ý' 1 1 ýý 1 . ý ý 1 - . .ý . , ý , - 1 I - . 1 - - - , m . - Ili à 1 1 1 l - 9 ., ÎÏ! ý ýý Iý ? ý ý ': - .. . - - . ý --- -- - ï - - ý 1 - - - - - . - -- 1 - - 1 - ý - M 1.1 ý i - Il 'elm .; ze . t ý 1 ý ý 1 1 . ý . ý i - 1 1 ý , . - i 1 t . 1 . 1 . ý ý-ý . ý ' . ý ý ý ý . ý : Ill 1. - l'm oi ' ,ý-- 11 - , .', 1"1«d1.Výý ý1 1ý1e'1,qî,ý -ýl.,-;,,=mwnmý- Zý4ý 1 ,-.;,ý-ý- 4 ý ý - . .... -Fýý ý ýlw ,ý. ý . i. '. '.1 -t- .uýmp"i-,--Om - - 4 l,ýý - . . . . - - .- ,q'l , ffl mýerrioý*rý",4"fpbxwe-qpztfflý-.*">!:ý,-ý ,,ý'q'm. lI", ý. 4 . ,ý,: . ,,ý, 4-1-I!-r-à,4ý -191ý - ý- 1-IZ ...... ý - - . - 1 ý - - ý 1. -ý ý1 1 1 ; - ý .ý- . .ý 1 - -- .. - -. ý - - . . .. - I - - ===#=- -- - 1 -- - - - --- - -- - - 1 ; - me W m ý y, ,-«ýl, . . i -1 ý --- - -- - .-------- -ýý . 1- -ý '- ýý -- , -- 7 --- .- --------- 1 Ir ,%M l ='ýa4èlaim %-162- - ý ; 1 ý, ', . ý ý 1-" ý, 0.,+tim-o Row îî;ýlfîw w- anxmucipate& petch franc Oovercor Evatip, ai Coloridr, up through the expectation of à "âqql was fourqui tu ha misaing that bis dread- coma, and if in mainly ion tbat gratina At Ibo eh*. if 410. Molesta , ý tbe mur i 11r -"', 4ce- tel ý III in, ir .1 1 l., . . p , . ý' ý . . ý ýý -- , % Ir - i ' - The bank la calied upon ta J9tm-ajâýt, fui futé was Vffltaized. On examinin we disapprove of, the leibibition - no the foqt 1 -e î1 ý7 - - ' " ý'- IlAILS. lutter sýt O utite 'The exchange, we datid Denver, August 10, sintilig thit lie lis . . vith thM. i 1 Quellecter * companicif recterru . ff 9!1Lýti 1 - . .1*1 ý nfftOý ,,ai - P. -", &cd ' , -- - fý4ý g, iVom an . .lx a in if& interest, Io- do'mb'-- iý *tbèrefoTè- the bécasse they tir et gond enough coin- grand officiers and vieil ail ai --l Ù" féf "iptying the bin, bis ý JI " a at.8 1ý ý1rw1- ontislied tbat ne.riy di ý,ý1rî suà*ý in" - râe t, u a"t .. lit -711, ý. Ici oput , ' ". A disch . 1 1ýý think, givés a f«ýiosigbt Io ý'. " ibili'tý,'Ifiml»yond lody ý pany for the ý ;4cri Leu , Ronde HalWlieer .t Jhalmero they artWe «Il WWmattla . . ý 0 ell t , tendal ta itoutaiM OIt;ý ' &A -éould net bu emptied a r ,-J - . -, ý1 . J- the -porter . , ýý , " bis di4ies coq celle . 1 1 Il .. 1 1!b" aà through laiXe lianes mail ,!]W marched in the à , "M. 'dq 1 dé 1 . - ei uly., 1 , .ý , y 1 of the Pleins are coul le 4 a ,Uý!puiidi.Édg cornas file Catisses ,ý,IVI*où%bowmrkoiogfurt4irluw lýý, tii'bordli',m A ff - W le , A,-tmated q: ! 1 o, W. . lâ t-Ille .the poor ,ineg" cd -thît if will ha rie comes the cheapdl artictié .. , trey, 9 ir in the pamd tbioqb .i thiei&iéu*tUrX ýý', . 1. M % . ýi . Tb àttend- e , îý:-t . am hi [J7 ,il COON 1 . inwhio pouipu tbe.vdkýiei a eL ee ýbonse4uence of' teqmtèb and the - :wu a Voleur, ' m rà - 1 -1 ýý»q. ' 1 Pré ý j.- cý, Mrik Prétend tolde therr li - 'an ;àr th4 coutry ever had Ici fille way fleur may rien big 0 è'tà t ha& ý viglit - 0 t ý al - zl yj. -OMM . ,,ý, , . 1 Vt ý -, . . riper ore 1 a , .. or for the sant Je is mou#b anice ' la ý di b * 1. 1 . 1 Ir» 1;ý . la 1 ý lth ý.- , wo = ,ud i -O ta 4. )y th W clarWt Inds _- Illa hRýý-àOÏ-Jret béardM - lié, ýý se filial ibii .", el - O or ý ý delà. Th9'mî celoma toétýtiýibei , le flui-' ; ý- . i , 1 Me fextenditig fronts Texas ta the British lices if in in FMnOO.ý .XLWt If. es il bO'mAde,»ýhsk »ay Ions 01 that 16 1 ý . a' su ' hi Ille . airk q:fildt 7 .31--iturk 0*»Y im;i. - . Basket bas insulta an -- Ibo ri a goy or ihope tirs hundred nègr ha* Io' ý ail ýnd idoid, tïà y - 1 oe 'enc, .. - p . . oaévt, W. li.1». . - 1 - . French Ilon" one thousand dollars for 1 tripaiÉd'tgl a Iota sr on C - ' ýý 1. ! . . . - , , le . - .%-orý iýa-ý 1ý ci ama y Fth au , 1 i and 1 a l li% et el -Loudop, Prétto-t - , . ý ta 3. "quirlau '. , OnIkg1netiý i" the p Ilil * , ilk reste . 1 1 - Io eh use,. Fm#.-Bonrg f om ý ' ,. oiný 'Vlognèbriyalitý9wild trib"'àfthv o -si or Win", 4 ciniiot rdkit*&Dr èighF---ýOiraWObe ryer. *d tdtheir' pwn.M, noir IWl W ail the long -1. , - ý 1 et ý . 1 .0 . 'qîý : - Rà , ri a Jy.