Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 1893, p. 2

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of twenty.9ve Cents Pmr day in Ment thse gy of. the 505-ô=c ofiusnd men of t.21 ai put in thole anue dru ifte Nqiaga camp neit Jonce wus Menaitd by majority of on. ai Tcsecday's ce1a" cf the connty concil. Da ttc0 and Webster spoke ably on belsl thse propoeed granit, antd ni l ai &th memers onrse ienelves as la~ favor of au increcue, in the pay of thse mec, but the prevatliog opinion waM that snch increnne ebould corne f romi thc Dominion Govarument, not feoun th. cRoty couucilo. Thin eto enough; but thece la verys li-tispr. tability that the Goverument nill do uts doty in thc matter, and notes& the cooniy conncil Will corne te the resc0c the mos of ttc 2Otir will bacc to con- test themetelves ai tte comiof camp wltt fifty Fer cent. legs pay thon thm» of cter corps wil receise, for tte greai màjority cf coenties vrbich scnd volunteers to camp nopplemeni their pay in the marner and te ttc exten f propose1 ty Dr. Rotertsonsa resoistion. Accrdiofi te Gcs. Herbert tte corps, tisat are escouraged is ibis way trie ont stronger nsmerically and arc more: efficient gcnerally tan tboae tt are Pea only rihat ttc Gevernesent givea thea, and witteet snobtecoitflemesî the Lt cannet te capected te comPUIRe favcratly insocma respects wit thl more fertonate corps, tboiigt il tac made a record at Toronto and OttmaV as ose of ttc crack stcoiing regimoctW of ttc Dominion and tout it carricet off ttc PalM ai tact ycsr5s mateac ttc Dominion rifle association. Thc officore of ttc Lt bave coi giron cp tope ibat ttc coenty coneil co tee prcvailed sipcn te pot tbrc oen cu equaliiy -citb ottor corps ie thc malter of psyasd will mate anoiber effortte chiais a grasi at the Joue session. Soucr efthie members et or towns corîl imagine ibai ibouglb local pro. bitutios by rousitico oonder the st Art was a dismal failue, provincial prohbition eeould make Ontario botter and more prosperoor, and ibcy have rcnolvsd te petitio ttc Nforai Govers ment te carry ont trir views. Tho tioverument srill of coorse vics île potitice "serjons crnuidrratiosi,' asd thon probatiy file it awuy eurefuU:j wlibrrcitwill nver dIo acy harreorbd board oi again. Ttc follossinû exîraci may, boseer,rcmail witb icroresttn bott prebititienicto sud irurperand mon whro do net telieve in prohibition, Neal'Don ectimatro tat tbcre ai 2,000 druntardo in Maine, sud ttst li cure tbcm ty ttc Rroioy proros %oi cent 1250,000. Ho tiicl tibm" preti expansive toc four sercho doctrine and Opposes ttc' bill ros e fore i Moine leioaor slclr pros ices fc ttestreatcrnt ofraiut dsurkardn claie capese. But Go,,. Duo' ai mission euggoss ncee the propriety trying briga licesoe inMuine. He tu probabiy oidcrcutiisted tlho s,,eb cf habituai drurbarde je 11,cr staue, b 2,000 ja c tsd sîrowier aller nrly.i yearo oi probibiiu.