TravellerW Gud CAAAFCCRAILV *W tt8. 3lIl9.00p. THE CHAM1I MLTO-NMAY 10,1894. tagcteil h1 as for yearli 1ee ccsu etit a gang of yolieg haaýdIamI, fo tlhe haitl ofhoitiag ctett.u ap tetait echangie, I rtjeg I heta ap nul -t., and peliag tht.m viO htn-.(Je l"eday igtaaiaberec the gg, thataaof ti ev,at leeale ietg ItocaL, lteditat ( eore Ajt, m"Lt ,lta et.,,ùat&be y'hig te cl lo ettb , 'tii i e , tn, i eadutl 1l", 'te aL tLton ,,L lit-dbe cls b t bt ini tin the aid 9t.'eie, tt. te aîîttlieilaid iî"îiî iiettt tit'it-iigaaoef Li Litiat atiit. The. le wfiLLans PoittetiLtLat e amhurt itte ci' tvLe It L hatit Ite lia l'one, i lLqultttL'eof a InlLL a. Ai itI î eI(, alkL ad valkut hoh ,,,,t gt LeLLL , t' tht'LLjet Ce'. ,t, L aiL LLLt, Iatl jI At there iIlLL .LtL AItaatd, ntttihaa. ;Ii lLiat ir, hal i lLLLLLt ajoý i ld 1'.11 Monc ite.. lt " L'm LLLaieepi I- id]I, L LL'LLtd att L.hd tint A" nIitigt t l% a, tipet it lLLSatutcday.I tLîî ttLtLtt),r on ÀthLLLgatng, LId iL: l l (, ruf)tLi t ai lLCLLLLn t lenLi'Ad att' ît,tttt il, i , , deLit In' thtLLis tit , LL ' J Lt03 aiti iflt "LLctt LLV i titi hLL'Lt 'i'. îl Litt ,tttt l LLL iLlL' i . tttýithilet.t ni ,t'i l én,,, i ofttitt t, '.tt ' t', ti ttin i tiý-' y l " o g t n - tlIli t It h, ,i' iitiI, Oli S t ; t.o t LuetIe ii. ti ,iala Leîîtîîtî,IL tîn ILIaC t L t, i t' l ,i it tti ii t i 'inti rt it Lthaii Oiiea t gi it,.itit . it .Liitoopti.ed tt l t tck t, I. t' t, andî1, t i Lîtti tt kt,'îtî i ii L ii t.Lttti, ittt i, ii i. tit b t ti'i tii t t.i t i itît t ti t ii j ui' ii lit t t tiin 'ttLi . itti tit iti tfi i t t ttil, L i ,,t , ,lthett flt ,i& t t 'yiti 't 1tîiîîi, t hetîî Lt ', i titi tLtî Lt tîtîtî 't i LtL tii i L t t % 1 11 io ti ii Ltiin, t l i t' I, ii i t L I It Lt, 1, u . I t tlo ii i l , i ,t.i i eoiL ti iii Lt 1Lt t aiL e Lt l 1R ,ieîttî' ,0/it SaiLeiL ~l~ , i ph . n tiLLe' L-t Clitt ]. S Alg te I trt' ,lîîuîî L'y.tti ta --gtît'te. Lt ai t'eu t io . oet iiuitiit t Littte i, ll tN at tee atL tîtea1I.IL 't'ai -' u. ,iLe t ilwtaîtn ita tiLn itaitiiltn, va) ittut itajty is (1t)"(',Oeto til alu ae,f" tiiern iV te L itta Iuu eute t 'm'itul oe f veli. iteaiIiIIggiicii, t I Lît t, ttise îaget rer user Fifty ecci a4- , , ti ,iit l", , efol im re.tLutt utttucte. ieu te t, *ttt I'itii .i tutti, cui t, . i LLt u'LIt ,lt l'i u... Li-1 aii I - - t - e ut It ii " te ,uu1tttt. LittLLittu ci t. a t m ,4ixt, tlmtguuLthe, luisî. Lctrelin àt.cî aLLLee l I 0 S édit 1itis, P-7 u l b, "iLttemokteiaiit* ,î imee , wws au houbmaàiedbucsr' hseuat th@ule nesilaitfy a. G Fbeaag.seecu. lahr baiL n£ udsd plan le roeuim 4W,00e actes a aI é eue ceveud Lv pu e b Zay- fci ent te e bey o ea armad« lesose usuema ive b~ u boe.bbuse e*ciaIl ppcoecd. vejtae einL.héTocontoie eldy An.SI Laebcdees uveeecsgc Jine OldhametcfNoîiîgiTae t iantlieeryroacbe11eue000 forats inliglu -lu5 ais sa dluoés nc. pua Lhi Ouer CE ~ad. wel MortcSduin0 Ihi.;eneelcleeuld ucd peer civertie eig Or"eue-iscus- tuhîe Atlianticon a wat cycle ime n a l eerite. Advof -Ose- o ' The prices a ~.Gladelceeevnkece. c,eil moenteft isiaclan are ijeeld icn the llhm thuettheiud cuencl a, iejcese.ig, and jtlie gTotreeleWe.LIy Mail foc l'jr Conel at heis wucPlei te fliseM 5. 