l travel saisN,(3. A-TN CAPELL&PANION, Po R4 TES OFADVERTI'8INt1 eh,.. auna .... ... . ...1 .. . ... .......... n ase... .la m' f.ils- s1009 j f, lIl' ehoOg l - =zf>.s teulu ,.. ïh. .fl.j.i a .., I j .f , ,. .,ti . M .. .11h .slIa js h,.,, -a t, fol fi s. yno d.aLr,50 J,0I.. Il fult ..d soall eSa...e" .O . -Yo .... t.SO LEGAL. y 5 0.0îSS Sla [.e ths..5C It. 595a l.k e'55,,, aO TIIGMAS . MATHESON, jM)eucz-Ia Cortflouqe, Miton. O-tf J. W. ELLIGTT, B. A., ka',ts ., N.l«orj PaO/o, OrcîsC -Il. oosopi-d il.vDoae., lita , l-(snur> Do,ýr'. 5.-oh, SIIto. gr O/jang vo Loos. 02-t1. M. E. MITCHELL, H.11sToo iltona. Mo».y la VICTOR CHISHOLNI NSocs TO LI,',ANAT Lowmgo A- Ru. BiAIN, IDA Go i rrs r.& ijta. I Ahi.o,, 34ruWsi. ..,o.,a. rsae.Qr M EDICAL DR. -McCOLL, M. Bahssh. f, eus C. oP. . a0. 6 ist a5t C.u reui Po 1, . i.an DR. D. ROBERTSON se.j..seyvMaiu Si., Miteon, fflxîdoor io hîlcfaitosos Drog Stoe.o SiRcideuce sud pripaisa office, Chanlea9 i t., ,s.-ai Posl Gfices. DR. P. STUIARTr. SUROERV s MMV th',,,ht, -. i. . DR, EEKÂN XILTON. -yhl . t5hh ..&. B.. GOLOL,,>.D B . H. WINN L.8. D. 08, verFarsa, Dauratr tr T. TZHARRÏV, L. D.8. Win sut uIft0, os the Sat sud t -â medmmmdsp ai esi ositi. 0 v ljte. r.-B Box _ - vveeue.ss syzý ~u:e'yeuoe1IIL ' s yen muât le aib our p-tlets Fois SATURDAT, Satar3. tOMtj-Farnmer'p3 day-s-12 lice onape 15c, -rotw.lide bdggy wbipé réduceedfrim 75à te 49c, and our 2ke eues tu 19<1 eaoh; creainera down to only 49o buggy wahers down to 8& a et, 26e worth of 3-inch steel jiails for enly 19c; ae good chaif fork for only.19e; goed ratons for only 25e to-day. Theis will bus jaek-knife race., Everybody will ho ic this race. N*o doubt 0cr 2-blae, beot qnality farrners' jack-kcife aith tbe curved boni handles will ho first- Whiffletreem (irened off) for enly 39o each, and ever se macy other ganies and iinusements. Ne voen ellewed on the grounde. x. w s.t IO'efr-apeo1,ir vWh"s e ssIie4 sgM ber, aMe. s idbu , 18 pute kl uay.Î.ai. lorafs ssldetlia lID nmeledow li Msy -a--more isopl.canme luasiea, a -1lUG11'1114, 1e rpalled ueti lie s isfore spw. 1, - . . tn ib towoa *ombîkde tioýtfac tise préumuci 7ismi ',mee à are binsudanStisai ltikho 1Ov1iéiIns m-a. 1OMli t st e por. e" s s ovay wbateyarin.,Our fsetip iglistu le gaimetetag ta acoup pont. Thieasmapsour tme orte iber tlnevait, Nsvevt suagoit p ou, or ve ms osysle seros s ounse u es t aabo ut itI? 0f course, fitmakeE eidentally. t1sam ansonucisconvîscad i Stfficlt lie ual bving bees ost be soYasuas. lisat ise onarriage losb place, face. No Souait h coula gels place sud tisaI bsag no, ise procafa ap anaer tnuas mesal, bahthat vould lie slavery; or tater f511 mb sucr hands. For ta. beaidea, asetansîbogtber ten pretty stance, tete anutrier, if ha- vue a courier, sud sice. Thot voald te sgaiuit ter soay te ai preuu4trsveîiàgauocseno- ita sprivate tausily. ion; if Usere vece tunent. Ha map baisnmserrbterof sous tbep vanîS te iiilingtlu lova wtt Mir. Csrbya' e ste, sud ou Sndtglssl isar. No, tlies'cltteg vould bo for bis uephew sccoedod hbminttie pro- bar te go se ouapaulsu vilh same utae pertp vauld uaturally ssp te iiself, perecu vise vouS treat lisean a friend. 