Iau4y- m.aCooo..00TIIONAS'- ECLECTRIC OIL. il icr.ni ate mn k-rEncai»pechqt k e vIfc eOLVit15iU m Xt ofte labiièp l-ti- Je c Fro Ct Ia~ COOMrepact Cilut, t s' s el âz WXt .V.ýç f aad wproaduiget e e.h ceda boitingdwfercetrcmek. nateîe.mThtwe is 14TlatC e T .1n E Cîoeior itaatn hu e hee.i o hbhepepe u R. ut' s. on trete<ibiiptFaCtdi. "0_ 'hi"-cNg1eppcttte ,t , p t , AI. k.. II e I ': Ifli cc d. rae Ucr.l shtctet i Soiiiaeehhicseb I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n an 1.c ic ve .n. T Mrd< h ý 'I.. M Je . (cucalu oigdi-td ii k. Sv r tenu o » neofl t rhi jtt i.ir ticir iccucrd er'.t sît i h t crer. 'elacc.. g i m c h a cciqctil icu ene it c retgtti rerthiIAlN iTiOt& LbA ee jceit'c.chccr ie si .t ceecciRgc . t. ,roetiMî.1v fen ane V r s btcuh cc . thcbstl er - feitselca wt ca p rec teiýý aoA1~ h tu , F. 615 týu e cithe busie c"-et tu Mm, il, . 1., 1, ~ Tite caie f IAZAIIUS. MtORRItS ('c elc.-eied jîfcrtied ilieciacci ccd Evc Giececu. i.- lrgecacdtittcre"e- tcf. NWr were ti'.fitd iicey ruchi bmc ppveciaîe.i. Tliey cre woccccee- Acily erfeet ntud ay t'. neer, se gli.t.t..ering oce 4evivg ciirzitteee. or cepieeeatisenation ic usief thee., Twcor tiîre cuideic.nsurcession wiii. mth . tcy rccsittutiotns. eectré- iy rciebligVie set cede ttf cunsilptce luth Sts cecia ci srcveeting tri * ith utiesse feverv);ie te tabe crid et a ccid satil it la get riti cf. Feit- tuneiely Br.cteliucutic WcférC. ae tobrccghiy edepit te reinuer spcrtiiy -%Il etctgitc acd coil ucd acee eqtt.eiiy effecti.vc in titermryte t!Cccs'.cnptittc. aecita and Ilect- citi l cib y cl druggiui.. t 1 eeteTtialec.Prlc 2-couclu 1. box.1 Hottes SàvD.-Tltc lesofthlb4 ing fte pntt yer. end the erecili due toeDariey's Condiion Pecvde and Ar' bue lHeure Prmetiy. li prepeecti g> ' -1 and e - w ffeé eie. leihic of thce ki..cbasheu ni tort- itemhtdface tccceccfut.rcegi. Rch cii nerncsifcionictt cucnt b cuelialed. Wc ceaucenfidrctv e- ee.meed t. stdwd t.d eie a il m The Greait Femalo eed, And I.,e e nfit ofi ic.e.ce i.tetuithe Job Ifosis eb Ie1 Y. Ti.iid etl.ahlieeucsclys cc. e incthe Illercof e F. ucicicllandl ci.cci.,.cccOdi.ý -ectc. lithefecc.ccctituvjcceisseuh. ouc. mcc.ettuee.an ap c .yclie msli TO MARIRED LADIES It im peeuiaiey suituci. Xit ciiin leae hrt ticcc.hringonithe ccaihiy peicclwitit eg uierity. Tite. Pili. etsîidd -t le tuirc lu frcale den.t ctîe FIJiST THREE .iCtNTHS j Pcr.cttc<c.itlqec-ao.eîcciccg on me- ourtc-ne beu t cu.chectertc r« ce nti.,C ais n th. eB. and Liru cn tight cet-rtion. Pailic»iccrofchthe et. anse-ictd %% hiles. tiocoer Plk i. cceffet acucrceiteaileiteeccmeacc iccel.icc.;cccnd althculha pc'-ec-fctieedy, cf-ccccie.c'taicc teon c. c-ccuticticc.orayhn utl Full dlteiccc.iniithectcccIchlet ucrund t-l, hcee.cciiehcicccciKiheciccicrec -cd. JOB MiSES. NEW yccRK. S"" P.