i ~-- i -1~ - Y oo COIIIEIIAL SALtI00ISi JIAMES STREET ÙIFITOe. Frlday, tJea i o'e1a c no , A VALUÂBLC FAUX in ilo TOWNSEIP 0F TRAÀFALGAR I lDing composet, thre eqrtie.vcet 4aive .1-1 thre astoand ,.ethaieof> luome Nie2, a thet peoi c oiuacf the ~± Î. el;p, 3u~ Sr*) oMtig yàad brcaremont aehundred aces, more hO leu. il1 1 he ale heficg ocdtr a ilowcr ro tainçi !1 a morcOagomadc hy NV C. Keucd 1mo a S arp odaàgogisid tthe Cnd 'Ms Aaaseocce Compacye vilii hoperemp-s tory ands for cah.i h7mr puctioars'o$ tittk apply te Menra lircSadIicir aad Bruce, Soilitors, nch!o, or the achecriber, T. N BST NiBsonTicer, qraitoc, 101h MAY, 1000 8614d . 'SIP O (N ,~ TjRE. uostry&ha,-behaetevig ce ah. seoeed>- d4aim ;fLthe C ate tr olen re. f ie G" ltBta leeCe eeiiesmg ihel. Goneral rOIfé nainf tegrccntliy haoglon e a complte itack tbe àh ,d m,-aitabeI fleesr fr~ t1ili 2 otti pe bé zrit ascoc mameoeet favnre. TEA ~TGAR afI diffret, M reesNew ami Presto. - &0. IPiloe s-t auces, ocflheami ip esi C.eiles*àd Bsop, rooMsanad iirsie. ~ Iv4Brandies!1 * RLWà"JRB and OROCKEr.T. T1h S~iîb rll ieil 0i-ay dbera totI, 2Rady Pay Principe, Ch or i'l@4.a.eILteina-eoryoiiho more hene- Sica tte setier amid avcr. A large &Mon t z) r 1PMARY PEODiCE '.Wànted ifor vlobi* Cea Store, cppceteThcmpooa'o Mlmtons Myth, 186& 4 gt Gaflery!1 î wo Ei in .,theoes tua1ir iehitea' GALVE tIim lftr. Demps :New B13 in o mrOe Cie fh'Art. -- Syecaata Photogia+ýb Go to hmdy'à Gaalery ot Art. -..- Cfrttpde Viiteq Lettergraph- O0.teatact pictsrcs or auyhimi Goto q~ ~iiJff5:~,,i~ &FinesArt (biltas p sIereaiekiaa l Ube iiât bmpried'sCyi o-i the Art. [ -Pmdewlieb frespe ho ctirVeoix àit*Wk varranted LI ives eit~ JOHi0s ,i 1. ltN MUN DY. Arl186 5. di Four Millions 0F IREÉTORED TO jThe Credii System Of ÇanBada! CGndfemned by t&e 'Whole GCIVIIE» 1 W *Oýrld.ý. COTTON FALLEN 111 GREENBACKS UP11i AGENERAL REVOLUTION àN TRADE!' jla vev of nseltiiimtciiee ie Umitemi uiiae-,. i e Iecao:ihe el stock i DRIY GOOi>S lt gretily-rc- donvei Irices. UroiIm~o. DREdOS 0001)8, ILES. - TWEEDS; SKIRT IOOl'e, GLOVFiI -And -as riesii qie. tily of ather eoox.i ,d-imil bxi.ig. c sn qsiéln tsi vil moortei, bst euirey oxi, Mîul zmertsti, tlu dem'.1cf -ýh peines, tuai h -dutti ou e ohsi b. lhappy. .sli M ymtirinera îrompiî!y. HARDWARIO. OILS, PAINTS, tec l'o nlwmîrcihero hàve ecsataoeiy os hiasch a seciblt. tiek of Hardwarecn- %si:iz ùit Ca( Nmmlil. itaticg insîtieco1te il rpesera' li i -s ti srîîb.liimgs. Heohsanm i iiiniCt-s. Lgaing Cliîittsii, YPiay, G"s- lirreNdes, Crcsacte Sasyr 14aiM and 1ev lJ5eftd O teJa-e OîWhitst Patme GrocetiestE ~A tarer ccd wvii mssireil toeh cnfTe. Suceir, Risice. Carratîto. so, Oho-en, gees -dr.Cr~itlar:b, D2cNaselmiy t iel and 1Dite. abt bare latige est varicd stck-hi aysnds viii ho dsp<sel mf at lu* primesi ce re avlri ti imilerta prion, à- il-ihditeeca be paîciîaoer teo1acY: laeoquliiktir fgeda vbîhisat a