Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jun 1898, p. 3

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S Our new lystelitof buytug à idu amo ru. î We soul at such prîces that m 0» aveyë n *y on alanot every purchae. Ma&e a nme f 1 (p d test it. We undertake its fulfilmnt. Try n S PRESENT NEEDS:-~-Oqo PARIS GREEN, PURIE AND PuESH. INSEIJT POWDER-NOI49 BETTE& i OP LY PAnS. STCKY FLT PAPES. i 111IIGGINBOTHAM & CO.,~~-a loc-al News. I21taaa.c vmaaSdtt s -ararm~m tmooa. Da. BUmC, of Patoromo, asma w -Rmooo r.roaiomna ~Taeiay. , 25. 'et Ooaoo Lotay, of Trcalo.masia ., MIN.mNoil ateor..nami.,ill b.ï tv o tepautfem iaya. ta~ as ila own on Smmiay. _tsoc fT.0ad ifsfrTmm boni allomiai a vry saoamfat c o r . K .g a odan dp a r t L J a s . C a v a m a g i 'a , T r a . 0011tiat(ta,. iogovluaitigL. The gags reciîta ta IflP. (., iii aow ituat,-i et The taet-iaea of Pre.sirahboma 001 î~.Tboem juis peei ot aIl; iumIriami i ATMN lo of t hThom &m tCoa .Sampls..T Os sl t 01,0 0ptoambar maait-t tomprie«o. cal eariy. t' heooetof 0&M0). To£anmmivrary<mervami0of EKnox w< tod&l mtmm-of 110 omre lJbochwrm o.micadiayRv. Prof. -10010 ithe, C. P. Il. aioa îy t Halatymeof ox Colléga, Tooto, ii<oomoto oî Slooiy. om Sonday. Largeooagregallaaam at' athestoù 01 tadmi Irth aaraag ami iveaila 1 "Y iythebi atCoomtjoionera D*vaooWoALE,aofNewmWestminster, XamitotoIlous, w hîioto ii ho B. C., ami lai rothr. Wittiao, of . proed %)Oiiolioth aa t-en Guetlpacmpb omapami y lhoir botter - - i. alvma. are viiiaa h, tama mta. au 1-f I<i thetmotiit.iogioeumstckatbsalencooet 18 ara. Davhsami liol. adtuoooan bats maa iea. business in ah, Wes;m l oambaer of, 'r prigt )Trebtl', or o. Kng nid tendmaks. pmronaaao linî.îîýotiitay gCho,.t,. loaotsmaoa.-Tlo oharge of stalatg ,a<Om auta<mryootltlaidhy blira. Meaco of y <ioo olîo-iiît io la ibmth &Geretwnagaimt au Ar taondry; , îooiteot-l,.oooa a ueo.Uof tam Craif, .dims a i.,gticorfetomautaliresot.tOhmsur-lB"' ,Uqtlda, -hd 1.%vas pm entlrooaaoait liehIraitanon tb. arta- 'ETt.i.tiA.to1 .-IlaoDeoring ctoIs.taten by alte, mhiob maliOlmd ii, H, o Co '0'ooet.MI., Onatario te abr lbaam from tliascoaaplainant. veofýj est~ mîan t(s))1 a ltieat I lf to 2.50. ami- S ot l ik .'S 'p ~ctory, P 1\IILON. ' EN OFS atlpOi,ag Boy. J. H. liasOalla _pîmoeash Bowoling Grenu, (Diocome mf Niagara) Wm areoverym.ory Os Iar thatoming A te ilt-liaalîh Mr. MacOiit mibasaeuc olligri gosusmpmaad mIl mork for the pre o aenal. but marnaoli hope Ithsttetrip oi niilahoproposia sl tellet heOld q Laudi milI Iboromgtlp rola bila for a mrl om bis lr.-rmtUniversitysa (aaIm.INuRAamo.