FLe2 .îgpaîits PL FUSED~ bt iîhle M ILION ~ O~et~ 'i "'ttefc~(tec~ tt~tCc~cf 'ceetCececet; Scie ete ecdt,.., t ""tee.,. j C.c 'I Oct.. 'le" CecI.,,. S [MAS C0 C' 'Ccc etd' .'.c' C.e.e N IiAI~S 'ttd ? .nter oes.. SHIE STORE. )v SiNESS te nedetere ce te telter '1 te I' di(tS c ecdero dýl eol t "] aicc fl! euas Cards, Boek- leetc. Pt&W cO iiO ov , ii h . Ch iIgnd hr ait tond u- 1 1 1 5 i n g - s i. I mras a Il. t hDMlite th obsdvayceof a i gHAMILO' Tom i0dty. beBt dnmerderere'BR CbodîotCborcb o th.« .. dilCe ite -AJ.Hart, onicBrothiegtnon nne.OdIr, ffoe., ta 1 ttbe-_oeeeno-_npe1 ANýmPnen700It, ,,ýý . o ovh. deidd I te nbeIt gcn t Cite S. OL Nve c c9îhbis Jgiane C al.ThUsEa. hrs asn a ile b 1eo Ilr o nmblI nTheDoinon Gove ume t oa s b i, ofb' e c fenh. 21%td Cbctt byCeý e e n g o h at ) e e il od r h t nd e ofth e Lafor d enil indoinGjro certe'( P re se nt75S.ars tu e nh theech att e mit e of in n d tntai C Lo E. e - A t - (or e , l n g o . o __________ Il________ I M P Iio , Trte n to e dny T e it teks Yactin (Sole. cthebre oleen re tina OfÇACLSpbelnl. U e en niong tlce JaesS hrstna le Itod jet Jetein i n Sa olave f or mag eesutan e iln oo50Fgci S. .ecD lonenl'uloPrpi Iltd ntheCeFrnv, 211h ero is ake- ckHcderhei . theani cesenKt enndte thnmgtifde. ei.,.ned n tti PL r Eooeed tn. t&ntion T ont od On C T ue 'l befoc e tr iesaBrit e cdPe enau G l-tonIl- .5 y cee, erie ieG oofsn c o e ee if dleoetepb h C toreco c o en iof t te Boie. bCite rsi nerete. eNNcame N-cnG- id s e riebnv enfo r eporlon t e olf, bntcgee cceet- o ode e oirkigd.il adle the Ueneerad t0 arencDiettc q an o n ccîia, eedeeeIh ee cilenfil euitrepitents ), iihe lOon.Tiis hn e i and .rep Me . FJ. LetnireGents' Bo- a-eIl. G ea f-T e G e t s eeoeinbe nilXmno cy. Hai, cî e lent tnîy er s vnlodp e ti.oet Balie. tF nee fre er D amite %cor Lu.. duce mentpotonth olbae odaDee for riu] s Pct . e oXntsP~,aeDt. nt eekt ToronleJdge Mrgn, out n ue en o t r 1Choc eI aress, C..ithe case of Brothters v. Metropolitan t..rcetio nne .HeeeLtnc las he e cnedil ne iiaieonet îbnc nmano eneothbe day, Deva70K Alcla. ccOuide, ' Ch ic aiin, u title.le 'rde Cornere, Trafalgar. He ban ncdco eI. The pinctifictbe casec eOthc.WM .it 1d.1icr Irol)"%i anilfour ye e tenr o e t fede 19 ai n eolnte 1ELYA ihKnei lCa d s-M ILLIN ER a n d l e no e c d e n tiy g i ee e eoti lcct o n hy h tne w e , acd t e p ltc y i n ei t u ce ce 1 S at ued c e .l f i n iieec e eeb e . . K e lly , NoACAeA r. îl F. J. INLtEHnAe, f Plerleeeopro. coid. T[tt je solleer obstaclei o l t ier o N t. i.l. iiehac, Actone,ST I . '- ortote ndtal a reyett t e -genteard' igre7t aged 621 ence. 1Peels. N'AroA DITRICT c po on Ldeîtn L eetingIl t iicoe th e.toril h all, O ,ora rth , %e . Ghist a lu e s . r*. Vout ra cleolîce Cite nt eal ofecoburage.