Upubli M *fdbigcho ire mused a ir11e, bp a nludkout; it u Iî tll*atpri ho Oe u.l.locdupon lIe ail Once mon I li vrds hu raid; Thon cahaay, vItla nuchl. bond,' l fdao eamuto 0,rasd. i §ow sbaïe kh 1. troL and WaIo binot, col, giminnlg .101; it ilry lb.elompeec dcag, 1 oouaiS nultaIl-I oud tcr- Black, loy borrure s"nckme clmbý Andftrom'my nysuls u'or 1 I 01 My . my 075nluuttor (car, And aove t. blk nou more. bAsinL I looked; a f<LtnI chanuge * Aoeu.b10face hâd àseadI - eu o.moed lu raie-ou chek sud u- p ire l.oed o bieb1hésUUedng blad; !EbId, madman 1 8157 tii.fraullo de ed i .gisd, sud forul I 4rnng H.'bierd me,but hé bcdod nue; bnieganesruund 1gave; -And ire I couid' d a allnG, Hlaid-B»oou oueSBUT& Tite icmift ýt àproopectuhc and psoaëapu 70. oCC.a.g oh o.ompmncès adbonninuthe Âm rn MI eru1uon 11. fothe m oirab "?i ÂWÎymt Imm NeW York 'te' lb Pha~esul oh oginuaispeul 81000 hb hbt;vithout anopea hhmoring en -tpd .ho d :W 1for $7,000 suc oïwddho Artana Wud o, telig hW, msaD. bonainveti% ian, sur whèh ho thon deorbes :-Those Cor&- pony. aeordng t 1U proopciCun the O0awlesualm prd la Q vill al ii pem improvementa oîata lu l; a flfovr'i Weod-Iiver oil aet *. front door, sud suothier ar lI bn a .1» atràm è(doulleifn alu iMorl On510M.aeangu-nesa, an. other aolmi1la-an0ted W, toue pril.y fer digiu' a pulupîa lbhe slame. il mke i U t ls'h' tMuai Hou Lake -aIr oq:Z. xaltook ianl~ ln vrvlrglao aI7 R é - e t s t i "e nS r 'ri a hee ebéft~er.! iaa: sudOâ i.one u tlis uo hreer t i_ ~ e~la -141 bc em>«, ,jnae hm cweahnle0 fit te't lonobodsuqesub.evlae-; &mm th" m haifriat. we hsua i, w h m sd ir vilapo_ temsai udli. gnat nobtolughlou hek 1 îýaaO, theWu- h o au zwYotimoAloW. - m . .tatrud gd o heS is nvout eali an d oobeulad er.IhC. e üc uok id; heb t~,oSm adljuil. aits vmm. a *peitomjn 'a 3 J THLPIN ÈVE MAIN Sa I'et CA1TN UR PHOLSTERIR. TI2ýR la j nnî e mmiudlia Sk ut W ashstands Centre TabI099 -Common %n hIes-atý M atirasses, Boreaus, Loýoking Glassés, Canel-Seated Chairs, Side -B ards, &C., nellolli la peepsred t lu st aIpolees llssurocluredl 10 arer on ahrI sotlea Raineuler l place-nmxt door te Vin ttobîmuaa» ll ,1Iufn a Eabslialcun,1~a fijog aidt btnaigtefo mu Cr a SabaénaestdelerMe 06lu Offeir for 2aliJê: DRY GýODS! GRO JRTESI 13Z E~CK ERY 1 PAINTS!1 Atpraco j!ta m WkM Mita ......FY.C.M.E.I.i.K. (i a'; ~Il i v, N'ew 'Holiday Adverflsemet nhaclaulme cesanomymporbmti requlalloistoeantbepuhlio attentlouemawaseacfl tlutglfwknumlowtncumplnî woeantsa4sutopaJntnetobvclis..., OceniiatOaUdWPlaeOfbualesinscrîdotcep, aiIdaeFgpwllkfemlbevhlueofeglutteon tinunhLnol*tndhhroinyWun crB«-Bmmuocnetihuigboâmt bekwoatOwdthignivrWysbknoftiofhehght5pôtfl8,tiflg labn eabapoofhtedyMlo!n t v5sadrleMelecountry hyisreeiabhmentabumon go"duàdentiono awtbedsteellue - rouutyandfewcl tyeabIlshm onfacanSoa petewltla Il 4c w*uIuII' I a ilwî&MF Fac*, number 2. Fnct number 3. Fact number 4 ?at number 5. Fait number Fact number Fact QI number Su80 FàaCt number 9. Am t JAME IE~ QlFIN nuionse ci tIu L~SIT Sf001C Y)f DRY 000DS la thea Couny offluitm lbsurce cf tl Of DRY fatOODil in ticeCotly etf lton. JAMslýeS:M uiFIN bas one, of the eCH E- t STOCK89 cf DR in0D te eCouuIy'ut falîon. - i J:AM"eSficGuFiN lias a Seleclion of OLOTBIIVG, PbATSa APS, &o.,a&è. 