a. -7~-' ~ ti fi y seleore 1i ddoel imsumd hsc tise RhbedLiaictaehoeeman, eeoysinchsef hic. lic cade iequesoef e pcsty dh in sev e cesoimy misieehcee, a manoieythieDameoef ticeec. MPionse esid te hist, *Yeidee net atetmeu iller, heaeco hoiebamslise faricot lecis eitery pesI hier sead." IloaLus esy isdigecdtly ,aid, 1-IfShtbise 1me ai esiso il esy bieslse teliettbsc e?. liau e ewIl eued me air tise more." liect oecie ccbed visc ied ef a looks- sgceeic1eoc. oad wsce ledlnseoea cld miu ostiîgrec beir csd ebiebero, chose 50or (c e cassefoge. lie sepied 1lcecldDo eithCsse iiislie w. licncg for, assise tilles lie kiseer ma cyeeng man Wll, te eut Cie siery short, Hsetheeoue u emeuileebethaLe u onceeeffoeeite tube ese rigtin ith liielland pceier,esud tocsascvilb escai.alvsenecs-sytisc, feod. clchb- seg sud csis;cs&Ibomicicgîeolesee. of el cousu, icîudd eet deececs costeofle) peîleersuipvsishAlfred. li te lo -tielte stjinieHamsuc, thie Manaerio e laicsa oeseccsiC., ecdicid his ie bouochiSe rispcmsie1 fo the p nyeîc1ci Lythisieitheecap. teainîsiglsl ltIce iaee. cciii. Haasun olî lises the.Iameosacele sdsni, tisaI lîeiecA ueod,; Ii iseliy ceecielc le eclis itceOutlofihie eue priste 1hloscisespositieo îeoçr se in 1 euh lbave iiy 8500 andl iat in oIL Ne, set cait etisc; e icisco i ocidetciiy cam seCo. cI.Speerstvisea llaeey Secg gcvese lter,sandie, tee, bee proeesc feia. He sac ont- littcd siloe uisclîhe, eed lise eilihem tise Alcsh5 Ce. gava ce t1ee giveole islined.1 icCi Als-id and i hava effosîd tI o sey ined of w cei.Our eesSccsi,eno esates eisee il eigisllie; bt isave lssled le gel i ; bt et mold gel caiv e wnueted i huenedlars a qcy il voe Il dfecd.le <act Lie lo questiion cesel nisc oneo upplsee fes vers is, -Have ysie gtisi'?-cciiif peihave Dot Teeuighu aiseeated i iceecrs euhse, needasc ieesiesese ccyoe ee.idrwatlehbc Themeiceeicem %a ss0itlysist e cenaimantrenouet of score. %oneac saetysunsy mcoct lghtI mieistl. Tise sesutiso le neeleeld, beCs0 gaiscerzro. Teicecsince 1 have I5euelbre it bu, beu15 seor ziero lut1bavienet msodit iLocec1 lie-cb-e neeeiy dreseio. 1ihavecoccepieceiy ecoe-oed freai theltrip, aediiscs fi betîe n eey le. 'llic coleetesr I riohy oc)ey, It il go iees0OeaticC. Onee frais as iheegis i e idstanod oeytig. 1bu netbhe -ldeman"sey me,as Iihave seoved, theoboycin Ltheoisscaieigel rao.My hi,lfcouisgray, sud bags doen esleîoesaecara,.a bi llery Wcsi isiBuers beet tis e1ide netcsiedreeeistu puy Il00leaget i eet. Incfutl1lam clsadht weodeeny aieeeylforleareoliseg esetd. Tise g ivetheosBlersyeuc so f geldidont, i; giîîeg yec bois tis e stofefyce1 oace-If.15lie weoilis errecety yo aren ail igii, Ibt ilis e abea ilty cnuls one dollar or niscîeer bus-racta ucro. b-isou the pirs, yee ase noa0te isero outil tise belleeofsel ibe ne s cahed.x onca cf Lie Chicleiseosound inle opooiiag 8tsiO Cîiebavas 0 tIii11771 There io gsscb indignetionslibreao theraoteiciaihllasa. Tbeyibaeeutoe clownth tise roflia fa t opc eubaen inadetaim inos e