-Ea.Maymr J. R.: clColloan bu bsna mgpiaei general6 agent for Osistamrict 0f th eafaier. &tien Lit. Association Iriiai»a. sai f th e liimig oh lim .ompaai.m of ,or bta ahouritlilaO, iwarehanppy Os "oY tht li cm eetoooing miah gmalfyimg s= .Tîare i no baotr imvestmont Iban a nom forfitablo palimy#a a nmi il if, assurmancecolapany. man oonej mIte givra lMr. MoColloruauma pplatioalaoa, mitI bave maosemIo regretmt . sa At--o.ooot-a, Cbm.Wilson, grâoom n 00t or, woo mmm omliooal 10 lia hoOas a Iwombeko mgo 0411 opprmdti, W"a Lakeo.<loamo naio lamt Fiioy ifiat 0 adl momperatedom on ,Ib1.r i....om0 Satmrday. W. are ptoeml Otenay tat iei reoovern.....- Jothan BmialIm son, of, wo nuderwenten i tperatilut ImITbarmiay for ohe ahivm a uomploiot andi mham rscovmrywm a Ioo,bd open a, don obîfultla. i nmg' a o ai a. . .bToa. Crmir' lsm i Bon, of Trafalgar, bas brne amffeming atmty flo,.m ynptoma5 of mppenaiiti. St-iooSSoe. SvomorLr.-Mias F. F. Deao iasbmmpuassi ber ftnal eoam.. at eouoo o ne0i om ojctt, for Ohm degre maftI r.A.pb.ytih itl bOs oomerrei em bon t so.T. R. Laworenor, of Sheridan, bo, grodootoal fron thte Toronto Mdi- ,aitîhbool ad im raalte commemnce pramîlor. Missem E. M. Omobrît, of Iuloito, anal A. Wilkim Pattermco, of lObkvitto. bote pielal 0the Oird yrar exmaithîe Toronto Univuersityt. W. E-dgar RobmrI;*ot of Millin, ami J. P.~ Frank lVillianm. of Georfntown, lave f iadttmitrtrmmto .<d yrar the P lTavinto Moalital Stolool. amal B. A. C2ohue,iiiity loimmît in bVictaoria Collegn, son of Boy . H.L. Coho. Ior-n- oterty of *Palmrmo, bas rmefifed tho degro of BHA. TIo..Joyc., 1, mIa hall bmaa tolfmrimg fr4 ly ou flever for the tJ pmmî ~ K towh aIhiemfatbmr'o tI P,milmmo M afai25 y raan moi Il Mntahe ai maombmrm cfv theo Iamailyha mah mmm milhia Oir cooptaimî iabco earty in the .priaoag. t and o n til csnffinsaitu bis W wibt il. Bai w a s mpposm od 10bctIe t caue ofthe fevrr. Tboidecoae Yeomng I man aom well kmownin onhaiLvmg attmniei.oohooi haro soreyezati ge, I al~ later bhabemn nmaployed in dOm bl'telr factory, ami wmst10hbat-etartci. c te worb in Ibat imtatolion agalo Ihig wrrl. Great ammpatly in folI for hla parents in Ibeir leu. The foaaeral Looh plaee Ot he nom corotrvbora e 8er0 day and wmu an eocoplioallY large CoNtovoJUDmamoCmaîrNAaoCOURT.-Il Jack Armstronf, of Trafalgar, appoar- ed Irfore Joige Hamilion on Momiay, bavtmg been ommitloal for 'teial 0, Mayor Dior on.the charge Of mlcalimi a Ioneh lut DeormntIr faom Win. Bel,, ef Nmîmon. The informaloameluh Mn. Belt in April, afle aviof VmimlY triei Os gol Armstrong O. pay for Oh. lamb. Acorring ho Oba ovidmaeO Armstrong Imfougtîhl ab fro n the promecolor. paii 50 coat. an moeualni aaa iilmasmagreoi hslia ho aate paY th. balance, hofora heLaook tham im amap. Ho saît'lim rotler fier it t Mr. MelMullrntae., macra fi mas lepI for Mr. Bell, ami the Iroîber Look il mmm; miahool payimg oae Obalanceof Ib hota Tadioe heu Ibat M. aît bai itaei toc tong &,out ltayiaag tha information andmi lijiathOsobaI LaTIa On SabordatY aigial liaf .1î of Amiram Wilona, Elg Ha=J! tam.washochi Oysm ampau.m b a frighOfmt omiieS mh- h * nia 0 ai r mmi imrginr a th omi Aa- a00r lmihaer of Je t-miy Wmnamaa smi" iluWIamutrlidam B ma miOt ligOtfit in brai. l nmolitigfor Ib 1u11nm. Hrl aidahiastarti "0ame Miaala ao foia a e!frem taop taualet y iia s hi em.Thé. fiS0f tem Uhmmba t i.Pion ai6 maaa4aB lm lii. a boa k, n Mm. Raala flomialfor a km V mbrèr, Dr. W. Ko.i 8-a rai aay fram i o Moua" mraa ="."abSa. aaDhf l Taprisalem Dowmmorhing. IL K hamm5h hi. rmodlacia aoIn themar. The Weil. 1tora boiag mR proteonsemaWmU. lgoimg abmami ami ti @AaivSe.-Oabvitl WzL.aUa F. Howî j.lT7r simel Mr. Home ma« paoi aIe bote] noam ye mmi.laTr&fagar, be daoriltatBUnest t amoimy milarassnat. reativesm&"amisai faneri, mDoesimilh tam Chibi. 5.tmamav, Juga 1911 Sosmay inm onnamon Is S.S., WhoumIbm Pa spoinao rmom 10 .Ii) ta. paressudmiibm ail timily mmliat fi he amaoot.raomaiay-4 aftermomoo 0en .1 OL comaplotei omir morh. Deboal milIlmait ai 8modav morimf la Every ome mil i ha- thue servicms. - Ilatir, araihrof îigb arboal, committ my ligt. Pppllm AcelousarlymoMoi covarei the boiy hac of00,éorc. Dense» of &boat 65 yaara, là ouit. beavily of lots. atjoyiag tIb h.lof muppositas a fil Irmat on Smaiay apt ani aller raliriaf ochool, tuith off a8 lotmasi his ortia fomibimim. No imqt heoorommr Oboogbt MILON CmamAVER was seltlimg day for ag mil t 0tlb.Mil Oudiimfby Ohm aimilei ancea Ohmy mua% hav, salialiwith Oh, pri me.W. mîfiara paiiby test,asud Ohe Sit-ecIe@. thoa 54et1 tbmir mil,aaidaom- a 70ets. TO. &ver&@ rg by th=praoft sierea goiSfra iaformedmi he maaou t big ieamaai for tIbm ani chat Iboy Coai Limes as an.ati if ilc etlly biah' t wbo es.moite0cmt marbra ric. Oaa aid anorobei. arllan the ormamory. ami propr,i il inmia labtia ooumîy for a1 oakv For momo inethetO oerry bawkrtoinla 1 factory havo ehemIa orico poid lor mabial tim conta a hmm<rei. aaraiag the maitt wban a mOulke wao0 mami mas mamie 10 mareoom, Tbmm toaoemly letII employer@ heli off1 the bopo thaa the eo auroltemork;tbutîo miesooof Ibo trion aith menbirsof Mm renaît Womas Obthe oivemvn cents Pai out Ohe atrawbmrrl prohablyo ,mmlit Oaa mamlgera wu moali hava bama mal ffi groera t ai bbat.. AI Oh, l baomîpiny hall otmag sm tbey Worm madm. Tetlaiesof taa are ortaimly asq Tbay ihave maie t etramhavy festival aaorrom(Friiay) apacioma tawm or IB pro rmme mail Ou sud Ohm fumons Bral Os Prenat.The lh braa jhmraia ara a for oetosOs boit!inl St. Joia'a Ijoarahlà aidaralion. W. Wynaa. propri ilo Ohe pnmioaf il se smallitoines eulail aa -mitvi lv iYki'.d sb udv Tai imoarmalim « iatiy smaidmic unique proportions. ohirloi IL Tam 1 E.Ma B. Cattit atuent, nar Six"a by4: ameoaMoo The yachtl Claaaé tamobai ita Mlariats & Aralle b0 Ala fatad m tIi OinMai Pr tewaisita clmin. P atWfaaa emr lf0 ab leti apmi Ives la au mdmgu iumaffl L Wrd, aet8mai.., atiobi h. a a. Mion armng ce muitisa a imImgr aid damomagU wrcrm antata la Il. btabalmo bs l aid ina tediable, n, oftIbm Mmrry f >, ilb Ibmaitiion mvaenle i orhimu V Mtiaftrce for adei a., wuo fWilliam tm iMe a8 aga, ObatObufor aimg la Pms.beatab EbETRNtanktotornum onde fr he Wbic*ibaoaptbur sâam&d tIm @&. iear nOw about to boom am» lýae.for the mat mth or six weeks, wbich ili intm"et alà Nid.