'JAmEs MCGùpiJFFN buys in the best s- onu Manloa, sud le prepare onalt offen T sCatomeon. JAMES MCGUFFNS Stock Of Dress GoodsSwI,&. exSeo1 nytlcîng ths lhoIbu lad lu formeraaco.. Tha Ja es eGuffin cannot cpumerate in âdavtlono;m i.bouaflua Ihatýtar e ti o boaloso l a Ie,, Jlt.AMRS MCGUPFPIN8S Stk Of Cloths, Cassimqr.es, .TweedS, .Oveicting, Vsi ~hi~s, ~awrs loves, Neèktie0 (collarj,&e ame theaOheapetthat have ever. been:offered'i ltàn THAT TUE of McGuffiu'ogarmet.excol a.y 011ev. Fact number 10. That the only way for You to-be Adi. y âtisfied, i o'g :eve~the, %bove fade prfflo t COMreqt. Ceuiha Tsab.AU WdoIfrm Me .~o70oprivvard«, Fine. Blanc Camislt ~0 e .11 lui X 1.101 u ooaja 8 0. Double Fuld Nanti itç,îk ood Ooàg,p sd qýaiI$y 20. ýoe i. rm6 Mer4Mo.7§0uPet7d. Frols rom I2i.ioý~ n. Slk. wiU vidt, (rom Si o8 5pl j .Gd ShïCki f roceis,1010 g 9 aid. ±7onrLadoeno tâ u4 Shoeson hand l.* -'I k.. i~lvn 1 i~lf 1ind. o (~A~I~ MI Tales pînmr lu aqtninll I Hlton afrlen44 thel.bile e ti; b lluroiua OC8c61) Cane*4éaîChiln,eab '6l Vet.Tet-CopbeardÏ,,'Auhgesý- & Sifasi Eqio Çheiu And PIVEPEI OENT DISC~OUNT for CA&SH.pae i. J, Pieticlenlar atntln ato Ua dr.Glt * Any atoemtWtc o eutlPopcatr sna. upo PRODUCIATAKEN 1l tEXCHANG! F. W.NE US A-IEAI For big fots and SbhuaetaII. t eu fStoc"a or EVER Shownin Milton i Cooaotlg u No'. inefoot, Kp sal0whl.bien'@ GlOsîtan sd Ovoe.oa' Bals. sa aln oGe lî. AeLduvooan sd chul W %dar, ail aorteansd izao, Meu'e tiack Boole (nom 82 25 opwords.a . ofrGoer. (rom SI 56 n Mou'& (laltera di 0 M .' <'hilcilret.'o shors .O026 ]Repairin# donle on the Shorteot Nôtice Dont forgr the pince.4e 3 Stbr.y Brick building,ý opposite Il Watquu'. »roi Mtic wlllh oi, unk e i anould tVhoMe nt,1v la'tlcsr rnan Thefi- awm o tu mlnreAnd Oftlu I t lneni railod. Wlcat waoofc inyothfil lam ine 0onsid W.at iv oud vu lhiak i ahou loecB u wiiehu enanl e ta Whui would yun hbilukif Nehaus ohould Âod;lu pTticel i ui omocra Se, aswlo, andl roIn. and (riii, ýhaIl evor b. bis aBm. Andal I hi. mainix roodicine. As .1 asl male your hoco? I Ilis Bsol.ami âShom'ati .t roucr&, *And nrnnov mondaltey'll wear 'aviat tlib ou etf laan+e mIa do 1ome ta, lie 5'ora vsu -e Iift'in Kttc2p Ilooc ud SIacýeforsalie, 1An.d gelyour Baina 11. Ier GIEAP FOR CAS A large supply niay be seen at, JAS.