Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jun 1895, p. 4

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shah bote I tees tbe Dnk0etC f' Oge vonu a newaru& )ilbe a nsanao ePot h wtsr lu repi>e te. e Dr1 oa5r rtiOI -Wre Ween là t ConstantinoiSe 0dM *1ete 09e GOalta, *n h Le1 aleNd preler trde . Brn jcehran." soome ime eoArthur &~mun SeMeu, whose manne. esete n emoe thal is e ' h r beiie*. et e remarbe lein 1ebonnee iitseeee b Irsh am5r. Dr.' Tener wae enpooilyverons te hie dennecte- lien of Mr. Baitour, and wu tereS te apoieize Iberefor by 1the uPeel7 Aller meking1the opeogy. 1he breegb downiboh bonne by addig : IlAImlael tbo rigbIt hnorabe gentlemlan cili banc ta admit Ibal on t 11Occeoen le wu oiewbatleion adylike h onoal.' itla eid tlobe thecoelyie mite e nIisuoember got Ibetler oft Mr. IBalfor in repartee. fldiC F.hI..od Dipieo. Collîngweod bopt o01ocere in an gond order ce mon. "I bave nivl oyea comissininalu.lth 1e Excelent." Rad St. Vilieooel le a Yonng officer "bel re' inombrlhait yen arc goine &leaue whe Vini Loke til cy floute Yen le nirrg if yenobehsave il.- fHoaine ,oaid girti4ar attention te bis mid- ahiinno, coondring il a plint fon or di, hbiaisait Ibal ono De aboula lvejaito "fi ta puscfor promotion. toi ýit can bis inliexible roise lqiphod lhn aelbhority et eoery officer, clislever hionrlnk, wi the name seeerriy an bin If a midsheipmaon mode cooplainl agint anen, Ibal man da n eniiing. lyrder e or peoi nel; but lnean duie Cellilipoeecko 1he mal aide, sud nnggeet lia hl1e Inopoie*y et asking grace for 1the ceiprîl uben lin Hheehihbc brengit .tlu &e Il pro- bobilily Ile fnuit can yen.," 11e wold .av; -beltrheher il wa or net, 1 am. aur it wenid go tyonr earltne e a man eid enegblate bver ftîer dis p.aceD aa mnihed. où yer soonnt." t4 h.e mldoipman intercedel, 1the r th sa ienee eîeot ofreinolacce, padneanddiecipin mc.upheid. On 1the olber band, lie onl nDot rveunpermi bin officers 5e cddreeo n "1yen, air." ta ferni et appela- tion cbich laedin the ariynoutil te Crimeau nrr, but newsrvives aotfa as wknow,eely onà the negrcen in the Went Indie). en 1thegrounol hat i wsueennesrily dinenurteone and &?centemplenns' "If yen dol tkeow c meansnone," hlinad, roîber inipiying liîtaoeicer oogblte hnnw hiaieino [,yyusne, 1"cou hMi, ilor."-Macmi' bn Mgazine.- 1 y deoer ila oroi jeker," nod o Leoislon lady. 11didn'l bnow %hat myoy liing-belbered inlite uen1ho wan oriig priescripliene outili enirday. Haeaerr aîeninnedil , and I aiwayn anked i bieail sorlt fqetinns wie tic won wrling ihete eut. Yeslerticy bie eooinedtmeandoBatdowe tlowrite neieeLhing, t1 1101>1 lne. Sndteo' Ie bc ebekedep and nal : Hem ban ycur nytem beu 2 Steiti nyen. tange.'1puntnllblmntnber anti 11 bagou tenrile. lie mre an lari cet eiy tengn., anil wobe ,tllrengh bli od : 'Thol ciii d.' uni' idî1, 'yeon lboei'iookod etiVi."N,'noid lie, ' idtudrlcane le, i enly waeled ta ber' il ll eilo 1 wrole 11e irecrip. 