4ioiStlC aly ueder . tIa îiiyi' 1terd faear ec nertion. ' ait I vs cautractionslma steu. iTweayene a d r tir i er ribc .a -4- m t celsdilî1. 71c. 44-in Dow cnLebigit Valty evinttcajne. Àddree Thte Mail, Ttceelo,i theieripa Ofc m of n fletced Il ore lic lto eo Beffalo e le littarcCanada. lji-If, laItel taecidely dsmrulln of n«LDé eeaday ai ite raeuof 85 tDitt et.-.-anie l us1ieSdc501su eL CANADIAN ITEMS. ! bmY ellethe gprofitetlifeu e Wirid'e Exhibjieeonai Aeltep-t iefbeleneeeurdefe U tecmaiiyoaced by ingLeupoid Il je reportled] Ébatimmenac tiiCI f 1 blm leu ed tillooekeoeui Bacday. il vili coatnet il deponela have bateen ed aI Buffloe I lieo f te uNwYork clubegeé un lu ýehet Bay. Laiteetlte Woade. the@csea esaier ur net cclue ýdpaleiîlinon Bueneoe Syteagay@ Thte Qemua Plateisje bljened le litaI l pdlieseceiô ie lier Lenretel Satin Benoît CI me acllt a renalelion La rahle vtee Jn 9Miller, Lachitiear, ThbeuiLu lensucd î the burtwns Js ac So s hi Argentine repaliieba no chiffe, Dicaler ced Lou Daly. vickeul ennugitle bnop bis usmsacd FnySo rs Idiot. laejflt bnmn a ci e epen cliit b isl plan vasniit. $5 95 tri $15 00. icnoemr T. Hl. Ling oI Chitago ei Regina le offileale ai îhe exeeutîjan t alcllllbown e'is. Tics fun vu cla lte jeave a c act a lte va~r ld l cu pa0 la i taearrer. ao a l daboa al laIt iegres belet. ta crmte y f U ixi tred re b. pertiuru. lit About 3( .Hydca. AI GaIt an Iriday MWm. Taylar slip. i ceefbuwn he lt mereema. Titso l hut hta raiebadpoid vite acedjcg the acfce laftI in a ltpp-eddl uuefrIute acgaîr aeetwrki t.ed i, baîctreit aed, fallieg an it becd, ce e. E e pae grli o russ aameToai- lie ieliave neiulycie aalijrs ase u l d e ihm, hsi pecio iecpee cci at ilSI Laj, ciealtaaiiae&0.seil Wus eny Écnssearp te lap Raid@ds or . lre' Fter iijdsittiysceeIn te Gloueterecbpce-elaetac mefo u erleu.. er gfumet eu l e buine o900 orCt Hiacks clurlw lnh itersCammaas an Saecday Blanchatd, rial, fer lihe ring.140D ofet lIeuehat ena uch, clacti, ae yîetcdCoeiervalec, defealesi Dotict In. fieallp velered lu dec igle, beltmer ýLciy Spcings, Nîtia,, etie bedepeideel by 294majecjly ltaE 00i ensnueilt fnieberb..misc A. Murray & (C mespecd iita titg te stables ai la ruplulien. Oters verse rdlec aysol e h lisfre.Jîpîcece lltboceccarc feehjcgle dronsvladyîbeBeepudpstumiethe lliamcLtVaacover, BOC., insnair, cambecgtîae éaflen c .nseilooe mcutsitil- a. Keiiiteettoîncawel my te Japalene contaI bis doeidcd et