'a child vas bore at St. Mals, sud if 1 bava hait s misS te tall papa Sial thal chilS in livng, t te Usa lavial teir val a campasion sopseif, sud e su af thse propertp,' Me vauld sea Shal nm oreIele" thare te sooy te te maS. sutaiflise I"Mabosisaltise brothare, Nilda V" teiug, sud vould libaîy enuogb go oves Muas Leicester loaed ber OsaS. Ohe te St. Mata, sud soabe tuirtea Ibers." wva u arenteScrampiou. "'That la vhat I have bosseltbiukg, " Tbey sigbt do ars," abcs aiS. teo," the girl saiS, "bat, usfortusotely, "A grsal deal varso, if Bsne a-er sua- Use maoas. oy te deaS, orlise soay baiSseds ta gelini proafu ofliber nther's 1 utirelp cul aI tIea vopof bosriug of narriogs; uI sarceip olharvise,- lup laIes deate," " 'm1takin te IaS otd-tashisse, IlThat soay ha the rase, otfcoue, vsp, Robert. She tas harsoisg, soS Miss Corbyn, aSd I lbiab il aoutd teho ovsobady I vould rats,, haroas a as vellaeissert te edrertiement for iaer-i-aisv bienon anm ntO or ua ta hupas Ihal it l TlisaI so te, Hilda, hut IIbmis t lusp, if he is alite. aoousn or latur cateh vouid tie btter te avoid csoplicatios bis ape." aof that cert albogether. I admire Miss IlThen pas thiub test itla of aI nu eCorbpa as souci as pouSoansd se- mp vaiisi basa any loger, Ms. Har- buowledga tisï;aI bc vcld soabe i but?5" charsoiag vile te aupsue. Stuil, inu "IFrsubip, I do net, Mies Corbys. I dulgoa ase pour fathesia te pas. I do noltso hat thaneia aptug bas doulil if pas cosla persuade biso in thts pou teIoaItbave slreadp adrertteed aattar, Seidea il voald b b busc a r9vard Ior ithe recisOcer af a soarriage, paur batis5s cenapauton, especastipa viis may have taissu place itear iu girl rounger Usas poarsait. W'hal I s LasSas abarch ose siavhere, sud O diS lbsub vos UsaI, Oluosg ail poura-. esal do so agais aI intervale. If tIsaw quaistaursu, pou ightbl Oblehte tfi ishai thara vas a chance ai paus Sinaisiennooes vo vasteS s eospasias, anc any gond hp tapiug-bore, I uboold uap beiug s rieS of poors, sha vauld ai hy ohlsoeaso oap, but tIse nu godtancirs ocespp a mach mura Pleasult yoos veariug voarsel outvwih aiisty positonuIhauif abcvueas auuonituhe vithool ssp proapect of tenefit.' srdinasy vay. She avald nul roquire 't batsetes talbiug il avrs vtlba large sslary. SO'bt ubc vante tesa Madane Dopori, Mr. Harbul. G!fesofortabtu homeae.sd I suppose course, O canuot Ibiub of bar tapiag nugb te bcep lber iu eoîbes, I am avay froinlehobme iadeSinitalp. Shae sureee vuld avish 1toe aisagethea bas hees vauderfullp god tae me, bullI tadepoudanis aI Ihase gond people arbi ceaI olehr da test." hesught lbar u.' II ana quite readp te sas," Madame "*I hate us Soubt t cas u d eomeone, Duport saiS vils tearsa luber epes. "toetlanS 'if t donesoi buoyonsc connut leare ber" WhoacstmniJy vantsa a