TOU8 meim am . In àL%,W mll'ip" uhiebiplya idth mts. - bar geale, the ayeg lasung cm-e, ud oeudy tadimt tlory. Amarlesus fl t 1 ,luaRainibt ii.ys atine te suaS l ;l1a%" .0 e1au&"a. sud hey aren Sg itl legel« b. ~1 :1 t ~ j 't a; t: i 4' I t »e UOeai4Jl*5ha*4b »eu -I5. #or~ , Lita P 'taeg~lMt1IeaTes, la 4àid Pa&baOfral-1sien iIt àrIl 9DI< S4 Mad aqatino cape Aad Bulà,$~ba Liadnay.O<u S idib 'a, s«Slab kor GOMM. a&l"h l4par peeed l aN.~~ aw4w.dBuaigvnaayb ineulbeear "ee"tlbqvmnfil l ___lu The Cheapest -Flanueleties àîos l Canada are beiug sold ai&P aLNDA0 --44 . -4.-- 4 - Pl et aToronto. Bu fater ahfmunbon" animete a7ps au.~--..4.444k- lot the Kondike are oaifitefnpriaci. 5u.lefi eba qsretk"~~adg.u L3B OT.IO WalIyaiMontres! baiToroni outot e rligoSeetpat h o .,r nfihaagu ~saneure a Alure oftChir étrueaude efl"ni1)hndmhe ud le. eaestatuaai t ber reeonrces bave heaume boter n aimnet ai ese umangoai, ashefit aise % uefmh nnsauj" l H R known. 0 tramat" et te h. eitohe supeotAu - aab mà T E E I5eiè Btite2sud abs ook Saa fine ta& *In theo b on a tan b .toc toâne. Thf a uaef smeaébas oo Bo.t. E. J. Dvis ys ébtthe ioe!prayog"w& otsP> li e Ireool*riab Ut Miuign inOntario inegoing on as tavorabiy the National ealt (r.lhq setuae afi ateeeshle for uhe (tovernta.nusisuhteold eih. Foregn Bible Bemetfl fa 811me amo5ur a*institput ,Masi l u R rdtstedtaofovrlpoeu Th cit01ere a a Io Beprditeib dtei i ntra po. he ucrln boena ino> r m tliatte ois otunutasti à = A ~better timée tha nov to place au order fer s Suit, ei mietmembere uft he opstoose aoamiteiotago leu rkwhstin .la inpalet l. Tbf. fprennus oat or Trpai.Thre snotthe -rush nOW t"I' ineiudiag Mr. Si. Jobn, t pitgery etipresentinluskeiagtaua0etira coP.Uerç:t antiihureafuso franagdinehetefyng r f motorty, aud etilmatuete Libers! books te Peurpa-ah ilsdChou rbals ted sucmu suale& bea. ~ teei iti pn rou majnuhuo&fer la utetientetutain i: counsp de grâne ta gueraiiy edminlauwMu zuaoriysur ie leilna i oue IsrasaingColleges fer b m of a t rfe baflel.The abark, We have some Sutinge and Ov«motlngs to clar noe anguine in bi aolulstiloasbot reaionetaiSteaay a naeiestie. faeebase lia n fadibare, for ta le out that are rare ,fgrJflS* tîbuindications anitb.heGavera- factorilycond00isd. Iýlargefyss.fute seeNa te ire Oibroamim u nt M muniyul 0 suiaiad. Te Mo trs ihe buding uf Sady SBhees!Rsud ilofset5f usier mestar. ubie baned ThelMCnsereile linu raufEngfaisud W" The sbut .oy ai tintg a sall ata In ECDIfITEOfIaT>E IEDE I ýSta, wiehin eciedlyConervti luItbas heiped fiber&y n al radse eam ulàupty ail drumtns the treitsu cl AIfDR yfr g8,KBS iiail&leluaingusBaya:I t w oa!d lieua. permanent enduuimaut f t4 colofual'ie ' b le atnfbrounuvebnaosta- -mm -an se ark mas is blesaism. houard ut for auj party to ii tbiriy. sud mluniuaary diaoneats. The