Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Apr 1867, p. 2

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. .idi .-1.E..m....1m -d.1.. mii...'io • . - 4 0 . . . -. . s?".**5 HR ET8 TUÉEComeGCONTENTIO. News It lm . Enmoed compositon of the Coi- TÉ LETANT. ro0tarFtbe Front--The lui.& I.federation Cabiet po A-Wo hope all the Reformn electors will re1 It in believed that the Quee's priai.-. 'TEm AS QAEATTTLENE. Oakville Cash Store--MDo aid &remtember the meeting ia theirr A ive 1ilg under Co..foderation is tu be sub.- Saome rumors *current in New-- h egaitete iu nd'Ryo m t ad taocompetition. Brtnswick on the aboya subject, thus oyEa A TnonsAND LiIMEsLosT- Notce B e arorMuici pe, the tmean tyuof Over ,one .thousand hosh«edsof, andexpression in the St. iJohn'a Morn- nEZAnTasnDLi iiN s Es1 Board Publie F11lo hc dye oestaese nim a nN w .g ournial:- - . Tenders-W. Eaidler, * column. Medneday the t4h insut., York for distillation into spirite O e adi r that thefifkntn yrelne, arrA 6,Corm.Levant gemald. D Money tin Lott-W. Midw. is the day for the Townshipf meets - Goederham and WVort, of Toronto drte Cabne ill e eCom os. On Thmudy, th6 6th, the weather an Mo eY o an - 0. Tice BaLtedo. and Thusrsday 25th, the delegates. will art about to stars a chees famtyeratteleìhier tnofwo wllb had beauen lsMadnwhool hot; LmiewD in Milton, and d4eide on Meau val. ' Huegio Departmente, and two holdbtathsgnrlyheaewi teo Mutilcehopxteebtarg.n A Catholic CathedrJ le tirbe bulletsaffin the Cabintwthu 6lc. Thespth wind, which lhad been blowing for he S lieR, C. Mitchell. .iniae.W oethtagn n- in Si. Louis, four hunsdred fest long and Executive programme for the Heads of soe ime nthr ng w a hugtofwit, feu metCernS -ClnMen. terest will be taken and Lthit no roi- one hundrel ffeetawidle. Departmnents will probably run seume- fllea.o a, atohre any feas r owhatft Nem Gwbde- W D.& R. À. Lyon. eor will afterwards object to the convent- Information bon been Imeived of the what as follews:folwd.Toghlanaspve o Obeds.-H. Watso"• tion or its nomineen but manke his in, rimely arrivai a& Paris ef the contribu- Pretsident of the Connel. by the nommerocs hot.@prmg, the island --- luece eltin he omLion&ofth ront m Canada. Minister of Finance. bas not during the present generation by flene oi i te opostistnaofGthe beeon visited by an earthquake ; it £Ilti titi' tt tllll01 coi etinand see- that a Refbrmer is . Atacn tal i old d en ed Próvieial cr etary. .binoir, however,- thttohave a ad : 1 ~~aedwowd eaoteeltable to the fr en dollgtas. Aaaiettn sld Porneinc Ser- terrbeexperience ofthe pienomenon. we MILTO.N. A PRIL 18, 1867 Couny.fWehavelitherollairno-Solicitor General.Abu6 p. m. a Sarp cec, lsing t Con-y- ..-bv. __ . . .a . no- The Feniant- have @gain bou ns Mnsero leWrs. a usomne fifteen or eigteen seconds, vibrated 200 vaNHE P. tems i regard to the choice of the con- sio,, in the city of New, York, contac t. M iriiter of Fisýheriesaind Navigation. through the town. and befoetefat lo s" M r. vention, writh a viewto promlote hernie- mg plan& for ai .vasio)n of Canada. Minlister of Agriculture. wavel eieasflowdba Our attention bas eMn directd to the ny lin the Party, but wo would merely A decline has takeon place in Ameri Minister of War. second longer and Mutch more vi oent to ogskili S b he a.hattherumursand 1n-ife.i1igceinand C:nadien secsuritieuln Londo,- "The Ptesident of the Senate will be one. I happened alt the moment to ec ates ta g klog eep, by te*sy whinbtisheauuingrsstonish be f th Edown at the ier ofthe Austrian Lloyd's enrmuslose acrin t te at- ulte b tës hstletoth Rfom The Canard Companyï new liner,in the Constitutiiinneudtivne lprotwid agor ency, and nearly half a minute before payembythiedestruction ofSheep. We cause as to undue influence and packing the Ruvais, has been lainctheiD on the Ces, includigtato h Psmse ave ind Gfol u tu h e pr sawfth e l do not atogether balme the 'Magistrates the, former convention are totally with- Clyde. Gener-al, may, aftier the English model' sabunrine explosion hadl taken place. J. or the prosectore>for theSe verdiets, as out foundation., We donot believe itis The Russo American telegraph en- "" ly to.tinthe Upprst Bane hch ti itetmhwvr a etfrsr we ar e nt awareof the circumstansâ possible te get togetUer a tüi.e onst te rpnt a be' bnindl'era itmte is aintwihprise. In rmuchs lestimie than I take of many ofthe dcsos u nsm n eretmne oyo n uLay of