J! /1 ite , on'Lobai ofth est sureu.-ifint wein, jeMy loly ihabtatin derod a lage tact eouprtin&ffll5l>re eed es oeuhiaftise ribe hb 155 acres, &long the tcisk wnahlOeCa la5d togetiter 'i oseil, Ia wusa5 etret cee'titeLakeOit. Osicin th. - nWpwepd mibb joy 1 berdiy busu l-' viciy e, and lierlcdeg, lisets Ode illhatdl . e wI eeÏt mt ie hooeeudeld .'z and Okvile. Thes rceo - orjjattod my memau that, teeble as t mes, 11 I" 9 Wle, tA555rdflg te bic miè.Ws g s 5 goieg tri the bg tSsi atýot this e cMidthrnw clous.intention, te noe che mordie emeiyci IbpdmS e oraet d58'7 the treaty, -mer te b. Mued for te BO.. Anducei cbotit 5For moesby Mr. Morteers o maiteeesce andreligios, îestretisc th4s 8or 0. aeycers 1 heve eard teisa piOvpeititb "uz ot the Iribe, The treaty, sae li ai tr s erc eSy he tss tb.mSyftse c _dl dcetotems in lie et the f~emoien tell ei weiii gel il smue Sie taard th 1 ofisi ' tailsuo dap, n y prîisd ijte b me or eSSe. I je ccoe.g-tbat14 M@, 5 5U8nm'dtonrteetpr lIue booksor the goveremeet. Ter, tru5e eeecb-oo 5s nuit Chrstmas. pos-ltsvltatbe Rosra, . *Me. eolled on;thIe *miaceeanaIndiana fLihter.1 If me ace,oepred Iey, iro' Gbbneu&De). Fiatt hoandamrçqsy ciscs mores dowie b. their preses trtevieime cy e ot Cho 1ios r poeiked a cemmitise te ilee(ee scrvaioe,' n y ieemri i iaba es ctrcid tbe C cobyj c i 'eh, saofeet bapublie eh. iibfl1 Indianaelicd nessr received pcy for the i.1e elocly thcS mc prier, grey-head 'stjiuitcd arrane fore bis recinvai Idemscsbcd bliserreederded a.8làInldiana wceeS b.chiebe ire ttub.nesof tbsc.--l7arjd. oold. A teci yecrs coe the tribe pres ail. IClisare they ihoding Ibis tOecmotion cf -Uti.Hetcee se ccud- cd for c settismeet, ced, ce acooset -ocy bock 'froce ieper lIdie P ed hy Me. Moore, thesfelemurng acssuce bicie aeit cia. toucd iat #16»8B5 Tliy hdbave patd itte oeufre. for setiieery aed 8 ting merse rder- bc ascdseilclbtmiej.ftcr.5medb glcd if tise cevern. sdb. b. psid r-Hat & MRddeli, fer 70 tercet jr ameetedis 8#78,774,88. Tihe meut mouîd remove that ceci trous off colietre rcceiptte. *79; R. White, Dominjon goveremeci st the ameunet lb Pen ced crite ue tbat mocy." cdvsrtisi.g peetieg of veseisi, 82.75; cîide; bot mise it came tii exactl ay. fApitusI tliaeci Davidese, pritlet voter%' but, ment rom tbe old provinccetfUppsr .fter ferîher disccision, in mistel 814.45 tOCmpbel & Puit.e, priettcg Canada here mos trouble, the repre. ChiiIMologall and Chiot Cbeechalkb hachesnd alvertieb.g. $6.25. - seetatiiee etthe latter bolding thaitesi #rart, it mes oeeetueesly deciided On metion et Mr.-Mcere,"weeeds ly Qeebe mos &ase hable for tbe acolis, eet barie elegal reprecetariseofethbie Mr. Rutec.ie, in oefet#8 001mac Tise Dominion tbe ciilibeidpcymeeî tribe, Masses. Ferioeg and Bergle. vii ordsred b. be. paid b. Dr. Careter for et the cmooci, icclodieg ieterest dos Ottamc, attend tbe crbilrarioc On ibeir ciediiesucd attendacoese otesr. B. froci vear te year, peedies a deciios heisoif ced precssbbot ciime. are. Bennett. otbe Poietase te cio oi rs erociiay bcbiy the tribe iii sciait the deciee n Oc motioe of Me. Masebli, eeoned lîisile, eed refered the maiter mib t b te arbîlratioe cpportioeiie the by Mr. Rueee te aceei of Aila etbsr Indien cim e t the arbiieciion lilbiily for thes Set lsicitbelte brieg. Ramsay fer 160 yards et grarel fer"jl. et certaisn jedgese. iteos the ilaest cidrefor ceoriser ed dirisiens 28 aed 20 acd Tewn Lino, Ie tbe meactilcistbe report on the #78,000. amoneting te $1600) m ordersdtulib. mtter bas becu pobiied, ccd the taid. legai represeltatiren ot tise Maciasîce. RELIEFcIr t ixCee Re.