ompautoa. t "Lesse lber 1" Robert reposted lu bars no Sht 1cas persadesmoono surprieeIl'thendo yas Ihisis oI taisgitootaitelber. Looki hos, O propose bars alose, Miss Corbpu V" Ibal she should ceereo ss tap silh 'II a nais hiuiig o! living &loue, moe s afrieud for a bit. I sou euoilp Mr. Harhut, bt I cerlaiyteed te perauae papa ista UsaI, ibas vs coua sspy in Esglaad. I have tubS pas ha. loaouto, aSd lir tacs vaaid bhas foru that I fiâlsud ta devate mp lits te boîter itrloduction Ibais sup I cas gins provo Ihat m o other vues married. I ber, sud, in te luautiae, lber guard. case nstetug Ina tht asIate, but rwvill tan se ber surse, or avbatuver pou cali dles, my moîbre aue if il tabousose ber, eau go qaitll hosoe agais. O aso ait my hife tlosil. My ide s 10te oh- mure ebe sosot te laugisa te te bacis aI tain a siteation an governeas or cnm- SI. Malo,' paaiuu. If I vers diag noaaehiug 1I 1 'tIhtuisthat test vouid btes capital issui ail patiautlp, but t ceo*sidSnetgo pa, HfUS, if peur ateer sud maîher hask te St. Maie tes quiet lit.fears. wuaISnsnt te tt."0 I luet e dateg asnaetiig teupraeut- my lbiukieg, , Au pou smy, sanaetetsg CefAuua III. oap coceur tu meuor tu yau, sud t siseald Ail Mina Licetare tva brothars waau te cemnasueta ite pOM." iappoued ta b. sut ta inuer ou the "0Of soure-if pour sotud ie qutte aeatuig foiiovlug the coaversation te. naade op, liasCorispu V" twsea MliSa sud Robent EBarbaI, sasa "My n lta qit. smade upI" baS s gond eppcalueuty fer apeieg tis I ailGSo sy test tees te iselpipan subjecl. lte "sinba ostesOanyou wsbuit IlMammsa, I waulte e sltMissCor- lava t1do nueteuQt ayour irsassefe yuetay here forahbit." in Euglaed vauld te anp adeantage, as "lWhoo ta Misa Corbyn, Hilda V" Mr. pououucen cceo earens mSt, Nainst a Leiceser sed. fsw hieure',anotce., Sfl Sia-teyoar IIMasoso ils.ueuber savereOtUnsu, &air. Yeua vilI rnamber-t iaov l&a.papa abthe &fiteud of IobarIsa. or t ide n epsguanttu p, atiit i igt.b supposetonghin u»upyse in a lient O mhlmmi.ult i-ticSvievr you o bs" ciossee te aoceept lItour eccou"is %hsIp '«Oh. bas Roberet guI s client ? That te reaSpitu sIefle anuumallovm ae s ofieetistg spw, t sgntuase pou, epsu ysu" JE" Cosastsm wawud the i4ammlds& 'IIL s ait so6Dm aty a clent0 i w O ieieet £âàl aIetise P& m , aS'lul so.deSey usy. Se 4mdte, )M*: Wod We Ivu =» -2 teO iina ia lial irisad, bas. ta bayemdmple mOSU f ir bi ift wu VS5IdeOSanmie. tâet é1. vna, taoq l~ii advid mIa 1 be, bov aiUabout il. Sie taé?doi$se bg eob ajâ masSin, a àp i pIbo uMM ov ans bé.beISmumu" S. satsif "Ye -oi orGF--myda'1l'Maye -»M bve FOR TuESDÂT. SEPT. 6THI, OL- This i8 housekeE pers' day1 -This ircludes old bachelors as weIl as bouse- wives. A copper bottom xxx tin boiter for only 99e each. a set of Mrs Potts' smoothing irons (three in t~he set and une handie) re- duced to-day to 59c, 5 gallons of best Canadian coal oil and a 5-gallon ean (i;he two of them tqgether) for enly $1; these ooal oit 'eans are covered with wbed