nearly threemillions of l- rmirshi fof ed on ohunder totewrite i, the double thrill rinivered sec instances, wie know that too great dam- the delegates at the first' convention donald--two eads of departmients viitrughen twn, w and, chno likeBa It s nderstood that Lord Maorek b ge d t relo h eMriim rutnenlens hole blockas f solid B ages have been aRlotted, and we regard There insiybe differenece Of Opinion as to wililuteae England fur Canada an the Provice.The deparmentsof Financ toene houses. helaps ed s if thehde the in as hghly efectre. lle policy of their action, bu-t noneais te beginning of June. anfd Fisheries are alray knofrbenadhus.Teofisofte t ithe elaun e whil dfc impsson h prgtemfter neton-W . NwBunwc eadysousa thaofforagency and nearly all the adjoiming on wli te.lik-% wici ipoéson th urihteýtftei itenios-We Ansunfortunate woman named Ehisa NwBunw. W• 7. buildigs, incudinghe custom-housle, 1 dollar for everly dog, and two ,for each trust thatalively interest will bie taken McKnight committed suicide a fens days Nova Scotia is not unlikely ta furnish a theilingthouoficen thlagoito bitch, we have no fault to find, only by the lectors in these meetingg, and ago at Peterbor, by taking laudanum.. rovmetaleet aryindt.TSo felirGn- mill, thus fell. Uip in flhe town entire RL that it shiould be increased toaet least fthat such a nomination will be made, as The Rotin ]etsH o rTnto la to bceieraato thene Cabine t sTe feelmgstreets similarly crumbled, burying their be i double. if persons who have oftena no will edeure unity in the party, and rend. faished and got rcady fr occupation aity and beatin utward the Marinhabitantsnby hndleds inthe terufins. t need of thema, will persist in lkeeping up- er th election baeond doubt and i tòe ne h be aaeeto i incsadorpbic mený. It Therfne o ast, the pcantheras, the w the luxury of having useless cure about these views wre are happy to stato thattI t ile» l is eve that our habiso eo-qes, and I lbelieve, all the consular sol thema to the damage of their nighbon M1r.Mierfl'couran One hundred and eighteen agrine om'y, n the.ssdyabeadreidencS@, more or leus vieldied to the roperyetey souldpayosnderly oradn. , is manly &ad ton oflicers have arrived fraô Qe reliable character of th publie violence of the shboek, an'd are for the f eo p an pa~~~-trioiie cnuti tibatr ilbetomntegubasa ort o men of -Nova Scotia and New Bruns- mat part mere heaps of ruins. The 1 ias any other luxury. There are en- long be remlembered and appreciated by borne, Dunville and Goderich. wick, willntel advahcontgoy n vr oldttwthihte to as he trrely too mannoy dogs in the country, es- 1the Reforimers of Haltaln. Abl the Cnua elrg8norCbtintet oftheecollundtrnte-buiilt has aggravated the disastroust pecially in villaiges and towns, and a tax houres lagel day' work fr aileorkmen y be a p werfu Opost iundoubte effects of the callamity a hiundredfold, blo of five dollars wo9d have thiceeet of THE GAMfBLINVN CHABGE. anddm-ahaniez. working in the United will, as -a matter of course, go for econ- otha ead h osaddsrcin ridding usof al but the 1m1st valuable __States service. omy, >rogresls, reform, etc., etc., in vari- asfalro pertThe most complete m We avenowis tareivea ture s ns haps he Gove ' haso flc a llnuo telwrpart ofth o specimens of thecannine race. ehv ows orvv hm o TenwPrimn bu ob lo u dt$t vrmn ftf a town, where the earth literally OPened Agatin the act is defective in aillowing dlisagreeable to Mr. White of the Spec- ted fbr the Domsinion of Canada 'will, tbneiildsrsfoirmlo n swallowed a broad beit of building adr the full value of the property to be re- toror, and had made op our minds not uiee sooiner dissolved, continue to ex.- oil otucee y ieya-rihupro tesetohe lpen-w covered, and Often:more than the Imar- to'do sa, but thei conduct. if his friands a orfv ea.pehninofteprfsinso h iInd. A t this pont a permasent sub- Ilet1iee, lit got in thi county. A con- in Halton compels us to de. AMr. White, Ie it not time to advmente fur cheap Political foie. We can.see thec operation eneoh ud oc venient neighbo.r or relative is found, M.P. met the Editor ofithe SectatorTteegritph as elotleasceap ousageon-. Dtisreple try he aseofthe ery.far lin what on Thursdayatron who estimates the value to suit, on the at Hlornby, and it was- nesodta h rts oeneti eiu o.Dsahmnsr.Teopnnso was one of the buiest parts.of Myte- . udesto.t t ideri.g the project of making the whoule