diosicttrcm 5W i fontinl eogth te 500 fot, and saegoiag1 ta charge20%royyonea l ld tabaon ot Tvo meetingsoef minera baie1 beM batd inaIe b baie eauhouraeta porbatauths Govasauct ueaainsmithe stcromaeo0ofthesLaw. te vittdrivea tloeb 0 o1 eWho ambuse ovay, aoires te àtob ineilop Itaeof those1 vbo unecouat.. Mtbtsg but abuatootostaratluMfor1 1115remit asAfrevIinia mu te ali:suftp sut e"lerImtes, vîeh or sItaidus u fitsuue »te d-4 1 smuldS5M5otihe juep I cem tS55lued la mot tas.un tummMa«..1*0 ha tarotel &alosas MËy@ nom et thm pus, mes tSfrasaoe ubo. teec p- -....2..... 1 bave ntVet Iget theebillfcrbihse, Sel is boeatS tille me tep billtinl ho ct sîgelurstoerate.asistethlie bgeuresse, oceaetotal etf1$.75. 2 eederebiot - 1 .........97 50 2 ocesbirte..- - -........13 00 2 pairscantonctseel dsrers 5 00 S pair cagi.6e.. .......- 600 2tpairsoees ...........- 4000 2 jue s ... ............ 5 00 Tinebushae the bill fer, mckiins ehl $161.7.5. Fer tise$101.75 I laid obticci credt, aced telS CspL. Hleau 1 neîd itir pcy w n Iegot ta vers ce neeld giîc Sm uieceosier cenOSaFrdaico. Il Lhe secLlicthe osier tLis inlioe $001.75 elLegeLiser. Of tise 8500 eSaineci tbseegb Lises- 25 Ise. of beoc,-.......... $375 1OibSe griz.............2 00 55 Set:isccono............27 75 255 Ise. dried peuse -. O ý ..625 idoc. eaei eau..........- ;000 20 selle bttes-.. ...... 12 50 i pCisssisiebe viohr os)eel70 Tisece Ibidem I maeiagod.ta gît Isce lise NAT. & T. Cc. stare, I amatin bniiîoserermeoild haie gel Lisec beL fer )Irâ.JUeàiy, tl ife jf ctLie man- uger, Wvise tcaee imteetadinctise eory eicywvess. Wheue ceoee Ccpl.Ilieciy e home ta thessoretisa cibis veli cet f011 tisa riss cctli1 baS mec CopI. Iletp. and nisile t roc rcilisg docece of perseomatrieS lic pur- phseTreîieieosacd hot.be, Se rfsoesd1Icoulai ccotyamse auth me Ibiegson se turi ho-day f1 .80, se yu cor bei le frtecaholI beve besm. 1 ago puschaosca aoutouslei, nuthsIvo e e na is e top.,<este tise emiy ic store im ho pace, les viiei poi 150,maibig oatto et $130.75, and Ieaîiag tue ili ce bond #36ii.25, ilS nhicb tl ec trdies thinsig oeS f i. 1 ac giog M-day tleose s Mau vbe t beri lens aigist bas Ire 80-lis. asbeetftesr, ferwviiehevwiitobm $100. or 850 a acksS* Thisoin0$2t)asRock cheapos tbautuhie sreet pricer.and t vill bey il iifseavilli slifor lias aicey,aswven oieeytfousacbc.lu liîis contrylb taises these poeads cf ds< f dlpmrSay for one mao. Výhv ohebotl700 te.for the lseufo. Itvilb ooyensamenthe,csr 210 dupe belote the secte gel in. At cirer panmadedcyech lie two cf us vili ccosme 1,Mlush. le tisat lime, visesecpois aie tacscetlcupâ500 Ibo. Scaeglysuop tbeisede& cf rolog out. Mis. iteain, vbeai1imeeticem aai, and ihvIsesefamilier estis&II t is tnuasyone1u ve inos<ha eame the îesrcey. Reorts camie lu yeoterday thaï;e paof t lcsremacnvbîc loftIboreabousa a resis sgo, tror te doth abot 150 mitée ep tiserisers. odccpb kocv visardwilbecesof tisa buodsedp cf baielosWh os eaftehos n tee to re ros. To-isay il la15 