*nà Special Offerings E DRESS GOODS, LADIES' CAPES, MILLINERY, DTTt5(Nq1 Aw LACS.Af cemtr on We ia% ataaimg the mpme a miow mai ,b, ili e Flwer Blouse Silkî 30c. yd., worth 50c. A witb h. MeIboi- 1000 yus. oummer Prinas .>1c. y, wrh1 *atoo. iît preada a te orholara. WiII_______________ ai Who anirn at.mî tl th fiowormare la I oactorh Bmimriay Spotted Muslins and Lawnsa le emnmillmmMay limbaera of tho Fancy Organdic Muslins & Cambrics,, 1 thewhoolrSm.Fancy Muslins for Blouses. ,mado wlmo taO oaymow.--Jomph fh Georgetown We boys the Best Cottonades and Fancy Brown and mbo arrivadfin..BIte Denims fit 20c. ever shcmwn iay mormmtl die.* on our couniter. :iu framnthe top- fd.who meaaum tai hea iniahiag Mm-Stramtiabmain Nelo., Boys' Sutas,28, 25, 26, 27,.#250, aaie hai ms boas Wortha$SIl0 =ormr on. orth 13.75. .1 of iesopni.amp M .nTwedriSmit. iammnsevaine. sh ase. H.emWastira Tweed Ps$1.25. to ieiolWamo.b",. Th'e homomahe of OVERALLS aidSMOCKS in the Domaiion lroma inthe for 75oc, worl $1.00. taimp eotes sudma boit, in mhicb Ibry _________ m ont mmnee OaIasWidtvfolues ài mu ea dat. rth r-..iodaj Spools WALL PAPER t Cluaring Pribes Itom raamary,smi d 2c. M on s0oir oe. -a toen pralîy mal Each, IjOLLINRAKE riea go fan Ihi. Bain. ad&Hthe paron 3 cD z& S N rrmainry hors ara 0 .D z as oivri a bigh o5aa0arta~2a5rta5a5a5 10ewa N. Jmig- bmtter,.tlOsin .oua- ), andebhave booa moager tIaI aer. ia ir buter formopaorl ,Id iima f fnrRich tE ifects lutrsd uoeia SU tngs --m *gt the higbsî * haag i. makiaf Ag. Smcions I he We have exclusive effets, those whîch cannet tmay il gmw aid possîbly be seen anywhere else. Iha beaiati tomg ima. -Our enterprise and lýnowedge of buyîng prnperly bas cul- ille. minated in our sho'ving to-day the greatiet valueo evef i makara of mOaw- ao Oskvile basket g lmaen mhimh wa. W , BEWS' SONS, .Last Wriatoiiay iromashabai, rgaiaei Mda mi. a th maagmrm fer botfea-iviîe amTomI inson's Uniment. ýmptoyem on d ra- .cZua-F R NEURA UIR ~ llrLJIRAM E miawa Il d(Aobiooo a aioî,laoreDuiam - , irîoloy. t-uit ).Otiooiorsm ntt W- NFrA.t, Ii ltî ttî pr ieso,in 1t deti,.for nit-qoa<lOy of foc4,0 chauititableo o-1, detiomrrd et t Mei, lt.,o. 49 : mot P-.-..amîm-Thorn lre A e, lst- .to<ly mWho, tu. len.troma -..,tillhmtotlomf rloto th;- .oî lente Io lafo-rm, ootOc l ittîtnlleiagfro.o c»ri,,a tmueititoufi )t&. .-I<aa i to -to d.of1thoef, 1 sitaçj.iodt-mi. lemorl. - - - tO.aaroatat-lrtv in Italiena andolbottmau ,b.JrIta el-, Stii<,i, itî t Ib h.iiretotir.tod f romaVI -'li t--i.% )Ih.aamay frniaa< !