muuch a reforms as the country appeared loie. prialspie that his own turn May comle the latter hadl made a misstatemen. but system a branch Of the post-office. Il, recently to ask are now going far to grant Infacet, to sum upi the disaster, ninre ED. to-l W. Inno cms should the in- wished nothing miore to becsaid about it. Belgium, where every pont-office haslits as large an extension of the franchise than half of our beautifuil town-the Cec sura ce comne up to full value. No com- Accordingly nt Aeton neither Party taire, a message of twenty words la sent as, can be conceded without seriouslyprtesanmotlvyehapofllh paty would- be guilty offthe absurdity mentioed il, buit the next morning DM. patz terrl u tf Lu e nts. sa y m e nrature of the constitution the Levant-is a desert of ruins. The 'porpetrate4by thisact. It says virtual- JIohn White understood that the SÇpec- both messages and money orders can bc' Conrederate Cabinet. We believe thatwospatfthclmty ,ofoue.B ly tu the a eep owner ; "1yous need not tator was atis.W old trickt, of privately sent at very low rates, and people send the enti re Dominion may be am cheqpl.y teue of ifext eft,th bcarsitnivtic look up your sheep, you can rest easy, asserting tat there was gambling; au. More mesagsthnletra verendia somesofpat, wie the i thoughit fthatfromt 800 t 100 hvet :you may rccover the full value, and per- cordingly he determiined to expose hill A Great time in prospect for tire inter-provincial trade of the Cou try perishied, while an mainy more have been 11 w Bìaps a little more as your neighborsaet the next meeting, a'nd knowing that Blritdsh 'Ammioea . will be, quickened, and our foreign trade maimed and wounded m every way. . say bave done, and as the'market for wool ha had comé down to Georgetown. heb--- extended. There will be a splendid ucotbe 1aon a he lex and mutton is not very brisk now, per- thought he was in the audience, and The readiness with which the House opportunity to anticipate the improve- surviving population is now scattered sol( of Commons, always careful in sanction- mnents asked fo)r in England after te ? ?p, baps youi may not care if a dog gets brought up the subject. but whien told ing montey- grants. has agreed to indorse example of BdIgium. in at eigtler over the hill -ides and amnong thiegardf- P in." that the Editor was absent, be deaist- the paper ofthe new Confederate govern.. Telegraph wires to the -Postacl Der ens outside the town--a few of themnt The best insurance aents csay if an ed. Anld nonthbe cry lis raised thaet Mr ment to the tune of twenty millions of Dient, and reducing the price of mess- "blete r h en d they mtbivheen o ldse is insured' to itsi full value it J. White dore not mention the charge dollars,. shows how smecerely publie opin.. ages on the principle of the Penny Post-iwthuselrofa knd ion in the Mother Country is set upon lage systems. It la behieved that a very "n itiutsoi . f i - . •. c'an't stand-,he pressure, and" a Gre is at Acton when the Editor was prenant, havin- the Union of the Provinees ade small uniform rate could be made rg Aiready the wnt of provimions is nz- 1 almost certain to take place. We do but did so at Georgetown in bis absenee, a ra ty. The money in question as munerative. ravati'frn theFistvressado lyespeedyfor mot say that thise as been the case, but but the above explains the rognon of Mr our readers generally are aware, is in- r 1tp ars n insinuationshbave in somne instanées beeni White's forbearaco at Artsn. The eo fnp rae otecnDar milian. o h utinLodssemr n nade, and the law should make iftat the conduct of Mr. 'Thomas White in this the Grand Trunk below Quce to For tome davs If t lh humiliriting Frenchl guniboat froml Smyrna have land- interest of°the owiner to protect his pro- ahole saffair has'beena most disreputable, Halifax. The road will traverse a tale hans been industriously circulated il, ed a quaintity of bi.cuit and somleaother ecrty firoms his own and bis neighbors Girst boldly making the charge in -the Most large region of territory in both Nova Amecricn journals that Austria had re stores. but im all not perhaps more thatn D SctfdNBl uested the good offiesé of the U Tnited a day's fond for thec place. But noti the la doge. Ouir suggestion for the remedy offensive marner and asserting that he coia and ew Brunswicie in which Saenl vigMxmlaCfo u twno yeeealn a ifee h of this defect would be to give the pro. could prove