-,, $1.00can 121 ecct. 1r pecee. etetcl N-i.teup &L.Ncc. Ne-cae 'i. Ot .c-~.. '.gectte (cethe .-cc.cc iii c àcc-ct cete. Forc"etel'y 1). &hA. 1'. Ati.c.c.c& H. Wc.tec, Milton. 9-1v Per S.S. "eâ. RIJMPLE'S sn ner th.e.eupceiteeudse. JHOOLEY, 1 lis as brtcamatclei, a earat-a&U W. ilt.JMPLý.uldeptfciiv ethe iccreeci h- heictsduricg th. .cchci fu-tuecn han 1.eeuce.pect- hc"y purci.cce% ,htr. Huci-ecctcr; Lr hcsinc'.e caidrahiy.eh*c loccni- I '.ire.,h.th f.,r.t..sead dîeiiity hto t er very ED HEARSE, e Undarlahleg lino. COFFINS koi't r,. jiiers. biters, etc., chst *he hec dntia -ciil ie gccccd .6i.dscticst FISCSTn M RNE1Ir . i i, p 011 cv-i, t cihan es e di.eytch e na- cic',iee CROi!tr sETut sh.ae ta-ici, e dcdis, c.cccct, Se-t< J" -ba ln icthoccty. Cash Store! tRJU1.M~F - J. ,G., Wilson, 11.subcrbenhave deterne0. =td aite Il oea tareraest. eep rpli ltiaîc - V -t ase ho he cans cf savang ycer , 1Q itcsu.es Ife Remenle e îliaun.i .uEoT 4NÇir d?&, h . e. Nrthrop Scrieccecec. Lymaen, ecectr. Ot.. Prepriccopa J. C. C fcr Cnatia. Scitity ti ledc .tci hai 6d af'tr#g1b.f te dealers. a!c ted e ch Bre.hca itie ihlastrd abott ajatree. no, sss tlicifrthe ý.ccf hriach taitic., et-ydiffirlcder Ttcei-gose feeineg hicit pccr sesieuinensicpeak of, ientaai edbvc edtehcp eritiag. I trie-I hrec f Tlrse aey beVqtesl andteitocv1: N ttheeieetlwrieentecr dcec regail ti, h y ProusPeeget. incevngancy fccit. Ilueat 1coentinuel PI itsteali tioses. t,,e ..scees.tiitht- tai. At i-t Ica Ceeaantilien- e-e capieuriiic c us tehi~m lue.el asrt a cii ettet-. I btntmr otsican Jeiii6ecccu Ané- .-* csi dlyneLinimt, iere lhttleeI ee-iseer Ihb.1 .-lccccpcccicc âfiâ a>gijk..î furr y1,-ycoe.yiis, and htcce l-u-a sccneî. ~llébsàt c 'lutJOHN, ixlLVEi.. es and inte vcry cei Pain Kili r %yllef Doc la aue.. !il - f J M. WEi,LING.Tcj-C. JP1 %%7oc;DZRUtCt-unoLrCNaDisOKAsi. As erachenge tus dracelbe; thte atlae- j- :à style, if te la pi.retîeogicaliy a taiic.er. 'Eusec tutu taitjea einnt p sLtAce-tiýeeLyJ, relice ihe pociry cf emotien :but t e d ch bai . becof.. eeeitiini-Idvluio he ccn e As ut he feafs ecI t itt t ca . l. oif the rst ~~e.a~leh t Ae,' e citi.i&ba. tnd ain te tedent, citil. u.hahcitkmeht-uecei ishe way ofthte inîfanet oeeîcce jt- up.IY the ertiau,cc'rIf t,-t-!y site haie poliaised olt I eaci aed eks ce IVerfestth.,tclcth, bec. Itylitio eesttlmy b. Wite Ycee.ai pubictice .t.thlccetbite i mehes ith tuewte acccuseh -fi,7te01 , eeythiag cicereit dictce e ngcîllc .1,!0 1q*sailincet'C iu sinnoceteaeSai.lrRcchtc.cj otite. Tliticitperaof tite publie, ciit wtheje tle agcti fatvorite, Ecail eni - noliicct ispounlis eara. Wr de et kbsec ite i t c;[ IpdinwwaiU&q.bsUus.4 '.jcerrcui mentimentai ts..titi-c il -c v ai.dp éqsc&dct PRIOCLAÏ31 