Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Nov 1864, p. 2

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eâ"îâý _ý" I ý 1.. ý .1 ý i 1 i - - __ _ __ - ..'!ý; -- . .'. « ' ', - -ýý! -ý-_ l' - - . ý ý 1 IÈ ý - ý ., 1111- . It Il 77ý 7 i i - Il ,1ý ý ; ýý ý ý, 1-11 loi . __ . - ., L.1ào,,ýLý ._-_ ý -, - .... ; -. ý ' 1 ý .. ýý - ... - . ,k- I _-M ' . *. ,.,,7 ý-" - ,. , liý * , -J_-i,_i ý . .-ýÉi:- RU Ï1 ý il 1, 1 1 oloil ii-li ý'-iii à È. lid __ý4ý-ýý,f_; II ;l_.- ....- II, Iaèè- iiiii - .1 ": _'WAM M ý , __ 1 - M §î. 1 ý1 ý . ý ý k I... q_ . m---.eq--I-O,ý -- . . ! 1:1ý - 1ýý1 mi - ý ,., il, , ý ý , -, . , ý . 1 1 ___ 1 . - . 1 , - 1 i !! ý 1 . ý :: 1! Il ý ý Xtini ý! . . 1 - EEýý ý __ , ! ý ' b ý ýý-*ý - - 1 2 ý _- - 1 ý - ,, ý, él'Q-,". ." dim 1 1p. ( - entired Mamterw Change. 1 News % roi, the week. Ilongary, and the Priciipalities. Groji -Otea , - ý . . ý ý. . . - 1 .. ,,, il, . - . ý ..raiser Flodda, taking it by sur. : , i ' - . ý - tri %f dir $0 et the VI ton p si MU order, ho Correct corn the ho lied. 1 *Ould ais i . fa ' . 1î . ý _. '191111 'Ir 31. 9.800 the parera arc diouftif movements of 1 n Bay i te air rue , ý . - ý si , 1- ý . ul Europeun ,POJýlýtlon È Prise in Bahia Bal, Bratil. This wili respect of Sid folio* 'Den. In abort keep your ýpttIe off ynur -gtqhltbaýJ " . 9 qpens4 éta a, n" ' CA ïADIAN. ý W 1. Th 1. 1 1 - - - 7.152 - 1 -Y of INr. tire direction of lIberty,,ý art _ýJs6mIýeot,, Probabll lied te, oompl nette . . t . « ý&" FIX. -1 çXur1ýrM ý probâilit aloi; . . . i 1 tentions with ,hrough thý Il ogcn;. of the cet off and brousit do 1 . IL . . - 1 ý The dolegatesý have just County Board, ho , 1 M ': .ýIMM'drr '.111t. ý suit% Offio of, 116tinantei ed-fs *ý England mugi nààntai4 towki4j libéral Brasil- ý . 141t, kept emi tor ýkC kinde f .01& ýw.,v , and . ý Go. oral 1 . , V Il agi o hors q9ý Wbqý n'pliai .08, i au 1 . - 1ý , Y, . , Il f om ý arroi ho -tour t ..Fu ý L t 1 'G'A 11, ý. ýý Ir, in nô re , not - Çpjdïrà,lil w-ýweI1tô, . f. Po cy,4n, tilasm ý . o _" ý Wb .we(*O- - Il 1 1 ostiie ie W'04 * hle ïï e of tliren aititddu .-ý W Ilive .h - - y , ýýý ri . 4 d ý!iýî. "tU@i IDIS art _ , - inisel, Il ý 11110, ia"Illé trofeidgn, ber 1 ý ý Ica ' ý . - eÇltbgbftn -ond&M" ta t ** ,r itjr, sympathy, or ùeutrjÛityL Tbe.a... - 1 - 1. .. . t .110 =. - 1 41 t * ý * Mýtu là ry, ",,,nd ve ý ru qui , , he4ib conte "'T - - _____75 bg hg!' ý1 Ii9ý - A fibly .M . ý . . thity , rr 1 1 de , el. - fiisît Vif 1 'Il 1 . !, er ý ré Výy ul Ilît, ýý1 If . %n.";,.. _J; rý*J ciaril _1ýp11-1 la o ai II IN l f *lit establialf lier ellemie's, ýhe ']%et iiiiiii ' . u wil foin il, , fic t Id ' Itb Dg ýB or, -!Iýo-ýurddk-! -ifs.ý bus. Il , . 1 ZR - em &rel ,VI ' IDttfw'4 - Galtr4kanq-d'noedý td'a bW L'J"' Es@' ý:1hCrè b r, '. (fbtirtilno'iitil. r! itiiillltw ý 1 1 ý ý ' ý ;Tlisire,*ýi';igilà, r - p i.1, Th 1 pr+ lý,ý , -e ! sien for bar the contemPt of both par- ý 1 Il - ý ý;z,4Ulz.rë, i: A", Âv: In a 1 ope ers. carried î -, -, -Irxm iip-lm"ýý _ _ as tilý", - , 1 1 1 .1 - ý 1 . go iý lýidg ýý e-. 1 i 1 , - d - il wil, 1 .- Il tI/ý ý 0 tu . ý , igrefi'àý.,.dop 0" - , lue ri., f ,ýistý!>« el , ý 1. notailli A" Mi 1 1 1 'a AIÙ%iifon'> Il b,à;àà, ll' ' *lu- ,ý.. talons tics, while active sympnîhyý will enable ýRthaMI8 English Lanpage':'ý- dgtqj4ntrs de,ý Doit , hem.) i î . - - »"- a "W ' - à4ie 46 4hà ab IV là . ,ý es , ý fiNderat Gov- 1 - , Il Ï2 11 on. Il .î. thlp C., 3.1ýlà. bc, atili ta leizil the van l lits, 1110Y are ta corn than tlib past ton yearq. 11, ri te stand ai tire bond of;this (,'bon- tri Ille march of - Icetead O Wit il , ,,,-an l 1 ta the pride and glory of developil g, look, 1 have non, a fine, growth ý 8 le . troë Il -, 9 ýà î M 911 1ý ,fn ýý,Tý-, ;t, ment. ll:ith2r à lo,)ntrotemt)s' took With ail due deference ta the Board . hrOgXý 1 ho op - e" ,rýrv.ItitwR. , ctry bar, ta which the Vice-ébadiello progress. , 'faille 'Ingi, 44d b itifying the miids of inaplç, hickory, &o. Plant young treille >0 ' . , N ý Je ý Qtion-of the en t- . Mfflr - II- place nt tire bc . Il ,« , , , i *' .. 1ý - tany Oomp là il moiro . ýýeeept o notttetinn, we-t link the aol % a o they muet need bc - cqothl'9'98ý-« .,--,rAbom. Il . the> i-pito'. J where and cvûrywhere you Cannolf , ýQ, ., dy ÎÏ, iiiw ...... o litnn -iao'@l -Of ýh91" diunerir- - Th l'il, i>ioù'14,lîioo.,107-ýf'. ' 'kept undèr'the opùr, to W , ,f.vibi4 - - U. . ; .. Ill. rd" ls 1 1 ri ,ý éCt the end that plougli, and along the rond aides; and tii(" alo* ;"L.Riftwmotink'vide - abip la the next step. Years ago this when Jolin A. .McDoriald,, affilie * ilote. dnte,ý vos P t'bis" dismal picture of file Lâtlirmi nu a text book fur touchers, was . whôl!e «liké tmvýlling-i - à -, - Il ;, 1 thoughtful-lookirig man vins pointed out present beligerent condition of the unfortunaW Thore in another w rk .1, ,ý l'r. niencing his address, was obliged franc Il 't , Ing Couiniurrity lorry get tire fill upyour wOOd,ý la more, 1 è #the O> ,,..,:: » . ' - ,, a, -ý1»'1n1ýei::IM -: t: «I 1, - . 0 .1 I.U.r,,,, P",Y,* ,W, N.tî.i-..ý 'ô'.gmte, ,i,."t. ,ý,1.,ý= brotig ý ... ' -, W. 0 IIU 'Eur- Donner irr the roa1redwale à'nd'otfièi" kiiMï'. o te i en clin- , - ;Ma ',I a ,ýtî ta us ne file future Cliancellor. Nu op- - warldj-If there lie la idend colin in aime, adopied hi Il 'U - ' - ' beir'off'.4prii.g. .. 