Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Mar 1894, p. 3

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r'Y oti T, ~T MjYp frgmt 81 oup. WHITE ir and J*0oller. O-1 Q Oc g- 1- 5F 'I 3a a, Ir~ o c.) I Cerriaees err ehecie uthar ity. WOODS, FAIR, 6 d60el8 Iig s vert, Hamiltoe, Oct. Local News. 01 FORS% inerte-A thcroctlilîrcl Be seltio er-J.Ae. Cîeees, Mlton. 2t >OJ Pc.ttl C OCeecT.-A parler creset viii Iccitlî t the Masse TOaRigi GOco îtrogrammoe. Admioicte et. jA lite sIre hedia Iîch Portrait et yeer teit ce irieed. tor. Call andseseoamp8 et Higgitcisthaot & Cccm. o THE Roc. J. Hughc- es ocs. cfStrool v ille, sill lîrcach in Grce Churehit inoîrroc(Fritiuy) evecg. loto.etc FîretPrepiy. Appiy te R.c7cCOcý,tM lilton. 89-2t. Tuxle CtioiceGrahamof ciActen, an eclîccrurestitt ail te taxee et thattesi fe 1893 lhatc iten a clected oxagepls $7.06. Il ' out -tu a grand bargaiu go ai teWiite'c Cest Sale. walehg ,.k,ocJueseiiery, Weddiog Preeossi iDLeokouttifor eoveclalapee eflSof aud tiff liP PliRais. Neblty Nae -i Huts iront 75cts. eaci et Toahilà~, cou hec - L. PoRRNott, et Pickerisg, hti rei-ivd a cl]trom the Presh>terian t GiOergetownandvllhletsndsetedia rai 1110 cconte 1881 est. TAt,s tud outer PPheeopaired. Wocl. caitp gearaoieed A laigeqeaetit c i cpo and fticgs eonhband"aonde tecls te de thte vrk.-Jons T. llooes. ScccîcuS CURE o iS oana gosacici It cres Iccitîjent Cosaospiion. Iti tkh est Ceegk Cre. oal ne enota dose;255 etO., 50Ot. and si psro boul, Soja hy J. H. M'eCeliler. BUcLdi.-Oe Fridayaighibnrclars bockse tc W. Littie's stoeoeai Srtis0. tee aid stele a quastiiy et ciare,, le hocco ancd other artices. Oc te Oeo. Laiegs Cheap Store ter clîep Groccoios, Centeetienery, Fruits Ofcil iiktds, Sait Finh, Disisand Clise tec.Porc Hcseytroi5c.toe0. por lb. Felî btter and sggo taises in ex. chane orhegods.-Gso. LeAIN, eXt dccc eot cif MCtiiorno drug stoe, Oc, are giud te Isars thai Mns. Wnî Durctîe, oc i ltoe, viseliadt ber arn bedly bcobe cceisg eut et Gres Churtonc eeice anshortitimo sise le don e tee cder the Caro et Dr. Freneu. Fer Geets' Sirtg, Colare, CuOs, Tiee d Searle, Broces, tlsderweaa sed Soehs, Hatsaand Cape, go tslceb. lil',cor. loug S James Ste., Ramilles. Ms..1. LLec01vhet b"at Beterni. or s cgitros Wm. Barclay bis pïicownec #50- Mr. Laidlav iiensi liciag licer otalt Detroit eonei Club 11,10w and is qeite coco ste.fl have l och iu for eonne et the bine tickets is lier clases.-GeorgetovwnMeriSe. Captis SweeseY, U.S.A., Bas Diego, Cl., sayet - ShiiOhS Catarel~ody t. tefirsi codiise IhaveiFoa hat weeld do mes aoy goci.,,polce 50est. Sout y J. H, M00011019- . 1. GOotee qOccr.-Isa euday 8. D Mrlatt and W. T. Marlal$Wilil qfvo tor o moutha tripthonogis M is ad the Sethers Staies, for tihe fli oto the termeco healhi. Tkey s9JL "n ereni iinoCalitscnaa and viiltieMid. vister fir ai Sas Francisco. Ailtise principal pointe &long the vaYlil called at.