'floic elqneator tor ,tely cunein 'hm Si1ull t îing ;Training- ~be 'irece Preliable Peni- 5YLà, u KideortnPopier'; rlce eAma Cl- Mgeo St Toas, DOlric;île toilege Meoîleclet fNon.York;Vice Cnl- Librec; Rlatcions et Minîres and fier- viiut; Ieoeieg aBey's Carecr ;Ceek- ory; 'Stains and tbcîr Selv'en; A Soe iewer Tes; Amuemeents fr Semmmnr Eveinîgn; Sîlceend emliobrideriee ; Kutng;Nrllieg 'l'oltieg:Lace. îonlîeg, etc. le thueteDoio Hense oftÇenen M. Ouiulelaled tIlol Ibo re lbre elte louicerais glvenn oflelodiae. Sr "serge E. ('rier oseetonîthen canul dlars, Sir John Mcdeoid's eci six Ihoonnad dollars, and il vies exeueld ît huexensoo o mmle ion cuti, Sir JeonTbeîepne'e teneral weolal net exccocal îeeeeivertben- saed deollrs. Siece May i Dr. Pauli Schweitzer, chbmilt othîe Missouri Sîto Experi. -mentl iStaion, bas beaeulnit. peck' agesnot iieoced chincb bugs, 1telue îlerîbueld reegbeel 1thecrepe othIe cllol, tu creole ae epidem ic aoueg tie luellby bugn, Ibes exereiicaing theei. 'Fiuc clnrh bugse'are mr ncre Ihie yer thon ever bctire. The wheat ccrp in bing lierally nîccurert. The uxperuecetul mîl. h e enfectioemadeoet t10e nstateion sproenci lbogbly site ceentel. ,The dinoo e inepeeny in acio lnnot ievoriobly ftain eeffect. deolboccerringa shrlt bien oller lthe firtolynîpleme oppror. Sonne ietornning figures n'enere pibisobrd in t2co Pitlsbnrg Wesnpaeh. Wilb o biicycin, for evry %nîce eotheb seol or- petiol -the neerburevoven ne maney tmne.ccrding anothe machine ingçarer>tthîe olhogeartg eninred lo)n feinrm '6, tIblfigure rxpreBeiug ilie fasItes pccd. lhagoroigfi ore MrIbheaverage sl1 euo :nsOni (M1, or au introise ifiglit or toit poie Lbbc tokenoue ne aseconid onicy>ci, geaed aItSM. 11e olecal will bc1(qe mil,uoubr. Anstrcbnausecend will 7f) gear i l c humairs lIno 184 aies un bor. If oe in chuilar wih tho fractioonl 'eo f aoil ie ueil bu ,wiliiboom 0bat1 1,cr ca e».1,cooltet eery coocfortaiIy in ascuu. Aeck tlcl rallier nowly on'Tlto cne lielees le AýPEPI:F i, M ONSOON- osMe5TroyÇAsvg -t Boe T. A. Seyl.dSu.,. Se. H. Gufled>emp' E.Se~sh J. G. 'Nariep JameS ileumuceti Nd~ MeOaosah *4nmo*te 7 -! I hereby cartify tbat the foregoinog ii a corrtbSchedýfllà%'à ovictionEr rettl '"t 'l,~c0 Milton, l2th jatte, 1895. 1io..Mai r. Wrslt. Pion.,*$r-r. ie W1at le cbsolteiy neote NiyPO.inÎle Sielalorate %lsenl09l ligi Ia recont dlenovery, ioe ~dausgitS'e edeent ine r 111e c Mi. qibeU anti Profeser Plintioro petine, o a new race, nhaitsgaiarg6eafie.iýqu Wtéu t-1 eraon oreth11e eountry, nave gieteetmml eswbttroihlth en hoodre tilmres lcteen Ab?]tion »0abe seei et ailbrnh e mtn anti Negatia. fleur 2M10grasenlave ne nu tosîlet th erempfig heee epenîen on.r, and1te mortel r. Se115t m1,Sthtemuitrem..Revn mas otonwhti. hll 1e vrnonsoebete. ase crosid wm -ta epeF anery ene field etOf ereh. .. ou see 2 '~~jalt ery bew 01m y ido lît1he graves of lte ottm Irecilalier, àant Ahsp nsdis.