UJWR Cndiate fr I Quton' rtth hi~IMou. QUIIB Dy i AoWL Mr. Bowbee,ueCdOdbY Mr. White, ta bucxpurged in cuttiug doru thl il, York, Philade1phii, Boatmr, or uni, Haiton. 1867. eon mn-da rlatMed2thuetiBy.1Lawk to. te re-iovtat on tbetesct haif of mid non., msudthe j thcr city vwith the mmne idem, tottera hc The 24th n lu il" o wamcelebratcd The niveruary of lier Maje3tY's the Clergy Rorthtn- b ovradaLruthat of b. ecou.ded the lîJion Ica ru cnUdaio cocos f a ertaing orumHine of Ccccu.: ih celut. The veather, with th2 ex' Birth-day vwaa l ebrated et Acton, with c f thietn. n aad.c aihatc aI o. cdta on'I etuc oariuaoka cerinl ceiouof% lilioweL in 'the ftc u c nihoaiuaaz the -ibg n r ht scne yM.Bw lmiWcm.d etu liu l'*ulG ae o, uegrc u i the aig udpar ! tiirIEN WUIrr'd TEudd y M. owQ.minaom.lteczaudth mc. ac oecuauliLatttoW HITtEnu nQ fon, wc> cLligbtfiil ou'rhoed, but the inhabitauta of the vicinity. The clrk huer, maved thot the Clerk ic hcreby Carriid. mach the mos sauvraiubd a ia attractiveli lof teanet bbg i odhumocur ator dta gtth e7Ilotucuîo oliayMr Eloti, eoudeul by notice cethe clmicf the by whoer Forte Aie d1aareof Oscaro. r oao: wrc bvr o hal aordiug t iho. M.eBatheren, lu Daaalgucy, l iauth nt rlythed gel the 'i treciecetion cffiho oldetiehahitanta favourcd us with "ýQuees ethrpublishd sn1te;a euie SOK FT WII1M BARBER. Efq aîCîîtcotecthe By-Law iu that roue, raflai. sud F. McGfbhon.'hc appcointer! teuper-irod, but ticousacds bescdc Who ocrier SOK0 __________________________ eompany tooncd out and poirfarmod throughout the otiru dOyc exuept feriug te the loying of a nov rond passâg tcn - xceiga 4, nicrvwould tiîjuL f gozninjta o chop vie- - ~~~~~ ~thir evolutionu rery saaiatctorW1lY, a hoit te. The ScVoatercca:btwclooNo.08 cd14l heNdiccg the crosrond, etaccu lotn 3 ecu 4 dow for whot tbc.y duairc. The piper tZIiC Îltbll ûBlt)tlli1ltl1 fliing acfttde joie ut noon. atmbrCapt. Allant paîodud ou taré n.N. K ofu the townshlip of Trafaclgar,ic c4hco;autceunci$0lorohoocccoLteebe ace n Tie ouusuu of oî, d h svoiey fYens Messrs. BowLoti, White ced theu hîcldlccg s bidge ccclot N.c. 15, buwwýn cno cîher way cnd podîcecjraolalt t olkvl MILOI MT.10 113. ucialow tutfo logI cd redtc oucaui ou wntthooh Rcdt.jlere. Coriiud. the 4th aud ich eau., Initier Litsnpcivi- buc aricved nt ilbnou ocher cni dium. s R Io ira MIL'ON IlSO. scoe sowsflnt or engh tl beaeh ilitry movements je a higlycly t iMirlluty, .éccddbyrBowbuur,~~ c1mef Joicnts Agcuw, nord George Ken. IM'flot thun ca a bosines. conde an-- sd Ligit ic ucpuMilton cOu able mcrineur. At coua, the review van Imv ori cchillvihutcccc u nu y. asud the saut aof 20, an ici 1.8 emore odvcctgoucly ticol tafrely THE 1 EEALI"019MIL0TON. tcmp thu ouly. uou yttccpc ligc(c chercby cidrd t e epaid, ie: Jus. jmd1,htc',h u u ccnavail hincisl u f'the dour -thcu ihiowe .là complete, and is now being sold at a ery Oakvif l Th-altum n elenlqitejlsdb tecmîj cigafe e1Bi, foi Statiocciv$19.630, JancceAp. ccd hatillccmenuc1,.trhioh, nccd Nid opccc to nciledplace e bfolktîcelio.ldhe Rifl TAe