054 ybetd atiJeionItuf ei Arr. A ou r tj barnrott nias icrird mn', Equein,eonyoy c r atinte retw cicoco ]eit 1cil a ew nce, 40x8 wsiinua VcrYaocrriifcfi ffeir. Jao. Fcaxbi;io ditly it,eclcAi h2).ports. coric, eue lice star ounthe Occasio.Mi eirlta earmgepli MiaBeiurlt, pianiste, Ml lican te Testechi bia 1lRoNK ),cti,,feT'iornto,a eforrer Mire Seene Moois, teCioc, adcicrc t e hibrda eidribeof Ion,itestaO. ycaroiolhoy eere Weilrerccved bybthe lrge adiens Rangice iyci. aid iyctreoni lein coireoad Rîiert ad tireBrampon band acd îîerub hanrcec clpe by tine oC)00a1a e tico eeicogo. orccietra cqiticd tiicrioireinr a cic,icocpored hy bic Toc ilero. bu T. LcFecre, et Hlirec, itiofeelery ioentio. About 500 peple Chickoeb f orout 0clo,paid vuecit te bs cooctcc. Mc. erre prescri. Proeeeds utbeel 60,sAreroe, dugbtrrof] lV..ce.ircry, icb is wa10taAelo, ibere cliclo reilie îppticd le ice moulinorHareiln cieid as 1 loit il reaoncSudyîrcit. fond ofIlocrnicy PcegbytrrianoCcerech. crryichacciîg a occoe wua edit1 itces. LA yr eh focr W iclkeoi WILLIAMoioFcTZrR,roconict'il, o rgandiicis ad Vutri 3eO10itedy in u01011e osue is on toir inogson ieulctiiy, iooocodes oit rcid in c pileshy I cri ne r0 og ailrge ricreidencccman.iuto eoboicr, 101, le wc eooc crerîrrt p, cii t fi coioooothela r baie commeuîrtfoc. decufofcice yecirc fr uieuocoriiog Acoicorciustirdi 01oO.w cc, iogorc rer, et lice Beîeic. )à .00,. '2toc tintce roocoe ergoodie aid pub îcu W PiCe inoctuletcbaso xtiîcecllice Miocci'r l. Tue e ereouy r ca,,a ieorîuytouaity ofgood, of Juticeetlce reicaedoJei52- thocore. Rv.W. E. olti cioioo. ooroltale oueee, deiired e etîuy onie cocuîicshortc. gei,;o oihlo cccîd iy ien. C. A. ;,,rgeforu. ni. teLeo. 49,3O oocolexcialete tcpcraerotiocJ,t.icS. Cypeiee'o, cndOG. Ti:Sietor;or ucyc licai Ose. W. cording tlte ieitcutilrys csurgeocn, et Ail Saits' Ciùccbeo irLuto,ioentFagefoifeBunkcocf ioy gco ieifrnetireiroicd, lice ualtereundciacertniee li»auoiloin i liboc, lias eabui iraî. gereld socys o be lueîiorî laet oi 0e loolfrtle ocaio ferrroiirce iflocetlOenulSoud. coccbsuaentre platemoeidcr. 1l poieocby t1eci 'ioo.c ill e a partiat rcipceofet ilr O Witt pîy Yeu te Cetitet Goe1'tueid. of beicoft nuel meo, .iocy 3, ,o uiguter iclipecof Sterey's liardnieanidise c e bricegcc braas orb ba j oferig fr Csh:10 ibs iccoro.goocg of t Obrrrgioter, icee unOooyiti,aipariale ritoe oft aule, 2 ta 6l., fer 25-e.; 12Ibo. itr rool eod deotlice lite 1cr.. cbro. iIo.aed a lottlrclioce Délitueocy icr, fer 25c.;'3peîgîobey thie niddluecercb chi octbe ococi c.leio.forci 80e. aud 35c.e cbu oy rairs 2. btice erg&ucei, isieA il. p fSccoftherAto Frressu, ec ; mastite 40, 50.60c. ; 90e.Scesurc oo ccccioprie inis hsba oe e ted uacocicer oc tice fr600.; lcunplio c2. ;cNilisotueri o h [u Btoardo f i itome cf titrWrlliegtonî peocicarli 25c; ueru en ieru cirilo tioeoccc. A recept