andý are good value ati the $1 witbout the ou at ail. Copper bettecu tin tea-ketties 39c eacfr Csrving knife and fork, worth $1, redneed to 49c. FOB TikHISDAY, SEPT. 8TE n, wy-Women 's day-Greati iLnd glorieus wrnhan. No deubt there will be a wemaas race for Our solid niekie silver table spoons at the low eut figure of 19c each, and aise for the oid niekie silyer tea. speens at fic.each, and silvtr fprks at 15e esaih. Carvàd haùdled bread knives of best quality, et 19e each. Buttonhole sissors down to-day to 20e a pair; ordinary scissors at 15 and 20o a pair.i Ladies' peari handled pen-knives down te 19e. Asbestes store mats 19c. Then there will be a scramhlss race, go asd you please (after you pay yonr nioney) for knives and forksy whioh th'at day wilI fairly slip out at 99o per set, not cheap goods, but kuives and forks that are werth twice the noney. And the silvsrware, yen esight te see the prizes in siis'erware. Weil you iili seas thecu when yeu cerne te the pienie. We t du,1iùpe the wosnen vili get home safely, fer we want them a te corne back on Saturday.b Fea SÂTUItDAY, SEPT. 1OTH-ReVieW day-Evsry bargain y dalring the week will ho repeated to-day, and a whole now programmes smo. Solid teel nail basmer for only 29c. to.day. Oar famous olof brocsandN six bits for 99ao. Jack lanIse 49c. snd, oh yeo, we have besn keeping a lot 0 et boys' and monos jaek.bniveo for thia day, ovor twent-r dozen sasmplesana no two abe. Thiees utteswilt poitively sotho opeaed natil to.day, and,b bleoa your soul, ltse bond oawa spa offer te-day at anly 40c. yos will isot boy e agaus at $1. 85c. hutcber heives for only 25e. Now, there wili ho loto; of fan, ond lots people te enjoy it. Alare in- 1 vii aI. Cot thi? invitation ont and posteit insyour bat, s yoîs wont forget c tile datea. Coseaiony and coins often snd hrsug loto of spot cash with yoo. STANLEY MILLS & CO., s - Hustiero in Hardware, I 36 King St. West aud 04 John St. Sout, M Hamilton. s HOTELS. WALLACE RbUSE. MAIN 8T., MILTON, T H E J..MAIsOO'iOTL INTowN :01X WALLACE. PROF. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 1- hT ON.- ONTARIO. uAT8.00 5WPUR SOT, îo-rp. COLBRAN HOUSE, dism,m.uoru.e., One. Bauk -of Hamil1ton 91- e-Ors s IIIMLToe, 051,000. Capital (al paiS up)...... 1,25,00 ess.rve Fua ............-50,0 JaOoe13-te. i'sshOm; A.,0. sooat, 'tc-I' v.h .'..as. un,-au G-t h,,l T. W- d, . ra b- , .ahîo n. O.ae -tras , t,r. tleda -dsdn --ead.us ..e .i.uL I uot. -diluoa.0 .11ud.uuaiasestst SAVINGISBANK. $1 -d Pwd. ua se-a ei .t andsO t.,auS Go. W,.ysuavr, Oa,.Misa', .E.COLEZAN, Propristor. $ 00 0 asie. ~ ~ T enues.SaIN, T JZl<AX OTOWN C.umvstl ~t.1 tj? s.um pub a,..aim - stase aat~ au I,. JilP~y4alI 7 jdi K pTS ' ~ ± u. sestop. M MO*su t ufir 1 lw -à ; î- -T amci L£A"« mciâ esms fêhspoleur a a@.Vix e aubal.laakW," f*bwim aduie or ýfr« 7*fl ftluig; but theis »'v « ti k t vold b atI itcttu teo utisal,,cmleyg 'y. ; usspZ la~~~~~~~~~b pua trS i e s ssclue o' ,1It"lsDot, pape. OSaes., at aàesarcis agai r kt lobeettld me."y." at Casand Yeuvi a ut 10fcame. ap dae--me about; u ur h uB t5m ueid mmo eaua . Wlenw, 0 a ton miffloy: &Bd 1am na - *6a apwbarels.yeom b astme1k itv, ug salbo ut e eeery, "Wo tillus ai asuasa do&MIkaoway idiuloas tiat j ansu v = =.Ieaauyteu lla aIeb dhfêeut, sud pe;ýe m Ilaveibd, l«poodbl.Owatm. il extaordiaasp for 8s gw t Mawrialeea, theal e as) cessenbot bp hamslý! 