-NeOs Yorki Wocl Neal Don jr rattor opposrd ta =oasurse iboh Maine lcjjrsaureý give the 2,000 dipsomanrues io th sade the bjcblorjje treaimoot ai g uttîce ospacre. If ttc cure stoi work Neal wenld bavc ttc pain of e iq Iris wbole polirical. stock je trus swrpt aiay ar une fell rirohe.Si. Pl Pioneer Press. COUNTY COUN«UIL. MILTON, Marct irb, 1893 Ttc conucu ruer ai 10.30 aie., in cordssce, wiih adjourrueci. Ttc wardoe7in tIre chair. Members ultprcsrul. A communipou wus rend froc S. reoma. Sec. Hamritonr NRsi Rload Cou., giviegfi Oncial report 1892, alsocoupiesof memorial rOMý rony coucicil ef York on caie crossief pubrlie lrjghrays and pnl actuel lare. Dr. Mort noved, sccnded ty' Warren, ibat Johson Harrison tei in borcty appoisied auditor of cricJ j4atice accoois for rtre prossct; and tbai ttc seat of tire corporatiol attacted toerero. Carried. (S )JON eceANe, Wse [LS. u Ae. PANsue, Cleris. Dr. Roterion movsd, erconde4 lar. Anderson, that Dr. Lous an« brcr Ia e appeistedl membe thc boar of public actuel examil fi)r Haltes for ttc correct ycr- lied. Mfr. Macdonald moved, secons 1fr. Anderson, that a spocial 00mBO be and ta bcrety appointed tb 00ucats writ ttc consty cf P~ brt-ù5kJ. orimer cnd ihe' and secoonder-Loat. ei Dr. Bock movcd, secondeddl Pearson, tci ttc fisaece m te and are tercty reqnested tsi the unsct acoosn for ttcpa audreporttOthisnnDca at tt rc. M Odnald. movsd,s Mc. Rniclan, tht this couseil untu1 2 p.m.-Carricd. Ttc conoi ajoored Ttc coneil rsm e ai Dr. Webter mcved e sac McKenie, tha tt aapUtati rorfthie 9afa nom- ts rri.r MLatt ae~ w 8wýs Lace Curtains and ares moued, sessadety Dr. _And__ - dm t Mr. Deacon, F.S.L, Who la ti wü~dw Muslrns, n precetasi report ced Jans. I ci Olic lieicinl Cunsio+qp, VC&Pw @14 New Torchon &Medicea Laces, citerstlonmovcas.ondda ty Covas. ivnQê-t dersos. tisatishe riport cf tte m.-faa Douga, Hacbart Lied- Tishae s »Koiry e Sal Gos ashool inspetr, wvichsie tnjet c, Annie Ohasolm, Cactentmw. tele ùIper. e tpeG os 5t on dsianSd pstiiis faSn. HLMbk-Jcais o a lte U55 f tfisc Ina minues f 192-arred.= . eore Coelas, naiew o- ay.laA special Une of Crumb'B Pripts at 12c. per yard. Pettit moved, econdcd ty Dr. M.sioct w b sou, thai on payaient f tce oin eJun.IL MBk-Wlisc Doogla, Ohlivea" oud tlinthe ty Mfr. John Hanter for thecCovin, AS iscmbfii, Joli. sler. remd l bYis y on Qsecn aireet, tht ttc ss-U" H.Pi -Ervaci May, Allase Ni. ___ rer te isstrneted te ay terresiiMciards, Garnet Brde. Ihll e pis mal aeamtN 5 tete ordcc cf Liesi-Col --B "I Pt.-Mannac BRihards. GO r- vdet'ai Maif- fImmILVR ItRCIE . - ISETINI TD luso ronvcycoce feu, in accord don. Chnsholm, Nelie Brooks, Arhur r oii 5 moigrant.ail 4 EYATACIE NPCINIVT tehie resouinof Icat mccl Bcan aie couni.-Carried. I .-Aodrcv lioos icor in A Àrsolsuticsnavotexmcendz~Isc tJjI RIPMENTS ABEIVINO DAUsT Warren movcd. sèocdcd ty Mr. Tonnea Maxwell, farcis McKechneY , fradsea lc omas Vuade nald, test tise thanba of iis J. Rl. BacTRano. jjtee masitoba lagilae c tes reiecy tcnderedte. Tatr TocdyaftavicltL n, pubie scool inspector, ---By a hoché aexplosion aiMdigale, otteismthcds of inspection, tire cf teachers inttt c coon!,te sslrlsc Tiries cIgptand olMc. JamaDuncas vire PURRES?,,M A M U URA & s'a. « cf parente, lbcd habite or POliil5Ttc gomd people cf thc Mclbodist seaanily iid, and W. McKousie a-e cs~~w anl cd fr bis comprehense Chrot cf Brlisjton bave Imso "0 ch nisat, vu sertoualy aajcaed. copitesttstca rpotCr f ohich as esreisidssu ofieeon u 0 misnts Wff il ania .cdsi ý3 ~21S8and 25 King St. E., g- amilton. Robrtonprsotel Da vs msen srntea y J H.ode amcir9 Roeic 1pictd c edChrrstras Day. Arciteet C. Mile, of LtonWrane tpJH eS ad report of lise railrcy con- tiadty, han bcd tisa plansainisandmaon- y.N .si itr bm.od n