it, befonre 'the ConventionSetlements nt present are sparse, but nlar.y vengeance nt the hands of the Metx- fromthis great cla it.1; a scatter- bas i seoebatorl the value of the Sheep ]ost, but haai he domnlo ? On the contrltyy anceof healclinorée.Al 1the Pro- laen r rien he er: rte i beerietunad ethoghu h i out of the Dog tax, or the whole ont of he has preserved the most #tndions ail vinces will share in thle adivantages which ratised on the prisoners toikon recent 'blha rdl hv e h art of ape a«nsnd. inst the owner of the do, if he can be found. ence in regard te it. He finds himself sui first of al grow out of tile exper- F t Zeatecars eatiie twu round te ftar rprybtiehsbeendc roe nScho The law again is defective in that af- "trapped,' and determines to preserve a Probably three years will bie require out toax iin and his alien troopsm. nearly the whole. Molivo has been al]llew fordstfooeasy aremedy, without makling digereet &ilen3. Mr. -White calin upon to complete the undertakingmakingsould bthey be captured.S we ee-but nireoflq 1,0emorhed, an eealpupis it to the interest of any party to discoyer biaistapraire bis charge, defies him tu do allowance for the portions of the road versions of filets in which Amierican tants hlave, it is said, perished in the ma the owiner of the dog, if som such pro- on.,und publishes à letter fromt Mr. Swin f dy available at both the Eastern journals have mo-ulged in regard to Mex-is. Itii t oeagrto oad visions as we sugge-sted, were enacted, yard emphatically sustaining his a oeyaeteeut avey atsi tr, l b asay that hlf the islaind has been laid men that the whole amounitshowred be given tion. A gel-tlemDan would restsati- ipulse given to the trade and industry am only of a picece ihte'ude waste, with a snecrifice of hmant life Now eanly On the discovery of the real defend- fied with thi, askseaauapology through aofal the Provinces. Event those who others to which currency) was given and that may be reckoned by thousands. w ant tihere would be lessloss on the muni- his ownsicolumns,l and endeavor to makte do not favor the political Unionas mark- notradi a i due finbe fluéed.thah um da or i d out, cannot but rejoice in the material At G ha d cipality, but in ai lle cases, which have amendaafor i nous amcusationbut bnfisof abnGfacaace o' tinovernment .ha resedtl'e h ao odDicvre. te . . . abodmfa haa terp elosition or the United States in ste he MdcGi novre. &e arissen in this Ce nty, wher han the what could be expected of one who commercial thaet it will render the Mar- maniner stated. -.-have ,weer efthe dogbeenfound ? In many could invent 00 infamoeri a falsehood ? itime Provinces entirely independient of The Official correspondence on the Several of the piosneer prospectert that iàstances heo-could have beeon found, if E uno, disce ones the United States in securmng supplies of subieet is published, conFsting of twlo fro aitn h aevstdtesl proper imeans hadbeenuse, and werohesCnsada radypote adthebe eer n'a frngom the >A i n y4vard-heregion eof the tw gold diccoveries in hill . .o oeisanei h hte THE DIFFERNCE rvne a eevda nzmldre fiy of thle Secretatry of State; a de- 3lado n-,si vieinmty,hwie returned houle lh-e kne fon ntno hc te. Pies fo har i oa nfteampd'lespachfromt Mr. S ward to) Minis er aifter examiningr the diggings to thlei, luc auspected owner of the Dog acted as the " The utmost flt can bie saidi to his impeitus rote a bgan tiotat a l 1 eyCampbel, ut resent in New Orloans.and entire satisfaction, and ore gene'rlly late 1 appraiser, and was inclined to give big (Mr.) White's credit is that hie has rotyh no y Ir. t ampbe agreed in the opinion that the excite. we a à,Ith- any effect will bie made to revive The whole thimg ws done in two day@ rment will mont miserably collapse with ty lu damages against.thie municipality. 1 shirewdness enough to record his Veoesfthat treaty until the Amnerican people- There isariofralitaouttha- -in a fonew lek and t'hat the golden cati Agin e retldbyI rsthtwith such tact as toscecure bis retur nm the business people of all parties--ame fair whichIre udes the idea that it is a hopes of those whio here invested in he i Aganweoretod y awyersta the Hiouse, where hie gets more benefits to see it to be to their advantage to re- hoax.11 But whal a hutmiliatmng position the law iis not leaa owehri hnhscntiunsdemoadte ev tThat is, we ftake itthe United for "the EmpevrrMaxrmilian !" No stockacomponieswill Iade like unIgu e. muse the fend in expended, those holding get none." "Heavy -Correspondence in States will the iret toamsk; for recipro- Wnderoditisrt enor r mord on nd e ul à eibli y I o ee r d b n prir caim o th da fkdi ca coe bt erad. al re trde ithBrtis Amric.