5111 r- viyYeasad uont, lb. a muebuwth strasoygadtbbaeys 'y baYepubfi"e- but 1IrelBy do thùak bavebb go about agatu Dg it Idslie avOer ct te hrisg lber bers. Harbute iles su exc .el ai1 I e Kte ala ail ssppoutu5 that ypa n kusanveila ti ah a. heateer vould bte bbsly la fal in lors lent arthteu" a di s ce vtte berstil iltanjunt as watt te uvstd lg tboboi bacli, tban y Uste pceutiliity ofupleasat coapbcs.ý admit Il. i ali gel au kY tisas if oas sous. Dou't you thinli s, itI -tIigins poetbtug vr nalber ?" about tesids syoy av te "Y es, I qutte tub 50o," Mrs. Leices. houidan thoaeis Miss Le bh te asid. I h aye certatay uoteteg te môot is4 and gand te ce »Yp agasui thee Young iajtpersoustly. buaw ysu SauIt cursa a e8 I buve auly wea bar twisawbeuabs drtviag vite ber." il.b hsce oi ite Hidssuad ifiesrse A"Dette baS intfactsi I measo s psrtcoisrly nie girl. Lady- onder sus pestent se au e 1k. and quiet, sud witb a very hright, cmpsuyisg Constauce. pleasaut face-a. ceusihîs face, sud pears aI St, Mals buS, psetty, tua; btl1 do net tis il vaald literaird auy trace cf th te tiequite prudent te hriug ber itt the mans, Annette baiSad bouse." vise; bot she faIt anisa Miss Leicster vas siteut. ot afpince aI Chaente C_ Il1 viiiis itosec,' asite aid attle, lhougbl Ihal the girls a pause, landseifiiconsteaneard tbcmslves fornmorevwiîî aamc othsr aoy" Leiceste as WOpraisg 1 d Rotert had ageeed te omeeround abir friesd ta Coustace O osaI moraisg aI les as'locb ta hpar the awayspthcy igltlite dra, a reaal af Hildas appltiioo. He5 asvtogetlher. Shes aid, tha ai anse hp ber lracre isehameossSicto sisalas thougîsl it Use roao thal usitboul faiied, IlWsii, Conatance, au te IlSa you bavent Iees able la gel ta set oltn youeovo a yasr ovu vay for onçeý" lb, aaid wilbtbahinmalienssosb diffe -asile, pas tegin a littlse elierc s "Is tl on asasaltsof tie bay," alle As ysonbiaw veryvwellsi i- naid ruefuiiy. lu staoaresu asog as I I 'lWelI, dear, I reilp canasi biame vayuetul bo yau, sud I a paur ftîer sud mths,, Ose may ta cme avec t au baur'; il bore erery telief thal Miss Carbyn iteere pa at ,ae. Per saIbhe ightfl o oer of Carhvs Court ; buts plan stahe e tet. I bat as t have a4 wth esu vstaibed yPac are eeite sothi *about it, aur chance of praviug il sp. thisis about, sud the chat à pours ta me e lb o sali; anS il vo tai, thesltest; s s IalIay- à pao soset admit, Ira,,, oaietp'a point ofaI gsiat it." ,fviev, ste voald soet le a dssirahle Andsea it vas setIeS; s nateh for esteas of pane broîbors. Ws Constane Clisyn tbok e souy slac admit