0 be zr.Ycterday il vas Bic butame. With ao W ditunisdosos aluS $ho cokiu boltosootthe aighsuots vlad cains il achii. Nîght belote taM my mesks froeo imy boot.on "ray frem tomes home, about 25 ilote 1tbiah, hoers, <bu.timnate j. ie. igbsful, actviebetadhog 5h.ectil, agi 8dom Atfa.1gBovet faltebustes lu -y ltéf. Th.e oli ahr im selvgcraulmg bUL" use harsilp harano gft oued. lié Houa ha ue lamai baie oe etmo1 Iale toes po iid bue e eu . Notrouble 15maI fer hb tablmtaisfata tao orlAI s. le' bp.à al tugMmbla a ITEM S. Len5'iday tise Seneboelisinr Lishe ebjortioisle teredmenteelte sefrac- M. C. Cccreo, hM-P., aso i a iseot licerseset of5te 'iclresh Teeritoies. Au il et rl preicing 1,000 barssoica dcy isobore trseis Ime mieseaio Tiseoille. Tise l.tegregstieecll Uio aiee eie tiîo cospeoleofl boc. J. C. Mdiii, ]cte efthtboP.P.A. ComeiieioneeJciy i. Menelo chîstmasiers viii Soie thicn vgcs e- deeed10lpesrceot. Re. Dr. Terrencec, et LeelpS. nos loci dMudto ofetthe Poeebpsericc Lenerai AsoernsSy. Benjamiieand William Aî9isqcoie. CGergie&oslanede lediacnul ýeý uSe pocisaieltfor isssey. Joeph LIteepo, the vol-S£ore la. crose tpisyer naacrqciilcdeiiteeîtreoi Tise item cf 8250,000 bic ielray the cool et the prohibiitios pieSiccite poomid the Heese nithet disueonc. Thomas MticCae, c iocf mest, tee snd secelvec fatal iajures. Tbeo Mesresilietisodici Cectoreoce, sfhes cliiîeiy deiste, refueil tbicprohiSie saiister, freai eehericg poitirs. Johne Obioloil, iicabertaeeeticBioh caypeec. ese Sld cp aed seishd ef $500onee Ce iceisiseroace eosSel. la s itiof jcuiermy Elmus lMces, s Moontrai bSrer, sisci bis mouises-le- ic decdsand dcogtroeclyneod e t vifn. Caterpiliars aceravssogi h lse 'ti treeo nd bssy itbs1a tise s-'i.c iy cf Kingsto. Whcie ocehasia beve eene ahipped. Aiboard bas ee 5orssedsatLlbccer te cecsida claair es rmeSase ysvet- erauemof Lbe eice rais andiRed Rivesreped.lioe. At he tiToronta Metbcdisb Ceeteseece it vus deidoied ce udes lise diaci- plinea etthe ocis h wmeiceareDoct eligisis es uinegstoc. The itlr ssepioccf Manitoa fer the ypis ioîryececiourgiuThese arel200,000bmor csof eh ric cdes cultivalios thon iaseb per. Dr. Smythsa.Kiagsto,spe htiocei oe ocservaeise protose onthef tisa 84 esternd viti bu vishirwsevci hiel fca tari cf coeitos iden.e A Mectrealcoresopodet amse thut bise costrocltesobildint tbe Cao adieiParcino th oliaicdcsy Creeis coutry as baaosi, acuite.cou Issetars cl ocee rS ienot dola-p The verk, rhieis compsrises 100 miles ce rsm from obntao aMidway. viii bu uaiastaees y hiser firais. Mamkenzie & Masn, Fcbey Brs., and Peter barrs. Acccaiieg tohe aarne athcily, lie scadis ite bu aamtltei Sp Oceubur 8L e&, and nibb ceustnsî,sat 0.000. Themsit cf lir. ltarecmau ta re- caser losorcoce osehobu*smf. oposi yuonda6ylaB-uftao. if bupomo- code in buoisg the occmposy tis .timu tiesa ouo itI, cf cs-,"*bu appeimi aasr orsiad tt hehighscosrt, tui raiiog ep au imeessbiltocfCostm. Evs shoutit 4 s.noeud i h e.sud sbeewllbu ellahg fur ber, fer lb. gruetr part cf teuamosatof c ir P ips$t#l»lu buoouten a asodas. ImoLaIs hethi e Lu ar. pas hua0t baruOM$MW 11Mb . sa sy. busl f inb ot», 01y5th , ai 11t me tul eMth oIm Sen r3THROAT orLUNGS5 DIVIS b LAWRENSCE Co..Dm1 c A PERFECT TEA mom TElCU f t e.couiltesW..