Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jan 1892, p. 2

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nase connus. By tossdternlsbstesMc. C MLIME .MeNTAit. Qeisca nsabce Ib5exhelibr nom- aSA bs Cocher!W u. Seil t Z 298; te troosue s îe l etre0OegtSe ! ecseoe ueo uued o Meday tisepolsg ec.Wss ifeict 1lu, 2dM.96i. John Braelte 1r Use hiost oser-atcie e cysser mrpceaiceby wiitak labeionosThso*ÀY. tcth set Ùk .,",, Pullets va] î OU . e-teoar & Mtell. the 0-%'sesedette 'n ras - mn nnS~ ~ COr LnuSl Sale of Gooda importea for the T TR A DE 7 departmeflt suitable for Christ- gjand, France, Germariy, -Austria, Lina contribute to the displa ad r smaall advance on cost. and 25 Ring Street East, Li wr o M-7 cd ho eeseatos 10e '055seu. '5ïW IcLi 1.05t.U,965; V. Hoff, fr tbetight sorise Hiast- care pascd etfayurssly-flS- - The om ateunhastc sIfs îTCct r dg. usgh foul S, t ited luHaohtee so., oseel et r Young oesnsieti Kiogston. PriscesEdW*d, Leoe, GLE kBLrITBNAS alue 95.00 -W-s. BoNi. ýa cietbe el-lu e Fat Simoe, Lineoln, *14"Mstdd i £ f5.5. iy thePoete, for fi. hsighst rocaoaynscsdt and oteeoeobèi re t n Coolk, W. MeNeil lot, li8; OBrles moosgiB.Minorre, 11B. Minorcaslien, entend loft t esseloenthe groid. a e u bern o u A and Pon. Samsuel IDie b" bee p. hClwe1 2d.@S. raiue 84.00,-J. D. IRobertson. wnele t ihe rses pucosc iftejOeoscy() = e ce putnete ertersicg offcfr ltos. Hec, W MoeMIlet,96; t'isen & A. Wstdir, los ttc bighcst mnooiof L. TIse w u se adly dssssged btiho x r 1 f GolwelI 2d, 9 t W MeNcti bd. 93. Bratlonsa tnllet. t fght rahms, lies, . reoein ce .sous insjursa. Tes attacofooofegesatef thelong- Cockers!, WBeNeil lt, 9e; J T value 9.00.-Jabu Colo. Mr" Case. of Sprisgfield. speet s frose wtoh tise Dots e9 Clarsnce lu Javi 2, ff4t Chas. Joued. 09. CJhsn o h iLý crnfwdy ihbsfiM.C O sufrn rvte * 4ery Serions 50a!edeSacilts,9Ok 91A O osu on larIbebicbetn1 lceo.edywtburtu.CCFélr m E Ote nd i in eard IWlie ill ie.Legisore Peto-C. F. Jobhns.son. e. Smiths preaehed te Bourses- - C - R S M' Rtofielu am4n«oleFor tise ehbituaraotseng Use lonenet 1oberoh tent Sabisth for tise iet isse sefees froc sosute paieced bis roath- Cool, W Millu tt, 9. distance, cash, 91.Ot.-WVs. MoNil. osUnthis circuit. Pnoes se e s* mnt tc He, W IeNoil lt. 9 0;, 94j. SseTI- iaePsî. Theesaec qetea aimer slcht he v iey f o lties in evel3' 100 s dffloltl. Hiea iglod bride, Che kersl, W MelNeil jt.984.aRbhtHeFle. attesdtcg Boyee actuel sous, but eit ofn e PrnousMryo «I itte Psillt, W MeNeit, s95; 0,9q4f. - eae that sorerof thig 0osuand Th va Presuosof Mates ite sminea pa ss.eeoe BAoeocAes. - tIssayite iteerttstaoseuters te grlseeoiog te omeesoos. We e t d. Fn tient On &l Rids th hfflle "P - COCL, W lut 9; A WI Lee. wlst Casadisuues ha svo el >wo,,td edesso theo esuchete sumeflOmoni a r s n si n r c cnstath dul i dstoqstee sc- Cet WbutNe 2ta, 93;A.Wadto nd cc hose noten aectteretaro spuil tlee patienoe. thdg tbst ctb iututio ereaeSosdl t ut , AWli ot 4;WMoeltjhls.Hr h it Ruiner hmsi si es es witzerîandin,, oAmerica, Japau and Ch. on tbo iseesiuto e e 2dste l, A Wld. eColonial Beiof oanadat, Torontlo; ibios eue of oseuegoe tosoun en.attlio. S iz Cockers!, W MeNeil lt, S"j; Ocre omrilBn NwBuswiSt. pittorleisSesta arils re ilm r d atav y M. J. A. OCIasseeds Sd is Heu- &tosell 2d494. S.Jeo, N . 