~N ? ~ i~ in oES IS -et t 'lvveeoccc fa I ,ceei c. t nt feicay Segsa te, ce (c 'n"'2 A,"r R ce8tit. t t t he e Jcecont. ai R îh cton _____________ g. ced ecetOPccl n Fnc 't ,s ficctct ic e- Jaemcit tee Ttc i s l ee artt fotiertet tell tî tee tC t rthi . i t et? .,tt e of ti' et e cteand ot el ece cet duta l tiýe l ttg au large X ea Serthk l ttt et . tt tti R ce C k Bi u t Iof ceceiticd bsdeoe ecwrepeTatc ç A LL A N D t - eeartrions w hole Flooris M M . e e , ccc.! eeec eettieteice. Dlis , Tt nfri o ys, i lits.eiTreelcete Iliceettîs 2c i tIlu lrre , rS c beeo Milieu, 'ad ilaesbase leenCases.i.et C'e pa ire lb) sudeDowai TiDelis,-Engines-Wag Ii II "l l% ýi ilear ie ttesatiit lenieu soWrtigOaur.nosS,.5 mp ts S lder ad runs etonv itt' et ir.. ANDrrEErb, Jewel Casesvoite. o t ou Ian t, l is fc a rt l ele t' 1 -io .io iivaol 11 ? i',9 .50 .v c 1 etGIov. tel;nidetele 3aeeeitlette l ('oietCse sfi IcI.i. cecice Sîchsi2-R>c. 'i lotloites 1111(1 Antil pl "lt Pticarbe t('ce I ,ee eeDtje'('lbu ttmi, oari i Cas e. ett noteOatccsTl eeîtP'îig Pe s s 1h hîlv s ge) 1 111.thetel ctMitrlîtiJewei Castsoudier oandD pr iii skiALL l M AItvt. malle . cetteFterete ceetfuteee'cci ttBotxets.I&IC New LACE te S 'iý ntt(,e Uotee seenoticectt1111e UBBT N ..q.-...HOLaiNRAKE& SfN skiffs ttt a te ttaileteetdo Ieece.__)_N_3oo1____________________ iw o\N Il, tll theeLccd Scecles, nd LACE eUcTIS. En iîcsslGat dctueeltYoek-.etoCe C.e.eetcase(eilct (ho(te lit.I ee'eeds tend ititede 2and0e. d. il ý, j ee . . c. tpe hisIna, "dye eecdB ad (3ý 7)I;. s he c idil g e l'attel vlectceeIcet. Ntee-SIdeeel Kid l thein alo. oval ~ a e BASTnCo.hSh pping5N o'.h l ci.s \esTeandece. ccc. Keeg I iG e i The Peope& Store 'r ette su beoom sdetibe -11 bw tc S ;ni lI t we20c.luis Store.ýa'ith its i te ...te C.citetouyiidhîteeuti D occe e tîoîii eeljcc i 0 aan. 1\ai 'ioi te r e ilu milio .1etelede edCtceltlDOcfcend lte eccpi. tl uui 1 l ceeeeit l'eycen \t%.lit e e t ie r' c itld'jlt ie etl tllt tsc î i ecele rlc m o at c ed e e y ndcoentinu e lit --t--t-ae---i-'-tr1't.eee lelt telîe' 'tec :î c e. ( c ie t ( îo i o 2 c X .' tb cl.eec ce ecitj cel lI 111 .lt e, Ite Ilececc-eai , l e tcicee igegtre\tc 'l tfile X iilie ilandfikt tt s W nderf, V a îety ll rbef c e bl c rtee n gete e ec& elce. .ltttt' ic eete e'stti' tc d cocdks itcet- ecieitcettaedt il ., . c Iil t e ie c te l teletc dle.TbUcvc Etecoce eîl W i f the nppuOC il t* ots, 1.lit/(t l t J C C C \ ecocet li h 1(g iiiiI (f f i ccc eec ec a l F o T h isWceklntttc iv o i ehetecete docstislitteth u I, iltit"e j IS.itkSitiS ul eIkaîT h s Soo re , Nlstiflhl eIfT cd i G ici Ihee c etrdi :11 ipoa t fzts, Bcd Blaîil.Il oîoi> ukt. B R A N N T BL I E n o r lsyc ..d 'tCatart ialar fl.es. e eIenlprt cccb S c hC o e (anti IOf hei IcSt n. 1 Aijci lprt ocle sud easVooI IIilttfiey. C 1 s N eryc l of 1(O .D icect. 