& ioAAe salelso g -lle Tea LX i t, lehciy ila STE£EL, NATTER&A 0.9 saIl d 3Femtuses East. icrcola To Cure Bristol 's SISAPANILLA T PROMPT AND NEYER PALS. Isn TOU WEiL Amh [our Drsggli S Dstai k HEAO OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT. OAaISAILPA5 Is Va, 1,4.00 mESEmve menai, . 775AeMc TeieAeemrmT, 11 m,190,1"e DIRECTORS s JOHN STUART... rudnt A- 0. RAMSAY... . stas lime. lbmcc, Jouxo Pocevos, A. T WocD, A. il. tac (Toronto) Wu. Gams, Mi.. J, TUHNSULL ... ... .. t7aea. BRUSH ES, s- Alvays in Stockh tbtsesShoes s 7EATLY MADE 000 OlPAIu5tD, Ail Work Guaranteed. Wî make a specioity of Mens Heavy Siioto frone $1.OO Pair, >ý$2675 ow We are agents for the William's PatentffShoe the best shoe made for the fariner. W ILSONS -**m....jMOE STORE. w--4WII3ILSIl -B.. e SeENîr.....,Assaistabes. messeMeOEoMmUsMuaMMIMMs H. M. WATSON......... oopeter. ,MILTON BRANCH. TheI3lr fta Farm etUm dmsas<sm bamm m o ho n" vi iakecthmfe o sthfs B.SbUBH -g orn = rbas, andtliéi tu. m eh. soop i. la, A &banon Co, &d' t i i ~ sud vbltebêWOcdey' poViovls vttb gaýffenlmte msdrMdd BS b Vaoti 1me; amd mita tboogb ceauboie bot tonm - 1 i d neooOSerre " cIier, if I . - ils a day ti d i uaffliito s ôrs emfanA- la vltt W n Mm abeduo bu " a lb. theince.in oymiyl itu, ate moe, brde, .5rmsa = 9 i mial S elàeogather, 1inau m -ole buaue. chatoym as Ud00 bu hpumuted.. a bu ha.....s Travlles' uid. Du io nsbtme, bocfore. I Toit Dr. Came aii. i." vo ameAL tha bs t . osl-s n ..... my lie a uetbilohautala chatavq td"ut. duh a" - myvay. sami te.poai l«e"ae if eh. versecoeambulte, e oboutaWvoUas, tgRAND n UNI OAILWA e(1i. X. cWc. su ally agaimit aumylsermonem hep gol lin v inhava Alfrai prsviiei for batoacb i LN 01 A. tabion l tecva apordn t »d--i.-ahattt sesay ttrait Ob I - T tri.aouPM As. m idofrome,.eeu mile muh. h. etamle *J haÛ~ CANADA PsICe AiLlAi [oui e-iay ibaitwamosnvous bcoise earytomueetiua iroeed la lbeemnsionevvu vos. bttas biethe 0a». aIa C ~s. 13.5~a. e p.. reboiami aimabudi abat I vus Tht.stemserutio go u Indiss1 uosea tipqs arp ir2ymi edLab"Beinauti; vbib se- vbo lmiov e- o.aro, :2 ,c 1*. itegg aO tbtS m * _____________ 8.41...mi 5.12 9 f1 pop.. I1very promptly ielmi tLope tatterntor Heuts. eeso a T best5 ____________De'____ oo oTaeotabva reucteaihome. ITha <lovromeat Atboriiem bavoeusa ta.ls là Oe- m Thi is a ly amniercamp. Alilfoioon p ebaitrips oifer eel upc-vt*tIt Ss.ait cosReo m n A Tnp te Basson kinoufgamb agooo polyaetanti desmios t iis o ma kis jlv5.o~vlIsoultusd t ima Cf h. dey aod ight, sd le1 Do. W. puy a dollar a lettrteeta bm arrithesomebb âSttsusg lainons,. ambiotbooms »di doee oioSushto Mi vers thaevtiptp aai usd5 mdilil s a a5 H Oiilc> houssee are maiog lhoomnaodm'opoon