a.bcel0 about. 50 yeare cf ae. caei o hbe houge for supper snd ehitetin ( ýe t of «reehig hie baode ase hotC rough the, bock by bis son Joeeph, ac oc g man aecd about 20. ofeec trcc bale but cot itherloto Ld oino.8 cgeou. Thes'hotwmfred tFruuh 5tccepipe oleom ecthe opestirs. Thé o. togîreed bacheerde and feltuce floor, chen hie elfe, sblo cee je thé ilosetthe ticoe. rau. tu bis acjeeeece Eoo ooa ablétcet octu 0h.foobji cetime the murdoror Ueo toediig hie fg n for a oecod obot ShObis cothor oi poteece and îoplored iuaodemint.J thretconing tu shoot ber next ehe bc(1dow detcar, ted w eith e e ct a ole the beecoond abat- ccetficed, ina effect le bbc dyjec cacao heed P. d hýUiticgLraoctrigbt-. The murderer * clotdcd his gon ae îhird lime, carmeb ce etirs, teck tbe murdercd mue byàt bout tek oedt drogged hum about 40o, de tu the foot o-thégaedet. cbcré héc 2te te prépare a greve. lier thbc o fL ce tombor, chjch-hoe c,eocccd te oeroe decc oup for a oiiî. ty this eoinsco15 or 20 cf theteighboîîrc. o ocre ac¶tecd -by the moîher, bcd lgrcgattd, but coco octobltu tedo eoy- cg, aa the mîrdrcrittbceeiîcd toE warranl tc dcc fbolfor hie rrcc, but I blocr eoo it eoîîidcrod odîilebth oeJ thtog inb thé w cf ofofreiog 111111it irdecîcco for thc-capture cf-tbc mur. e cr ercccbccoîcd, At ltgîbmarià aed tiacipo nder prcbnceof rccdcr- a the eî'ocdcrcrceeiî"lecoe, scicoc-cetd i i ti he i dc.im, wcbu ook hint y $ vtto y 10e A Treoty et Pene 'btwe M =jTheor coco ~tW~0c !~O~ td fcund es ,eufforteg bua MayR - ov. l,-AAm.> ot tf worm ce be Pnebotcccc Chili amd Trnstsm t %' ceg 80 fOOcc gold hy Geuet e o eecbdb .bubecen ccctcmect.'PerteCodceTeoCnanod f tbýe differ bolet for ten eoce. Ai the ccd of t tea cf3wdoes o m aptebiuttte ie te deteeminé t4tohilWow r .e Country themonprovince. 'l'g.b ho caeott ms.üi country a:quirtegth#mottpaeni ll-ue.j.. mc hecoi dty. dtbtec or ALIFE $5AVIN _PRESEXT. ob; it -. .The trlohi DIrý hl, E,.Ad iion, Huteblhc,Iou.1 fitlîietto Savcd htoc 111e becati'mpto Triat Botîtl ch I ut 0.8 per c Dre. kingce Ncc tlIiocococ>cteefote Ceocught; à* ùhOOduAiie4ecd4lc. 1 Leieeter. cf cobtlc, tbnt tom pteiyccrd hm, ehet ccclny of Dc lecro, chaneoocf climele eed cccry- 6l per cool.,i JOung elce hc;l 1faiicd, Ac in too uEngland, bhille. Hoeoccosïcc0CflFch nc ecc lThot anîd Luegdcuc I ege-theo cw ntlfto ence;. Trit lic ec t J wlllieg thw .2.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~o ifbotm egSor..Lreee OtCy 1n. Iloce c hrece hlm le théco rid, ato r wh etio b b cthtdffed ccd takcu lie. Beil, cf Poterboro',coer,cr bod M thc bbicllag<e. -Ho oo'yo lc cccteitting celaqulet on tbe body of the mcrdorcd ~ ~ A SPLENDID LOT 01? dcc occrier lieo sc reyig onti Iettait,t ttcralccy camp er oerc- fccllce'c lîccbeccicicu-IL le etid It he o oed, o Tburcdoy. Tho jur eep rucociT L ocsed tagol the farmi and thol bbct té ucrdjVob obtI