1B.,; oobdctod Baiof' h lcinpselofvr uel.t ea tce r l i r e tav POlet, W MNti l lt, O ;et; o a nada. Montreatl Esne oBank of' ter Langevin se Misae of Publie Lesrellud, 95. Canada, Toronto; Fruer'Jinl5Stockboue Woets sdl .ousimasier Gaerai L05Â00, Basbieg tComptasy, Tooto; Iter-' lagrbabeugvntepestfolie of C BLACKWMeRi sIOS aties o cal.k-o Gaeada, Tooto; GANADIAN ITEMS. Rlîts bus bCenals.ent in ed2 oc.WM elet, 96t R J Fotes Msrcanes'l0sub, Monreet, Meobeotos'- ittîcy nt Csas I l rsors 924u; jEBSFord Ba,Stjl. Banb, St. John, N1.; Soeptte Tis eOugrro bveriootiou lobes 0 - 1 Iht OSerAdotpb Garanesil hossasde Hec, W Meil lt, 9 - A ilneedr- Bsnk, Motreet. praovincial Baulot. ao t tedy. A. YITRR.A.Y g O , j2 PtaetusteOccral, ced lies. Mac. senc204,94; C HeffBd, 09. asnada, Staeti, Q.;'RoaetCuna- A SoieylfortetbPrevesttiaiuofeettoltY broie Boosol, Miolter f Mlitia and Celcerel, W MeNeilllte, Stj; A Mss- die Banb, Moelooot; StudscomaeBainb, e tsldeîu bus bee ois seesini Peter-.__~~.4 doeuulion.'J.FIr.SdlM*.wMeutnost;Wos2de.9r;tJeGtForebadN9%.oro. _ -4 OuIlIn.W.11 Messlt uOlcola PUflo, W MelNeil lt.I 97; T Ceet. B., o Monctoe, N. Ji.; Uiof Bkof0 eis cf tbeito theCaiiet M Quebe COU- lue02, 9J; AliendeesonSa0,595. Motreucl.Montel,; Ziseeereue'n AnlroceSociet ba lino ooi oevtvs e botile teblu. Soeetary Bnk; Baeb of Uppere taneada . To Frs t oe eepoplse observace _________________________ ta. . esocano. rote, edrmeost 751 cents ou tite of Sosdsp. et aua UuAsota ee seeed ue W MoNoiîloI,.941 ; C Hoff02d,dollr; Contrat Bakof olronto; Tise Lteutecant- Oover ler Contisues sudowiti.rota ietiybheld frontuindue u2; A Hecdroocd,.51. ExnegBuan of eCadatotrrui ; toeuproetinboalth andtinstsilygain., l'oer. Mes, W MeNei lt, 96; 2dit9; A Agrioultuesl Bankof aULppor Caneisie, of trrsgtt.t HesderssBd, 94J. Teronue; IBritishtCacadieo Buek. leo- uriug 1tS1irend-ct tetrassfIer truses e alarge terot olCon. Cceel. W MeNeitlot, 9t; Evans souto; sB aI ofte Peoplet. Toroto; instoeurestoedd uoboes euocedeun . <fIra sreetircalethIeis cnuvettioneouTuesu & Mcteesald 2d. i; A Dswns'd, St$. BsabkaifIlito. ltilla; Ouatko.c #12,76,71a. -* DO * i U * INm W e deyte itosaa auldet In IisPulel, W Mes t .1& 2d,198.& t5j; Brantfordst tf odtianî.ktobciof etcro Sir DOuirt Wlsonoditiouneeroins deyî.tarlboneutsgbys.rlsti E vanls& MrOsal d, 94. Canau-ssis. tiecoitekOf Cianadotn oncofîxrniresdaeger, osiunteniiy tiseat Goruthe o u th eethtet .O. forMosiret, Bean fcdt,Ltverpotolt.te Itis aodvaneduago. tthat you G10flbuy Iederson. wotou ttp lecte ast CooGue, W MeNil tot, 94. 