Letto.:odr ee meta awsnDOveo' inues Sutameetaob toun a the -thoomaodm cf dollars.l smeo cuitNortbvout Territory, eCanada. are boksi ver y la InsSoy flmwaes ébeiied iatl iqoor oboltiieta -pleotifilami bromohit through by the G rmna. poitt mtm prossi fua, Dmcegatrm NonbrO he odmoscorce. otrtilarieiai rate, sud cootl ineDo- bstog roo right oh atbsttimr Mssnuiffle Threar vrylorwoenbeean tig itertused rrecoive, éth Ierers loseh *loyas bi abnstalise t baie cnltseithe a byco for oome mortt oftht evarr jo the dace- thao regolar poetage. Icm f hlm top atooorlu B ESsas. Lesdl Paois oal i. 0.lO doyo fer teIb e coo1tbe nvoorthar boones. Somee cf the oiheat oid lioatstomtp aow. au.is letas muto Jothe Cautracbotoht.Boi ue is i .0 coco conietomriais. I lait off at the battis axo es . oi es uvin yocs 1fr tae a h. hands cf tbe carrierseai8Sp.m.. Cebeoostau.ioty, 1890. tbsmso vawu For sale by isictoaofetpage 70 et thie letar, aod are in the iaoce boomes. and ilis oov qoarles pool tro, O Ifosidiro. The abir ueasata ha"ve bas icco bave ogeltlisopaper aad punt. îoo oetr ~ rtoyiodhrlt ali. Ienbamm booa thbpareas ee csasty. SSOý. L..T.s i meeoeeslabovee tiso oSouille SyNeme r 4 b. ib Afîsscietdiolf r r1:ms olsmboiesaotatmatO meno. Waii, 1t euethbeaicnd heir ot Lace mire t baie a chaoce teaLd a booaed, ciîhtbdaod fmi for îbo ime. thoeclch sdrags. ne.Tronsooihb lit, vhieb ecos.eoef food aod à cai.io.tiîtocoopesco vilb yen. MoNally 50 taiag, ai lentt boLamebeso cosltalo e. Lao beauhinc lee glsabits uamie. Th. -If You WIant Tis fod ol d eontiJamecn oeh oul tiacieg oct dirino a bos atoooide of do aoy busines of asy khwidyel ouose-differenc cem ietDeabseo c ose cperig, bct iseamplo ta las&oeof o. thîbcisi i chbta ooiertheoroof, monorlthoearluieiycojy position, the bcron' ie'ocoam erOo neso moas Tise cbie oin ocated about oe and a wcobleahcsvey hadly by msoncocf butbopoeei veh ta lokaseood aod esîso prforsor. 'lhrsosa S o uhor hianites u p thc Klodike river »d thIbow tv haviog; asud Alfred ami avewboa liedoue. tout cf bot briof dcetloo. TheIban e Chea <secsliavac. le o a ico litho caia, Frank arc rhip #swing leatar tu akce csecicoleci. ciftbadt h ohefr d. e wofslotdo-ea tllland initrwuolievery comi.a fleur. venai. felablo bsd vo j$ety cf fout. IWatt. Tha tharmometar le-day regiataru 15 mOITLoIDEO ANSTDI5OTHDNDIi Tha MîlltIol uel, or lt iBe l.r I bold tbh e yel. r. Naliy aed Ms. demres aiov cero. This doat intar- f- ont eteoo teFo Ps a htoos i it Tbey vore wnu OC ta oeilfor 11.7Ù0) isimci.0r.-Wiitlammu sîsa "qîu eccotaMîtIlmo ml on.lc lisc eu-h hcosnelisoy vaL t e tloui t fbe Siace vsiliog laetplansa hue egalo t. vhPil. ean ieb o ossa E sh grou iteosa- cenry baiera spei, soliior sd hoo agai. McNally bas tise cp usa Ameat mosey io Otowc sud lie Hecaîoeyomrlyiod seicre 1h.e od- Go ho- tlseyisuLd netenoAos5islossfosLthhofids.lrcf igccut andrwiimlsy bors. îsiityrWhebaveibeeuotaoefilted one îreoutcldbestoppd. andilétsucsovo t 1es tld tises, lsd i5 bail eily tOmer, Iloicever, vini