the. Ceesiiounes cof Policerit P tic 1 T I ; saltaie. st he heivitacis liceriarsp U 4;-DTim i idtecfd nb eiiîegiththu îet eitte one Commiialer Stecu.t pepeeL ItccctSL-cts i ephlas, cithe0Gant Tit-lu as as.es.l.seiliiîe fciicttiiccg t> i ch. iaet tcei ,a Ot.' Ëa. ethe ailc i tti it .eideceeaie cce its eanis 1 it h'I ffl ifne ettenddecith. tatrcPctlut t eye1 a ea tm shiinsg che auid hciiee male' pgn'-cy ms.itter cee otceean sali cife-huqt 1%i wtl.cec tutttcey ho lie Stctpiyihncuethe alataecs cailebte actie clonaietxra ceiwe t-e luiiieLbey@. , Q%471qi t lectt hunerecqireti e god uet cgeul cÇ Bic-l, ela. iprt,Qaesci igaitfur tice Clcct-hte c.cehr ame. Se.ettcec, I)sde ion, HLycseyecM.. te.-. (a Al es ýcaet eceyech Jelet. Seh e..ce0 Aolc e Cpeceaec t'c..heret - matrsniti tinaeuccc c h.e e. cstineoftatisc ccbc*rtsrI e aîtcs wtcala teituplitcly carCe ssuci,,cccld -hseiacccusiy ceul c ceiapccdtt inc the tiMach. Wou»Du.Frenceh ptidr in tili fortL et-id ca isg aut for tce e ciioftee te euý ad deairahlî euae.NeM. ctterrw.lcu ntioa tech nuijlio cd fer lnat m ah seau itreper tictthi os f ecour-ienrtiei in TiteFeche i lia ci furgive M anti they itepcel e t re an elauti cteifute The.tela~~ cf upertn 'i t-e,,sun" c i Sedit Dcge.fftcvs 0Oriaisetc.,-lveille ce cten ipuer %Witnpffen teillaait th ne o lch as nol,s teicieoe., m.an fergeitihtcithe Empire-thic acue 1 " t19 ta ail tieirceoes-ja au longer cahi c u fce.uthc. e fcolt,- Piri fer laand. f.ras- Mid thatthere a rww nccsnge ,Tresttie the Hasihccl, h, Icideti herepeope sut neni 1 auche SeutiAfi-eue tiamccd fieldu rc e e cese i i cugepse ceetisgachcli a i u f r asEi c'i'# ,êf.j4-u -Q - fîDIVISION COURTS Telices s pipon ePOtP m ye ,1,le ie* su> no raSiJSyCthatERy AS COIS9TAFT. TWallo-sut. s. m eos lkk7 s.sm* bi11,e ala. s s: -s 44., ).4E4IE le ce e . etfucs».c tek! titzis e cun- Tho Ist of December next, FURINITUAE Tc se'i.1geede. ttc. NV- o-er -se e. sud erc .et Mpret mc'.ent ccpicicuvc-y atieef ueture - ah clchhihh. tspeIrce-dtcc ccc ýhIi icjc [l»eift ReuniýtratIve PIii, th.v- :rn ttccc etiivhchugict cintis ecccty. If. thrb.ccti t nuhcahi.ey, hc . - i 1.~t.temke td sUeec.itce' FOR -. f l..y Toronto Prices. Caeil sd eutsacae fc.youesl.e. Feaase ocsm a detatS àhsh. Aiiecteoistsfmd Oeet-sdue at ia u etc t et byhote-ny W. 8. L IL. A. LYON e Miltea. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C Nelet 87.C. .f-ci.ed ins1.s. th- ont h...cf- - e i..i. A IIAilItS lcrccshscifh re- NERMOiI. ch. Piace t-t,,.' cId stend, ILUG11 M'KAVY 4 àI i9 Gnoral Grocer aid JEWU-LLEfl. &C s FWYIINMIIN f JncCw's~chllck t~ .MA[N STREET, epgtown, ~VR~iON iie.eaoirccsecta.c 1c0i Kjverlchiglitthe litnoshptilu Rubber and Cheap Jcwellery lec-tit ü putbetôe ca csexiae ite AhIE.RICicN IATCHER, ENGLISII