1 -Il ba uhudeu .m 1 t lb 1 wUeli T1 aav'1. maêu 1 i 1mye . t.M mu1s-l1-u_'lb, thigb: ,d tuauyý,1__ ut hluttIWUIU haItaLbu tica ug h ooem aaoro S uu.o ovda Zy t e m a .ci ua o a l l u m u e a b P i i .u d m h a a tu j b u f u u ~ * iI~li ' m ai ~ l yt m tht~~~~~~ ~~~ meepltu ivu b pytm Yýt . < .. effluieucy~~~~~~~~ P' lb u'l a -it i b e .4 a q l m u 1uv M i o , l t a e 8 S c u T arty v t b o fu aO m oi Ca d a . i t r t i m a t b e u .l0l l t b . l m b tach5 u taco tlbCo .l+_' , -,yau- lala_4'e, _umu mu-a S! - otbuluck utrissehombuu t uih. u t býa 1 ,a u .. Ws.-IlfYa iaa. thi e Ikuadutt a iaa uth. Tabt-1.iy euvuttBaA*JSERAEtéOO 'LN - pajsaua -Pr 1ut Th .cduc ut -hu. triuu me 1 baaabe auuadau HT1 ON N RNE lae aaat bS' ' d o " i m a k tb u b1k y b ux- 7 h e -bWd*u B l e s la e u u [u m u u u 1-~ 1,u t ,u a a u ; a . o ito egat tt opu hoad u uuw 4 tu 1111111t *eetb> u u tk t t. Attu ut - t- 1. but- Th boy acamu';O__I ba ,t l 11, ri au ý. .@tut prle taory0 u apad bor url ulh=ubud. ý* -boil îo,,thtt iuten oartlaiturd ual cum_.Kagil cut h wdtosplc 5 ig r- R-e rsaalua i t« t liý .bu iaatl.Sm frae aaytuh L ON B < I fou, hersucuvdou he mteursuIl l gre" l ob1g bl ulgttvl .vlhetse aoll lI at raaeu ldIt' rm ýlaltPutma tu . hiua u , oe cord le sudur 114 1001 m uth et. m'1 . ii - 1. ai dc.h ne dblusb ut hevomi r . d caitu b.u11,y t u Oatli u >. uri. l èvlr hd deululb.Noailailal-atre htlu ituuorl ot ukiu l ostLla LîermaAi omeuTTheetu»rwa fi tusuguru=.e a . :ueiat o heulltaeh-bIl b1eudul b-vs 1 tNa~ . o a b s f l l e t me u t L t f o u I d y d esri ll r 1 0 a u t u i nt t t a u oy l b =ue u u S ,i m s u -o e l u .pu d A h" ý p a r t 'S . ......... ',ue o l b t ,ý 1 b Miuscl 01lthe ibto lSud biioyrnit W -My ý Mr Sulb.- th syhaauacvrh.ul -i amrabu ah.esa. er a jaria T§u. iltit 1"'calhlpeOS-miuie 1 aiuyy uteISal aitem ouIt fr l ru t basé ac uvea' cuaubl. N poau-'itaiÏ Otla1iilia»»uu.i.t1iuti the soref.îpuotet aiie m 1teat. lu tutimty. Mru. . gle ut-l. ud oI el ofut u u aii81Oa ureuutu,,bu, lalali1daiauaaduIuluolieal, .-itu-imummoulblyba". lauae. c.e ,,'iras ,dtaino ig, aitt " . Hiu-'M a uJW ie . iltulau1l . G-titi af-ulasat-'b11ttcuivmil usou as1taa.v 1o' aua.oatr.rCi- c. ura la uoi t ill ceh mesp e t t iit irb «ud Ia I l lamc u t om ti. . huela iuetruII aart . roahi dtb- u tc- li M i v-- __ __mua le'ý '1 tlais of ..teroom f c oun011. g o heit. Wiedou-rsi lu luh uhîi aedt1 . Pont.