ý lu niged In ý .. ý .'l - . ,. ýý ; . sit, and ur&4 thâ tilt ilie lnduenot,ýf Il aýy vettWmènt that thèry iwidt ilion go' * 'en CW«ý ' Ait a CI-> RI ploir - 4 M'IU6 - m'km Ofoýeu abwbcWléý y1aft but lie will remitý moiiey, aisd'i» paper i ý , »Aà II - ... -R il train 10,110 4 ., ry - 1 .. .. ý ýi .. ý ý ý art the leil . - hou .£,., G. Tiéê lu . t te d,èpartment'chall De oued tilt an ri whon O, IR . . II. - la fil-lir of la valueleu abrasa, lie MtLatmùd coing; ; tifioation. with the ,:Iplfl .. i-.1, f W the Départaient t'i'the 'Étulf, A Genuinie Pookanit ý li ý . ý (b.wv in4qf.--j- Davl,,. 1- ýýc--ro .ý, igoq.-Hours 1 apeedy reinforcements of ý the croups, aid and sillon a Imper dollar lis the parue as Any one Who bas test Blàves, hnwever arated, well 1 u ff ' 1 i -,. 1: ý1 .' , Itimtý R,,ekthmir, T. ýCen and forty.> - 1 1 1 . : , ý , from 10 tu 3 batween'the agés of eiglil 1 . ý 1 a regret te hjqro Ill ; asking t il lho calli, 011, the bAýk fer tell 1 (Fretin Ibo c«k %.Mlhér.(jnly 2ý) : seuil not àw4l, the invitation, but ough thofiratm tingoftheGrand, Chapter .111 0 chroniela Il - - -'ý i;.. bat autboýlIV bogi'ýenhim touilllé v ý . ý delsth of sWoýzql b dis - ;- i- ý cot.%7v rivisinci cSor ci.rltxs. This foliows theTecent order of Gen. ý; sh.sýIqI4 à.11.,M' wîrthjl,'-ofýith nbtçs i ,,,assises on NfOndsy ta go ai éclate, aeinand ta regimrut or mititted Inch fur belle il 4- . ry pliés the *baie of Canada ai the avaient capilial. The Y Visil . 1 ri I ài the Saliabu day ««hq8ý' 0» 6'iibé. ï rjý.lvà ý ý ; ri . caille, or' bills 01 èxcl ci. squad in rdview, and if ha recogniz a nexé-annual Convocation will 6 beld ai «. . l 1« Pl .. ........ J tT61Rýtq Iwilto je. Canby, ontolling ev'ery »Ne-bodied citi )aligne whieh are the l'ollowing cage of séduction vies trie . ikàW.ýd ý-ý ý'- 9>n.q an ........ Tl. Palme,#. ()Ukvil : red duvet, and sujing chat Lie nelitis lame equivalen $talon or run 1 va et- bis own or Presclatt, on the 2c Ticil in Arlg- O'Neil, 'ai, toilbr'. t;;:ý;;"WW joli. B.rï..Qý of- away 1 - ' -r-toi", . ri a ve t. Ici a very short grec a great The action yviA reçgycr d4u;agqfo.i, ,. .tho fi 1 . rd 0 - zen betýeex 18 and 45 iota a Staté ý ýgfibeTi!, 1 ry,,pLrelLiupcrvýi gL.d,.Pplqlo ,doaJ. of «Pallie han loft the ho plaintiff's danghter. 'Il ....... ri. vanilzi a ý 1 1 -- . .Ll - ý -, ý- -ce'10 .... Ja.. ýin!,hh.,. AC'on. téôlàbtrf. * Tl% ille'sé'àuciion oroti ëùý nelevi, fa wiliýh . . net, lï865. _M. d Bostons,, , i , +. N. ".ey.. ll pop'] 'tien authority la jiven the whites will bc dts- hardis noX !eo.they have imoIed il,, tao 'ri of bite. A ý f &Cooý lei" ,Of the C ' A", a. :::: - - 8. B. lâte u a T ,ny such.' : ii, whiKit hiîtitia, and the à n*elliýfor' uiuctï $aper; thiir orcly 1 p.mday now in bil ý«:e - planter, go- - --------- P-,*,*, iii a fermer, living et Ber- s8lo - ', foot of jàm;u atrftt the ý tiff ing ta recinim bis glavet ý if ho meets ...., .. A. G. Xýqây, '4elson. into a laiscil police force, fôr. Il , «i.k t.4J.1 p The ,àttiio'k on Kobili th d orne de- tr,,Yed." ' "' ýS in, but lie formerly mou- , . . appem- finit i ý vn*IMPAL OrrtkM ý fortes.- The N.'Y. Herald'a corre a- ta disormut leu or aven iiunqcýIct,.ol. At Pied a farce et Tiabiüy. 'The défend., With as'Y difficultY land- bétter net bu - - . - 1 - > ý O'Neil tad béon et o" nda du&g Ibo 1 1 --ýI '. 1 Ir- ' cràrit - - ý -- - à ýdîwocrnged, but demand ta sec crie au- NEW YORK, Aig. 14. afte-Ç,ou, sud.. when . rcýuMièg À - 1 ý .;-. if. il iller, »q Y. cýIy ' i . - - - .- Sport ý V.r lie. cz"mol. ttis ictalge, B's bill of ton thnianand dot- out is a son of a ter farmer ut Tis- . Prinom or wdeN . - ri the 1.1 Win, rantnir. 1>q.-,p.verý k'ttirl*v t"r ente writiog Ang. 2:eays:- "Eman- BanIdng. lors, ho borrowed, train flic bank ta blair bury, and is client thirty jours orage, peritcf Officer after another until lie The steamer Cieple, froits, New- Or- ý gO1,ýi«tq - ý1r fictil .r- 1%., 1 p ilefl.aliiini. . . ý a premb ý . . Ir, 1. ý.....e.intu 1lq dýoýljcq,ý fil.. 16 ,upakon a - ce1ebracced yesterday . . ficqur or lqpeculatibn, Io about dire, fini 'Tire families boing brought up rieur ta- cernas te Gen. Lee. Jeune on the 7tb, han irrived àh.bringo' wilà ,cuisaient Pleil. -Elrery raday mua 1 ay Ill - %,,lit in Frour leord. tbey " à ý te b - . and white they wercenjoying themaclves This word cerner, frais the Italian -ta gave bis crodit 4110 la anxious ta sell;. galber, Mis& Alford and ùils défendent .