-Diebsosin Oc motionc et Me. Mciibb.e,, secoed. gec ledians-E. Ferloec, oethtis cily. Kideey acd slaider disecoes relieved ed by Mt.. Rntcbeon. ca grcel et 810.00 aed Dr, Serein, et Ottawa-on goies lenuis ouesoby tisc1'Seci GREATSOUTH ce mamds te Gsorge Cicegbtee for lise over il, iave toend ibat ie alotigethtie AXecikoN RDCRereOE." This nee mFport oetNacy Watson, ce indigent. auaof $878,000, tise gosreist has remsedy ies afgeeatsprise ced deigbt -0em tion et Mr. Retcesn, second- osly toise isto arce tis e proseds f et .pbyesioiane ou cecouet ot itsexscsed. cd by Me. Mooe, a by.lam previding "iont haloft t blandcti eresedered, ced ing promptneecin relisief psie le tise for the nomteatioe and eletiee etca thse resr, ieciudieg te" land on cibic bubcdderisd neye, back ced every prt Rseve, Depeiy-Reevs and CeuncWiire tbe teen et Oakilstieeands, bs olot ites eriuey puisages le male or tee 18925mos intredeeced deesd the bees acoooted fr; ciso 2ci acreesfemale, It rlieves rsteetiee of mater useimaecher et tines aed pased. wci ntis o t ereender epeciaiiy andpaie in pae el bot immsd"icte. 0emotion etMr. iMoorec,sconeddby stipuiotes ebaii bcisspl, ced 'reeervsd i. fYen c.Ictquicis rels efad cereM.Meiclshecc t$.7c for tise Indiana and tSreir poterityser.Ibi teyeer remedy. PS Id by Ii. . rdersl te be patd te R. Campbell for eve butisbe & Co., dreW.ie.o. lIy. 1 cli, it bavicg beau kllied liy dog or Yeterday o merting et ail tbe meai. doge, theesaie havin else ctjid te btersof et tis ltîseetgee triiso mos Trit e er For The eleir, as l'mctirdc the ]0111.eolcined. catliS et tisheaueiitouote ir e. -Ocmetion et Me. Metibboe, eecond. tervoe nito HaUorssiiio te dtermise Tise Minden ECris syo ofthtir dear ed by Me. Moore, the tolioming ex. srlatooette eSone ienreard trîhiessoorg erceon jeet ciserd :-"If th. penses iecerrsd ter boetis e t thel itstorgoreremeer iabiliiy. Me. Fer- rseet Sssr of eteieg l ootitmeded letioc ote ieLegieiatvs Aeeecibiy lonc, iarriîtor, oetiis i ou, cetot tofor a tee yeore longer the deerm vili re. ere erdeed te bie paid -L. 8. corsuit mOis bis dtosiy cliettseOUrise coreplely exearuiested. Tiescorersiilieee. beotis NoS , 84.00 ;M. Beattie, tubjecad a Spetaior rrproe8elttierittscoere oft isetere tat Poserd ine CtObN. 1, $2.00. oaseprrseei et tise IWrtieg. anddoet t roo5is thie pacr e iî 0e Onmetioe et Me. Meores ccoedd by ttCyMr. Roteeeon, the floigao t laee otlise sepîresed teat tr le- ostCishiee, aud tisese itutters ire5ioingqpeoeei dliaseea s eeti elilized baed cifrd eoeilt erms anddoSgnstith ie te ofetDr. Fitt teerciedicice e datiea. Btiefriteoiqeefrite ore otapu etuao dernceioed army. sCol ate onttithemoicg partie mers terneeigeCernent, they are abtout as teremeoarCeoorable. oltidigto ordared te beieid -ion. Hacmeed, inelliigensit dwd u ecaea hon ieS5of propis le.taee sd nitloilg aetrr11,'e 3î 12-25 t Mre. teFeei 2.00;t Neil1 ritioee s es' uvin tbe proe 5e. Tisey e gnoaaîmacs more oet resocaeenot a rMoMellies 81.50;t ce edicci Reaith eumerrabout l50 aýd ocoePY a oe svteiedocelseyremt eiettcontent offee,$8.00.1 sretofe6os00 ecre ortbcet ofibel mrderieg rise Sser eben sisry Oe'metioneoftMr. Moore,esecondsd by1 Hegeissiiie. if Ce a oeil culiisted ihose goSt et tise prre ent l niioci Mc. Metibbone, lbscoee t fGesse-i an eedtile tractcoered airis omtort. tisecite taise. Wr tinkeis tt rtere Isea Bree., ciocutieg ta $182.40, wmes able iookiig dcellieoe, sitttlarge barnesjenliis country sold main sucisrepre. ordeeed te ho pcid, bisier acblanccet oiCsetd tiaterslily to fiéee tit ftiese etatiese btbiseetOntarieorrevermeelcoentraot betmeee tise ti ccd 7Slcme.1 rS me, altoritrge ofboegoed Scotebce aselild peventthe rrerreeoelthe "8111i1ee, 8100.00 ; mor doue in divi.1 btrnddtbist rues in tise seina o most ot cilseiee detructioof the noble sioes 46 ced 47, $45.00 ; ticiber tere. tbem. Tttey are miai are iseee s edeuaee of tise lurest by outsiders. islied diisions 88, 45, 46, 52, 58 and 89, ScotchIedtanssirum bavisg beue . .. Weventurete say tisalot one 37and 40. teieiteemrrird cutis Siatreace, 'hait e ltheii liersote tr as iilieS The Coneil cdjeeeeed Se mcii 0e îue aesetttle o te ie Natioe lodiaes in tisc uoeel tise presecotseasCa ccs tise 111h Dci. atOecicl c. m miso toreeiy liveri eur Abany areofot eed for iseece tood. Dogs werr e s - CeeIe CaMeteoe, Cek. s Doteh type.'T'ise preseel riiet of on it, ced mers tist ai ca entrrt flltrMiesssuguae te amrtt McDeugcll, threeigie Sisevillage cas setottlibelur rorer eFltty Tetre aedltr e apattirulsiy srecl and ililotlibers,cwltie hb u mrob ot M- ese.tteeoeesaeoevaorcbucbu.d' t sreliielrmerlmane. Di course ther in tise mouds to deoey it te quilte mîooe Dlitiof uotebethéIiD ehttetswia tet mtt mrmbrrtaresuot8ieueii.ieoeed and ible tl oujecture. Botlié tt as ift-.I itdtWhtadlne fy de ot Crediiyroudoretad.tis egiCeitmey, iijeiigis Ume tisera trur r ape.AOhedec Uffe esu ansed ,et e ottinet laegeegr. Tite Iodiae agent Ce Dr.seeetatCen o e itelseje oeetiue cwitis*'Me.. ttoa oe'eeillg eUMU forreees Peter E. Joers,.oet Hegesiile. Tise darr ealieg lentis ireaiity sebucid hb E ote.Y. De eeeuonit.teei.tem lteno latter is deseed r mr te eiiettains l1cRbeloeo s th osrtnme, and Sepn eisuke eout ttt. it sc.ecDib.tcete of fliteraceru iastîtateey aisoetoe. a' ceostoeihek te setoli sste and 'ItmCeeoenduBaea.eene ss relt.t.a Wet dte elritette c etriitee. e fouretS lodies biuCd le bis seina. lICe maaSoc desteucionaof t siirld ih eti lua tuie - -UMo,. tn. and retier cas a coturrd îenglies lady)c a lleiperqoieite ut theb ieuteoobrutbro nettebttm510Olosn cit e mt and ieceete engager] te bis selers.",tth. lt ..dtcea lth. suýÊ tei ets a rietrtet ,eeetetemcad seiot.atre t ftlier wciie oCa O siterutier d oun-0. andm ntrurssr.ie O 1.celth. .1to try. De. Jouers las ose of teee et iosetetia taro, u,,twet6 ate a bttt cci rollectiuns ut Caeediau ertuffrd birde tryo o r altiaS.u1kf etautîit and hsaus, rferrais, iirds' elfe, pianserleise