mei- ehrttsa esteiter tih"-e wllie pidfor,- - serisye'mharescigthe rmereiist. and mtultimaey in4di r iîiUci ni ilmal isnlO mdc c- mtri ee cii, air 14)poesleo ulss a %Ve i'haîk the r.shiiç for thoe gaeons eopport i ey bavc gire nlme -f c oio- îmr-eco-bnghsoiee. e m placpte au 1ma a fr a cetiaimof lhnir eliemdaeders. WAD. &-;R. .eLYION. ile,-pl2t, 153. Rob'i-T-,Odd Ena on ,hand n largé tok of ieîR.wATSON,ý(8 OLD-DRUG STOREc Milto, janýary 18C, 1866. A oltive *Fapct; De VANDUSEN MESSRSa BhJS819 Fl IIASTErtI sclite s acoht le ett'liée messepaleei- are vhirh wvis mi i.vi-lîl ietiii ~o .hem. t eiVI~II cittitinm- iîinomît. saeiîii.p whnrt ati arlct iriv.ibitdhrpeteed ofet Very > Low Prices! - I5iMI.NTUE - I -EI STABLISIIMENT u5 n nlu D.:VANDUSEN. - f oosohojsDme6tbo iNEW SPRma-- loG s: AT 'a, » 18.TIE S' Sl bu now on band or ail th" NEWEST STYLES and NOVELTIES of the Seeson. Ladies DrcEs Goods, in Great Variety Ladies Hoop Skirts of the Best Qua11lty A ni re îctilceof English & Canadian Tweeds, IJoeskilrs . Gentlemen'. Clothing mnade to Ordor. Gents Rats cf the nowest Style., Ladies and Geais BOOTS kSIIOES in gent Varlety A Gecerai Amartaaeei of whech iii li ooid hesp fur CASH. [la nov on hand a Large Siark of Ladies Hats& Bonnets of the Latest Sii a hoih te ias and os rimmesd. Ladies Nautles in the Iatest styles Awuon [land. MANTLES & SACQUES CUT and MA.DE ta Order. CIIEAP FOR CASIl ONLY Ploasetaou and Se or Tourselvem. r Straw Work Cleaned, Colored & done -p in the Leteat Styles, et CH RI STI E- Furnituire ~Wareroorns. i .~ ~ ~ u Immot'ad Dealier loii Mode cf - ]Picture Frames, &o.) &c. Inhe plcnroicquaiiihii]Tlitonfriend." and ch. publie gpent a. Iat sdece h ehstepuici La p rclceec hi 1orilare Jom IlEfflus. JaccroslMIa ' E.tebliih 011 dTocii.,co Cf'hu iol t.,,Id Chtiapei ,ooî,ofitciu, mcEsabiphhmeets tn Ch, L'eonmcas ho oea u VI'Ycuit. ETIONub to toowihg pricea Arci flvkitiff Chairs $1.51, iBreahfast l'ibira a 00 iid1.1elda idi - .%o c Luirs. earh a-& iicrcua 8' Co 1 Came-ceat Chairs, each qui Cetr Tables, Cupards, Loesgo, à Sofas, Equalil as Chesp, And PIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT for CASE. i'crtlcclar attention raid tea&I ceders oddresed tsthe Prend, loi', M e toc Aoy articletoocttenSîrcc. eu cnt .iaintd aet @ec ce e PRDDUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE! Brampton, Ocicoer 151b, 18014. HALTOY 1IILLS, Dcsc doliy, vith entinfactios ccd deepato-h FLO!UERETAILÏD AT* IVUOLESALE PRICES. BRAI AND. MIILL FEEO FOR SALE. Cash for Wheat! . 