munay' Teuotdreai. et neru. O uascte sur - B JSSO . re sosete aibhout aspalicy snduith ublcb fit glyetearda chncab buillePM àzAIlafn bit huai anti!l the.W EV sSO S t. lgtainte cotanes ha!ise ta provide nhark hba beW. omptuui1 IreL.Tbe ,oly one or tva leaders.TuOpo. ornitr lbpaeo rbi.te l lenenauhurdu bu- ]tian srgotest.ihut fi lt finie forsa lie care for emitcanon thesbigh hntet rdnal ul I a»eîdU lataile The Canadienhaniralau lineriale Thfithuspefamafur change sud sitai thu provincial Gar temm, theé161h alp lu Itit&eJt eilcliraitdnomrledaloaao a andod ee utpseryprofuuudéedrfdmaauad ai 5r. tumenntob.uld burt adiffrta t .m'osions, lien tOuons ta trais up a'iuntutbu ne suéstar lurbn metitoutfVichari fAturaie lé entt sajuàBauds, ae.te tortre or a iPei, nativeé lergy. are &Il aority utfa a n mouain. vuitg in eclaoienft leaultmest excully rAmaricaabe Anuaha aie ea bJaielfortefa ont complexion tramnChtaitaIOttawa, literai!support. 1Bot ai prasent iaodliasudtes, abolduige ta Ilhet he ab d-manufacture Rsud là fo muapapsoose. au vus n wigiti abun iin prapaud inuatenle aitoetbtiulaielnt for dtiouul satsfuano no hua lusaier Fb.Dnprtmeeat fTrade sud Coo- Gain Petit bas rrturate he io diamnteansuasleGovruru sand put lie grainaWori. We oordiaily oute- a DEnàPublic M minco ta U lu mares oudere uhy n"lmdeaoj suid bis Bratntrouable utif bu inta poweur s puty sauotuatoonly ctmsdlotSociety Iothe liberaiity etemiabé inon sa" ehae 'ehue nu euf. u tit~ ui ~ tmtts a h sitoatad, To do te vtuhd bo ta go it ite Bi.Csatesnoy Drotybrlug ih sddi- ubsu iNey do aoeur thcy ne geaorelly ut Thai Englsud bus ina bruagbh tb lsledlbthe itta trrefssud relmal bidd ait a vengeance. tional tonuod ieupprers. ate ginily à nature an ta justify aml cloner iouob uwith Canada ilaapparetthe tagluatua of Ils Vuthrnd. Ths' 'AdutrasbonadiuCurbmmukn ntlîmoite arnla thsnttu-by theoneed toc lnreudtltiesfor pofadn dmteît lit.Il h pr- Annue cor It'. OuCamuasenuoa s ut tthi of the de>. transport. Tire Donlur, ttteasbP altt in bis opposiioa thes uh ail! A R e i -ntt ie eaSciety adsbt ofgratitude Cate"n il oun a usuhly ie.tuad utfreaitestndedsmlopteente ars promiaed. - abio it a novr repuy, 1 OLO ACQUAINTANCES MEET. a trattypuouuar servtce batu..j______________ 4 oraoaoc We duitsta put onrecord ontrlMot"suiadLiverpool auring the Onu tf the traalauui mou la ther cbotic iOébat tbe ajnuadi&n Clttbur s su mtu arIr Mas KoPi a Inomna In.coteag euot. sud a sou tutu sousu - Iud doaouinb ber paoertaabten lu aâmiaints le. utstmer of6 to uas, tbe Domnion. Honte of Common, coeatfthudeceaint t ii.Csuteîarv of th Society. ine Bot e rgo u Young Han vih mure viii be panent au tha service. mat Itîlouen, taa, Lu Mr.Brrgeron.,Whou tiing tuait barr an sd caime. by teuy éthai te 'uouuInottted Ila a Tsasuodr ttsFro give n LaMantrusi, ruprrnuentu Brauabar- Il ber peoplo ta in sapport and byitnare of paton anaeaof th Esvu ob lbip] h hrble fteFrea ain, sud Oaa Doputy trboLatSpeteo te tsn u ibp aker 'a thetaba 'e otntrei Lodba sd Saviogs Compaay rosi ut t luatPriiument. Mr. Bergeon knout Synode coey upprave.'