1 . te l, _. 1-tr 1 ý - . .. S-. fi. 1.1 .r., . . _ .. à-U&Poi . Ils, . _ ý, t; e"eet. thid, * , . 'M , ý ý ýý - : Ath a * ... i ý-e11 ,,%tX g;ýy. tion teé*ke hisseort. :From Ore t thora igido'süffô'ýa(lai iwell, . ' 1 ' _ . no niversity of To- tien of il mot many of youi'. eýý -,g[? tu 1 . - ' 1 h do .... .. ir.-n, VrCRv', xelvoli. wîfîàâÉ"ýèuld gave more satisfaction, tawa thoi proccorieil to'Toroiita, when polities liq 1 î 11, i t ie tiot tho, i*illbe'jo 'air' parts of the ýrvn ,-ana têt't book-'- "Pèirler'd Éri- Were Our Cou,-tY Board aboliglied 1 . ý ' well 09 b!lsitlel;s nolongst ý go ý front 'Ir but yOur éfiilditen wi 1; end wé -phur and-' ààoko firdr*'àllthi locomofive, . ý biqTIV"I-r klt;V?«PP»-ýl.hF$ýr-RWà. -6Cî % os ..Mlrw:mo"t hs4ýb6Tfic, througilout Ili balle and speeches fbllowed. The dele- here would WC find that aïlur ? SurCIý. "gu-ýpo'týta-Move-thoýýomnuy-vom ý ý 1 4ý - ."ijy"u 1 - . .,.IIw&tliinkwould w Dont > npk little plumet ive irl#4it. ,Tliice-quarters noenéapéofiteamý, ' -apont, j, 'ý.1 21 %5"111ebly..,qý&.ý,.rkowt- 1. lis . L.inguage"-Wbic mot in the edtùp6âitiôn br à gri; i lcen-> than we fontid it. Nothing pays a fer- ai - , poudwa riInil,ý, ieý(o,ý _ - - - - ý 1 l"1,-rfý!be" z 1 .1 . ggt«7 wefii -ai flor West t1il Niffgdra; fre- 'nfhutnnnity;lfl ftldr,à,r6 living lit trio inve ansivered tire purpose fur more of- 4rd. in Toronto, or cliewhere; mer as vrelles in bis .-fruit -trocs but Il ,e arties, ,& . 1 a!) poisonous aie s.oýbreý,tu,".iuib-as, .",ý,ý ,,!,v,.ýîtiiee%-, trnn. the allonge& of p. Choracter uni- Therouis Ivar règlually. No one Cali hâte a Iligher ý 1 of ..tb- Ordiréury ýý oýL, Sillery . It . - 'If eài 1 , m in- - t-inçaliy the calomnies soliberally lie- barbarQui attire of ý4r., tral ... ý of ..tbe : , ý . Ï., .; ;eýý isesýirî'.ti;îiý rir'u MI' 2 0 O" estiviez ad(irc!ssce nt Hamilton ril $f. . ,.a thý"!Rpeet we have tac mach con- they requires cure, atherwise they', Win' illot pauses through 1 ý' ' -Wl ý ý,:-- ý iý ý ý in Polarrid, wrir in Algerift, war lie 31ex- Il tralizat * . ý . .. .. -. t ;.,-, LI,ýtb 1 3 j4ýý ,Ic.i«ýý': ', 1 - !: storied on bis associâtes. Catherines. No doubt, they lèavc liritlh ýico, war il] flic il iteil Stute.., wur fi, respect for Latharu as a critic, thon wu ; .- ý zzJTanalbssfffle,ý ,,à - . ý/ - _ .ý lot, à1ready; WC l.ave marry, c ' ý ianmiy ednooâe-- tenchéirs seiit È vigz as they mIght ta' T4ýmo il not, .b, ý 9,1&4.1;TIW*Àxw.>9tbTm4 ". ' . Mir. elcKellir, of Kent, bas boeu iml- kindl fi li the Canadien poopli in New Zonhind, war In bâtre -'bc stands high as authority on the éiffl ýilns takeri'*ith the"p ami- . - ý 1 ortil* ai - - .. , . Il dy-ofý". . t; r_ --- Jfýý 4ýftý U 1 ý1Z-,I :1 Eamligni, War in Japan, vr - délire out.sil foui 'air. Thil 1.:ý Il . -hiosueoe&wS. N6bDtte'ifiiiif eý ' Iý k a goodly report of Ir Inn-tl:i-o but bis book là! evidently in- élites 1 - . . ý ý T r 1 -SObooI,ý'with certifi- ir?.- ofyeung trees,_ç cial;y'pfi'the Iy - 0 . ý- "". and -il carrrgysbýa .1 . , tifflimired as 0 . 1 ,kÇ,U) the.Nmllztl . -£-Oi*aiiiijKill- i6 oeil . îérý,ý';4èwée , ý __ __ - 1 ' ta t'une, who lis a Étier vâIý ties,'onnh ne Ir-art portes and' 'air, W . _1, -.-,n --- M in Ag4hallistuil, wur fil t%ý'eiitY Colin- . $tout stretma of extemu. 'ick ebrf 4711P. M. fflz- fdr the Cition amolli .bu foulard. Tt M iller land; those MULIIIII exclianges of, -senaied for chissical v,ýhoIàrR,-and Ciron , Ili. P. i Fquo-kr 0 ' e - .1 ý . ,tricsinjifricla. Tlàiaiâ,,uièl;wtunatelv, 1 __ . ,.ri ïý.:.., 1ýï%ýi;I "'n filer Mondait. - ý Claus, do ilot;eolqp up Qitber in intelli, appleoïý't aXt'io0y î t1iiiii doser th . è4j item ... ý , - . quires à mat ofhis écoute, .Practicgl!tttl- oclurlesles batweW our fellow subjects Co lm of ur;i. these would loue their 'dolith in Ille ýw love] tien O . ilny . ý . . ý ý 1 - - ___ ý Il OUXII ta diticourage tire friew gence or Long nX pontrers, to..the , , - 'ý »W -tA-DVFAtTIISE qMIXTS1. . . . , 1 . tue 'nuwerymali Ili 1 01MIO ' ' ept".ego'Q'litly tg manage the Post ,If the Loïver P tricot; and murailles vermal pence; and wh-) ,clin may they Anglo'Saxon and Gortnan qnotaý-ons. o gý i' l 1 f thoïc liccj>wdfrani ,tiffl ta time, by tovb ever dOce-,,qDy.gCý si ly béèaim , f 719'q,ý, =iif".494,ý, l» ý,-â4 ;;%joie" " 1;". M,îJzý ". I:ýý1 ý ý . : î o of a veut union, 'will mot niect %viril still grenter disap . p 1 ý . Office .Depàvtment Hi@ ý elevâtion *ta Wil, bc, the County Boards. Such men are rit tlicy baye been neglecoted. 7.ung trocs utiles, sbqveý,,grotmd., ,Another.of the i , - 1 pqr 9.4gpffl-ILn , suilleet ès -in4be son'- _ pet -fils. CGUpQý.J; .ý..., 1 office wbuld: lie 'at'sfdctory;fn b'm P'rty binding: our Ille . 1 fluent next yenr ? Ili ]y, Hungary, qjiïtaý1j, rcle 1« 1 - * .ý ystem'il, tirât .ý 1ý -pro, ti . 1 If th-re could lie an abridginent made thifir èàw, they consiller flot tiroir need ta bu au carefully raiseil, ,a O 1 or the .gdvantug« ofthe , , ý' ýbe . ù ,Z g ,L, %1ÎLII ;ý1a. 3ý i .fid à Jeté à ' ýb -, and file Shivoilian ' 'ýo pý apir 0 #W . IllolanIl, Dciaiiark ýe . ý . Il. w0y o the Inn", of ail the parts neccssary for, Corumon - 0 1 .y je: aient. .airid enoualdu -grisiàj irCia . . i ";Oral al Self 0 tratinir., bas alliffled children, nad à great dent 'more no th ri edli ý» .