ý I . i . . . - . . - 1 - 1 ý - - , -'l , _ . - ý. ', 1 :_ ý ý 1_ý' ý . . 1 ni' il ý - -v ", ý . ý 1 . ý 1 1 1 __ - 1 1 . ý i __ 1 l' ý - qu' - __ _ . __ - -.1 * jm;zi ý ý. . .-,.-,- ý__., - *WM* X"-. 'le; ,,, - ý . . L, , - , ý _ ý .Aàanv= . 1 ý- - - ,---- - - 1 __ . - ABOUT CAMPHôK . -_ - -_ - - - _", *_ - ' - ' - ý F = --- --- -1 ' . 1 le , , A SOLOIEIrS WIFE, . ID. 1 ý . ---ý-- ý 1 ý . -im. :r ý ý 1 HOW TINE W AS TO _ ý . THE ORFAM CW FlOMPEIUSI. -_ 1 1 ý Umm&. mat ý intime "Vobt 1 - . - ý Il 4 soutien, nom ta P.Um tuer Iteffl M .; . . ýemm AUa«Y. , - acer th. Od-v- Dirait 1. 01fitallamid . - . 1ý , ',,loupý =i;- ý 1 1 - - _ - - .- ?'_ý .1- ONLY VZ"r£BANB-jAZ BEALIZ,..r.. ý ý laci imugum Pm ta lon th. àýe M DM 1 4 Fer- th. Trous. th. i.tmt%7-f b.à.py, lite, wMo. , ri.à. pub-A ver ne»binu et ý .ý . - "9t THE tluprzaiNas OF AICUY LIEZ. 1 VARIOUS EXPEOIENTS ETAPLOYED $£- fWO bleu eommw& . ý ý ý .. a a . . moblés .Uîp as muxy dresse il le, Co 1100=_ ','Otwlbhatandlng the comparaître 1 ri a 5 R»ým. Subwribè fi il, IL ,ho FORE THE DAYS OF CWCK& Fini in thé unaîchra or the nicht lie record D.Moi-. ]Mtop..;......... -- - ý , 1 t Il i 1 MW linaits or ira naturel mviým'ý""' t ;: .-: ffl 2ý - ! a -1 .. - - 2.rp.... I..-M= . doit" hi. auto ; .7::: 14 ý- lu strong M" Illitude HdIPI.. 1.v.IldýTh.' Tb. Invisibles vieil MouTm&&L. Jan. 24, 189S.-À cm of e= t":::. - - .1 0 i a 12 14 ý tlie Il sceller of one Who suffered jnoly and cataphote trac germera Weil In cultl,,tivii 1 . bands hi. Do. Ibrus Ordiabry inter-tu te the .....:18. j * '- ,ri, Iý 1 1 unelorividely tffmutwndltion& il le-1 The CIBPWdmogtàmTtý 09 Io f-, ,Ad plui. hint velth th- OOM .. .. 2 4 Tlui,£ mi 1 7 1 a_ Il »-!2!ý Night for vil y-.. A. ý In 3r«tlý el -7 - Imm publie muffille batterie intime Lafontaine . - Y!L ', Il ý býOn- .bund.ntly net ralizeil 1. ',I.,Iii 1 S.,dýPe- 21» 0 lier. miftlb- IU-8. th. lotit. wax sa foilown: iýb .- * - aittiffl,ýith oýýith.utjw7.l4th-jý Md lath. Duel-.- _0HAMpj(ý go-,. Itil..rt.hSatBuenSAyrý. 11, J..ti.g QWltW-"- = -.,-I t t .»d" 'O ad . . 1 F- Th. Chatham Bau- O 1 . 1 A,."d whe'. - 11ýsgI 'F.re.'...",Yt'.. ,,air eue H. E. Iliager (4...ýd a..&.. à tbvlroà" Md cannelle ce- Everyoue living in and around the thrives, in Egypt, In the artary Islam s , Otb., m.th." .9 Teillififf Tia- The vrest mbdm& wich - J A . b«ýý dg;;Ll athothe= luili, M por yo- ent, 1 vý bas beec going &bout pcdliDg a Il lle$:&ý b,ý,ý j '" Or Village of Wheatley knows Mr. Peter In wuthe8gbrn P ... sud. in the S.. TI'" " t'L'= of = -1 Ji fidy and ard C.t.b.,. ( Sippe, who bas been a resident of the Josquin colley ta Californis, orgera the ý The Ilr« clock ta An, amuse A( th. w"d He mm, mil ,fim ,.ce whius ,va, ubich ho repre»nted As beicg the balaie Cintrerai, c.lut maimil, liommortir Voc"I.mill.dýu»_ .lumdo Aumàtorimtwjioam ' -a li--"Y- U ettelle w«à et Il -Mi place for uptmards of tweaty years, and aummmý-botanddry. LeMOtre"at semun ta bave beau (for we am net mm a, À Ro&i.-- Insight, .ad te the ..t.1-il, . as Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. The Dr. r,- j'.«'= »J 'iMl gjjialy sud Ut fflober. leaut 200 yeurfil old arce &frangine, in the te volent Mailles they viril, which In 872 sh...I.g tire Dit hi .1. , ,A, = = %= ,. .hieh d.yl,..ki- on who ducing the whale of that pariod -, ver the. L ppy William@ Medicine Co. placleil the mat. -Tho loci up ta test year was a constant sufferer Ferait i ter in the bands of Det«tive Haynoic. y et et ,semblable. - ýý - le Court et Tokyo, whamen thy am theVeneti". inle.tÉdof ,hiChtheymnt Or on je wort, ver pliter, Il - 'r'd"s ,Dr ]3yOrder.- 'T'. G. NIA'rHF-SON, subject ta a winter of 70 or 80 milliers of a apecinten ta Constantinople) one made 11,gt vil veau âot, ttý. i me A 01 the USU&di&n secret serViM. abc à , front &Cul. th mmotism, corruplicated fil Witte un Occialoical minimum tem- la 1874 for Charles V of France. Ir wu Ejslmdjng, or an ofictionq foie forbade ' Clerk nf the l'race. ý bý.o.t.hCtý. troubles u.tilthe.w.., word perature an lew as 2 dogmes ta 16 degrers a very big on , weighing orteil bundred- nervivre te Rail, no. clialopoil of furant, acon boa collécted %affichait Ovidâ»c@ IL aLadoý. A lie aga of 20 Il. Th. conditIcau for really surtel ý.1aht sud = bit fi converIred Aýb, Rituel fort-. trave. Situé, net Ili- retour - . coule, ta warrant the seront of Minger on lie joiried the 21st New York N"'Ilut charge of cbt&iüiýq woney under Illibe - _ _ _ _ - - . - CmltiAýi.. .ppear ta ho a minimum win- milliard Berry de Vie, and Illustre who an Yewnlinels. Letnotthetý P-tfflil Mea.time Minger hall lutté teertoand ftýri)eingaiticinberottliat ter temperatur, net Ë,low flo dogmes Iii cartons may flud Ion aurait$ In Froissart. fatal- j tàL, .FI fer .. the ...,-ý's niblet protences. lie Constat tirople correspondent of - - orgamizati a ta, lie M y'ais. le,- jiinud 50 lu, hos .,,,,.m.f Foi. d.,IAg the ,uterri, Thio clock vrai put up in the round tower tomen I% ri veur Montreuil golog ta St. Jette, N. B. a Ou ,,TLondon Stanclar'a says the ,FIL bis mi veille, mrroIrý Wh... big arrivai in th& ci War, Rira Pasha bu beec ordered the New Ony.elk Cavedry and .Crc.,) gro-inc: scamme ..a ,fat udra.ce of tirant of the parues, and for menthe volt t ity lie was pl oeil B u k of lh m itoii. rite Minister unaer arrest sud an official ment ta 1 thc..Rtý lie the ,ýtCiii... lit tuait, riul. = 1 T. = ooml. I.Ppi.-.f.]-p ces.i.? ta prepare 80 repiménts. with a mini. e war i In Alliage.. 111, the nativo for- ý nýmbled te watch the rouvetty BZ huit -ri- : b kh took part lu the are. Ho was brought M acli. fer bistoric battre% of ests tri Formulai, FaLle. ..a Jupon aura- ..a det.1là. If luttait vrith this, boýy«,i -IITIm Phat&Uia of L-ýICnn," Trart ettod air briLS hmn fin ý um strerath cf Buli's lion, Freder,,,kýbe.rg, CII11,IliI,, phor IF di.,till.d .1Iii.