-CaroLed a.bigostok of raiuadood hiobt asaIbnToroato on Tuesdsy and roririvod a bis Freach-Catudia olioe itea ni aalt.y. wnt hsahgeru oo1d. TieRordtal h siaiteenltuteintht liquidutao, lun pretly ual]. and bct aurried trait mthoaleb ed aa pIntaidte.pttr ta lso i pptt- abiab the uroobint ofths aompany le tc ariLaaoat yesterday a meseonu n au Tboocbtefatrdistant sudpopuarly naeanollaacîa r&-,er, td touîrdthetocbraedtaa arou mimnaojteoat sd MllesProhiitionaquestion. Ile aVant sitltte Mab ltktouu.t itplea.'eadfaauooeniaaoaln los ifyl ebld frad oathepar tftheomanagement.~ roproeetiure oaiire Freach C«asdia nl aaotitiscamtpion oioioib guuod band.buta oiaaoody aise aytteu irusi tatad by Mr. Lantalir sitat popaulutiaa, itut bLse ovisuareoavaodhy ttitly reoevr uvon the reognitioanaf IMud btter, ad he uas nct.tapafiateaaota the obsouboldce eoaid oua spect taKUN %hitanatîtheovagolmjriyuofFrenha forarsouiîoasud ta boromiadrd thebonsuaRiveraihttt.ur faIstansehormainsore arons50 prentu. on&hiort aiD candiens. Talitiar yesiardny an tito t bereity ot s uark as tigbty ns itlan boglit ifps taey caoo tîroa ta ttta calato ta U Iepeac o f horonoehotulivraent. Lat jear sianste 'S.P.C.K. -pituatttleag gentihcca wottphcyed O fad15eL0i sto aotI tAA IE opponuDotai oly prohbition but pleih. gara auay ar soldet matcb belocent recaiich and uympathized chit ist lu.-usa. cite. Ha told te Gateramat abatita prie lite enormoen tumberof t 11, lt0t00,-aa.t oot.î Yukual on ailutn itcn tegnr.t cet. Atlthe MUtn Slow Works. prttnitiy hou-tbai ceitan îdlesou 00Biblos, ego., luupeari aif 2006nud tobl'.y or hsd aaythttg. Bahey , lbaHua arCeg te prohbittion queoi i lapicitiing adîfferoat aguagen, fta, aitasu ra n AIt.d genratt-ttu oth às h tito tot Togetlanaaba repre. ________ rai otlite LIn ac o. Ho Ruid Clins.taio îLt Labnoasaeproidrd. h tbas &achua rad, wlotatto tritton t asouoîcc Ia$asntod te Holbocidin hdn is cautry 1 people of te Dominionlaight vot premerveasa .fttdtoo file grentbene-ar-t.Tailles ratet tdtfh- badfrontaoli or md th tafbite.d tathrlcon.te Ticen. lTuhootipricoritu ;a adodeuill bu poop b ha a lit omil ntmaia re t il dit or,itu tgeou1iea 1 flia nt rotd ro.ttht eerfat tcsidenhe Cu laoquestioar psid for Nt-fand ad Blacb Cal 'Yr. bt huttitt aul ati tob ti 0 n toit ditou ibtoavidtot tet'a,..ta , or toatuate, atoaoha theitu e al tilieo informionbt bthaeulae Dagotinfarina teanto prohibition paoiia. Mr.tierguran otuaY diffiuhtioa ariiuo falte BauY' ya,ngtairl. h h.ttidt aad laid: otrteicudpnt uosbu.Junyu atur.Gg au fnarad tht cuhing aad eutrcemetitrauslatian,tatr