.Uaev. Jfl 1 189 0eu. iw ki Have.. -a Le é AnuWMbar ofMysa teBitsPnrigo uipth e a d i n idoi buquuheei tt y« mmt bssn» a n oue qai idy rî e î gar aulDiable d -thle Ut t7 ue eua ed a euraMlaid Wiaiaau de it'Dg E mA; =g" 2o f t h eCaussir d for il.Tht e ie bdue 0 " o " » bu - it tNM r ootiu fe l i n b50. Mau 4 ~ te d uae u U b à l O ~ ~ i i v a e o h n n M 1 ittttttlt th hiia adrul ta mli OMMtt eb&yW a" BéCor- bu= etu dMameb r àuuaNo M butbt e hIé ixuqutet rrtb u Teamûh raaen t P C rantag - j. mate i4 owA nr et. ua e mte< rhlW audlus P od.ni y,.M Ceu . 1àéé8 - .I a* d y 1 4 > flw c os d a i a0 l futtr i eraj Cabt mefrt b be e r r la tmW oosaaà Mn tu" astea m tinthou e ds ad c met th w s hornrey , atve f k--. meteD aich dv*te thau ý mft Atshye tteaadrtet in buhl tu arbe " -ldtaM mlte et ionferai Oetlmilît e lms. ~ tica .ie . trt b itirh ' ~ f& " " l a enbesteAmrm 0vrmett, rattP.iWà ttebbYTd«mM - bW ialhrtaadtherteu onfu e l ig uvr e oDSt o & o.ilte maiestup nu triale i@hactiatattAitib, tahetueufautai ofte bta b n d & A t e t they at ih Tht ptreW aEL CtOl bave ue s-o tEefam 7 r.. 1~ a r î î rapelicu ce Cetda raitt ja Atrd t heeqaallvlujerta oa" h.d Acies.gota" utbe ;y raupeu ; aM t Cat ab' ui bru uta tiietteatut hc hv tvletitti.ete.thl u O C permt oh iha ea sreie vtîa tta ttait r hgStr theu bu.dt e b u v e c t Fe adaié r. ta Su.aooioBluFers«Ituitta. etothu iqia bodr aa puiahud. Th t j M o ta nd nt m M om & ionttub.- w Mm.balieGle9" tan utna of lut'. . -Md h a itaiébu l f l t e r ie o se ai er i lie r 2 lee rrtu<iled. Tht ttOMMttdrtebtabgtidttl. MWrrtul t ampet, ha"»d" -r 7mw dîetruo h CRt av ateaa- iaruddrtesu.tdtiet id a à th" weaoffte pae . , , ier. gdi u ee araieain S, bt Yauerat T he ity lai le ca it hîonnu tAthaaid J tacP 1 t Z a u? m dta u m of j hL ar edell a th t d pahii.m t t i en M a&L te M r." n z _prQ o d e s a r Il f ll = dm" clressiauearlie"iat euh= ,ilpea-giratdeu-tet-ti wolaalattaauitdvhrtthet à-Dr bovebubeau tttte.d'ug"ad<%.Wti.vu cuuueaumtuheit"dl hbhqadmOn e flrthsegodufr al b! qif tht eburceia rac, theirégalat;a a rrddt aetnr t ,a .6 51 e sN t ata-ehTheb" cd t itoiaboathat tht cmî pacte. et é I se e îi atu ais flme teftq" ? tic hr ae tieact itm iatatht i d hauthpitilar eht=-= tuera. oiflioamlylie.teaaottd tare om, iallae ber httbaatd. ou H 114 yslos d laOc bouletracou9dallera. lu Dreul her the May. chou lioniotata ia r= doue" &at. rr roidude atte mmtd ' iudishtrW fa r meti ortit- 1Witfor ihTlietab Ier aulti maviLlamerouI diyuru pfAct ou ;the s p atEb o dta ie latt7 u - ~Jmtui th Trtuva ai.vil ahet e h. Iet utethetiev. wTt et w W aen fra cota ci tuu ca abai -eaut t! iut yajciaer mdpublico e n. etAl ar U ia ttilrisa yenatIt«M ah a ssobit hmoieta forapta t l i onw Jht Wtt ia l y bu ad t ly Wh 