ýt ..ýlusively front' or nuy of the auccoeding efforts of clSk- Edvnrd Iticlley. ad ho or. neige Lafontaille tille renommait - 7CO mcn e . etc ý sud et ..a im. rellit Ci,,[Itý, mille., trio wooli of the trunks, Main and larger makera t bât we arts concernait, bue nt a fer 0. two charges. and Identifiait guilty ta HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT, service in Rcumejýa Dent Imprinir. Tlme t j,..,,,It.,II Il branell". ý eý.t.iter date with th. Sýtilvený bill BOWLINES OUT OF DATIE. bath. fi vras pointed out thali bibi attitude of Bulpayia le caup.irg uneami- et a gtretch, 'Yi.g The m aile, lu performed by band ).bu,, il Joli men inculeured tires and multiplier] In i :IF ID Ur - el,%»A» lieu. and flic Porte lion sent fiction A 13oM fer Yeune Md 01 tlIt.umb th. te Ca, offertes was a grave cas and loft bien SITAL PA croN le limes. 0'. .. . zXVE FUND, - - 7*6»00 stramoine ta Sofia. 1 otlocr .oc.li.u bc __ .. fier., loiel, fat "LI the routhods Imployed moment cather 1 moine degrue trio place ( the clock. And Au lard Skipper ,, ai,=* or the 141"k» bable ta a lengtl'y terni of impridon. TOTAL ARBICTN, - - 9A"Ml& WC Glii de, Th. retentit OF traces bre tonca, and ý bnuk te "mettait ages avant wjtxo. Mold. by th. la.dl-bý- courat. The comisel for tire Dr. wil. Royal approval bas hCeu set on skirt OUP, tour a.)& &.il fiei cl .et 1 il il ' ý ! moous , Ifil., trmIk.ý, fureur' limbe and winetliiie 1 The water clock. other,«Iu the abritai hisi, 1 - 1 u a le, filtre .acier tb.tý .oeil 1.ýlcd.ýli!" 1, f WhI. a mari wu (IMAk. ', effet the, ..a bains bl.,Iici.0 Cu. eltated thst darciug. The Qlief-ulian jerruittýd lit r RUORDI t 'J'a MOU rite eut jljto chlpe wblcb am' dru, Main, ..leu the Efflt.l.gi.t. find ,Llp,.,,, ....11.,. .lit, Ln th. timêý -lire ý . - hum, au tielly Ihdj.ý,h.o-- il ,Il othe,,l, 1 ** Cliente dia ,et wimh ta presm for eu"re DIRECTORS: lino groLudclauLljtp;b, Plillefon Ela Of 1 .ira a Iv Pem.illont. 1 B,,tl,,i)bei g. and Prit celx Alice c bit 1878 13 06" plitred il, . w-d,. tub fitteà 40 lichat, 1 --êthi-9 trente ici tient rural of Incessant ri lent le. - *thmo permulumetit ut titis lime; Illey Ouly . ,f AI LO rOcktýi CutI"IýLlýtlIo- N STUART... ...... ... 41 ý%'hiIe in high and 20 inzbes In diameteret the boa% 1 dificcasries fý the .,est fer Aimes; .1 ,ta il, lie'. wle;11,' IIIIIII, alournie, 11»Atiu- ,vtsii.d ta estaplieh the, tact tient copie. JOH ... bany ta leur". Plincets blatrucritc (f rite acmy. a. . cavaleur Ixo, fule'l an 1 portai;; tI,,ý.,d th. top Ilke a. .Ili tuerie, ti»,etta have bol the firest elontliiii effort ý *""" .AL trio ida booLls, bu eh.,g. of betl- menting au irmilation pell ta bu rite A. G. RAMSAY. .. ... ... Vi(W-PrePident- - Connaligirat t(ci(es ennuie 1 9 1 r 250,'0oý ." -,ý, ; often .-Ne .ai-. ère .....ette,-IId i.,IIl»'d c hurle Tho tub bu a titiller ir ý nt ne rua th. italien. A g-d moury peciple 1 ,If. 1 bout. retard trio P.,ýci..l Il '1181l," lubbers, ".,a as Dr. William". l'i.lç Pill. Wali a a c I .lT -o ,;,,l A C.,ur. ý, hih .ne, bu mitioved'ta, put la tarit filiblyabout the clep.ydr. le le, ricithe, ,rhu, Wffl, ,hu 1,.Ip.[,14,ti.,,.ri., prettuoil i a mluch LuIt the perpetrator hable Ozo. RoAcil, JOILN PROCTOR. 1 while Prince Li Aient f I L., DM SED 00VAM I oel': , ý ,il, the liblits A bamboso tube extends train me il. prerise construction nlor the, '- 1 Il, rx, ,,Sable forenmoit bandit, say ut a train O' eu . .r mie . , êlýl,!>,.i"liý,,,,:ýl,,o>,-Týýý""iýf',c I lilir il,, t'ýI, of il](, eut) jette the roiileiiýer -onstructing 1 ,ho c&)uldn*t amvigýlu tient ho wu$ -&et[ t. ôý ... A. T woon A. B: Lzic (Torc»ltn)ý ; ciel ers lit m ith cclm;c eoiIga nid We'lil l'od bioi. ItId qo, ic 1 Ili c", ý lklan who haTe the credit Of ( - ta a leurthy imprist-Icaume ý GUMN, M.P. i fiance«. NEW _ 7 05us , il Tiiiý,(.iiits of Leu wooden tubsof iliffur- Il. Tient Wumga ta the Aýwrian, nuit âv 1 joir Along a borchinc., Illet filles ars, ont of Ci , rite limage Llooa iwpo»e-U a ... 1 Wai plv ta cru! pmu, i v', - ,il of ,1.,..; f Jalg j D,.Lie.. 1 I, . uýý-.-r -il J. i... of tIoý e et Fl",ý,, tho largici, ... right @id. Il krpt or Wh a. et I.-t oletc 2,600 yu.r. A rd telle and have heurt for luany tence of twu d6j A in jilil wtlio.t th. i.TURNBULL ...... ...... ...... C"bier. -.dot cartum, f.rgp-i-1 Pre, ý 9 Ï ý ,ý'Illý",">""i", ill., H..S. STI.'VEN ... ... Assistant Combler. nlium Liust. JuLert imitai. Wate-hum. liantuur hO -ed -- 1 Iiý ., , I ,,,l ý t,.ýl (,, '.,I,.t loi, teint., full .9 w.t., train . Ion- th. IlepEydft -M .oeil ta -NiII."h ..a. Il. .go th. "lis or a ship option of a fine. BOYS 8h.uld bu eucly herbu, ta il,,, , r, j il 1 bot., t luto- ,trottin whih Fou. .ut of . bal. 1 th. £wny of th. ilecond Sorti ... paie>. Il, iodrod l'toute and leil III Ill'a . Cor- This duci.mi. ie Iiicely ta bâcle a la, H. M. WATSON ... ...... ... ... Inspecter. ýe"-"b»,g,,Zý,,,ý..Z '.,,e,ý,ýýd= yy. GIRLS tilleul ,C,,,,ý,,lf roi Ili uu_ Il, I. , tir ....... .et ,ou, silo, The lonaller .A. lu toýertý& .- a bru- lesseL of e-yllndiI.1 shapi ý o, ba'. Th.. .hip. ,."YilIg .q..m ""il. reachi.g Ille et. as IL Brunes tu .8tablish - New York LI&ýIr. Ledil Bulletins, N. Y. 1 250,000 c ifRt ', _ Il , Iil. ,Il, ,du, le bal.,, il,. enteir, termine 1 holding ftlerfil gallons Of water, NN-blehlIild mot go ta wlnt[%ard. Ationt In, priumide Idiot lortalLituters &.a et Il te I't ,, ait", lialleigit, or A litt sa in a fibli M. et. rolà,f ut ait ,,IL...", 1- glit ý lýzlIIIl,,,. could only enterge thrangle one tlny baie Il O r, Iu. 't a ON BRANCH. ----- -- -- ----- - ; - : ý te k s . IL a t i .. 1 Co O 1, 1 I, 1 ý , , 1 1 ý, l% 1 ,,.ý l lil.sair ciii!ibir 1, kept cool by the wu. In the mille Thun the tr!cL-ling of th. fluld fo, h- e wil- stil inuitatila- rcI)resýt't'au M 1 LT - a . LtIb-ý 1 -- . ,.,.,h.Iet ,.