a aiuaa4t]ty tttool.a ta vopooeil nt.ale.aod= mttechuldlacbispeliote i afiar at tadFaryorytitntustihuen afltheitPosible tictfehttaolauo. Wit i oeanfoutd ta tiro Mrmon Bible. feran ,ttpieortbande aroaad,tut tu.hamne. iteoreote luate Ginvrieaoaade- out tint tpraper @bireit. tihootu Mtte .,oer tthevaueuaofibis tiacu cny bul tlar-li t n ti it rua,. -The Hahy tithia i chage the ittt..Ciigt od;i a l.,adG utes ie nLcag o tualitai littae FroaahtCanaans asnviruaatod and orrooiad by revoit- 1Thtttatuttcwanaiaanlioodltrs,o cinaalutiaaf.udOutho aunaiaafo bave-ownittou î loo pecofiarîn lian ity JohnitaSib, itsgitl a toIla t.t.h,> tet.tAotpcua. a, h. Auimportant doaison opaien th8iot. lilod taor otbeaucu a! thu ,ystei,;Casoada ibath in tho paut and pruteci ug'a faceasuad îhtaged s-eulstabth mamerudtut af an informtion lailan 021 LOIIGEE. chatMe, Braeraocoul. .TbOjtaebeutmont nuteruad inothe t.ota shttttouOht-tott icautho charge f irrtabof the Lious. ARoe rsntaiahhy a aw a bldiac peplagtugreaaiso a veyae aatoaau.Litbe hodcut.ght the goatletîtu t.atha tpp-t. baal eau oogioca i Kiunstn sud titoeotta s ituoseoystîom suite large Bibles aad Sseiaa BaokainIa aid1e on a u atdeai. Ttt tac hlaiud dt.u by Jadgo Frite. Bouban A. Jnacksan, taita a dol. And, mroanc- mat.sof te Eugtieb Citratat hraugtit adt.tîectud io iocaa firoa us eBcua4 attl. We have, Woth ttriatialiot atow Lt ar nt-aha Ototirehoniad bolat ai .P CE. gi- ,adoa itea htt. lt. fths liter ,eLt Iq= , duiup prabibited baou. A l French Canaien-habitan lttas lids aveu tht hadMiltonallah L Saitoequplttiy liteesteturutetteanuastwasoZen I'cao Cauduu tnttîuîtu u iîte ite icooLtMilannua iaah c ulancd digniilod aouttt ad toattdnt theinfodm~~aioednoa ADfeen ioaa ta iaiotaperunaa -the e ytheo Soiety. ca at ctuo ooot.T.-atlta u te ichaa dr.gpradetiwun Su~ Thelo~ciety's beadqcoetart areof vu.ho awe ho t- c hiat ti buoîoa utoa tat. Sye tut agant prhbitiat menustoistourte in Eaan.d. itut ite offieae ri gololut bha atoayidfd Ilu ouchit qult, otswt 0f eia eriia lhitgtthona rm fouet] broipobautheuaiaimof al iitnstfiaent autra .ofr otbu.toad btoi nadaofaauiag the lluuo ta le deat tyeso Quoot. btheitola oord ; état la Toranta beiat un.Fiteatty bc propoud tînt tir hy au onthe peemisJackoncbte&@neconviai. at27 icahaadolreot west,wher ny roud of jckpetsd quita. We ttcatft d. DOn theoappoal bigaynr pleadtd af io ameranpoltauiau, ithadag aa dto m hoaitood i Cg lr itatail informaton mot bo lsid iu tane Mle OttenUc a tarte and oeil ohoeen liai far S. S. tounaag maeoitou paceoibubitdtoako ritiag aubin Iitry dnynatier tite Hatan, Fe. 1G-Theshaterodraie. Reo tfocot ta diolda t th luetatn, lut the frmatiun hbubeu mnde tua Montbg in e unaaa, beioft.IhU aitto tat ,. - dg otly atiai audlitghtudanb] saigafer uiao1. Anao, iueconbndud cbat badttholh'daisathe