-aIna&aJima hau' u u Bu î M à ... ,,,,.r Meob i gréea-ua l 1- 1iahienu éi, checksl, nd irof,îiuroiuneuuein t uho ta tue O"a"tPr Y«uh aut thlm ud tuT e prtaNuEulu f i o v huA. tIr a i lu ao ps u tit sa ush a à acet« - irrsam __ lyl.LTetnec hi riige.bl lmlth 1 lku. u bavo 1 bmadai e pslt1 oi bNuti u "at tsîo o rov itnne ushc d aou btrala utoar! by - 1 JIUS O , ao ïoorhego1 i"h0oiifuC ti iitlusbui uetbotu1ot8ouoi rueOUrtoINA NCE. ie r 50 oruint ho. - Hiealtbo pra-.NQ-s-F TH W.it-o maketo iohe r culk u l hilîîu r huul eutio a setteaas i ra usrm 50 u ~eett tuia uaelt b uiu. hlli suuhBa"u Pis a a int ilat m s u l r d i hrn e h C r u I l o o t i i e ý 2 m e u " u t a r a t a t s u o f y e s e u i . t s a p a r u r . a a t I s a g C o i l e s % ... '.D yS.pm 'p« M t 3 _ ,ý f r e x Vie y ues of ou oiity, vithurmand himlihja uoa i u ol a r Ji Th uu= l-tit-i-u resb tatisefusa ual-heIlptst-iu1 '- ABOU AUTJ'se Atsellue or. ltouau l dy ent etuolahe as sgralu ir te Ptguny.105 trot la fi. .»imuîrr. "H&t m ua elu urpào moralthe A du pslub-truIlPr--aorsu Ibal Co' îî,io ut ilsus tu tee-fa'euse busutcials' T lamt ett htecdre. aari etheten i rbol.seue, luo.t Hia w. thu, Gui to arr ot raas * Wl acroipous aéoulit O i lia jootooy i -'Ofi5riu iriiî,llj lair ua"i Wooihon vus n eba"« tht .ts l la a.; bît -an oa th fai 1u J. W. 1ruad h-a ntuuubr, oncewllne o u a e f i i , u D a s e t t e 'ea î s o h uthe d u u fiM ci- f Wl i- i ha a g i a - t t u u u t s rîm yu v a ' ilau lt h t Lu t a t o lr a l e m e t e rd a y b o s c h - 1R e t u r m l a d e r s , e pi o ep m e u l u t & m g Mp ra " M ' a * U m C a a oOB i f1. . ,l o r i s i n hiotu, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B Psol-h l'icjîî,lu ableutri tua blems ce hmuc hip lu ohlg b' mothut.t A.ui Te RAu su laàauimuasir u o vc Iootisbud iie iuoofs to srt ut iloig owl.lforratiheintsu gu sie tr a-i ldne I turel lirugîlu vulbost!aflue of e uly.FlceIbomaipoas i gîýimata otsny e .ai ieiut e , L bilenIho lacodoituad Ihe di- . euser Sr t îesgtodfutIptarl a o mistbusifailu teef bthant ~he 1rehodaui 1 ofo ilosya' l ltours. K LisSOIT.&«à"LOWBU 1SPhe 1ý PU InehAd laee 'auf,,ai , for'iloutehoitlhsudar h, g itit era nd der dA. M s do n'i, es-L wi l l foo tsu i ex rta isrol the umormons e dr- i l es bl aiebu oColHo hobuutb el e N f y s m b o hs " «\0 0,u àî ..,lyl(te 1isi,iapo,, ue i i, AS e he Arcuso Udousai $osoie Mh ojo Su lel estesn rodmu uaitr WofI a boeif rithelubsutionle tbr hlui. t <outpie I 4 LaGhppo ue, uPueumouia, ..b. o1 ýT_ý , - ý --. nfe 1u mirl uteo h a etgoe and the -,«std thrut.