LEVERS, fscctWIafe-ti Y SPeciauAi Ocl the Do- - ssicnieie 'rliiaenf. MLTO Jl~ R. ILIWTHORJrI l AP-Fpue sec. herstci-0m hcstoeed cpce hic. icis h ietiec.tc thet hso i ieeis ctuslsg et hh Z.tahtie.honst, COMMERCIAL STREET,&N BTUGGIESS, &CI J.UIIRM (itheS Very Bout INaterlal 1 And by P.AL1ERMO. FIRST-CLASS WQRKIIEN.i Dé D0 -CNMSTIE & CG., VILL IN A FEIW DAYIB Show a Large & Choice Stock Goods Iinported Irom iBritislî Nianufacturers At Maie Ste.t, Milton, .and King Ste.tc Ctme.icdil. AD1).CHRPISTIE à 00. Startling N\ews PROM TUE The soboiricer, havif.g e ehole fiel of IRONCALAD STOVES 0F THE BEST :IiAý%NlFACTUISE, 1whcrc1.teillcccce.ceecy hep ocbanda thccercneiciedtc pectoct hi.shoesaitc i lcy fc.cectcct lsrceifleececy -Jck 1hcc. A ;ArGE iLOT 0F ~atabli~ F.W,.MILIS es T I N- - S IH o)plBALL' ANDtIIARDWARR STORE-rIN1 With 'Il thei lais th. dey. Thie m Thse Liýh Balles NEWII NL Th, Li,,!tit *el EOfiecat Phcci I Strneagrt CU V 0wAli the latent imprevoeeeand mewcst .tye mtatulcietel1 B. HAWTROItNZ. Milien. Apeil 4th, 1"72. 40-if GREAT Stoves, Tinware,Glass- ware, Coal Oil and Hardware, - At tht-e oestceh price. ALAr.GElS1OCK OF TIS AND JAI'AN %VAIIE CONSTANTLY ONIChai. Ilemmlngway, Ftiremsn. 1 IIAND CIiEAP. 1I Nortli's Patent Dr'im MIater~ Alwayseashaccd ffd nuet dst tccr. AeI- '.rE A .TFNT.CTcV PIPE DANI PiEU, thhae t tc ,, t. ccchlcccccscu.s i- REMEe-IIEIITue- iPLACE. t<iv F. WY SiTLu Agents, Looli at thîs. New Dominion Store and Tin Shop, Man, St. -Milto n, Opposite the English Church. 1F O n S LE P. McDERMO UT. THOMAS YGUNQ- Pelis, ansMio.011.1ltOinliueicith'sR liece and C-c)iii.-vl Calter anti ug- ce Studf. itubicianti Spchcî. ft. ndcI ego, Ccel O(liasd Lacep#,; NuWALIL PAPEn MM W1XVI u' SN e JACK SCREVS. CLOTIEIS WiliNGEiMlS. STEEi, A M iti.G A M 11e-eLk, FOR FACTOIIES, StiFOiî il t iRuilLi AN D 1't.IM Tes.sati Tohaccl ti te lcices raned. ('sceti, tnt-bd inplir igurm NoX aendpcic. hiic thniccchic cmaernecafrstc,.lcibcailienrcetedeidd i himi. lsthe pasl, theub'.criber iliiem! bchepu.b]iic, tcl udci iie eictocd.c d prlees hefere perîhaîinc ".iercre e Eu7 ypcitei p iic the cante ci the ctuatry,and noueffort ciii ho wc nling mit bu pariteir iif'cea SI 10MAS YOUNG, 39-te-Mafcin iTrref, Georgetoswn. SE19 THAT -'R7m «RZ ]" m 28STAMPED A NAVY. - tf Hat IH&i~!Hats! MILTON Spiring $toc k, Coe, t eguf Silk,*Felt& Straw Hats Ar=ztrong's Pullt Floor Cleaner,1 uPae AND 4RIISTJiO.KiIO icý,i -E SI1<11)Il).E SUL!F. Tawnship, Counety. or Provin - ie' ,Thse cial Rijhts. lt Al.c, AgeccIt4ea.taihi () Vil Sl-eli County Rights, by cee-cc, tee- c .Mcltcaý P. 0. 