ý,J r)te i-,,atothouli iela i 1.1i oe t. t atolol )oiooMilto.i i i t-r tot, bavelIttooth ooo 1iaI t<t>, t I.I t- <-t-to t ler thamo o iý le nlt- 1- lloi0o0 1i -%h o tvoo <triat iiaoiliort - o10.oiioLiot weekoomeeting et - -..ioîy îotiiltoiokigooa, «il -odr the uroiotmtnceo.anda 1, i t Ns ]& te tfor Rot Piottge o -t t - hi.s ot titooJAsm .obîtooa. i ti toKv Magistrale, on A tot.t I 1<01<1--A gardon pr1,001 I- .. oov)lOim îtheboLadies'-oAid -1-L ioflMr. AbiS, iooogalii lot - iiit i - j(, loIii.iog, o. l.ridoyeg, 'Ih-fýlh-tiltalenitt mba b6om J.me0mtic o o-oot, tTo- int Neitilel'lil, ti et-on, Mltontoo h i S<toy t,olorootto :Hic, ýbi. - t ,t)and .tut1,1.., bani. [i- %il <0. .. dt, 0)1 hall00.tittdOt17 a l toni 11ronii-, lootottiofage. Ad tI. ii<i .lîo)iaoooInstitutto th<b )1,îIul taimo<0Gutlph, w.ill Toit010 O<oifo a ,-ctiitotoi 7 inoda grtieaiîto it,oit.tlio- o)tit ile odl Fmooîî and -o -.L iiotil i- tlit opportoaoty of i i,,c-t. C.Iîop 000000)0ratms bomo 1- ,-i,edord o<îîîtht,(<PR. omd ((T. S-vî &otlîtr ootoo. '101H lOTos. Littv. RroS-1apt. i Iiti ,osrth< oI No.. iCo., Oabile. h- roovotoed sdoillbc hautmeedoilby t.yiMoDooootd. C. B. ~onom l 1.jootted scond-bt ota-l ho îîo-mpamioom*are poopaltaa go to -oit oTîooity, and 5emprospcts1 --liat tho rolitooat .1 beinagond -No., o.7o w iitp ademmî 6.30 :y.îîid&yandmtch ootot Mlbodit i ,îhi,,oro itot. D1..1 ider wili -<u'(NE! STONE1-.! STONF 1-Hav- i , 1oedtfor aoter. ooyeara theires- .0 ii quarry0on. f. 11SOotto fartu, nar ol,. , gtd lmine lishpoma, Miton,1Ia ir-.tsrd t te it id, of frmrtone, ,t, , ornes, f toodooto t. Aoimiom mile idg o<gwoobtoted dfor. Hymseline <i voîuîoobio lriolOtO1lope tareceivO a .1,000 of 7001 1itromgr.e-CHARLES l 1 (; FS ; rtidtoolt,,,nar the pulieO iîIî,ol, Mlton. 57-ly IIU to-ATvTHEît-.IîOoto Mîmr..-Oo il. Vabmo, secoondsoon of the late Ioiiy IWatson, ,e Milton, ha. bran o<gagd for ooto tioto as overamer in ti, iao minesiot mattaohry,South Vhimio. No.. bs otuorsttuiefenily j_ ileoItm to eroootly bbis him l iooootoomiltva beau hammer hmoimf 1,oaocioelmiidroppmd opota hlm i.otit tromaI liolgtOf .1abotforly tlva fot. lse tàa noodmotoiaamfor six imys sud id beno ttaroomekn aoipital oo iîoo ranfrot. [lism odeical mtted- <o) BayoaOthait lbahe, ohim framn ilotto was bim remaranlbî y nul CO- oit.tiom, but tlat thamba 101 il h will ooooer in duemtom. Wm h al; theb te oTs. mebis -orb. 0 'GREoAT BAe(AINS aOR01CASH AT Omo. SkTOiRp.ysARmtoARou til utr notamice. 1()Ibsh. Wro Nain fo,. 24ta 6inafor Si5cts .- 12 lh. Steel Cul Nait. aay ie, fr tIms. ; Wilkinson ami Flaury tiov.-ShSremS iit.;14 1bo. Bkwwk FPom Wirm for 25t. ; Traip Homi 2ol." Oi. Scyihe for fil.;tSaatiaaiio.. 