tisaI, vers stelte cin a Homo for liaverses a theebouehree eeks ora, monlh, the tes aI a mile af Chestal IL chanceo are alrouglp t.avor f ose or Madama Duport retarns4 Bather of Ibaso lslling in lave vitb bier, FanS os Costaoca vas ao iYea diS uat tell thes, lier stgrp, Hilda P' thal thhisange vai Ior r "0f courssot, Robehrt"; bsd tees SsiI in Use littlg IlThat te rtgbt; the laves wba buav ntheUsett Ires vceb4 ht the botter, Asd uav, Hilda, bars hadiodutn active. E Pao tbasght aI auy otear plan?" ' oeosaiS ovec sud' or à Mion Leicester sbhbaserhead. coald tie soiS about tb Ilhave tees thiahina il avcr. foseil Iheyhbad ta viev. Aunset soemed t lasiiseip that pous people busy hf, ta vbichsitebb b sigbt objecl, and it struch sms thaltamed, and sollfor heureo shie migbi go ialoonae aI thoshomscatisa vitIh acarceIp o voe tor govriesss-thers are auch plaes, bveu bler asd Consta I telieve-for ohit. Youo rosISsiltor Madames Duport e-jobs ber sud tube lher souad bave ber at ties bearî Ihot &ho baSl a, pour pisaesosoetimsi t he dsp and opposod the cirselsol ehe vasid get ou cary veli." toteu ibis ssoscbi, anS h Il Ys. It tish that vauld Sa," Hilda that she baS sotinisist agreed, hrightenuis up. I"As Pao iOp ly spon its bopotosses. I cauld bava bes s great deal vitb mesd to etet is he childna Sorieg the day." op and5 bacS wau pasn "*AI sny rate. il vouid btate sway ber lifea atetbsr, sudti ber osofsloneltueso," oertsid. sosrrytug andS ettiugc "suad there viii hoe othes people there Mata, as oée baS bspod i wbsm %lie muId go ast vith eleobr tlads, asite antSvwaste il vosid 1e lesa llI Ibsu vers abs te vbat as efeit uure avould1 1uDO." He iobed at bis vabob. I sarsb. Tise anly t4insi s basvs time tu go round Usere bafore I go forvard te vas test iu ti1 te court; tisars in usteiag lbbcbrogch- avasid mee Usoersl, 'ir ig thelustiersltonce. tIaasresbe tiredaof theitsaiste vas io suxiases te gel uonethirg sttied," sud vosd relues te St.N Robert fouS SMadame Duport and cept the assuity IbatNt Constance iu. offergd inthesDamofaIhie Ol Ibave bees iainrug slong Ili vite Il tia ail vr esyvli bo Mien Leicester about pou," lie bogue, abesanid t hersalf, I"butl "suad tld ber that yao vaut te gsI a ltl beso nuis pour lts" ptace ae gotereucaO npanias., Ste I"Tou vil tle surp Ibiiu oo vil Sud aseolpautau's placé dearie, assaSn as anepas souci tise muet pleasat. if yau gel that ths e seahupelh vils a uies vasosu. She is gsieg te Taseusv o that pouk, teteamt berseif asooeglber friande, sud vape roady for yen, suoId viii, I ibava us Sant, lte able ta Sludibosenaili le b. vetsy pus s ponusirefonag. She la very andO1villtbclouging ta enorgêto vbaou ch.tabou a thsts5itaunt&gaine." bsandand vill sut te long befsnembe 'OuIl b. iesure ta se pScades soeeoe tisaItee tisg asitenette, vies t amso cou mont vante te e lady anoMpWÙanis.sd chauces are avec; wvis "lm yen. araeIls. anly persu lute go e91doanetvanî te l 'surIS vis vili suit ber. But, ai curs, ail mp