5;Bnsailroci-or suo e erisooirg it eetS Meeo.eodtiaos coeatd looor- Hen,.WMoNeil lti&2, 94 &i93j;,CtrleBankofaN. B..Fredicoen, N. limiottrticroneeiotQoe'ti'a salt peetcessysqctusaiisJos Dawson d, 912. Be; Gbarloteonty o Boat.S. A e ars'.Qoîto 10o rut ratiil b a Mnt w8 ga Guoceeel, W MoNeil lut &2d, 96 & dreesN.B. ;Oto Bonkots aMasiteat. Jic iorOiind ose Oued » flsa tF A their aboite. Sîeicissoerso made by 95J t Jue Dawseontbd, gi. Pete tise oboar tîtn tha ci ao ouiao ases ttt Out for tratusice detins hiun nme f e rpoie t>esllt, W MoNosI lt & 2d1, 95J & 94; bat. ,itiouttt lcoar. boca esil ooer ciN.Tes otet lJeu DawsoncO. 'Pl. ise Outere't ociatio oruet- tacel ~ ~ 0 Co.ereloeu Tsecocee ui lvFisol Dysamiter.e crunaieauttned lils seion t te breet ti r. leudseeuasi Ie . .. a .csve.Breetfard yeetrerduy. i.M rrrthe.cndiateo ise Guet, W MeNcil lt, i94; 'WsMeNitlattDN' a.o.-CtSatielan i te 'citeesoatimalcoenionciofteOsteeso G e e tss H rcw -H- e, W MNeitst& 2d, 95t& 94j; oisrresofapsnsaaaoicýt.e.'t Nsitiebh Becbstlle aeedsy.A an muil nteT Guettera Bd. F92. dynaoste plo i ilterosilet Wallut .. kyoodelroltteouFOR 15c. A GAL. Foserus eil sspeticity u tie Geeel, W MeNil let, 954 ; T Doteeiae setilroabbtt O te .L.cD.toyoulîaeele Iate o rtorssoiers ins lDtoiisons Gkuetu20, 9; OBrie eColuoli buseica e flw ntieii) csasmeï.et ,aselcniytoryfrWlad.i eetioue donet apposea bcte ppre- Bd, 93. teoise patte sa ida. e-tiotat esol oSced -aett8 0 trst cltei l'y teo Oosest. 1Dr. C. Pullet, M1' MeNitlt & 2d, i96J& 06. a of ed>eoetttrs itoto ldtu oasien Hluifax Meusrs. Joensoeil Frretl Frenia, o Miton a upprto ofthecoutry. Iîss aid thtes. s -o aiibitatc becs noosetd s Liboret oauedt Sveeruln, sas stnuieg eStes fr iCoo, W MoNit l&,5 4$ & 94; Nous torS Cititfspi iotî'ac taoa et'saS tBiiosp O'Mobooey sn Pieu eiouty Metes os tise Montaiealoctilesofjoset R JFostee04d,Çil. trot. is5tthise pae ouow'rtret, Toronto.' Mrebsandlon tise day ofthe deelse- Me, W laNotl tst 2,95 &038; E ThetSctatoi.tYard 'offic e a, il i.. Htetaetopedpeumonsie. i EsI5Bd,t92. raporedtieîrouailotîdococioÀ î DOc Splasohetroseuldueteos_ _______________________ atiers o tise euli of thsconstent se tbnss Gueerel, W MoNi lt, 94; R J rosnereeia betocostttb. wlO'oELastsco, isit ite beitise'ho - osut tlc reretand tise banuboth eul Pses, 92J. cyiieoscrn e Irit ssh P'tstaca co f tie Literai ocovetion. Au Ottswedeptcii. tseeiaa 'cTheofficiat lte a foit io.itar partsies uS e impatisli seese It W riNeil lei-, ;R J Fos.Forte pusr.tSoateet.. aTh'Lita aelty rmonont seWidsorily ofOtawaisugtmieuatei eptasttuparatotaoaietealtoa thettaitsui whchli hl erorediii dtininte 2. 8ý;EEt Si.d,87. sass, ta ave p1aaal htiitepi.toers'.at ate stteuna11rStFlueming. - ' e forîfatalcltilnitosactidents. Tr c sttiu th-olttaica'Lai-- teiatpel aresui mved yiltish5eeeo ATM. nwi ad. e ast11 a othreb ai oiywl elue rn 5ta 2. muwr i t50-a n eerli nsal hav ejd tbs eb1'ooirrsoleleeoeuosrd oi tie e.e.. ano eoseeo. urounsti ties naocaoeCtzaart aand Te odo eti rous iot t M. . t er usore t.irtl a uy eleartsaatijiaa.'a agent ai Mr enslrsduon andcedcond ssobk, N F bot lt, lj ; ttuseeossfil5. eetplais eetn'i ae o t tatieieunt usut s . srsuoes o e ptosi.Ua tisee . teslei, 1li(;ut.dt i-î7.i.t .. isp tse.r-esrotise f Oi. alie. Brou. 2d, 91J : tiBrIie & oinelat t bctîoy stait bit.. i eue Nshiite, B. Biiaetn, Ltbrrei ai. p. forEst et tise Nrtberteode phsassteCos. t ..stt.'ba'ia-atisa comioî.otuirea,.sud.tI -j Newth io aasreust Issu ioUe e frwj.seîoeautoucS taisa - aforttsiý astigscoocdisuIs eou Tosodsy. mite'ntuEstTeoîptetot.eaboutefor ispectet torrise,etotal "f 05 lieu, E 1F Ooly lst,.95'l; Ccueroc tay sere tut La t-rd. 