'Ite iteiic i cee. e l'c l e tr eri,. s Aee al f et ilt $:t;,î tie eecb. cccforle i c e eec tît ce Oc Cteir ss~0f Ce n de goenîl'or t ANc au Icett' i rc etia e leci- i ll ce *,ttttttîlet tut' Net11 Alt Il l ( i d . ilneal id. Vcî iiih f ca t h geet cte eO c t ', ccin ttlel 1f I Ir IL lis te a c tl IDene M il pio\rct lht9 trtnt etili l et' licer nd Se vice cl,'bldi ee t rico h tetjCri tN I ' I f'ri,1,e focen r tce lee etl Se celeut.,ltl s el Ne Btic Stjt ' ijti Me S' IN'a'y T ABSs rcTLt'. CeeS et n. catrfor 1-3c0. ec t'dee'raeeeltîenSoet e it. nI lîe adct'. .telAnd Leti"tlete Iect tcccdictih rtîeecel t ccecdc t.lttM t alellnle . ('oanes iiýan lete Bieîlc, a11Leeea ex,7.e pu."x'. G ne, Iau y Saif c c c e c e t c o p i r i t i i l ie oe) -co i-e C e e dn o s a t s a e o v db los, ee ce enetecethe e . e i f t eir c ce fC n adi, eng rl c dac at.Ci t r c iv j f il u , rt n t d - l a . v n'tf p v, b Y tececece fo otie t et. oce tai ec0t amptoncD o ct tee Brilhnerea e s. M litrk Bo es, thei .ti9 tit c i c n 0ý rg 1 i i g l i n s e s tev b o u co c o ec aro D, b Islrde in PSifntle f Anothe. 1;tSOi r letca D iihei.PlI>iIII C itiet voxL-25c.ispair 111) t e e fileoflcect tien ;nddgý) eNiÔe triete. be(If ecîtten ece' C it e DrocksoBas ets Leu.es' Faiicx Wdur ce cf eil b, -,ho a nlicft fent Me.'M ost iN Sn. lc pirIIýto t ofuin ful oolirstouchrse lrs c I, o n thetij f o re ipp We -i , ,fieettîOn4nip Durable hae 0- = BrusiiaireTs, Wis, FSk at levy captu e eo id, a ter Gi oves. etc.09k , P retc.k ta ds ýj II oe cntspctog im erlads ',otlm Il -e~~togue au SIli e.CIen e s ire B o s SIleet Cook's Cottn Root Compound notl àdcnr neic lao2 ocepteticon ,pn-t=otdegnn etrengre a,,,dte efe.Oe b. TteDiîtrat ete cen wojvreOfL' o.eOrN. t, f- trdi nrlptaes -rtceld IceasceeneDolappre. x Ttoge-on Cerrggst.neb2 lotîce nte 0 i et t c'PsemDo55 D m4 11)M CdCies2v r11,25. (OTE-he i of S25offrdh ýusctir Nýitllti,,mi A in i,,ý1.e L.filiibr f w rsd e dfroir hoe iie StMe ly (e e n adyper b ,( sb e wnhy Mr.A.Sott ( rot 8mk oh 'IIOrange DJ s2e dz l aeor .r hisls o ni ng 4,170) îcTE. -lend urnt 7)C CiAcie W3j Ibs New isin12c.SldC tac O Cifg dd2STANLEY IL IONT. MOORE, Sole Agts Tis Cash or Trade, At. BASTEDO'S. IL dace ;the onie that ies, ýds & lo ves. othu s eutth 'ad a . ke fe. ammmumomm