~ oew race are 11e uel'hknnun vestges I u goladipmlpusn;c .2 plctomn, wmllhe111 i.etef,. T oa Iever eisgeeuee aIupe pu e.wgs hecafa naabB, cof1the Ilth, XIIti, boityleLnt 00041yNîigce ,àsiumc tio--on eeho ustterly ii[4"4e8ib0etitlteunion- XVIItb, anal XIXI11 dynstes, SatS je Mil sud evrychore by 90 jeu ynureett boom lheros9ttiy * esoif oenaoIiy," sa Protoene Fiinere Patriedosl.t. lent yen are Irptsg te Impart writee, "111e Ihote fondmiimllrly de. ________________ ed u NrîhcruEgpl. itm. em - - "é- M- -- - ý ý Antier grecsttrouble mith te aven. ever, ilte 1e orcnge anomialy. Thereis tesai tni 00,55. Phe tet. ceyae oeeprl ebo an0 obomt. tonstinbthon graver chteh - eietem. Hoer eSloien ledihteueta ' Dr te lile cnyling Ine atored by thhe em tt9rbp.'. Round T.l. faei ll b ed .the hanneyefr lait Egyptein. There il mt a egn et a ,A gondotiloliie tlan aretni et is bhuem non ilesc. Bui eue', houem ao o ecarab, -çrbas Ibere beentounsd on roands, 1leretosrehen Idoinea beader muet lte ruam uttbmelbtif oe e uttes 1he or aîe va"e, aeeor bad île trace of a lte nacful not te bit 11e rond toobard te rits i otarety. Inesperiesea eti ,:clvr ieroglyplc-cboraeter. AU te pt' cîth vonr Iorebeaoi. Yon migbt Moche 'men gmueeemast w hiot are otte topo, e. tery is matie bpbanad, and "1110 ceei a dent jin1the #&"etent. 'qeieieenbt et opteicl, 45.. cen unkeom." 2. Ine taflie ff yoer cheel de oîot raiin hIwerb their domnen'u . Tbe boties tontdinlethe grave wdem taliobt 1elt ione. Fiilere te tien are tioing aIt1the mmeqt, uhicb eot tentmifie, cod the niethode et oteerve-tht.r ale ii ceolin dholding c1gatiei lme af hece edcmbeti hrlai beur no embicece te Egypteit, yen. againt ysnroelt. rgre.Gvnahmsdaubn costums.Miliation oth11e debail ae 8. sicapa te couteoane.If a trolley' cI ho providen 1the chereuithal te bcep A tone i ,lret iu, e u 1e soae egrave there car ban 5h. iàbt et may onu, the Irnmb c 11 tonace os are elnile eparateti ros1the etit do net diepute wilh i. A bey s. Mas- 1 uifenjuat tbooght te nos Ibatliee done 111e lot. Appj 111ebotie. One maniaeaipenlirityis un nbos two brobe tim sui'lenîbe set neglet tile duîy. sumtIat 1theJ tlasIthebea ancoomare."broben o e bis righI are, ant inBaecyciometer aI corb le aretslp anti property doue. aI 511e enda anti ceepet ot.' ;fileIhesnee ime. Thins! of nosnvotoe mcey petly 2.'if or et, Profeeser Flunaers Peine 4. Be cantions. In riing trete c orries ndasivexations,.soiti couln e - th Aaem,"cntinly pinte Newo Yombte robie ep te te riluaniosynbone 7 ecrmn alnopophfgy." At driveway. Doult try te weeutorer doehtetily t1e bnebanti bas qute ae fret le migitlobob 11e o camnihlitic