-le bagalle ta .. cite th,ýtD te. 'Li'. .Ime as', Dr. %Vil YOUNG g t M.. a 1 file 1 -r fidling on elle, tup and rurminfil down niarked a Certain ainount of trille, and the bue trou, and by lis Illietiole big eluarI rig- liants,8 Pink Pilla, are habit, teurier the A Referai banking bul§ineu trac#- - el. - 7", ý mot cul tr.'ublud 'l'il e]I11-r,,:,lI-ýi, -, ,h, ,ii,-ý Tho upper part of the air moter was eniptIed About hall a dozen trers, Il ben on a wharf, wemable ta wall"" ctiuoinal code, which la ter force &H ; ,-.---- - , - - th. f.own.ti.9 A mtl:j,,ýw th'. """ "' "ý" ,v I mettra. Fermiers' Actes di6courited "a Money loaned on ilrst.clâsg mort- 1 habit? bat ut tien- vvers glelýjlýot tll frlIIi1LIIý 1!IZI.II!,il il lýIeeiIeiIta IIIIIII With Crucial il-- Filer dieu,. In Nhueveh Imm wu vine 1 cran, in grod ,,,athur About four ho lie a,., tire Domiuion, sud il will 'le douht., .pecial &tien lion Rivent, ta the collection ýt Allaitaient spelbe, .nid ut odeur t,,ýCý Il Il, Iliiýý,, ..i,-,ý.,ti-o,,, ,., Il hole the ..,,eph., cryscul. ut the peines, and one In carle principalno hall, ..il hiy ,viril. -'n or 'Ight 1 table cour mi, Ver@ Foire «00 criait ri data .ait c.11,,t. di.tilut. Tb.. w.r. .11 fIllId hy .litre.) wisiderable, CNtit, plat ail and Il of commercial palier and Farine"' go " Cut'ty' Tuerli, appollecel ta IL ... bluet, LI, 1-l, -11, I ý1, 1111, 1- IIIII tto- ail Il le- 1 iIi;etý of the WiroL revaille, 1-F%],, Il tell cý,'IÀANEY, -dý.tý.t=y w.IlIl .1t,ý.1 f'-el .lui, al I', ýýt.7Iý.i,ýi,, on the surface (et the water. In soinu entier train a ivatchman on a toIver ilt th. et'. ho r bituen latil., ..Ili .. Culotte bas 'All"d titis nefarioud lIusiijt,%i as it il eident Sale Notes. 0. E. lu DO t eýclýo luiar and ail are allowed in colleut 1 ment of marbre, and Citera boit un attend- (rom tire filet chat rite %li, ilimara" . ii diýýIt I.Veey.nemmal ffl et villicle Lieu- food ,ý.-.",k i,',,,,,- lI,..tli. mentir, butrocrWolothmer, t Brurrister. % dthe.ffl"mal&n.ingoy.p - leu (tri trio surface of the %varier and ont, whoue licestrucus was ta N-1111 the ,et t a ]gtlm Full loi, a th. W Medicine Co., w-t Droits loti payable ai aH the 11) gre. ru fimavrr 19.11?u ffl--t sormutoule. ýNlyhidc,,yliýl,ý,tII1,1,Il Il Il Il 0 tjý,rlxjtCm.. et 1 -ly, FAT .,O .,",w",d .op ... tcd by filtration ý*lep.yd- a. beau na Il wu IcinfAied, th. tant, ,1,1,F.ý -F, ci. jd,ý la thosic ihv, briugiog titis mou bick from 80 grýalL principal points in Canada and uniw . - - __ 1 LIKH fflN." If-Ide .. lircatly litred my II,-,,-.-, -l'It,*", ri, tares Drafte on Orest Britain bought - -- --- , dithm 70P ' ,I,.glei,.ýtc3ý.rbyp-ý.t,.. Aiment faut bilait -nuancera l'Y IIIIII, luculle M Th, f,,-i,,,Aýt ,as libippd le, th., IyI;.f a dist.6ce as Si. joli.. that they 1. . ,t..tlylii.gindr-dt 10 1 seemed complet.1y Nhatt-,ý Il >'I,,ný,ýii,- tort and Irold. f.il.ý.ithvaon.m=t A fio,- e.,-,ulI'l eId,.,u'l 12 lu'I's -Il roquired for dieilling à tub. lit th. hett -Ftery th. W.thIeI." ij,,,,F-'i]Y th, -1ii,,. tend mparing no expenso ta pro ... .uecIty toit ' fui by this ooethod. Then trio dAp. are -huillod the boursi nt night throurrhout the . If You IlValit i .1ý,.",-,d y Iller or t ý dell tho- I,,qIýýwed ,Iary ylcarle reuwv(-(I.%tiildrird for CI thofurnare ttýts of Týndon. Sortie live uenturiee - -1 lie bowline propti, tel attai ta the both rite publie and thaîtroselves in - , - --.- 1 .ý,ýI,,yt Thiab-klatwUIW leu Ab. et t A tour a L, I Il il AdviýI ýd Le te ý, of th. sIfIl by il bifille, Imarla ,,,I, ,,,,,. . i SAVINGS DEPARTRIENT. 3-ontliereWt.%oft ý aile[ il ilew charge là filet in. .At the mm@ Inter ma .n,)nyiiieu. gafflus malle et g)(,nt fe,,,,-.,,l and hi reaud ta k,,p tlo, .11 st,.,Iý, lrtlpmveii)eiit by Iiiýrting toothud Ilbuelà, ý """"" 'rg, P.I..., Deposits of III.00 and upwards ce. ..[EtNI,.Tý uni NPI.ý1wit,13617CO-OMIDI-1-Élaý 1 Dr Wii .ý,eI,,'ý, l',ellj'Iil,. .ad et viel, ,i Lillo th. ,iIII1,1I., ..a cul ai. r-loveil ,,I;,,I trio .1,11, il, dos, holuild. YIu %vili - .- -- grand d.y fi,, .iI-ti,,,,, 1 le,-,.. thi-l' front Ira ,ý..Ilo..,ý, Hy ýhI. .outillai 20 Ihhh r volvIng turned leva lonnui. (tri a liait trend dfluition Il, th, (ýutj,,ooris. P.. plutal.. or Ne ho ce LI ... de ý "Vert .le. Art- 1 bail -Id et il II, box, , Il, y te) 41I r,,,,,.,I-, .1 ,hip, art requirod for ... dia, ineclouk fashl.n, th.. FIo:o,ý1'Iitl; the lait, Il Is ,Iie,,,,l I la, - - Delteil and interest allowed on the C h ea p or ý . ,',*,ý,,.;,. btOýL,,1, Sautions. vras flag caltain ta Ad lutin., bal ll,-ý,,I,.,,ýýi and 1 ,- -l, : jond If _ula uieIIliho,.-%;.ItOd Star,, pr.9,18. of the riche, Which front C .bar. of .,]..", 'alh, t,ý,It minimum mouthly balance 1, ý! "-" TIO, sidI'.1,1v býtt-. Lab2r, tlrilli a D,-I)itrtriient of Agriculture. ION ta Ieýisyl.g .,ý"wm à1ý-, Imu, lu III-Ild Iblpe nüWmI.yý hall ,eIilI.11,(,Ilý - mirai Sir Hrry filochant Il heu Napo Special Deposits &lac received et EMIS 10 Coriti. a "'. of rit,, pill', 1 ,,.IIl,[,ýat ibis ,lutrin the clepsydre, whirh wu& tillit ý ri .... ... 1.F111,.,,.. On the .Id ,,.,h oold A . 18 0 'O ' Il .. - 1 lecul 8utreullored fil tire F,ùglssb, and carrent rates. T', E Y. dui p In, i 1 1 HE GERMAN POLICE. Ihiedy 1,,.,,ý,.bi, la Egypt. [,-.ai. Ici Iggod ,C,ýl th. elle w.old d'ai, S h o es ý Il' . a Ti il ftit al, abi. ta ,,,,k a, 1 bill , ditied with him .. il..- day leu e,.bark 1 TU deured ta viertiote, ltl,,-r nations, ilorindir, ý 1 I"II'ý'ý'ý""aF ""lu" "' th'y 'vold'il F"ma(1- ad Io tir. Belleraplion. lie et-Crilles disomme, l tw..ty yluilers aga. 1 rec', f-1 -Il ai Il . Sillery et al. Eu- Rcor J. F. HARPER, btrong and if auy Ili eny idil c--afý ., P"f'ý"' iliallev Týli. le, veliera, Il fluilrisleud ,ith varictiý: j!, Il il. tri, v %vený cot;m long te. thvý %%(.,a I I.".eper.r tiens in a letter ta Iris AGENT. MILTON. ý p, l'ou. wilh rit.