- - - -- - thé, ulogm hqwcîý ý mi . ta 4. 1 - - , - g particulgre of the ý ý Whon-0çim tble*:Wharf - 1 .N. - - - but, few con buy-j the batik- bas mtopped hall frequent, opportunitiai of mectin ' O'Neile,09 puà4ed over on thâl"* JW1011r. J. vantii» F 1 - h.g.ly ýe 'miHtaty âutb6rittes made i wýrd 'Bill a bench. Tho Jews in diÉwounting,.tjid OCIPPI and donnand be If mise in 1856, ville > 9- Protrimal Grand l nt in firat,.foUowed bnnL"4 -î -conaaie qf Masci. Faut manitou we . t. .,,,WN ny MIT.",(. raid umn the able-bodied colouriqui men Etaly were formerly flic chief inouey ing file claqué y ri obe vins about file Rnighte templât féi Calladà- by the Bronklyn, Hartford. Motaccomteil, imid ilsist bath Isolé in'l lienir, 1iý fi* ý . 7ý,-»" W -. ý . - ; t'cd ho is compelled ta seventeon Seau old that lie first ehowed - ý finie. T f O'Neil Waci- ;W"-. W. TI. Lyon.. - and ailiers. ý .novn,. - ! E, relr Fý.1 .. 1hýý i.*r. lit -, UrK%-# fit ta becorwe soldierit and abrupfly li'ndera in Europo. They son" filera. self for savait Villot oust bits ten drellars a*prefererice for' iter, -Th 16 - courtahip The ait nul auctubly of .Jhis linyni, ' ' va ý î Icn .... Conneil mpfeg ilvekylother li 1 fondav. their pleilicure by marebing selves on bouches in the markbt places a burrel. :ý.ýc'dý Il. P. 1 l; ri - Tho'princippl fighting ýwnswithýthe , ý,,Idý!*e jpt»diwï terminal (St-cýIV.-lyltind.) l'lie deficit went on for two br three years, whon Exalted Rgligious, and Military ý -.........oI1so,..ý- barracks wliere colored Of the gruat towns, - for rail Tennemee, inside the boy. The .1 . ý s.mornicg the «qu 1,7 ýï! 1 the phrpose of lie must meut "Ôluo how, either by sale they ngreed net ta mect ugaii, their for Canada, was )iota by the Deputy ý - 1 . . - .%letacomet, in attempting'tà ram-,the in the E e- a licence - 4 th. kali.. " ihdebted to the- off ta a- . re or iiiortgage of ý al destate, &C.ý tbiR per- parents hein,-, opposed'ra the iicuteli. In t Station ; andthejnews ý All Týersonq , Provincial Grand Commander, Butineur _vas ,il Oofý the , , : 1 . ce, cither for candide . es for military glory and r, lending moncy. and ,wheu. one of choc, halls is sold l'or lialf its value. -- - Sir Kniglit T, Dýluglns Harington, in Tennessee, struck the Hartford and foies about a jean 1 -- thiq A Sub- . . t . , ý . This 1860 detendant tentation crigaged ta un stove in ber aide timben. She will go aving bottin drM edý .., . 1 1 nowla are faraud ta congregate. A £1111ed, bis bench mens publicly broken ; quickens Ptili -marc the demarid for other lady, but that match watt aise the absence ofV. E. Grand Commandeci, . F-arly in ýthe féreiiom lume 1 1 . . 1 i . peription. _Aflveýtiging, or I-bttnk-ru't."' Th, l'colley- Still the banL tokeR in but dis- ýroken off. Larly in M61 lie remewed Sir Kt. W. J. B. Mclc()d .Moore ut the aorth fur repaire. 1 111noifiâ liody- 1 p . ,gimeni ofcavalry ison duty nom ilvia W baving-boýý Il 1 i re lianes flic %Tord p () cite il ne. This cousant vigilance on Ili& nddresses ta Mise Alford, but in ho ýebcI gunboat 8 u@ aunk by 1- fý,ý"loltIltâ4l - Wýri,-, Must , ý whole fonction of money in ta-- facilitate C u 0 hendquarters in the Etist,, (City Of -@6ontýhe >fâct - ; àloi, -PAY "P M- mail fùrther raids lapon coloaied the part of flic bank soinetinies awaken.9 November of that yenr bis conduet gave Quebec th!Mctacomet. The Chickssawr and water, and ,) oie %ý'edneedilý- latits file 10th ý y§ Widal . ý , ý the kilown thm it!ir" tba of r.- ensts excharu, and remeiiiber, that the uni- ,doutais affloug thune -boldiný matty of lier offence,'Bn(l abc desti . , t as, Winnibe Challeil Iwo Othe river, and man- i ý. . ý. mediately, le - ineu.» ý ' . ý Gaines ago . ra ý Bèll 10 8l"I red him ta leavç iust, Tire usant routine. business lice ' -7- -versal law nf of exchan cd Morgan ,undeë 1 : --- . .