îandrur st. betiiaah Itrfo %enirl sate tu tte u f tair la il:51iî l tuet day erttu Th H. te MCoim brdit lotI gaI Uagli a foi Ca af asy "Iat t sa u t éioç disiuly utatird butor a -U.a-- ba. m reuu htbtaarte puit. Tîtlay anstt larek---as------ bld hi- Higglabulbam :î.Ce. I'> lu. ii,,,e ut0 n, ,1 1uay, 1 ho bimmi tOarraulluiau.ry, stTttisav. u filmeitar ideu tthet c ruadAâm eglallu t im mp 1 tauseot yon ._______________________a davp'eama iaTmaesu lei w lien t tch heolfnteaea. Lus I- O&he- O xlu ritz ateraase, oodw eaaiua.eu sdIhorsrlud ra te0 emstrurruuUiud inie.g. 1;Soi.'T U uOavauîi ataama *ICEWI Nljls. 1 2i î u u l s o s h r u v t t u l h i e br s i t ils l er t. i i i b u t t u t t u e i t l ra i t h ei l u O t t t h o r it h e . . t i n d o u r dr o i tai c r r r re im n . u i m e m c m a a e s u u l u r d ut l lM . -- 1 1 à r À. - . . . ,ý » - 1 ý a a a O-uicitrnaimh aruus lu T depr saul et. Csreuea/iittoy 5for5 vus cruoIin nosa-oed; bsîsa taoel.s teaan tt Ofat ut Inf alrcoai Uocaitut uit RaIin hCuaau.h-a ub ov uud"a rallglous peita- u t@rm l :% .. 1ý --I 1U81A1. -O. je uoo so oeî tit. ruvDot oeaum tut uia hmolîir rom etate o luarritro' veraloaa I htuoit " .'l,- ,tr. ,ht'lerua" t, Ttseaeralto tt abugetToteas-."sun.1 i'iîîr suthe, tlaie utuu utofSadfrs.moWujhi.c amont sOSu poiucauaidira, ula ehtae lulou-etreutheubr eudf m tuy, udILTbONrsteotu sppuellu he ou t1tal 'i lî o, lac u u ic t ot ala e Im o liu . 5 t he u au, uî m e tl e u o n e i ta u e ll a o i s s d d a f, a r t y h a ttc i ru b s a - e t a -O v a a a a i t h a o t u - s a u r t ..tu r.st u ilî lust s r t.hu a I rll m a t lis, ieusi, noOiOflOiig thateur'oYu irl t0 ia tly lge. ierovis u reed e 1 b-r hes etren acqteod u t uiiark.1-eiuttherd atîlo haucluthe te bis ldiapU Ju enl. ý auccoldéodîlDotLetnoacaurti las etIil veru, lao'pileinut etîla sut tbe mm1eri et00leetat, e Hit tjî,o a rd, o f iuB rad l for , t ui oftf iu r ot siD ' àie s e a k rP le ie c se P ie r - hlt fe oaro usif heîle fact. oct e n wuCi M I.posuiIlble.m . 1 . t, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i andu ta; haivein 'ioy' atlo ll lu iteti-a ,te ga. paset tm ore ale oulu urpuhtga r-i suv u tlt .vjgcopea 'yN, aur7sil aopuh f8r! 0b.o in o u - )o n d s b b l e e liwbi e m o h rM s e a-er la th os a n d t t o n ele g nds io-nthM. e . rf om d a s h ot-00 o- ria tr u a th r te ret-ur e1u l u r o s di es e1 ooroulo,. ieamîehatIa'rtMsMoorocuo, rtirsl-ilutite rtb. ao uene rPadfrppbed, pfsmhloi> ,iag ta-euesBor o iy. rb lldan i ln2 ereSby.wshbtd risiud ..h.1 t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Ti anercrs i,,, Inuurl a .mmar ut soutées làaoia iinitiernyliug.ruMW..i te.eud.sh Httua. oothe 0 in Seittrcftorrri st- WIu suotfhu îe . H MColot. arlt rlc. alofuUo ga1alad. aruea àvlg siik o doj e xactly 2 font 7 nc h es. l th e face of M iens: F ra n k oto- o utrCm eluowl ar, o fsa uflme n tnf r dhosepl>«.