Utîl mofodnSt!, *s ohd;ibthe aendud information bail Charger] ut bar, ntaia ndt ui, orai as 2o CANADIAN ITEMS. Pans jour mootj ta yaac poakt aned îua ofoencea, uhioh unasà aission ai ouauHaerew ttifarahutîO-oaa'u aver payt ait tiaoa-rsagatu. tbe Criatina] Code. Tbe conitian, ~-t~a Mlueut îe tre t liera Canidorbieiteravaoat ar hose hape]tamu Obdi-nout .. uu of mtna u onuthine aotinga, bu bebunquatituaS h Th ana b ii o h x osdrbeimrvmnsaet i 1mttrua aaeto heaoea S h e Su ýIoit, Oaa t aitauhoot ICO yardu affecadit e ltRoynl Mlihihrj Caiioge. 1ca a iM tàtitc otrt er ouain h tita ,eaud 0 aru TtreManioauLrgisaturs cifi meîntgo, ad Ihaor thcir go."-Ctituga Hri teeltoptt.ulag dttch. hte an tiarthlSih. Titeaseusion yl pett- -_______Thte publication af the îresîy a Tochos fo Ha totopr a ard ily ta ashort. Otîtînata pUlrmn. Abitne i i]proes euuuioeal. The ocooefo $soattampfotriy iteti and torn vtr J. W. Braa, Q C.,tuasuoueptad the *-tf4., eddoteolho.d macoohaoai romtat fbill British cout.aasr era ta tortoaiut-ONootfthe NeitaD@tae inLace, Buekie nintaherotrrts aviibtale. t hrlaCurvtiiî o mination tor Prof. hna naj hildren. cat-tttittoottthuorattlc araudhraa Greatt Bintiseturra nigitliv istod t. prtad ail tt.rnvrd paco enuEaLibCumnerait, reiired. Railîbang Ittcot ,s artcivto b.c1 g ot aier tpen dcor, sud &bo mont fayot.-rtt utditer matsive rattes for oaoaditg Tite Ruv. tatou Cort, foemerly aouf t uaitu it. pteau t o nud entaiin spectXVitains. oipa bot aeo naapfotehy diaappauc. Humilto. bar bea cocu tbarteaofa l.tttttoohrff.Ote aGcro aP t. John, aisteer ai. Tite hig ]uaeha ie Ouiatpent.hlie Ragliol bcitaatet Caithauz.aunte trac thti te at ror four b!ayeo -tjoiEnGenuo.aahbn Prs.alm oa taitdand gtarhrd ht-aauusot a ad R hau. crt-elentho. i tothoutîtpte diaeals risecyafîboajtiau et aIrai drtkt, Foeur h. oîoat. Nottahan cotenta Edmantan ébat hl'hit t at.ttnaa atit ttd fto yu- iuattsfoa the jor agabar br teUnitd flIe ubp atocî ta bcointatua. Sha bu fnspecter Modyt poliae pnrty traased -CittoogaNtou. Sae oeYasaa a eud urttldottitte cater itb as od It thetoceaRiver Pueof the othîesn nauaaed bY CthoeanasW. . T.U- ft 0or0 0se s*** bop o i ut hratuctttrc, anaithue taoa Dra. lthod. JaPontes boue u inte ltoe tilk rteigiag a dougfiut apotionfraas ururttii&hl ad oe apid firitogat n Thea ctairmau o ae i nae coin-ofaCtetgenertahoaIm te tcilgh, and itonsouta oeihltotasailealiqoore. CnSi vroe lookoverthe ate jus belw tbm, ails or aDtrnd roposu t&to t Ptungett-e clth o arltt, o!Titru auan ciiiaason tranims C anSi vr IXainruprted ti iedioute asiu lin bge civint hathry for ibe ppaa af drpuel, t uIui hthgaeoleaug etincu. S t.aaauisuiaset. bat' te aire explosion of theileriof tepjia io aîj doo. fitatotanet oeeil a! 150 bt.hlth. b ain.uS.ed i g lqu eirléui>. byCat ibe ron 1 o dynatmomahiteonaaiboad ta