-1 -- go Lit Illabor for its notes; large quantitioll O? paper are the frange, and te discontinue bis visite. "rnost, enit'igfActorily diteposed of, Whou ha ý-ý ; - they are blockaded with no clhauce of - TJiO'ýeidici' of, the lm in )Ir, lm. ý ý . I ' I)enmarký ý labor." ' If the Goverrimente of the dLLilY brought il& for coins; the cerise- Blin appenril avala lilial aqq'uquoh as E. Dep 0. Commander was pleased ta man, a " vu" accidentel - dettit by : Rlit 191am biait ýf)«14V1011 - . - . « etteape. . a * Th Id es talion ai th@ 1 ý.ý ý ý ý The fàllaxing la &ho-latut news recigiveil W e, and by the finie, if moutons bits in the eompany of hi- sisters. In att!%,."rlrent terni as below :- . a 0 do abl hole Il would unité W fûrnibh an quenco is, ri muni eupatid pdyment for possible, aithough site omasionally met t and -nqtail the Grand officiers for QnJy ton are kmwn toi bave emped rOwn . inimitable priper dollar, and make flic 4 v'llil . in tbemdestruction of the* Tmuamb by ihquePlý lfrthe fast filet lis »ILroî;.-A1uGM1;ýý18ib- igýt. in regliret ta I)usio-rierman affaira :-Urds - CaShing, mont of its notes are nt the Marche 1863, lie met lier et ri oister'a V. E. Sir K * lit IV J B bl'Leod -- 1 ý . 1 test bis life la 'a banal 4ttempt to. os,, ý . 1 -- - ý . 1 . saine a legal tender, a vagi aucourit ()f door aivaitilig coins. At this stýge if bouse, and fnsisted on aocompanying lier bloore[liýtý;WtL Pro. G Coin. ta - , , T mes- ' 1 ý . 'Wa vish Car nbonibe4 to dietinetly Rwweil sud Patnwrsion- ut the Fishinoue human labor Il ha saveil in digging uiny bc relieveil by Rame friend rifgreat, haine.,' He entreatecl ber forgiveness, 2 de' de 'Th.. Jý Harington, Que- ha despatiola , huait ellillippo Wae thatôfinotherman. Frolùthewi»d', ý , ers"banqitet, both maintained that the djg- . ý . - Of 'bis heul lie $air the aumbut -- 1 burnl ai ses white the figbiwe» in pro lot iempt legs initié moncy finis fille earth. The Genil ability. or thé sacrifice or value and the courtship was renewed, Two le G 1 'hall been upheld lue . . ý bec, Deputy Pro greu; 1 ý . . *,Prinoýeu of Waw ', sermh te underitand, that wowi T ý, nity. and hauteur of England of estate gala by batik debtors inay or thrace menthe afterwarde lie tiéducod coin. l . du bailli, whi4,* ficus TWO DOLLARS aý 1 in the effarts ta meure Pellerin Derimark. one bundied and tIcienty-sever invi back the prenions metals frour ber, hall provieusly, u afin stated, . E. -9 ci h B flarris, *Rancit- -1 Yeu for the ý kth of the Admirai Farragut will pieh il appeau the balai hi no ri de Caropisen -if net Pilla in alivance. . lie ibliewitq lis etated Io ha the basis ai whole vieulth of Enlglànd is sdid ta con- foreign ceuntriea whither they boa Oeil ýromiscd lier marriage many times. In fa ; , 1 ý - ive .G Priur. ' i 1 Re wentdoim andais 4 cearl. the j j lfpdd ai the tires of'loubomiun& if pecode batellent Dubark a" Pmaia and sist of the Coins and bultion in the nu- in the days of raving prosperity. This July ber father loft Tisbury, .bat $lie ý LM. ý ffý et John C Frail Belle- blorning papers of thé 7th give fu 1 . . 1 1 . WHI bc but OIM. 1>0 1111là As8trisý:- ý 1 ý freine case il% moulin countries but énatinuedatthehoum fherbrothers, vine, G sula Prier. pýarticulm « Yprragot'a moveurents. .1 - Itb 1 : tien. lVhàtlaberhave thelle, C08tl- 12 an ex Tt.è forgetfulnen of self' Commun in altiers. Wayland says, in wherc thedefindant w, -lecoived as lier E le il Rev J A - Preston, bi ,& The- Nirtt'brd, 'with t'fie' Admiral ail t 1 . 6 Pl d ý 11 . l - e0-*-ý ý lAnonbur.