Fre Iîuurîî Co.etf(Gure lt it tdise bigri 70e; elodoce orerrcufrene20ec e ooyor's rildeice. vicaueyceoc iy Lirdeiicocitirelale op; green fdy cire, uey icr, 5Ceil; goriiihcuroo of a c W.I. ti. ery. Cis,igailelofiai iede codrcrr,3 iutes,sudîdtieu, aipece tiig lunlice ihardware lcor awiy docc. ' iiiou, cicrcca I Ac ciNihadu a rocuii lire a e ri îo gîliured tnuitoin fiteotuy. Teuocccy peepeciy le ice TiiocColeaniPliiiicandioLumciccroccoctoetlctbeinwiy icouof tSM w)cie otcoyod. Thom. il, Badmione, ocescempileis vdc ýThe uuelca ionirc f caricli, l.a §roman, weueoebly urococd b i re Tuecday eccoclue. Tirolorbu cure eot nie roooeuusuit sa d fait deeiuaeeir lire eurted abot 7 occcad berd ocecoier oct îrcy vo ccey, cjorigliiseefceiidcrîiciy. ficceiy about ibree heure. The G.T R.:lrsify ibet lice coup!i ilalioca s iou reculdangere forrmorer licec cdc cîuy pie ..t.Nipeof AoctciroveF. beirocived ilîce, audcai lcains werre âojprd, hue Aocon eo 1cr bcide lic e gre SoDfd.;I.;W. WSital, cilie peiceoger train feocreliche atoir aving ood Mec. J. Dire, M. e Mthloc, 1qesqnig. lice degme ot13.A. te go le Heamilou by lice Toreonto5fr. aid Mc. N. Sicuri se., and C. EL. Miteiccll, .A.Sc.,rsii cf breocic. Severcut et lice rireceocnirre D. N. Soeec, o Militei Glo.l. A. Mitcel,lice dotreeof CE., prciiratedl by lice]lort, bot uoue ureo and Mccc Agec, M. eithlie Scool ot Appied Sceonce, To* ibougic ta i te ocinccy ijcred. The! Agccc, M. cand Mm. rot. lei cee coîidecaite, ictltitou exact Mec. AMiler, I. A C A LIccceengrrftiroe HaItOiTellieto acoctlasneticiccu,. Pantisud bi tCal ; D. and Mi. à cAsciai o in ergetown teto oîg paetieity iomrued1iretoGe, Perith,, Crriiyei. et Nec Vonl ire0. StLeene, yWaerlnoo aid Sue Ccrepaales. Oigcc J. S. Wiiiuotl. Edre Arh ýceiaCaereiclviiiespepu- of 0r ot icinw. 'Mci Youg, Saul ina lui etrcere. vec eppiîtedl a deateeJ. tW. tcLren, Rai ta fliiuntrio EdoocaiiiatAsociaion, tGARDENciPeutY-A grdcu ccoicy ciii Judg anid Mm. Cice wceolrcela in Tornot. Thbannicor lie brUtailice reideice et Me. SciLlith ie miesoCborCli wn .i c erlrcft on Mine JerserMe- Griffun, Kiride, oniltiJeiy, for thclu e c EdnîdCh4 Dcocaod, oct ALln. bocit et Kiliride Mrtodiii Ciuccrt. Chickcio, Mr. Vau Thenr toinotlent bei beurîgagrd :1sid MecEadu Ciadui ioco ,«D Eci M AR EToc.-Attton Mesro. W. R. Hyîtop, basse, HRecl. J. W. Chadwic, Dr. o lu otreteci te ibe fcttownug aacoe- tee; RIb. Wood, comc e ocalilci. ie. mocntof et.FWales of theutaiEed ceaicteîa.ndfrie Scotocciit olMoeL. Mardoicil etppiy aten; Me JrcdiSctc ouer, îacu il. oJ. A .cendMire1 machet, lict olsiuprparrd te NciieHailtn;cfrkWilunipli; Meml- pimoeofreibaeout by tberquarteror in ton ; T. J. Ran, accrpanioe, Haiooatesii, oGelp; M u rge orsabi1quatitie ai peciai tee; Minou Mueiitey oud leior,HalTont;M.u terrsfor ceuh. M. Waica s'aai d riolat, Cocpbelitiiie ; miiseus R pe SMise.o Auroer, Hm a br-toi, Ncw YVen In eiobocbrabdbusineou. I in aiuays iesuao, rutit, Wtrdocca; andBRnpoic. Mesm H. Mechri,1 iroc te iipply coic taederato prionsrviluebruband. Focthi ut ootic- Mcccee Brmpo fr csh. 80 ly sitOpc8 , iibridc v. CarlilteJr. ; e ameili, alon. 400pc, iticide v. Brnlgiu Se. Criiei ibu Bru, RLaeS Ac Fîîac.cOc.