allohoccioc verrctiquiu joe iohacotrhtelie dy. Iî th cleI1ch, P,.IL, fror otacge l'orou jyecc coMshocclauicici nezepod igoods lod hisacort.l i , TI 'bcTh peneroca ctil" cnc.cr 8cp gon ud a licolyeor, lhouglh cgrual ronu athietie gamea vura engagud jin820. Caîîied. tlcioun. Cirud. world ciii ticcoscee i, rend fetleand of Il ta let" appenred in the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ li J Knuuconru b cure itacît datof osuee ws ardio g irnt M. ey;,seonetoir trialrMore byI. . ea, eendd ilADVA isef ccCEn Oy;;fur rilO411rI. T]D AN Fox co!m tcf "eecluieppeorudiitic . oh llecuZcI, Booheurt atte fctlevubcd byd he1 of ciufccmcauciuotetcetlicitudbecicuic. tilfordock.iaMefintot15,beLruodcd byMTh cfaLuLv rel cu a frc cctiuWe vuru crry ta observe ObjeeCioble The Tota icittnucu fpacouci cLctthufo6, ic.'ceCofortoi . c2ay.îuc8 5 ho iulud2(1 iin uLsoe cwccrdLiica ic; ogouc. and s ie'ouh prcrcc van i n irtfni ini lseso sep en cocu ccycd hy dogs îlle s ouccd. hiteec oa2 cd2 uonuoeu :lcccccilclw u objet.~Vcilougct i faiiha 9lcdicg tcures n ic epioceuion, ta wLiclc vu and the u mauler ccfcompetitors I blpcdvi.(;c., uilt OI le e io511cecccc , un ritcest u:cLit, ,cccd idcc unies c bc Le l uba, or aci ccpastcr, . anc tht' ' th ueccftoll fuc u ao lue.lPRIZE LIST. 7 slcccp, $44 5 ea5$0 5) oiiJi, cccdocdWnc tedL ci i guaviioil1i50eocdc 'l o ecnvne,41tIoki adeeCo~C~ c Lo, cdth ec f dcunlisling tLe onccicccoo:ry te be Icdeccuot to a ck e inCiiî rihsNiS.2 lcccecro lu expend the sanio, Cor- find cucstoncuro, ccd c tuady' iccruon cf Reforc a prty a ratier tougbur joli, thon .fucn, caf làit jfer lice bcccfit o ycung $7, Costa 61.50,VY CT Totalacc8,0,ovul yaur.ua, profidby tsu ccolicvias tahdouCt ýla b rLsult. d setiiipalud,,thai flice Edidur? f ht os e so)a ut lte n licol,2 Ls re. oydLyM. liobs tld YTh ubli6ngaaydublho.Iti ccctbosocWl butt oina d ýdricnkin publie We oouid noeiy fci Wuc. Guidon, 24 fet; %-d Joc. '%IMi 3ocn, eroccdud by Mr. BenCy. Mr. J. Kecc, Lt îLte autiloci $20, hbc oly ecouse Lec ever lfcns cricd îLe ci-F C T ta m dial civaabttercgca cy ucenusco cîiterotenancyre ircicon Browcc, 23 fet 4 iceu. I Iîcri ttic sonct f$10 Lu gicîutuil îedloi eutcicg dean the bill onc lie primnec; let Iico onue do ,ltoland aIl AO R V OT O 9 chelori 4 I Ici e'thujob te cannLer lHcrcules; caniueoecci for tiiescu sticu eoc- TuîW N Y FucIyoAMucuc. lxtales oCultocci for theLupoue tcsirond, htweet lort; 10 and 11, Lf icbi docct wlitoviêi aia nd le bLome a but WecreuundceiodLbytheufolbuaing lions, wvulick-upai hema zces lot1siWinccGordan, 181 tt8ilicites; incprociog the rondocn rtue 6Olcnlic twen rciaotue ot cnd2iid cci, and chut finct helicocrin ticisemorfod Theumnn108,91!h acculîcititîci mdas icvelolua d edJohn Lighilconi S1 fret 4 incubu. lceOd urveyfront John Culccmda l arlchd tuLl udJhA.le.wocvlci aeo.cc4irmtac Anfr O Td ad paragaicplc .