atlssligof tcs ref .fwNw Robertsnsmovcd, ecocded by tos non sverything isethest of N .AlWne rm iosadMnie ein f ~ca rc.A e o ~ukItttt rprteftieral.sape.Tise contracte have baltee si -Markets at $3 ana $5 tin ileft. Ruck tba therepot ofthe aic-amitIse wrk wn iehéprceeded wtt ai ~omaititeo adopted. osces. Tise churcis, nicu rebnlt, wllA 1. Warren moved in amendaient, te on f tise fasct lu an ytevs of X U A S A I of tise ailnay committes te laid sOme, a brwer ritis pinsaoles and tests- h mttl nore e ,fiscmebrsanon cacis aide focming qute a mon- ata cenojdccre lytise pro. trant 10 the nid plain front.Thicn- tla amore intelli gent action ontce illy different fraitse old osetoiut W E ARE N OW A ILE T O SHOW , ttc conneilu convcne atithe rail evrytig rIl te on a tetter socae. ch rarden. ' Tise ciing vil te metallic and ttcChe___ tie amendmient ras carriod. wisdcws semicircuiac inslead of gousse CU LE RY,____ r. Warren moved, econdcd ty Mr. andrwill i nq- okwt ooe THE BULK 0F OUR- nZis, hatthi Conei intrut meargaca. A rnen dea tas teen istro- ray committen ro d"fecd tei docd n tcehape of a radiatcng choirE R w pcnding. ender the adoice cf sur aleryaraged eo thai aiute singcra SI LVERWA EI . iters.-Carrind. nIl face in tevards thes leader ccd Mfr Feaihrstio mu sciinded ty wnan and t tis amnetisas tisortisei- i anntrtres this o oocil anounottteccongeegatien. Nw S r n u c a e jornnsad djouccedousitte Ttc achoolrcoonil te ulise asyp .!fr. Robertson moved in uurcndmot. te semiciccular, largc and diry, and tise FA NIC Y H A R D W A R E 6csle regîs meetinrth eucithe cfldin oosareicg asrisc cdand we feel safe in saying that we have neyer hefore placed bconed ty Mc.usdrofiis cn ieffi tho îassrccs rangcd ipartityiosen ,Id.o teseoncd Tuerdny in Jon.- flscjfeld dosecoery clasa ccom nwil! on our shelves as good value as we can offer to-day. Farried . ,Open directlp n temainram, ccd non notion ttec cuncil adouncd. cvery eat nill face ttc pîatform, wish Soui a partitiorn, piller or colomo te ot- 1t te WeJ'sMnsy~~f~e, ~C E~z N S 1 R ' A E S 0 havé e ured man>r job lunes, both in DRY GOODS and -h onconi ue n3lndaY otirces, ifae ttc Icfrm r ail ie aycs in te chir. Ttecsentre auditoriumwrIl ~ligited ' - Man t. MLTN.that aebound tseli at sight. ~Memliers portent :De. ilbertscn, by mocca cof tsll' . à itinows of Dewars Block, M i t ITNîredi edcd glaec. siesterior mli, goe, cVa.i. .Honee and b e of oitctnsted catural mcl, ccd a- -- We will offer the balance of our stock of Wom ens' Overshoes Fr.Hcmtcrt.cempîlte sud modern aytem mf enti. roftr romeratheoitero- latioe nili ts intsodncsd. luadtditcon ta afpie o.n^ suad Men's Rubbers at lçsa ta afpie i n enrearcdieWm. MeKoccie te te main auditorium tewlscccibeca aappr1nted chiotlof rIre lire brigade itcacy, igtî laos.rooms, bcblecDignes tA cîrcîher ofi coucsrecccdered ral l ldivide te actnol fccmt.the beot îiid, rineiiiigoseof $5-6.1 fsr ctsrcis. The________salof_________________140_fr_70_ ~aisituoe os streets and sidenaîks. It is 5ayicg a great thisgfor Arctit TogectotslofW m nsO e h es $14 fr70 Trhe dfinance erirarotteer rporied that Millabntesctatement ta made thtil2 5fr 0. ' hecc sere anficrot tonds deposited t ccr isuci an s0.ol Il e0oan Q T.! U iR X T A R R o .o.r.2 5 for 9 0 c Lotecsiin, thit bis onasitelivisf cctilbeî0 le landsh o i limacon. TG N F * L O N t i