-j Sebieewig and Holstein ta ho But disboncety would allure men ta board a his-contitry (the United States of Am- Bwectbeart. He continued ta visit lier . , steamer! up ta Fort Morgan, de- brave SPi"t 1aIý"ý ,ont. In October site iiierrit ta 1 cnrloton Place, G Pro- ng oq(ch broadoidt*.aséffectultlY _ Wharf iq A &mail skif,.withmg écu' ci m«Lom ,Wàr- i cided ta the fora' g rut Germen fowers -, make tao much papier recul hence, erieu) if tao offert happeni Çý&t.pnIitioa1 up ta Aug liveri fonov _ fa . . late. 1 sil.need the_ rebel gens. -and water bat- rudder, telling anather min ta ý ý ý ' ' ' vers are net forptten about the time live with ber father ai Berwick, and E. et -1 i H Rewmad,,Quebee, «a -xaia i.t.'ila"ry and the island of Farce to. romain Ili II Peu- laïqoir iq essentiel ta the, value of motrey. Tho monitors for some finie en- with 01111111- , In 8 littloi While- the ski# , ý ! ý The Confed toý 1 i - * a baril: charter is being prayed for, and flou discovered that site vrai; enciente. teries. mark ; Aisen uni the i.qlands in the North ' In pastoral colantries cattle vraie flic G lot Capt. ' gaý à the rebut r= TenueSSec e the lut WaB DOti&ýd -,114lf full Of irater,, and no- ,cý«,.ond tyley W retiring down that'someimes if is granteil when Ilittle She vrrote ta the defendn6t-, ârrd, bavigg ý ý e.: de -1 A A Stévenwpn; Montrent, 1,ýr"failing in sellerai attempte ta run one in if. ' Snob, howeyer, Was the ex. . , 1 Sealoýowiihschleowliz. Arectification medium éfexchan.-és; and the Latin ' G 2nd Cupt. nicotine the Snandcah, pürsied by Gan. Sher- a Jutlind.frourW will tall ý a place. el or no specie is on ha, a. The rtirectors informed bits of the fact, implored hier ý down our monitors, whe closed vith lier. nt and confusion autiong thecrowd , i . . ý of th ,lit ta coma. front boy up intest of the sbires, giving their ta fulfil bis promise. In the replite ta et il ý-4 idu, toqu1ýeT'ly Plaed Over the forces A despoteili of the 2dd uye:-A Viennà pectil is ticon, 1 Charlis D hluoDonnel ,,NI %abois, conseque - i 1 ý 1 . 1 . 1 s instoad, and belli themselves lier lattera lie dociles baving proiiiised ta . Shewas rammed by the INI 1 Franchirai ntlupoli the lit betwe« the il, NVptem Virginis. . fxutc. Hooker, 1 «Ipecus," a èheep. Soinctimes the R& Ollu net". ý Kitcýgstdm, G Charcot' -il. 1 : ; ý b 1 , _ -jil or the Out. ri gai ý vri 'ý ý ' il- Lac&%3çant)n, and Igart.fo and, the lanand'O'Neil ail t a drilles. . tell: dilate& %bat 2 with cil Wlici) (if ever) they call stiarry lier,' sali de "'YOilIZ46M'BS ]Iir - non, When ing of the lattèr, -that Wý disappe'umft Ill., !,,,ne u*ed brass as moncy, 'lacs" mean- . lia;iford eteered id rus ber a 1 ý , ,, bem known as "fighting JOO," is ta istice bu been en l.ded for on one anoiner fier thoir quota of coin, ling in the matter as 1 ; you have fric- Id .4 à 1 : 1 . arm ne ing bath brass and moncy. In Greece, B H Parker, Kingston, bite gag. of Borneras Was Dot thoul Il ' the 1 entiesme p ýthds . y an ý ; gag tbe appointeront. Tbere B" ru- manche; terminable oneiÎ'weki notice. id the tique of Lyeurgus, imu was u5ed theY take up their own notes by sur quently Iold mu tiret you were morse - G V, c'han ello'r. She test trou me . il moud a battle between Jýîrry sud It ru ennfirmed, via ,O reudering their %hnrR in the hnnk-. Tir(-, than 1. îou are aware that Sou used 99 -T D ;a ri set Thomas, -1 I.- re rie but thrun Ut, . Farragut will - - =Pt.-Haznàt« Ti .ý imà 11,5% ý . Copenlingèn. chat as mOriey ta prevent the deprQdatious . test cili for coin smashes the bank a- il ta Coins fi Our fur ' probably use bar as one of hÙ lisait, Bloc, .4,,.Pr . 1 . ý i ý àeridab, but if is Probable thaï thers DI nmr.rrt com'plè>ty celles tLe- DuChiem t, ri froquent ai thal Perind. The Cliiiiesc no ta meek le, and G, Registrar. . . ý , - --.