-A dia. Ion ere aid cîber nîtfreborînto. Tee îoleoufie cccorred et Frecilton onoearerd ruo R lu80 S p..Admision 14AMEI ilcoceday stierrao, and i it ai fard 2C. Ciidrci 15e. frteeeire mai thr grrtor paoetthe ALExunzaceneeRaown.- ciigqnould lie dercyrd. Tino peut. CoccîuABsA Wocîîu Fooi rt olo cO- PFoncage, Atou, DE ceere. . Williarn'a gccry aid Card- . H. Rull, f rmpton, iu quito an Rer. J. R. oeddez welioc tîiioc sbeop nere bucnend tthelin xrtensive rain er erksirce bugs. He AexanuderrteMin Ei gouiod. Wiliamsecarried *1,80[1 iu- bus 80 or 60 o ibuudiow, ad icr FEREAN-~WILLIS-00 sumcsruoun isnstock,. and brs. Rose iii e l enabocut 100 in tbr course utf latc, 1898, ait2h5 wie o ied lthe buiding, bad #Mi in* alyer. 8 kainD f efed ta Thecuo, Rail, Trcate, by ti remcir. Cardwent canied noliseîr. M. Rui Sd lcoatutie et fred for liioou, Rire Lutohe i suce.c Considecobie mail calter ced a soepg dbeellcce in ciovrrRead -t,, Dr, Wiliam Fne larg.e ari f the stocic i britore.a rene ii b ave cmrreruprclilllc utGergtcn. Ccci'tet. aid give ilcongor effspieg ce Iis fred HmLc-meA Aoroceird coureoc.-in etinrd "bos nicng aisr. Me ete Mes the iciden àfatiier, ci Occî xciElu îdeuu auspe t cieence icegreen Bide in thie nommro, S ytn eR &ocrsteuilsionarnr e spi es ti ncd wh ine n aee iltje the riter h pl uaieuoiTn thedriaFarceormerapinsitutcorne teoueail ep faii a rttlieg bru, addu a dalitn ut JuhTo, ere amde nliti hohrts, sud reaustIroroekhyîf12 RnccrctesoteJohnt, Sageouiteniala ciii lie c gen" d ea inueheore leedisg. Whouosat, tics Brmt, taTccute lîtreniuliou ut ue Rd ai F t ueltaolover lua mt euai lsltegreeratte, RanaDncaof eoront.- interet thoMet theMaille Fu d a, M. Bulsaye, the heut ford tfor0 Deon shouali" ta Iis oppotuily ut11tino upeo ti aican ie gu. -Bramepton Roi. Meylle B. Cho cotnlii. lesap excursion raton have idece ut *tins te .Timer. Yeork, Alce, daugbt beau ocues horaths C.P.R, amsu . . 'Sec- ai. la- setner-oîrma A Panreni ciDcanuii,-Tine 1i.ns , ocBvro, We have the Best Cottonades and Heavy Denicnclt I y mrueing rnay 20c. yd. ever ehnwn on ont counter. iding thitem ay op1 if ni lFrnce Chircrb Mmi sSteoni Hala, e bongain. 80., Boys' Suiii, 28,. 25. 