-lHOLLINMRAKE5 In eveî'y Variety suitable for the] FALLANWNE TRAPE, l'Jompising-thefoll'iing...Stripe& Shirtings,, Fac"tû l3leached Calicoes, Prints, Lý:nens, Ticks, Ta- ble Cloths, Diapers, Flannels, Blan- ýketB, Cobourgs,, tuitresy Baratheas, French_ Merinos, Plain and FancyILincey§_and lW6lcys, Ladies Stays 'Hosiery and «loves, Carpets and Door Mats. Also, nadian Tweeds, Satinetts, Englisb and Scotch Twe Silk Mixtures, and Fancy Ycstings, Ovèîcoating,, skin, double xilled ribbed Beaver Whlitneys and Pl I3eavers, Gekhts Suifs, Mufflers, ]3raees,-- lined -Kid cloth Gloves,ljmberellas, cloth caps and FeIt Hats, An assortment of Berlin; and Fingeî'ing Wools. I Necirtion sud 3Sbnnty,. 10% B riht Sugur for $1- 00. 1 23%b. Rieti for $1.0i Toba"i yft', andoikr-me v s-wâ 1L iriî.0 il.e nrck, alI dap for Cml. CROCKERY- Plain aid Fiçurcai StonoeAmi CI pe said Sallooro, 1 Jngn, n'ci Bedroona nots, Tea st nota.tuC. CaStoîce pet. igaîreai sud Cl guci qnality. ILoln eaajad TRbieS8poo", andi forirs,,ourry4oenbè and%. kat~uh~al~-~ ducs taken in eznbaaage. JMES HOLLINRAE offera great aciva for~ ~ ~~ L~i taOuecron.ituoee cjpýe.Cooe npi uoply. ileetbsStore milla overytlang you reImmufre efuirninug jour Ilau &..FISH. P1LOPILIETORj -T92 .Pitor hvinirpureG Ihis NOW lànthe.timeo umanur oir i weil knuwc le asliereaampgdetoIe Ya a iosi dxeln lardg&. insabiIs mi îejntn qie a ,U. 8W lvana TI Dý uue Onln ur Inita mAsf ND utasi -i ua.o. ruini iXCh NTSlPer Bzd uSHnEX 13 'r ' 1 l p a ir 1 vel 9 or .a nI . na1~ t? ai 0 mentnighubeentbeaimofthembacriberdur eflatte lbbbelftathehmuMbeenàltogèth ermucceegmýmuch&4establiahmentwumuchreanir Mel 1 Milton. lblad1 OUW . G UI0 sud Ill.0 e l!llp ed L aile 1 p - Il.pariog dos e o. RalrtIDbl ai lpwnrd. oz aa JU cor PA Store lici -'61b Marul z , leJacAcl lnttm"iiIr G1 r ciîep, -I-,.iOa.lvcy. O... .acclarrrcroa , c Oltn raolac l. aoumau w amaluualole 10 ea Dr.c i,slnu lan rdA MI&auas <o~5.l 'rus 1144c ..5aeas au a wcd s 9.yc ,lam.redl a aa.I ! ssO ~ acaao ual.na ucouad u t 0. pIli ,aaoobaatd lat i .taa*oca b ic a etcl d i5narnu au. .a.wr aloi or acocala n.,ul~cclucao nular wosthen . 11ad.saofaasmnmoca sls i.115S.aIralY .eml10da.= * aM 31 *S utr l nI lu t a. se Call n .c, ataeruca~an.lc .,mai cn .16dcc bdaa,..io i ~, a s ta. -P. »a.' o ,boa. nad' sola i I, .oo! tct Pua o rcna o. nsuac rvc d l ai 'tbé b e ds biapd Sn coc r . e-y a - l1 a. s1ir, i sal balae. bluivsî, 1 o. RW au w. ber iefi aao.lp < Ilbi onesata. Il Il.ed Bu oni uacr ue>l o Py iiag ICI mc .aa osu..d!, t Waclit wéac, rouaSa 01. . bccoGmlsJ.19ý.mi é6 leall ffe ot 1 maorenums e ttla.le moe eut trelneelo iel -10 ull No ievyr.. pll i a t o 3ed , 14o ae t1 w.cc lta o rf$Y 3ea- N EDS Agw >laair lepcat p le4 osaIel ltsaoi heh ndj lllsýj P a daa ei sud. uon1 mitI auqvn ene i lth an ilabu of MY.. legp andi4. cGnrac oefn.ê e loati~ is irlhs ou. No4y mayuMt mmceu i t~u a 1g sol i a Jdi m - eIlorg Lipt'âil ç;Wi tro a a Iasaw0offa Ourle >5.54 M 0a oa re ced»a.,ààdela 04 n- il e un e lotl ait a Saul. ýM de 1:fcta'd a s filntea- tav sa a bi mee Ar Ye mnmil t vr i -l i iTA lw Rai - Q. .nacaa a nom -a Lait w. ai Pri 4~au *a Il 1 Milton, Oetober 17, 1864. 21-ly