nellpuU. Afllte e -bu'apeeted tîmu oimealat Dr. Maiite, leva, bas advjise i oenmenllte crjecmi. speullleglgglengaud Unîreas eccmn 21, 23 and 25 KingS men cngainefn ta tucn a gr faliac. l oSis geaPut on gloean cd pro. of fleI bitat. Iii Tmnico=atnIhlltaPce l par. Th it ced braîjier M polce of St. Petcrsthacg ceetly Ulter Slecitip Company ea butl le "siai thed Ibuaricg, sietfically a wolsae apurs f Nhiisacomecea dret erie btv ensldeced, neuld cc bavs dou raistrei vîtietalecapar.iîiiiNjijlale caiacrea dcce ecei e au tîei e lddling infante, but ite admici ludead iof hea tuf trera ave bren Mantceal sid >Dehbln,tihe tireltateer litai les uxibiiai vas naveclteles, bed ta one haicli, ta leave Maîlceal an Jalee 17. as intirsstmg nocs u o@er samn it a. IladatianAd tt i isam of T ,te miicdetec ai Catnstable bxlglie..Butlg i l ut lat iaîtg iyies re n jil t L, Prte In., ain M O embec,ad îrted le iilî Tb*te I irlseuilblieeriétatsec, h. iachnuinutie owlagaiîîn t t iiee,7 van laben le SandwiLch jaifl ter Ln Dort 1ibiCluapar&direeiu ru oithtg eat it t vclese'-iay. He eay lic duo et nt aîofcandîtriedenergeli pyetait c~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t Gera tittpLtlait liae,hbt lite may tn eptle oa iimeelf. nubwlcUs cud trea te caeiptaaited tith tite Brcith AI Moneres] Jtdge Doberlt con. mse&ecue tPLps neo slen trip. unie aaigtsteetnge ratesifraa dctaed lite Mnral retRelfl ay psdaer anetol atbattinoni en ports atev ew hortit.0.Campany le pay $5.347 la Mcs, Ramne. Bsaffieeall enayesd iran thecmsee ai I.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~le Cinwelii i ' ltta c iden ai a pilai, titho waerue doationl,acd as site U tell cavlsieipand t A. Cambelai, M.. edestsonand hlled by lita aasapaay't ete, allaid L ieatobe niag ntdlite lt- lespi Chmbelain M.P., as Sptebeluerrsebud atllte e mpirs, cnd ciltea- ali ianhec Mn itBia, M . aeSeleb.g.bec te hé e veel dave lenaaltap oaih teltajeedte tledaylflreiag. tlaatie Daaghert aged 6, yaatgeel vIll.itsd limbe and deerediitcpery.Th ay beintg goeih ya bot. aon ai William Daagiter oai <itatiniie, Tit eabriek tug alinnded Ibis cte- e euea atipetittianit eercomanadvat dravîcd in te Weland Canail repe wonfallewed by a brief itlreel ea dee IL1. lBryanttiii tlarlt ram aiotealnon eîoùSalarday. Thte body o aiseagsence,wvitiiwovn leebýn bp solid Iciilia itLie 1, eudgot narti vi ra, eced alter aiaf bea ihe tIna osispics licks fron buncal 1he tbn'a, NfLd.,,outhLie Iteate whaier w.erc abotaan bout. Tite bey itenl are.. woenIiaavacommatiaa open c. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u atle si cnd felr1 n irin iel aen. relud, fr h.gilelmbled eaIoncea. oge rt,to ftheDuatpr. TieAmeicaan steramers Visiter ad TtbleeoraietLdlbeha kt e,totf Yrettiî, C], bs eaueeLarrey Broks, vit a lPartyLolft1, citis viit cadreedfiaemera nt ch.eot cesa.loït.Quc yrsalliîg litaI it vtelr eda tdargti viththo tuaatrder i ota vs hi vere fihitig ie blatti bta ,bboa pua , and Ébactcetting mare t o !le aaduinfanaîît.'tiltu'cteati eeerje etiai Keiiy'a Isandi, ipear' le lest, savecaaiitsgirlu mada Ia. Pital Pai, Laite Erie, an Tuesda.q,hby a bà ouaite frlite ei prle1r. Ttre dibast Lae eittedt LtionaApriltite Canadien patrlcav'essuti PetL., bler *tondits gratina d, oeeraittnAs BuVtnoiietaa Ciluas toL Egida and Aeothier laiideiide lins tcittted init agiter, allauad lits faioiaae aiS- 18 antd tL'rial viiiagta etere de- Qaeitea, 217 muetsavlownie rivrtflette, us encitbisitaamerarrimitjim, aad Bd ,by . erthuak, wth eav tie aensof ireho itddn't enter a setgle praleul ehel ditaaaalitjmh, aih ieeyttteaaiheformer eae, ai SI. At i-teyppcnee telap iicpieoea.M l Un.hat. FLehauseaee&id tebaveahçen Itvea ald, vorîtleesmacine," te floaseofLILorde s to aday taerchcd, The C. P. R. bridge LtCt thalite explaeiasd aicrvard, "ad il ealdalt SpenetaiSÉtbat te Oivecmenî italitatariter, aI St. Aane de la Pet. hans label 1a pialaraevea if tlesetei etatmiad tiimainlaja the acyyade, Lt eaid tel lu iadanger. boue UgLu ecaegî, wvitt iersamtîna. tentde GreatlBrilaic paeamtuei (Canstable Lindscay.t, aCmhert, B i los theugirls veaîctry aay ptt- M tia ser.awo eshtion Tiîarcday ity'avmt ie ee.aricg aah"-N. Y. coretpti- Ne 't tt htcnecs ILitauattDamedr] rtsbcy, djc aon Fridc y mors. dsntCincinenati Ecqeirer. lieu hariey acetdelcrmiatcd t have Leg. Tre nbe nig braagitl la iay 8001 TO LIVE11 Fla tiff ittiLtedtat a ti clLe, thile b hifitc aieetein parnnt ite , pai.____ iclera iuoant are cquacly dotr- cri a revelver la it leit brtaet, anti. t e otier iay. ttod, Ilt itoagbho in emtttally r"" Xlse t'ttm asîseaebut ee attenitL aa ruade u ai 7iittay moaaded, M...ecs ?eecCeo d . . te buowt)t ir tte iepriston ai A lte a enrci Tealal te cter cagecanirele mt iete.( a, Mtit, eili dyamie. ~Ltta itm r iat ecnceg ili Otwana mngbauld dinîdu ie lime, Eresideelt ou, ich, wth dnamte.Tlir foreMr, Lowave cdr of ta Oatern.ef fHaevard Univrsity, Ilia adtled lei werrt a inte lt, and setahe7 ment eaplacing parly ia Lahrador, wovI teerging in a ruentI ddrss tite if ited ta thi ell eie. cttttahatee ite repoet Ihal mare Itba teùllvleg regimacu Sieep. eigbl lieures catalog speech latt eecnjsg Lortiltos. taiahadred Indiananin tee viaiyaofmente, titeasur& danaeneeurnise, diîlesi thai liteoe areti tL tgava fBay lhad de iitvta n ttu ailale c talvt erilitai patitian, btitu eldatetuinteihe proeedicgntet ltonbhente.Tital liis plan agreenit et ite majtrty wtit weiLLy or TieflcmaofJohtn P.Ross & C.,Mant1 i ae lir rated.C tieas coie Lia(iotcrcmenl vaaidîuttper-oliasaburincwardedltt oittaelt y an Eateerncctempocatyp onte oet, l theLlotrinLio a oeenmecllfertresup. vaaidcatava sutid SicWiam Jatm