-0aoviUe Bloc. MMb J. M. Borna. raduainetfth, .Bnyal Cenésvatory o mug emips, Ger w'ay, vin b.e nMiitoi on Foliay of esaab voknd osS in b.e prndlo Inoons au the vjolin, Ppao uênia and tiseory. Foc ftisor iu =ele mosh n O. W. Caspisell. $5 BnaRLoaouosc Btinasu. ..,bei. glary niMr. Llttieg gryer m et Blsahn on Fridayol M =va min5ndyebyyhi8ý visile Bey. i.Aran .bm&Mo in Wlabcuaoh ? » lo -, E cil i alO )U.0P ead breben taneoe ied~j4s leuhi iseded teuibc hearcs andn tut Mrc. Perbis Lesr ts i 0he togethcr wvus a beya thre 0 ie and sit0 gaveabshm nae u s r e n [le wes broeghtIl ons Joosu. Peroci boere M.ayer Yess nd &p. Suueîsed l a lfer trial. Chiot nenrnYs ho van the ttst espe ate ieebîag oharacter hisbhaen nd1 for yoaro, 'In',appoacsd l l aou abFao1 Il-pitOsrPhn Crayons, Se., .soisteiy Prom. Mev'? 5tSpiy turohaosniyesc genobasfreinhter. chante who os appeau! on tttio uit M. S. Bradi & CO., 188 and 185 Ring-gi.» as.tacOebotesg pder asd nced J.tisa, 49 CKIeg., dry sedot Fallos&Ce., 15 Jomoe-t., Liethiec ; _CaJmae i & Ce.. 74 KRte.. M, de ct eciomousso pt-n-11t-P..a..0 co-ite. - Y ftct Cs th. shr.ts. hesoee_ tt fl DI.,. Hoseic Am Srss oes.-.-Res. Chunele OBeyd proided ut tishata nsprsag Aoues, ubicis 0jenedhece on day au Tero e uo1ne0cil bu ae nd OZl si ose cinine u etsaQcsva. Walte os Laing--defomatocl,1ibe.-tb@ jrinser havis g pleaded ssity,osni sel va.w oes-ry orbie offhnri, isevoolot off ils P.Moro tee Aoton Fre essreu,vue tocenian, osngratllted Ris Lecdebip . in> their presoatoset os bis Orast vinit is te il ossy.Tboy eprted tisat Ia teey bad viitod tise juil nd osiissild- sageng, asd bhadiosnd everythinq in a datintselory condition, cIeao, srdecly. and bigbly coditable te tise jilec. aTise pronentosent osooloded ua. lelews *cWe deeni it deplorable loat tee peur and aged of the ceoniy uaret ofeoity confined o. vagrsnis. We feel strasg. bel =made fer the naistessan ofo e. the pour anod od, viseroby thesediom cr t psemestcetssg os tiis clou of io- c. niateniuy by caeved. LtYOUNG Ceose]tAv ea.-Tise Young1 Libecul-Conservaiives et Rilton ce-or- 1. ganizcd on FrIyereDng asee cteeS s the felovins officera c:tir. RL K. Ander- e son, p ceaidant ; J. F. Little, flot vices. eprésident; D. R. MOI stecomend r. ice-proideni l W. B. Cloosonte, teird vico-presidenlt; W. J. Armistrong, secre. tary unSd cactr I Wini. Pattinsoo, seedn eceiary; Victor Chisiselos. rW. W. Beneveli, Jobs T. Ruaost, J. G. Ford, J. W. Efihoit, E. Liedony, *executive committs; cel. Revus. hon- or *a y 't6idni Addcenes e rsde- cliyr~by L.-Csl. Krose, MRPF., D. tMadergon, .P., ero. Mesec. Ie i aueS euon, und Je o. lliinrase. O. i Linsay andS S. DIce. .ra ir O. i rineisai and A. F. Camn e, M.P.P., viseo va" eupeind te lobepronots pat istee procceeings, vre osuble tu b. prenat, a fui that oemia g dnalof diseappointn, aanObre@sIs lion ue arldto tes affet thiuth.e and Mt. Molheron o b.ioitsd teo drese theeussoiatien ut a a t teh raL.Abot lmrnty.fireosncele iisemselvse se oabeca. Tmcy otan Bvaesuw B I e-LlY« 1 terday uttenoon Mr. W. Smith, Who liyse sac the anal,«nutersemone ir«sioiginioe.4mwmeaJoidsosnce on tee Beac h iue th"y -MWSisy veto dioonreeeite sy siarisite rua 5W yard. theeBrantfloasngiik 5000010. Re riported lte x-Bmarr ioser, vbciovite Coty Cosonble Sels mn. sar sa te i hor, om Stret a nblàab.ces eo B api-o goeily noser of olieeea>tl in t l 0 chaie. Sev" Pt0 lteanw e