tho d.cacccd came le oýf ]la betng kept ont of ilbocfcodced hie deotb fro ca conncîcd flcted byes Deýsmttrt lt 25c.par yard, and mllcltcecc c. AOroecAmcc eil o TH IRTY PI ECGES icîctoît Idcteldioaftcrtoccctid c tbcugbî." ,The. mordorer wetcuaodt oelditofoliiilocucder etcrccd .The yebedytIyiug jeteueo'an -&e-OF- ceeiciererou lobcc to Oco, Sauncac. dilicu ce Tbciomultcbct'e. fave eaboutE cký,e etceeîie detaie loc is tiatl twc ties fotmNocood, cuedbhylune on. o~~~~~f btood from Oollclccbililc ltchuldccN W BR S US Owoc Ocuc, IfoMay15.-cPbc fiolitud ted crie, ebiobwecroiliclcdby hie I~ D fl B N tlecoo,,dy tjlf ootilictccto buodicoed ictmciiioccgtgeili h îAfltt L s t8 0 1j 5e7 0d-2r a ad the bbic iolie 'cucrtillu- tooiuhbdtlie cpioüiîî Ibt bisc coccodo wîtt pÉFiî lolbîhn adccd sa heioousshou'Id bc fatl, a orfcaittidloneasct ted At11111bttcp ai ccccocccclllcdliîîOole cîlitl. fosephi Ltm- RY hoî it, tho ccrdeer, cholacltomcae.- 1fr. Joient fcgwood, Vîctocco Roc, tice]y ydicitigloua, wilcokc if ajtîiiîg cieejî:.c"Nortîhrop &..Lycoco 'sVgl N P y )cccooc thoc hfscreli gow. oh i cible Dccacny cd Dvpcptcc(cccc C aW P .B R NA D~ (,bc.htoitcroecc,arit eheocte lt nîcc seicci idcicic. llMe emsîucy O oiocd clCocthe ocnci ioicci lcy oclîe y cllis if TU GEGREAT SALE 0F sud cl uidcoîcdged njilîoawat bGocdeulîioccuedic.teîy folwL leicl.tc If e î i ds aof cicltoinpas-1. f beovlue o fi-oc pe rI1LT.01IIIb2 ad fut! t1l cýoll, o fIle dic , iillgencc, alce, ltcen,gheco troubhit forif9hl-or103 end tt-tJ tItcM. 'i ici l t pcccc.e IbtIwoccid omtcailc ovccec wticDy.pcp.qia,anocé »n c'iococ for aci rcocîîcl. iO licoty foco t digcstitongce oneihiceî p qI.fu yAdon"c tVIlianisorioetotcok mcotccqcitcceoly. d fccig sc elcii occo le dybpcpricc. ccd cc apîciccctly tocicfait cîcco n bae Le hocit-clico f0teccommt;elicg il uc ficodocd- leho titO Eci ù-i l. itc ccv ocoof tIndigetion,OCosipatiton, Betattea, Nocraig la IIReN ictly toliceciocor chlic afle, ecuit oc tgoooiihcr,ocetroubleso tictg froc a c Lame Bao,keLuzabago, occicicocciy aciiecifu o cOcccO o sh c lool t icoi-dcocit eicc." Oontractod Joints, Att the it paterns le Oford oui Coc. lio l ie ce o,îci tlcr ho idiot bioci, , remp lbt Mugeleo, bridge Sbtctinà tgocI221 a5uc1dla;.par hucd. lccecccccqertîcccoc ln., e sict Eacliccdur)iicctacre bfcccadfortth, Spraiflo. citI bcc,sccicc.olitoîhic circciitict- t a ccctue li 6fLrtine je tlpecebie c BEST HORSE LINIMENT. 3 1tTSL ,m% si bOcciccld get hi.thlccrortor iloauboc eîbccco.e'hectir.îcn ait ci Uoici t ocicecccit bit ergOc oibis\la oithbaloiccg rtc,,bbrcd: cîîc IiLriBcieeiRo.- l.chtlociog on pliofclbcg ehotliico.iccodcote fccrtcccneillblîîchi i c i le, Y, M oco oo u Gcieo c oif. %ViIccu cccoeaoit thliiceCardjoinael Yecpy, ccc foicitaIcibiarber HaseW. 