~~ vcre, Lut there eu»buc uirih witLouîflice Louccdariccof Ookvillc corporinul. couL, Le Cocccccclaaiunerm ta uzpeud theoin Govcrnccc ondi,,tc, Ban iStocks orJO.cu0~c ~ sînrsg ~ f 1This llouou Ce Lt," takelin. u- i icin vice. TuiMOWccoLcddcIT AccoER Il.i&adilcle. Couriud. oîlescuroicie, thiik flecpr centîicolie - Irsa~ ceto it teu icerofut lperfic- It êwe- arry ao te coberve su ItiWm. CGordoc, 17lical rcieslicrie. o e cecci ci $11, oecdod oi,d uo in idbanicncoc revncud.B imea te qoîrtly senpcord cp.(B.iliffis Sie);: macuh driccking in Milton n lcîe241h. lad John Lighihart, 135 fuel. ccuocd thot Mi (ecci AouoMruWitce, EIiot, rtl he aut. os*.82uc pdde d i. ilcdoîlerc buaylelda a .ccouuruce-u K I B f?1 DE itige ii ,-ucaxoicivceticti cuiriccA mauo:e coLoLcaîea intcxic.ted, ijainuc ND O JUar. cie h uie cf n uodred doc1fc hilLii, at the cross rond hc.iwecîen tu atdvercising tiso ,aodor nicu- , ahi of businessua aiou îempreioaidcfopaceudanger ofliieta4d lio, ancd douanoct Irectltsa0 td21,ce cacae utud cou uîcdl bsiess0C-pofesinon thon a tmccl thoe ai eerc.fil,,righi cdjoy tlie day ai cl. lau nelfuececof 1lotWm. Robicîson, 10 fret 3 inches; îvcntY doilaru for is ervicesu as cod.,a, sd 2,hoîvDuco chla accd atl.c ouc, iapcetina r iofuoicc ad-'~ suI ftilon fle odel anod ijecvery Cor- the -0 cv b îe ~i>c jy'h,.fight-led John Allant, 10 fi I 2inchea. cecr. Carîied. Djean md i Du nînno Moiers. tda r iidaprCetiri~tyi d ueriuîL baiaoa u bael, ud c fowofth ,Mi. Boochrur, ceconded b> lMr. GiL- DcunGliv e ociucr u ance (cfthai uttaiccich i 4 ou> ther W liri h a-cdýio irs n n, vcasariccoici iaen,secasouta cR'dvUc rs? an mud hn Cu ueugu riioguxd thesanme, Ccriad. vccy. The reveuce durivdd frocnt x-mcito wlerbter mc> Loue WLeritlcueoua f dius.rrcte ncci oui>fliceIoaabut the laitAcclîcv Murray, 16 feel; led eîecCud cu ite Iill on îLe tL finîe bc- On motion, tic Coucîiîcdjuaned, ta1.ending m tev doulais ic p tding Oec I ,sîmaa lemm'c a bi îiuhrfr buineua ci pluncouodty làlarge. AitLogLthe restai Little, 15 tet 4 inciese. Ivuc Dudan siotaet mnd Oki.metion lice firet M.day in Joy oeil, efiftIre thu eple uc o ireci higFciLL i ScC~UARITIONS C biwH1I~~. a tieé, tLe cucsibe cman moasea Iia ay a iai h:t ltcieuirasn "o et bdyouhurt jet lok. oli., b se don beoumaretsalh shrtanLopeoii>co. itaffoido u rte Llcirts rumin. ccd in onecert oe u ua STPnAtda uad. Crrie. aof L Ltheutduc'cAck. I rcn utC yb ct gado as ut acycctuTisu ~, 5yam piencicie ta Le able tlu ayfn>it hehukeen- iecst violence iii ikely te recuait agcio. lst David Willison, 36 fret 9 TéCariTecma!îucoLeJ u..rctnua l. Ilunawco:y e rgcdaa ic cdit spe. ThiA nd A IS fyuwn isiàbPro- aag eut oeervr ccuut icf 'Le R-Unio iciliceicchm eâ 'd A.Murroy, 3 fcui4 vîcole cxamiocd thc Ausucacont Rol, Tcchc 're.'uykond. te c thcCadi tipofel Ad AIS fyuwn ahoal aaoo aE ctosre aotdean> sa paper f Te e-no nteuucîuig vaa ot-r. Beaty inth chir,__________uddipael>îexicietci Kids, go to ir tia eue kiud or îLe cller in a vindov re:c succuan. So muy siiecdtd, flitcches. ,M cîyeeoddb r ion, leu cegte alcu . fîedc> ncS or on s walin le Gurgtovu,cn dtealice br ittia o charge cfiy15 eto, $51 van FOOT RACZ 100 TOS. Ilored that tLeUCouceil oi,v old tLe EOW To SuOCEEDININNiEss, Ile imcprtacof t dopticc icamenus- htCgi