-. mplcrodid ,,.belliFh.,Ilt. luatil, tho ,,col ,If; -Ili. Salle a Fb.p. monhl Loup fuir., ... ]y tu. Go to-- Seo titis sud Arc .111i', Il 1 -iul 1 -,, , A ', "Y the .empire. 1 il -iling directly hIforeu Ili, Iv'ud wife , lutely Publudled; . CURES GLIARJ V F ý Liimml te try Dr. lý'ill-atiý>s Klii. 11.111> ý , , ]Il, Il lit '"'s liglit "" tri' (ý- ý The mondial Élimas t 1 th ri r 1"' "I"ý1,11,ýýl">t.i!.ý"f.ýýý.'l",ýýhil,ý,ý>,,f N;LP.1.0I, il V.ry ill m.d.; lie is ---- -- --- --- 'The %1'.gu. of Sin" .hi fison I 'bat Dr ýý illiz,,I,ý , 1 ,acte, lilli,ý, ,ý,tto i, toloi Il, l'r.f,-.,, ci" Ile' ' ' Il ý : ' short, Witte a big bead, lui bande ami ----- 1_I-lý9 2e et.. . CON SITLTA AnanalyH sholvai ta a _o, . tient, ta the IlmpFyd,. Il ai 1-1 "IlId nt ý ý'1!-c, il, lour 11nuls il. ,0,11, Il, 1 'Il.>': a FR)1ý E If = l. itý ;_ai- vaité PiukIl>uý.o coute, 1, ýI-I- if I-Iý , vi-d , ,ýý,ý'ý',',',,"1",>ýý.',,,,,:',ýý',a Alexandrie amie. flue ,un 'I', Il aller ,*II,,, thry are ,.te ndd I.,r, run legs .te suiedl .Id Iris .t.macla pro. Doctors Recomm end. i H e FO W L I A I , Io-, IJL.%.',K r DO ... , 1 ail ri IL . elle.t. .eL,.s4arv te Ii%(' 1,- ý ýi,:ýI'z"ýýlI!o, 1 ,I., Irc L7I'IiLet],eweete,01, ,],ý"."19,ie.I(Iti.e- -j'l. ;ou I,,;,,I,[ nie, K1-.ý_1ýTý111 i-t, ail i)IN ituti'n to i,111 ai"", 1 lis -et iq very sholi lire sud ,icl,.,iý.n ta trio blo.'l' ,toit eu ý l: tlI,."gh .11 th. vIntieullest, .,,a,, nolu ,,lie ,Il, ýia'-s litaitud. n's Ftiff et, . P-Il, 1. lie bs-k. W1biCý, inI teint look . 1 .,j ( 1 ý, "brute afiatterad .e,,,.,. l'ho.i, arc ai, ý 1 .IIg 1 e,,i,-,Ik Willialla 1\'. lit -un., h. O_ d.js, ,lher. Il Iltly .dort.. many a 1 ý1ý,ý,.,g,ýdtgo;,Id, ci. b.")I", il, 1,"I' it i1ýC.lOuý. fils piatil. i. gond oeil like .- lutodod ta go, but ho uton. vuly .Imm r .. F, ;'ý,ýIllý, - f.,il",g W L'op hiý I.g.g,ýIicnt. Il Coin. sicroly. Ir onh^. lieu IIII[l 1 .es flic arc M. full ,b -inds >..f.ilIeIg .PCii, foi 'u'A, d i 't.t.1y A .frapl. I Id - Id garder, ait,] . t Il latel but hi., Therf,, YOII Mill gf-t iffl k loconnotur ataxia. paillai para1yýil. St ' out of an ilý-,7pýte(j visit fi.,. . Young onmoth .body lumen. Il ,las n.tlor.Ilý lit ý n ben I buctu lILhe.,. noli, .haut rite ba', - face is .et býai.tif.l. [lis eves are ý , 4 . Cor, Michigan Au. 8ý8d1Esjww I Vitus'. a.."., .ci Itiun, ,il ee,.]"iý,, ri -'t liI.,ieýz,,It of joli-, vhui rsled many ail tire ter constant mau in ollier cIimCý Ironie i illie. I wu almost lis morte wffcl_ývd il- 1 liglit bloc. with a )Illow lier; ait the ii i. L A l D A , , At, RI] prices. DETROIT, MION. 1 4 huiolochI. thu att. i Iýtretitly onnucestoury questions about Ilby ho. of -11, "bF11-11,111" J-11. frant th- lu ant ,,hvi, 1 nuit A ducriplion ; . .,. - iris. They art- livayy aul quite differ- . CEY . 1 ..ti>., noI.Ie, tho ï,uilliger hier conte ta Berlin. Whou ho it.,gr attentat of muti.,Ii;re trio. cFj.yed ý t,,,,,i fý,ro tout arc ùAlft :fý^l, 1, I: ý1.1: ont trotte %vlial; 1 thooght; lien teetli are LON TEA. ý , effeuille of la grippo, pajultation of tliv But noms fin. and f.II,.,e.,"ar'il.l.- bal', IaI "Il ... Il., - -A.ý,ltýý%ýý,,ýi,.ýýý,,,,,,ý,,ý","ý,! Lead Packets, Ailly 25c.. 40c., 50 & ôûe.: lébl- CALL AND SE[ THIM'i . 1; ha-t, m.-.n. 1,,,,Ft,.t,ý,,I, .11 Ili,,,-,- , au'eut t, return ta Englouti nndwhat lind I d , 1 bis face in , 1.ýg milted withJn the M- ', am, lit, 'et il L",:LlaA,1,,] ,,,,,,,,i""t"ýIeIi,,,IItly ne,.- boa. Bot tir. expression ci 1 - 1 - ___ý deperohilg upet ,itueLud I.,,eIe,,,,ý ,L, il,,- Lý Pt bill lie 1;Iclin FI' IIoI9ý v .ried sud .1i.ýs stikioRly thn livCIY A bi..d, Illich ., ,u.ifIIl,,, I.li,,ý,ý,,ý ,I,,,,,; I le "A f:, r 1 lend I.pl.l.,d te hi,:,," ëays -riptio.. fier. .et bocm thuýi, ternir ,hIý,.,ý ,ual. wipýle".y Il telle 'oight bal, lý,,eI . For sale by - --- -_ - ---- ---- ý C A M E R A Ç r.[,,ý., .NliI11,e, -thot 1 - ,.11.ting Or the Put. t,.e.-N,ý 1'.rý Son. and diverse 1,."i... et lits mi.d. At ,, ci.., eto. TIII ý â:ý .],. , li>,(.,(!,ý f, e L)uring the dark agý trio ul,-U>ydi,,I - -_ __ CF=O. T---.-II-TIZ, , S lie I.,ýeit mi nu.'l tipis et trio royal library mernesto h.,Ov",>Ilcdwith the Romna ti",-,ýe'face exire.ýsee groathurnor, ý % t,.,tt'l.ll,,,,"., ri, f..III.1-, -'l il,! I . Th. W..I1-ilff Je- lieu suddeul) darke- and à %ad, 1 - ri o L", wlo, iýo)re poreinfetory, med informed A. - .- ---- -- -.--ý-.-- H ariless-m ak ilig -ý,, \* w ï-ili, nominal price, thý suppr ,,ý,eiti,,. a"I :,Il pire. lis relIttr.(],,,ti.. litre 1-:,,,.II. Is '11,(.,,. a,, ,orimu, I-millit., If el, .,t"l*yl peuetraticulI look Fleuves thacharacloIr --- 1 ý 1 f.".l of 11.,Iii.e,,l. Tý,o-, tIe,ý,[ ,Il, 1, , L a duo ta thitt lier. of our > --g çbIý F, t III, ,,,' iý>nmdl1blg .ILýk, 11, of trio tiIoeý'ght th.t ,,..ý,,ý,c, ]lien. lie The Causais, Paciii, ,,a Grand 1 A "' me "",'l'Il, ",le: i,-t)iLtlie polocelauthoritius [hongrer, a II. I.,e,;F.1, Il lIlaling 0110 C ý 1 ý fu-tuight tost Le, etruply lueffleient for cAiiph Il.,aun .1-1r.,hi,], Ili,- f.,II.., pl, ,I,'Iý'ýe. ha", f."I,,Il lia, fuoI!ÎotlI:ý;ý'F :ý1, 11111_' 1. .,ýIlikall,, -eura, Atterrît hl .ýI,.IoI ,.,ýtiIr.- Li,, . 1 1 speaks fast sud Ia,ýýs from aile nette Truck bave caucellemi their Toronto ýl i1-1 li rlt,\ nrý ,Curling out a t.,I.le, aoA -1l'I', ,ý,., - Il, , l Il ... I >ýi-ýI,,,i tout tlIýy I,-q,,oFt,,l et,. ta ' '!'ai. iý,- I>1 , -ît i i 1 hý,t lý,,ili,, -lioIv 1 Ivisbed char Ir huit o le of flagellait 11-Ing .cri jet tîIo 'cit, , IIIIIIII-1il loulterluc, 1 aloi, rind 1,u,,,11,êý ject tu another vilry rapidly. Hile North Bay passeuger agreement, au i R epairing 1---bbgî-ý i- - . ;n4r ,,f ,ýmera.4 te ail, terrât luateul (Il, 111>1111, IF tient llIiýýr,ýi,ý".e,,L.,I,ý,-,, thuy I Jf', L le. ,ieýl,, Il ,, ,, ,.I a 1 ý - - 1, , -ýý,lý,,ýIil, 1 Li hýiu.i 1 u.plautud that "" A p pocielort to chall, knoWledge, seetiii oxtou.,ive [toit aller commencing on Feb. lot the Canadia A . 