10,Y12Y, 15,T17Aa aP4 I. ccgd dicoclt lisii cobc liceneleasci,l omitcaeltci ig. icci -a1 n1Si7td2 citliiciand iccllod hiocnitt.cfil,, dict eties i trcîd Lanccîcliesateto 'ccihot, lcie aaitbO- t ococt, cnit cooced ic tiocclocuc eitan elietihall no intentlioncof shoic.tc liere duithé liestcclof th'.o*li. iooliatochlciHotltolcsdcoihlolyourtdec essry tîig ho ié $ 5 0 iQ O I?0 cclýrýý iciccor. fli ec odst2ccc-d coiet[ysvil cevc lrlciytoce clipe toth iclitudpthe lice ocro ie mccclet ileioctle ùedtsud sIccîc tto idi Ibe job. W4i it ictue bvic fcccccc lie encue lIce poeclamo cccap d r t ý cc~~t EoaedfrM th stock of MoRae ilae ft]io l itf, Cllhoie t îdle idoticld .OVEIDIE, N HORSES. ,. ~40- r-e meîocc îitctlcY. Théue OfOpa rsccthec - UL S an -ce cooocicbioi of ih crimcee tcoiocit J. 1. Iciecerc, ltttioioct,toc a r ,4 rifoal lacccd is cod8eoqcciiic 10 dn.tlm 1olrl ve l O v eey Sie. kit, goods i n the D om inion. T hese hE ,,, ai;. IL tac lctuupicci icol hbis folice wbhclivsporctciy ,otiod wiI bcatll _ouictuî e eere hotlccg tenJeooacy him ;the ovv>r-icocedoabotte*-o cfcr cdlccu efonto, 'sdd il stucoglicc vicc. Ileizo f Dc. lite e bicctic2 , OO .or-g1-. oft .l its btctcciict t hiciiccocoOiLtii acciitfccîbe apcopcîeoogti .-orese t irâit *bei.g oce ocoocielofi cicllecd Iiic ipccfelc cudna. BOOTS, S .IOES, SLPE S ad R B E S ufcilchc ehiccociciotade incc icedieieefilmc ece ctccocp, utci uitepy o far. cdthlice cer lc dcccliebo cm ilge redo clociof l jtccc avn;Ttcisc - icccpecby fLoiilgf eveooecfoeobt coclucive. O ohk paccé belwecc e c iadift htceini -- .~ ccicioy. MSur. ccceit, blhedececueci, 'Vile excocclceg foc tbc -foundolccn Everythitîgjustwltat 15 reprèseîîted. lDon't forget thte plce i Eccgliticcinn y bitb, ced hb oit fl0icc wie-g of fle icrtby îided incthce ounlip ofHolloccd fcc- rprioEcgin, ie criceci ccdaà cocl t Ico petre. Tbcec careaoncof the odel oiedoci ité elccy ct adcpcbetf cccy, Oivegirlseand ie- boyschelb10 feeb belo,* hic scrfacoe. MlieCcir riouier bei,,0 tbe ldeul boy. Ttce discoececd il cou tié coiccrofullie eceb________________________________________________ îiîîicy aeo igbtyrecupecîcit. The prise tcc tît ccrecundcd il, bel -ceotcangeat-- ____ rîhe peebycar or ce lu eitllitec cbe ecpcid tle bcair. ILîias oc Acctccder on Tcedo p cot.luccr The Princeof Wco,eR flslbaniquceîjtbIt icimobcdlt ,oi foîcecd lihcIrccgcfreechucf ccctb, tnd ilsecyci are ioktîcu bîbt aRoges of rtii,ito i..lNevYork,, luceblreticon cf thoe peiog f the E jtnld.cccl liceB atcire ad- toi îcIccofeii cy:circced bbc peemineoc ooliuc hliheif ciii be oie te aria cicg litiu cquaitnclcidceed Fiebeey Echibition. oxpc,,cd plocîcîce Iicesticccc Slic,ii,( st ofl tbe ftctly bhcbisleiiotilcon-toid ce ter cebie if cooepan can bclic imte goea lectont cherche robbcd liIbo ocilecl iiitl dcby Canada, tho ccpcccetiin cc. iicce i uh ca horriieestâtdecilctate ee t i. e.hic of $90:cd bbcciied Sic A. T. Glf peeicocaliy ýgocziobco f tOh fL nt ttiiitod, and lice