k foii t e dueWt i hý,lflWnd never ccec.a.x..- u D-..-, tcnPu u ia ter.ai uleic Iicy ccM&sud 0 .1licmedtcftn egmui ccd ê the Tbeffmlofhumvii li Ibl lt Obiedl0cWIbis WIqib i 9mih1*elccadmit p nmàbII be ed inoy teiuMm uicflinhcceed pced ieUiel ~jmcnncyae4guve vork viliocnt i !hm h c4baIbi l oc ou~~ ~ ~~ *oya ieag in col io be cencled nde, fthe Mxà4qnciIIe0W tc c[cl $.edeclrheeofs e anifler lic1 elI gecdiem0c0chel'e nily c 29mgcinenenlveie iulcb eh ediany vock, bu bf r inliîrc o ico relm horme dcingi hem. 611lice " nceberye. mau P. »q1forcte perponef lice due. Toc EllMSun nn. clio, ane- Iri O f e acistion &Ptrar tn e lpuie ehtt iilie mey Tbe ldlion flcliieDdufoo0"«n. thce yotec aindedrbyliceagMmet ineiicu.uing fcoc thenplmtnuae lie . c wlU obere h" iqy m'm ieerscn for té lice mnc4ldcili f 1h l1h, liffllih i chaie, ted on z a"ce.miitih" coseileddeejc 4lmnchfacÎ-c lé 'oe nein' vicii09f"Y ny iglieclicg lihe vcce inOcimuuslneceuri ,Tfeele vconniedtl hafle i eu PMI An abou iee lae- aenilce fcIP Mrfaufnurn ii cmeed wilb and lwe 0s of 1cýÎcg 0f proeuipecl rvanied IIIn mcin elan d epiucIba iîvlt aie c e nceo nI lic te MhiiSry I>é bâternzdsudcihle. md neof e MW".ec"llh Mu.l 904 h 40Ms1ruciiihe 0. 0 ed celhcf ondillew My'1,0 dl mii4g. nre tntumdre cig i oec c mdlc0f li the Aua~ Th e ww oeld.ei liforlbe oi=iniir inii i q edci$ Av Iuée elec iinliffe ind def e nif eMxl Thec"m' lutc MW"co r lfcne4cte jedgcel lWoed le aein o- heg lc'occocid inl1lc - OaIIce cilleri f ipapeed iib l di it su~ned w luig ed w'thcand lilwed lice lv ol uulu fToiod in fendl ed iic i oeveu4 frein &U1 i sgq cîfocrlcethe tid il, scd lne lldecieelr' tcnti"iec c nBd t. cml cp ai icong dqm istion »cinaît &0, licu cf Tceoel f pceriion focind îcfc. cuc nhec ifictiece acd. p coestl iule iccMmed 0ofîckec i of lie eppuil wold b btbe mcc iuslqp chieila bic b 6ef bn vWiâe and 41M5. NWlen d Yncrn lccly ce"mdî1jui Wui Lt. & Son. ice I Tbc pull tlee on lthe suii Ticu ire nome éi~s ini Porid=ef Iiccmw - mong icthecie heic 4b fae m j Ycmufupecaalcoccuci lice euf ia of M, auecccd e silis .1 t.1 ur oc ..ce lu cm nnnemi 11 ".-hn.cO a Is~ N on '-r Story 1r~ ~ tr r Il m QI Miie AZMOIIMi Bo end thIb b hiliuc fil- le Legielîive Cern' lien of à nlcilgbl - aenmdmunI y Dr imoint a unecouition in «bmthe bjel wne i. supunencourt ds. M RQ 1$S J'of thce Dominion Willmaleloeè ;18ü lem cr Ontâin ud afowu t i jodgcoenl lice sm N.rn Moov Mr. John >Wilieoc', _sZedte thj"i. àùe; for 'hoeLac, l whuh te-gcovinque TceàxiOîclnicfor; Pen Fcdeiý fo t e Ic fr ni bt. i Vez.iw4yopÂ,.&berfoyii fc neon.;ýî *dy ir.cÇn ~ ckiIi noe; e . ~ ~- ~ FepatiMr.owen Bgbdelunusfor, Do?». 04i ý41jaÇui nUi ,e Milice0, for ciglit. a i, ileh s.q - )iue on, ri *bgn le on ih Lohd lc j d e enh -e d 1tl let b eii clr cepte. Bbc diudRo1 . have a dotueat md~ten liÀlogbiîwe ne Province-iwbè en cul f XM. on il cao l c v cic WiLTON. Iuinver. ' ccuc* ien . n il-hi ,noes, qel theMî STERS. .2 ý3and~5t SEast." AMU New IpIoy f ie ~IaRId~OR We in e yoq 'te corne on 8aiurdlay. .WVe doo'p, ýay 1:'ai1waY far we cai't afford to-hidi if you want ta iiuýii 87 00 suit will be at lecît $2 00 better off if yeî Y' from ne; tha lycr bùy in-Milton, or'i f yen itango for a enit woe il qive you the kind sonall deee $13-60. Bo h ne ll-oo Tweed Kneeýýtlw1 a- (Wuc have go 'e at25. and 35e., but not.ayp4!Men 8 wiliceot Yeu di las ionsdpiee0ihm.B' üive ncîw. and viit us Satu a 5 Ki 0,sS. E.1iarilton. Next door to .ames.St. Vfe -have nMýw got in O.ur 13 +-~ rjr~ Do. OGocje is ffie t ib JOH nk« n'ea bis'ieeg,- Onario o,.00 Cnnitlt 1 u ouînO Mi'oo, ou Ite prongt cl Jo I.r IP th entinIT,n * lie cnoogthe p hik h hJyI. fý(ýOL sent Il'" Iner et O1l. >Ioule l Di, 1 e( lot d iti n V j, t&ML ten- dwî,îtout. ri S,,. r tIani, ht eto tndtV r tr,- IoL Trbela ithe àli t 1r i.e pr -. rt, . , à yot ngh;Uo V,,, tl fi r Iitov. l o . l'cirut r e,n t tmý: tIlIt t.ogo r - onfi, laria.lu sci Ifs, B [ntracme by chý itono,i]olOr M WvLr,,!itiri c'e nOic oi', ir pr iz t /odeIar eliecho. IS. otc yor li-on poten sicdinx,.'lou .i e nd ri. Iig inoi tet it to Jsnc yoi ocot ILLI 5 ol 1 1 -