1 Il flut J'lot .bout OF . utile t,,[o,,, thi. 1joi, ul jet till hIoooý If lil.ell ouli 9ý- il;' 'f I1ýý 1 1Iý,1 lýt.",-i. Il ig in V ý'. . ý 1 . I "Il lýL -'l' t, Ilej,.I, nIy Francit liait tilt air iiziotl,,ýr talde ,il xI,ý'. 1, -Nl,.tI et hko, as Il,, ,I!ý,ý,leýIgg,,] ý.II! 1 ý itiud, alui 1 ,vas ,oirprilo-1 ut h;, [.ai,[ Pcifi, ,fil take &Il passongers for the _ _ - L'i , . .,,,i.i",-, ,,ý,,ý>.,,,.,,,ý",:i";"" , ,,, ,,I XCI 1, i, 'L"I' ,il i:ý,. ýi,.,_Iý . ý., ity Ilitil .11 I;i.lil .1 Illon 10 Eng- veut âmrimd by Smitli's Falls. The ý ,,, ! , . ..... L , I ý ,,, ýl, Il Il , r il Il l'tg tir.. l'y th. 1n'ontion ut th, hýnIr ej,, para, o il, ,,ý u, bol ,!,,,I,1, A l"I; IIlý,, 1 1 , ý _'Il , ,_ý à ýl,ý't I ettou a destIned toits long air cxiýtn-aIl te ... iiiion iiah- elle wliIirvr ., , o je '_ 1.1111. Grand Triait objected ta the low rates Tire suimenber bog, ri, I.fieII, ti,ý - 1 LIIIIl 1 ti-I ,,.il,, Il t ,il -i-- 1,11u - - ý -r - -- - ý1, ,Il Il 11ý ý1ý:1 12, the scrutin]. lndeed, liroperly mode, tl)ld ut elle trilo If Nel , II Il given by file Cauadiau Pacific for the people or Mille 1 sied %;ý ait, t l'al ],. F iFT Y C EN 9..,IlIi".. lq.,;Ilie, , tl-ý,,jI,, eti'! -ýd -'u ,,I-jý t1l 'b. W.. la 'al..ble and .,e.,ýit. tientiplul, - 'Ight yII,ý I;r,,ii,,,, ,,, Ili- hith ,,f th, Fer 0- Fitly Y-too Canadiau Northwest, for colouization lias pureb"ed tlc luie,,ý' . i prolfind it wa. rugularly turned. ( h1Iýt 1 Illid, huit LI. I!ý pýFposc«. rhi-, ai lust, tg the explàn. t1l', fin 11; 1 ý . . . ! Il ii;l. omrn, "Ith Il M __ , - luIl riaLleuritio. , il, Il -t- ,.ý." 'u:o .1 -' a.. ý."I ,,-a t'y Richard Jeu,, and is Il, 1,ý,,Il a :L ,ýuth! I, , I>ii,,te."rRl hing alla d'l ,et lire a*,,, _ , Il 1 Y.i.Iig l', .- Iaut "Iýj l"Ill, ->Iý"I;LId1Irý; m-,ý w, Tlic ti,,t rit etln , ri 1 Iý ýý ý tý tell Ili, p 'X. mlefl mot do notre the., relluela Le th, ý Il i- ,I,ýý,I ýf lit, (,lie Il i W iven on y 0 au uu, IIlpýI ;j, l1ý. , 'If IIIIIIL.-I. I1ý1 IIIII 'L"d"Il .telle' t-tu âtre , t b th C adian pacific. au I ý,ý ý -. :. i t, daý for full ti :et 1 -'i-11, of 'ý'"'-" ý'!'ý. ""'ý", 'ou Il .le, the roformation, and ,sil elle ),,ely cot in botjbý -j. Il j r'.1lý,ýl, I-t il , ,elle Il i h of lf,,:ie,.ý in t)Iý .rit p,.][,(l -I, .'Utl(Iý,ý, -L, -, , 1 1,ýl', c ", ,ilIl,ý ,I iýt,.";"k,,..ýý.ýlýý";.,.,iý-.ý or, the êbepherd villa in ander a reliait ail xitl _: ý;, Ilu, et "TI" l 'et 'bat 1 'l"t - 1 lu Sorland, of prenchere menitirIné; lino thu I!gttjý, of tri, kuliu, If il', ,ýuI_ "'lý,.k ib,:,. ý ;--ý' .,il:, -, Illus riinarkabl - .tl,',. . full lia, li Il - le- ý,j, )-., IiiI.iteci. T he aille Ceed ,i",II", ,.ý", ,j - 1. . 'I', 1 ,jý- t : 1, le I L ý, i II'(ý,.,. 1, i s ,,e,,jety trio L ing tyboirdicutirucý by il.e laurg1tueu in trio dren cet te 4 1 ra-Il il, 1 Il, , [,il Il , ilij, p .- "'ýtt:,,gir,.ýtýlI ..,,.l ý, .,,,,. oiI lie. et Lierre et arreët ut Lyons, Finance, on the charge I Nliorte.t uob,,-. A - sts,ý-- f.1,I,.,ý,. > , , ,,, li'l , ý 'l"I' 1 ,1.,Ij nor L, :Ihlo ta dira vvlth teint polpIt. Trivial markod ,eu boue exactly. ,on rtintel %%huit 1.- ricteurtied tii .fIu,,ýll- Tý.ý,,,,. ., ,,,,,,i". lu il Ïý,,,,,,,,ý,,, -,,ý, - ý Iý, . lut' L1,ýq, 1, higit glade .na li.,ç -o-ýý LI, Ill'e ý li,.IIgl t nt Il.tiodaut, t , 1, 1 Il il of bavicIg murdired thirty eight Pur- .lil, .lIIt _', ,iII,,ý,.:".""ý,,,e,,, 1, il;. '17h.. Ilisit lumde In cb.,],iI.gI, I, (111y j"in If th" ,],Jt 'f eh, "Il, no-il a'ill et,. 'i ,Iiý - Ilý _ > , il-r ,^ gong wl thin three Vents, mode a galicien , II -, , , -peet, fittfd with mil! 0, loul, Il. ILL ,,eýII;I 1 '_ If 1 le , n-,,, ,]ýi,. i Iiý,I,-, ý.uug e:i.I, tho.ght Ivv.. ,A. for 12 bouerts. Afin,(] elle Great lAt lireýiltlItlý'tL 'If il,, gifis ilo) icloglLt Ili ... ITk',-l-,,ý,tlI' 1Ilý,I,_ , ý ý ,,ý'. *o, g uýi" andfuriousonslauglit on awardeou 1 "".Ilý",,tyIents, .IIl isguatra, 'l' le, ,quoit ,Alcti",I, 1,ý'..,.ýt , oot Il 'i - ItIIIgh ,:tl.tOiiiee,. l'at II lIýu- 1.0 .., I 'v'f Li a metbod of meâturing t1iliti II blute trio I)ivilu, jofoi Il lil'o ho Il les ie,!ý,,,,,, 1- 8- ,,,,ý '12 iol lI,,ýýlýý, ""I. \l- 1 2ý'I'. .ýn,ý, the, W a da) niglit Of IlLot week. A& lie - a,, .i 1,I" (ýiic>(I. Addreées .. .. .. ai. -il LI.. . Id-Li, el a 1 q1ý'1k eýýtIIeii," - - 1 " .:il u i i., F 1 Iý, ,ýI;rý; Il 1,,.k,,It!iIeIientruIl,,bOý sieuvre chat there was lie Salon une, though ,tlgýcLltvtllelllt,,),ýthiKiligtftlie.lý%%Il Il IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, -Il goï, o- livai : ,L.,,, uý,, . -,o, ,ylt,,II - mo, woodion. .ardiers entered the oeil occupied by , 1 ';;,'ýI'ýi il - ,ory poh.bly -.,a of troc ,e,.tI..t.,iI. ilo wus ]It Ilight ,if Ar Il tiee,,, vth, Il 1; LI, '. [Ir i-1,,idII t,,,Iýig,, pleulent te Vacher, the latter apraug towards him IILII 1 LoIn '-r Lb' I'ýIIV 1 1 LI , 'lut il I ,Il a"ey Il vvas net long, LI. Camera Departmen ",J"ý, 1,I11,O Ofliial Aie- (,huit th...Iy Ii of ke'..]"Ig,) ""O ý "I'l),ý.".d et, il ,,,eleýiitI,ý'le."le., coq'loyed tIoý 1:i.el -j lý lill'..Iý.i'ilI'liý: ,','ýru,ý.'AFtb' tuant flourisbiug , beayy chair. Belote tir- ETC-"---oommlUlm"- ,ý. et , '. ,ýo"'ldIo-lyx- tjý et iý.ý.ýýýki,ýg tiý.,... ý),i,ýhi,,IýtiýýS.,ii,,.r ,,.It ,ý,. - 1 ri ... ýIlI.C -1, 1- 1 i id 'I, lie, 1 -iCIuýýe -, , t ,il 1.1-itl LI ý-1i 1-1 et ý 1 ,a",." , fiqufiinted Illich volit.r lu, and IIoý la . , , ý .111 ,I,,i,.eIe-I, ,fil, ulilýi.ed ta ille, L.w glâ.se., If mat l'y j"Qutiu.1 LnI,,!"Igo Lit lias ri, Lo llltc,: tel> lýf-,re tliu(-ys,)( oll leil ý,,s 'r'. 