ie tho erut eî rrbiytliscte"0etsu' 0eeser' and hisCtur iCe eatise Dominiocn. tTisaS poperecises aoc oa0 terreera';CTh. oi.pieel rer 5lrle CilIdrzc, Ccees. wouud ie buanreat prise for ay istocl omei r ekad oravrie Setry. rAtlange portion o nit cî e n et soild mesS theeyS5 em so ns e Oeeetoftishe t c te l mise carlt e perchaee. Adsertise. peblic institutien.ce le &~e elte0 tion cee sede iybis motirer, os ie rîft a lange ertreier otfreee ssript anCrei ecto oft ise leer, are iseted Cinter Hospitcl for SCek Ciildes, ini Toronto.a deson hefaua ad lor ofth con.TorontosWeeisly Mail Ion Fire Cents a Iet ctiBcoemodation for 175E cetieteeeod or t .is ee ord' for eacoi iesertioe. patiente, esegung tronetet taeorlecmf Afer' viwn r Jnssiteetn wet et a word lurv oe ser. years. Ciildree treci &Ii ports oeto0e- mueStre isttjt r oers'sLada ieof ios.e e Tbe "il"'oont ibrie, misessParente scantafferd le for meotite esl g, etbarCanada. 3.f Py medicci cttedaeoe, saara frznmrst lccuýjbls fte 3 fortaco eb1carge. Wbee pareentse trie.Itisa ubtatia bic bilin Eleoceee. noCet,,. desirs te pay tee trealciect, teer #2.561 stningI Ioat au eial bribck iseCldeth,2"par ieethey scues tee bocS medmos isa, n adeg ou e rree er uaci retre-is, ieFreciprrstasdrsrttt5 a gond ttsndcccce d have evsry mae su>co- touS, a teroa Silrset o e eadsrtdeet tut attentionue rubiat partof Sir piid. Tis loHepl ljaricje X is.Nab rsî Ie fic coo ome, isad eJuhn ut Lbuol's receteddress beteeinstitution in svsryseces et tetelceci,. sienelieuse ad cisrcit allbrikasteec teS olgc coagres Ca paris. anaircoeyied mte s b turs ad wll quipec. Mhil itîcwish draf a cirstise effrot Ce Eegiced ci fer ciildese inte smcd. Ite ~ eil pr W i îtegof edecaties opo crime. SiCoe tiseacocident erard le open day ce ut,1 for d letisetinc-îtuîbgieratis leas ct Of 1870 ite comber ai oiildeeoinal 1theeyeae roundanad hRReaiieà tltro Btlies pet tise rtiidettucear, Raglisli, ooitoois bas - icerecced tnoe, trecI thes stry. diiffe fig tm 'tLei. Mr.Blak, ut he hilrenthragýis S5<55 erre tu,(110005, and elleecitsir dente erc determibie et ay b'ed, areo son xrttres aned tieliag for bthe f personao iniprisabstletesoneplycbei ce.Aleseare 0- iseoelt oS tbs visitera, and tieev acqui.oîlLTsyec e avrgeet tI 8tn«d ted trmset'es most ceedisaisiy. - L.tOQte ,00 hee 'Idaergec et te. m il eslay statice o e W Olraociefit c tbe ens bad -h uPersoina sentenced e peu servtue n"U ie eteboiWýt teShecCrs i busef tefr tise moreSteeiaesihaî deelsedhm.iTb.teadilet uki 'f-g-i1ý ettorcrtîeuhrseromtor l0 e00cs sutd r. moste eruasountry isniostcîe tre.tles 5M.loe Sir 0erlel 4d An lire, qoeds-Get trore tisree te hlis a aît eke Libbei 14en( ises00 ee crusseoie ee g te Tire spasioee cesceii issl caste tey cnfirmationeo eto u'sayn te11 cell iti li te tee 'meeting oes Cr15tisaI ishe choensTiaer eii es aai hecagT ., ns Ittvesl9cuones and iuterrng col eisns. li racee aco1itetutee amtes ee * Cee. Theoleder memberes eoftthe e ttene t mcgmsrtelesho sliap uidngad ,Wh, h Bredeerepitad bout citie%, e el ioscya eetn atnmi. éécu lasid thefront sente aeondtùe tie' tLldi and thaï;thtie dMusiitqamtsiu&0 m rc. e', nile tise yoeager meeniaedeetly satie a. benab mà