Mine. pyntr___________ontutinOftebulig. le__td iur od euaryb &i The Srt explosioan aid tl aveooD. lttNauagtaa, te adopoudent drgita -------------- tara caurait by an-e 6S potdsAatu t. cuadiduein aNartBue, oeil Jahn Netleulaite ,000 poopurn oluCpta. duao. Cniotitonidte abaoqut.eloftotjaLu a. theituLdpoadoat candidataelaintnta ur"anrenat mucdIPudbplie Edieped ta bave________________________ HOYSndebate beaatwuner caceeeisaonreBOYILISOIS SIIGOESSOOR. sidcrgesana trututorhaîtli uiima, uv eo atdeci mitétann. Wutahe sud cuoueidgre. Coltmen aiotro etMonîrsu! bave PnttPeeiBaaOea hh ao.frua itiroe p &agaOttSyrienuumacglare m.k---do - Na ork tM. rceaega l Y elCe o ah t uWta have ooppied Sjrien paiars aith T.Je.o .ot gooa for salnhLuQubec rural districts. Dr. Tube- thteexcpert stioniel of Auni. 1.1i MU Orr,,anu telii, aaYeOario i,itnir prorîiaan brou ettoaiad ioorvigulia0 tire prevnh nasae.fat oead ofa sothet cionrj. A D n n r S et - - - eatteort.frstoSat JîtaaseuleBlcsth ie Thta aucompimnt la Liboral Gov-tGie sôeo h ofot vr oxeS.U4. Paningoaf theupoiaf Rufletthe rcotrumeuf. Travellers' -Guidhav.eW aesonaaof te Loatuttre, colereit thlitaAt te annuuufmeeting ut Toronto et orparumeat t yetrduva b ooy iDroasa b idallaai010Oiur u .auau hae ose c al ab rgain a ot sof UrnMhave.0111 Me. Orr ri-Ptrts latingfotaloadnraarcRthBtoar oAstoisto df th oa.a, odeniGADTNKRLW tte 1mownva" .101 1fi sud at abigeargaihem ot once, airnid n orde cnses Of te neaafeioW,-tworet aowExbtiî0aon Assoiaieouàceliphu nf iva Malnvahotwrf ,w il o hsegoaa nLolLico ounty. Ouaa 250-R eoe]O theeeSaaru @o m.5.3.M 0019.e18... $eandwk - la heuota ocad noc Lrepartait fronet. , atltaicait rpaotdituro secouat tbe tron! dallitiMalleshort_____ ofit ewloilhs gd a buaîlth it h ofte!xitebtiona. oIDroioRILT- thlwprca pt toa u vroigatai. 3fr. r eai annANADollowfn.mLWA te dePatraî t aatpe aofîtite lIr. Liviagsone, formerir a i Isteildigo*pci:T Wod fromt Woattvrt.lté lt as portion Dominon aLande Office ah Winaipeg, ta.t.ia.uaa cdalu pf 1, ti tf &a toaignomeal'has rea u ppoiuiod l'y te primeai 64.. uo.en . t.eop 97 forteNec Jersry, iiait aasnonaut.Ofto I-teitr ta tahie thargeoaf i -the -en -au o u, 7pîece vin ner Set, two colors, new ajewarao . ur. Oea La mahîog imtmtgrain- of a sayariorassauneutf ___ &.1___9.3ste.e nd11.111h»113. .. * y p rttt ataîjatit csie ork oai dtcestia servatatramn Britala te--patrs ndlet ae,...$70 lraforlesloo Eia t eteiliaota Maitoba sud thenTrritariau1G uee sm Lokown atetireLu aoiarlurtre.eAlon. C. Brune. t, jeue aidoteu. 11888 ±faie maste above, . . 