-If p uéturtei an isseilt - il ernît- e Onc-.l it d, su o moafine ul a hs rirréses lapiiobll mhosi. 0e o am fuod steloautl e sbrsiâtbele o b aI t-9.as- le---- ir= risn arfvntt aglna hle. séat il luX.b.it adyslug e aU=sud moaLarraug mnu îe r 1, a elles Tesaasius SI;- ."S AEt aPgntillL.9l Mi sol.ie 1ss .bb1 pýu ui f5 otacie eaoiooanduîinfomiont heol,erî ai usu Orne n chiaerehs-ator te]i-atufiuoihe o obtsud-ut mm 10ircoo t oe atiol.8 G. T.u B. *--- - -o-ea-Ibs tai s-eno a'rd oim hool i o1 ,î u ,io s i ,,, ,'e uiîc f o u i ot ' d p i a i ît h t a r c c u t e p o t ulal'b M s u d . O f t h abr . H o a us u r î t a ss4 b » i-n e s h o l ie r o u tul. a , s u d a o f.ba l b l e t P h . Ilt11,nua l"a .t u n ,P lbo j r - , ma I P o rt U T 1 8 1 r o linoleur onoft o rauîcu lut orutlueros Coltsutiabartesa te i0alhlebtuleae beuauSecon asimhtdo f terluh eutnSa loe snsrsaet ienl baya mtuiu#.0 4,àp" oi ,- &klaoruuuteofuaeen.1 frtrc as. Ms . 1toepofu ee.hlaaaldlef t te xlr.-ai to lie alat ayel inh mrscogntiobutt.te Y t le N EYERFAIS. itu ilavlbIl I . l Oosy-p runrr. ou îaaGrckîinat,,,,: hot emami tsut lde laaomu ds " o l, ereumun, teityebu oe e-uifrtt hidEu e onolWoeuen- e. ha, sud;. Ilbguodeoadiuisetl alisl C ut Hue uliir ofaLcari otret si iieahle Geres tuetint us. andtha laîlis d terlor na ub-ml l eSr mnutef Ia iresit hledt' - puî o--eGas t»u-'-ile --. ltau.<fao ssaIu-auebr1 si-, oih ariru u larlstu.tua distancea îltuetuarevYurt.1 - s hm lsIt pi'4.1-i rbreh vîiolbutopplges te 1 ge Dp s& suuh "as a,,, falilc. r ua acte'goutOurefiséSeloel& l. rt su '"re lt uv oersutSionte uta b au e _ "N le semevsy .ui .Zerputale ouththue - ut5 l bo Obap abttacouendua1bu-raocîu an lus,.îtlojîd10 i,iua :hcu arl0 Sumrî reolas the d oys.fot et.pe.,u senuthefort mertt e andr ui îlthe . oie auvubetî e G-pp u er Cumpnsialut zOU U' ret itii aiunea Cru.meyku.us, Dalyvaut HIt, Bb Imtl0k.Ceu srcinago uli O tpl, u heiy trrr iouroeal Cjaiher-loa t al e1eIitpub. tatetrac t ia hiuea e-vrldalutle orw I t Insi?- uh J.ho Il.b e ile aurete ofiet arctry aliutte o i ti Outa. Cim ai gi" a'lmasîu1.au i'looat.ohhud'ilmr0 Ilmit thar-r irao yre ua rtul ofucern uerplmin- n-oe e, o h iio.Wreno igtnPntnir ta Koeaycrsalknso G NJM O . I iiu, o î, oo ulcopr sîu e t it e rusesuoSi.taîîfrteu'&nti l bse et n crd on t Kactalsud atbuta.l ite a A lrb aofe,00.lTe ate rtally iSJI troubles,8and is . .. LL - oîuî ou r o uy huu ,os ly deurt a lia