-l -'1ý1 1 ý1 , : ý zinc, and file Russians, for large the halliers of ito billfr Insu tilt. He ri know for what purpose. The fact E. ý99 .I' John Kerr, Kinctoin, G ngt being grently deuil - -- ý ý1 il,1111à Ocaly slight skirtiielles until the Austria and Prussia, , together . with the une v Mr. Ilàtiôe, NIrli 'alis Ibis "dowitright swin&lin,-." nue] C The Tecumsel4 sunk by a orped% if son, la au notice 1! ý ý payrectents, use platina as inomey. Ici lm is patent ta tilt Tisbury that Son; court- , f : - Trea.mrer. , , ' brought in the Court of Q ' ý j t eftWemtes meh match their ber-" or Jutland enclaves. the town of 1r1býexcept£ vp if oughtýt* ha treateld cuccordiI gly. ed trie rather chan r you. Solisuatity in ý E. Id di i8 thought ean be raised. C OIS tes of ueen's Bench 1 * ' " - 1 j»Icts of Afrida I cowiiès; -and il. Ciller - ý 1 Telles M'Craken, ,lffanàil- lier Crécir are truc 1 Oorla te bé gave a. open aobntràd - M'&.dO'ilr ý'the Uniià ' - ý : - tirer TeinfotSd by Gen. ieê, after. draw- ed.; able, tirait the Occupation of Jutjanti parts!, sinsif bits ofèott,)n cloth cf var- , Betltveen 1 ql 1 and 1830. one hu ri- a great sil, but our ,ýuviour said ta the ton- 0 Chamberlain. l l 1 : *the X ý ý , Ired and sixty-five bailles failed in the . The gunboat Oneida and i shell ex- Statéi for the delivary of a .quânoty of- int; ,. cirth down th VaIIeY'ý t'boy continues tilt the final woinau taken in adaitry, 'Go and sin no il et ' ý lithos reoentl.v decided ibat the-am. . " !a conclusion Of-Peare- ious forte and pattern, are used as trio- . Jus Seyinnm-, Sr Cathw -ý 1, ý tri too'buy*-Témýïing ' under ta rialr ne Pre'stiTetrt of the ýDanI&h enculait hall ne United SÎ-ite.s of A " a th ore.' " Miss Alford repelled tire de- plode in ler boiter, moidihg 30 of ber col . ý ýPl y. In the days of Abraham the pro- . c - e . . rilleo, G Iloepitaller. ý cent renomme merlon' licirente Cap . mon. . d va& paYïbleý in United ! au enga mu ente& rite ions maints vieil weighed in soncéthing 'fat of 129 of filera was y four 'feidant'q insinuations, and again rite le ci gement. A' baille was foriglit coin Q* trotter ta the Riv-t-ind C 1 1. Deiaýsil'Toronto, G 1 States curreicy, -and that payrnentl in . Il i ' . ý . . r Il - ý like feuillards. Gala and allier are cul- million.,. And ',\lcCtilloch states that ýpealed te hier ta gave ber and ber faut- Expert. - : . - Buchanan is net expected tp live. Canada of forty cent& on the daller (aueh - % ceci Iff rwmm, Mtl,'botween Averil ut thil priv»te,?ittingý and on the 0 cueillir ý . il a G Lient. Continuelle commaýding the daller au 1 1 age ý 1 ý . . - . 1 led the l'parlent matelot" beeause thev 'vert in England, in 1 'd93i'one-tliird of :ily front diagracle. He wanted ber ta sel. Smith, Quebee, lst a q being the vaine OfAmon'eu tben) - &n4ýtbe South leader 31cCamaland, da.y a motion was ofrèred and supporteil . 1 r bpl gunbiat Soleil in killed.: H in crew pet ýeý c the enuntry hanks F;tnprbe.d pnyment. :conceal the tact of lier pregnancy, and ý b - 1 or defy Ore ta reduce theffi ta lirons; and G Stand. Br. ý ý . . - &full satiallection and ?Ce eut 1 ý in ihich the Southmm - - TOIY by a ennsidèmbIe-nuýmber of the-merribelle, the inspiýed writers eouipare gond m.en Andýbctween 1809 an 1830 'the nom- -go away and, bu privâtely confined, de Il Geo Eu. EarIl, Montreal, are nearly all kilied. 1 ý .r ý " ý; ý , of the demitid,--ý-Leadèr. d,.f,,i6d gud'oblrged'to flee ta the dectoring that the silence with wbIchý the with theu metals, because the Ore of' ber O(bainkrupU watt 311. * But ha re- eithu nt Marlborough or London. She - 2ad G Stand Br. TholosÉlnii the II;artford is 1 33 killed 1 private mur- et Il John W iNlurtonllatnil-- and 43 wounded. . ' Ruat'IIW Blibigtutaýuder_ »â[«ý. ne a diw" imd eu ' ine their mýý, ýhnt during this wbole pliriod. ;refused, and promised ý ties. . . - . Il inonnwi Ili te; al. uni3ouncement-wu received was net con- teqoaptaýôu is unable te cale: ho not one Scottish bank gave way; and iriage, ta which lie objected. He tirent ne G Alinoner. Our total legs is I243 Os illeil and 1 - Duqma-. 1 I wu a orne ser betwoon a nt-ed ipto an approval or or virilises, We cancroit bars notice tilt th ta thé* conduet wounded, iqqcItidiný ha fait. and - ý thé, it i ý qualities that fit thune metals for moncy, noly one wu over known t? fait in Scot- threatened to-go away, but said flint if de il P Lougliviii, Quebee, C W () A few dayo 1 ailloü j a - fat imblidiville ý - 1 qýi 1 lhandU d. men, the Nýrf1j. _Qpiî_ it the-Gomoment. ý . 