ýL ,, Le ripnes. i , ý t . ion ta th ' Oknow.ladi;melitlof.his devot, firm 4di Of al.esteetn. . larprilation of Turkey are net, it ctust School touchers, the work would do very them ta face any ý tliiii.- in thé f many of our , lit ren.aie. * tirent .arc impassible, ýN0 Iwo trains . .. , - - ' J . eeàuseorlteform. Thosowho ý Iling ; ti'ley nelleet self improve. l lits four trocs in a dey, 71 ,Fojjçeivable ffl , be . . in. - 1 The rosoIût2 %erý the convention: bc eniife.-Sel, in flic "'est I)cciflc ho- well. Tire Objection@ WC havý il. ""' I, con hý . . . ,ilbility i lr;41 ýI0,n, lý_Mýs 7.,ý-'Pýv. 1 -' :,ý lý . "ý j have net thehonor ëf, Ille acquaintanCQ, ment, und es a conscillience, notually and demi it:w»'ell,--ihe docs a good dqy's h - .. - 1 , è , _ _ _ "=ý__ ý ý lýnAr- und ta tbo8e 14lict, study Il in le t lie et ý 0 saine finie. ý zhe . 1 . . have been. revijF(iý nt -the adjourtinient 1 te lis a book for touchers, who ore mot sup- fitil ta preenre lis nuany pupils for, tire work; buý I know men who plant a ,*Oràt - thact cisi haopewto Ille , tâ liz4&4m obkniý à,)ttl t Montrent, and b1aving been format] " "_ý_'t- -_ imcg fné-hirn ta bu a red repubIioImý Fle a ytil'eral situation, i,,ste-id of 9ýetIiIlg -ri languages, higher moulin . oriels; as tiroir more crier- hundred. T'rues most boproperlytrim* is ibs, thgtiajjjmb . î o 1 . . ý TIO NI bas beela held op by tionne papiers as flic :etter, 'it grires nn front day ta da'y g-,,- po.qed ta bc vermeil in forci, . - jl lie net frist __ ý . . ratified und confir,'med, were ordored ta 'tine more enniplie:itvd. arc-lât. It pre-oupposes au nuquain- gut'o end beiter leurned compecra, ta ined, sa flot ilicy do net grow out o - Ut t - 1 . , . :;. l' . ý. v ý ëry ine4rnacloiI of democracy. Per , fi." bw-to nieýve"?Wl,ýk-,é.ié M lle ý, ý . bc éng" ed on pprehment. 0,ýc of the grentest civil wnrs Afnind- lance vrith Ille grammatical peculiarities W lie arc d6impelled ta keep up with shape. Nt, npple troc sbould be.allowed tire maellinoiï." -- ri the tirent of à eh ý 1 ý ) ' ; 1 . . - - 1 1ý liaps bc nAs been à sort of Ilbote noir" - Ilon. Mr. bIeDou,-nil lias been tri. prn'timpq lins jurt bret brouglit ta a o va site- ""Il-------e --- 11_" ý ' tý.r)M TM !ffl vn» Bn 10 ý 18« ' ý ý -ri rilially deuil and living lal),Uýt.gI-.9.- ,3--te!n, adoptcd by the Cou,,ty Boards. a zept, ' tinarla, limier Il - Iling-of-certificate ta grani jnQre filon fifteeri feet high nt 1 an occurrenice, thé pnesen.-m bu ý 1 1 -la r ýý - te them. Nothing clin bu flurther front For several yvjrm; tire 1 1. ri the di . ., . M*Wël",,Vr- P.- B. ýpkdsae, , 'È , IL uniphantly. roturnà foir North Lanark. ! C10"0 in China. fray time,,,,and tlIre linibs should bu k 1 . . . ý tili ti , (,in xt ri ý p y ta ope car ai either end cf« . :. the truth than such represontations, ne 1 ý pause of tire rebols ilad hévn stuadily de- 2nd. IL lias many quotations fleur the-C Illictend of abolishing trie Courity tilore'th'an frôm cight tc, the Carriageand walk out ta the ri " t Il - ý p ' , fbr titis, CHAMPInq -% Mb%-ýbf . cin- His wziiority ne the close of the poil the 1 çliniii-.' They lost one strongliold aller! untranslated no flot the t'ail force of' 13'nirdibiid fiandin'r 01-er flic important ton fect train fhe trunk. -'--" a" 1 mouth of t6,iunnel. Ir . . " 0 ' ý - - . . * .. 1- ý 1ý: ý1 ý lie le i man of mostgenial temperament, 1 business of- 1 ity. trý,ià-A;iitbëtýieaI!týý* JE first day was 3s8.ý 31r. Raitamonde re- , tire oÏlier, and for saine filme Nnnk - - . - -IL,- ý . . . lie exaýinlIiiOn of touchers The next thing I would bring before doubted IYalty. . i i ., c, nintiy passages are not ýîInIprche"d d. -401elY ta a 1;rcat Central Board,. flic you is tire importance of tborough plow- ý . .. il ý se Ii;ý ab- '. ocripion and giïmï ýliwlp Î! or- e . tired from tue coutest early on the 2ld ý the fmCiýut ,ri fat of china, . AIý Ronest ýDeaSn.' .il and un hall ý,,I; ý 3rd. IIis motif rd in fille educati M . ý " "b -ý= ýý,ý : ý .! .,.ý'. . - : - .!;- --*-- 1 ..13. foaprnrýîm cd is unalytio Sllyan Civil i'lteresta of tire country il,- Ifany persan prescrit thinks thae, ý ý i . 1 ý t1ý,,e ri t place remaininz ut,-, Coalition " 1 Deacon BýlwmIoà@» __7rý - ý ... - . ý - ý !_ À Curli g and Skating Rink. . 1 was an hollest old cà& , ; . ý, ' * , 7 n , da.,r. ' I thoircontrol. There the Tiený%Vanz, i mammy cases lie etirts doubts and utifixes point in a reverse dirèction. six inches is deep enougli for plowing, 1 ý 1 - . 1 seilse dictaient thât trie dont"] powers of clin tell hi filet, lie hua sonnothing ta . 1 . ; . ý ý . a We haire bSn requesteil by a nombre The 5th of No Iembor-.the affairer. i the rebel kýanperor and %ç,,- fini -dur, our faith in certairi reccived U':'-7", flic Normal SLIjoul Teachers, in grant- Icarn. Th tine muet lie à -deeper oeil thon tien, believifik in'-thu Prielib . ri Il' 1 ger. a kind neighbor and à good Ch W_ -_ , 1 - lovera of file above noble arts ta snry of the gunpo, rder pU, ,iras Cole.; ýf a new religinýi, and dar Cheng ikw, GOODK-we direct >wýêm! 't- -%VaIIý', 1 ,,il filon Icavei us in doubt what ta do. ing .,il) I.InIT17m c-rtificates ,ta tiroir thai ta a . . fi L ý' tendent ta the ndqreM@enw»ùfbf' l. 'W. 