-the matter. The departureof the French dey, has spenýt two wetksmn the vicinity pose in before those who have- hter elaissit " I thank thee. Jew, for teaching: Certain we are that the completion Of which was the, result of pressure iore or of Madoe, an.d carefully inspected ail$oeic me those words." The "H1eavy Cor- flhe grat Intercolonial Railway will eni- lets direUt fromr the United States, was the localities of reported gold disoiveries educ in a succeeding year or not. However able the Provincial people to snap their the first triurniph ; and now comes the [le sote that • nt ieistu hait that maly be, we regard the law an defc- respondent" has exactly hit. it, when fingers at anything savoring of a prohib.. erowning one. in being asked tointe se has the precione metalaus yte a f ,d Tral tivre in maony points and bhope to see ILtlytelf e h o, d h gives MXr.White eredit - forltoting, itory tariff, created in Washington by"and sae telf tenwmadeM. in sußfieient quantities to warrant min. iieve amendied, so as to increase the tas: on s st euehsrtr.I sapt arwidd tcas e Most ;nade '.t&ubcts. Wa ceaoFImNAE Iling oprations. The famous Richard. the C dog, imake it to theinterest of owners the samne could not be sardlli r.. tneereand com ral h rovtsinst on Napoleon'sgreat conception-the estab- mon mine la simply a stupendous hum. and i Chisholm.deconmtheiontraryprcctsgrnpstore lishment of a Latin Empgire in the bug, and known to be such by erafty foot t to preteet their cheep, and if lacs accruesis d h .Heontectry eod for them.-Soish American Jouernal. Western herMispher, w hie huld ir parties having control of the uame, who ship 1 ta '"scver the ownesr of theï doge. c is votes with such- want oftact that. future âges reflect the glory of France ! very prudently delay exposing its fabu. attai Wýhave takeon the trouble to add the hie camnt secure his return. As, toolte lous richiess, pending its decisrion in a Comp 1esses sustained by Trafalgar alonte and benefits sceured it was not Mr. White --Wel"gte« square. bague obaneery muit and swmndhng spet- neigh ga ho ined h PEEiL.-We understand that it hau. -- lations in adjacent property. Soriais tien C fid ftat sinon Last October, they amount vs ppoint, a connec les to the been positively decided that the Hon. Te look a t thenDame ofthis place;eonsider of adventurers m ho)have been deluded ties, ( ta the enlormous smeo of 8295.94, which hIghest office in. the county, 14 repay a J. H. Cameron will run for this Countyth person whosename IL claimsis, and la l"°b the wickad fatetcode of speculators spirit wold uraenup.the. tax of nearly 300 )debt of gratitude, or.had andir rela.. as the Conservative candidate for t eft T- ofI-reI n ;, e.1aist daily turning homteward in suptreme kackv Oakville Towîi n ot W th. ait. rL e m me. . 1 --1 believe that any one Who gives his d Monda, 25h Mab, 87. srious attention to the subject, or-whou The Concil met at 70'clock P. m. .?.s. .sSe-The Nlson s e fl e #MW .h ao n h hi.,;> observation or experience rii at all exten- ,@ on the 7th ros Thae Mayo n th ers. sive muât admit, that how ver f"ilde e7 h u Membrs peset. Mssrs K.& thearguments lu favor of Übion School E h asaaeaCu D. Chishöhn, J. Hagaman, Jon King may becteyare gillopes to gay seri-e. and Moore. ou objections. The principþ 1 unit- AsMe The Rlegular eting of et-çd On, motion of 3Mr. D. Chisho.paun, gk ,are ntiusese»tecn- LodE#, uton, wui f el en .4 itr Dnded by )Mr. Moore. gkidedistt)on,' p s oc M . . ileïoked,-That Îhe aceunt ýf Pm- bine their powers1 and enlarge their 13... ,, ssor Coft amounting to the bum of sphere of usefulnes, is doubtless a goo5 extWsleyan ReaWIlie , en dollars for nalysi-Îng the 4tomach one, in Educationar, as well as Social or H m nT Yfa cow, he paid.Pliia d. fn thnxn nt. On motion of Mr. Moore, s¢eonded & cnm;a e o"E .oil Dy Mr. D. Chishbolm. samoe idea exemplified in the formation (Tursay veini 25th mest Resolveàd,-Trhat when this Vouincil of Central schools in cities and large Z"sa- y1aMr.sJolla e idjournis it do stand adjotrmod for two townswhere the-populat-ion issufReciently gmemn thsrsdne eeks Mointe oni d eund onentraited to s(ere