10e. sud 6.. t Poltry Notimg bc. qnara yard. ; foreen Doersan ai tguo70.;t Wwoi eScreenm trom .200-mb ;Ore"m Fty Wir. bc. ft., saap»aSie"Osi rai Miei Pitl.liltao; 'FialoPaI trm liais Mai everYthu lu la .barim liao Sal domi. Mr. Thos. Martin, 1121 Wilson St., Hamnilten, says: o'II was a great sufferor from neuralgia for many yoart, and could get ne relief until I was advised te try Tom- linson's Liniment. One bttle aflected a complote cure and I have nover had it ince.' J. A. ZIMMERIIANm Drugglstm Agent, HAMILTON AND MILTON. trip ami reumiacdini Toronto ever MAO1E> ight. AI homeo0f mrilimg ah. ireiga Iag(avIm-I becti..bth. pI in aill t aI mrhonaOe samaban, but " 1ev. J. J. EcalillO Jmeph Omvie Contrant itt mo on anoplei. Whou Elizabeth Lake, boOs f Omrgoiere imhm*etIhe riamml il n m iepth CuaLza.ArrLa.-Oa th. Sb iamt, il of forlasm fma, sofflimal te moomme Othé BO. . A.mitasitl, ROb. cul date oompaeoliely lnaflvemew .Ai; îap, MO.Forait, On Mima Miggle AI ytil i. ol Ohoma mhas hée sora - mIle, iaofhlml 0f PtéreAppelOs,t mmml"I mi emcoliae ntraal. Tha »Z onvmrofahiaam pou" stamm, White Hnorm.a.CowA.-AI thn re.iiaDm Stm«, mra'at aneraeallp, ":= tOsabrlie, lema lien, Teafalgr, o arraamotiabIramigare M.I aJmeM7Os loyev. EL maceama. excdma Win il@ Weil ,JohnmW. of ier, il ih.,1 aspplei mth maie oom0vmpaan6 Mima HarelatlA. Coma. way empeaboule DIED. A bn hermabaoainoft AM.D. Ford J..ema-lm Nata na Bthe laij 1 M4-with a p- ~~~Mai a.PIDuuJonml ia ae 7 ia WB& Ma"aon ahm duraaag Ibo m t w-t ntl &aaor thn rams, mhaa t ma i a " boeu, bita esamo h ao rami Bm ordNt mw &mmapthaIl lad.m 1Ib t. Tain aea, uitm mail ,lme tebove% ubo. @.Phmd UB ao , lu asJntbel ,ma lr peanstal"aà. lIbmi mugé,fI. Amma Imima. JJmm- a TM -ONODMmsa. ~ m a ~ M ~ puae, il'ucaBo ~.ftlbiIIb g&a5rAi 0 *a*ahe8&'oma., u nesp. epi s. b 2dà llgia av auet ~t~iatOta1 a i. wufwahl a ow prw&aisbila gelé Umm cetai tllWa sagaigsésaf. 5a ufoa mi Md at. »M At Bargamn-rrives.Mdt"&dete rwDl et *0 grtan- ---------- ~m atiwmtar mrlalway, w.ov _____________dé lowls dm m a".»malth. Je"acdthe vamh.d pavé. W. mt enuM s S hflmilagthon mOlm IaiW Our bramait ~'II91A Iwh wmu bo Dr thmmb ta ur aaolb ---- ----- mli l oaka Dow sud mgd 1 o ma e ta wflnaijool Hom ne ..rmi te a Suits for Little Boys!1bn uàlogtse imgOO ufi y.armlmj boiase, Avohor Pl00oam Suite for Bigger Boys!wg oeme etese uIgawel for th. porpama 09 galbmiafuP Ob loiW Suite for Young Meen!1 r lm rises. Thon a ol Pm S it, dlml.. oit jara-tl nits fo Biggitiensthrll.i oelar mnt w atol@ lutO Suite to Suite Everybody!1àbwtigadwthamni ullne l.aen tbe flore mtb ammbviolnce th*$ the craahy ihotona followemltlb. amople r Odd Pauts and Veste IiSut aoie n ue IVI h -------------_______es. ma.m mohooasuo mately tu amidmrmp- Our clothing is up to date in style and reliable in quality. o lle hra mwu ahe odi ahoo1osa Tfhe aaomy of IH c boaa .k tO.unmllte ____________________th. praaodmes of a b11oilolleter, end oe Now is the season for WALL PAPER. We are Show- th ma" im Iaon of 0 aua ficaIhoothe abime . marm Oaf biharp.a ing soIns