'of the brated in Toronto Tho cath i. . ; their ablest general, deluilded with ab- l Land puccessfully tire Ion, creed ta flic fulle ia- , - . a. Tbm»t,à d oýý tmn,. ý He 68 rouggolit ta the bliltonirits whether it 0 les ImIt- l stillaticv their qinking tarin c. The cap- Tire work is net of thât prictie il cait, Omit pupil-s'.bliuuld LL lierre away with, a j expçct gvery now day 1 the doit ally jet ý Tt giiing filet the Oýangemen werc going' 'aild'tliaL ail candidates for tire office or droutIls ilbut Ive lu - iAý4 the- ý4 ;.QIm,;ýýz.i.. a rately impomed -a largff*wmk of de gbpds would net bc well ta get op a, riait., ý :iurenf'*Naekini- on tire 19th OfJUI , which should be put !nfi) flic-. hand r I airil il,éd's, Conntiv las beenrne difigli .meliCW., and. almost -everry - ý , , - , - 1 ... 911;" . . ý ý ta burri the effigi Il Dan O'Connoli, ý ly the Imporialiet forces, wnuld, the y ,,'.>.ý 1 I.,-.:ý.ýo:ii:ý,g .Io.Id bu e;.bj(ý,cted fi) fi r g 1 ' Suisdoy et dinner, la wouId indules'in - -4 . W,. 1 a 1 3 0 re- , telichers. On tiie'otlier band, Fowl ajitna 0 1 - ý . 1 *ý'. le clin 0 CoerýI 'y àýarCd. 'If you plow excec i1CI to*diiëý'>ý,rOt Yer-v ýOUR lie a soumo of manoir pleaiture and .ý . of the colinty Bý)ard-ý. lfcep, filon, ilistaid cafthe Walter iunnit)ý, bis favouriter ý__ ' old and Duke Of;NQwc"tlý end GU7 pawkes i fore, alerte have bcun file virtuel end ofý I., Ii Il Language, nIthough flic autlicir i ri r 1 1 .ei4fsrý brandy ta iu.Çàû 2ýý ý ý ý ýO betèlbbful amusement' te both l 'l ýhe rQbeliion. But tlieo;àlttireofCiiun,--, '"-g " ., ýVlint m"re ritu Il thau Lliat ail bhould J off, it ivill run iota your land and th1ý . - the Ilibernian ociety paladed ri , extent that it was- with ,dificulty.-he, ma Ïpu': Tt bas been theu,-Lt th ý rbabl, deuil, nt fil,. 1 is incit, su I;i,,Ii un authority m a eritir, ho pInced on a level os ta ex-InlirI;Iliý" ; 1 filer(! will bc a rogiervoir ta supply thcý reaclied lis paw in ýhe, broad aible; Maur ý i tig- , et it a 'e' Jý';In- and flic p .and whar moil'o robable 111.111 thut the igrowing crops'through any ordinary dry . trects of Tornatoiat midoight, arrait d' rien'Wang will ilialie iLs suppresSiun ý is a inor-I practielil ,tç,nrk,-vi(!ivi-r,, fi ho polpit, and betwco.i the ministér . 1_ I.; 'iý.Il; ï -might bc chemply constructoil in the fol - o C',)unt>ý B 'Irci 21ould Lake tire keeoost ýým.!aýnýi. Ny little Infini h:ls lacenclertied t d the village squire. ,Oi i p ý -1ý>--' ýi_!iý i .1 W ý , . ý vith gune and othér wedpons, but fur- 1 the more irtimediate and thorcrugli. 1 EIIýJiîlI la under cight. difforc'e un 0 il, Sund 1 h . tunatcly this- display of physical turc, ý , Chineso Robellioti by fir sur-j' Iý 1 flý1ua-11C nt ilitt-ie.,t and file gremrtiest pride in Ili,-I,-fiiiist nfiLe sinon, and multanilecil tothe 1 sy- > - ]Lnm.-FWe Itifià -d ttâ Wû tTýr ýbWiè9 was.-Itv« getting a picot of ! Eii. ectl;, 'Ind .-,,ýing tharouglaly i ao ilach. , ri-sp . -ctabijity and eai(;,!Ilny Ili' ifs Own .1clith breigilleen ilielics. I would have morning the parson told.lisýgook that* ;ý - ' ftem adr*- èbyl, notbréý - imè in the , vmzod in the Ont&, end the permission t self without âný violence. . lit! thirty indien if I could. .And I . 1 - 1 ý pas Fsý ri that in the Statuâ I il, Point ot'! usp tL.:Èel]Qrs! I lien ' « npr eý l' ý ; - g 0 o lie would precich fi sermon touebiik ' - ,I .. . grint fertiliser. Ù'..- *ïiiol ,* fi L . .. p 'IirýcL d potver in tire .',,.,.I,., Iz rit. trod train the pondby IlIr. illartin, Who, i 1 Ij. ,,,,,,,,,., i;ý,n irn, nltrduu ri, t i o. 1. t lias la.%t,!(I., Fluai tire ei,;hty pages on Dcrivâtion 'taff ' o l' ' , iS no "";".Ve,;,, ý ïý'.'ýd now, fliat wherc I hall only mie ton inany glaring sins ro con-piennu.ç,ntno , ' tir. 1 ýý ý.. 1 Aurcnielliv. tion', fatirtren Vedri i jolie ta as, ce theui-and ho hoped'theywould listant. .. ýý . .- - .1 .9 ..»ýe 1 4nd lit one tire Rebvl Emperor dl laieili 7 i , wo vul.ture iert, that tire ta routier its licenseS iiiiiiiaculâte, and ofgraU ta the acre, I con eut threreiÏ in-a'uc,ýe*meiits t trie lis béin",ý an enthusiastic ourler bitrecif, will 'rule Î' m ttentivel7 and net llinch ifhe Wou foc me r E(q Iý4q l4 doubtieugivethe movement.ever en Tu' , 1 . ý teaulier clin derive more practical hurle- why ýliotild ilieil, lie periiiitted eXCýuiive 1 tIiiý,*a-.d if 1 wirrhed ta niow if flic I1!eCý_ y - ol à m'y lie over ri tcrritory containing ovcr iiî.ivtý 1 severo. The-.afternoon crime end the i lbiIý;uIap, oý f 1- privilt 1 1 lia eâpaýIo of bumîug. _2A60, couragementll The rink' might bc Ion 1 dent took place; the reforma: îlo fur are illions of people For soIne filme (Iý 1 - . j4rt ' ' if titan lie cant froui the whoiL of L: -gvi! il Or as citiother correr-pon- 1 third finie, I tould now out another tas, li*bu«sc was ' full , ; everybody turned out . 1 1 R ; tl-I,,t of 'lie ('H.%:-dpin.-v bas virlually p2r more. Mai.y persans $poil thoir cir ncighbofs Ilireaied dewti' . buhela ait so mengre that no opinion man ho ferai- 1 bellion enlisted ta a ennsi-ler-.ibl,.