9 lâriu5 me tht9« L tstockt t Iteoaf1. h o uld buC o od a lue a i litiicl01a erainC ental th e a tr i~pa hitheiScot mAc t a btil a u elta qeo li a ae af sear dclute teIalp T he u. * . uigesgod t itemntopr&d t b ra1t: eabmupauny.prr ws htiat elRhdcaeie r hatawfahe in me rra aimCA NDIAN S'theom *5.00-o ai.00e.ette grni: rep lic recbut Candat o tien fodt u vijrstar t e bidyataalthc m Oaariy tsy atbel! uy. a edv a ybliein Sau te ha o A IF C -e7. O permtit., ibumhlatr Rs i.hi 1 SamtEdSSt Actboa.ea. e-mSi wbolesDatelemW»by Sborey &ng.toGo. for. Frtriflimnth ber borden to po colina upkk md Mm ào ho Do Cait, itr. tuameaur in eathm iteia hoetiathLe bine boaut a oeyh i u!& ,Màa " dEL ultei h i w rh u e fe it, e e a T eSotA t iavied c, ttalia et throb td Sate hlaet t am M ly t h"u batrui -n b $ k u 2sS tirpiioti.bbof tt e cPRio r î a.. i1 t tie eturedhP rai al laît it pluhm ead. leus bad& at er. h anstilt m tias»hmla cctctcdPteoe, aadOti eeoa c eh. Tt &pDhihu ir qar dia a a~ iutahith etna t enomtion t bisfvt~ e peepili d ttu tiua&stta il uethifeg, hou tuede adititingoual a c ll for uqarecý0 e&T hii w"hottitttt ngas:i deveithe ra Wîttitig demeu i* .0 iI b od $ . 0 aî liirqior cferL be ocdter ilec ouloaiopion. le w nteiocit FU ti. D.Ct0TE tS. ait utha brty' hu ea iiitn. ime tc h.thHo' Si ot ersnes at 4.u -ant ui ben i ccoeaettheecetbbalth.fonichpatiegaudit cenitien mtliom. " auGcgluaI>puridae4,qblb e11Moaezë a.w rtthto igo $5 tor s fthechalageitruc. tht S etatebaid Tbe (terda Sactitu c wfhtPue o te tW aeteteleth.ewantair elitsoi à nMeut rtmplta"e&lietvi] t ars aDm b "My h ttion muoet Dot ma bi ttucîd the ifc r t oal te fi ttae wed ita on Aamu.itur Oua u ti toac e tmman Phitwo fn rber b uihitag crateorfDeitherite Tm" lot cdot ~eicstere. Th uo- halat Hie Hcto Jadî Hat~ ti Eu geut m tta t tee aitaIdDaphiaveecete (tihei phaus ita ' teeelue Trul caei edey o heeabtichavea eumtlley.h but A im adtalltittetely i tr ir m i oclo d eti atl n , aih l t t* T îa n u tt cet he, ai ce in l he iutrbey tr ter e citr mpia til 6e Mth WDr.WMlTON $ o Sioys'a lit- l 13 orPl iowt aai teaspooa dryreut ie Wdmh y r b illtdaut fAuec thm ee hiteaa h e&ditotdtIL Ne , co b wii='Z i..)tué.finit«acoteai". Ja enino t he Tita rana lR d i te.pot n th.e trelg eti hu i hooa , ateaooccldt. I y aei.o rhbto rs afihficr i eie e ea ct au e to ae t. piW hey, ce'D ents, elflute aIl til i aho cofuct ei ihe c eita ors. e & pcivil. a ut o s dmrer thi m o fthc o ac a ,eiatr. lie u deort' et Si i rc Jh nir e- i ce. A gtt a c ttdtru au iett livingt dm mete& CI D O O . l a t ] n r îî g N.ti i O . -v bic hitit cf bbc tiii utu T ty irralt ee4 1pi e eea ha ab ticcl tlof th ctiutiuaia thac 75.o OOliahCo.iraa ciatRhoJasa -made à 61rt àtatuiee oueontepi et. c He teurccli ancd, oJ4 detic lbt, d 1ail ma i a hate &dened t lprbut cci f tht o tera t rforted $6.00.