elegant good-the latest and best thinga in the 'miommatarîf lteah it w-hasd.aof or flii miarket. l1.h. -hMmaa10 imm oevo- th-ra y Wea uic have the newest thinga in AI-wool, Union, Ir Adt...0ahl.I..ha- and Tapestry Carpetsl. -AOhimla Jouirnal We are clearing ont our stock of L.ACE CURTAINS ALDER10lOT. at bargain prices. IL.Qm.dWher a.U.rtisah aailo AliamnOî la a ract of. land four or Ève West fr.m omnom. Thoitia .11l otoiîh H EMSTREET BBOS. Tho oor mla alghtly Foules .r0omJ et >.ldmrahoaamlcalmly le a go.ID --------------------------------- - fer .a.moimg reps, gacemofront 10 loopo gr.. . . - -- - -- - onmh.o Svenietent t e a n1y thmo nt Sumer fl ai Lace Curtains :1,on bsath.aoobmmt0ol. hhave bat.. a 0: Underwear 3 yds. long c:Am ar, otals Dg llm brrao.amad quaz- 10 women s sîizes 56 in. wide ,:0roaeoaIth atorconommasd mmaIO 0: 5c. up. & ~ 75 cents pair. 9 oapando. lamrmth gaso idamIn- 30 1ouac.a.dby ylor 1go t-o.1fmthoat 1 3 maiThom luttrfO odpoml'ttmar , S»thon 9-SU Illh, 1. aAI S 3 utea llumy ho.. 10,000 O"("00 1 1 a lo4lorellvte ohrepaooly thon.. 90 10:The outls, force prudent1. mu0tr00th. cflî and of aa fil" of higO h ck(0.0)10a ::DRES OOODO îinhorienai, NEWS PRINTS. wdo oidtha, 1letnn grrift.'eu-.ny ^ ot h, 60 Oo d 10. hie.tomogond 30: The aroupeama,. hPl t ï. mooid.o 1. 1 M Somoial at25e aod8me. patterns, fau olora,118c50& 100 :01 n laem.da moma.04 S Mena Blue Ovoralla .îth Ba, oegoioo 75c. liuhor 6e t 33Icora ar ammt day at oto 000ttOI a KWommma sBlouss, Ofaicl. C oo<ptoo'm Cormeto, o0t0100:flîor 611 lhmér.artasooobtm.d, iuo,ottof lia. witb wite olr h oi1t1 iam O 3ttjt oom m t tO000 o rtm t iah cu0te mafpecil el ealt. to hood; reg lilo i soc. painc c o lnainrfor àilol, oom,i, 0:Wommmaa Black Cottom 110.0, Geet dom ye colore, w'toatm0t, 10 0 t. Th. ooo.OtOOaof ooh .».n ...,orla Ma ma 0 'Ut foltomod ly a otiit, 1 ot <. Boys' lack 3 cH ,haYthmat0îo,îîoo ~ ~ora omanddtoe.In w toh leedao t aheeHomo, ribm, doublem toes adhoatm. ospiodid liesoî, mai iOO. Ij c tpointtmth rtbm.o1O1or tf. In c0 lt themaotoottoIn ,hih the aevu a îaMena WbiteShirt, 75c.e. Mo,.BWk bSohImoShita 75eand 81.00. 0,01. -mtoo.îom eboi0 îtMena Sort Shirts, faacy atripe, jot the thiog fer warni .otoe. le H , . rpmm a igmlmI. Mm'a Lioou Col a,a&Ilaises, stad p and toodown<. îfI M 4 Ply, regutar 2W. fon1te,' Th. Imînd or W.11-.o Woao'a tilt lovoa, blacb, <0000.0 and tam. perfmt ft. 30c h 40c pr. 'y' fît0th.m ppoa,,bibI t la Soootd ta a~s dh .mof.Wii.lo tholt. ho Ootm Red Salmon oc theIi Oh rckr.... < 1,comdaro000pur e-11--ocof 0:Cor 8for 25c. 8îIbmoimfmm Soape We havea fe97 ' pt. t,îati.Th,,moodtg . h b fr25.Rd Cabmge Pickles 10c. Sets, reguitt or o. Dîooo or .1Doncan MoPhorsoo Hofomiot, of cO foF50 o o0 atGitrardtavenue,.idom popotoO n1istî.bo. bttle. Spea'did Ts, but or frEnn,.1PPltes. 