credit et t et e wc in tise B a c k oi p le icd for le s m esey t an tise ol d I . v a_ 2a d . o ,Hmiltosd that t ronld sott e use ran bilt foc in îff0 a d a alIt vor bold in the I M e ' L b e s 7 5 fo r 8 5 . cecessary te _borron auv moccp. groater tact 1taesomeos i hmin tisai _________________________________________ Mcr. Eart couerd, secosdcd ty Dr. tteccnractc haecal teu lot, and tise--- tise pîetieitcte te tce mest effeet- Ttc rnrk nil te donsc as folowsa ive ccd raiifacttry rsy f vicing ttc Arniiteci ccd Ssperitecdent, M. C. and theo largoit out in prices public etietonOh iur rfi, Mileaccssry wrdBren. (Ifamil arc nowing givenat Alrrca TJobLot o o '-iss'adi'l' hos tlesta dri ecderasetise action fte caccutive rsitcrerkon, Mn. tGeorge Blair 14lVcru titnV UUU U cf ttcD omnion Alliance ccd bereby (Bnniisg :cc; acio cd tioig oy ' theo petities and frnard tu-Mnr. F. S. Mcssrs. J. C. Campbell & Co. (Hamil. .E W HITE-S. cotadmny thrHe fddadedstyuronpi. Sposrni-Lost. ron.) 0s tIre yeas ced says teing called -69 for thete seoiei tnug: maits leExthit listiaea&.Toc Sots, Water Pitobers, c Yea-McKay, Rctertaeu, . A. Hem- -9 &I atccci, RarI, Dic-5. Ths Worlda Fair wIl ondouhtcdfly Casters,Spoon Holder,,Vaases mrltonPayors iendtUtlyanucd ttee aeb heTrnoSivri Opposite Town Hall. cio esgttpas cnd tc could st vote Otarie fastter, tovever, le anxtousato J. n r utbefrwd ir.the motiou ras delaccd leci, &end c pair cf tmina te thc fair if tiser.t. lise It ras ttsn mosed tp Dr. Robertson. in te lte Bchtauo esiit. HO vcta edfgprsns secosded by Mcr. Amstrong, tisaI ne M. Larke, Dominio Coemmiinucr, - on'i fe"y if you vant any ilvr- A T ED O~ autattrice tire meper and clark te agn sayinr uhsa iet. onld tankisebeuoclng caca aae tiace g" in mai t. a old t10DO & CO ý aý ptitios te ttc Legilainceof tairio tatins againsi any in tise crld, lack, makc rooc for spraug -goda "nMMy _-BAS___ te ise tte province sort meatures f witie, or yelîc, ands skisg if thcrs reoc.Oi prohibitien as tehbaveor te gise. monîd be au exhibiitio of fat, hoalttpAtro.CUan u h oz Thrie reslutijen wso sr and te tou. M. Lanhe, in cclp, refhrens ______________as i; nIlafulof thse ooiccast Milva aa c ouncci adjurnrd. papa to M. Awrcy, , h e m&,ail, tcfo proè charge of ttc lise stock tbMbi," Iu a mit from pater familias. Thecoomiildonr forOnai replicd prsmpulp ta thée ____________ M o.iIrLT-N.iucr Jefec g taïaexndertha'fàucve f - Tu;w i a S en cu ýln. -A q iz ,J u g s a e f utnd t h =s m -cte c 09 I I9 1i or e sp lendid gooda bave beon opcned thîc w êek un thîs d Noreli. Eustaco Rartiey, Elios <hep. the Dominion c'mmie ionraes.TSets. BarbrnL. e a pquester irp hv isenvof d inTianNeme t Style. and Pattern s to ho obtanea a m e b re an T iS t Jo.11-tel Ste perd, Edns loome up and th.e Coisioslar Barbr, oui Capbel, owad Gay.hav th veed robem nfer con. È Sos. tt.-Bacbta eEUlitt, essie sdrticn.-Empire. Jos.i-UOeo. Hnme, Arthnr tCbia. ITEMS9 peS i er ulRtitilen. - soc. lrd.-Eddie CampbelRoy A ancceseiou cf cevsrs cartequo Gray, Gertie Rydail.stocksm ecs feai esittlia, Orges, 119sdo. Ici. Brd.-Floresc Patterson, Gcrtncfocpmit Iloilincahe, Asis Sheppard, IRobetecI shin gm 1aghalasma 1d h. itaotn.Okahsoma.cnchte,a55d tasbeau agnel f Jo.Bd-Willmoit Earl, Clara Pa t- oreruq r se.'ygrovrl s - cfabmbeusnlTutSt. tioneteltc 2ssi-FrgU Qws, Frank Paulis <h- OsWlifva it . ltstc or, Aime. Cou-rap. fcsina onUitcrlc7-'1,i a Ici. bsd.