- ex- thim. . flottage ; ta sec th iiiiier, who, affer ivéli Opening ýgýqý-- j by this mortes helait open if if was thaught ton expeilsive ta ý -id, vi-hiv should pour teachers front flic iiieziýioA-s by late and carly pas hy the mir .1ý -_ aniùi;ýle "pply 0 .0 barrIL: ; 'ý - fonce or coller it. The ret.eing, *o un- cd as ta the result. ý ri 1 Cire- lis- Il -, 1 ý ý nt flic iiitCýrcst of civiiilled nations; J' Wc wrire this sololy in flic interest t' -tire Province bc dra bis sermon, coinmcneed open the tra ' ,:_ ' * ' Stupp dou r il was b.Ilieved filait the new religion ý 'g'-ed no f.irmer should run that risk. Sub- 1 be price ' t'on fraude eiii discovçrçd in 1 ocinillici by the Einpeior was il ýý,,)rt al"Ys - ; 1 i f tire toachers, think ing flint ifa chanue :il ureat exp - -O me ta aile central poin .-il sniling is cqually good for grain* at-d g 1 - ; ý ý. . ýý, ' :ai . 0 derstand, con nt the rate of , have bc 4ter tien. Ilwherc la tire druukard ?*' A sol- i - books wcrc allorvejl th.It i,,(,d ,,%Iiic!iaf'ter all, t icir extininâtitni would mot crops; but rintiiin-,, pnys b( .resor, vrilla a loud;voice, with the ques- Týmm,&LLATio,.q.--Oh TaWay evenfirg 84 a housand for Coli ; p tirait ibis 'New York, in favcý of 3fcC]ellanj Two! of Christ ianity, and flint Lire succems Ofi or text Il, l'o more tholou'u-Il, t1cali il clin lit! filon grass la::d l'Il ultra pause succèeded the o!-quizy, lotion, ý - Idýgèm ' ý ýI Il 1 Amw 0 al . w1w ilistalleil et valait] lie but a notait item. T )rimait. , ,ý op rose Deawn B = , trie face vert! , ' illonceil ta inal ýt Rebellion would bc conducive to'w.,uld resuit. Wu are aware th-tt the itinde :if a Coutity B lard ? lit a ivlrýl, ni, crop pays 80 Weil ne gratin, when lia ' _ . J p1w b Mr, ý0ýrr'ClèÙîtentsir District t -gi,,. ment for lifo in consellucarce. There W ý ho ex. mon boire boom 80 j t le christianiz itici I and ciilization of'p:ýrus:iI*of litli;ii:i is re;r-trlel as a t,,il ; etlri;tlitv of' examination is hiurlily Jý-iir- soIls nt 612 a toit. . - . , 'Il - ' * ' will no doubt bc some huge frauds in emt.1liýisIlInci)t ('f illore litilichibll rpla- : Ive b,,:iou duit flic vmlial, ot'!-'itv:,ýr able. nIA tliat criciality Cali be L)ý.ît got The vaine of tournures Plintild hi 17. .à _ peiiie of the rink would lie but VI , ýtIIC chinese Empire. and fond fi) the ' ith flic friquent draughis of bis fi- ý NI . ý V ' hem- EveuBwài ' aPTOýnt- and ive foui assured filet gamay wortild bc . 1 . 1 1-v d0i,ýg away ut o-cre wiGi tII2 in- siroti,-,Iý, fi-It by overy 4 )uri te drink, and stcadyinqý Iiiniselfaus , 1 .p:.rejpLir thili clection, but, no the New York 1 tlons bc, _. sa wýfirîg ta bear the expense by voluntary .tw(ýpn Cili ý and the é J r vi Iizp,ý 'v"uld produre a love for the beautiiul ýo'ýi ed bl"e . fariner. A felî well as lie could by the ew rnil,,looked ýýý . týTh meeting nigliif , Ira vi i(illi ririviI(lý-, now eiiiý1vtld bv ara have malle tl.ïeiiigelves poor by b'îIy_ý wM bc the 2nd Tu" y in ëb L»Càtý 'Ileraid' says, the 1 frauda of aile Cid enuntriv.4 of' ll:iroli2 and Anierih. aid sclienc, ý,r l'Ili! ,:.)_-.V. Ný,rIliII ,ýc-llo,)I ,r(...Iell..].S. an'] ', p and reiplitd in a trthibling, 1 . ý ., stabscription, ai;d toits the ciffance of trie. e . c ý l' e nt ton higli a priell. bIIt;ýG voici 'Ilcre t in] Il - _ pipingý - - ý. TWO-n'» Ili.jéý.t!,lh ,ýý . 1 tu a larzc and iiiàtiiediate iiierelibèý;If ifs, on. 1ý,*I"I, 1 in- Il la Il or. 1 . - .- - ý - - l' . b » hemqelres. bv saine ,,,Il will coutiterbalancothose Of flic allier. , fdpr(,i:,ii 'eo:iàiiierec. 1 ý T, 1', 1.*;,ý,;- l.f*ilý, üý--1-,, ('!,.o,,p,ý,n l ý ý. :11--, 1.11 111;ke ta tilt, priIgri-ýýit;,I rit Il -il * 1 inan lias donc La by illaki,'L' if on filý ()f ,,,,,.,, a cohistergintion in the coo- 13101ILLIx Tstzoaàm.-We etintilleffi 'in urmtý" IL . -, ý : . 1 albqned LY Lire, Coiinty B.,,ii.l.ý. li:il ý 11W. ýia-n f'rili. If yoil h: ny ýId swallip ,. fiýes for ý.sIIn'icketA im'd entrances.- Gov. Seymour of New York. feeling vit - Tliese hupoi hai; -, sinvo boeil SI;t,-T:i,ý cl i, ýt!a (Ir gre, . i te rleile ý 044 e Of titis * exod4t We mèraly thron. ont thon ougcest;ons lence et flic electinii, bas issued a pro. ý ' - ' '. .i", ,,, , -o Ili,) ( 1 fv 'u il il -illico 'ira$ tire tenait ai' the lintieit ý abandon,ýd. Tire 1% Et;spürnr ,ý1;IT) , ïï cau I, 'eb,,l 1 -:i>ilv Lia -hmvil ivotiM a 1 li'z if out. tlir.,w ira : ap, inixin,-, deucon's vesponse; however, flic wini%- .,,btire.. ' ' i ilit'% g au'I ti,ý-,t fIN-.17:110 (-ff.-Ct no :il a fon, Latrels offillic . 1 1 aýli moi] 1 papoir ; - will the publisber pluse see-to in Cerise tu bring the motter before tire Clamation ta nliay tire excitement. Sey. showod hiniseit n barbariali, wi fi ,,, l',-'-ýl' cd I- il î :'. i rho Norta-d .Seiniol Srafr, and %vý,,i1J bi! ý:iIt : lof il reinain in 11,III (p a revir dnys, ter we!.'t (in with his remarks, nulle lied; . : m ý_ - 1 1 ,which rinks Calicot bc Construeted. oing 1 De ' - ;ýI ],,.,st a >tý th* ---- ý-- -- - publie. as the ma approachos in - - iclainis tu the 4N7111P.1tliie-,ýt' Ille ci%-iýd Cl:ýtr;lI B lard, iî oae that i.,; of Illo I. il,ýý-;ts-dý ti.o IuýIIiI!,A r"- to ."Iveeten. trien sprend if ý written filent. coin iiieii fi - ýg sei-crelý litron ý ý "" mour, b * trotterai, bis been ri warid. Th f rial Gý,vernnnijt, on,! illl..,,ý, cle. te tIýe i ver 3*,,ui,,, flic drur -- ý - làtýiLPITI]qbtiigmïx.l.ýzwe have a - ý ý ý aloin )i ikard, finit closiiig by wârviný 1 0 ; .1. ý . ) tY, Ili: 'l , :ý1izinl_- r.ý rcâl t),.neâ. 1 frnu il l vrry ,-ýl-.IFi lâli'], in the Illi and ha 0 'O - - 1 . - thorn lit the aide of the Administration. tir(! allier h-i-idýui1i'as i;ltrnjuc-.d :1 mont - 1 ira, ý ýfhe would boire for salvation îmd fieiâ rrow filon]* hi, ta i roule ai one rifloir et-il habi Lý . . - ',';]Y ;-L fiit .,iý,lit ;t,,ýp.