the B enonscabie. Yen migsl ip many mares n biseerny'day business. y~. tebndencv. anti tailto dnt e tmoucnnîack et o page A terrant'. daeteo oboniti te aretoliy PrL A1. From a tiy oth11e romaine, .1 îngtfarryei a wr ad aoaî.r hol seemo talie poiive Ibot tbey 'belnng' 1>.Kcpy r lcmp liti iten riling Sel dite appeite silIk. t!Ifte le ci t a tead peentnirace, having t gbî. e boy wcho Iioghhe negiectedth le mitneqsilt ldmoet orer- aehoobel note, long poîntel bearti, anti cannate becanse 1e bol apcniormatob loob the tanit. A businesn man tols Lumber breiril avy baW. Tbore dore ne negne ie bs po= r came homne wclba spolie bis cierk mitt ho epotsiiece, rosnfoiancon. Pnnihiy 11e people i i hrittttidthboiin andiftthenlenkte onet obey orlerse 1to i e doeahn l 1eLbyann anti Amo' 8 Do ne% te rongh witiî ice.cnrtsle l ponptiy tiicbangei, uavi o one rites, anti fermtnre irocha. Iftyoe mot reoocelntt di ntbcientîexcuse incivene. _ iu neofotbitm do il sengently and We osonearcemu. trooaciii tloonr. ioyptîrseil o.oen *tenlonly nesbdit mre a hbsbp oeonîageok ittl ulle is our servante rather N ' 7, meclol idr i mrcîu 1 e hon noolti thes, We do 1the negiectedal e F 7.iA meio i erot t e iycl hi,' orb onneiyes, ebiri. tanohen no les Hi.yphenate i nesE u .ropetMay pond he et lIeeaiencocele -eaai.îî eecoini c elo. Iaii hon thetieipointirenalgonen-amo ndu ance, 'ilis dlanecdieybl eto. alupi thons cerinolI te hypiesn in e ' yon vu'méc kba wt yer -Obetience nholibum lîxacteti, anti re- onir. S. Your toeweenteype eamore wneel on potin nlîceltirrn spec ol towsoeoly atter. ata po'pared pof t nobberp asti affetation, anti8. Keep cool. If in the corne of a Of. ine or tboso coeeligation Te leraneetone ride von tidpoursellin a tighi place, teuw t in I.t.. ilseom pricen. Ail legaia biitllnlm ennese dleftle d aimbe porc:, maieoriîy anti are terne cîmos n 1000 e ep ravine bot lerithIandla bulldg Apropen cf the reoeat disciornoo on o aîhy bp egolena andt Ieir descendantetirectlY le1the 'fono. tele renne. -aboat jndgen netl "ging satit" a eietbe oetinet pon ei neck-Yo'tIgoile .O ey, uliO'v, aod if Yen gool sleny la a prmet going tbe ronnd 84tf roa enale cnligee npn boi lo, abo il alou. elîiheel tragging 11e ticg mong dog tanciero. A wei'knnn ng 11e namne cf11e tealater on l: Ibeir or 11e borneaftien von penn n'lients Scottieb exiibien r an 11e prend pan. own. O glaslboy are mon irbo bave wmllieNimproried. »Ienoma.neir of a coieu mii chbhowu.G mariet ieones ldben accopte 9. Nveneolensto mie Ibe9reîG. E as bhaenton 1the yr on the non.un ' tie3o!or nesel, Tbcual axosta nth ie lires e ofetprienota acertain shoir. Osn'-iel Dos aillon taI lhey soti dappend 1the pur nr le1111emeenen is lilely te beave out 1ebenoame o!11e 4nge, ubo, by te EL BtainmietIeir uivon le Iheir yonr ic yle in a cineticonediion. u a iaan