4 TRIAL SOLICITED. For the i'rconFloarv il ho doiivcred within the limtite of the o v, nt the fol- loviig rates. -Surerno XXX- 82.75 per 100 lino Extra Sierfice 52.50 U ô do -%1ýdint 1L5 do do F'inec8, rts 1.910 do do Bran 75 ito de Chopsiaif 1.54)de do Chichen fted Si rer inshel PLEWES &WARCUI> Miltone, May Dib, 1865. -48-tf. - N OTCE e hrch gies hat the' Pari- aroîhroooeoitlg bho uthc1e adrimdfor the prectice e! the Law um- tbe cmeoaf W6onhall & Forsayothi base h0* dal, hesa 4tescivt A~Ildchtc due te the jate Oc-jowvi1ibcore- cil d j li4. tcrcayeil. amd ait sisucade uajm the'W tldi are te-ho predeatei te 1>Ëtea ià Georgcetown, thi 101h i4y e m(al, A. DI' 85 GII4SERT J. WETE.NBALL, IROBEIIT FORSAYETE. bat Co i%îv-r ce liai-ocI T T tO lat Tc Wtt - f 1 ,haeby tm littihe GOni-rol Court ec iQume Sesicim uf the Peace. aontclhthe Caliity Court Of the aid (COUIt I9lienLO, UclU o el at tho OURT HOUSE lx au4 îuo.eday, the ISih dal of Jace, -nt, aI tise hconr-olTWELVE OCLOCK m1îcci1. or vbiCh ail ilJîrnet o f îthePogne Coroe.o. iîteie, Gaciera. and ail othe o1cCroe& .amr quecicd I ta e-tobetico mi attend, It e dolperforu sdi iaoieW cvhic, apperitou1go hemn. G. CSAWFORD >IeKINDSEY,- dherif Co gui> cf'llait cm Initernehe public gcnmraly that mise hseju,icpitaed oata Newv itilléerp ktab. lismemtIo bu lime, andit tisieala 50w pro P&rei toexesooclaimt crice viote'teales ani despatte. ami et short otion. StrateW iork Cleamepi - ad Re- sssidoiei te thee LAaut P meiis. N ni S* Saes h*'&Eado te shep andRmi -i B W Bmliihag. MoIWrO 8 t. hiltmn Far~aer..1UenU~m! LA~L1J FOR-8ÂL~ - o. ,.~ q. b e, of RlhMe 1 P"' 'le Luises W LOOK OUT FOR NO. 80, Toa~o h ciUe JASII OLLUNRAKE>S AYU PNiIT ofcOOý Th. à1boe l ?aa .i UNUSIVALLY LOW BÂTES! -..e-itépecjtee mit Amy coe aking 1000) busish l 5vodbMheI litmaea~ , One door East of his, LATE PLACE (,F BUSINESS, .tt.t rt fFr pmglmis pi, Irf tq tttu -ne Whore yon gmay ece as choioe a eeiection of six CýNT8 PER BUSIIEL 1IM liai, 5etfr, Kallaride. Nov. Iti. 1864. 24tf. ittIoe. 3oti No, lumi ls -TGOODle VUmazrr.-. Groceries, Glassware, TGlAp IL VAN £VERy. 519 TI*cln y th.e i o h.re opo fLIN.WI % ,prodco a perecrt ilibsons c or orrumesé UR N W j giIsicihe aieibpy....a.- As e~a ~~eufi Iadi ti roircr o atia n. le~r - As yen gaainSd inetheCouety. vileserrrih r Pmsr. 0 edre,aeM à ühnr e 0l z. gond lt y mail. i'RUiD. ONE DILLAIO I ý 'Imt!h » amoned te hite ev Hoelui amd R 1.) d 8 iAP ih lc rail ,ivç3éptioe 01 as the cOreer et9IstanaMd Braas srose 3e1.N W Our' I and i "ii; rù-ouro Il, ithoiees vbh ,estre.wviiil iS aitoo l iho ahvo leiortmflloo. .Oidree.- atlpnbsa I Geace ~~~VAN 1lymo o.. nürelm1.lem pec cerpa r. a NEal:for AL mj. P.O.f0îîa55InWia.eBruleWla for ILL,,a 4.117 ed ail vho faner h4il FACI S titat cannot be gainsayed! MIÉ] ."PtO. N H OR'teànw lhe îflT~I Mulleaa i Eeele. lhi mIe b.da btv Stae.tdae ll FacWt DRY GOUUlS COMJING DyI ) WYN ___ "" tage hoaveenlî .toen ad Osmges.o, JORN, wA114,OUc. JX~M~~ ~LL~&K~ W M. lGOU L D fue oe2d4 _11he omio la h ~aort Wich *il viii adîmit vins favrehim va e at. Wil SECURE CIIEAP 000DS, GREAT VAIETY 0F FANCY DRESSES 1 Iu Tissee, Mailles cnd Doilar, feces 3'1.00. Great Varlty cf Blackh oILK oyohp do do Paraols do do COBOURGi. VeyChçop dc dao elam, StIeetà; iiSButtons ds do Pinte feces121r. deo sPli. in gredMi M esm de do GOoyFaotry (roura ic do do Frunth Kbdicersv da do White do dou ic do do Thrmiad & Si ih 0 loves do do SummerOliîowlado do Ooot.aLisien Ciiiicee do do Back Slk Ciats IO do de d PapsirCimilaos do dco tmv endlilair Boosota do do 811hlk lmîsiike.