-:ir. Tru- il i,.ý e und liitliertu badly p-z>ing ici flic! spring, und flic, CR , - - , 1 xplel.ï V ect will bL W, ý. ,MW -P- -* - 6-instead'ofthe" lily ý ' 1rafaigu -piaughing Match. Re hasjnst sont a Commission te Wilsh- 1 býr of salutary ai Il f*-,r-FcacIji:jý re aelllf;el-y. 1 front flic wrath Io coins. -Anct'nowi!* .. q - 1 1 fbrms, cipencil fil,- parti faillie tiale (If Illat tho Ir.-ý..!It ý,-ýt.ý:lI of (--. IliIý:l:IGclrI "' , rôni4hi ýg. 31y twiivo mares orrivanala Il ý 's ,j..--wýj!4ls0ftfIèý - rQublcsnme iliquiry 18, tire world, and sectired t'or itsdi' tire 1 Ily Coutity B,):,,-,].ý, 11:1,; itî iI,.1ý 9, but Z, j ockly ),.,Zt..". &-c , G. ,,>ý,i(l(,8 enriching .fil my uplande, is nom, '. . « ' ' , 'ïàÉig .di..j..t,4.j,,fiai . Thoinbov>p match was belli on the ! tlin I.-ý,t land ni] my fatal. illaillires aal 1 .. . . , Ë ilst ,W ington with tire t ' .11" id flic prirachet- là Joudesi toi)eoý.- . ,ý I0iý mïiýý , . _ ta the arrest of cý ation of being. in every riepect,, Nnv. 5, 18GI. ,. ,wherti is the hypocrite.' . .1- j 1 . 4 W" ,ýI* jt;It 4 ortain citizens of bis ý reput. . a Escýi 1 ý . ý,,, .1 There im . 8. ýWýýmCII -or farm of John White, Esq., AI.P.P on ý %Vital inerc homme intititution or ar- zooom, Wi!I pay on any kind of land, unless it ý sý . ý 1 1 State. progressive Governiiient. A Initiale, but no one kesponded. Eye . , .'w ès ïèt, - ; ' ent ii withoiit tirent ? Ici every .- -----. -. ý.----ý- _ý ---- _ __ .1q,ëw ïl l*,"îîDà;ýî,ýwouIWbe, moët ,Tu" ý,,8t4inst., and, notwithstand. ý engon ta haine flint the Rcforiiiution of' rangeai ý bc ver, but nothing pays on wet Inniîs were turneq apon tliiansid îlint man". ,qdle,.»ýlàùtilý 1 The war news Il -ry me.1"7e,. Chilla, is auspiciously bilpun. e- qrirlilttiral. - 0 - Il ý . !ý 11 1 r 1 o ilinty wlierI-ot' flic writer bas beun a à unies-; they are properly -and thOtOu,"IIIY but no glnnet' sCýiiiûd to bc d'irected t - . ý ý . ; Il- , ingtWùijfavorablertateoftheweather, more sa . _- Z ý - 8 _ . ' veek since ira cool- 1 There bas been a great C.1illinetion 1 rehident, t!ie exiniýierg -li:lvd- proveu Araincd. 31,1ny ÈýrnifIr& lire net ]loir t bsý a -' profil, outil indged Ille-millis- .. : .1, I .,ý)lý4 ý ,.Il o ,11- .. ý Wou veiy successful. The following in me th.. ilny e:ir,!ful ,-nouýli of thoir barn-yard mari. 1 - IeL;ý. 74, ' - roltille il ' > ' ,ý 1, - . - neainent,-a tact argurin- ill for flic in the ccýlonýL of Victori 1, ici ColmsL > ý t orni7,ýd tu E . . ; . Il 1 * - t!ie:liselves both Co: p2tent :1:.d àuIfiIýi. àgricu!mral Address. filet directioc.î: ý ., ,4. , ô'ý, F' ýïîU4 [ýtbc list of prises awnrded .- ' 9 i quence of tlievt'ýo%-erjcinent liaviii-, pe then dischirge of tilt-* ý - . or,-' Whert 1 leent ta boy -my farm The deàmn «saw ,wherc the; ghgit:im; ý . . . -#J»ý i M'r ,rw 'the cause affile North. ýGen. Gr."t'i; armie 1 ently rectInus in Ir tire nl;iniIreý was two fort in Aw'ust. F ' r . " iinit-mtwithÏýedint the -hij ý :ý JRÊT OLÀ-93-(ýýlon).-lat Georze , li -rd -more ]Ca * . .. . 1 isted in their determination te men, 1 Dy Il().';. lIýI)R.%Cl: GnEELEY. 'ýicCC ri 1 nime,11 nad, ri.qi,ý«" on ni ' i. _, bl!U,ý,'t - Il. _ . , ... M :Kent ! 'Chi acousy, $12 i 2nd Win. have %con quiet, th the exception of. 3 ý .1. Tilt ' :,lenderly reiliiitvtl dutiem. Sûrnetiiiies %vont ta eett'a niiwýrabIy st.irred P, , ý , 1 ý * . Il pu 1 eonvi ta tu Western 1, laver hii petit, fi) file Eq î", 4 01 q% i#;4.11ý.".*;bormifiii in Milion, Perkm, ', on, $10 ; 3rd Wm. Cuni- desultory picket 11ý11n,-. Southern ý c,)Innixts cumill3in flint runnway fe'oim itidoed air offieious -D,ý,_,berry" i.4 tu bc: in 1 films :, ozz : _ e Tire aplicarince of tire speaker p,ýt-it(x,.i. I said te the owner ,Iwhy tapped on tire bliculder aulid a rois- :1 inai4h, im, wdý"thow *abolit .1. nos mins, Toronto Ili., $8 ; 4th Clins. Hun- pers assert that Goa. Lomax lins bouton and expirees, IVIIU2 Characters 112,,'ý'!' ! fou.,, nroýO,,st tllctnI WI)o, luffý,j i Ie uiidor Iii-s .4 ( O lied ha t, wils J.Ot dizl you ,;et bring out flint munure on 1 1 1 ;- ý i becti iýnrvfeaiüd by diâcipline ard' pr ,pL)s-.i;-b.siti,-,: but wlien h- blired his von. this piece of land T' 1-0," ho suid , f fi Lè' , , 1 ý ý i;&« ido'ti" .elaý" g:ýai ý the top. ter, Toronto tir., 86; 5th 3108R Ma" Sheridan'a cavalry. i Conflictiný aceounts -lis a I)i,ýaiiig expres. won mot very ,troll hst i-p ' *'I t op ? . 1 did wlien lie crille .. d. - où me.' 1 3. ý râler, $4. l "' ,y iota Vie. j with liiýi"littlýbrief;tutl)oritv,"oý-crioes erabýe lieu.1 tiire ,à ring. and _ _ _ 1. ÔPAM* ", lîp,ýIenA dÔ*n;OÙJý Now Cordy, Tral rare 011 we have ýOm Sherlorin. N p,ýnishn)cnt, find Illuir - -fiance, tinjugli ,lot vry rould'nt i!(,t fini(,, t o - sii" ýý _ý,:1.1â . ý ( - - ... SEMMI) CLASS-(BoyA).-Jet'Geo , tdria and flic noi,,Iibouri7ng; )Ioni à in ý bis part, and by his pi;tiality nad sien (il* eûurL l'. - , 1 1 0 ci cl o ]lit 1 in uny mari- Ciiildlike-À, modifie. tt-vitig'to'getý 1 duk. 'W di inot-himr of Pentheraten, Trafalgar, $6; 2nd Bobt: 1 dOubit they are both in a critical iqtcte, inte!loctual. But bel,)re'lii.i iidire.,, o r .... .. %Vpll," snid 1, l'and do y . ý 1 . ý 1 . - 'l . @Pite of al! precautiorni, and that crimect i n'illuisicalit)ý bri;l,...q the Board, whereof Ou ont berdaugliter of threc years Cid ta 911cepi . 