ageod attendunee. ;M' .There will be a geanm me R. BALM1 IB But it nmst never be forgotten that Buch tcReomr mit ab TOwnlu[t rkw ' arra'ngemientscan not be infallibly ear- 'ea ." .ried ouit and that a mistaken policy pear'-Y" r fesimportation« of 5sekrane4 3fonidaiy, Apr-il 8th, 867 pursued in a Central or Union Schol',den.ees, see Utr. Watso'sadeW a The Council met at 7J m . is as; much more detrimentail than it ma a1ti a' "e Tembr Mayr-n theshsr-.G K hi-Would bc in separate institutions, as the oiii We are requested tu give %o ii embeD re hoMesR. G goool' d accompâlied would be greater 1that liev. R. Stepenson wilt p . ifagaman, Jones, King and XleDou- under more favorable circumstances. the Scotch Chureh, ?iiten4 nez nhe, r7 tina lepui ,,ens il noune supply ofec and other fiel have been ob ermm, and wi price. for the parpow. the 4nsuing y Bron t.,ltt CO) n On motion of Mr; B. K. Ch sMholm, cconded by M1r. D. Chisbohnl. Resolved,--Ihaýt the accouný of J. ýa, for Assessmient Rolls and station- ry, amnomnting to $16,94 be pair. On motion of Mr. McDougalý, sec- aded by 31r. D). Chisholm. ! Rsoli-ed,-That a special comimitte consist of Mtemsrf,. R. K. (Chiseholmi . Balmer, C. II. 3Moore and the mnover ýappointed to examine and reort te li Council, upon a certain list dflands thin the Municipality, repor4ed by ec County Treasiurer, as liable to beu ld for arre r kges of Taxes. i On motion of' Mr. G. K. Chlsholm, conded by MIr. M1)ougald. , Recsolved,--That John Sherean is erby permitted to fenrce in and occupy lat portion of John Street tWeen locks 102 andl 105, during thep easure rhs Couneil D)n motion of.%r D. Chisholm, sec- rded by M1r. R. K. Chisholmn. ! Raeole:d(,-Tha;t when this ('ouncil 1journis it do stand adjourned f4r two eks. On motion the Council adjou4led. ILR. BLMiE , Town tCýrk. Two QtESTIoNS lý,AsiLY\vER .- %% by should men Wear beards ? oause they arc a great protection toe te t hroat aned lunge, and add mitch tto, itrPcroiaBapa af s uld cause when nised for couglha colds, k ing in the throat,' hoarocnesq &c ey act like a .chnrm.» Ministers and """ us terphysi""an"ecorerend ýithey are the very best me-didine in stence.for the curedfsuch comrpýqnm. d by all muedicinie dealers, at 215ets, box. We do not ho d ourselves resmponible the opinions of' our cor respontien ts The advantagt-e of Union schools is a-l u l6ýae n(i , thant greater uivity in teaching and dis- o oaCuael eipline is obtined, and all are more, 6 Compott. eu ait 0Aaà .immiediately under the eye ofone prmnci-tomnw(rd inu -ipl, who is presumed to be thoroughly fnwiht conipetent to introduce thec requisite dis- cros t ll, but with wai-t beli, and stiai% - ipline, as well asmthein ost approved pouches, for dril and target practice. methods of imparting instruction. But l"On the sed A pril last, thre s eif, as is too frequently the case, the prin- 1-f ea"Pli ,fr k, eipal has nothing but degree, or his e s er bouhtbdrea r medals-to recommeml him, bein, utter-Atn Fqiea 04os;ais o ly di-quailified in every other res . gar, nm. wright, damagesl 44 60 so snot only void of experience, but a: of ra 1 , o t a o wn of Oak y %dgen t,and sometines evenof prm-ý1 uciple, thçq 'Union becomes positively On Monday evesnmg Let thevs & mischlievoust, in so fir as his deficieney, prelitiuir àeigtearggfra , and somnetimes his vines affect the vari- . nrym tgtorr:grora ons departments of-the schol, thirough agzitation Ou the subje cio roads. Il swhich they are propagated. Re may was-resolvýd to draw up petitions for sig. b le and very often is, incapaible of pre- . atures for presentation at the next muet rservingf the proper amount of discipline, i. orflthe Counity Council. This is the Land if h is asistant be a man of experi- mes impölxrt ot subject for Home poitib enee, as js mos.t generally the case in ta-t we can discuss. -Towns it is not an unlikely circum- stance that collisions will occur ; bat I1 .rb, 1jeeions, being made tby farrmt 1fanev, few would pretend thant a teacher, and otherm, timing the> Milton weigh scalfes 3withl ears of experience, ought onnall we can certtry to their corret-es. Am& occasions to submnit imiplicitY to thec dic- proof of thia we saw a gentietàa uiél tation, or even thec direction of a miere clerk to put on Lis Wefil, and oncaint, novice i ieprofes.sonee hough o n the sahait balan e exatly. Anuer iny ina id e falls. tsouldtranot genlteman whose weight was known, stop. be i foreemoeovilerIftht thedisip ped on, and the os&aks balance t their-oi. ljne, which the principal lhas establishiedbnewigteay. in his own deparitmert, diffuses itself sIontmeal ea. 1over the whole school, and that, if it be The Inlustrated- edition-a double chet' of an infdrivr kind. it not ol y emrses -of this journal has beenrecived. Itl& his colleagues a great ainotInt of trouble, a credit to its publishers, and contains )arg but brmngs themi as well as lumaself into engravings of &t Paul a Church, ai. Pt. fic oe r ha nl. ifthey aten p t t eni iha 13B>kThe,. Tifn'a BockNM thec torment ofabuse, they are sure to Britisl and Mercanile ;neuranc Cou.