Ivers utdehomtemet, ae lb. u-Y zàu xýu- -" Juu101.014vi andsot8 orOua in a lot at yonr own prices Oetoc asp-po Ue:u Now that Stock-taking la over and before the apring tr&,doenvbaepaeonteontralgeoto the Ims o ueMd To.Uo omst' Axan ata in dosirabielébaitathe RDi =eaid d eb hab.payable inte tn O r eBr ss (o ds, Care8 fd oh rll anonai ni mtel,.eois aoateé;ap tan t e ie princIpal &Winteront ai tbo riteeOvef onfi-es Fer =- per nnumin Sayyer aaiî at awayclw res especîaîîy Dry Goods at less than haîf price. = Yb-IZ;miL:d. t. SoNotion Coter-a qcisntity of allioat niales.a D.i ls ra h "te afecosad derinmorh o __l ie ta oia l*e rnt 11.A1K DUCWO olTh oat Wetkete ladl coce rtsicgAd'nD isdUCORÂTION Weylrerne t« ake the ilea der c hole- at i bl oof n4 hî dear -it Voiopie et ce pa eia HeiropoFor ci lesoo > iiftPure Oiv 01, BainL -8 oclareblleR c0 arcake o ie sr CW hco -tE Affre L hriea tociaie. , o t paptro e.Fou. y ickel Pae O ofiv i sa'. Th a ten o i an bodiecj ea undr.etd mctan ehnr Woeno-nt vslIp te>nce ta leda t E à ad 8 Serrn e-D unei ho sale ts rs cliRc te aor ad5c elp. a ai Toery ai about fieésboitprit. etLaperf8.-4ysnro aeetn o ai wà r Baby C rria o thi, e aerc n, W l i rieue eb th host îrpo oe B - ange cf gond Kid Gloven foi 25c, wortb double thle mono- *Ladies' Coats, Shawls and Ms Cheap Sugars. Great value -jum rice rrit otymund 10c,for goa Yard. A Dr 50e pair, we worth $1 00. 6 dozt IPad Buttons for Se. Ribbonc, very cheap, 5, 10and y. Pînahea, worth $1 00, for 35c. Sflk Velvets, worth $2 00, for 990. Great slaughter in hillinery Boots & .Shons. Our Grocery Departinent in first. class shape, choice and cheap. ein Hyson, Black and Jipan Tea, 25c, worth 40c. Coal OjilI 3jc gai. HOLLINRAKE & SON. TAKE NOTICE. f ~ ~ ~ T ~ ox AUiaocne du"oand ewngitethe srmeof amshaw & weir are inpaîdin .. lue Onil. Bougnt at 6221c. on the Dollar. Farn forWa have a large Bankriîpt Stock in Toronto at 621co. on the dollar, conpisting of Being the voit hait et Lot neisies1 Dreos Goodo, Silks, Satins, Hosiery, Glovos, Ladies' Underwear, Staples, 'Pllnts, Veeta, ie the 4ih Cecorssioe, et the Township Mens Underwear, Ties, ollars, Linens, Flitoîele, Millinery, Jackets, ('terpets, Houte- et Estisein, ihe Ceesty et Haiton, fîîrnishings, etc., wlîieh will ho sold lit sucl iéestlit will opo an otaeiig 100 acres, more or leon rrce ren yoîîr e n purses. SwInjoh o errcted a atoe dveliig bouec, khuches oaddsseodohed, coud tramse haro andd2 heds. Wciiisaierd ' aud a gSod orrhard. About litires eferomtbor patoaniaco piy entTH«URSDÂY MORNING, JANUARY 4 preisoe, or te RtOBER STEAR Maaseweud P.O. Hotîsekeepers, note the date. Fathers, mothers, keep tlîis sale in oindI as yo i e ll Milton, March 1, 184. R8.nover have such an opportunity of oectiring snob bargaîns. The entîre ietock ii ist bo Application to the Local Legis-ceadonin3dys - ue fOtai. McKAY BROS., 5ô&57Kn St. East, Hamilton. LEGISLATIVE NOTICE in Nici.l. irfiy cIe.,titi tic fllli. to e tirh Loal Ltullatunioe Otri. t th. .a. thre. IlbhBASTEDO & Co. ci ftbeCu ad ty of Baloenu c teaaleefet«h ti, tyst erfith e t i f WCaof te at,- .ii-rt. erlai dl.eO Sof th. U . of1. c Z B ,.pe, i c.esorr teibcyth. Il. .