0 ti A. ARMISTRIN G. jIDRBUANT teon Oed-of theCcirt .1 c pA& eIùdetinte tteeci ths Eista c of Jas. Zeartiln, Andlima tofec PLi TiPiAGAIXST i.LdhiyK The c-cdutcci f JAMES SMARTIN i.te cf MAe Toeci.lslci Nesgwq.fthe'eaety of Htt9n - h.c " lieifr aqt th. aoth cf May, 1811. see, --cerce rtccitbclliicdey .f M-y 182,t. -dcy tperpaidti.t i)ctdscOct., sthe Scicit,-n the die- dtu ,cciad idtia. at. Adiisraicc, of t,- dcecee i, tc i'eiatla-ec ucicle.srs ccd dcc.rip.c. tht- 1.11pacticesur c-cd tiý te etereethe seerities (if tapi)hilâ ity th-e cicinC'fntttheet hey stUu b 1ce-nciiccrlyceide.ifr,,rethet-it oîcf h. i i.dr, Eerryrecit- holdinagepSe ectrity ete pectiecth. suer ite etet ccp Chatlue, At th. lhursday. _the 301b dal, il Mal 1872, et 12ctick.ecc, luing tititicetp- poeitd fcor-adjiliaticoceth, e.e Dated chic ldih day cf April. A. 1). l8T2. M. O'REILLY, t -ad4J MuteAt Hamtilles. ][lÂRD WOOD LAI Polk SALE. 13rie ofcet ch f t in athc Sth ira,.2Thce cl and iwil cruedeci th MaBeheh lc AuAd Me O&k. PETER MACPHSERSON Mermage on,.eir . WILLlA>L~L.. W te tir..Miitu. Mccy t. JR. MITCHEt[L, BUILDi s Cccater.Mifliton, Ont. h V'aDEWAR tuner cf i LLietcs lEm-Towa eton villce Are c s onio, Je I'~L ceceef ITtb 1.371. t4ifor th Ct tof-tty t st or.thy lImpenvemess c _____ ceea dule hime el l ILE.S D., .oîSdl:n e dme, Sceesce.et., MOltGî ht NEuokeve -T * iAcTHESONL. Combinedc H NVA, BARI.1 Acre te,.. &u.. Cu - tt R... .et. IILLIAM A. AGAtI IOPIS LNT MiNAK ~ ?! ~ lton.Ras 'QOIC RT SWVAN rONJAPPl1tif rist.r. Att'.ey.1 -Isolit-t n chrilte. Oficialtibtct d sitplet Bab, .d d 'lm u . f .. TER-BAR mts wc.. A. P. JWDEI D". . V 1. eOt ti- - - 11iWiNN~. . c.La lc ;tacey b.liveitt oc. cl t Tapecing Bàr, hsdf lTtcc, ,1~.cciT IL IVScNe Pratenit L(ttor, l-C ie-NA i.i Wheri. %ccc..-...Yt MILTtc Whftl. 2ýt. dcir . cuSuta .t.îIlt .& LI\TI~I~?, ~1trri*i. rAt >titcctt Ccccty Hitet *.«9lccct Alec. *Wit MCfast Tale IMli.pàq~i Ber Atijas&. . .'* - .no. Isspcc-od 1,~ta.B',od 44s icite, Heeilroeof l'aWot. And .11 m e..lhiy eh, mSrcsprefcitela uh LeiMisa Orhsld Impe hep, 9-ac cric stihe, 0r w pOmlss& 115 sceclesi yachts1, ced qatebse t tilagMls fron Ploughs!1 IP2ON à-ni WQÔý ,Pzlvfu asutHoargPflocec-o im>row. theyte s'dsdy khen o u hA Na. 1, @" tW &dee tchrist. tsadi eer.ssansd w ui.ehisg r muudt~ â.cp.ie ses ltà oat sa7e4cydigbrmsifflN hron Heade, Acnd eveg varetycf LI= edOnitJ~s e4WNCU £ fISti à sot WI).2L N tNU Tll à 8 tc..elitctt. lîcciri.,. ccîcs isoniets, .cf tbcr -1-c.kar, ci, haetd.tfor W ., uitcorcei oitcmlk. I. ti. 'UYILITAii tîlOE-Il. 1.1 YAcction.ct-fcc tic2eCce'tty cc nie i-'iA4.teut cctitc c- tarif Weeh.icicc Vsi. c liitea. Aitrctclora -tit ai Ch, Ii .Oiltiarpcatiy ttetciuit. Miltea, iiicc-p tl4th. toI2. Fouaailemtel, I1 LBRIDE. Chareles Ic 1.prupritct-,. A-1c-ci teela icsac-tachafeliqcttt-c etleie - eY TIf 0.11 AS CLAtRKc -14 -DUSSES te acilrcca ch-- 51dbt ec-ip. Et-ccy attettiot-pcti rt1einagputbile. oedstaiti asIlve ostlrr.. Drttmquin fletel. rrHE scunýcre h ing lat ALpcnesnn.1ca i hic ibifl Je hotiisea sh&ar, cPl piicetkc*.