'r- . . ci.. .a . 3rd Adam w lie i will likoly resuit is.the «collation aýjd outrages of a fouille] kind are flic -4 colle ,@W ér.t*; tbiî ýfl6!e-Ébr nied Ilolmès, Esquesitig, 84; iud(-d, iny itt)press;n-t was that thi k thit threc .acres trouilil linvelcen one nightl, said Io lier, ,,.Anna, W 1 hy ý ., ý . Ir. , 1 , ý ý - _,ý ý': ' ' ' io a meniber, into teiuporary c(in. i wu - , ý el, -0. - . y This liolt-idoy, Trafalgar $2. > of Atlanta and the destruction of Sher- result of àoi"Aownal latte sort. __ rhili tricot evil. 'l'lie publie lie lie k a fille oId grinticiiinn, vreil wütthy better tirait flic whole six if there hall don't you try ta ho ta arec ?ri Il am ý IM % be Cillent Taiiiiii, CLA8ý-ý'à1en). - The irait- moule army *or thoi But there aro ftw indued, wlio flic eI)SISl'icuouý,: lý»ilti,,n liu fil!s in thu been mallure ou if ?', Ile lion- lii 1 .. «MYeboxiltkb - ý " plein annihila. miid ûspociaIlý et bl(-Iboiirne, ham been te"'Pt- . trying " elle replicd. "But you hav'nt? 1 - , , > ' ' beam plough, valued nt 820, monolithe. worked op ta a fover tient, and file iiidulge in praginatical questions, and grent reliublie. I.. tire sI)COCII tlle,,! beail rind replit'd, "I dent know L ist ohut your eyes." IlWell, can't bolp it;'ý puk« lion of ]Jouit. One day ivre are told that %vere no fli'lots of cratory. an unionot would." There is but one Liait of arti. ý ý ý 1 ý ýuqs ri' , *' blitim autel là! tured by- Atkinsun & Bro , and prescrit- 1 gurige employed toward.9 the mother i,ýNist tilat an absurd drigmal-such as. uni comes usibutioned." . ý - la Imb . J"I' 'l É , , cd te the S&iety by thet firm, ý ta bc Sheuruan bas 60,090 men lit Atlanta, 1, Colimion rieuse not il.,tuallv filet with ficial marfure, that souci pli - y 11107ally- ý 1 - ý :. ý -, > . 21., .,diwl*!Mo..., , . ,tb-y ' - C:Untry is protty mueli tire saute .m fislies "bre.,ithii)g wiLh thicir FINS, ,ý',C.,.' and aItcrgether il, il Il glit ý, enlled a thinz wnrth wli flint 8 q soin . .",..». ..,Wl.inging'one of the toWn,ýby4s1rs, ý cotil)éfed-'for by theiý own ploughs, mill"w and is Orgniriaing Ra offensive cimpaign, that belli by the Bustonianis after the ile. al ' p Ponctuation, or the art ofputting , - : ý 1 Z .,ce ,,, i*1WfflýI M 4 , if ,ý IL ý . 'I' - wa!dpdto Josep]iTPeatlie'rstoé. ,ý , lenving Hood ta go 1 'North as ho likés. imposition and enforceulent of tire tea belongs ta souiid naturral history. modci àpecch fur tlie oucasioli. Jiu Or PIa8t ýr of Paria. I rçcdlntnOT)d its ,tops in tiroir right places, canhot bc four ; 1 .. ý , lj"IQES--Xè'Ïà' Win' jàu'Ôn, jeu- Theý. tax. The 'Star' iiuý-.;esta that a penai ThLre are fewei still who show gr(,«ý, said : sedulously , atudied. We lately rend in > ý : . . ilse'on allfurnis where it anqwers' Well., fi ., ,: 1. ... 1,:::: ci ; - i.ý ý ' ý ,l ext teloc-rintra pIacýa Shoriu 1.1 do mot consider inys(,If ci:npctent l",ery mati's tantto pliogid bel ta furia . . à 1 ý . ý.J7,, ,tla;. ý5 fI 1 EÉ,,ý, and àýohn;Ca4boll. - , . ý an on lorry shnuld lie fOuided on th(! batillm of partiality tu those, tonoliers Who belon -, 1 . M A loeiý 1 - ,w. , : ., . i. ,- i ý cjinessco repulsing . to a con,.try èaper;,tlie folloilling starding - 1 ici ý glic'eollowiDg are the offioeri clecteil the T th. Ic C. ogs film, and it will ,. . fforta of James' Bay, in tire Fludson's Bay terri- give losso:t.ý in îï,griculture, yet 1 iviii weli whdt'he' Il ' l accourit of Lord Pulnierstoý'i appear- 1 1 1 . li A ,ý-'C ý . . 1 ta their Civil creed or 2ect. Ili fiu state eoille thili's tillit 1 have donc Div- PUY. , ' ' ý ý 1 ý 1 . ý . ,ERE[4! 1 - yeur 1. 1 ' ' * trace in the: Hoyhié of (Unihio-rrt Disait happy for file Cnýuîn_ .- Head ta . cross. J'ohnsonville, on the tories. Probibly crinvict labeur miglit ý1 ý ý ý ns,;"Lord 1 ý ,.- . - 1 . , . , -Phnidini--LJ.ttnes blason., courities wherein à lMý beeil illy Im, Io ý,,rIlI alA Wilicil ak.iy mot bc witho't Let me ow say- a foin, Worâ ta you *4*erwdnwüëG of grâce Tennessee, bas been taken by Hood and bc unefully qinplt)jied ai the Lx ense or fi _n P.lia(ýitot-Aen eitiridcn hSid ý - e; ý ý il il - KNIhin , . , . , ;ý , à . Oý-prèsidé!i t ý-R.1mîItCn 'Ford . cp ; rectine ftdvan1n'ýe ý*to farinen prosent. .,bout gri ilig ý . 1 ý ý . - thý boule Groverrintent in the Onstrue- bc closely coitn-mted vrilla the operation , .9 cultural shows. - What 1 ublatti - bàtU*Iýon hi& feýÈ iarqé b*ut Weir ý . . ý bm" . Wbieh . fw - &T,îîI49.ýRnbcrt Mn.dden. ' the enbonts flore barrit. Lion of a rond melons the continent ' .. , Il, .ý Ç ]IM , 'l'cil 3-Ca" age 1 bouglit sixty Uert-S 01 WUlit te sec; in the produce of tire colin- -,ý,ý,We -OYN - il> of County Board. 1 have found but o poliplied battre üpOlibis bi;ýw, a dark il tD.*Ibdlr*Fpr 11 , l*ent,, .,ý6tý Diercet6m-"ýle'"ss'rs'. Jasý Ford,:John From Missouri WC have nntbing silice unifia.,-, C iý.ida with, flic Rocky 31ou " ne k. -ri few pickt:d pointues, or ri doz- -ing- 'i -, . ý.:, D'jetlaý? ,ý,,ýOýàt, T ., . ýpo - 1 a il land jcarý-New Yoi It lies on air try, mot cloud in his bailli, his'faitbfpl l wa - IL ý sfiow, «me out victorimu in & practien ,Stoiy, joireph Hall, John, A. Xaàmiý the rumoured victury over Price. M, teint,. !Thorn recueil why serge who so fur fiorgot the dignity of tire exposed nortliern siopre of' a bill. The en monstrous onionFi, or a Ïew choice stick in his eyi, à luemnoing 141« '.tzýC ý Thos, Wrigbý an(LIviu. Hurlwick, perfectly isillated. portion of the trace- office of 8upýiriiitendCnt as to sicrifice land %vas rough ana st ny, n'til twulve beads of corn- But 'et le beà'4 fW , ing iiothing. He said nothi . 