'i aote Spt. ArchiîtuliRobertusnof lissil- esfitiss SC ity. Tisore use tso' addiiontut ti irrcalsoat' i usitsitter s eaintg on soqary litas. 2i & Id. 001 & O2J. - eilouco cntise posseision piiof thepoie ta ulitothesobotl of tte peepetîerepitsinte inoer, in basth of seisets ar0 etauod oycr btos a-t5l thtliSeeu masttse te st io big olsi Ccetee, Ei-ty t5s, 94j O'iet lit t us e îde.t tolala utrge î..Maigasood seceiteilfotul tjuries. seoe'raeneuetr sttep.svbsto' PtlfcL itf oigbooeto,&oletL2- tyreLM uit .tad,O$& tt o oms ieýai fyintetiseeplionceocoare in oce aI tise Lady Brocahe, m o se o'sin. oi,-.(ls- 'tiît t a ssuteieaats trao.bat MisPsbrokcBterily.ansicisn tuoSiabls. Tes sowalmpsetteg thearseiii cooptad it o tt tth5e buasecioaatc.tti notbrbissted. 97;O'îes L 'Iutyrct & Sî 9ý picipalsepitssetorofiseiltofreesosutc.PedmbroieoaiWuteu ta A aeichaintaoopow etteuptag ba o.ta.atottaaienar easoodivsog iseobe tretsgbtise te. asU tise sr. e ite itoitisse pie Oeeoptîiet thr aooteoOs tio tticilaieoh 'ce tci-rosotoeaundigais esus- a.vsi. igtteuatserteaaaaaaltitolesdt lithesItetota] ulineîSustiiet ijarril. 'cbreere -rmesuglléseoed relereiltucis tbe dcpotcitesaftise urgea iduigüllin bCeyaî,gei toact .ablic baddasil -auitceotaaonFetiluy etorruGuCnadarecogestion. Therboyiof artui Pruil- port userb, tien qattti icect or. cgrat dsutoaI utieatioc acar te (Coak, OBsienCo . îe~i I, t .1, ' .'utelse eaedsi it'is rî,sats ai th(,'- «taie e-elocoto, tuat in Moityse id. 94k-' F art ;td, 01. 'Sir Liste-s iIte. S"Ots steg. atî is the UiecdStaten, tise Ceusommisue, tee sresesein theopslsinuusbsud iigincuiý-1 cl,(r lieuOBrn a ime t ntt. 2d, q oct Ly t5 bhot. Ose explosion aooossed. oos wbollp en-.I t EutoLailge, lOes'î' itaenttt Nantis Lat, ossas s nueeey bal .002; j Cois d 1,Lsa7.ta.t . i Gastutt.a iýu Cl. Chac,..Clurke, eserS et tbe Ou-.tiûcoie usbeu tabou ouI. Tise sittugf eolr e aalte laiuma oves. scnitais bî tise leve.tsonofaiM. UaCeert, 2Beî i S Cotisaitltu to tai s,laret e isci tL 'iaueî-îîîsoo teei. Haao, lititer.aoteri Oepety otter tmfortonutetwoa uere Si e ihsnisl at prasesitlce tisaCo-. taiiiaoaet ite touce, aui Inero nie L MItyre 2dil ti0i - t.t&O,tano 'toi-et.l etî hi sott ut tt .,tten tian ina t.l-0 cerior i usiosteteo eatri ebure . Seeno anil Martic. titraI. Titore ais ol- c sittsas to' 1 tseiae an îdidiate ussu circloil hy Oid. 90 cdaO ocea. ýitaatitstssîgotsa ateela. tiltor.cThe formeer retids iem opiotocnilu vbaitio e otivlt il t 't tpia ancreae mrua orty, theegb stai f Patiol, L Melutysa t& ail, 9na&.e otFI Noti.Ha dlclat ta iistheise t.îbceot ttotta it Scoacvuruitemdiyieg thstattr eones front tue vsiiustp cf 1 iin. O'Ben e etC ieBitt.t. suer ncnots n sate tîo he parbisadarecttra ructd,ccoin-cattey. OabiPauces.aies&Orseuee TiscosisditiBata. otisgrinia Mr. aiei'so testtcaseSusesaegaarnteoeaie iguat ict. 