cicol ftciy *--ARohodAa, Otgels epic ber fer hie geedl neeblonltc hoie lle. ecccoct ca feioccn o "'dlb c tu eîcci tod AumcrTseoette cecp nod goucâocl incihébeohieSyard and LccttlrdytacolmecdservatgirlineO000 aci- . lercoteit tîte 000Clice saititfir. a ohn co.AecoceintîugId iccalnoper theo bouso of ibce. Dr.e. llto, eact- coksi oictiied dar ,Wyddc omtep people ce ccsoe oai - . hé- ont-,l ce, dc e peS t toiue ,cdBr otic erfeoergrets lber cncchic ,li te, etu dicoveeoit otlliptioflg Io t cca loic Fatl onlaraton-a Bac ctîoet.miérble hy tndigeiîioc, Ccaniia 'o,,beth l he eiccuyesccelith tutp. y- poisen c ftiiy ocftire ieès . The girl -alnt 12,000;ticc PeiDCnimrinneSrebrde mcacs, Loe cf Appetite, Code1of .The tw iÉaigo Ot,*iin tbbc abreud. Ne metiveeau.8ccigned. Laucd Act cosl$70l Mayti oioo tlhet oo ,î ý e citll licem Shitobe ViteIliegto iitdbeSe'lcuo rvo.b oi!t 12 tetecdkte iru Ibelit.onttin J..B'le.busitese portiou oe tolice be bcg clco- The Intercenatin iubeieo Exbibitione cecoacogruxtheet Si coitoci bîlcg ococt. by hMe. If.Nol- Colatm, - occd. The C. PR otîtia, imccigrc. te pecedof I e Prienic f the Lu lce ItCrime,cbcs rdîr, icîely froc, altcion. ,GO AIt a Ire in - Harcdsburg; Ky.,Con lacet ai Qc'Appetile., îte t .at fcîiy e Prne beliti tted t hid fc egu coocrief the rteelbeecteoicr ebd Op greecctoTbeoa, o trelifor cîceder. been tesltroedbp Oct. - rsene f li Qegen h ire ba ecc the 10eoiddircn, cho coro boiped t legiil the Ilcme,*dwhiethe - - - ,oaki ottie lsed tof Ih Quae, eb ac oob liceercoma epig inuprathe rmn.Thc dtegb iccebket oe under cbneggc. i fhIbedopty A ces-y teeeliogneobersocf DEOu' oonia kngprt.iee od JocabdBtkc r eIl t ad13,. wcsmtccîcert Oulbpthé obrif-,Tic,, principalt bosiness scuaru e vut.>IAtt IE e uthe June issueocf Il ttcnjSA; Ftohic p ytet heaiFo-possio f15 loan-o tof"taia h ite cou uroot. Leoo 815O0,'. , . c- -poputer aoa pliecoilfpublcatio.Tt Si cŽcHp1.Thhetcie t ed i u nf hla a oeoeOh lc îbrrtet .--.----&... puia rticle, e is je tdiitiec ccc Oat Ibe heeveutll iii h ie b a. Oaea î. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l antf. ernu i d you, mcte, eut fecte, ficit Hccc, Sceet Homne. Bet ira Lethor,' roetCtfrli uee c h- thvillae ou ,emotu chcbad, utu he e talrc, acoure.-cure -for uit crvous etiointecouleibetodl by Vigiia Tiicomb."pic- proemet indications pceibfy maeeitîthéoLae i the v i c cou- ccîîtbi e, tecent, ou the tire bcd Dr. E. C. lettc Jerve ,sod Brit fTentl bere frem Mecmutanic, eduut ite.beucdae TecpecLo mea c ouied thora. Heonicc ubeeed te-hie cec. tetet, lic cf gret iotcren, msic "Tho- the iegroed ecreage and t.nset eiteo ieg c t,, Icmp oct cf the eiedee. and -tuee ... . eaf theoneecui tcc, by Liecie T plepitouos deother. fI sa heieeved thore héBoefa dîcdhae.m ggcd c matlece eut nf the btiroc Coocot, In"diaàe Toritory, Niey 25.-Il Lewie.