lbaugt tite mnera' triknitpie aiballet baxsthe aolte eigeserailteactoetoe tes illend inayirylforthiaeteoltie s.A igniîrcascndiion ai -s"*slm.mivtria.aîain o tee .eesc To, e. auite ittppiy oai et c i a bu tL. tîslcantracl eipalalen tai the itoxe Tn icheeeid.acîst aasit n,- aq e ltaI te nintuosteta aa1be ceady ihnnnt es o i'Ewr oe h rt fenLadte tatnthesleiter'de. drapvccdCc. , n rI ThetaIrdini membece aifte Italiaei t_.Pin,. la Itu h - Lu ae autdyr.0-; î ated ini Roune tsa cier otItloin, eMantea! are gteatliyintetased 1.r an M i obn mm itepipit tye, aliattidentjeal , lt ite ab MajaorîGnetal Hctitctlc laudal onite precibed ce equal divisien et Pîit aihitîtli te latseRmîîero h otfclZuvs h ten. igtboubtns eacb te vert, slop ced bi eof iarmaay va, cflichte ba ioLnof balt lte Itliansand Breiihrecuctiee. Lme t fail neula il bine citsi taloidpaca'jgHabrt (ieremeabivilIl le ialled le te cd. iniled tse Amecican philosopher via !ahriit8ol oen in Hubetimestand eplanainsvwiiîle demand. saidu :"Six Louts slosp fr a min; synE V ye eti. Il innmcre Iban lihelp ibal te for c vcman ; sigLI foena tari MlleoWoi eozda e maL cci l le iraegbl cp in Itheu. latt., ito lebveubeau apparunE 11onltttiia cffaice, ays ihaitial tiameni-TrtclMail,. eteProclducî El'itaIsenocoeuof titlyasutieserions dibtlarhneaterilP is viWIsuil »yspnetan. mcc scys s.nîlîag hat itprompît ation t A eompcny iliî a bsccîbes eapital vitieb Lu lat-te elavntîlfer Atmltsf. part oi tao Oaveeîaaeaî ai8ai ifi#i0,000 bac leen iaemed je Caliig. Regulmeity ili temain tLingtele btonc. wiIl soon Wl e. eaad tacrte pacpate cifcing lacgîly idsred. Som@ mue val mlutai cigicti maraeahiuaggaelealta t lias beau alhdtng 20100=17t. m san~nlitpm;rego sd andsx 8,300 utc adcon. buidiens aveabeec pcepaced,ad thes Scies tlbetlon"efgodmui c ay; fIGj - Iontracta forttheipalion are te lie nmes anft tr .udrss, tcb e shccli era laltvalue ci $25000. catcl t et atI alemoags e. t ance binsne leiseef ctgcttieetattfelvpe itowae t n aal ey daac In. FcîIlte theefies-ced itcdut-praeül ueqos- cMact pare. aceonfL ve ld tc ite levn bava lioanLleL ha mac cetlÉvader prisai cuis ziiigccc tm elel ni enpcr=d ity te empany, ccd bas le @mîrs. We are alw etin nes fontCenraland h ; p ecîil hlan alceady bec If cep elit minstel elgueanm Lmeclas basconaeild ILe Unitedcd mmences. ovaneetefci"ecdveeef es rsort lte "open out a 1bigCr2 Naey erctnent le aecit ieSt ein ,vcdblu ets iil lebips li te ctijenitacc Amei. Te hroncoenspiccyepau .con- ells h ll otte se nent necle d esena are endccgsrod treagitladedonu Tuedy. Mrs. Evan,ccd Tberd lncy pe f,t lat cmesi isedlin sk mu overh rivlio tailitijm. Iva petcf mon, Oeman and PeRg0, wr v 0 eoteane-cgcpeie eist Spcttr a a fa.aceofetcocepircef le poie is n :1vB lae ask mueh hwit to lîcden Selltbu ncc.Etvans'@itubad, vite ot ee e v y ,sepingecliralr« bom, ec, vit wiab ilaapreutstcct 'aItlbc iui ii u se Scjmy rebellian in lîdia je ec, sud wyuL e finstry echti. cmcblngmcrc lgm and duig sMero îlbe eepeaind. and fitlt ni e. eY=cs sais Lvtipcd cclgsmapeiuel s masnappsarsd bp theeuidifre lateceec= b gauxaea t ve notab!.leigne of a comiegonel. banuia cîulbc Jc cec isphyscaital vugîbs Iscî,We have alt mene lite calite le ea uean citale t e titeir iinc. aijli coeyecnmecî lib, isand cours. Ice. Enansaccd Osman wveresi» .. rdireling tait Canadie catie friend gs.illy, but Png ve.dieebac0ed. Thettisnui cfr ont e ltes verld lot of odds ande ateda thes ect@o nivi, -sudSenene wvu.dsfered. bas viablne ispu e veuites bea11 ay ite ieiaedand Llled abl .11eSvsuc,4wcs. lislnueî il,. aibtitlirs. Tb@ Inîga cf IL.AI Tesedaype Pele. CeccI at Rîmii. e usl. sgani fu-luueid.Je.Ia ne le ex&sadlby p al n onAlexandur CreinkhàbcLecd snsy .0à0miiintc. 5. emoner fHRu Street Scni. vu.OMs sec,8gelaceide.01 "titiluiebcene toit fom, Lndon carger wituaeltiag Win. Hle, tan bp scm rla Ilte itbcl ef uieheb lk ri dug mp fvrpe reports___b=nhv r eOcelaleialh fh be i.ÜdH y"f SUî,«Misu 51ib«y mak.e nt iegOU&di sefbeen bought rigi «Éctabilit. riOpueniso te b. er se=bi5e Lerununglme che 8"~ ~. tae t t e d iofthe a. n TieezM iMdedwurcen in u , vd your money. oesimfr Rt. Jois Baulsé u bo L iukst rb dt luqucIi? ce rsdIedia aie Jmusme. foanh M Odi= acl & dce e q £ bi bl M V" M4eqhonm YonUhave oîi kui artuler o filjustelu0& gbm"m 0L. Dembm"U ho o3t uEe L« Imm -moiX# Am lslma"dthepriS aI 3arefnly, and corne ed meoù»e loue Wthe lowung ue.w .loth for 2&-a, truly great bargain. neh Tweed Effeot for 3c-sa great b ~sn. ec. 44-ineb Tweed Effeet for 371.c-a great bargaiti. 65c. 44-incb Tweed Effeet for 50e-s great bargain. M5e. 44-incb Tweed Effeot for 65c-a gi-est b loths, at 70c, Whipcord Sergea 50c: -Satin Finish Sergesi Material 85c. A very fine stock of French Cositumeg of Pieces of Fine Serges at 15e. per yard. ia lot of 24-incb goofis wortb from 25o to .35o per yatrd; sI sdresses. Co.'e ie the place for the lateut deaigna in Dress Goods, and enovelties in this department before purchasing Ilsewhere. St. E., Hamilton. A. MURRAY & isy last week, we should be busier stili next week. people know the difference between gerated stereotyped statements and 1facts that we back up every day we aour doors. Men's and Boy's Clotliingo readymade and made to order, made ok and wear, not simply to seil. 'EW SNAPS FOR. MAY. 3n's Solid AI1-wool Tweed Pants $1.50, worth $2.25. .n's Blue Serge Suits, well-nîade, lined and of fast color (indigo dy'e), $6 suit. âmnelette Shirts, in fulll men's sizes, only 25c. ea., worth 50c. )0 prs. of Men's Braces only 5c'. pair. fyou cannot visit our store write for onr illustrated gue, free. IITH'S GLOTHING. 