'cLore Ipeeý auiogi-roSila hcGagelcarct ee9od Ms.roby, Baauecbusoi..ooee Nae,,otoO.189osotaoleteocisofL large dc, ar-r 10. N he ttse . UssIG -BNoT.eSiv . nere tlmscataiateotrdsiooslio-.efortiate pari-ce. ost roselonul. Ors rot oeittae njrsBe 1 l-ttieterBrota, tuas bonrre Ion lionu rgeos acee bustg tieir lors, and Ceit'Nr i,0.steeac ye- itnttS sSIa Ooty 100 iqoor ieeues l it e w ls e rirsl 'url. tocoritaoteoyuoeariiaooeeelfore linH ouyelt 6 EFEr 0ûg iyo h aryi oI ganeli twsoe50ilibtn soeeweroteenserioobist artatoroil. so'uwnetl ion oe, h s og rr CabeotL M2uda us>.;OB irsi ,otipepcsy hSaebadnesd. Helise-tise Nrtent, maS ane other lSconur î'ciSs.huiooStae cc-IotBe luajrit torejintove, I re Cockrel L elayre st,2; tsBren ietetaeittieo erouoy noceFraneo1rreclis edittonl 5000 peoptr. IE a ba-iig-tu ievll t1tr iacsocet nt bial tiesaet of as&.(0'iotelii2d&ibd, t1.& 90J. uotebed fera alioaceS hEngieed, tga Hbit, lKee. lic apeot issintfe' ltot siis-tr ofltise oesusout, Sir Poll, L Mesyrs let, 95; ill eiaoiccasrtsirseiciu eîce, At o ioohr reon ettnMeyWote Lhe Ebedive of Ngypt te deuil. fortner, ced thre esnrte oilCcwbctenaic & owerid , &Q, 884 .bt 87. woe neettetitî0 Eegtcnd hed, A ry rSteaooslaaei uhaprfontosideeoy olihehs eýdece Wie iltc5angCevins, wo s le ttedintetoril. Lord Saisuttbry' oct uîowseg - reh erete l uvosutssicsIrus- Srîeris eced asrsis'Coin.tSa tichalitu a toMschtycaeujcity of e..aca. tieeteer le.ossoiEstc l -co.oe ibeswittbooaooadodisy 1Moent11eucntus. -urrrutilh)e wau insComepnyo.thîe alto ILt .nenosuecec of ie Ieotrs Cook, Jan Maie le,94 ; EF erl ltt obca teas o el ueneeroats Or Jaosh SunAnLJrustbreaksbavte r u0nOù. anlteofa llkwi ü resatintîoa eeuselcteon wsnhael n,Ou B a. eulttit9$Fsel t is leasoei iottTtalroenoetre, oppototed csrd e wRonuiu ine nt. ionhof mtd h iret.oolo tlieiy edt eeultd u iserror F Eal ,94. fighinseroder ta preOere teautaeoy iou of tise fuion of lise tisses divisions y Phisieaphien. t A ilerpuich tetahIe Ottawuse a of I. Bruse, theopposition cu. Cobers]. Je, Main tt, 9,5; LE pf elises. If ~Aawec deaidil ISsuofthelia h 0~Court of Jester, tso- TservttoisnoMaeroa aef"tise r.ocErove oeuesutiac et diîdute, Le uasejuity ef tO. Un- Ecri 0, 94$; Jas Main0, 94. tise gotrenler oeoocrti susaiisetina by po rte nfuser o isnbfusion. tliassen M. Thoeil, Lo isil aiursss rsrictoireipsuety vieumoasis CiscPtllet, E P Earl lo, 95t Jas Mals forte ofareo, Oison ieperuatisrthe AntSîouduy'u meetieg oml sitBt.n Gi'CbSe.Spesneiocee t-Sio , tetisster osusosvieo, tis CRU.p inse y s.Be2dacd uss J îî 92J. lvtal hol egnwthitdea.Ciycu eilamedel ol tSe soyal tiase CIîî ~tisýeOnJeusu e idao taycf Mrcune, senpt tteise ou- - HooeeeSoesricheliesoupreaubordesA.e0.V.iGARIcusia racde, a tausu iu Mexico, is serrstive prtp, and thei'200 Rclieur usiciceruc, Rcislle tecg aords 0. n 005, soRanoge Biles. J. F. Mouob fo rsunsg ise Fesse seportd auptneoiiy tise reiesi. & Otcrio Navitation Gosipuuy's eu- eouty. Cook, OBrien & Clelo2d0, 89...mtou roo dreuicg lententaeusrs. VioniDCu.itesberselppcceugeossiovtoetsy