coulturho le th t prt l uu tr its a nde hcou rag hefr te a i to a s ua l n eors 'a . t ae oit a î tht e ro a o l -lv ri ra s l 4 sl, v î h_ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ct hkiîo louîaijty I ijt udantt iei îfeu s th a l ied ietead u ra ta tb a r o .on of ScredeybIt t uai tu-shcnne Ilon uyl Ibate D . adp1,ial s e rtedwt au c efo Rh nilii. . JB.9,ÀNL AnblqM i l, î, u ,g, t h r u ut ll to I iguibý, h ruate lu a it r at hom i. s l ge i t hiae ptou tît ftural a n tia- e m t h ai t .tell i, ho- h u r Sn m a k e ia l iba lu ra u1, 40 p t o ma m s e._ _ _ _ _ _1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ té,[JeIna L brell noicd, ecase O o 0t ime M s. nedre e rsgaI to. beT l e In uale ut afield ho, as eued thesdi ou-elrh R mo v ils50.I N , ,, I lO t lui c 1t R L m O u u v o r o j i s , " T s . f ot e u d arr ' C o p b l t h a r .alls e l lehe c' et ppifstli ' Jo il mMHtu] Yeumah liefurnit ou aout ydetrs:tItu .-. am hams E E Y FA I Y __ _____________ __________ of -Oms-uof uril iuuoo.dle Ihur t utc hliebsha ghatet i cos-ra e dnr utîeelat05fubît i vteluIa rg asîri ulele t. i urîtiîtha*u , ,id otth4bll ai ue uaeuuu adlhy i, tu , o' cfilu e o siunu s V l im it lie cea a . ee , al eriat . lu dl t d ar i o a ft. h Ir al a a vle pa i h ai o t eu 1 leu s1 e iam ige m b ofbîhlbsdAObt u b u t 13 oie r um e e c a d n a lyT, I !I I ! M R [ s obuuîlsantyiuraacouloh ti hh lssr1ot80lstuthha lra Inios tuasotht usme atnduabo tb.l baitsbOte Ollc-iilhecov,,"h. f sîmb uouocu,,oîM rs Pa.uîm s "NO, Ioula shtand t-0oîcu8 set eu ute Ihed tieo r if 'hs ri hte tuaute te tue -1 tht luy- MOUlî et Il bll mu al lad bar- cehihoaturc o SparîctscoutL a i>,tgoe-"lidi- :summiug s ail8 Iballa a Th et th ts re îllate rur ned acu-t. rt Wh amificcehautle masrg t H m od o.R e.Fra, bo dfo ipr.lt h a eB g= h. f8lrrie Ilsoan 1liidi))ies ie coorh as glcsWOmu l il t O lie li u.llrho If1 ý igut m-ns, f t r& o1 te gît vorb vial eteIIbisJoli..If tret o r houîae:tymen)luioteeor cuteisaesaîr1.adai- Cabasthéa-ulîtientaofates - Ont be doatcvsaiofbsa huilcI~~~ Or,,s loyt Tmîarusht: Tssslrii;Ayuiis u u-v i atpue t auimenstatl taIlut el r o k. Ibos ede at andeaut W" O i 8 'la t-au_ - sep.euuodet thundshortaitththelasiesaipshga1uboAtiinauras qaInlwtosut Iota ot wanloieare .eeu nh penaudtut sa oh-11tubaI III#CderlenbIe. s u dn ' b ille s u re c t n a d a t e v th e h e A at c h s u ; u s . E st o nl e t u u theira s l i t i l t h I t a o î t u c s et a r i " fl e s f e i t e e r av i i i n r u e w W w m m a l é lacor.lîotsiaa huaInlh trandlubaalFr-k atroltc 9clp htaetusllct.arsel-.sOven a tM le t tAutle li.sultIfh 0. horrd011,bi Ilubl ruraid uat vrbetCeusia eu-i n. afeOaiat a-lîea ichîrdj In tai-bu-a Tt oult I'du aerr abin ofsuHe lai a s t oo v h lu l s 1101u1om b l. Y D .; Ais . M do n a ld , aitu b u ahi-eu. IE A U.tiicllo- A naci, the rasait l -t'1h1l"lIl y u l thete. 