1 but marcity is a vital one. In France: land.' able ,locale] coma ta bits, lie would'sup- o re f the Ter 4r lier of this City, elle weights am leu i. i . 1 : Fort Powell waë violette op., thon Iwo hundred and forty pou * are ie likely Furloughs boa Idées 1 gmnted toi ait the in 1520, a certain quantity of wh J.IRELAND. port lier as long as lie had a shilling of - .4 il Philip Si Hill, Quebec. The loge ofthe robot@ iâ known. . I . shenand,,h, Duleh rSruil». qandýOing prdimi-ri .broughe cm ouuc* of tiller, and in 1789 Omagh, Augg. 9. - ý IàB own. Slie replicd flint sheivoutd do 2nd;G A D C. U conoeil the Idet"ôftaking a tripý ta ý j ý . . 1 * Allofour fleet are insidél ta bngtest aoivity in the t nothing flint would net save'her flouer, et l; - G 1 the robot MgrpibI C. W ..ý in quest of substitictais i t : 1 1 beot'of hie drill. -tJ- ý 1 i the mine borailit 2012 ounces; balcon Win Reid, Hainiit», lestructions. . ! 1 ý . m Grant bis nima ýhe ý ý 0 and' un-dortôok the journe;l agaiut the '* i ý ý . The Serrpan Impers ressort thaît the we el wau the silver and net the Thé Minu Of the Eastern. Townsbiýs. .and eventually iota lier father, who D Cf C. 'The Itiolirnénd-Exntniner 6f fi,. 9th « nu of big: tiiends- - " wmY thith.w. ,ýIl .1 . ý ý ýý - ,cominenced the pre8ent action, after on el le , . earneat -sollicitât 1 1 wheet thaf boa inoiestmèd in quanlity. Il Ilowatd E Swales, Kin bilent burrendored iota choir ff- th. ShIb-k. 1 sýly8 :-Buchanan's wound is doi 1 ý 1 ý, 1 . 1 Ductiles bavé . * Fý.-O litre.) 1 ' .. . ng well. With a borne and buggy ho atitted cils ý From Gmues army #%el icilitil i ,, the diseriverv of the Potimian mines in ý . ineffectual aittenirit ta induce flic de- filon, G Capt ,ailes severat othe pri . tiers and le 'lm" bondit, entirely wilhoüt> reparratinn, and South AmeAca, threw a vast quantity CLARF. COPPEIL Mi.,iz.' The Il fendint ta beliave honorably ta )lis de de Ediviii Goodmaii Si He with r the overland route, and in du of - É' 1 ý « . telligeDm,ýaithd, Ive arc told, that lie isý that Austria and Pmeeis-bave full liberty of silver into the world, whieh, ofeourse shaft nècrtheast of No. 1 sÉafit is lookin,, dauggliter. There was no implitation of - Federal woun&d are nt Pelisa la. Fort finie arrived ai bis destination, Ichau ' Il 1 ý . 1 W"tfttiDà Bôme imParýnt renversants; tuditýcoeoftham. -. . 1 1 ri timncy witli any allier iuan. His )Inrg.-.tn holds out yet. For Gable i . immediately sortir its value. Il is ensy more favoucrable than for saine tique i Ber-ald , ' lie immèdiately-iet about proeurù% his, ' 1 ý f lordship, in sumining up, said whatever occupied by the Fedoruls. Farragut ýen- He onooooded in entici - - probitbly, ',froil the apperance : O a lame ýTue Austrian Godiremment, licis addre*&ý. ta née flint the pr«ions metals ýIhem- pont having apparently rexclied a more il -I L Roy, Quebee, 2nd 0 ng sellirest .1. si transport., ait; fe-ima Artésien a cireuivrnote te ira repre.wutýýtive. givid selves cantint maire. a nation or individ- settled grenade and lis now producing flic result of the trilà, ho would earnestý Ilerald ut que of' ý . ý ý . 1 . ; test one monitur sud one gum jouit in the or eigbt to-retam with illico b ý ! ý nutralber . . 1 ý 1 9 f TC ly coincriend if ta the attention of the et ý de L B Dicifictur, Québec, 0 actici 1. ' theýnumber evidently, p" ed oir bills, - , ý - ýý ý ý :ý ha ý . , ' 1 à nul rich ; flot man or nation in vieliest gond specimens a napper ore. a laitiers of thune ynung " le whethei > *nndýbut a short finie elapoed bef«el.lt- ', i O1ýementî:Oqcq Wu The rébel iron-cInd Morgant lies et . i ýtý if, Ila muter y ur , ah- .*»Iym ut-the preliminaries of poine, an whalas mont of the l'désirables of life." open *orkiiigs look well, and in file . - Sword br. , ri." The South lhave Aloo beau iiatlug ýail questionsi relating ta future diIqý Thgt"41 capital of a oný fil could net "-a some. private tir- 4 di W Wilkinson, Qàebte, G Mobile wharfbut iiligbtly injured. olfièera'bad him in charÏe sud were con- * , ýd tni; djpJàýOqs cee'mma in Pont.in"t'a . 