lie, OBrienc& Cel e t s, 90J. -'.s,i Ts H1'u- ee rses oss ie ltOu tiDlose tepessh ee ofiesl.ieoil. Tin lloeu terefvotiegcu uSer MR. JOUe Wos.css, «M. P., and bics oaUI'WîNîeoee. Tie M usuoontî Navlactttetllno tu toe tory el Toronto poterstup sItar- t. il nteIihpeae".Ti etr fvtn st iut etise isintctonohteftbetot oace.tMr. JoutieStrereisu ebus- GeCrdeutttannign iteeiandelut fit passametiutectoppedsiftse prceel frienilsarcoassidsably dsgsistail uith Cobk, L 2Mltyre let & 2d,95& 92j;1 treteuilie aogeieetice on tiseUnateol al trouaty io buscs af thesaomeea. hopes uro enterîsserd of hie recoaerp. (tereuent in ta bc esotaetuint teeprosset plitticai sstusatieninHal. E F srtBd,Ugl$. L Slt a testtaee retdswthbc a daeo 5tsThe jery oesotuehauerand aquart- Tise Gistese ustereNueloels power.Wenitlnerntserof thesau ton.A fer inung hoi batlein he es, E F ParIlut, 9Qi; LMlny peting ifle. Tishe iueatey ocilLa.- ecilndtîîe etureedwottaserdictt of ben lst wnt414 ites, ieetedieg pepones of morne preteeteileueusbacto ree tau.Aitr suctg tetstuer dt th -ilF.ltiesel Curil CubaCisenof ise roetlr acoqoitlul. Furopese effceoru of tise vesool. eiieig ttse saute priyilee. rievic courts n ed yoeuicg tbe us- èuceoss, L Mettyrs lt, 91J ; rusy, are uitt erteesit sets Sprtng-_________________ meeing cf M. Hccdeseu, issy tidO'Brint ou t elu2tgi 0. 1field stngle loaderofr4cI loter. Tise Tue parsottsil sy Cooeuioioses Il is aIted tisaItise populatson et tssir wossaundase, or at busC umade Pllet, L Metstyre tt & 2d, 94J & Spigield ofl lisetypo, ebogbfor. Ctttseorshin eToroetoaudricgg ta, Berne iueeed 20,000 dsescg 1891, ueosBfautles otheyare coscerueil, ty 94; O'Brien & GleelI Bsd, Sij. uesly rsideroil un eocellet e o er buildings efereesticu iu vaesTise ity.euuiteaouti4805,)people. a U UL ' 50 tis Pahoou of rlu euse, lunom, ego1ertetipcrd hy usneadi te. 4,3009000 Thiss ielede Vitoria Tise Adams Foespaugis trcu bau teec ItiIn tise iotaeuscato te te arospf re AÉE veilarmes lt isstcprsolioutty ttisac-Uoinersity $200.000 sud Torouto Usi- premina ty James A. Bailey, pro-'s luiessy o tsuc andidate tentise Cook, E F Dty lt, 18j; OBriclten Tise gu ise usielbihOe Matssa.neeeity 200,000. priotos of the Barnuse & Bciiey Shows. couigebve-obotio. lRad itueses Glelsi2d, 98; E F Eal0BdS2t. cebuutssttaloin sta bheequppedi tu Mts.Tartobasuauru cbarge against tDrPfstiffes, sie-In 0fDr. Eueh, ?URE Tas Iie try uouldbarsfuitrus Heul MesDo Chamerlain lst & 04, 98 tise Lee ie, tritesiu cepueabtee ofSieM. Caron. Me charges tissu Cheolaties <ho dlsee'red Use influez ae ssolu O DRD for hiatho wold ave oltroanaby &924 t OBriensà& Glelld.0491t. n seesasssingte sootee, btlin prcsideil reortverd 1500etflthednle ustini aud honsncescftully trucsplasted ih s ci erricgtt ecnty tt s tiluCueterel, E F Dty lt, 95 ; Ciscm- uieb s dtacile emagazine hotdieg uppruredi iuHOrnseys tbot se consi cases. tiose o c ou e in tloptssg t, as tee berlain Brus. 2d & 0, 94 & 98. ties eartridgeu, so tht il u eeue trn erd eaieon ies Larbin, Coenoib & Co'c. ii rts uasstsbearsdut e. oit t f eey trsiof the Patronse01ell