î te.C le .111,1, y ole Afoicf 1874,ifor lcalri on acndyef Hoic.ed cte t..Co t th & eOote.sdc t. icteou .rs. rf fe 4o c. fr ec ia a cf ta e o r c .uIceA eR S aa .. ent e le t i octisOCeaW t, ar-crod 1t1 ý or gsose., iuieeJaeC 0=Ci1cestr steW' un aes pieasure in extending a cordial invitation to parties requir- e.«o h l. l h ing WALL PAPERS to inspect our STOCK and PRICES. la.,.tdel .cti , C-144.1.ri efMd ei-a-t% In .tel. reeb. tsid by t . tyOsntiof efe confident in saying our stock 0f _h tittoi.tierfndoe th --p .ecccltlo o-t ites .efal, tî n t.. ,y Ithe r 1t. * 1fi te.-y.d ha-tofthed-tfJitr a cistne uest selecteu acdcu ir RIESare undoubtedîy the lowest. eAeN. LAIDeu Ccoce. BASTEDO & C0. th .eausr ysre dsrog o-ishereS, Aa Wammes-tin~0~~isti g o ="om te bho sslantraalinl ly ope"lairate foc tise payaeni ot ihg 884iutbalmmte and intereslon ltse s8 -id lsn or dobi. Y«,r. lotoogt. Ps-01.t. 7eli h 1804 #1000e. #M049 *h0049 lm*9 99871 668 1810 49 1896 go891 s8ns1 h109 4181 90 48 7002 160848 5 188 8 97 78 52 160 49 6 18 88 8 7720 160 4g 75 1901 79 87 811 10 4 116 08 0049 11194 107 98 160 49 12105 5 008 8 O 1litS45 160048 18 18060 51 87 108 (J2 160 40 14 1807 AG 43 l1dO05 160 48 15 1908 40678 110 76 c60 49 h6 19MJ 84 783 125 7.3 160 d8 17 1910 28946 120o3 1HW40 18191 1 803 18908 16049 L19 1912 14 92 14857 160 49 k20 1911 7 64 1284 10) 48d 1209 70 2000 00 8860 70 AND Waae tishe snt et ofthe visele ctable praperty et tise Town cf Milteon accdnte tlent mireised soseosment roel etthe eueS Town et Malton le 0416,800 00. AND Wsaaseg the omeent ofthetks inp ']9deobsaiesdebi eftihes aid Tees et attsi ienm cf $48,144 84 and etisers iano5 principal er isterast in 1arocare. Tosocsese the muiipal corporation et the Teva et Miltes osuots au tel. 1. That it sa olib awul fer thessaid TeowOf Miltoln fer the pseposo alers. Si4 be horreo tise sid sNom et 52000 ou and te iueodsb.stsce for tiese oid msneoiuity te the amon t f8000 ie0 payablea anully and te er intercot atithncrate nem azediisggve parcenst. Pac anneos, payablesyaly un thec Scst dayetfMarh in esce as4 vry yoar daeieg theisecofetsai dsinstsrs, payabln in tee manner, fer lise ameseits and t tise timon raspetively ahore mssioesd. 2. Thesamid dehestures saste prisci. paud internetsali ho payable utthlie ofnketHamillen in the Teon et Milton.- 8. It shulilte lawul fer ths Mayer et the suid msieipuiuty useS hoissereisy antiserized asd isstruceedleo ige and !ue Ihe seutddeb.ntsreo heresy os. toizd teeo ieed asd lecaueothe omnand tlisiternt coupone attteised lisseoe esigsd iy the Tresrer etflthe said muaicipality, and tise Cierk efthlie oeid mosiespslity in herehy astheoizd asd instoseted te atiseis tise malositiesedcimenicipality te tise oaid deteoleose. 4. There $hallb.ocaied and levied in cri ysar by speosu rate on ailthse rateable properiy te thee od ulssni. pahiy àsffiiesnomauhotdiscbanpe tise suverai cntlsente of priscipal asd in. ternit acoredtng accnuig due os the ai debt asethescame isoomes respect. ivsly payabln e uhsrsissetore nies- tiosed. 5. Tiesacd B-lau aboli lobe offet on tee lstis duy et April, h184. 