8, 17.,Il95M, ai nmaiueaorn. corth $1.00;soersonuer. cctho #3.75. occasiina:cu ino ria Louiso Dira, Mcii TTwed Suili. imenie velue. ic te lice Roi. F. Wre Tweeod Faite $1.15. A., incomeboent o bk oiocy aviiiohe The beted cue cf OVERALLS aid SMOCKS lu tice Docmico a cupird and, fon 75c, cecti, $1.00. Mtayor Dore, chi rouis rmcernad ponyratrnmeWendsrful values. lu eery dupartimunt. ,a.emt a& lice Spo3 l e Roi. M. Cbiad. WL PAPIERS t Clearlu Prlcusc itlnon, J. CE. WL 'Prof. Areroser, u0a1 lU LI N A icidwm@cainta E e O LI R K le.The bridons 7firnoutwcite 30c. Doz. & SON. ieniri lacer, her a boantifut Pearl thce grom. Miii a cstume ut Piunk ~ O ecY 6co C~ eîc 5i mid witechiffua sas pontured by White, M A., s. R. Ocy, M.A. RICh Effecs mTuroute. Thne c tastetuiîy deorr. citin cuite aida eh Mire Dire bcd b. Aetar tpo We have exclunsive effecto; those wiich cannot tate iraies ut possib1y b enanywhere le iein cas redoed Annis Wilren, te due tor tue ecau-IOnr enterprise and knowlcdge of buying properly bas cnl- aie cas roadersd minated in onr eho'ving to-day the greateot vaines cver Miun cas held e ai nMitn ,fter cincic tinse now inMto. unuccuoubreakn. ued te tins C{. ai acugod WBEWS' SONS. maerrod cle ng.ieasd tecrd acuide proonila et bogieands. Tomlinson's., Liniment.. NEURALGIA & RHEUMATISM. Mr. Thos. Martin, 121 Wilson St.,c Hamilton, sayc: "I wao a great sufierer'frorn nenralgia for many yearc, and eonld ge non relief until 1 was advised to try Tou- linsoocs Liniment. One bottle affeted a complote ente and I have neyer had it efuce." J. A. ZIMMERtIAN, Drugglst, Agent, HAMILTOR AND MILTON. * Suits for Little Boys!1 Suits for Bigger Boys!1 Suits for Young lien! Suits to Suits Everybody!1 Odd Pauts and Vests! Our clothing is'up to date in tyle and reliable in quulity. Now je the season for WALL PAPER, We are shcow- ing some elegant good-tlie lateet rnd beet thingo in the imarket. We alco have thc neweiot thingit in AII-wool, Union, an aetyCarpeto. We are clearing ouît ont stock of LACE CURTAINS at bargain prioses. HEMSTREET BROS. numerweîI5 nid 1 Unewa woe' Bic asLeu J3 yds long 11 5û. np. 75 cents pair. «I SU IIER B1ARGAINS : cLut Il' 1 OMES OOnS hboi ccl NEW PRINTS. dle idttoclu rtlo (cef ec4 70.y recgcor 10e & 111e li es. 90ed e S Stocri ai eutlrad 85r. patternso, fastcorSe& 10c. IL MenS Blue Oeeii ii, hic, egocr 75c.,linor foc 60c. toe' lues, rLaulac Mc Cocptococc Corsers,. ocuocc tococR euoc1Ogdie"u egt flrag ie us c in.cittcil i ueaad te hgio.ioiireg oiec n jsoc.c t11 cuff, pecia $1 ach. iccoieriiriuti eo Wcoor 'sBlacCoteon fOrce,Oeocu dyp ecor, wcraeteci 1.7e,280 1 rBy'aco ttou Hoe. toery ribtoco, fait relentail cirec. . ccahmr Hm, ibd, doubleteouondceeio,cpruciioincrooii cocru. 1 1 Moî'r Wite Shicit%75ce. Steuco Rioeio SatoenuSilts 75c aocd0#1i00. ccMosSoit Suirie, fane( itripo. jecitirthe i gfer carcoctreatior. eo c eO I MuLinunu c ail oocscaioop au cileeocc. c 4 dPy, rgcicr 120e fer le. Wcnîu sSuicînil e, uiaec, cream anid tocn, porecrit I, 30c b 40e pr. f1 'Groceries-eo Foot a1 e ing Off Crokury....