- tîimata rtu ushirh a iitt.thtt eslcap&oiate td * tace, m =ad t Plat it d me tar oubb pbî achahaaoucmtieruramitieha For Sae r o L triduurdtasttu tuitue t itauu a etetico.n o m, thcathe rthor tihei litit bbateihueeatd il allrrth Cutaiat Ilbthethuy bîl. uteegoat tata, Aaandthtporserei aincrime cgtht, cctie7ya.pAllat lem theyiartataeneiy ialetic S oley-C o. brada. meuh petain metetaut m tttccutountrauth ti t y M ri t he l ic h tett i sr o w lu a ati.f io hîa u esj muet Cpe rd sci per cd b in b mter n uittei 11 J76 he Ha itn m oW N U M U tab. giati pub riCoutet t eca c d y b t hr h a c i p e W ".& a" A ai- S i A ve ,a v a a a a atri le fouaedthe itite, a ide ttrs uty torticuttlciJuive btine ig t e w, tcid i toil tic acie fcaSer crett h ceta eiie, Mtt R N MS tcpottud cuilcltic i bepjlimsulec, or rteha iltii, par-nba Caniit hai arecîlu.oictdeta tica alyspia ie OulatinLie aeMryb Sm M Dw w hav aoumâ ie liappovl o te akeab bh birtt t het, htheabotutcr okthbe auetatt mnty irue ra a! Fa nteomrketSale o vat eluhM ar Il. lu. taht ci ctu t s tin- apdbowo lv m b fued < lt l-oi, aid otît oa e prohitionque tio a r ýtcettbgho. tmpîinorotoihâthed miiedtatae.Heacta ete ha;tob uya itisn crdtfr k 0 MBZ N. layo>tonmt he. l dtrtik ,vilc 0 hc e b uab em t airr tio t i ioa îh c-g re lie t hot he hi ird t t ta m e a oI c i laaisba bt isN C F mbi L T O Nss. Si 4'RT . $ 2 t-eecvciatcrelocbieeiutdhtio " ir îogee tateudu.ntmens. I Wnmmaiff to-n:adli det. teFnaseior wtocenetocouoctooioncWnnpeg»Ybitc)à $500 ellbc oacror $2 50 cmE'P .Ootyact a adabcocyaloplo notadotieein t ebc on t he B ribi rah to t t taa.t atagheocu iee edt mte au 0a al e v4%1 HA tON ek ai tm SESI. dM.heC trurà ST wOiaeolmb pou f ooig.FU ITh a DToCito t iioluc c heu Lgod o î Traitpy, tht Mesre a c-u lOma ee ei ao a t és taliehuet, ttetetala$4et-0 ra M ILT.0 , O N ifs f.gitoe l o tOcatOft udouittOc cTcihtebamr tiaa uCuoo-lyciooiico0 ciptoo hu ai g ancempRistiabUe mtgo h erroaeoeciumeaa hsetitet tleyrsha-4 oycpalinttii cci tota. ii oli o at ieeît alt thtpeeortrn cio hDapohc .tau ere Buina c m i t la inuiitaothsd tp-t. illim vo cra routith O ap Tht-c o. ibe i blot c a R aieHi H r iacc ail. ttb f T I ota a et-c r o e t ea me ,c" =to e ulr d iMk t ahO t bhV a b ieryaFt ra T u ri t vrc i eitio ce or el ela W t i h u t d f aenj l i *j *gna liaiî o o iy c t l ia cci ibeca it on1 pra. TtBah&IHcui o tdacholo lunblu cy t o te ot bu ha ntetirst a nDIb h. t tDoai ai tcara ai a ur AReg $4()u wetruhît- ccru-uctiat-tth Pacfurnhanta touhrth Boy'atae uets e 1e.n We h als vl . riexea cureu v.t %% UM réae OI E r.csi Irap i nlàlutar.ya isct.i dst et. 27_ aidilodteo it beîeppeucf otm 1eteea aIludth b with