hand, daily nciavaiicg enquiries are bu- îakcccutaitîLe our. Ouri cpc filidcs lot Edwcrd (loir>; Ind NVm Little Courtiof Reuicion. Caiuied. liesLod, Tc ouah etbeclparraiviReer eimatedIncl'ne it isi'" .I -IU & coq$iieuh ing male bath farîhllceato dubuiness u upartieulurine, ccd au$en an i îaTc.o 00L.. A oui thuiciu h"E nin ol im sud prirse iaiut. We r"-rt thal velu, il vcuid bu icidioua hauctice oecaeoccimlbddi 1osty ci vtuwl rieafle j hisamanuel oaid ofa il tLe vilioget in any viîhouî ntciig oil, ici Robert Aikin; lad Alexaider ihec,- va eu ec the oiaal Lppel- , nevepaper is tLe mon of cmerbld iapg. nrieour y ic.uc u rv ot n i lheDoufauot netappeilidcctue,oc vodiouci&. ilion, uof molidea uan dco huie4c runner ihercaf. Ui cuiyo vena uicon> cy. PRIZE LIST. -led, îLe couît Cien repuîied the u"c" iei.hi igI f i c . q jiu.roleo f L>ne1i ae Auu nd il you waine ieicasst pair of hS Throegh tîLe tiant cf naturel position, O MT RACE 100 TDF. ment roll uproc,îethi hc nîe e inin, eau du o no;better thna cs toiem îLe mgln o hniaetui influece STANuDING juap-4 Exv. p -d tecorttn16"c laci rmgiugOilt David Lighihmel; Iud John Me- crace. Iucoplteiy cunceial e ocaîL aie buohel te ry il uece adIl t*li uu t once cf beCoetyCoI t pitrl bta li pe J. G. Stewart, Milton, 12 vi lge aipha__ . (luger. Mr. Beaty, ucccocl h y liri ibne, oftscu itlt i ii cuver bain ta ocy and ycu nouer ~<~~.' dulO and forsakren uppearauce. fetî4 lud John Onr, Trafaigor. cT OTRC 0 o. mcued fnC hut îLesiene roentd by ketrclpicoeadmc ueln-ck. No emarier' vhcd y u r businessi While ve ejeice m aie propFOOT> of 3 OT100 c-Dtt. pra-4 maiadepnopmottandvicai bcurbulddccta Whl erjiee h rseiyo TNI4 up- l. Specici prise givcui b> Charles Symou, îLe Aliuecaur for. îL e îur 1166 b a ociohc-occi oi,,L .U' .LI...... If thill -c Georetowu, v esorntimgratuiu- lat priae Joseph Ciecoen, Tiatalgura~ cepîud. Cerriud. gihdy igl rmlc oni ta souare ust Iespatons~, cinms isconuite'Milton,ahich if ot acvancebg I3 fecc inl.; led J. G. Stewart, MGri n ae hThe Ceuncil ihcu adjoerned, te meut andcand Su ~cîa dlim iststl ci wyino tîL akei uet, I at o a ittentee o.and nit Milton. listEdgsra Grvi;2dJ e Lefini Monda> in Jai> oei. c'b> is voiLe. A spirit ut liburality 0acteci't,ccdoutcifoorva 0aInHlnYuangtte theo.- eccm a raitiyb etrcedu, edcore> e-- u-cacec jîr3ip-6 xN. Bcrma. __________ beleuclence caver oancootes Lico but Lu aderllc.-Exuhao9e . Uit qnies onda recdsa-te, ni a duirable 18 teet RCS..1jus* 1 lc tfo iey stpieEMosMilieunv118LARRW ECE.Nauagaveya Cunlil. lices ou, vcaderiug ut thue a coffiM laliyf trada. This vuer i m n c. Gurtie>, :hiiton.tr ayrs2d Heni> Scycraailiersondbuvailin iccg ove âlrdou. News of e*ek mooer or later te chiain, acd il viii ihenin. 2d Aut RACE. The Court cf Reoluion aud Appemi The nevup:cpeî is ca îLe icclisiclucc 8 eOeehaaur nalural position bo.- ar-aTB.xP-Adftn, 39 fS -ut F 9ord; 2bd PeteriSayers. icving nmetucînItitr L thdey atf3May, n- haviccîaericg i o t nebiccd. Id tecceliubDcihcay. I Fiaetleaders.mutelaecm Th c ulmmfrsaukee" uppearace in ; 2bd Jasper Sriu lo1iun. .