é cCon 8 for c iicc lb ruup Ne baven o few 97 pc.'Dinroro3I lui foc 2le. Rod Cibbuoeiri-oe 1e. Sli, ngolr$85for Iii. -30 IgI teoSpiendid Tea, uic Oc goci, plaens. Cupsend Sncrco.Faney cflc c c Ill.e5lbsib. Sgelî.)c-a.a- Cinaiali owlmoeintc,cai1 eipioea2Cc. autoust. i I oTrdr iOl reco iccgocce. Toc BASTEDO Co. cffmuHtrlcec pre psad fore color-de 0 gc. drTri,. &meel UOW 4b0L i I ops theforl- maxmontAi or six h we *Whih int4*6t ill our Mends. i Special, Offerings I DRESS GOODS, LADIES' CAPES, MILLJNERY, RIBBONJS AND) IACES.. Blouse Silks 30e. yd.r worth 50e. 1000 yda. Sumnier Printa. 64c. yd, worth 10c. Spotted Muslins and L4awns, Fancy Organdic Muslins & Cambricc5 Fancy Muslins for Blouses. Recouendtaud bas becoure a second Jedgu Rdcand ElticI, Loudoe as ____il"______ Cub, atteasst ar as thonFrenchn quaited tie cniions eueccMeeSmith, Shorsrettlueitre a ar OmcLobo toarinr, choc cas fined byl idcrcgcfao feor ceunien St. Aîiiiny are iiieg en dry SuirEdnrd ortelege-dtrkug eoi ni iou.»d. Wio odtesh guinorhi nirwaitier rin f a pîpil tnlhe ed cuit t re ou. RRYN doutea Scieu haiseaireadidind. Plcm -u- i -cec Quipou t Cape N orm an t r nei s ota!1 henret cf BOUr, sud onue tady hiau sicrerofr saxdays u ncciliri ot hrnad. InenvieouWhiteila!ua tait dozun aciiieu aeslivinggounbuitO a bacri cf floue amont ilbuc. Atmis. gernm ba u rnas teTilt Cuve frouirc et îr; f aibordatoch nofle.TIIOS. Va EGAN, Herniot »ct" »«. V rc nho~1op , I U Son sud auaost n fJY. EGAN, Morcla Sq a Bad1%, A-- a imwft cm m MM i -Il mâ oremeum4 Kama won7 bom. orottmý" et , l", Ob aimemm Th- venum iOHNSTON.E=.e i.cIdon.Mccceo bY R, R. TO EI--ffo AmmuAL Excursion TO TUE MOBEL FARU, Furniture Dealer SATURDAY, JUNE 25,'C)8. C. P. R. euo Orea tUc Tc. Adicr. GCoid- ,o AND Undertaker a ........sîir8Z«6C.....5. _______________________ eemrse et. 8124 60cr.80 Ooraby............ 8.8 MilI ....... 845 50 ....I5 jR..01 40c.80 OPP. TOWN HALL, - - MILTON. Ccwàu.... 019 MRu...820 AxrrIve st urph 9 O6 &tnue. nrsuO ue u ., *rîiiui a.T mIs.m ai f- ee ........a...&M mi. W... Mtl. ............ Cr ue % l..... m Slaauta.eU..... T9.8 me.....O5 OcoebSâu.... A dlet..w Ln hu. .........9.5 U A Ges- Ç.1 o a..J fi goet Prrtae FIRSOIPA~MFA E I SUIPISNccee elli la NEW PRIIATE OFFICE, 326 WEST RICHSMO ST., MR. J. Y. EGAN, Retiring, fecrupeciodieul vuift toiuoectioni. bheiuee.igsoireincoerýdase il timenuiboreroffice, h onciT- V.Egoi,ebriclis, ccoofor maiu-yrero,rg oeucotrdnwitbite asceactive ucicuteot, cii contincue vtic.' ThoiYoung ruepilcot exprciece ndec tbm dicrt'oifon uc iedocot gycceci geeis oudiendcog pinyîieianr, udocinig tIiy qocliii ll dt l ooii f cee., ensb itie ct cle di i Ocr.. oft upioro cccithoecocrret andadjuctt saeforanoy orrt iUr ucr ccnîu. 