oie caculyau uhocght Ociomiha Ptoiuiifrtai wthAaecon. tviez oterwomin to auteettiuatd fabonth Letadtaal- f ia all ci e cDh icihus of erauhalro.ceweauwtoco*i Centasiceaetiaailetat e hure taht t1ymrae tooot t ccceaplae autiit. too;ba ueitettNit of e C eaoi batho mro t e he aur iotiaoie it" border.00 Co l-P rie. Mp o f Vrte $re -ctiuiatthit.a u a eri uma1 iayaa a L 2. rûýdild n ii la e civ et- uc air rab ihtitï. ofce ther ,t e t of0htt -icftb Oatieatt aaaatt thirh@ bi h es1 CRED (.te m *tarala ac, ata r tor l o t ît t o i l o c i qfu e ico fh i c cr t e h le r îro d fo e taeb s d p e c l nsoni îe t h t O lPe r ta c i u Y m u et t t e î h a i t ~ ~ ~ 2 o T C OI O S j a c u , t d h i .2 dtpùrenatand the itc t coooe c bogheis.N ('IS T lientiiiniiin-thea ol li.; it if he dot ht terîtloneu e aaugc t r etat u t ho scctuioa radte bu b nh Vaibtd St fta WrD prsato-o V C Al& SONS. iiiby ciiiWho imCoula davebtpcsauîe gadiuyaaea eerlp.e ieo ia ntrcuoo ueitl DA-co Picpu eetib tt atryaI he muiiaute Maytrecf ht ahaecIANE antot iellabu. T er abou pit.ie l a ime tr atA lP ting hou rt ouicueaict's me art s rec tc t thu fermepu. o bt ocl ot- Th I e og M ri i t .,gý .,C ' CA L LECnedu.t thât they hai. rbatgondtca se anpet--tha licenceoof cimeCin theucruttOtite-tIyANNINam, PimtetuiMm3t laedptdOti.ghasndougcet Litevert.eaiaeeyieriey JohstockdOî Oloareul, lot o heisieAoiph Icon.gc ta oe, a tledratoeiae toatmu-fil da SteVICTORid Ltaeiee goeralntbein tem - Chiy a ieto, f heilteibut et iaî ta sole iihe vuht tinyyda.. aicr (icSeaetm st maeaie td thi th S MçtI TcItct Outlawe themelveu i OD6 ctiotrY The cetificaail of Allau teeatelogcthpt. thodqpht u fallloto wtee.ilautSieratLec e ata the erec ats înîm o su lcm ati ane, er tti c atuolandHt bet T ho a sîct ao lt Allcroit peyor ve If hemocl taytieti uth e ait admpoe a ve beii tttte Orpftaanr.atafteT...iroT cpuea pm bltesote ala &ienw r rrdt i eolL t-te. utoiprt bri th oitiai embor i ag y t ht mdi arnaie ii g tinteAa nrdai e a.tth tyt Hbifr eeyi AN L iiiîl d o ict cIcb d scu a nt o th e ataiitinAt Pr î nobirektb . nth t bruc sil t t y-tî trattdersi he s ofe Fri x u r ineO OS&eS HE att,üd cheultie theafaces.amttbsbht % ilendridtd rek lttte tubffthir lthtiy ale ofsc a uthtas ecttuai- t1i F Aam, f Goretwn twn are aagte efa dgTupee oau abis lu imn hthe bo ot 0<liihei -Hadtc1alet ains.oAtolpO MiliPt o PhIaitp à acoubrfiat matitvtaatpsietfie 1f.ee le To a-iio lnrLtEetitihg M n u ac o f c ie l- ota ta. tHandliO ci t. pvtrt Gahe amOf c te[ ]-i (oe t.EP c qatzcrta thec y ittoc di tearIcc h mte uai utia Th claaj 7ain-tuC te r.a YtaOtetIE M DL FA , aiîeic uug c ov l T heiurtc by drappat laituemelton aohothlieeeeatuiyetekseld.S A T URber S u m m er B ootov ulula utac ibonto utichclu-dtcd aco. thehi e