ge, soi MeNciiy sscy orsuace bheIbeeofelDr. Wi. more)i bourm te ailoli bie se. 150 en geid diseSItîsere le ceoceis a ciliiposoa isa neobrnâtle is e obina isoPinks Pille for PalePeosple, ebehe l Hungry ibo sasrduel hhm ero S Ieeisd te lobe tIse C")licd arceesi my m ccl oa ces pcrcbcoe; bct ve espeet (lebriol, rite cf Ms. T. V. Lilobriet, ..iso leht oly o foc ymrshb a erse , O L R orlr on A ir, ey, pcyable in Sas ta maea orscoeomeolc vilb leN aiiy te cf Hiclochcrgb. Ms. Lilobrisl brsps tl io -cm eftsthe oil rmp. aime of Franceisce.1ioothes" Psendrwe rietes icbsoaii,ifoneoeeccry. c grocoîoaithecarnetrofPcersAve. lhse seîoiieosm. Thes pin o o m Tbere you wîll net ail kînde sîcedictIei foersies got, L'p te the proetlriticgroeae acd CedrcStree,oeu-insWeiliscccn el ossd,lbutLic L.simiaerlatloatsod. and lire wcare nw. qucSded n geticg aout 60 Ibs.of a reat any popsiii bttaceasieilscd hi.ltyd sin ppoily c5.-ed Atf. ail pri riee. sed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . hismcosc eocddi ets iee 05 usfef r s ate l re t siîio uOlîra osfccii Poli Mliu Cooe. ,Tise bos e epeet e osrigbi out, provisieo. sud ocher Oiego eddfsa eleeisersc ii cisse h îel yeReedey. oed ielese tise blssso ei ite rs,chieS I cm sferaed inCaitl.Mie. c, siimstatesactblsssi evcccstmma h ie psysceeteofl ouset eo.lsif thsoe mocn e o ilii ile i.a secdoes eeendition dcist. oo-Imepoe ccIballuaAouND___SU_____ ________ ccey, teriefoiieepcand thse ice n. lthecuprigofell l ise wseael,,Ba-1suPoe eut______ tni îile4 eelsîis aed eeegisliscsilsey roeu Aihseeglisyececoutboy ritbçs food strerDg&osadcslocp isy theoeof ua-Tbo'vcictm.Iye secisie te geL eut, aneo îeably ciii er oee i atise sîtoses rany cye, 1 Dr.WslisoscePinPoila. SeigofDel 'Sdcorrectto nsetuccanes-ma in el gtl cou) loi amoss. le cou ea soiucoeesei Ibroghisl.s isieisas lisemottee c aJsocrncl reporter, aobe s fco sel yn ese, pou acdlsmoemuj-.akin .1qsence tieseeli efsoait u ee o fLiceecucis ad [Soiltecîisinsgîs. eateiltc hie aisble tagecabout ai Bosses Teemrlpt AND noce re ildostte,eor rstisede Lieg frowemlskicia Commercial Co.e.sieBcisole s i atresmool ;iser eondent or ehisy. ee redit lise lllcriec liicgs blod won pour. ebe vas sebjeclte _____ta__________ 'fictw by ae s ie onas1beedaobee, asoifait lirci lter tise R.pairing 1-n&ý Tieleiey r rbe e eI200 isafeu tocs ........S8-2400 aebghltenocasetice. Siso bcd rdad ce »01118999S991111 _____ ,eercaeaosc. Tiiysieisssvate t1cgecedeeorn......ii;00 diierestlmeofelcuresaetedisylise Ts cseirroeeemb sty cisi boss oetil ceoeupsieîsdor lesse dfch . ........l(0 ueo f Dr. WiliatesPiskPille, and TeelieflLg t nor h ,,oisle. Led elyiksme isecd Sste15 oiesîysse.Ss"ecbc 'fVarPfP,1epic)itocd liiicb ra is oecliie. butleresyeli 2gVs.a §........... '1 75 tblld hyflis bioes eaced cnnai .ljecj A505J050PeoapeofiaMiton1sd. icicet sm er e 1ssi pae eesdne; icLe p le isisori '253ub. drici ponceosc...... 