- bcecome theobet of la s dislike, and ereb [ok,, ant a Bank, ec.te- arthe t too.nder thmse e nopbrgether with unuth interesting reading mat. be 1nilty of habitual breaches of pune- P..ang A war. tuality-that mjost essential] qualification It is canr melaneholv duty this week' of suce tusetih ogi- sermons to record thc e &mise of four of the old 1* o n neet(liýrg am we an ovi n 'to la"(11marks ffthce enunty, those whose schoo a1 t bml the more seriousF, lives strLeh back to the Rývotations ry "naount of' the quarter whience if war, and the élose ofth1tho I eesoctor. I1ýîn s1or, 1boiee Uio Seiclqci 1As old as the United States are som* tinliwho Wasa:1 ima,2cp ,h %I opert bcifc;via of the, nI laimes recorded in onr death f. 'hý re.-pects, for thle cause of, Edu'cation il liait. Thel namles of Miller, Bigger and Ir. Waldic's Doniatior:i gnrlianin rhigher eduacat in ina1inr-D-oetwilonsriesamn -- ~~~~tirtular. enabhing districts, which would tehyladhr neso l DEARt CHASipio,;-I aving noticed olthe(rwvise be deprived of thleluxury, Intiro 'i n ad ineao i M W ~secuire for tlicir yot on lssical. Hailton. t r. ldieof Wlingtn Sqare-mathemratical, a'nd philosophical train- ,,ao, sat genierously and liberally igiven inig; but ina order that theinternial work- Thi.Sshow, filthecexhibition of Entire II lire dollars of his own moncy to ing of such institutions shldi be sati nose ibe h.ld atlMilton, en Thursday, tributed equally among the aseverla fit.,li] 1 cirb ut es il n e culd ril 25th. 'T'ecf.llowing prill:s are oft: ools o his ownshp, topurch se eure harmony ina all thre departmlents; ruh os.... ...80 arddsd ndprizes tfor theLbe eitpf 1TheAdto tiiend, it ils essýential that thr.entD gtnd o rdo.............. f5.00, il.Icantiot avoid paiing ,t powers, dutwes. and responsiblities of all 2rd do do .............. 5.00, bc fr.ach a, et f iberliti atifparties should be accurly definred. d do o........30 d for euchllant of ibrty and goIjdeDI DASCA LOS, nest'roadster or carriage llOrseac.... s.0o ltheba excellneneinid gi judge fh iio. ' 2ndIl do do do .... s-00 nt~~ ~~ hehssow ansitbton To the Editor ofth Campon , Herse for gene al purpos.... 8,0 )w the School in his ownvillage -A ttpieridsios f 2id d o o ...60 uld be able to appropriate the twhole IarSnfoi"ARtepMayeris desirusof 3rd de dû do ...3. ato its own beneIt had such beea erig rmteMaowy To i lhe Show is open toa adjoiniug COW> e ai. pIe.r.t whait authority hec has issued five taverti a objoct but Mr.VilFralienises for this Town. As the Mlayor ti@ e thoughit (and very justly too)• ki"• t such al thing wou:d be narrow undñiay very likely be occupied with baisi- 0"we direct attention te the advertisemnt ish. and his philantrIp prompted nless of more importance than answvering of Me-pers. cDi)ussld and Johnson of the tort a wider sphere of action. %%"t-stupid questions, permit "another Riate- TI,o r oakivillein thlIs dy a issue. Thei pe to findl thie only a beginmring of payer" tI to rpl. omenaced bumimes hast O<tobe der M« eh donations, and]whle we un grua 11A" R Rte ,e" haut da thecash systý., and it hb u eeededts ,the friends of eduestion in Noison. ondriuoaad imu tas y .m terpc aio.s ndedter.c als hoe hatM . Wlde ageeroi rint toinform allI the world of iteý He b, but Hitlie doubt that a basminessn properlY will noaitstop bere, but thant it will bec odee ne hsssemseced ide a permanent saualdonation, as has in fhet, dipaeovered "A Mati re anes Th til M uerhn,tniugosuch has taken thle lead in this matter, with five eggs mitii but is tio overjoyed more adlvantageouily for cash,than enerudit b i pe irexm l I bat folliedd at scaccurance, tat heohal"not and it followsaaetnavoural conseq,,,nce,b.t oeithersex aamp te long afu d discovered thait two of the eggs are "ad- hcecan sell fir a mula lower ressuneradre Ilher esaa t slt eronihia pur. Ied." Inplain termis, there have beent p i e or ash tanunderth ,ed o e. We conceive the posasibility cof.but three 1'avertalienses. isasued, the ofm esin8thrmola rd, nd i fact, a tax h1 a thing, and i, vite the friends of other two licenos eing for Salconso.