7.50 aoritaoLttIathtcautrtord & rîvur, glis». cust Of te punituaWOy-ora. Httart al A S M10MonreilOuLI t tistaervepray Pomp manuatueaoer] adndnjntoraot. Hoanniluast b8 m are bardly ablea lti, I hedetuutd ths Ulmm a i nsutiowr.WL il,~ts hpe. . . .85 tir pumpa ai tto presoat fiLie. s ud gbtht xduo tu i bns a Lustt,tilli, iOn ieavnu a utdou a brw'e .. o .. e.. 20 Lard Wlliamo Neviihi csteonteioucansd yauag smiliy. ébte oy«a' iteprigtieuast t Londau Tire I.iaiin C0 onectitla ll f*a traad. Hs nditildbisaaoiit. île pe Ivtd re tan rate W.lut Il any utrrpoft aereaneedrdtof ttabSpcîr li bo brueght TGppife Ogé tai n Otetawaashaiupplidfi the o nstn. Mo fartnat ti, lt b cue tsitéaisemoiagindldi.ntimation baqleaked ont se - atetor es a Dib lns respectaita irte Osuadse bcon usdit coas uThIesmain haildil«oCa u b t aa bathi Noe indItdary og. ubnlU Isba" Im) th jew, S Juit A ddiu..Qp fu bo otione P0oIit icà 1 Don 'ts DON'T eat onions a~nd talk politics; you may use too strong langu'ige., DON'T say anything personal about the candidates; they are very sensitive. DON'T wear-a long tailed coat to the polis ; you may want someone to tread on it, and they're out of 4y1e anyway. DON'T ask every inan you meet on election day to have a drink ; you might find one who woutd accejit. DON'T bot your last dollar on the con- test; you ean spend the moncy to botter advantage right here. Overcoat sea-son isnearly over with us but we stili have two tables full andI it doesn't take haîf the nioney to buy one now that it did tyo montbs ago. Some 7.50 and 8.50 coats reduced to 3.95. Sorne 10.00 and 12.00 coats are 110w marked down to 5.00. Pea-Jack- ets that were 5.OC, 6.50 and 8.50 are 110W marked 3.99. It's a great chance for you, while we are willi ng to trade on sucli terms. SMIIS Clothing Manf'y 5 KING ST. EAST, HAM ILTON. ro Cash Purchases........b WE ARE OFyBING UNBu4 eoslInVtO3ET 1 +Igiitý le,'! - iNcu t fo p.îto itil- e idedr boit dudstnur. Che Joeand mitlmsand un- c.Theatestib 1at and I0od on alode.! te ad mouami' ioS L Dfe -au A1na Lnrd-it. baltd I-ta y"ue 8ttai5.,aeand a dacu. a etOl tu Add d e e r 0e thîelm u n abonne da t e witoI. -for. LE£ ON TH-E CAVALOif. Te lia Alueso Un Aot'ttthtt e. m lb Bte»lu i5.e ar-. A sumber of Confedonae vetouosfa1, pea.! nogetztheot b a ibu hbt. uttl* afta he caru. they began te .tt- esoit ot n ant tht ropetttte tbo ooonrj and araRiUryduoheng1 portent eatagtmesie ofatte .o tour Yours, sud.he u &IybWlia eglý ua avaslj tu npot for thboval"nof lNasdoportotothefb tant uarmy. The colunulslinefr a ittoa outil ate oppositin slot lu lte beighi of thirr ugauent, uin ha quhal, ptdh tae fattaatag ltin on Chut,ohilh vu wrttea by (limerai Sol'nrn K 1i.otu S'1 uoatludo Hamupton, a copj a i,ih GOm erohHaptnhaà"amot te Colonel Lutaah. NIAR -to LC .. O.' ii Mait taxuerdanm l rue.ra ai .