6. The votesosithes rtepayero of tise laid niaceipaetty ah holietuasesonibis Byluu ut ibm folleuieg limes and place, teut is lo sey-Os Mesday tise second dy eApril ela t theiseretf niae osleckin itlie ferssom uand con- lissteg sotil rs e Dnions is tee aloer- Doon ofthescame day. Fer tee Eaot Word, ai Lyen's Hall, isy Edwin Lindsay, dnpsty rsrotisg oefisr. Fer tee NotisWord, ut Tous Rall, hy Hsnry llendersn, dopuly eiurais efficer. Foc th. Sote Waed ut thee Cort Ronsse, iy J. M. Field, dspslmy rotorailg offleer. 7. on tuiorday lise thiriy-firei day1 0f Murci, li., tise Mayor sshliltted1 ut tee oocil Cehier at tus s'cieckg P. M. te appoint paroona le aitend ut4 tee varions polleg pisaoneund et thé fina oomipofthe osiyte Clark, rusTivey o0 liof tis a r- ssm intre iot tise pinee* gor ep- Poeseliste pasio issBylav. 8. Tbm Cleri et tise eosueil of tise nid osnnepality @hall attend ut thee oomoâ cicaiber inthie Tous of Mites etri , o'lonb p. os- on tee tii dedy of Apffl, 180&4, u it pliteénosr of .is foc sod againsi nid By.lau. Daisi ut Md"ltonisaday et 18W NOTICE. i Takenotislbiiis soretiealms ispy ~ Wh bu lPS~~~iiI i issolmvi j_ csl iqto _IZ e 4Uý yes. If yoni fi ~emn weak if the aight blura, you ahould injure them permanently by bail cases free of charge and rup of Horehound for Coughs, Farm to Rent. Lot 11, con. 6, N. S., Tritaliar, kovo o"Wiflew Eank.,,imdiate pow giron. Foor tierparties- H. Fm=se or Jota. Enogo», en.,@ alosCoco.. p O FOR SALE. 01- Frame Roi.. onmain 8à»14i onr 9 Chmi, 24x 3 ot two Lto, oso S oed o bob lDlýmue bemo» eb241h Wil b oe "dh.p.Aplto7 THOMAS W. Co=OIU Main 55, opposite Princ S&, h Mliii, Oni. Notice to Creditors. SnF i x.».~Mae Too.. C-a=~g to - - - WM. MCKENZIE, Merchant Tailor. None but the best Tweeds, Worsteds, Friezes, Etc., kept ln stock. Quîiek wark an' gaid value an' prices aye moderato Agent for cc The Naticnal" Trousor Resbapor. Tak' tout to the address-Bootb's Block, Milton. $13.00 will buy a large No. 9 Wood Cook Stove. -7 different styles of Coal and Wood Ranges to choose fron,, at leso than city prices. National WaabingL Machine 6m and Wrnger. CreaTnirs and Refrigerators Granit. Wsre, Galvanized « »ad Tinware of ail kinds. Dao dOOr West df TOW» Hall. FOýALE &lyon 'eem~0ogt. $.d.eiPfLL ORBI] Do0 not trifle with your eyg if they pain wbile reading, or i bave them teoted or you will straining them. We will test gnii.anteo satisfaction. Use Binge's Comîpound Syrt Colds, etc. PenAn viWho intend bsfitpne at smea oold sors bricks sou tramt tise Mito Pressed Brick Ce. Liatesienc for saie, delivemsd te Milton ooread belov qosr. Forpari. esiars apply te J. 8. Me SOiI- 8. Suacnac-At Matnon Marcsh lot, the wite otMr. Jo. Sispisd otassn.t MRRIED. Heo..ea-Baàoeenay. -b si. Jude'$ cisorcis, on Woday es sih Cu..onWrrl. B A.80. R, mr sue Mise Polly Bradbury, botti of oakville. tonn-Ai Osvfls, on Fiday, Feis 28a,MmsAum Joues. qmi88 years BEcAU.-Ai Amta, om Satsr, Fois. 2551hJane,-éu-isofnitha e s Jubn Sisaqi &ld80 Jysos. h msa. lànt a M "Ibo Tbue>a ie~n bàmtgm y.15 w Bu WAiLL P&E i l I g.hO. .. 50. 75c. 2150.ettlc LAW 1< u) o of the inott %dbq"d ii TO 1

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