Enoliailîman. teIlîn aex.o 'a alronymic. Sprs m otor nelofortnble, itber. in bibiten bansteneti te nekaoriemlycati ]i7t Plpe in t111et rclh lo hje Cageof a Ibro. neat imporant tounîtesary. ant isn 1the hbqtn tecolP hdi bet f 1.Do net hoielatbbore cil11 a vnut asroenplIy tllnsedupbyb 1e ciltn Cf tiing 1the 'rS ion thal lhnp are hcly ebeel. Il 1the front mhienl getn prenel !a ve coieamufullba of more Canelliseage Iban le really le a rut going rosI. andth 1e id cbeei te111e geaîlet6au mho canto denide lIe Ortionscanef thennon daitibl prololinolinaquel ci'-Mvaiab P"f",' istel, If n aoohor oine ceel. liemeent sanal te o!f11e CUea apene . . e -io hete.AndagucetheietaI 111e olnd le qnm' ilion - dget. .. s argeh notig nesP~te.Whou 1theshowoirmamenaitosthIe il Zis thaleabe 1sel0tlagonl re tireti. anti nonS to ile loirsby 1the oie, en cIm e haifthîe iilbal the "bona.- file double barre," cuil roalaside cithoot meieg the effort te hien pail lsd the bain sest le 1the NextIlieorf Btbem. train thonse irboare not. For de ne îîooonitîeal..1 Iyon have esily a sk lMn. Pea>ceby' t jndgs.mona aarieda hIigbly cemmenti 44L! Jones frtonh1e mnime othin paternel dte, heet iil'nton mos ey gnaatifler in orlon le fiel out lIaI pet' user Fiîy Tem e ],ing ibej el t 1 naIs do et 'li Idbnoltigrnlloteaawsoiie ones, oMm. cueiecwn&seciiirooe.ivLmen nc»o.eingteer g iesi t heieocleratie Peesonby; .o.»unui.. ,.uci>uiCt.O Or l eC.eo eltudInto 1"Dol yen gel Iho laie a iobl wemoas, linle case otnnnams ad-o9 u. 1..ucucea i rt .Ilnc>u,of , - Cri. Ie>u u,> ,d .uOend -fins ItI 1.1 f ."Oui. yen." repliedth 1e jalge I1 gt optealinlcteference le letauecolyorPt.iuu'eToiu. eti , a nd gci t tin feA& ialitgandl itrey v linyoiliono ne wilî invariablp Sol on "ti..Wcee 00u ciceeuurî "c.jnî1 aec s1eeab lnqubry tIb al tectrnlgrandfsîher _ O1 e ccoc esin tuîian lr "hlIncIbengla11 o aanti ceels ore 1 th11e rstof ot ie uows, âbuoui. t 11c>u -1bt h- 'auo - rueioo>t re npr'thte niliar etaritfr e 1.nn ...oe .. . a Wutu>oirorton.n pThoeic.>>>î r'oc .e,.,,uO*0>goite m on 11lio h n e ae ol." Teperso rueâmolenec o! upu ýýte it.rth.i .I.yton.. .iuia "Ah 11.," reptiedth te jotige, l phonalel mnimen ithont heiog con'- 8 1 Inc S"Y""" f.ou,e.i t.gui»Pl-runnoiltean pelle tie do sre nnally 1the omeere a u1-tuu i ,o...uO. u o-es. thu.uerà,iiMan o hav e lrcetprseu sanglMee, ertba f paîronymie oocrecialbngly pleias >., o' 4ncio .u~~~î >i>i~1b e ieSn re on ea o le hoî uu u.u ,..>i.epig."-Nenlb BiiIsh Aoriceult-e,' is Wdhc hpe, vsînlp, i motu, t e rrem >.li"a 5eeo.SurnuCe'.yisor Shue cnoosmeepioce obracter oft1line. a t ýmaisby preSxing tbereto onecalcuilt e e, lbrp liuoni.t10 recate 1lie imprennion An A-elintn nScrol London lasn a rilicnt policeman. ji tliînlilîey are cnecel tlbsaineeof 'Heodered sanemobosltoquitbib g the gocal bouernicf 11e nobiîiiiy ThoMie n tiol Snvoroffl. sen receivicg aOn je 1eriver. Tlmoy rotimn, oti.b01 eti ut Cnmnt SmilMotmoenc. elatulji>front Vino bonlo o a Ilesolan>gaîbereti ep Ieir oiolbes ant i edt SmtsPantngenel -tRoinson, endsego lol niait.1greally dlginiento off te thn police station,.'l1ebeys fol. 