'I".I;" "'Il. il t .8.1d.by warder eau a retreat Vacher bit hile LIA)CER 11,17ILDINCI, N'. V. CI Il ,Il izI', ý,:.".i, ' ý,I I.I,,I,ý. , , ,,,, , , tillet tl:t' yOung Iluutc"ýut any cette by bearony. lio--lol, the 1,1119 a-t. Aiw Chlid, \,Air;,[ ,il, trio vviey 1. ,-le F-1 ý! àldI.»",ý,ý,>ý.,Ï«lt."",ý«,,,,,".' et"* 1_ 'd voith th. chair, feiling bloc te the ticor, Alwavs il, Stork. %lio- et "'I 1 1 ! ý ' , - ( , . 1 .lu e 1 .oý Il.es ý"I l"Ib"Il -11I'ý1-1- a.. 1. ge.ý,.l I.Ilow,,l Altud'. plito, , uj\-ý,ha tout il, ]i..,. th. ý.,k.li,,p of , Il .- ý 1 -'1i . , , 1 - - ând theu beet hi. .Imost ta droit, _.. - ---- mi,,,,I,.,, Aliel Il . . 1 ý L I l ý ýý il ,,ý""ýýý'.,,'..;;",.,ýý,.,,,,,ý Irgot wbut tour buP' which, triangle logerions, jo-cesserily ]ai k- illui oli I. '. before other prison Sourds corail oyer- 1 i A PERFECT -ç EA ýý .rto !, I ,ýLIt:, ýi 1 ý- 1 , I , ý ,I e ;Il el hute h, ,,ýIeh,-,l k> ,!ýý.I,. 1»,fe",Ilf,, ta Priecipal Patron'$ terme Voilier bila. (ý ý 1.1,-tl.II \, . . Iý ' 'ý-I p -i il, IL - Iiid I.,."e.ýly mjuro til .d..yIilngliketbe. accurary of tii,,uti),r tri i'. Adjo', I.",I..l IL" il,,- Fuf', I loge, ,f m ilitait Il ,et. 1 111-iIII 1 il- 1 - , , , , ,loq-lluý ,iý,i,,,, 1;', 1 1".,IIe.,,-d ta fin . w..dIrt.1 effort of gouras, Il 1,1,-Ii (,Ir ri edjover hilli il, ru>r tl,,r,, l"I. a lit[le. 3 'lotirai! in ]',iIcKIu : il nili Ouly 11, Il, , ', , , ý ,,I,,,g Il, I.1, u,.ýl , 1't ý,1".t. Ir 1 ),,dg.d a Inventions. ,lotth.kiOg'sid'.wýi.lIa,11,11 ,feu ýNbn If S,,,,,,,v,, 1,,,,,,,glIt il, ,,Iri. l, 'mtateelc..t : 'Prohibition vsill net stop major IlValsb bas lýI'y';Ill Il -.II. Il !i,ýl t ;e!,, 1 ,, ý, , 1, ',ui 1 ', zIt,.Il ý ýý P;ý lIýt ta lulIt 1. the -*;il B o ots S h o es c t ..CI, .. - and l'y u..,I,.,Iý,iiI ,litre the bot lie rert-il, Ildellui, li,.,tili t-- Il II ,je ,f creuse the trad' lu (ýi)rlzýcrew4, the and &aventurent villa are taking out ý - 0-up ,un Ili et IL- plio -I 1, ý, ! . , ýJ, i . , -j I - -, , , ! - , Il! ý , 1 1 ,Ili li.1,1.,II,.J. " general Ignorance, Il e,- Aa oVIT). . haut; ,-),,,,i(ý"; Thoil il là slej'l [bat ('tirisL 1 I., Chicago Chromicle 8ays: ., ý ý . Claims upon îtregrais, in the Klondike, 1 rf 0 M ý V ij al, v ruaLI " 1'lIi. lIi.t, il C"Il 1 Il , d ll,,IIý,:.ý;,il ý .O ed ".. by ra.Ll*,ght.ý A 1 wherethereis no gala, and 1 - 1 prieulucol ko-1!-lý, Il ýL L"I', le - , Il 1-11 -'ýII:1 1 ý II1I1ut e li""iýltOf boy (in fier. Cas. liter.11y) kn."., Allie i,.,e""d fils ,1,,,,,,, wbp 1, ,,,,, 1 , - .... [Ir Proitibition lias net stopped dtink. 1 NEATLY MADE.', 1 _ý 1 , 1 .11 lit, - ', ý:I;,lý, ,,,ýý,.'b" ,out 'hi't Il I".,L. e.veý,h.,>e -, y th. W.y, le.. th. "nu 'A , ,,,,,,,,r"ý, le eurth 'oui' tr'v "'ýll" ('1 1 9 '119 ullywllerÜ, 't'las failed Ceci te says, u t mou t i 1 .PAIE . . ý 77t; cou lial- (ýiI,,,ý, Li 1 , , Il ' "], ý il, 1'. bad Il'u. imA,., 1, hi -Y ' I. "ýet 11.11,11 1 l'ils ,,Iee,,l I- b:o, stol) tire sale of liquor POU lie O an top, r - 1 ý,i, fil F, P. - 'ý ý sol ,,IeliL,, iý"týLi,,i .tljI, ,,",,,,I, il i ý -II ;IIIII Il 11, I,.ý'[Iý.1. -Isa ymogý4.vL, j.y.d, laccing thýt.id,(11.-.ed.pý-ý,ý..IýIl..,l ý-lndrd, I.,,,tiIg ,!,I,,I,, but fjI,,IirIg et ýý ' wb'Ch " a very hOPO ta golf these ta the Imugry publie, le, _ý i .. i -, ý. Jý,ý]ý,, II 1,, lizIl lIe-(,IIi.ixd ,Ii,ýith, ,I.".,b.r lis uni. : ce lit. mes ry i mat, actif hi,; lý,.,I1,1ý,,,iý,,t 1-ou'ing ,,,I,,l, aiff.rent thi.g lu lattes, sud Kansas aiter the manner of the brokers in ; FI..., . ý!-,,fi, Il t ,f("ý 1 ý, .. 1 , 1 prohibition is adinitteil ta bc a faillite. Somth - - ý T E M I 1 S na , or L, Il 1". l ý et "f il,, lz- rime ý All W ork Guaranteed. IN -t -- ,ýý,,, ý 1 1l-ý !il J,,II,,,,ý. ý tend liait long heurt 1 .Ighti..A(1 lieu ýflIti.. of the I-ir,-,,I.er aliboteloilla tel (h, gueere"1."I, I ...... Il tel l [A Maine rit is a encre farce R'ght wariling i-9 tiniely, but net the most , LROM TMI TrA PLO! , ý 1 ý . 1 Il Ilil I' irri't >- "ill.IeI,,. baie. the tell .,rat liblédua ou chu ,,il- 1 go. lie 18 sujet il, ho- il] I."ýilIl in III, ,,A, Africa and Rassland. ýtimI , il contoult -1 -ti, ,,, ' , - !nu Alfred, unys .11 .nuitut .Ilth,,Iity, 1 alitýntlI, w%,,n(ectitti ;giol ý %,il lis t,-(eijt- a in Chicago we hýve scen Lire diffi ...Reine of us eau hove that it will - bHOWING OFF A GUEST. ý1tL1 ho rnI.hý properly know hoW the IYI13 the' eigilosiltil 111111IIV tuoIlV trio culty of maintainia, the,, "dry" districts eyent the fool and big Mo ey front The Sucood clingt Il ille'l dý ý,ý,,lýý.I ý ý El ý W M . B erry ,1-,Lr -,.ý,,,,ý ,.-.:,-L B:,ý,L )I,.",,iljI la. ... O ý T, lI-,rIliiI,_-, thu 1;ýetclI 'f . . p " . -Austen alla livde Parle, although pr mode ,..,a of homming tapere ý eiiI,,..r C.rt.1)1,11eIF ,elle] ýNtIIý"ILIlll, 111, I. . being parted. . N!,,ý-,, T,-., il p,.t - ý, ,j,ý jn.qý .Iý11l te il , rd- II "":Iilliltýl 'i le. 1;. -lard Eu S. bibul.u. m'racer. of chose localitie8 Îl 1.1I1ý1ý*ýi1 ' f , , :,IIIýIý ýV.. Dur., - e- ýhih W- ,II.,L.l With flou., ond liud ;,bruit il", %%i""!,.,iig .Tw Iooý 1-ri ,ý'ý1ý I, il olrrI:IiUý' lý 1 t , ý y p -_ ýZ,;.l , 1 L 1^ I 1 ý I , - ,- , ý I:'11o1'ýI1 Il ý ,,Iý'. ,,ýyliltI,--.flen, siolii Appear. fil lanthorms, an expettiont inventeil ,I) i inown.-st. lýtlis IiI, alerte. eau mach legalized drinkireg bouges in -- - - oý 1 Lo- 1111 -- - I - l ,",Iii,,It ta lit': _', ,,ý,ý,, ý îý,,, ý,' ý-1-Ii- If Il- 1 - ;""i ", ti-,i î4- alto, site , tl,,- Il Il Il I1l1IIIý l , ilël, e.x-,,ýmtw-ý- re-senten himselt" (sa, by the way, tutoie, Ili s9'l lie - - - 1 a few minutes' waik. Sa long as meil p,'iI ,,p Ih,-.ýl,- .,.,d -Il il IA\ le. - 1 Il Il le - 1,11 le P.111ti, il uiýFiün ta tire iiýirthern lantreurna of merci barre, ý1Ah ,tjll ý Q .... eneti.n.. t liquur allier men w il, lie fruml 1 ""iIui.,":,;t. -d- L", il , ' 1 I. rzt"",ý- ""i""" - p'th el IIIýl -l'... l-, J',iý,,, ,ý',.j- ... i LýL 1 , a nt à sinell buter. sorme ohl fushlOued rusticsPýIf,,r il, &ý].