e- Plct, E F EcrIlct, f911;tFFaDty iuîo e repeuter iuteuly. It iea e noulCoctrats. Mot aou gu Aexandrea are th..roaectttsg the ilssry ic Hialtes ameLiboraIs, asd tas 0, 94$; Chambselan Brs. Bd, 94. eohter usrupou of greal powser and Tise Sutten of Morose lun greatly te- arrivlcof5Abbssu Pabc, thse wruioc 4% Literal psty iluDsot Siocf seugiste SPEGIALS. range ansi uis siiler ta Ose rifle uihiseucttelutesfseeesofthe fuscso oflgypt. etel ts spssetatc l Ue bcce! . E Witefe it laget ue as tiis titeEcgtnb caroy te eiug eq iîs-reprsentcetivro, asnd a catIse sys boe n ît luagao rspfrontfeesRuse ts taI LIff EOT TIXOfOCTBOT. elc l ersns utefc fC .Wie o h ag stnme Puw ,si1soissi uass 5s Snob a Spit. M. WW4islhodetdcd of ontriez, t ring, valus 4.00-,us _ ___ spiarttnrgtotEndoe- thrslua rt t7f th.ctCeublse la- t- swcost:i B..,. tenditin tliswet ac aleUe Uitd ent sL.îrnpniesusie twuOOt theeeore tastay ont of fle rcoet ndMeNsi, PremersAtotltu Ctbinet. aet bMeee ee Sv, ate 055h.caUnseedesocos ta t tefMr ths ». liseders u. W. B. Dectsobebusgenssted lagentin bsusg spiecoosettis. d a 'y cAs-r-à sala.i ammk> odroe.U.rof ectellos,t taus, saIse 52.00 T.ssoi asren I. oni secoretly engagea is thc teadc. Teteday eos NeYeaec Day l in___ 3,.P., and JO. Muiigos, tise P. il . -jus. Dawson. Med -orehrr lu eet Bsiach toeg l'iauir: onsneescapieted tpUse te Ros"anteaits. Theecstemrny caudidate,eisu osoesayestesdayet a Win. SIean, foles a ogse Cosn otos o c sr euindPresaser Ais cargesu irougtt gaicel thase y taeloperilicouest seceptie uses sut gose oeetiugeofisspartyhtc reccotadcs B. B. R. lisses Cue, pipevas, ott setiuingtonoseelot otsepainting d .stes of SudaYstresscars, tas unsonnant5ofthesCsasoeas lcsoe Isî aceuoed staeseef selsie -.0. f~upbtss catinet. seoseers of tae Torontoe nstssenî As bis nnonce inelaionof eehing-Ja. Min.Th isehrsJohne Heggut oîteuts cee secetou disccunOtd s os day thse a. .Tise eceberof deatiuu freus sssecsat issnosination. If N. Mnlirsgus, Mllisate & Se, bus tac Isegeci taseoeStops lie sesutbunave te vesesintsislt of dsspacsssg ctatace uf se Lendan Eeg..cas&ssssty fise testI uhe btlfos hie db@oeete hti tlu ies of esteles ite tsse, baluheu tee se hreuse ovesta rthe sh oPefrcofteirns5 pat. TbSsunofthe peceeddîb agose. puty iteaeLilasal,sCMuasago te siers cosole, salue 2.00-Wss MNi. lattieuscctc or issusters. dctie. gAe ofoc cati 5 btcpoodsgee ese ~W. H. Lndsay, fusth lgtac r-I ou onG Hgath ig 1 h o hetis., A oeonlslArat of0Ciro, titi Literai oe eltouep tise Cuesnfé. t re e 105Ds bHe oeOHcelt s eseNslOftuu - e frsa c eto esunlad, e ot n HasmstahaIadsa.souulebstankeutsuseg tas foessiMosa Nie bBaelo euc fc a 090thedbteille and 00V t ossvatise tomoeof atse Patrons of etuses botes, Value i l0-Wse. No. oselefOstarioe Seill ouid osrauos..W ssmoitSete uqssec sto ite, thet tetut sellc iodustry lu laco te 0411Cas e tcNol. te tae thUe hissdsost. The latters esaid q etiou of osdsssuty tepernts ofsss the BrtisoooqsceplsefEgypt. oeusty- lie sscy. boeer. ied difi-. J.W. Franc, foc tac lagecestss lahotee esolt beve frslbipusc as sssomcf encly sor te se. Mi