1 ; -r&i:wimýiL.6-eýý fil ý ýiIc pipers assert filet important sue. - üii thu ballon,. I bushels or izaci, for a saniplo,'nnd' tell I.P nohi'? : 7. -17 1 o ' --------- oe-ý-ý cupied, regions of British North t'Io intercala of ellucation, ta his crivrit acres of swainir Iving 1ý - g, 1 j. _ý ml«ýê amieov&W.-abatef,89-5 a- aidé ' ' cesses ,have been giined b t - nw many1ills il took for a busbel,, - .1 - 1 ,ý ý-!ý '.. . . _ , y Nagruder Anterion aliotild net bc converteil into a wh'nt a"d caprive; und am his vaiiity aIw:,ysýiiiteIidcld io kipend ni), old fige n1*ý b ý o . Lw e. ýj pýltm e É . à . . E= . Closing. , ý avoir Stecie. Plymouth, N. C.. lias been Siýcria. licadt-diless grew Ily what on a tillac, but it lias hnw for In Coponhagen et grand feasta, sorme, ý 1 ý ý 'y ILý;d %vrQmýý alyavo been next and -they werc apart; ]Cinto . - . ý .ýý ci-Oî';N , ' . rarmffl,ý, ne - they ,lied o,,," until lie becanie octroi- year, and next year, and stili it accrus know liow many carrots you had ta the wine of Qu - ,. = . «ýinm".Iit.ý-ilýlé ý We aro'happy'to observe flet the recaptured by the Federals. The atterri, ' - crable, lie was suminarily miiiove(l by ta bc con Maret's vints-e 300 ý ,_ , ' - ý ..9 . Il ; LATEST. ý t >car, or the yeur aller, heure oc-, and bring tac a satuplir just as years Cid is., 41wqja - prodliced, ' It, in lslèýr1ffiwe,4 N; : »I ' îi'ý!'and puggestion we made in the lent CoA3,. on Wiliraingloin baatiot yet talion place. -o ri 1 -1 -bifi'curicéity, nad bas te bc " biidyf ex"Heàt-l&u$ýý ýýl.thë eiSf- as toeurlycloiin',-, liasbeen'eted The tracé Albermarlo on 4110 North car. Board of *1 ici) 1 . 1 UP 0 lyd 1 b , "I -' ý _ Tpl . fýg ow Lire 1 clin reitiiie my heart's desii in tliie§ they tur cd nia, k rge and am. Il ; out ri vomit fi .1 * * . .11 Thore la a report of the disait. the C0untý' et)L"lc"' a"d IN w bills of corn a" bring them alonz a ý- ý . ý. . o of gold in Portiieuf il the 1 - le Conilituteci a ment. reý,pv,!t. 1 have lbùijd the benefit of' ri fe -us - - ý , 4 ' _ weetened. , «: ý . i .te&L ,:, l,,.. - .ý ý ý . open in- Milton. The bell will ho rung allait Coast h 0 V ry. 0 ber stands as high in trio respout of Ilhorougli firming, although 1 - - ý ' ' - . i - . have net just os they grow, and lot . ý 1 ý P4 4i 'A' kiý " , . . , as been, hi wn:up. * the 8 a y in tire buco able ta faillie àly fur! in every re- ton lonfIs of ml 8ýrts of- thin.sce wag M-M - - ----4 ý ý north shore of St. Lawrence. both te-icherg IIJ poriple, a m 1 a. Then 10 bb«»-6--.e.d%éb, - ý; - ýat-50111 911 O'CIOCk, P.W., giving- ail the There bas been girest excitement ail 1 Is'is oeil] ta be a very rich Claire. Piovi:ice. This doinonstrates ta a -pect what 1 wislie4 it te bc, 1 have by ask-ing you howýyou managéd 1 clin 1 ý - ý a ÜMLI . . - te ,.; 0 i4-*4 jhîirveý M cotico IO CIOM Tito foil ', a - foin of lie sy filet fiarui- leffrir thin, Lotovýry.î[mr erfui ý . .4m il Owing 'a 'hg -Io. thalines,-thocities . ý Certainty, that the present my soille -J ,.ý'. ýeB "i"à kw 'iýïi;,ý el tb*igre.tmme. agreement of the ritierchants. ý .9 Of Boston e 1, , The examiuation of the Tortant, ,ICI, C ýun. t ,ý B Cards por,_eon 1,110,5 grand ing is a poor bnsincos - -and F,-,,,I;-- ,*- th. -.ýt- J,ý.:_,ýi ---.. ý .!ý.. . _. -_ " -rupathy with tire idea - 1 . ::ý . '. , 11ý ý1 >, ý - _ ý; . . 1 . . - . . - Sandusky, Buffa'o, Ogdensburg, ail, ex_ 1, I. .- . . fný#eKi4,8ï- tùàýi; 1 ýrÈ? the Ün4cr$ign tg, and .À-.*.-- -. ers continues and- air il,- -fFý,;, A-ýýl-ý- - , -- " ý . 1 ý . . - - , çd moiýlan ý_ 1 . __ iki-",Év---.-ý. - : . - tates and net Il whieh lie thé Mfisl%.Y poisoned by proleulon ft1toý ther. %unnei. Ur the imetits weit onnr, ed se tlà 0948, Vili bave Otto iuýr9iqn """ 'ý11 Il Y 1 Sheridan usine near bei. ac the eye net ouly 'c dreds of uàwl belote yon cuuld eut an have beýn inade ut ut a va EmPires; éhe abould, t'bM.! j, Of hi8ý axe Il tehl2per ,.*« Crystal Palace, *,il Of & DOCim titudar ta the abo fore, amist -the rise and deulo op steeped in gorodivé oubli. Own superinfendent is a c'va mach ACM An ûxletree, and th, ýTi*ses' Baya - On the lac inAt et hirreddent.e, Èornt «toîtqgh* Lee..,IL A, :i' nor Pon ello b pemetit of mate. thcýý waggon trains ýpaséÎng Qivpz. th, GXCE y &U luzury ï ind"emi ili'pel, 'knn'eAw»m« ENQ., Aged m yearx. Mr., th't th(m Of the whole BMd prairies are empelle4 W Civrry extra modeof fort' of ý th- underground tmyelliig-w hirit, And. was bomelto hi mMr edi" 1 *cd7i 1(à w;fý 1 aps occasion 1sý r,,,erson wu respected ý,nd beIoved,ý= ta amiiers Aie frequently carnet] in hi& OAXIotnu gwung under the" for, feu, Lý -!ýjt The WACIUBOLt bug captured dinctoij, Rai can chose: test , qlarprim ta r"ngplaôebybbrge corimifflof 104 007 !r- .1c J. that 'f be- 'a* or the breaking down whe[re.uo, ci Who iniy t lm 6" M»wlnrùie" sud relatives.

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