life; batypo u ot I"i casuot b. doseue aisaIt.1er use mas,1 î i covi4 ides ti tek, tsaS sa n armOsena bey cr otter, tisougli1 I Madamne Duport aboutS te able te CO' aI prenaut,sMi sotiersq Smo. te St. Male, Yenu issel-tsle os t e clesraf." »wobie ld. tailtiuey cajia IBoeo- Au oYeu lwrite o 'foer smaemm.. Tise.aePilssýtY ansd b.omn tf!yeane M ài ai ott-ibep viere ps atplace give i IpyBtuVe %mfuip1 04g bot e mfor s bit sud fIlion1 ui~-U~' 1ugvi. toe bItuotisisgfer pou v Jise Voyager le rua ccst OUB ltvam.3gLue mo.ete e9 u io.s M i r. I 'w theas Hseefer - lèký - Thes. uses ybus sals he mjt-4h n i skfim ssr ier sanapmIaàees I ! r USdt c 1bs.e ce fsreadIltmuy. NOc. ~M aiu., asJlsyu .iI ai@"64" IYyu ams , s i. i.-oe 04bv at eàC e masyUgmb.latuutestbs.,4 u te te W 9s "Tta ayone b ut bacis. t am ve et "Nl' oo aust celte, "tUs ,Mb. hat an, dsutbavby e syR = 7 o m n ib u s Il -O f o r e a o, a s a id.ex e p t o uns s t ut otty e b.d.«..os.be! te ia considra.' bores sud its as taiet vawth ans vho ia osesiderata, da a clse For every twenty childres vhs are UFrnc it la troublesmuds.e aSipdk« ,yass=&y hi iat fid oe vbla doclsand sbaeent qb. teav.uiug bave fouqd the avorafes- t" selsea Bb b mli i- a mahsmasler. but puffbsys 1have beerl vitli me, if:I1 nlseby.,, I1 thioli Mr. "I1hadnaDoi.îtwas sads baî>,î Ont soce. YOD Constance said. --I1an'amar th&tat bVictor will ho the Schael I wont te, wlsial wae ta sors a- asnare France, thse girls weontbiap libe h vas willsnet had saotuat." rcapitally, and " NO, tbey wasld sot bho," Mita H&w1 aIse te tbt issa repàliaS. " Girls 51tabool tebav9 riate affaira; as a e-r 1nbbttrto il 1 csuter, vh s teat homne. Tisera tbey are ondes the use, snu stasesu d bow Ibat obcecas sud >ont giug ot Winl pantis; at hanme thev sethat the gov6rueso t e eaahed hy their 'nathea 1 cnood heroolf asu is nst respeated aras by tho thèr frron se.se ervants. How con pas expoat then Mer eigluteen lh&t they will Yield bes rosdp atedi- Pmplete&bs ah. anises2Perbape o pasUsvin aSil botter eladys masid thas 1 hure Sone. yoa lohksif Yeu suireS tn uer. woold. I1nlasld thinh yoa waaid nanhe f ortahîs anS pooreelf misdad; anybow po aill 3rS,%sase, sund moiteaas ght for i." 1wasld osjoy "I ana'lot thinhiag afs gaie0as a lout ber. Miss goreruaeso," Contasce said. "ýI sm i e s lfa v a lu . o p in g te o b t a i s a a t a Oo0 0 o 's svsu cîccer "They arc n'u,asbmare difficuit t E efore, allersa gel," tsa pounger womna said. "O ae bava beeu comparlias teetvo yeas, wa ODtgsveruasn inas choal. Il ta bard vorh, wnewhetber af course, bul it saunaI ho se bard as s little later. test I bave beau hsvissg. I telieve 1 iquiteresdy sanactis Co cmpactens' places ara vsry cm~ bc in nts'lc, hat then yaa bunow the'caacpeti- hball ho sey tien isaviofl. 