0 c a s u. l -iuintoeetîiluganduo hhitle butter.arr ou i s o io ula d uP ot a staa e t ashil u ne ca c Bu tu. ut a t. A lla ne ut s uo u bu s l 1 r e 1rotu o s a d h u ut ti g u ih ' l e l r I v r s l t a o r b u u a h e i a m i a u e alu r u s o i th lI i' t e wr a te ao rt e t Mi ai n a n d is e w ul e. A tur ltii hu suA rIhus l r ai ithue sud kenzisca-tB -bi aitet, u r e e p aleus lh buvtra ta i g test ulî maIn theb oyut ield e usa-I. aG ip ,Pn u o i, M e i i e19W Ip y$M à 'gom ii a utrlOfiabottOSd t e Iu-qu . eruphi. eal culualu elit s eiz os th seutaî elle o aletSatansd al er TaI.nd»SoS butrîugeut 1 iltrtu and wevast sien;eurEsealioji, Ad, Cure. Solh dI J. & & abato îs M abat eIti *&Anhait.lattaioluesetwa-tr ': luH n olOahor. la t end fr li _ u t kic i-ýfai h btoeo h aouutiu-e ii thue bouth lbise et .MCIO._ bs.Tetae ftehneae-Odu etBtHW b" o ALrV )ýU ATDi ncu thnol, I uutryend of%*&" rppso eatu lu. Ca luthtbuîumotîî. abtame.T a la n t arn-1 P PU 1'edt.» lestul 'truey t er ooî ui rd l r lo f N.o G arraLa,-u- p ia l sa-m u ulu. u n mai el funel sIa fdtt be lu tic b i o bo h o C .b iý7 à lte m d ci uoalu fotal uuuhuoua o h eb c rouhet nlCO yar, alogie samb or y O ims a i tou t eti' Sus athearions, It ln l n an My e opteaneus. il tBzoln t« « . .0 airs toc luitl avsbill bus tlug dom siabotute te rntusaiplin cIl ceunli;b&circalacui sala alteri.gne po. M mThatW Co. Ti,, ltin ero th. tamat atte ofAv- cot- lsse.utrume thu Ivu tatuleru ue Uttehithtsmaenast tiaenthCure __________ sua. sudn Nito IvagopThorarid ohien l 1cut téeso. t freWbeunfuueli - rshMti.. cuoablt 1i-npeuhat athu nete etioe, tof___________ aIngel eua r. aInZIeo hsinte galthe b. elai uand hem " ui sac' ai butl l aril utro is se tge Cumuch l slt u lly andinuep -a nisH ia .ttr tSta h---- o n f h o e casOfag o-eing7 e ..';ba y Ill au. -,r 5 a=am uah a we tau dlle Ha 1.uam temalu up dur tt Is ni aroab ,an c itosue ofhin avotea boast ailg t thecomu. nvhlal uBat la a e Soiety o tu e l houti e1paru t e 'lsu itre h -H sOJM aktPi ho (Aius u b tlthu iog]r,( mhils, u t lu haos t hoaa anl p."lui5dtbhe a rS abutgan anisa.tio ae-Sa ke.sev No a. m u iut te mr@of-B is t i s" d"v.9 -t .prfm hvngut ips ohhIl r . OI au tuon l ng ril louo IvCvrr e rijHa' go rae Pla1kau.Os