'e*r eO -r own itunef os tuje Donue, allemptlcltellourd ialer olsetarily. de"'r.rsn.confune lite mentengor 1y a serins o uavt etwnyDnet eete dlimeical u qesianns bot tonna itet nvt tSnul.iet eele Te fr -i- rorenle Engiend. oqool ta lthe occaion. lied .aey' la. Torka oeity nooncli dedeîd ta t - Ssbire Iero j lItenon T mIelSur' h&sb te,.ate. and,. bond the York e orrTuh>unoe.If Al .11,01 are not cangbl gaI," outy reoide ovor te letheouioipailiie You ring nuti eay, «"Are pon lîere "ac..the annirer. "Hoc fer jei otlîetalthse sdiOet Ibmmenili. "Arr yon Ihre 2" inllheanncer. Atlr tenon? ,wo ire e pnr Excelesitys g 1 - _ 1aneîîrmng tle i ooeg sotean lIaI yos are forootimare4o," ,"Wumtmetipe Ibere. nbes'ake pon wiial nambor 1y00do it YenM;Yexmen gvie V lms ro nt, Yon tiIl bo. Thon yoo ring' baill?"«."'el te..iteS Itor ;mn TW s a off anti go outa ndtranoacî sotneehuai- aagnosilmhn 19 be jnntett il W ugl 1oDie. The smine mrering, if! pon aroe11e enenyý, itec.*'t BàlfiitaI ail' ich, tIbere cotero o ring, andthobn, pointe1the esambai ente mit, Wba Jute m adb 1r otheet encor Io~le diffne bch ~en enn mi cloeol y.iong ceinon, on honor. Ihat pen are 'ant ,.;Z" ' me sl aee > and yo«Mf cloué Imion a vr null tireb ia beiln o. olthnmale mec a$eteant, bitt per Zxcel rla simy, tI Thora yen ar." "Are yen leeey ho ., yte »yp 11e mord. I XoRa*.e*etoin iotîeejrai H IG H1 ihr? " Noo ime it ilte 1emas yen sMy leDeec. t4s" n- ee iveef Nm fjrnu(or o ~ ,oanlo tl aill. iAo on Ibere?" *lad a pghl5e officer yt'libc. jThie lime yon are anvericg hlm, for no nelf respeoing Brigue ciiitalibtover u0the line.nulmnlait oh1e ceremoionsde. The New South Wale Ametehbu angr..e,etu Dtall e ieauees mrefohhy carret ent. psontite <istema bll ubtclaaishes O.0 Whoueuoacbbeoomrn nonvince t iat thethe duttre inpaed lat m, 1001 ir eîhern laprenoaitenpersan, wly. businei saithntie rd 'cas proceti. BunI 1he service yen gel At an lttom eu OhaiS Illeeenblent in bsail log ditance anti&. eh. ave ?hUrudy ,s st n *u0 b ttoa Ofm aimnt-pelol ty oplngs onît tiog te smICeeltueel taltte a mas je Parie, andi renites gaurgisot éuiâ oei*ôldhave heen aliment an ntssile. eti, uder 04 *P<:i slSm5t s tacteny ilf lied socb my beau et of et "~am.eatLse -'~"~ " dm1 iedoir anti imply bolioedacr as'NY thae obntel. TaP. P. A, itcQOnNevit -2ha taiI Deferi a iouPsc'ucp (Jeoneit s!fte P. P. . i.n"buM- meeting. havae, eu bel trn ue pant ced eoa rety ofse et5> Ongerous umbers iteeut*ie visie iii ait h" Ia Jafmou s SI.r uOStlugmsB rain Tue. r sle ail asinofn trais ie, art antifuIhme po, eimeey