---.c--- ctding teadjcatrnmînc, tLe reCto in ticchcobte r lX dc;vctCV. Buke nccd Ccc.ol îie IC. I ' ' 8 ,-parlaim esbl cltoncccthicig e 1cîa eaded guilty, oscd clan pvoced chelir kem the Her-ecdd P latebn Le va as nîte IU uJUan. Trafalgmar Counci. chir, &fier saeuleciones eic'g î.cuîted lugoieg on cceoccnd. puhili ici ccun- ciso,iac to gid pauluo 10Ica inle f..e'ofethae Chiobeolico 'vith uhotc L - n iLroiisoTm.1,,,4ssoment Rail, il iros moeud icatiocci itb neiuiriicg couailroandcritce aucccarccies exipîet sud Cde, shclarTplety, Dcnma tepv;Lne ndIem tPi ounerte, ad prhas li ma &C fetp9i.cie G aviRqusn. Tîie Municipal Cauncil et TrafalgaroMr ElEcuac, cccded Ly 'Mr' Racmeey: natiacos, ivricuîlestcîiedeî.cIofeh coon- reprioda!s che p ti cf thc Tb i ish raihci c bine' in .ametquotce. Mdccc UdOil juan May 1n h thcencian oergaccinicii ce. Theto'iticTus csrue l loc"aud peaenLe. Mu>iel ta n;b G urn vueig o.tthWiim oet 1>11 hoc dca Asai scluent R4li Le paud, and mn,cilccd policici neye. ccd renicnO G.uuitcîocceadccccucu> odculla buacgond naturel posiiinand îLe ic- lt1ri8Jon7. r~r;~itl tcuticnil rsice, ceocîcil iromain-îLtai niileaI'c cdci.CcdsIccgfhetcic éaoniu fillnceof he 4 ContyCad" ismorafagIrThe Reec-e lunLthe hir. Memburo cd scoordingly, tLe icev ii lice chair. Sucuretai cCoce Cdi i mieT. Wright, Trafia deveiccpnent. Il huis c spirit cf ccivei- ilcîu. J ohge - l1'ctraVircil acî dcc. cf appreimlcd then the sifahbut abortive FOOT RACE 100 YARDIcO4Rc-oSî.present, Messrs. Bevbcer, fluai>, Wie Teiutsofltoctigeeslit> acyowee le I s o hiul cic-sil ceau'tcacthdb>e tl o lut , -.ote cvileCai u ae heccise - e llo lhn utliigild b hieurdl clclcaîheOakibe Cdi e tke he John Lovono, ililtoe '>nd Jo0 m'd Gibcac.recnd and cccfiruîed gotil n iduicemurer importaînt even AtcîcusGc.us mdsh WSaettwc i Oncore. Clmnâ,TaThe Minutes cf lat meeting liere oe r 59otceunded by daiîy elîroicîrdcdoutai e e otl o ller bc ucoiiicucscl vîci, prierocced for theLI ea o ___________ Milton. d.ol denfueaed. >lr. Raccoay, tie hereevo issue ia te ccoidur orso.Cives oui> os partsofut Cîccoc. sro, veci ccis, gimdud dcc> and SE T N 3 L 1L .enth c The 8Stoite. FOOT RAE 200 YAII Il EdTRIE. ITvc peiîieea vero rteuîucd and orer ta fuvaur cf lthe Amsesuar for îeriet'c iiuve h ocoie iiaht hy ac tccof' acicced p)lce ieovîo p- rdi, TL.choteo (cule ubbhe ~lIstW. Sîewart, Milton; 2bd George itaul, riz:ecoco . bauinh asn nad t eucydoiroeasiu>fr u tegeuiieui.ncosccrcedceL laiglMs 9îc lJ Mc sI> .. dîltCieîigaîî,aa it Thelontl Gzett Pulisbs aScorey, Trafalgar; 3rd J. Stere>, othero, pîayiag îLe Counuil de graci a 1 -ocîvicea Cerubelde.e oigd.My 9t.pa ori sevcsicid.Tk rn d e Ait 3Mr. Dhirlea, od.ccith OiutIiIe lis Leen Sitin..Also a large lut of . î oe belicorad. te aboalutel crretu. The FOOT icloue 300 TARaa-6 Z cuoetmccTfrîL oudas ciln- ilîoaed hy Mi. hîio, ec tonded lcy iuoial liful Iccite cabe ci %:cI ccci i I iliBch L ua namen are s teliova:c lot J Sliuy, TisucecuofdantagMi. B.nH.busc, c.aiJoseplu Maras1t.eH.viceaiicediutChusagehutligruden 1 cdc.eh