opepte t L . taon muocuccit a vett cridloote uh he brih ts o telo.JON NBETa eudrin roiitieo h MaMi. at cai hoî îeabctehet cai bt rogaiot a' iap etuoflm.11-ypitca f ltt , cie eementiftheatritihFr euc et tit utesie mt ai h r Ilt- ___ _midi_ Id odil etcno oja tmoua theeat. i ti rathrmctjustilcaetau tc oieufatr atmta Ntctd ilititre mS etti taraae "h attooctota0 e djcu lii br ropitet iatrar Covaca i ru t W n itc vettetmi srtffa e euu- ý Aiast hrtisap autewr fau d fahli uo a i at iuai ia(%5 Icit uPaell teutranc oheab Theeeallots]rsmta.malitste . Attura- ma impeeaaaa use troatncfpt-noaiCancite affuietcf the olcty. haykaviI mitaPoter tth t.cilliatta tuÇ tot ta het- (fathette -LOS s. Olistalilisaumeston Otuuedsiwuohrn150,uid ex. to-c i abcic iaiilettt 'tall c, ai c %oiy oi tcîlilt ctog dittet-tivcit mieihu tie t'UN- - HAM ILtrervlt Jt.5.4 Nu i lotoPa titu ob c i t-ion a t, ee ae u T eî. tîak ofîîa a net 1ant he t d opst f hc edc oert. tu aitra tt e ritn d ru t ainas aI S. ah t ree tuiccuç. li atw som 1cang u rp - 8.55 i t» y en La dj a a B i p r w r h $ 50 a 1 Do ole ti. a c rIisho o c itl .e. flaalicg bo - 16 ,8 437To 2 e Ot se aut - f I ci pep, r t di a- impthtrta t nehssion aIte Fran ,i I iuuttho itu ur i p. _ . MIth es. 8.45 la d or e i ank . c ii c~ - ii eiî a c e t i ne pt a l ato f t a'i.tt h.cite c r that i t. T htb y c u e nt n init e u m te thm t Jýe- an d O e .. tt e s iojo a s p i h al il t .5 th e & -g v1 6 L d e F a c K i S l p r o i i k , e l o g e y . c î t , h p t îai i , sc huaîî c o u etaas ea t te.r a n t t t h a t q e t l-ltme tau i ti t t a Nfa t l u d a b aste ta t e ta i u t ai t u D e p a i t t thc 2 e d s d b i e s d taDoO O O S t r SiO RO t i i I I Obi itîi bu oiyo elca ltccaa outh oa e ieahapcigtlf Roa.abuagtyiu th'Biained t h tie Sta Noti ex ie ànm, rfut - mle Id iti aticit serpt o! ib taet tai aiit y be ,efat u r htktegcf aba dropich la405A.ll truiAeueoanDtthe.8 1aWnellng at 100 an $1 2 -btiitîig tlccutbcaatc Ouic tas eDonone Beaankc, utsed Th htaucisdeai, wvl io utlcd co petitu Tht chay t a a fter- NJrFrancr eitr alae. ave a shu tock of Ou Meiaa h e ui to enctunittithective hidr nt B ttun Bo tsto tS 6100rîctS c tocceuttu, e e utan Wo iatyt e o lio ueroehetigWuatMraî.boJtoloi,.coo oace f lierelilioo rechd ,btOiu oag a itrattih-eG T.Mann.tavueaiuc c-acfibowd et rceitot 8e50bht ecteraet itau cf tilr t i ie atliathu Tlie Otaonlthe nae ti ter e f A MI eOrr eP amO ESlait ci tht TaralleOatuyilit .5and tombee!. t ettuwor, le i,4c Iibe fn'at ma iucy pihtbasdeecatiral.