25 tiirczoutiloli ue bcd taise eeaisoxes, la orhsi h uieso r olfre u curse eesisi elpe.es SIbo. apricclc......... ( 2 wmieisereeiderri berselisiielte A QUICt CMURFOR fRicarddoesand is psspcre taemoite iieng eic lcsti ees Iclueerplce- 6ec cisicig peres..... 5 co yered mi. lraLebrict gasflUGHbuS AND COLDS sidrepair aIl ciedmofcf Haicece ce tbe Sincco iest eriog iissie mes bleu 20 Iolise îosl ol b olmiu )4 00 airys strecîiî reeooemcdcDe. Wd "' Gohertdol nctice. A fcll lice cf boets iesee i ceecce, anded au ocol 10) lise-slt ............... ho0 ims Psisk iisueces aisesder and VeryîctcohkeRoocedyhint yo leida *jrc."liead fme 1ILs.srad ee ......... 50 ,....1'.s.~îc..i 5rei. l ioedef ~ iiOisOtP; . srsgbeensc e)etbe ried ltgiea lesCURRY CflM RS. ternie r, Loti, bisglos, Piolet:, Coder Poset,ae. JORN BOKEVILLIC MILL STRSEET. PLANING MILL fluors. Seuh, Blinde, Koulifl, Dlor and Window mc, hM. Lember Floîdîg, Lath and Shingla 650 TARS' De5lE Miae Dm1 Agents I ent WeMdd coih topplm ee. ADeminmaico itAgnt Wo- sagage teiihr isteror part Sime Wo. goasamtrc at cor Sho fre antDýevsrrmmot lospetr, tats ca fris &Ro suppIna@fremSaeJu gr belg the lran icourc seisinomhe cece ot sa lemee isandscmisin ci engieher oe rprtt isccsoemcccee eciontSo ss ck sor ie e r ne. a c a er i b oo t fc t Deer rStoc e es frusontiSanoem Onue& Wmri oeiingtorsnd d. for 0. mm ->>M>rlln Repeaters Tc dLogsclis o a mas 20eEecclS l DE5îiO5if.js N b. : osos em suu =os efr OsAs _d Le aOa lnO. s e. i. wh* .r by"P - 1, r UlaiMg Sp.tulL e Ati 50,000 CIIE andMifs-homo; m aible t seismie-odmIaa.e ou N. mesaeh.OrSuce' au. tfa ,e ulse-. Nemeices t. tenacmbc m tce ed NO CUREeNO PAY 4 OPlA Is. seesAi al. N stO h.oe CUES URRATED àilave.Te enne ftsaitflcl musa mosa î,. v 5K$ led tom, 0.usiecesc octec eer~ i 4 WECUEVA ROEE p RROT NesisiieIcOmsse-s iesiice eciuhvesi1 .m FZI IIEWHETE1ES KINÙ:I Wn9 ns tms Lfi&DRnu~i q(In EWHRo V>SZ?< 111E om /" aj ekIC HEairdware! ~~aaj ci fin Subuiî$bo ZAEznr4o S W P5!tSap f liait VSeuftIvs l, be i oo lI neueIsjwiimtbesuem et bha dnse sita 51M. b toe hu rfistise bhco Dgrlood . 1. l. ec bupwoa touAc-diî et. on havp nu0 sISis.tocs. O6tsouo iltsoîdeeIycW. beaebet ta uli 1ihuthet te brctaiieeésumaisisn.], tcrolog aigh rsso, got se;# isI4 a tobhios coster aed soea i, trhai drpsOW bis erp.ileceosi iunba $aied.1 ftp,55oile, ess i esy -qil D my fricet fecîbsi leu m!s555of dirsecticon se coories lteputsohowveor thieîiselesiîp; horsacbtob pasi Ibecogb Siane cou thot ettuers pameis lie un.lum àaspvov iw egrSsa0e5 Eue t afà Opounte lesàeill ocers, rsumahlesinanoeacf the aeoenleuels. stomsa ussao.d hy tho e santdieos oceserd uls a bossne eî-to.,fli sc. used, vbtsh, rersait Sp dcnclif,sîseu uuejct.isratmnuaelecoit. .clced- sondage cf aiIis tes t inbleuresof àmteobandihqavlile asp,î,siths inorsemt cf hi. sale. Colisl, antmés te o plansrvh n iswlissl hlm tIhosusim Wei uose Oi ecth. heosouiti imme orulîlicsrisocs t hbo li atablo.ltao mosîb erioe ahluartseottycre.d. Thecanuels%,cee-ses uors es udInehlasoi us lîîis issurtho aklm endo, bo etovi sc y fici-id cos suaoti Spthe doceso gleec li. ir,.Isiu '4, lise ceraoreotsat ci1itsccniuiet taeih ornecet te s roo cicalice. joce tis.bores 101 eccy bo,ire s ors cho, seeviebtocnielis teinfaes- tten my friand gmo.of hie pi-i ilstcey detlad ta pmmesr.bilocos aý1 t roueso granede stacesi tts siod bscie cuM(eeh rmvilnsfoir tho eetci.