JOHN DUNTI. LE OR TO RENT, .mrCling b I ntorey, citn .Miil sîrcel, A stable oie J. A. FRAZEPI MltN, )W. S. HALL, H(rby .NING MILL er, Lath, Shligleee ete, Cedar Poste. JOHN SOMMEBVILLE., ýw Saw Mill. plntno eau Mill teaclîinerp ounges pnCtOinO.5 M lhln,l )d te le ail hilsnofeeiring rlianilio t Ireasnablo Il bleds / m nencloantebie Itmel bn busor orllivereti. SI dene leoide. O. Id. HOLMES. Milles. BOUSFJELD "-Glus Meats, i soppiy aicapso nband. -etiy allotel te ceddle. vomI promptlp. Gt. E. ItOUSFIEI>D, Bt esjt: aPaoenty eut Halt on, I O~imryft1alten itiiii 11 1 Vt' 1 1A* ?T41.i. I s.nieog'- 1~L<IBS ~ <t>éeee cite E! (L . J . Mj Mo Ne. .idy. NOIL T Mlle........... WilitnPno.i 7&19 7 1 97 Oak" .~.....Rober nier. Sa 8 i M e Geoplew . ILnhso *rai i~ iid 14 9 214 ......~. jaq. iobîugoin..I ÔIl 7 '2 17 _- A.T ee . . ~ Teeoq) a.stlenian"< Ier c s l1 cLlseee . 1111. euh> SWu. o P D5iOa[OIO>n JTUPNBULL ... ...... U tytdit.ifl. 2n>,-IA, 2O 4,l1'.tpm.lLfl,,-;. S. TEVZP<Oe.I..e di.nb. r . iiy, 20d . r i L. 1 .l. I.. ui A geseV& na i sale NoISe. m ,e . tn«.Dritour«o" gt Au.ùS"-N NOUNCEMENT SAVINS I~.P~BUEWT are now ready foi, T1wM Sprin.g Trade.. minimum moeblybl, OUR ASSORTMENT norremil rates. &te 11I more varied and ehoice thai vu AOE1XT,. IITON. Do You Ever Sbot? 'Tîtes 0F COURSKE Ye mli l basec celiç tep. "îtctu Il joninaI ide. Ionàt Il lice 11etnlprep8 Itla in gbt ceigbî. Il bae lte Ballarti ber. lceie Write fer Catalge. The MARLIN FARE ARMS C., 28 6mt New Hates. cOes. o elt f ..Laing'n greeerp,e'eMu àOOLt sUMO515INBOi MIail) StreetMue This ustreti Ync e MILTION COAOC'Y We bave umate ac ete dbe n jeelieg but l.the l NouaI is bysg' il *Ir se te aditns on trient anud seal tu 'the IÉS~ PIRICE fo10 soS>5 STEL 5 wt m te u n a w MtTrq We bave always been progressive. 'WX EWVS & SONS, Tailors. Mi1tco; -Ow-THOS. WILSON. Wmi>McK enzie, MERCHANT TAILOR., MILTON HAVING recentiy laid in rny Spring and Scîniiu St etý I au] now piaced i n positiont(i)shiow iii the l're'it styles and goods et prices to suit even thus uot fastidjoîte. Beieg onder liglîl epose, and eeperintending Mie bi1 ipq c, reonaiiy, uen afford le give cou the bcee9l t f y Berrecen cI 'livoe u et I lr ,rir 1 gnarcsee ien ery germntolerrect fit and firsl cloue workmanshiup. Siiiig an eariy oil, 1 lite, youre lroiy, -W,1, MeKONZ!R. HÂRtDWARE W. B. CLEMENTS -oAneen A àLARGE ND F>ULL S0000K 0F- CUTLERY, SPECTACLES &a Dowaçis eocR, Main Street, Milton. O*u Hall. I INDIAZ TE5 Rednoed LOVEAT 'Mollis A J SaSse ~ Teomolie Sacre. Bmith c' e. 'W u BU 1t1-D FEVERY THUF "'irT ,C cA L t:h ADVEPiTI D. i.)C> .5.11 .. e. te VOLUM Euerybody'1 Sicthes uatý uuuude of em ,y gIlarain \Voo tein1 if)(.. uandulà: Io 1%; ire o S eclons W~e keep liceiltutbriiîyý PURE PARI, 15c. L Tire Ju Ci:1 STA 36 &

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