wlicolvto. IieCtheeviii cofac coud1> O muisar sfios s ý try rfla;2dGo iesinev Iucccacclicc e utliae higieu T aFf dcf tiicc dloci'aJ. Hoaiton, Rouriek MoCthe- Staru, Trafagri; id John Lynan, lauetcithe house outîhcc aid SocuciL e nppebîcîpcl Pathmmcdcr, n rond divi.! ccddcpoiisco Tic uni> uîrocîgb h o ieseico c. ciehe Ldd guithe, ccci LI NEN A Ç APER CUVjLAIi"'i son, John BaaSamuel ?cIi, Beaoie Milteu. acnbcococ ic .Rbnacoi1, iipsce Rbn c7c inaccy iLci vucare boter cfi liii>mad plccofy t[cu loyr. - Seymour, Watteî H. Iiecoun, Jcames 111-RDLE RACE 200 TARD»s-4 F.OTBIPS. on a cd others for a grant of oe> toi remourd fuotlice Townshihp, and tiâtcolune libertiesancd prisiluges cf chictc, Li don, 3hoy 14.-Anothur iniperit-l. "" FF ltc ls Show, A. J. Fergoeaflcir, Aeie ccrr litW. Stewart, iMilton; 2bd G. huiidicg c bridge au the SiL lino, ho Janes Wii ho ppinuud Patlianter! il-y eveuidiraocl. licoks hcavec icie ieu acd .c.i.iicl1cittniai dc-ct uratioiAt 1.J. I-IE y('0.isti CmblDavidl Chrisie. J ava c : îyu mc r o*Lns,'rn fltNo7 n ie t ue-bt f h i.to-fisblI ind l au f -riii t CapelGrsj, cuCoua u uh cn rd, c iC '-oTnddc u rcoein rond civiiens, No. 4, snd rcat J,,Ln vaineîanitu ors.- uiccfcbonsî.cOhusoaeu uca tpîiocc tI~ AiLlus, Daoid Rucor, ElijahiL L Miltcn, . rîîrefaite,__in__thee_______e__ofa_________________ Williamouo Mc3hcte, Asar A Barahaco, -iaplucb.afor lloccd division No. 46. Lamb Le uppinlcd Pachmaucer in od dur cand ot acîdri i idc1irl.icc e-.eî i> cccc h t. d toci u ..-i accjs John SimpoaecJauifoSkead, .D L lMe- 10 .4 ENT(XýBOSIES j 4 EA'Tvare tifucates ut lobs c> doga clvision, No. 57, sand chat Sidney Snidlc c-cac oetic---p. lesurpasss uretaiîc-, i Scr.locccce«Bull îc d:'.. dico -____________-___________IL_______ Pharaen, Georga eCra\foid, Donald 'X- Ytaîîie.1 cva rcod i:ccbopiîcPîmaeicralltiîioîî al It oces eyi>oiccrcend! Stus cccMiii. 'N'Pl, isi i rLiticiai Ficrit: Donald, Oliver Bile. Bila Flint, 1 W. Seuit, Mito;lad Jan. Tuck, ILyuuoery nuce, ancii iakus ocp lice puchlc-iec iiir fdc os fCcmcdcr,___s in a Trfla;3dJ Gibbs, M s fuc Wo iLt itonb>T. ove o54, Crieul.opinion outhlie dit)-. 1lithoa t il vu -Leanku eppucudnu' verT cc,,ruflcrcaioob'elu ac Water HeCca, Ceourge W Aia. Tît.dgaî i , i. ;î tp cita It willibe obsevcA îthat 6oie Rer- 100 YAR AEuBOTS 17NERjO TCAB J. Pl, and A. WiIicoolC, J. P., damage ees ylh.B.I.bas cono lîud buc s. Blsinrcc mouudii esceM1c,11)O f niaceicàectthiîe a d isot meislIand 6 Coccrvctioec, s very fur -9'j RI8$700, Costa 3 00. cnd one tram Wci b> Mr. Elhict, hat lîcauinof $2,60,)ccitîcccctad vili nmarkets Leccciisedy; 'P opia logie diviin ofoffice. We cre lad ta souc îateo,îio;2dRbiîcrgdodcuuy i e yi o c1 ot3ohoo iislecccgand eviadelcdiccuîuii- o'triin cnd hhcc- Quc Vcrico Lw irîlui accudl; ma,,Nan te Lce î eyTraflg-r; rd Peter Moria>, J. P., Jolie ito JPDiococ ioUci o ,cdidc mdApei, t c eeyccugece; iu iy d hicclotu ;I yî '"i lionatLOIE5 comc tbat the ewîDrminonii teupverthe ttc, theRecve isse uii otieru-fur$de gcia sclecii unicipaldiatersiad pubtietitéaipl andfa pe fit - li 1. Ir.c