* Joonie JoecodîHec WeLiveiin ciii ho etee mtanabalmiliion Louta baoe con-eootthen n-c tairt for Oie, le fait et. No oeî l itgedt Ibti hî meoe,.eentNw-r ie lmc f ekc export ceitit ear fn!cnt eton toheb pr ibi;ate cinocea ttdder eau Caren, rcdty cdbe Itelcicore Sed g tou- tÏiloUe>.dte torece', Oct cf the MITCHooELKNOCEcOUne0e-Nec Teck woeth maey millions ccditteip hised bp the ftremen, eh,, deredtwteewhiteezim, loîhecÏon atcd Wtel"l; 10otticuef. Tueoblorter teeiee Mfay l.-Tec thnmond Pecple citneeed A. Hell, a Pertb1 ciareived, beutes ooduoasulboindoc Biddeeîn,anncieoldegro O Steedtp Cccre cnibtet by Jaenie Bure, Dorcthy the Siliece-tfitceel malehIie etron- thé,ecuec' 1fc orthe ou o brekon in the tmnculte n tclmeblaeuhci Meobeancd Coestable Cuiter m.II. ryMe .B> I gadig ntefrtrudSli nce ccc lbc book, and kit bepce faovieg Dmtdt ceu h cc u cc otctIin .B.Ccebrog, nio cefieont ouc. nd tltenheoatod coCùher cnt 0e oenou.Nothing ebtiste o re ecehaged eheee neti ergache Geiorg e p ulecIMichlldoeBtUSeIsdNESSmel cercd lrcm tbh bclY! eg nd Me.eigblt-ootded and Btithe Caracseou thcaii ebraeGog .Beahohe oocc.l b ee ISN S bueimati- ilding.ad M.cifottu ceept the fther, hocu t'hocd Cntte Pe-s-y. itn.etbcose-round Milchell cose twtcee nootèd dowe, liotast ai moishoùbcd o cced --a i dýWidarn. Home Art and fgcteg oùthe PlatfOem oc o~rig The teheerihor hoge - Cocenoccc vuoiucc oCo- eeuoi, .Caent 'Jopico,," m~iasde- hi lg.4 u h e Iid rossd Mtheltante cf. MitothatI iine cere secrot s ou e asn ou pebte occccccN-ît j Io -canerstlt- h'-parLtltmeî r afg etfobtshoe-ven dco tie, ud ooetlecae e lCoeccdtlh Or b i he e ein ehoeit htatcdeyb ductireo. ienc a drt, asid e lime. The match cens acoîded boSi i. os fl" l i cîppoet tea haie eriglutet le-cmt the avLe tra"eueited feecm a ct ficllnosatcls obn an. Mitcell fug amlbot d eegWuiyl>- mppcde e.ppe. The gruaeit smathd t roebcilc.To coorcomie titatee- teaineho DcioRFST'sNoccozuaNEfoc Jane eoemnicbed. 1a, aWlUOe8OPOI47-3tu t e h nop. ae a ndhsprni déocile docnk le chieh the oetleae>o ce. a acmarksbly inetcreeting anlmitr. The the cantettat theeof theothied roundte ilurYeu f medieà ci enec eiletypieleriat- dopartmcct ilexellent ;thé efeaieg tIsat Sullivan wonld kilMitchell. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lo firv edqee heethaoc, ne steel engravieg, e"The Palm Ofoér- AN ANS WEB WNTED' meanue ef c.nteraetieg it, t1010e reliai. irg;"enatrh ilrtttenig Daefmltiu . huit7 of clcicb pbysicioue thcxmieleb y 1,. Goodaoll.the otet Eocihhartiel. - _ 'haroanpraedly hocconeetimcny. N an sutteclo-IV a dne spectimees f lb. Siorce Dr. Thomas' EolcteteOUT 5bee eueezop 11 Liier Compîint Ibat BNtceio-Bittecioli'bakmIL néen deeïouetcated hy rcsulte *ngralvT'ski] ,bt olgives u amirable bhe em leaecu erf sencuOe.eOc5il cet peodily ce?. -8ecooylbey theele ano-dsprting, titalNothrop &, ides flbn style et the gréat tefinteffetptd pauon su e he ncavOiorigl au maotsao cse-aredyLya' m ulee c f Ccd LterO' ,*.amiconuocccccnocgo coupl fEelo u celt j t " utmio coma an e00ea- tiloe- c,.oo.ckh 7;.6o "o cl- Sotte o a 1d J ONS M ONC Bte ieoniecflDr.c, ..c ore,ic oeeoolof etmethoe iiill *ahoet cf Snla co cMpu. *medlcin e b hen teled é1VâE LT L.. ea deocrbod, a groat heo .te mceîjily.Ile cse ocf tope- Noew hediTefeeoGlevna rebeen feboce eeon ue . 