ý,,) front arc morne curlous u1trloýIF Cru],, el. Illio will icil it-law or no lait. ý PLI et, th, - , - : 1111t 1lý , ,,, hi'l ýý,ýl.,,!,,"ý,,ý,:;,t"l.,ý,,f,,,ý'IlýL, b....",IIs a l'tg Bat t-pentu 1'..Wuver, wola th- voly al' , amilootion pupers quomed I,ý the chiiigo 1 wan " Ij le tu-, 1 l'f El ý ý 'i -, I , ý L1 Il 1: 1. ý t ,It ,or'ord t- Ire.mau la Ou. of pansive. The king luiglit hhoseilf use' Record: 'Tbo goveriiiilcnt of Engbind tg 1 - . «_ . - - 4il,011111, Nov. *23id. 181)7. ALL GOCIE) cýoýl-"S KEEP Ini Mrs. .Nl,,,,,I, ,ý . . . oý , liý 1 ' LLIý'I ul ý j'i,'ý-"['q:,rttuIIilý Judge FusEonduit (,tab- these, but lirobably rite ruFtlight %vies rised 1 king And quein. Quelun 1-ah,11a iFtlul ) TlieWelland Aquelluct Pow(rCom. The Sloan Ilediclue co'. Il Y- ý-,, d- .- L,, ii. oR ,jet ý, u.,.3ý .et l Il ý , ý,; ý., 1 ', :. .,,LýI a lilod li,,,i,,ý Il II.Il 1,,l'I'.cd total;. pOpO, bî peuple 1. giarl , ,,,r.,I,,,",I caler. F.llglill.t is ovl!Kl bý rho 1 paray, lias beên orvanized, with a capi. il..ilt... G -.FEL, HAYTIER & 0041 Il. 1 1 ,al stock- of $24,M), ta uLIIIII e11-CtliCity Il -1 - 1 ý - - -- k- diuo,,iýo, i'f il,- 1 : ,,ý,ý , ,f . ý., iiI ,tuý,1 I-culf-Il ,i-ý,II,, tl,,,e"".iag' Jour au ho Of .11 pri.,Iti,. ,oeillade; If t'ilieig lieu on of carovIii. fndh, Aloi ýýloI ý iýf . ' - . - t. I.- ý,.,vi,,i .... il, , t 1,ý l"t lit . , 1 ý ý, , . ,, h:ýd 9-'t -ll 1.1-ted ,viril a book, the tinte, however, the "](est cartons Aller Australin." ALIII, liussin ho, iiie I fat IiIlbýý ^C - Demi Sirs :- C 1 la ( bien, 1 'olâcrouli, et sud povier, &,Ici ,voter 1 of ý%1..i" -)i,!,., 1,,,II. : I, , !, , , I I ' 1 1J,ý li, Il Il 1-t 1 renuh Canadian, came among tIl anci(ýnt ellifid ( t; is ej"F."l by polver for mannfacturers. FOV YeRra 1 Was troubled witji lie" icttl si ck 1IrRL1aýhcs, fect.ýervai:t L:!ý >lic,-,li:,,,,.,,,t i 1,11 Il I 1 > I , ,ïï ', and as the ,cycle of Catliny" bas rovol% el] follovlrlg wer'. ll:iiili,,l Il l,,ýý,!lý:;ý!;,ooo, l"f il ... ý'1 'T' 1 - "(i"". sald bc, "but Mr. LI -licteur for allez no tronder il la Ftill lu rvordl ".%"-Illi"- il;" file, , port I'f 1 ý .ý'irbeýl. cp. 1. alias just issued a mal, being affected nsually every Sanday, and tised all flic ,.(,ýtne(lie t1ilit ïvere q L " elle thero. Time wFus gulemied by nýxiý ý rieur ... ... Lu .a Io .. S 1, , . . 1 Connections, shOwi-9 adveltised as cures, and was trented bv alluost evel 1- m , ý ,,,,, ', Ili, - ý - - ý ;.il , ý _ý,Li,>sIlIIo FLIC ho In de OF je,,,- ý,l ;I1,;I,ýIlIý,,I,] Fýý1,1;". A.Iý,i,.,,, ,_t,:!Itý,j":;ýt.ý1I ý I ei-., é - ' i 1 ,lIý ,,An' ta . , . , 1 le , I ' y docto Guelph but . - q - ý 1'ý'II (,O lire jes. ta the bourrelles. nacussary tac. BY exala i ý Torl - 1 s'cr ,il et , bolui ' - >crI':i, - -mien ta the Yukon gala fields, Alaska, al . Il,-,,,-,II,, l', 'L.'"'ý LýL- ,i ,iý ... 1 ý , n0i, ,ý relation of bu eyo the Chlemenan could ni] ý 1 k, ". , , C- 1 ý v 1 i - ri Illn, ti'; l'tel without Ray relief. One doct)r toltl tue il wn.ý causiul by fi Il un . de , JIhn ],il 1-*,I,,,,-. :eu 1 111, 11, A Li Kimodilbe and the ,)ortiwesten mioiug k stoinneb, _ý I1,ý11 .. 1. I ýir. \Ii;,,ý-,iii l'Il ho lu A littie Ili. and rail make a fair slmt et the Il tir b', ý ;"" , -,I,,., il v III (ri. " the]- said il was hercditary and inctirabj(,. 1 wils indirect] by il neigliboi aýo, 1, lit, ,,!,tý>Iýi":L l': I-Iý-Iý . tý . I ý ' ' -Il tel" te 1-11, ýýtI - lu 1 , le. turritories of Canada. ILDO - Ijý,I. jýýlLfT ... ige i-,-m.IIidC., turaing .,et pectionottlieýitturWopupil Atiialon Onuchiya ,]:,ý%v:,ýil,ý,ý,t lý,I.ýll,,ili tri, ch.l, p et,, Mal, l ý ý .Il ,,, 1 1ý1- 1 i, ý ', in hi, book. !1ti. Fard I.,i'T'Ictely ta C.Iit'.Ctý un that a ' muaning .1 -ýI3. éý , .oui -A, lu. Il vros A duck and goose on George Kelly's ! ta try SIORD's Indiafî Touie, sud mm llal),)y to Ent, I ilid se. A few anges . lie,, -,Il'Jý,t If il j", f ;Ijý],I, - 1 ýt, ', i, '11,;,,!i::It,];,ý'r.(Iý vvent out. Homturnellin tbln bairlik perrý.,Iiotil.r fine -AIY 'le- ,,ýtILkrfOohiIIIý"t en, ballirally faim. 8tli fine Morris. wore kIlied this - THE WS TwAffl ýI e gave iinmediato relief, and one bottle and .Il half Malle a eorti clive. FlIeLuI. b, 1'. Il 1*IIlII,,ý!, IIý, l"I't je ,,,,, 1 , '. Wlgg.n. Flic .mil hi. notes th. pull whih ng.in .fi" Do". il,,,,,,,] Ir ,'r. 111, j"d, bond >bot op, Winter, aud ta the mtirpri3e of the own- ý , Travel % 4 I,ý, ý, ý,l li.t, a, AL ... tj.'1-ý"t,,gIl,ýiL, ,ýý I, ý , - I 1, l. ý , Il ... pl;ln, ;ýýI;;. ai, ýhe -y dot silo wu.' Mir. begins ta dilate. l'lie floral clock of Lin 1 and lie ilr,,>u ,,bit ,1,,.iý:,.,, ,j riti,ýil ,in big et a piece et gala virus fourmi ici the Tbi8 was tlirec yüars ngo 11.11ci flic- beaillaches bave ilever i Advffltm ans 1-« ,tue, (-ý,,p, te I-,qI,ý ,i,-IIt,.,v.y." . b f cour", compnrativoly tandem. ,ornaFt for, ns Il, Faitl: *'Il. C. itu-nos W gizzard of Duc[,. Mrý Kelly nOw wum- 1 returimed. I was lalac, trovibled wffli aqtllul,,t alla motiling 11CIped L li le Harding te,, . et, the, CiI,.,.ý-ie gielle. II., lier, l Iý,I1 ý 'Ihl, ,ee,ý,rI:1,ti.A iller or thât neoIne.tl n-SLucÙdoýoe Standard. [arc Christ and A. 1) aftor hI dieil.- (fera if lia lias a brancle of lits Yukon 1 ý M. L ! Yach rl;"" ,et lie, I,ý,!iii.t,.,ýýý,,,.,el.,,, - ,-.tl,--r.ý,til,ý,ith.j,,,Ig,,ýlý,ý,ý..inýoý - -_ ' YOUrSloan'8IndianTonie, lean licartily 1-ecommp 1 Campin - ', a -il A LIIIIII ýI-LL Ili 111 Li ý! i ý'l 1. Ival ,I,,ý,,,t,,iI,,,(l te dictatorsiIip. Ho ment Dy.i.g W..I... Inouïe. on iris terni in the crek that crimes il. ý .11(j it ta RI, I ,il, 1 1 () C-alle ,' leu 1, i'l' VOi'. oi It Iý li fial 1, -, II Il ,1IIi,1, rply Out et wu -11Y Ta Cote, wSlen blond. bl.ck. .. an l'Il of th. Ski. - A deptitation reprofflatiug the bicycle bc glad te give huy pârtiC'IlarO tg) arry miro offlietc-k- ad 1 was. ,,._.rOKEST AND STREAM L à be2Utifult kC,ýl,,,, ,,,ý,i 1.