lbippr4DUý nrtise deor. lay bad brong mîwthîcjouaseof cife n ioiÉ a h tama tkeir degsciit t Siem, end re t . fjuerele cie o tàiûnmelùmu n416"i n cIe ceupied premieetplaces abouei seoeeet for lbmsPen ý ,ro.A o i the lire, acd dorns5 tbArcmieellccting liÎ4poinresle huOUM fteqeetlYiedelged iecnit.es hereng. a e j ieùý,f=1 Or g. .. f Thearoman ilselfmwas a tedy.AÂpore. t amnim n P trait Oethke Quacti ccspied teilaceeo eet laot isocor orer the ehaess cjed re eppsilate bler Mjesty 'ssai a p ¶eei 01 et bic te Sir.lehn Madenald. -7 etge, rg t ani.piebere mere eoed in the decoe.'8 lg .cticeccof the hla. The -etiwacausa te&ode JOH)fN T. MOORE, Oas doo es et etTomenHiil. AT 'T"14.0WINPRIE$-OF For Bargains 1 -Flash Parloî aSuites ....S2,5 00 Oak Bed-room Suites 25 00 Elm:1- c 9 50 Sidebloards .... .... ..6 00 FeoOemt'd resat Chaire .... 4 00 Fanoy- Î., Rockers ... 800 Fanoy Rattan Rbckers 4 00 Corn'ice Foies.....2 Window Shades... ....50 Everyteteig'I ulsk mil b.e sod at ceS. Came st0eues cedeeebargatee. Tise ebeaprel ýUeelsaeg Sepplies le the eeeety. N4OW IS THE JONE tsecure your ?LO'WERýPOTS' Bojwls and Jugs arra-ving ever3 -wveek it rtc Eggs taite goods., -*NGORGETOWN. R& be en- in business iterefr isas ,d to re tire an d retu rn isr i et fîo , o ,gépeous patronage bestowed Oti a, ad lýel sal eof the stock. 1()% fC en s 0 th e f th e goods-or bl li] w'el, ade ý cIii 8 6 1 r c a s h o r p i o d u c I5 , l fl C l OJ jr 1 a c , l it.; 'bein' titre is taken, or'ii n oeîiîîto sod. Aio.a large ine of Winter 'flmitjc,îs %--e b sefprce;'l-sati no diScoiint off* fie-to. l'el 10% offf.s béfore announiced olso as fig (t ' lote; m f1dowif att;ridiculouely low ie, w4hthe other -Irsss Goods, 10w f orew stock of Fali Groods mtp0 id il 4]IOSt of tbem'in the house befor' e dccifc(d onti and yoc will et the fiall benefi c rrit hliio W'c lia fuI ne Dr s ,,Goodsand Sf1 ko, \CIic Maitees yf erNew Bosi ry, New iiiFerv r e Ne*w Ciotbîng, New Tweeds sud iti ttogseNe mnga N-ew CO;rpets, New Crorst ot e ntimewus to mention. Osar Millinery, Maritie anîd DeoiiKrr were never in better shape to turm oot friperif OurFall Millinery 'and Dresa (of' oprfiq play wiil be held on the 2.5tfs and '2Gti îself, f the Esqnesing Fail Fair. 10% Discount Sale will le-ginTitilure AIl parties hiav'ing-Rocotiaits are eso'fil to pay them.as near lst Ogtobcr as jp tub. Thais ia no, Fake Sale fuît a gi aiiiiioe crioh discount sale, as we have letesed pro i ses (obrewlie halve got o take possesion o bu 4IF'-1u WM'. McLEOD& C P. S.-Market Day inGeorge-tos\iii -xTImr HARDWARE I IW. B. Ciernei A 50I..F A L OGE AID OT ,,I,î 11 SIIELF: AND: IIEAYY: lIARD' OUTLRYSPECTACLES, Dewar's Block, Main Street, Mil IS & BOYSI Long Bc oys' froîn 50C. a pai'. .n's,0from $1.50 a pair. THOS. Wl .-FALL AN* WINTER ffering exception v alnes in t" e3otcth ani Canad fan S overcoatingis anti Tre -tbr as heen given inthie selectiCit - -' - ,lre dy e. jsi eguastreel temet sar -frm se o i ett Wg1 y in Uderwer, drts asdCOIe1 e g8.ýeneedfed clalaici "iOr o eE F a rtere ite mderate. 'l eàk çrid ROB ot RoH ôery respect te t laereo, made of f -t4lbeeot tiat Skie Bbck (lest Robes- M isigis aice 8. Blat o QedSkie Robos, tjfcs.a Rear Robes. nbaneo robe ade 0eso*fur befoe. rr. $leipbJe te, ail szes, W, ',iûg darkte soetq. 