-jpeeio f ppe, lathi ubr a ticg thper- i: s e so era ta v ta7ftltio utritc tatc::Tie Aat tOiee u M n he e strne3-i upieadqch cd ___W.Ol mie tli Cb-i cic allotom mitaerrs. hiYOaDaiMaadièa leteterait Crs.Sli y ebe ofarbtexfdb ve r Cheasurfateofthte gartIse u re o on ie fthegitento oieaies, beein o -et.t f y u w n R N r V L S on A"- 0cteac onC and Doc;liasprOve #,00 f e- to'tdtht mcbo uc I.h aste t E m ulîciOathtrper.Coirt i er bha Ptoimis t r it- - Aab-ithettc-Bli 1ibeyconnu bc-of'Hua ttac, shcor tilt'Pombletan bhsielaiud dtht. varrmducondtionlatiapull t offthehueeLeofslavee.re t celeratata.D t. Milt_..t - 5. e0ctnic-lioreanr iorseco uso rciLd4tcOtno htbsellcae nso ancen t e 2 h t v Ne- 1e; otuii gt pai oc e gatt u ac mî qîrl thte î 0 'i .But ure . . .S li 1k 1 tecu o bc blabdekacd ot brio iyi.. beriakatutu - h eatolRu-ici t .ias tppîy nt thet lue c.cf ttlet aiu&fututoietatAitutbi ci iteamit lisususea if, rottvp intbaerbe 83-3 tebtuirrtedfora dtrue, matrouh, uerusmota Seceletanathsi titee StebavNO ICEiuceED T ..in5Mig c l u-1w maleBRIENfo bomua s uddbc l ru o. u i ia P lt e ihTa m th btiaruetie t ria t m auhindc itr ttlfasr q e te. y ouN a i oal .une,- JnS . Oi2 7 R i n fenub1c14;6: udoifît bley ront lubo irid o 3ttd yu . t.uminimenlitnormaltcon-iion ttc-16e the United Sates War Deprtment to 27 ING ST. EAST ol tedeu-l t eradhapri tottartaagira.hù Aais t esttueen nd-ttrIeceeiýu. loo Crie theern ri fte Cadietn rub b ep Onteiiticiii d - Bai hu ht uegraifit rutt. me ts.ia --i- -- - bt1tO.0.-__SOIS.____ mie lPeeCHPt-t Utot-tAINeshae lwIh- = lc t. h TMS nth otr fteE tte f AETal uu au'îluta lîuiuicui realla iu taa-i cAdolphe iotccoo<bu t anore otoocif u ar WilfridtLau i dette tthe NOT1au s mers e necr ar uct e thA. t ~ Chapeau th wel-koýnCa"iaL h..man anthe whch cay oun Aud iil7tcbîe t ia uhate accrmihe taut a vtet iait aisuu ifocc, N Thi ue tdty ittpebim ag fdemictte . g, l thcocttul tt or- f c wunetl evcen th r h ars ttue t te0aoue -Tie1.. fo.;ýDaDMOD tCuith o mntr huaTuedsg. -- pwt i'ibe ttuiu t. Cta re¶ edrt 'euct d n~V f L iltta.1fd i,, ai u ra tuliaet e au iaait ueceîacrc 0mciuoomctehr 'h IdeTres, cibu cielr 1.te t Hat it tus hue i ty c Eau x ct u ea~uers ao n R ib b o n ? 4 TOc dît rapiy tinaati wieb Pperii luth OatelTa tt sac.oides.tltutau.thtecdaet.ity ovvaIILHE S iii lieictl cil ~ t i .cdg t Atario . tt ari g.theeuclte et- ce i s e m eut tc irdm. i e t, up u er.te ,s r , ubourtu lotuth. moirtu eiuacatpî uagei rn a I u ta e L W ua m.ÀretA et Il i b h e o a t e a t o b t t ryt o r p u rein c f4 . H ep a s a ll h e r e. -site ad s u i e ti .e o e t - up u itt u s .T E E t S M I L S A D-M L E S D P T A Fu1etWiiti t amt 0 peh a tdm indhe etard uu. tat-titer.p e tid fteueetu far tht iuhaieuttet aitiet ss ion. The ttetrutridef O tRstttse MOEutuua. - ba... -gth A»ccas ayMetan i la7wapmcurOuiltg.cub Iadssratatile eeprpan, mnarey heSctipwr d htiA ai lauIbriitri-ndisno ffrig-hebiget agetj Ceni,-,i <oiiippcuit-eo, ta t 1 bicbcctitiaretlirofticaefotaau.myetht