-hbola amn do do Ladiesaà: Misse temisUta Ne--hTies do do Fectherm and Flov.-r4 do duc limancd Caps de do Itibhon,O Iovem, Lise gooda q do do Ocohi IKid 'and Dog' Shia do do Ladiea Fail ls dV- ilia 1 Gicocandm irecc do do Cuoecs à loiop Sifis 1ALiick ocf T.cdà and Maatle Clotho Bim liack Ciotho laIVîde and INareos. BE AD--M-A-IE COHN Firot Clas. Mecares takcn for CIothiig and lVork Warrantod. à LOT 0F SPADES, HQES. RAKES, &c. JAMES IIOLLINRAKE. Remember the S-tore, No. 80. À. Largo Snpply of Butcte nd otbcr Producc, Wamted. Miltos, Aprit 12, 1865. 4 12 H. MaLAREN1 ýM SURGEON DENTIST, iLOWVILLTE, . . WILL ATTEND PROFESMKONALLY ON TUE First TIEqDAY nf cvery month . a**-"*****'t Tyrrei's Catel. Norriotos. Scond T UESDAY of every niati,...et lPr. Dic', Office, Milton. and the rcmaindcr cf the moncth AT ITS RESIDENCE, LOWVILLE. Tu f tt st igulil or ju 5ds, i ut uY olu e.rots ARTIFICIAL PALATES inscrted with accuracy and eatisfactorily. Great Bargainh ii B1O0,TS &SHBIES F. W. NIEHAItS ]Is nos on hand a compotc Stock cf AND Whiciaho je prcporcd te SELL 19 CHER 1? uàaey otabiihesent in the Cotenty. CUSTO» WORK donce-a sul.' Bepairing done on the shoits-at Kot i « h c ighest 3larket rrice paid for Il ides Farmers Produce talion in exdhango for Boots -& Shoos. OLD STOCK SOLD AT COST AND BELOW. em .,tab1isbment. 119 snderpidoed iseving npeethe huStock of cf Sise stG. OTTO, tla5o ireparen te Textecte *c icdmrr ln hie tne ocf bhieelmeta-. thecShoeteet Notic, aud the owuiemet to AU Work Warranted eqnal la Worhasmîhip andi Fimnish te amy or etaiaihmin amte aCouaey. aci. astis. ehorteit mottre. Aies, a Fli ST CLASS IlIBARS£EFOR CIER, amidanera's 3. . E s oudinvite *Il inteadtng perehesera te give istetarIl.eore byn ls vre, as blie o k e s od ae on utc precethes y OraCees or-.ake e lsar lu. 1 dont Wcotel te M cg O ulc 1.ieeeeditrace OchvtIt rythg orn e h aud viii iprepareel Ce Exeicuto.4lWork 1 C1I119151 1 I ami a&l kleds o e netloikept os bond me MA1DE TO'I ORDERI JW Yt.pairleg donmeona$!tort i olis. Wme Gou'd. Miton,.fuen,21. 1004.:, 5- Woolen. Milis, Georgetown!1 à 1; D Clotb I}üessing, roadi' gccstry f r cf lirai natron- @ge htrtorebo g eli m ens Cht ibiiy are acvW,es tvaya.,priparmiltate CARD THEIR WOOL AND DRÈSS THEIII CLOT1! rqUatiy -uaitae h o- dcne oisev6ere. "cd 011 thoehorCt moi011eý 111d1part!e. trami c dilamceo s eerat y gMt hlr1relis habh Ch te mu ae.day. Novea he. A raie vasmai. ani tisere&erved. Thutirt thea 0masut% beran ar-vei And ta those vhc havesWaal te "Il, Chat Hithest Market Fàce in Cash!1 FOn ANT QUANTITY Or be hebave un haud a terce *Sapptp cf ALL WOOL CLbTHS, SATrINF'iqTS Ji TWEEDS, 0F VARlOUS PATTÉRNS. Blankets & Flannels Hetis plcinanamifancy. &It of thercve menu- tecture, foramie ar eachiange nt ohe luvnt pries-. Me. Rsnet Mter viilpcrsonaiiy attend t e edtgJOSEP f .BARBER. Georgetown. M y 15t. 1 8d3. 