'test tg e.oeed tCeel e kiaed is a greet reofoi . A emt i 1 i i' e, at ý,Il ltea,tt e ItOr "7ucapiy, sed te au 'larde.-' Fer Dri, tee Gy BiOete. - aning Mili antiL LESALE AND RETAI fumnioli all L-ittds if r( edar Poste, Latîtandtîl D ocrs,Btf, ORSI s trte ERS. i ti otto iuppli ¶ omto boOxes ki't (t0i rDAY MORNING1 ,' î& P A N T O N ".. trot triet n oi eor CetQrtbet ---- BINGF RATES. 19 o » . p i dt r chot ».i. 1 i n.eeeoet rt Wtit. bj-e1 et t cl 'r 7 ecler o, îbyîlCd skd . diIester IGAT. 4.d. a . . B.< 61 coi mih~ VI.at "YO 'yteeceityA Semme.ts Wenit JýPpW»k1y-Nt001=8-' i. Heme.Mieie,'iy lb. Prot. Baird, t. ' B. D., et WieipegrBrother Gratetcl'a bON7 TbmkheiviegAddese, ly Kneemodbu ; Chinems WeekteBribiel Coiumbiac,' by ' C. A. «elemes r 'The Pilsoaphy et N~ oDcmrr' Thceitgt'icg,' c brillicet papee by t icme 1 85 Ret. W. T. Berridgse B. D.. Oltca r ' nud early Remtiegeceeet ofQusen' s anc;o erF e UniewtiD, by Ratv. lroft.aFre léaMTh secoly de b ___ aute ae c dmirable eembsr1 Oeil et re.dclile arbia. Tlis cirer, priaS. LEADINtG WEEKLYý ed ie tme ales et biee, bssiin l [ cttractive. I la cdra teed ti O F ME fWEST eid.etablieitedlpar offersac doliar rateleciclbs Madeep o e-tuettrdthes f54528BE1'FEM aEs? AS 8881. familiaei sei e oegeegciee f'et s citereh. Tis l e c marveenosiy Ile Large Prize List. rate. coece'ds.ie3tsuseee d qeliby of the peb 'alon, ced should esseit is a HldoePeii largeiy uucremeedcireelctiee. Tise Preebyterice ie s videctiy e cieeg. tetainiy desaïvesctioes. 0000 INDUOEMBNTS --TO AOEPdT5. - Fr Agee',Terrms, et.,eaddre- '1 .. spposeU he Nsbeyict yes.g daegitee c picie betere leeg"eacd ese 1AIDvRRTisÈR iNcTîINGCO. Mec te oollier. 'Never, if 1 eubelit, wmtis e ,ttLoNoOf. -ONT. yeplyi. "Thiheieeeneeskntad bac, in My opinioc. bse eauwrbesioIt.The . avercge girlche bas a pianoend am ïbuW çeauy. IF iQO Press gesos s preds a great deaetfcieecy ced ce inclculable ameenft oetime te o- AD- iern eely seegitmuic :lirseshlv b t N meedar eveeytiig pbietries te play. - O E Oie kespos t epltr a year or tcie cile ~ i B clisîeyoecg, belas csc nas"eirt ot o u eIl te cppreetatc etefo$'ai _____ ieen eegyaureeetismetiig'$ < )ieîr5 se belshnhr pi' ancd tlisreeaen l sed et it. She enoaiytepeda Ie st- et he, lits w' »i9eg eits ciee moe cihici abcd mW"tes rymg te iscre Enlèrqed an~d ImproUed. te bc amjelgije.. "eO urei apersee s c prs- A Iiigh-CflaéssFamuiy P _«perý oeiivaicg it, us tfcieuid eey etier taciiltY. -Butte"soe ellaeellfte .e ESIt DSMBEStM IRO.CONTAIW:CM_ Éo macufactue r ejusius aiS t Ofii Rom DI» . Tsicaaage'ermec deiivor. leede o aet il mmlceecileaas rjdet htiprevieus Ssenday. ose os il moeld b. te try te teceis ce. Wtsc' adeue body whe deoied the aseempiielimeel Wkma' adefl 10 becmme a pos retaes.argicl. Âgdoikt srsul MaÙle-fleetred, And Johne Smeitli calcd o ncd L=dciPcger.ý esd. Obesk bceds mth te speaeasa.once zddSelà ui abwk itieee etf Befale misolied a sesible Siei us5e deesgsuet idea tebiie d.-Buffaia Express. A ci as e oeettesie Thdiscuseîsiee 1 etisdceegeecuriertg s S RIE N ie thes eOfetOemmse eiialoeel ,e S Ë É ,2O