u n g tm e Miiddeaubvta inau. ather ia st fte.l _______ taecdte ad emed ri pnen- tu&dataîa h tbetOatt .inteoaonaldt a binet, Oc tia eeuaiiaaa t iotre tetiua M-AmiaInd-i liiesMr th-r J n ft. vt i a)S T RD Y U E2,'8 n u mrB Os&So dirrguerite aim thtaat tei-y -- c ed ui bsrain t ufftiit rcittiaue hfrd-r ite a! im iirtatofatei es.bea ut Pmir ire. ,M. 6 Winte rud e. ufiert e s From 2 yds 6eem g've to- ' petfor afoage c Tid..updulte sud no le-m (încuat css pa t lauare tht-, Qu c e - Vta J bt r , c uPe c a t n t mih tuiw o t h t mis a t r eoy r alretislin t e tquir t ll n r theto e ti e shah hp ct-Iottaanseauhea aras ofrue ai satisgs e Puet oftt a c, e fth ny mt ea ny,4fareofth -lon . h2?Z? Waieefi-a, M tteej Wi, otte,- ooeuit ......eeitt.65 ....ea c. L a ie ' anfftflcWrty nay t 5c tceî, ti~i ii (i n m ar a fa tamaetOiltIvJntLi liat A rsut a ut, iceet ili thia -tet d ia em u rcdl t tp al t h t WU I cK f L tieriA fe ti c ck theatenîed raufon WdtiuUneteyJaheelu t.......... lî mît tube ta euuh Jea.o@te4msoe .....LIN E bouteur tu GunthetICdusaiaatt m. NuirailOnubuB.,tat o fluet qDat bu-h Ca tit (e ru "ci tu asi n a nt it ii ,i. h H atanite e, rih etitat etu Pu ît r an e t e S tpaaites ut e frii atin P ieute ohn'e U * a w a a B r b ....... 88 5 c.... Ja n e Oi hŽ d ltt. di-Jeta ïathe t ihencst ume It tta6Sanhdt t teesettubismun a t edlsg gos2ohdy fmei . it .......845 W ..2 CLEVELAMU Umimmysluitqstation. tlltdoilbteaitt&secspot ~he Ctitd OtiteJyS.uB.i ensisan Certcrigt. muetta ci..8.M8e4C6are..Baiadies'te e ippplKtdbu boit vomi Cit n te on Ve tati cl uSa t tis taurma ai Pt.I - Sr-Hagbl(efante enterarhteingt6eevet te-Ct.aiuci TOerSe A i-. n'deuelph aletore....pnces9is01 40uot-er.stre co Ote.tiegc unat sud utit lit u ot h eiI. r -l iiite Mic h aias r atd h ang.evut In Thtrace o .i i tem Itenaionluom isionb bmCmba.....919 m ...2 et n d l a d tooniscisWoth$30 Anir ,55aa aI asmatittat e t Feaîut, a f rdeaTtesix mcoille PdaciY. wtewsbiegdéy lai, ad heUitd-tae.trrve-tGep9.taowslltlate1 ad 1,5 tht tuititcatiaestmat et thttSputitbsJehdiatheluinglOJheheastsJuen 08CA-._ theadl a , , r uleias uhp tie h auisutb tt. rien. A eutPe.dn nrd Tettlgmle ne rp f I Pii rieadqi. A rT tt Lnu 'lraipfs rr6peCutimi ns m e i tt e vcaauc±, ibu pla ,, ae wih a MNJ ESloefthTwnf s il ......8OU .75!...4 . Stais ait- rapiatauin- Mltoninttetamitt 09WV.t...Bruteu..........8.09 00 .... 8 Mayhrtchs luathiaiidtruedi t he Ttecii e u rcashvon - - sa" fmoe hn uar et lemW nudSeconsd bond Bi n -e-cee an f Spuoser kilts te the te ui ar Th ee1 6e thand rchul . h..Io....tseje 'l ýiLtedt a huel,,da red~ d- ellN reue d t-, it h fudtewrdGefllto N m salei a Mtt 9...Mlo ...... .0 0 ... hoatpetrpet lsîmtthocr MMu aitsmet u n oka h aOig8 uhmr uikyto n e s Cto leduis tWiee.iiea. uthdaerisse oc ule 25 ~uthe New U7 mua w;a t tanee lae andltor e.atiett..'Std'Ue-laaue-auto eu u&e,......