80-li -J. G. Pairker Il A. bi s heeji TO tb. Late M R ilM RI('.FtTS Large tilttCE si .otE, Whcreliel eh t P.rone anite slie ilc et large viii lied GENERAL STOCK 0F Gwroceries, Glasswaro.b LIME, (QIL OIL, IIT&, àld!d %V IUýI..oiAL!4II.snir MEDà. KAl'i-UIPCiSE.3. J.G PASEEObis.piptrdIoli F-ARM PRODUCE et thc hioheai prro ein tred.-,etippiyidg the hetU-o' s ,h Pr '. J.U. PARIK Eitid sot is lut qumiy- Iltl rOtà&hCansain8. Farm to fflf TCe Stetaclritt vIl on ~me oee telrme. that excellet Faea hoiag cu- rsier o lie. dite Gooceih, N.8S eusocoetaialmmg 100 acre. viii, 8go lear. eil mcd ta iice lal cuitivallon, cmli v atri et mdeiie,,i sor-. -~ ~ ~~~iir dhr af.-fe raItes Fie rela - ttacha vithin 4imites of Milulan. 2cf Loy ville. aid 18 ofrllmmillea. lFer FarCher par oelareappir te hé ~ropeor ce the pra EMEOY! REMOYVAL Theo Ssbsenerhureo 1a tetinéor oext door to W D&L .evbem tàpoe ten otoà VT frm-.Ii.ghie aid Caenta..*8i h pdiîiio Chat h e Dov on hamd a apleedIl to'k o. IIAIR CLOllH FURftITVI B coeietieg of of'heoIae unes, TABLE%, SIPE BOARDS, BUREAUS, &., on haaei Md 1wMacO tol i a vin. -iR remd soon i liB i. Q-is ut At, Seue -tao er eie on short eotioa mndaiaCtev wprie PB Mcde o e rier on short -soties. - AILlàWOIRI FIVE PER CENT CHEAPER Ulan amyeer Setumhleae. N. B Partes e m.âta fle e p puyg. 404ôi i, m lItes, Ot.isO64. 301 KENNJEDY' c' Po a"Miis y2 cal. iiteioprsev am and r morseise a "Ypatpshe e i isbot 1l.e Rheeare.em4cplpai acleisso', . a L-é OI.rusmi ,eln ritt eem eyeir e teorm pretis.he vahi y 4V c "Yaotamr loi pst op jo s. b ottlem. jusC imoube t a 1 'beie MWd p0 a beau o~ aàMietrmeiY. PFuli dimetols oitifosohheilleî vrii rter ra bheAi 01hbaiealler buccin- img gtra,le-lienatorel osier, andMiM*ail ur,itnas týfisnet-atte rtf ejipbCr.m. .Na Lady aor Genteman grill ver ooe. he gl-yvisoeiseKeahr oyUe>t.rI-R steresive aeerilg t&àlSioleou-, *i ctcheu hole. -- General Depet,_NeUt. ~eW. Thoee Ust4ro arepirper.eiih gisesosed attdt rc .rhase st rehese disses, eh., UIr. James Keeslw.dyear,l et %bat ltle a duty g oaaellye tu give a reveimlon01 fl metWrl eaufe 1 bave ierired froes the me orypo liiea sui Pais ElUer. AlléeoroWSirs at deoyeean vin asEryppelu co e s of my 1ige.ani, hele .tebil~iM golouv q verk me peverai occuon,maîa" tissuhala cebîloct e yliedy ofor Ilveb ai ryir oveymeaoethmt méict.hal %gtmd isel -beg aidai lp Ch.e noçu;lD. Tue 1. ety- %ltteo.prooIeae à eviavrb sloro= ~stu cous yor e eilei h roll iigt 6f' lie a i ree.ed wvcy*,am me. jjei lgosy the$ [hbave sqre eta dem-élesfroua Cheef- freo avo Abei la me e eail mi expectos otmeer evme=Lth mwngOe~5 LiaIus9.. Eli rkaorent; ail 0 b TeemiqGucllh. Ibno - f