-Mamie Scott, Tom Hume, 0af"an , Jeacie Piskerng, Dsad Botsim B cutcall h Cdu.a1sk Jsn. Lsd.-JcoicGray, e ms l lmsincM héai3 race. mina Hume, Willie Berry. uvw gsIIisscP Sa. ta-Feef Hamilton,Har l Bewn,NfflP4ste.Tomlsndisms55 tcScotiDakota lagie bdar4, lot Int.i- Crlec Barber.hl.las _____ Joli. l=iRadfMntlsvA. 3« 1l A.4k oitMc.4aflcn Pmtdlàlnpinvb e a after rg 4 Ot o Eflua Y LTO14. af NewcÛI -am u ccir = pi !LT ON. Mé.nitr-jre g r 1baltac got aUle wil t. teld lty Asd 1 ntil the dcty cf 1accOnntant i tthe y ei Lintowelo ba tte O a ant-ageord atil 68 hmac ts ecn ftlled hil Patrofrom B mfcMBeanOn. lie, AmerlocilFedora hais, one" ta haad. Engliet feu H istyltat, ai Treble*g, go te. id Jmes, strictei, Hcmjl. cool& sas fr tie u Tbop- Ter tthe grand Iris ter- exce 4*ý Patriek'@ day.unoder sati j Kaoue, Ctorct Ladie'cf T tkfflàai 9ext week. orlan stéet~ ~ ~ ~0 C.C wal fT-nc forc ~igAgrielucal Society sire lit tandocrgedthe lac fate te the 2tiisud Ttc o~ f thc 201h cand ouri,. ta istg un tire lutter dates. te Molditan kid andieatier h i oollars aud cuffa. tirs, tHc coslsoand uudewearos cerner King aed James E ton.Fe WaTT, -peoprîrror otitepoi c Floer Mîis. ,Kiltride. ? u yesterday. Me. Bennett infi toasieàepud retail Iradu infiat Our and ford acrI lits jîObtaC kd da. F MURlRcsnaii.i diiEeg. olrl &d lu-t Thursai) rtire dre.d c; Hriad usin iýhrgcwsel te IIi.ged forgir. ofbe tirle I teieîaestedîsool irtrro ncho r. ii ji îc cioil i tire caîiia.cosi. colo tbrj sr tleecil o i i,tircooe char 2 a sui HeavIi ibjed . R 1#1ta 15 tu -tui t aiTe- irrg King cru ta.,. strt. Irun liee Eone Citi r, icisrad 1erg ersoie(aîcs l.tas ami et hiisfii'cci- reclus Ciicuaccaiicoitsua .s .Iiludin rilslic. DrS. 0-ncr tise io..-A sec acrze iiab)ri at ave es1îcsacd thel,* ses 1501c Au s eteio c., i bav mcusa leut i , OxrneeL. Socs a JUOnce>,loie i, yAttucaisMatic'ii ing and eliiit, 11siiis, ing Dis ir ,Ci,t l,- lae Itingeori ,,, iilî,hi, " si i;hrce nSosire i:iiui.ri esisg rral- icr Gis. À.o 0 bis Miltonfiiin,î ci-i VO ttc staiii Int-o . "e:i T niss liilco sîa. f s]a lored), siii s he ran.is_,, ,or col Mcl Cc. iriii iCI Motiaa.t loiiirc~li a quartrizeS. ciii, tir for 25 %eis aid maýiii hai in bicl 5 i iu . ia codill iiiiteO trot IssliUsetsIt ideautr 'is 2ttc oie theocarecisul of figitinv uilu _ . ila d ostu Tiroe icfricý'- &>ine iitil îsîtriui.5aiiiPet rr gIse & aoii biithisuse )A trct ijith tirs 0150 1)~ arges cais ,llQrisisccu in suting tthirioiil omng rugric.-hirli W 005 \W0111à.-Atîccîei1 Baturriay ssgtrt lass 0 t aBcier' reidIiciiiiKt seesn ire. Tire olaeri sa. an ars1rsoualareinonc pis tnd cOlscHiJ, bur ti, ipade geri r pesgr-sthat rit I tuend asdoclertire htisi cd to Mr. W. T. Nooci1lini . t l ic c u s e c c u p ie d a t l , ,, re sceuislute ever Vlistt nI the destructionso is y rien t ertco fri isîils Revie. OOsrsLLra. cf Geco,tIas i. et Omagir. Capi. flucorfe - e, et Sin a)sud an anicph. ofuii.e tisc depulalion oe i es rue Rifles rire ion o 4sscjl os Tuersa- ta ca auppicruant chopas et t at seat J unes scamp 5st jor tiosdwriccad cor- rade gcedspaetrr tc g.Oat aplu, tr i0. marlimmsosaf the Antis, âarrling gae of it fr the BcsiseRn ase XMcnIf et tc ocsing ses. hIPqwbtiry os Teesday

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