àe8.. ued l'u ol lo.te. -g u t.YorFottu andbteamwl opee lb.Cig -rýitoo upyta omr iiaemW&otth twrbw .9 le bu elt4SeoPOet st h sut ae oe .-rY IflltfNrvo ...... .0 bn....2 A .teIE ,2 ig S . . l r it wuale utomt Ais - H Seî cialbetuvei ua upAjuoina -11M. hc 1 andLa eu il iEssuie - c <ti - ndiv>.t-d.tth.bationSth. :V) t4y4Arreveqflttewpa10d1 doe le# cu-NN.da . gi ublhdb h S cdl t e nd bu Maieum aiin eah epauuu t a aeDa844;51ba MIN&p r" 4o..1.-hi.. t 0e. h ~ - Cc.-- bvee.toit Y tikn lcurs il.2 ýuln; .,B kvlý,Oi a orte erigusàgdrs le.t dm - auai« ln Glolae & . ;'fürO-" "Oýlmaoýâdoie bu Te Fret ad trem n he hint airesluionwhci poan thM . teti soue O te mjoe wre oncloe o t. e O vio aci Oi f ..tblishd jounal o a ".Piý u .-t i -i= = - ha beeStitae o ttdtMr e ueP Thegobot id otruc, ,otig nd ft h- e ... o .idy T.e-mlnTno -e ythMt niatb h a OP AND THINK. Our noe îystem d lîu,,, We sti at stich prulsth Dey on olmort every Juil IbI iutnd test it. W'e uuudert huis PRESENT NEEDS. ur-sECT l111 %Pli Çl - LY lAilu cII(bII Local News. %ý for petntbcbci 195alfuu iclru ,j f- IllI ieb liIavce eîocîoil io-Uc Ii, I b teeut ccbc ueo.hIulii I--i Treille,^, cor. ',g i. I t el t thtc(cle i I c'I b> on Il..~ -' f a 'V ii l AU- PI- of 1, a.cl ci, Sous1 lit MI Eaturia.1 ; yaek. - uoetn cli Tua Fr- c IMnacuaeIi,:,LU 1 Ilpeor " cc. .b urat ottai l, î cl t, r :,nte aiIt tc oIl c a..tW., - i e, c. I leh tflbo iet.iiî, ci i J , werllauc I1c . . cho a el k ic c eutiptli li iiî I viadeg i, itýIi- c. IIi.. huhuafellii aEu toca - l, 1 tf, e . ,- fomra h.i i . r tier i l, Siaearv a ,itol, frl AI.uil.-a a tulcei li î. t i1ýii foieci -Ic, Ac l IlIc i. 2,armu ice.bL-l1,11-1.i I l:% Stu1. ir .'ioIc k i tu ili t iîîis,:, i PaEegte.la oi.]il. i -'-l'l 'radauro l'II, OtliIl 'L1" c I StSallr -2 -:, 1 ! ic TtRat 7.lit: 1 Il ic ci Jaha i F . , ;i.,11-I'. %OluIlls,, il c c"Ait piat ticil îtth' M 1 1 l _ Toaeitbc illocu - .i;.i-.", .t vume 7.30 -o c. ,c"ilc c ri t" c bedu fecti o.-uc ce ' iL- &setati. a.ic l-,c .1- 6et HarLe I c ici il .l badelFet 'c' ill c 1- - - agnurnt iui Lu IJ; . , ,i itsthe : i&L_ al irel! t ci L ee uetl t cc ,a i i Ii c:cc aret t t 10 i ne I ' l onSOnvulio 1.-oui, t. M. tI' htburtauo Iti, . 1).l\\c-IIc,-. LatiOfI colt o()N E 1 1cc 11 htguleeued fo ccorl lfcîIIî uÈt1 cl t ., Ic 10aH ki ' î '! t c Cltab Ui drte scdet ,ci -Icc.I &I ahape.e. Nic.oitic.l..uit "uIa ofcco' irtclii. cu -c i CBteHk. coioc uc -Id c i... iosluatliilttoî uo - - s. iase e s c on11.0- I 1 I lc i, t ýthegialto.'îich el. NkI 1-1, k Il e . Se qcolic,t, i I EU OEtl t ecidoce . cy i-'d 11- -1 ei ril,ic e a yl I , Ir - 'Ai c ý,l uiei-i-.c a:iý, J4