2,IIOTSETEO Pl TE LAROESTr MOST COI1PLETE uceortcricf intrcutseveciiceeccude of Trcud. He iiremm cf isufatiboc igheire u racotive Tecee,ieeso afull ihirof bis w ventionsu, viz:TIe" Ocpleo ubl'uior and th0cr Rotrotio. Tiooa b have peroe n iocuaion ounrerrieuinci nos crr andateof comot ais SPECIAL LOW PRICE VIS~ Aflled frsoni-eni ibe etfbliritd meas-bomr uoe au opp perocrego aiecielcu instrueuntcat THE SALEST FPlIBLE CIIST,-cet duciog ibiu choie (olyî. tecsdrtise ibe u fi, bgcnsetruenrtsand wi plceoc icne uceptieaiy tocfIlguo-_WITHE E SUCS OF ILI A QUES5TION OPTEN ASKED Canruebccred ? Weocpbiec*ly Myihat thisart of theohodyna noecepion 0e thèsre phiocicgeoila"cigococniig t0cr nioin phyîiei 1t« il ceiter ecrcliti-bte te f Uiitted, oer Otty yecro. tc iterlitici l ceccigesr cor acretl n dicebie oncg asithee iruuporh cf nature eertc iruef tcenrmdy the nii Wc haur therridno Yudremr Venir cci inigbo,terlioniy. DO YOJ WANT PERMANENT RE Ifieno i ucelu cociceteprorco u re nisrumcntl ibma e eretief ipu rercireuof ucn oxprti.Renwere, ce hore thr muni ornileeforuiiisn toRion te ouonteoe erngat ucon people. CALL AND INTERVIENI Rire yoour eiirslly dcaguosed. (PREE EXAMINATIO0N). i ~ An OUNCE of PREVENTII Better than a POUND 0F If Yeuu ultr f r i syim if Rue relln, 'Juicnsn Voli, Dinptered idney, c qui. becy on Wreic BacIn. cummitat unce uni adutre aid curchonilouasistance. Stops 41 1 inioerelefctcc bail fbaimd HiaoToMIST WIL VHÇT. P.Ie 00.8e. q le i edlma nteC dock aI Oue.Soand Fqedgel AlitVolatlesa.fou Il i ea wd imdas. i sanu cf ofenluâs easnd ou«cmiee ro lnoeteame0 Rllaià, nbo rdvet aIWloa baye heu effari lice posiale glslrar 0 lheoasnprneoeurt sas, veantel hraegb tue daliil s O 'n day cnghl a heav sudcwindeomadli oli the soiupelaTilbury Wesans" ten Townshiips. ex Cotai beildings cores trucsb iy Ilgi Aitsecmsing a&cuie.tics1 saga Riscr aid batk a mai lUebordaintfRoitocu.agIra Simone CoancIy, attampi1 agiapi thelna arainre c sud uéairocnid A apeial errionu e inde eheojue conert a ha propoe Ao bora', hers Cief JusticeAi suiug theaDominion for80,000 fur cutilathlie Trent Vaiic Tinrelidaafadyecanid Sain igieu Longeuilchu niai bans aad cho ina 1h8 rildron aui rildron, Thoe ala, lu fat gaiSeraedniid âae 1d mnt] iog lire geueratiocs lu ai], A GOceroren ufficiai, c TuroateorcMebeod, R.W.1 date ofutcnu 12, raye, '-lasua tromnaent are lcoknelinlaprier the muaini oci un tins Ceni PiRciadsud itnroiy le prol flime Zocuia i a done, cf liomes e nteatcd mrece1 $hnacteribriegs Ahbilto aetinie n u y aanewcorpany, of a aberi riilruad in a receute port oh1iW urcupird a Curnuiticeocf theo Houeof lCommuuston a1 paut, wdto twnuy irding lai gagetoadviie,etaacofuaiq W11 o day. The reoeraje %bc Arerioana mailusudnaegpi eugerofor luiudtu Fihgci in Soutb Wae, aud tbeuou Ccanuel. ItciUu avefurc thu drliiryof temeilsn,ami a ehounerroutcîto tLondon ii ilyiead. IPain-KiIhe à adîrta s t lal *O lcc.a &.s ani n ee OLEUAI. 255larndl50 oasi cil PESRY DIi ctory, je IAMILTON. 4 E~N stock of OES Oc whicO ite, dcii o $~2.(Y»~ ]SE corne 'on ? tore V spot for ;tuneis to orîe eau yurdcl idÀ lE:fý

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