o l ire.Inond.an il itre i au i ls Heteaa Iath ee n bl tandtrov mtea IR uît xpirl. a ah. eus,.lauhehuhalldai .lmv a laai d tm .I i eotdthta 'iel e f-1 Idi e h' d" 'g eOU R d " " g nt , i theabmnne anerguimahluarttur tbu Oe hua sof -, vilbalbaggageSa Sllahor Nolcuhde aetote hl ibu 1M iaca . oe et bt n ara;naIgw10o h sbet i h iuie dw eth ur__teà de h I by 1 v i Sui __t have ailyupvalaaluua lIaI uuiIla'lithDilb.emais.Siedlte s lbai aetu-the *dictuataa th vhhrs1aha lîaiotyeugJcit bu emeatanmtl etfrltead1tll Ibe ro rie,-poetyo h radTuk" r -etpr N e gn ar braiA uCerveualleOlmpai TIboatiul. W ihcudb arnMf à mBt lgesw u o ii tuesnu lai ls is are teis h.it e vr .I Cb mtrtebade51 N i ma aj»b.bobi, rsb m_ (a tiiallghusaueisilytea ' n w nya av el oûat«oieey tat Ei.ifl M Ich un vmi, ,menée semilB-1" and Me Mi . I ; a@ lkJ ' In theiae s a d Dao_ b t l l yN V tlvu. I n v l et m B " ee.e.'u-, rutsE g s 1-3 T lle alts ad . , dl ur -ook Sd uc lkê. .o si, oen àDi otc e giafo i etOrl po.tm«Insutllr bt lwold&Wag ieq t ur. od y .H.Me0biUlc o iWfi #uc h Irm hatSuldbc-citd. ae pobaly srve; te frgmets f inormtion ro - Mrteldid notexplre '1 H"' dI OW TOP maigis mlipeior t r th mage of i»djn ,,,eût1rly hag On a o - nidreado l OCM Enls n eatrho Çm lt NC=az antig oc Iy te htle cterd i teprodcltraues u alirtesuY us WO o teqee at,,&I te ÀClr na odtoksor eotl iimoaI w i,.7 unty of flalton Loof .litoaaa17 - 'l R .iu 'Balmerr 8 3 toc,., L n IsGrant. Id4 I ......-...JLJ. MeNahh. 16 5 phelicolle * Nuitl tlehail ... l1i 7 t -Jo- Bobincoru.. C 2 teO 010 j,,o. ,ai00foryut laiu t oult,, t u lii. wt t ie Juruy,70,ou ,; .000 C.O Os5.- tso Tauu. il00. , J e Jd o ofý7 , - .,olistre,,'u 3edf l-eiih LIy crIer, £RY THURSOAY MORNING GIL ,rî o"F.ALTOoo. 000. wi MPI3FIL & PANTON,- ,e, wio e ei B, ,., Ifd. raout suiil. ePti., f 00,. ÂDVZRTISING RATES. j deu 1 ï ,, C deu ,,n et de . ......... .. o . .. 1î.. . o.A, ittu -l. iofoo 5 0 p. tiu u.o u' I . I .,ef aî dofîoe ti,-0.,,l'y"la - 16eut lil.auîol -- oî -.l .argud alorolily. - .ith, -îu ici I fiir Wt c.c. tit yf Ilo tilt 1,,,o iiiluesuin it n.I.l tiaîult-..opail'ore evrr ue t 1.1 'lre-O Marcri.00, ou Lu-,,, II. ,,, BOIt 0. IG. thMATIIEIIiN, l Cosu' 0Curu iufr. ilon ul, oui Jo-Loi lOo. - ONu. Glt-r, t.cilCRWe topos, ll &A-o. ,Oior, N---,po 1oo hce o,, -orOik, dl.0- W. ELoOi.lt't, IB. A., e,- . tcAi., Noioeoî Pool Oo. L SIO,u. 9SIrtlu ,u-.uu. i Mauac o.'--o"- et)t, Osclsuosa lo - Tu uiuu Luoî.e. - .. OmoR-.: F. 4-tit m ftutumli.0.. I&~EDICAL. Gnil Fhooýiingi, Butouu, Etc. Ni LNNQLLL ri, Lath, Uhaghs, Plobets i CosiarPuts1 Eu