îlede, tee mens of y a to Ilvte bph tIse 1 hsisieisei-m upemal detsoc thse taetSone10 i i>e endisom atîsso; t, dngseco eeirSt rabe somadoSnos opecundlcitilels u Dudc "baoscuptio »thet .sbidiibosmec.4Id bve sisimilaosbu ooiseuibeclcsessl nt .io tha htea. f heli tglels and butas ucg bave -erIdecit vhs vau knrwthat the reeces f lise Ostoste poissns ta veideri0 issnere csstd wva s peymoeM-piei? Wbrlber as set oéeaihi-e, se ore m.à henirhplece cf thoe ssesief Iseloor, Inm ejoodtfraetehSeîiec the tsege. vitirusslo esceaseand tavait Sp thouids t10 oui ssea le Delly aoDmu. BIgha I e is, eldete b abrsti soindlâcesgthe Blicsscliielal TositaigoreLm bstcoelo ta esmenst il the ohmux Grant viIh ibe aii onlîelies aos- ooletlbperolps amelîcessîiel eltos a.e diestit. The sasi of Telisseis. se- evwý la mulita hoareiboea. e;leSdi-y a ltssgaosvhelidd a i s)id osIliS enstVbadmtla maolah ofieelcse ch. opecusd the mmatch. ThedlSslalip yodt, &ois, l.a sbditt aovte leeceicit hyta. Cumlsgu cf Col Grsantewhie the emua etf Tuîibgrîie(nid sasese i tresegaety thiDuras tais e l iest Seeie us Sgoullmi ovas smef ee s illes by an Elc5asepaieolrgsyss-cjo ec. fibo Skinne f Looulda, A,îseiiss ta theuotd tsucapoeib ,M.l-ris terttam¶cf Tuioh-iciîr es xIa- 5osscg un . moi 'Plshiogi" aide aime ,,oe1lacersu mughI . eoulgst stig oe le YsiOea tmslse oIl #Oour fe. Wh..airhegedi, re crssp the >h50bilcialesoirquei orise vlmterirsatuas. cbey geinSinelîce file, one bobinadtsacubes, uise th.peese man. Thirybusosv maouiy cix lechea eni spaea havas onhois nmess es thetaoitici ahe aie Isfon. Whss ec e,-)secs eebth fale oaala lteeolg ilspeneo.ho selma.fosuosiaso,seeiso iss thtoisef ab bf4ee i. aiomtb. pis i.o bloch 'PosIi, edsOpJàdmp boul icee sichinl frontf amsringofehsooemisandi thm boitcwua ocerodand1 .l i ou thémual. The osene binai, eoeîbies; ths fticer ma ouiw ualogc'sy, bey hi. Instructiaonseau beoci u '.Yi ns oeui hl-mhahaoioo o beau.lisobtl. ant aee oh l e cDd t puest <hem eutsanguuescas- tl 11)lied aetres Msse fipttDpodae mahocs se -Sesei »Bfi Aiensalauen51tsabjonaki suIn ber bonda istu. ri imosseell maiUth"iber bbase t ol lis ber tbat a. @oto ai va tebubt ssiiejpil wu e oe.5h.emi messd ScI. subllhet bsOobe la ctRsis Ses tasI feu havo -m thsionuj a.eser mupsSsd taehnoato i vut.te bave va ir,. isubPatree-Teu taM me woa 9oud "atohdog rha pou sou *5to51$ 0" 1"ut vet harga sec el -bouce vhco vrm ail avaj, andiatire- cuare, dogsami *milig %f5a 515 th d thsendb lèe sn uatl$ tims 4 et M uui e n . sattbsdeutg"duisle tr'11p obuhattum 9sC i, poredlesta s-aapnit tavai goe lttI eai% ~ ~ il aitage~eS ee Joogem :r i Un fmi Stases a <badirecehm bsm àuae~j,.UlisedSteats a sues ty cf vi hCao.