1 m omoo oriaIH.oaloehm.ahheaword of th. oîo I t 25e 105 Slosgo0. sihoTa. chia ata td Hootm 1 arie. ,nd ho ami. 1h.0t Iha. [o00 ID'0: c 2c ait00mt. 101 andd di fo0 mm.0ta woIthe 1, - Mt hTmoth mlmu for centurie». Th.o a-rd nt Too.aCool hBASTEDO &CO. :o: mhth. «m.roo hghi.ndr po'0ly 1m Sc0that - mPa ferr ý1td EO. trmhttte bhlîftomd ist..ot foooid.teý ----------- - ------------------ t p. -- -- - --wlgha. thla,goOr 57 pou.o. orl .-oY anm ..m lob ,a tout mt omoil, and nt evenmSandow ottttttoielci Il for Ove amte. a 0r.ode,. 110. MoTaish aootf the firetuo<.m.scs tort, sud hoadds tht lbtt om bud of bh,.ot.,,-hlà R, J H NST 0N 1Oh. SloToh-wutld useitaIo lott,,, <md hhI, atmomoah w@om. at tIot wttttmî terrible 00010<10.0ho oudctr t t <ooom anmr<o.dhttfrointhù tt,î t tothe ), Furniture Dealer a oddeofhifmunctr.P- of ba. Plm0,0.01 Ioromra., Hor. toaer AIThm dmoRttOt ta<oM o ro . Th.m .. a t,, i -v OPP. TOWN HALL, - - MILTON. rro ithooàoo.0m fqxr, wth ink hoda scatre.d over t A felo rto o ,0 frtoood In hitettl0ttfothî0-inO toît ma.04a ovm.ry e0<),, oabgoThe. 1 aingloe1,1<1wu@. omanivth,-lml s)), rm ami, sud . oovotttîft'hit,-<~.b0 mateil, 00.0 thoso stalm,-o tlltis mm.riorl .wt hte 5<10kaW rpo, !" S= al-Sa.a O, mm.UbtheObl 1lm tJ- )t,,ttt. Th;.prrMdhmbou cldoott.wtto-1,<id liea «areommaaa2..T o f lb. luandm o.ohlttt te The o oàwdtko0t Ta ittoal mt,I ndi M.rrf'UA E Pinplatsudlinmthoe00-n0ta, ,.-) c the; byTO CASH P R H Ê Scose&toa 0a tmlong o1w-aO-Lt.A <toto Irdretaimg tabtle oottto whiot otttao Pnp eu w. 00 0< ww a m h i mtt,lintt- M afý 'Pioadecp fr111 of 1.0. at aob on,), ott jîtot %.,oppomtlo tb, matrool Imtho 400,. oa FIRST-CLASS HEARSE IN CONNECTIONa rmn tben-t.-deýi oI6 ta -, se .00lmplot, md bhe.-oto U.Il ato d inltr and tbh.a pal. S».imd of Pkt oomr tc.At aaamla mîidoT 0oo mttey wmnolmmm Caot.eoa+vnf ~ a.o, polatrei .10k pîmO at omtonta, e, SaifcinGuaranlteed. rrices inouerate. hmTm,«a pllow open îtfi fthe mea IJoemaaeaotomm' A lOttr .110e romtlag ohoir .110 ma ho saut tematch Ibheottmdow »ot waa neti lutiat andokoaisealolatol0h1 arssr ohit, . A<rldrmi bok.llot W Oti rour amette . A 1001 oohmbtfIL 4 Th., Ioor wm oOetl mth troliol 6"d veno 1 tok -o9e f4hL ts tere.. in sotîmg. le cmpa.y aisbh. aomaemaurio re 3r bumrsi lirmaib- bu. TOhem"omn0f Soione, am Il kamdy is ofr aIa oieapptp of masketliaimOtasud Iakim amay m fast omlrpriicg body. raman»omte fora 4 p h. boi to lmitay Sha. 'lbh e frnmmiasiby h mbr utio im. mIte brae iai il laiem cf thebm by. amaigprpaaiotm al mmk or go, mai batm oIme ua non-e Iorýaf h'm, whaI ho lalaaa Os Os e in oheori. Tiat er-birdi lorriar, i wigl hetroucmM. eg i actva mbi sot aeom Os miai Iti m.Ir Wynmms aa agham, of Damias . iIidoD a Smmim *a Theafsraif m Tormm. nira .m«ar m »m haima 314mesi qbm 2par. lau bo m riaif. Pirow. at Tomats, Il hitit-< i .1-i 101 -ort-ne uliton. re lSt nsP

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