sevcsoch in .C iis u iieu. 44.50 css c0. T eccuni tfMe-sucac. Carrieul. -accu ii icsiu iig aod ectie.cuccg accci- ,o eîwiitcc e vcî aher i escitce- Imiie stiiceofiheHo. J C Aiic, oi AdCK RAE-- 5 NTRIES Coe bmaaJcu n . OcnleiîL onl djeîcdar 1recu ilrrcy CLireucnd Iccuicicte sencti- ,ia ci of* respectal dioy. cl i idles lot O' & cicu c cJame-BainLR. nRmaltheis thela Plcne o icte reprcetatiea lathe Upper IHuea tG. Wilinonu, Traflor; lad rccLer unt, econciecdrv cieneluit dc it SiMa M-Slie h InOtro twsncsay elueMathcand James AppelLefrpsci e r. iuma h tov ulsmcorura tirel ul> he idal>plcc SuPteishuct. >huiyBR15E-ilsctre mcc TeOtra ivsneeer elauA Robinson. Ruuuecbîgu 3rd Joseph.pei- Couaecîî md h evei h, uul ont nulue f itae Coueilhiora. TLhefiClemuntt, Trafalgar. 1uge wee ae ccebsed ccd rîcod. chair. 1 icaîions,.Thcv give ieunîcs Ctoite, ajiurcuicctlutIie laidccccPeocc Cao cohurf memobura eft ot eHn ess IEEBRO AE3TLE. Mr Brui>, ecacded b> Mr. Whice, Iloveul by Mr. Eliioti, sactndcd Lv stu-ýdliciecto tîLretsrh, and an in- tereinue, ancd thea cja.ticit thce Goudhe, Buito ccdPîryccd ba lt G iîhiiouc Tico~go ladmcved mient J. C.Enand W. Ford bu B. Il. beau, licletîLe sino t8563. of cucod acceivily cu ailhbuincess tîacîcc uFPa rCo îccnnquarcu ltivteuoioLux- ____- - __ ethéu Goohu. oulonan PeTy ad te stG Wlknsn Taflgr; cialoveulda otelu cîtate ilaour on the aid lacd taxibLecxpuednrnod djvi i- îc e l dIexamince chu couinua ti l ite îlog vezed rinqac.su ihv eluceul embrs-Hn. liecra.Bull Aielfy. onî, rfî. i r lci ft i he buiveec tLeir lota tîjo eucîmiena, Na. 44, mccndi leer D. Seuit, Of tca moniOg puipec furthie peicua I o accuccuiecîcuchi more inmportunces.I o -n lco nifn itoe edl lunett, AlexIedur eod da' cdDnnl>.Hno>and that Ricabbrd Bigger bu appelotansd Acclîcc Eliioîi. La Conînoicaneis curent if vu bcave au> - gtebu o!Dipluci i hanciw nacccccei intci eonyuw t lcpadfCffVredon hiet, Vidal. !a oT rcoua. pathecnter in ploc oJohnu Star>, aciao ta xpcct ite ic o; ie uo ilcci auul esulu aiuacc-cdcuciccc ipi. e c ctfisi Vidai. luI Richsard Joces, Miltonc,13l; 2ud Fracnis ilkinson ic paîce ofI C. ut vhd lancd taxi ,iicoud divisice o.necarerport, ccd let apuTn tLe faucu 1I I,cceccd, cndcf-icta viii ý liolcrtly ocodebisatc laumasi. ~Peler Mitchlul, Miltos, 11 ; J. Woldbe, hcgieirî resigoud, eica J. T. Bevel in 38, tander îLe sueprnisieucfWlIioccthus blaidcli er isOi bisisfa, vuWCoki tit îiesci>, laii iuis hdn ',%Iiltn,4. pace ofJohn Kmiey, emoýed ICar-Menzie and Jlui MLireou.uar- oureuforcomiglmono- ore. eapcutc Loondnnt'toit8tfiit]csoution.cian.t there ircsaicncciced sauemel rtrmileI .Wbec ouruccleul b> Mi. facd. ed.t i-,b. -mai h at"ov ln Lno, lyésmowthtnin oi c n r hte eode yM. o- àlovred by Mr. J. Kaenu, eoedd b> merutad, inteluligencre vicilc hîccl direct drClïinjiccata tLecoituiy, i ha thsisgýt 0wo yardoetilicite eduerpartllg builoiero, loi A TarkiaL gecilucoc u Liuiog bemvdfnl;teTd£rrisfr-Mr .H.Ka, titiotlo 5,u weet ik urprlassud htteGvriun il u aryi.tr 3Dcccii. Butin I& Woidie. h In la ecic- fronc Staccuu;bdA c