saemfeSdsyol fl, conson uity lu dicg tSth*IOn -ouot Of u oluf t 0 Panbo, &'M'o las . y" tllieo01886- tso ehi=th cliosues day sflcsose a rsosod tfesse soUff te mosntaient 0ec"uorMe. Waldils S.t-Deerar & Mitchell. Lady Ntane tif e Rn e the S5w crcaStossa ict a ctingiltste0... accton 8 0-fot asostocte. lli M. .eDn 0 - oc wett regaed te stsahsuad desieyin osg l Mbdl -ý ,olusin.of G«lues, 1tFelobs Oi. Me. Feeguca, Q. C, ailgi ! slst i.tefus foscing tSt sssg candidas treBokvaue0150-X P B teauisfontleusBaonesn ltasao hlbtosdTsk The trellisg calS AeS,ctth asoe estut aclai, oMt S~ser B. B J. De»Iomasj à tis egot case w»"c, atautatoM&M &I ettha rbseesoSte, oos 01, oaai cl, wusiiysody S J h.d tu o the OMO. aetof ciri-a-o-. .,tBiliUyomite ho sso, @MM-« bso, te sJ e m. .Ir.È ý ua s.'. Bsso e na mbu - - ntébs Tic 555555 W. B. clémosets.les te largIsa MM su. p@stlbu ILa ente osrto OUt.sfoc Bolt o em bofoulnt"s of Bsetqeso. !94sp, v"sse 111*e&t » 0 * i .Ié p," -t tedo T!Or c tV ae eoss $1 c.,0 Sa-coas. lcourts nelais a te Ieece. Jfo osisfo ttttIbosois oao thePà- aSec S. "Niâesa Plle.. a.Isu = W .- - -Aa-wmimte 6î ý 1Mab jvWFur Ca CL C Anti daY! XIL LiZ 7Y17! IIL LIN EREY li}'n rt1, t-t I; -stock eottïbtnîng 'i I t elegattcu, t ttlîprct ..Iot\i oitîtiIower titan cît> siiit t. prtecs. We 1 iia'e cistatteed connpetition in titis ici" 't t C,îlI ettt13taittiseutherittien est tisitsand finte.- t" tie seasoît. Overcoats! Overcoats!! \Ve have 13 far the largeat attdILest st ock]A t t ing in 0w n. Bs' nets w'eneait tins cars t The styleseltantge and lothtttg ollutatl'a ew vt' 'j tttnes to seil] Dry Goo&s a a& Goueral DressOQood is fit it teiic eoest tdeas lte i t't ginds, t j vactety anth lt onest h,.,attcu IVe offer tits ocasatheti-rgtate.;t hatgatn itUt nolo oc itave oser seon. HEMSTREET IEROS- SAMPLE DEPARTMENT This dopartment itaincharge o] Ona iho 11d ifl1 the running Of if. Samples of any line oc liner cf gsI' (11 ho forwardod to yottr oddreos. If yoo wisls a new Proe, GlosÂt, or rqteireoSlitttg, Sic.'e tos, ýLn, Or.ned ituat it satposiblo ta conta ta to' , tt iO. I1t usote lel at h euitajtety foa wt ed.ttn s t t, it wbat pre vou woetld wiehto ta ttafatrta ! 0,,astt ,, cfan t. pou maore tsîtt)e& abou t itut ltv. A fev Sponsul Linos for tîtto w-ct - Grop Flannls at t? acd 00k., eortb 20 sud 24c. Paecy fShitiog Flaccels redoood te Stcý, wrth 45c. Cottes Shlotisp at ttc-, uold hy omot edelrs at tj. Navy Al-asol Serge fO oYB' suite, 28 aàches wido, t5C. Henvy Lisec Twelo, 2foc25o 0, peisvle ie Table t.iuce et4 t tavy Cul2Sege ed o224.,, woth RC. Tfev cthT rrceddfroue t e26C. Tweed Ducs euthe bout thfng smilefor lOue drosse,tls WmceCle10tand t21c. AIl-usool S4gee t50. 0cr ancrasset 01offosnuds tas tilqsl Oie 1tô ecd for saop1ic' MasicCloch-#i Clotha eeduedte7su t1 t t 1.5t ti,5' ce.Blwc!, celorcd and frscy deotte le largevzc. Tweedsfo c ahai, anties,&e0 frocs Bsecup. a'ldfenatt. MtJaco"eeaD lsasakdaway slows. ses WMawu]ydown. HtsUjoes4* i05 j 05LeldIce pkm -u --t--0-ý7 - QIAY RO. 1 , -k AL - 1 emummommmo

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