5 King Street East, Hamilton. tYBODy.. ,nt Shocs, and we are in grand shape to give ISin ail Kins and tyles of BOOTS & SHOES vays on the look out for snapà, and to-day will assortrnent of Travellers' Samples and we won't haif price for themn. lso 120 pairs of- CORSETS slightly soiled and a ends that we offer at haif p'ce. ) our SPIRING GOOD 8 are ail in and ba~ve rht and we can afford to give you big au o e vlu' L MlY O meu Sworth $18-00efor Ramn-Sewing Mhm L. (second bsnd), cost imi-gain for $5 00., at 56c, 1 Eig t-day .C ocl, tr es frornnt~h ours-ind hslf40 doz. 9 k. Soiid Gold âGem Rings, set tii plendid peanis and gar]Ït, wu4bt for $1 60each. th 1 14k. Soiid Goldid t4 id OPrY&Y Case Chronograph qd peating Watcb,ý strilik hours snd ehlîtues the ar Idozen 12 dwt « ýSlVepîît. ad Table 'Knives, ost $7 a dozen., for $5 25. ido7eh 12 dwt. Silver P1114 Tea Spoonis (engraved llîMle8) Worthî 86 50, for $3 80 :gte,. anteed to wear. eaeh, for $1 60. Tlîisieniy best aiarm dlock.- for $1 2,0. Good timuieices. 'f Pearl Back flolIlie 50 Lever Collar Mtotns, wortlî 25o eaeh, 'for lte,; 3 for 2.5c. 100 Pearl BaCk Ciif But. 35e pair. ELf7eeIlîtittwiiij. in atehe for fonly g 9wind SOU ing at Uo t 1 arn selling ont il I.e'toi.k at COst. Sorne ùt!ILt, goods 1 irnported lirui fromthe factories Oneit York. 1 defy yonî t beLl mny pricee and ask loutoL kinilly compare thenigth anypices YOD get m the city of Toronto, 11ijlt ton or eisewhe're. SEE My OODS AT 011E. dozen 10 k., weil 1ited Gents' Chains, latestîpot- terne, worth $3 to $.7) aclî, for $2 00 each. ]Piaiio a. Ail ordere for pilo or organ timing left it tty store will Lie proo itIy at- 'ttended to by C. Tltitup- son of Hanmilton. Satisfaction giiartiutued. 3 OLIL> SILVER GENT.S' Watches for $6 50. S0LID SILVER LADIES' ~Watcbes for $6 ()0. 3ýILVERINE.the beît polish w utOworldý for cieaning Silverware, cost 25e a box, for 10 o h 100 IES Gold Plued 500 to 41 eaoh, ycur chiegs for- 2e euch. ATLL0ÂT oNce fl a tui"lâeeegoolis at wbi5wisSale. yesr., red t at h swhe lintii i lie paid lîiuii-t IE AND l.VI At Reasonable OM&rEA1 EDUCTîI cd aBd he,4 6 Bauded Plie-foilv 8e DINNER PILAtTE8IJ SOUP PLATiLýS-L ced aned ti.ii, TF APLATlE S -FI., CUPS AND S.AUCE aIl alyleq if 1îtatLe'. VElu IABL . lDIS] Mi t tiLt , t caLt. lc ii largeaoneî, i8îanti2 BOWtIV S -i titîei l t ILf , "it Fa CHL ii t'L P Pîtîtît ' lt1 Lt. tit t2,i t i iAN i c , , 1 1:' t' t': t'; i 1 Lih t i' I Mii titi t 't t i 11tie Ï' ,sVi t ' ' . ' ' t L orIih1hs o0 two 5(1-. w uice.b YM TM 1 tt Lit i i u ,,, t lu 4IRITS RIINTS a i uîîdoîbteuil Li ut i itu , t tee t tti Lftt, e t )dtesILO wlit t ttn .T itîti , ýS ,LcLtut (ilu Dant i Ld iit thlI ftil'tiltem and tci ttettiug. (tac ne Kn ws Èi Testern taOp9 vahiai rt PaCa P rin ts. ai ou butle C aigeal vaele q W.. F. W. Fi DSAY Presudeni. 'i Lui A. MURRAY & C 60%.0.1 .r4 'Eb !