occ-oîebc, oud a LeTuouenehue dB A KRediîesmî t 53 dcvur omoecimpiaacncciuîi L oercoolciI cdco>ict eIlîheuI? mdms tctci uodletl iégth fitS t.i Lucci24 forct, fruo Macliacoilu3rdA dimici. y authorizeul te puy thc Trustee ut cfaibd mcccl lao, Leuxpcccdedin reond clviotu La> ot. ludeeil. cci chu piuc-unc oecoîhen îLe dcsth mutecieoof -île F C4 te. uîotytecci> 1(,0< tl 1 lteAtiintrm o~a-,4hALosî-Suhoci Sec N. 16, tLe foloicgsuhooi division. N. 33,.n atnI im î iiiccucLegie, dci,hic lucci idea ica Leeu rudueed h tFuisi.a1 ca hasa iambcî. or I1114110 Larîcelciet grain. end Cire&cleiti; i'rate f noarcaidenu lond, viz: oLot aid Occrge Iving, bo Coccahonioceîs OOdL c syteuot o mc- bbcLe ever tosnmvm1661tal ill Oe hueancdrgee>rder;13h -p 'olai i-No- 95, lnt cen.c-O. S.fon, 1864,$1.013 ta expond theLeaumc.Cmried. ja iiw n ctliuaec ue ta .Pre M>13-The presssoetitis .. ~.-ccuucaaic - Omg ters ntramOkTiie sud ile iaed b> ftaaicucl.ou m fo 1035 nli te Deveul b> Mr. PRemisecoude b>cueut hoiacd>oaocaoviducoultlcar-rt aecîiii iI cmcmisvnie- wuI hlesm. Jobs W ite utfPctionan ud am fr1816 $1.13. Totai $1039. Mu boJ.Keu, îtiritWilliam ltemd, smcccly a>entdcgeticlyil> a gte0 tfiainso fatIdg (cîiollJohn Ilsrra.voftOukviIie. '11i e .Caruiud. John Wiliamsa, Le ordered ' akii btieairohIc ivepris. On- Cceigo h>11 -h ijh~. =micaieliiiti*ta eOur cumer jal The correpnent cî l Lonaidon D r. IBeol>, eocded b> h unsd>tul éouiobtdgu okflir si Lnes rou plc l cith dde hirco G;ovurcdpndcagNlây2h . muid e Dicîueul piv'A déne f a Brtii cy c s, a ic u rcta Ccbuydo ridgibndayiL cu. ta rrthe . S erne t eau e lcre at u scioduGovernui ncc ccuctccuutid h@icirlîL meitle a sic cntie .Me t hs pir cf vueatedln+h1_é a l,.I SifÈw,ntveolarsother an rivertiel therdutheue f 2,Lcqnene je tecblednacd ime roitaidt-e gur ta Sehiers t tePrtstn 1- c .. .ct coltla f Mre. Seucrt. uecr 01Il -.. acovi orthe corsetfthew meeupinticîautcherineul tu pay Charmes Severcigu,, pinuet a ta'oanmDI&8anér, te cuerseesthe- villilgl> nd uhueritdi>ado-etibse theui test cgsicoct fiiniiiriahîhiet4hcc ildà ~ ~ L Jr iI aisl .W y sBrupas ulI>inniu Wiiterau ubiels havé .aq., for thé bariui éxpenses cf Peier overhng oi the bridgeo i uihe hb acenesdaealecu c oîst L iou Tgc>c Uc ree t t bat eeeivei fron ais ustheroughl> triét for. lialest tuent> Hainnec, smuaotiog ta $3 4. Car- IRoud oic loi 29, vith fi tteul odar. six vLe couseeuenly roive îLe cusiocailcaheîiiiary biture th -'siu oul cf'c ~ 4b 87 p Lt.taééiL e -& M a.'ns o em aran have moen beénlmn eeus lmhee ihioL. Carniet. I îlcidiverteul freca ther ebonnuuci One aehoi and uaîod i hel. KILBRIIDE, Y2th187 »et bihan oal>bée pérpalctet. uc"vslot a. Singtusand publie speakers yl 3r. Beat>, ueucd b> lii3 ihes I- hithy3r. ILa nisilosied by coîgbi an wuil egiohhloh im e t c oitiy umeié sbt~ttiis'ftac' î tliiîbe>nî fîstint hse oé f moeoulthat By-Law Na. ta o-icret Mhr. J. Klea, ma 4,h înc oycetc fa fia uig "PS I 001> jéii$ er id OMi Pq boit. -a trt lanCC u.Carrici.in theaielcou., nue iAii of sit mcaitî ficibie Luue, an ta tarti encv Oalîyllle, May 201h, 1067.