-Ii La:ollhe"ebeaueee-ytun-,ttu tet.tang pou m anid ate o ý,it dtht yenawre soituuetaw att,- lad areptile. Tbeal'sence nof the, t-.1i Ld it aa BorthtantisoolCttht.u ttn-,1- bel,,,tee tOto...ttaomeiaeaIatre ta hoarc ot,,, tf ataemn Iltur base saut t0 e lita, t -ite te-itra uder Seoridae. uhtah l livdtt t-ttc ueutuunmym.B1a" m-at plihittaMyHapncpuo-t IUf juhuitb.t. 1oe. wtt h &utofanczur vni7thl eaut at t-tot Parie woald bars bote diffur.ut. - - - Vhot uoeoaltaten"atnde7 d lh iancc uibh et pocur tri-&. -Detroi Fm FcoK THEt ESCALOP. H- ituulaCam« uMsA inat -uBOd».9 Thea Itteaybuaa vureof auuder atteunobe sot fauilar with lb babite tf the eoculop taecoud, auhu du"ilatervusta.tnugrest ledaiiof u i ou fao-, .ft.r lc-t sanceO retoalt:h fleena& taj-!ft wasthlateauewell buaat«tht a on.a tiUmtiY 11ubud andas Nbavoet enregotsr- IY fiabeol tac jenm ThIe Woadtl.. a tiil lt e ilOpii tbseewo ouetasdhctrredt b& tors.The faut le it th" wuar ntit uta, au.! lbeeoutatiNn t«la fttad ltll tact i Nhlb alp ha the owt-tieoa loeomotios. The ojoter ln ttielyaes Ofe QU cotuien a sfree neAuoer, but' fnthIe iNe tha itt etteithtrf te s.sîehisg anud bh.glnste tnyc toa lu ta-1 sud camillte forte, urici ht osnh Whou it laam1V orminuste, it rmtan 0usd. -The escalop. isover. n ublea id teave about. ad 0s.uos icoitestgtût topaor ah. Weser. It ceuld do tits ecly ta toueuor av@ fesct uaunrt tmtgtecah itheto um tO Or thveutimoatndopl. 11; la aomteu abut a arun es, ahe sop bslsg oafthlbbotGInan ad btgheeuhuveIl t Iban hl tai lise c t et lb n u icht ta taben. Thesemoalp Morea ikoIt by erpollal s& coito aIciTatu assre sIf. heil. i.cmn opu-suddos. t neamu àl te,. lu nokes le tanter, ubebig inueassisotngie agalsea the mutcauitng aor. la mtorabut. sud ba eu à»ON"la serinPlacpread esclenl»aboutaIhm rtoiiljtm-, Mr d uotesm.Pfb ainira If thuAustb m bmmuac f or t bat tato cmuta ett 0 h sa t ktth- er tebnp Wafg M rela ntoryt.o mmaumm 7M nt i ht1 habits t,! ealpOe ,8fIagM, p!Osudtai, &W nles- odtheîu in the Tmao ffla uayw~i a %otîii beP aalued oue. a& tgtar st huedy tabopuin ha aaoi-td tbeea tn enrry le u m lb ferahog. Bolai ths e nlag #1MesuhaVent ta take tbem suit moye i.p t-tYoek CE $cep§* Sp r pclt àbock la DM Io 1»taiafrbi ma saisiroo vo inoa iolaena24 "a a rir 1aafor tmua it. o/nrd tho o d greun i t n eue Dollar pet bu., f1 itt for 510 doe,. ' t SaUe ta ~eznOto bt.o for orm 2% n ec rît of0 tNo 3-cent, tp. '*tIi in Xi]tx . ly J. EL t, soi ' zOOMi. jo -- t, 't m d - ri 'ai t ,, 6 ta l4tu by thte t.. ,t, yeV.ttilg 11 th mut. i t ara se in iuiotttd ,l , t ta 'tt e tu ui u - t.O fi*tttcal.t he , u, , ï. ai ,:0il . a.rbill ti i , 'I I, : OIC , f thef titu te t 0. cauooo t .1 fr, ...t '.ttooou. j Ibot a] C ulnat m.le j L -Ielien p. ,r tibisult.m W.s , u.dtath e l r,,l,, tt.t. ttty t'tthe f tue d -t' zu nii ,su .lg. bIrd a. 1 t ten ululwa 40 t 1, 1 'i ra p'. tat.* but t ie.,i b i 9 tA a t lprct1tt t ll, r a lt p l) _t. tai nf s , tft , On I thIL, t4 lm ti, L Ma i Vthe at g r ai ttdoi, huttIlt N Satdai' t t L leyttt lion t uid t tto't, ..t. t £rt,. Aendootti t. t .i,