46'8- tt.LOOgIb* oc fs2 ftdoe 1cc4 feet NosheKdGec. 0001 3asq.d frec lcbooce Nec Pettecc Lae. erou indvidah, he bels Nec Nogelta Cotteca, coo [tvd etoar tcking 2crAcooc cecc cf Dr. Smithe .cms New APo=eeto Ti4mlegu îedy. Thceetcds 'cf t10db- New CrolemeTabte Cevoe. te pococeice cf thece gent],o-New Tubetol r Lmdo. tgý feriv tliacthibr Worm .Ne- Droe Triimie le atl flctthey cim thccc Now Spmleb Lacceg. fotical Pot N-Sptcieh Lace Feioîo New Dr.m& Muette flttoce oegitrcr.gencral!'s roture cf - birth.e hec th.l thcy cro . BRN R' cool, cf tthc totatlumbor ji.n.BRN R' 1.8 le Mlîete,ond 2.2 - LARGIE SALE 0F ite inje e oI-g Protestant 'IG IfES IO11 oven the ligtoeet figcrc, ecerOOOCOO 10 tretchi. In Lcemahtrc, Spico De Bcgee, Spelef Luun eVilonge tt. p -cutc f ittcgitî. Spic-g Cechmeeý, Speef Boîtîngs. r «-)0, This ile co f aohe A Fiee Lau cf Eotcy Salcecuet lfte. etr. thot the gocd Irlebiecon per yccd le the cW otog. k&t Eugteond ehoidooeet his lMt. HoesO, 5olisait, 6,750; liiicii, , teor, 1;300 t b îhecit, 3.1.2. Me. John X 1, toitd1r. W. oo, ft crTAîNcoNu--AU neetan boit in Boite Scticei tIt ay ooeicg, May 241h. ig idie td gentlecaen irg,,gcctloSigre-Tbo fac-i Fiîmiiy. lfiigroe, anetMH son, Peotiheloil. Reder- it, Kfenedy und Aithicco 'W 1S. The' fotiowicîg punpI et by Weill noce ccci't lu- Distdtj liScd c leocoo.Iion. Ier. i n. Doocec-ect - .o ;, S. oiiceiteli, 2iC. hichi il 1ene nigiîo t afir hoi Mottîce ocoey 'Di lifae of Thye nul be nstrs, Afr. ccc-i Mce. 1 d,are pccfccce-eof re ceqci-itipetillîes id Itth iccg lice. OccOtf'tio ci ing of MecIr. Tcwecend. i a sm cet ' n d ig i ty c ul tcieicte poe, ti ber,' rae fiey ob ithe b ,10mgatovt-iîicippeatcgai tchard II," t b folldb] Theliroffhe Pcolad i uOfu. " There tu lcosebecS lieoy Tecuend. Wc .hbé et o m p c e p a b m p e h octîcEHSN Sito.-Ttic Ntul lIogecu tppeicî-d in lice!] Tiity cooieg te eacc brisel hiig to licobroi ceicaocîte cocoeii-tdc op -have but te stant. Thîtecâ tti g t-cee tocdeeiuif y .g nie1nager .cnnecctcd beoreh, ol 1-10ttigbty cîlibioe O igig con evccullict c uit tict-eu OOoial.y i helo peetlice-mcnehiebiti onit Ceo Primitiv e'-istyie. dit nt docco at igl motp velte te tenter lbC d'thtePohuilte oclti 'Ichthbfey eigitatet, cit 'em gt fleot eboebicîgîy ire, bore te n- docehi tilth O te, -ho iiging tîe y cnre and devocî. Wateroil,., sdtiver,,ibe.Mr . FSeoti ,gealut-a"'yfroc bîimt-bile ipthed 0,î attThuictcy utth ey km c telo-etWlitrdOwnct-