1I vis waitb s dreadfol notice vbeu. aid wvaa, 'sha expocird me la ho spas Mr. Har. orna, ladys 'naiS, sud asopsuion ait lu s SsII, for in suc. Sa thal liierrsbp I baSl net s i a te do oe micasute te mysaîf from esigbt 'alocb ia cgo map he for tbe carnissg ostil oIee-at uighl; and> nolbisg MarOle Oaa auhthiagsab shend ta sap vans awfl" a Saab laieCoanersloobsd atisbtis yug ber stede lu wota55 vhs lohed asaif she varuý vtiia qoar- slborlp brakis pirit. - i Siuare, and ."I1bava aonme triends bo aors bah-ý Ita St, Mals. log aut for aie" abs suid. ."I am oure, iebr, abs fait lhey vsuld not pot soc vitb a vosooi Use bout. Itl ise Ibat, anS il thsp did 1 amsuraes1 lodginapdars- busd sot stop there s Iartaighl' tabou th tey " Perbue as u usfford tate tin- orylbiag hud depeudeul,"1 Miss Hawkinss saiS. -"A a uagoin that ososU iucanao e aura akoes aIt1- grand abjant lb. differesceis aor lin, feOlias, te nisd the soetbtug af ae's ovs t a li bscb d teesacs. span ose aa sord ta ha indepeudeut; ,1 o lima bsit. bhawanos ibas sotbicg hut vbaî di p s s i c g hc - a b crn , - s ham i k o s a l lseC a n n e t - afford te te a motb sut af place, itai no case naias differeut position altoauther. Ibis Tesffactually smuet Pst sp wilh htvbaor miles, Il e la sel ast Ihbal ce lime ta asseois r again 1 asord berself wssld nevar te a gaverss, bol voald soare stros9. go as a loupas maiS; or. if I couid cal 'Nov il so.n get a place as filet, as a houseasaid. a had braughl Their poition ta a lsaodrsd timan bct- 9 aWay out of ter Usas surs. Tb4y have thair worh sel iuslaad of sud Usair houes, sud Ibair day ast sud doin taSt.Ito irsandayu, sud cas change as. aIrs hos vas ratuf ansp eylUse and go trsigbt tram osa ser pasthisnt place inte anaîber. Their lits ta lvcsly ba bspeleua Uneas shappy assa rsif girls voald a a e l ook but tbtab s a d put Ibeir ridiculo s se Consaterspnide juta Usir poabts" 'aoul heconse "TYes, but vhat is thers ta loah for. now cbantg yard te 2" therouger vaoas said. Kala, aud se. "«tIam aine I would fOty limes rtlbsr- r. Fcrris had boa-servant thon wbal I ana; but vhal ccl. is thieis te Ilookfseward te? onaec n- haro ideus,"ualeto-r-y tbe buteheas ysisg soan, 'or liasa betiar te Use groher or the plireson." al 1 Sçu'hbaur wby ose causal, Misa I sbkcl- Joceyn; it ta a insee idesabfer ail, .re :vi d ad il sîribes soe test yaur ts voold viU b. ai. yaur abaud diS stand bobtad a caun- dnuithe tee and weigh ast cesse sud raisins. ed aVictor tisas vite the aid wva ose ynwore le INou wthtalekiug about. Yen put op, us ysu uay, 1bcl, Au .ilh heugealadys soaidannusa JotitI l »nass ie ist qutte as gced us cither a- ase abseld t ladys muid or.a uurse.,, e a andere liasJacelyn hsd no argumoent in ýt ual expeat reédtnas te Use cantrsry, but ehe sigh. Bd thatgsasse un seehcek ber boaS suddsoursoared: eout mse how I"That it va qeite diffsreut."1 soemaey yin "tI thtak itlate oite diffarsut,'"Mis Hawkins said, "and ever tsoscSqslaa. nCosaneianter. Wisst do yss thiub,- Miss Cas. Ill "1dent baw tet evr toegis &bout ase, il," Constauce replieS. -"0f >ro OM ileue ei5te lÉvesMOsl oeif: a. Isma~e robier te inteamoe Ibo à 001004, mg et o e st, 1 z soncsgfrsar i