- tir to is peu cent en the ,price of the él ication to agi tàle the matter, and: pert .sAfR mto uprasrentocvrth 0 f collection andai l the latent energies of the ple of " Ratepayer' from 1-legatl procesis, Debts.a Mr. McDongatd lesat Present f.gr1 aybrwkee, r b and mkilg tge the old saying that "A tag MOTr nud a e '-et Te wu arecbbi. d iny Tuai. sh in raFoot and his amoneyare soon parIt"d Goeri L es, nd e ae ooub fryGods 80 Couaty in educationjal enterpi e il te hope ofthe reward to the rz ,qairtaacu : nd ap ai fil it is time that something twas sot on payer" in emattaeinr ea tAake-i wll rvenn tradetive, b il aaiu ltkanses tto encourage the youth of our T6wa pye- nh hemade h-bs ablci111 fpor te ntof thice utr. pto make extra exertion for higher han , 'a' u h rca o hi aaiue inimentï Why aca itwe nt bave Yourst,- ipetitive examinatiol sas9 well as Our ANoTHER RATEPAYER. hlbours ? Ie it a tiant of apprecia. I N -aaey,-nth 1th- st,- of uc athig inngourauhoi. Frnia anrd Jackson. thre Man of wife of Pavid De('war, of a sou. aor is it rmeage penturiousniess of Thjoughit snd the Min of Action, with, On liith in, t, the wifle of 1W.Melle t ; we hope they- will sononms their portr1its--Mark Laten, of London sey, Esq , of flornrby, of a son, ward state and favor us with suane Punch.-P>ortraits% of Nineteen Kingsz On alife oih inlt ,ithe wife, of Mr. rg of an enterprising and enicouragirg and Queens of Swveden-Allie Brnold, liam Easter brook, -ambelaiH, %I Ure. Poetess-A Cherokee Leigend ; Tlhe or- .In Nassagaw!y.arnlthe 13th instavt, Osatavsit igin of the H uman RacejSof game and "w of Mr. Joh oibnJ.,o 3ronte, April 11th, 1866. Indian corn, by E. G Squier-Phren "in E.gnes ing, on the uthfiaiten nlogy in schaols-The Metrie systemn- wife Of Mr. Johin Turner, of a danshev -Tight Lacing, illustrated-Muscular the Editor of Chamtpion: power-Effects of a bad dream-- npetitive Examination ln Nelson tional salutations--Shoppin.g. by Irs. ' ....Wyllys- Charity, by Hope Arlington- la.ue rjetow nioa,, dayte.lth liit re we going to have a Competiliire Total depravity of le funts-T he -Active b hie Reverend It. wng M' a togh -mnto .ftr citlso h'*, and the Passive.-Oriý,,is f-lfe--Pope'a Of i"" ' f Esqtuesas- ia, mmaionof heScholsof hel cwn9ssy on Man--i May numbert Phren- !er of the laie William p..obbn + of Nelson this year ? If Twe elle i, jo-I a ounl.2 ens o 2a a- h rigicljounal. 0cens.or$raye In raGeorgetown, on the,thlainai, b7 b me that somie stepsL were taken :to-, Address, S. R. « Wells, Editor, 389, ne, J ormevrod r. wilin i Ereo, se it. Ali Tigree that they haire à Broadway, N. Y. c"hingnacsý)y, to Miss Evaiina Winnie, o ficial influence upon the Schools.- osa.niarn t ist, y it they not only show the acquirements , COST OF ACl T f8.A IINew Il 0(v .ilii 3 o reIl lra ilcMs eo pupil but the method by which heciYork paper says thre cost of* the( new tevr,% is atidar.Francis M gg- seght-stimulating the pupil to anDy rly endt tne82,70 0,0W luyetotla el ore diligently, and the teachier Board of Supervisor have recently adecle ert himself more in the imparting ;a futhler aplprobation of 81,000,000 tou struction by thre best methodI--complteit. Thle origmnal aestimaate of,1On Tiwday 1th sat1T1:1 ma r sagaweya hans takent the lead. Wtill cost was $250,000O. This beats thre sexo, limther f ob pert M r. E 0 son follow ? Will somne one t ake flhe 1%rliameontary butlliigs aut Ottawa, the son, in athe nat.r o b Mreg erAIh tl and0, wwllhvane a-a.original eastimrate for which i aot890 DeForrise , i bron,asedt]7tf y$rf. that will be a credit to aill who will 000, but nearly three milhions have j %tOI Ounb thith in.t. Re " suchir a worthy enterprise 1 already baen msent on themýn, and it is w II f , m. Ntge -, E>,a st.70Yr W. L. probable that anotherr lhoin will be At omLa&A "On tire]»t nt, li MIsen, A pril 11i - require t enlte, î lte deiïn. Margr ;,,1 i i, ,3dcr 1fi O ee aaee..i oeddyor ese day, of Examim m to. A Pri EA LED TE &hd u.ders 20TRH D.1 Fer the whole etrnth sa. 80esip . *u of ile-0W publin. ye oaiutls gnDUL IIr M9ei . . ' u. . .

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