ý,!,,ý, ; -ý I'iiliýý,.ý i, \\il F 'ri iLit tic Ipiiiloril Ivag eut hy bien. ;ounSof extrnctof logwood and huit an 'AlrIeul « 1 flot boa Rom, bock a lever Ntup. marours-turers, ofC&uada waited on the ! t.ý,,, journal, devoted ID th. et$ il ..ci thcu W. C. Keegg. Fýill.ind tliceilcouraging in men and' Iiii., ý',III-IojI I> 1;I ,,,, ,: , ý 't- Il , 1 1 ,, Iýlý, ., lie jilsli ýI) ýeconIls the landloril Ounce Of bill- vitriol for marie poutioli of the Fil gliding forward ta the brink of ý For sale by all dealers or ardrireste the Sioan bledicine Company. rý IL * Ill, 1,11k. .11 ul g Li Fessenden Talmud his'clOth. Piýtth.,Iti,)Iinwaterci)ot)ghto, 1,eelFdt.b.imIent And wu cri. ()ttamaanda.ked for aspecificoduty i a licalthy intelest in enlacer re, ý Sýý,iýIi, l),,lý,t,. ;il ,Lic fi , I BrIatilleu W. Wu O ed bis niviitly niellait ý Weli 32 pairser cercueil, . , y- ,Il Liait Ih,, Illien lit-ing ut brai with Oliver the claire. and when they are char- of 89 esch on bicycle-. terril a provi. 01 Hamilton Liiüited. .i.,.,,..IhI. ...m....opy.siý p.l". 11, Ili ', ý ,I!.,!ý,ii 1ý 1 .ion tient in no cas. Rhould fi lie lorver - t Il , ", I, , , 1 M Ir% l' ,;ý,>':'ý il ý1',,loI "ý,)Iý-.. M'ith mp- oughly T.Ixed put 1. the dette and ]et it " figure - fit approacharir the jumelle. He wIi1ýi;t l'Ili 1 1 ý, ý 1 01.00 par bottle., a bottles ter %5ý00. ý '-,"* .".ultd%' = ouf * ,. ;I,,ý ,:!ýý, Ii'._,Iý,oo .lit in lits totem the toit i scald 00 minutes The. toit. the .folle out 1 grithered hlneftlt toiretiter foi the .pring than the captivaient of 25 rer cent. ad ,'il 1 ý.Iýl.g.. .= . Iýýý11- ieI Iý" il, 1 1 ". Iý - , :, t 1, A ý ý ý ' - lý,,ý,t]Iri ' I.,k, and th.,v Ir rat. doser w.tC,. Pet the j et Il ý Meched the top, 'and the Dent VSIO,ým. V.II ,ý'.. ISTMEAM ý FiýlIil. 1 "I ý h"_"Iý ;, 1. . i ... ... !'t Iýý', le ,ý-%Ir. ý\j,4ýljje ,ny mhe watt, vec Mr.! logýcodinton,«ýl -elthsufricientm-ater 1 Ioilýle.nýtp,,C.ambim hual -if train a 1 M. .. w., y , .t . 1,,,,,eI'.i-,I, ,1.iilý, Len ýh. auto' a' de in' the 90-d$,Pm-- thoýýtýr front tlffii"topult; lnto, ffl ýwFa out Over the It in Dot a ilice thi : . New rotai. i't. E 1.1 I ýI ; ýI ýI 1 1 Il ý ... 1 ', et t .i l o - .ji d'ýbîdpth ý ! 1 ide vie an MAI dort, and al %Imen the British pe __ ---- Reliai -tI-ý,,,L -d .ILý,1. t Il- ýIýi -o_,ý, leu 1 'o, ,ïo, g-, ta - ]et.. ', eloth and pet Ir face the logwood Wolof ! IrOzan 1 1 la "' Z " A M grau, I'f . ', I > , M ,I ', ', et tio , 1 , > 1 o I l-,,Il,%ýillI týo big ]i...Iil.rd RwSped nndgmldlt 90 minutes. Then toile oeil 1 test bc struck, swayed almonnent, and cher) arrgscapttired in the PeroianGulfby . .1,.i", "ith IIteiIýý le,,I, j,ý, ý!, ,i dl, 1, Ill, tho -ton Ishtar v, tir 4-moi), seized the ClOth and air w.11. Menti put the quIlIkly rectivering himSlf aPed swiffly à British munboat, and whieh were on ý _ _ - -- -.-- - - - ___ __ - __ ___ je PLA N IN G M 1 Da". L't,,It,,:I .1,ý1,1,,i ,loir ( ý,,,I:,,,;, bleu, tuclied bleu ondu, fils Ilum and fit-deý vitriol vratier Jacot the vouel with the jügý Over the làk-.. &QpPtcg bi]Pwlf 85 qulIk- tiroir cri ta supplie the rebellions Al. 1 , . - . i P,-,ki.,ý Stet,-,e, ', ý.,ejý>,, , j,,,ý I- 1 I. 1-c"ýs telle (lie -out of trio peremptory, WOGd sud bilan put In the closb and miel ly as poisiblo, ho tumed sud Montait riais, wei maunfactured in BirtnýhLI i j - Th,ý Fe,ýit ,,! A, t , 1 ý,i,_,;.- l, ý j-, il , il , 9--iloulieut front M.3-ille. la 18 Allant« lungér. This vent provient battit celled Out: 'DOn'ý trY la! It'O test butin. .Nlaking the Martini as la à ý ý DoDro, Saah, Blinde, iiniain in 1 e,.",tieý .\et Il "Mel. ýýigg.ie,." 'alraly »Id thé, the zoods whon prooud train rabbin« off. 1 lard Il Britimil factory ta allant clown British ý . H ard w are ! H ard w are 1 Door and Window lpram n , , I, 'I', "But 01ý9, who thouriffet il Bal conflit do solitiere in India la ont the mont pst. P..."Il nuit .NI,. ., ý",-,ý, ,,,, 1, , il .".. ., biculturel, as montre, of fort .0, though bol it ho comuld. boa oo&r«YY bout the wOrd- - occupation. Yet fi is etateil tirait j l hy ci,.,I- 'i,,ii,,Ie , ý ,,, ý, NI,, ý ,I ýadFj-t ,Ili,.rd . piL,,h.c of ion ,voter, 1 Hm suivi, 1. Lu.. bators ho .bafte& lÀke a abot bc utruck 1 raille, PLANI-40 AND MATOBIFI»40'ý , . bu Mir. F.se'nd,, ce ' ', He nt the, Dot M Birmingham firm lias tawned out à X" 1 .- - jadignatit *,I.11cr" ,I.wn ý 1 "Thoy tell me, tir, thât jour boa varie the onbamkmOnt. For, & moment ho 1 1 DONE TO ORD on a chair soif out nie mil creoW, and the cool; huudred rifles sud a ton of ammunition mtir(yýý emilingly.-Bangor Commercial. llttle capital wbon jou stifirtémil, ta build bis fleuri. . UIelqIý lý.,.,..,'Uý-ý. 1 yCýitj fortinis. " 1 ho wan bwlod overand omettaient the bill. «eeki? for the ]îat threme years. The 1, flooling, Lath and S _ __ lie, for if JI, saine firme Lumbe I rite enfle capital 1 liad," quild the moil Big ghL bord banlieue, and luckil wu preparing ta turc out T!o- p-tofil ý, ol 1ý ,ý ý, ý , .1! -, 1. i We h8ýI Ce.- For Xo.âi.g. 1 made in", vrith a degremer of pride, "ores .tàd Mt ý . . c'entamer. KePt cODM«tlY on band. ý' .. man friend whom, wâc&U bbcoedueba"mmpeda severe 2.OW vrespous menthly ta the subla 1 IR M r , iq rr Q. 1. Il '..o- I ,rl ,et 1 ý , , . . '.. I. ý i ý - , Il - - __ capital 1."-Cincinnati Enquhw. i.hqm-.- U.1 -1-1. -T_ lu --Il 1 If- i' - 1 1 VOLIUMF, CHA7U[ýl(' MUNY Ry TIIUMI>I,, hf ST.. » id 82 «M 12 0, 7 TC"d. -r -pl ,lit Ip-mi d-t lielt 11tv1rt1"m-tý 2, WX. PAST- EGA L. DEWAI'.. mA Th,, $il, Ait,11- NI ILLIANI I. DICKý c i, n c fi lis H Il r, Ni Et, Et Ni T. E[DICAL '61 1 33., hi ri, )fa, y E T E N A, OHN R. CAM1'BMý1 ts all cl ýiý.ses of D,, ýJfioe oi! ite the Ttw, St., "l !ton. ENTAL. DENTI1Tý 1 -1h Pli WIý,! I... OM-P T. RE, IS L. P.S Will nm .3 are Enorgotic and Stron-ýý