- eatties peid t- guesta-. 2-leJAESI 01o-i NvtuLACR. Piton *1Sua sTCrte, iTtc. O. Niccajethio tuictîTrvc amd t-uict-ccS.m me.AVF.STREET.OA Ohmt'.e uctcitttueyr1tce. Fi*1. CROOiCd mmrs-u iii'Riii , MiL'ON ilcrhs, Pr-,-aee.t-.1m tbei h-u. eta,xécfi.tcic>i& mmt THOS. LAV! momsde. liesdeesceMOile - Icumminsvilil Ladies' Sun?.'.bades. giicieo.. .-t CLOTH A $CriIot1. c Ail clthe Lat- c-sON roreta,. Fisst elee 4.Th. ig tp-e;d%1k fliqeera asd egm% ~goetabiiie&aedattcsi, FU". bon4em -i, -.... J ASTEDO. -TAMEK hIAyVýBoif. U.tiis, lu0 imdà, 1m. 3H O@els ,May, w10 - - 46.1p. L ým : FW l- ..Couty o -Huldeg.TOON . PIiEerDEivT. Tte Fina.ce Mieitc-cf Cletas, O' leftDe-Situhre et the'" Chas.- VC21ErSN5 p ï te.Myccc dl hue, aiuttet. c ltt.ceilluI0t-Rc.W.Pacced . Lccct Gci.c-ne, îýýreFýM ri ANKEI1S, --% ~*VE Y ~ObEATE mseeseun". ÎaCocawuc .TAKE NO CL,4 This Aas.itiea isoces Guvérscis e,Se .ncruaacaastc.cs<saeicee asimett"d (t iesti A. icheth. pret. V&~bfdr-h~SE.ilojiildiciaItedgurtttecd che Rutul Lue -PobEi.Hdc. LtceSeiscy. H..Otd0licRlceraBic ..k t[4iatib.. Oen. Pesaileet, Acham Uctp; Ie- ROBERTSON, JNO. E APPFLBE, .SePudt .1e-elel;Otctr; Meýc&1 alAdci.e, Agent, MOet. Msoch 6tO, 1872. M-Iy 41-il RUONT. - iIONITARitu '-151 ~ ' '~ GEORGETOWN MILLS> FlOUflflM llS )THElSUBSC.RIBR HfNREtRING Ia41eV ,ri Upitilccliigt. heirateale s dach itc ..EORGETOWN ANI ORAN GEVILLI. THAVEIC ~thirse pt-rera fcr a N.h.ORBt et chut h ltersèef.yThmeenhsvpajes hîc and qulin na htbe.tueaity .N.OR Porec £ssltetle, io" lwI ude h. Cm; ail hiede cf grain- de7slcllcI sti = . k.eecis;edhmilereaMsointa ic-et tai ticssli: h q ctul stci hoei Ulm spaue.OraaetsaugccP. S. Ale.q.ah dCeledesa V ed of aything je uhi Marhi, lut5< tflimgýnPicteecthklane-lnfosel7p.t- ton. ~ineecgivehimaca1i.ashe lmp-ipazet-dc I.AWRNCE RL SE. i Re au g dan ch cap antartie as a»Y Gàsh paid for Wheat .Ail t h 1". in l the huuiso havis0 perientiiy scînuctet hb Ms.rli, tustthe hrst wnres inthi "li. e. ach«iai.heeciifcr fia - îs.teac Ptitkiade i ai Ste foru GRININQOd~ ~*~h~EÂ~ I AVE ADM EIfNEÊ T LLi ements.. Hrsadtess5, Tembateis, (iaNDI(; àliik-til PAathâs in MT,,aihs edth.,e me oef ,uts. Tab 1p ailpes "d JAS. SCOOTT, W. & s u, AÀLÀu .&glusMC Et. N0. 40,1f -uIO 4i m Rtilteq 0t Il ;k! i J. D.MATHESOI *. cnth (romttho dateof sui IrnostoupaidS2 slllleothom RATES ,Q P AV tee woc.bte jcsrite or seclà L lcassen Th. anmber flinecstebe cecb tedo.owe ccuplcd, tlîttdh A libe.ratliseccnt tii owed sai c,,,,sa eerted cr exteded pari* ihcivtiutscithOcttPOCIC s ioAn' l, tecitit forbid catchGlas, ueordingiy Acf cipcitifnotice, the clcJect tte ,rome cthe ptcunlary bene, n I1linletorcocepety, tcbe cousbS detiteefltet,atd charged accort sLà.1842-