1 . . . - country Consiste battant of the alopes the vein still con- fil mming, a, - - tisses very productive. The adit level rangement-for ilifisa Alford' . ý . .ý . 'l 1 1 1 - . ý of the nima? and vegetable pioducts, 8 beslefit. If ý Equerry. 1 -0 bits to.the cearest mmetrate'& ec ,, ý front of the Northortallines. but, litre its - .- I and al, matiuractured articles and un- is unir driven 175 filet. Building tir, the jury pav --j-.19 1. ý .vas & foulure. Front . ,ý wrought moterial.: and money menly being erected fur the Crugliers and GRAND CHAPTER OF IL. A Terrib te Dise star on La Brio. bothteofconldin, Who wu ý ' noir Appointrirents. . allier would probably net bc Tmovered. The 4) , ý ý , ý prelleillessorse it - 1 1 ficilitates their exchanges. . tranchinery for the dressing departinent. jury, lifter a sieiniite's deliberation, re. MASONS CE CANADA. - , sentencied ta 21 jeteur in the. ýCpWa iliz- lie vein turiied a verdict for the plaintiff, da Immedintely on bearing of the Coeur. P-Oniteg-tiary, wai.suddenIý revivid in , . : . -%ome. esTelemn*em In hýndIing shil a Welearn flint the Han. Jo'bw simp Bëfbre Batiks were, mail mon Siloai- Cui)PER M m- The aevesith annual Convocation of rence, wè de .> ý.. ý ý . , ]lits marcher fat Niegara, bas beau kept their morcey in strong eliests, and cg, five hundred pourcels. gpatched our r>porter ta the mind of the broker, and lie - doter ý: ; guet expi ion týOk pliait ai City Point on,1 in the aliatt Continues promising dis- 119 ai which plan( the sur- mined ta attempt an ample. Incscla in- .1 ýy which. qqî1tý a nuiqbcr Incite killed appui 1. this grand body was hala in the .Mèmnu. Port Stanley, ý: ý . inter t« super'ihtend the Audit DO. incline they put inoney in or tank if out, c!osing fine sainples of ore, and the ic Hull, Qèàbee, ou Thursday, the gth vivou et thnse on board bai lanied, atout the Iwo oonstabk&;WM throva tc, , .. ., and woaoëd, principally negt- ý 1 chést was mède tir. or er.'aceordingly. âillckinglzoes on woll. parfument of the' Goyerament ' - , The Colored Prisbners. inst., M. B. Camp. T. Doufflas lInring- when the follovriig partieulai 3 were ah- the gracund, and t ýý . - wu on . ,. 1 1 1 ý 1 . ý The ,word cash is thonght ta bc a lundi- ST.'FRANCIS MIXE bas etill i 1 -àeirprimmer ý ý IBuroside and bleadv are ai lomr- a gond ton, G. Z., pre8iding. The Grand tained :-The vassal, when t .a Ore wis bis way ta the wool A livily Tic* Dr.,Zephuir Tasse is gai& ta have fication of the word etrest, for if Il al appear.,ince, !mil ià- improving, the veins The Richmond Despateh thiret rpealls Clin ter having boucle dnly opened, the firs't discovcrcdý'abouf2.45 Ci ýWdîînes- ewW é and by:, ý : ý ý f yieiding large quanti tics of riait copper of the colored tro ps fakeu pri,çoners in (T Z was plenseil ta deliver a ver inter. day morning, ,Wu$ off Rond liesqIls as ;ta whieh 1qIaý the Cause Of the ben,, appointed a Prison Inspeetor, in ways rendy se puy. Thé freq ency 0 C p lu, a point broker distancer! bis compétition. . one& ý,1 ý failictre Of i Îhe jalla ' . the last grent 0 t liciers- Iiiiý address, ici which thiq branch of on the North shore of Lake 1 rie, under ýù . ai", beforo'peter"- recul of Dr. Taéhe hua ha . au appointind TObbery induced men te §if their ore. ý ngageuient oreau d Statiction. bZt«' un - - salir odovft of.ibe noigh ýý hm. eýespon- ST. FLAVJAN Ml,îz-',rhe shaft. burl,:- ub- Buffii!ô, whi 'hUý Il ha ...;" boring 'forant, .ý- been rdiàed and bas ý'gone sible for its safety, and whos ý certiâ;, ail . the order was shown ta bc ici a highly a fulf.head ofeièamendeavori ýg ta make Ô"TY faMiidlabftterwthieh ha Ir": -formAgiliar -ý The menterie the a de , mil with one min who ý tell port if was t Ili ,tdie Ill Vigilance of bis pur- .- ýl ý-Rb.ae l'ha Strafcfmd .IRMCM intimatés that cale wail recognized nà trolley. A could ýppear@ productive. The -lein, whiel, takAeniiiboyngoutbre feolercveesnl.ils1tun8drPtdurPirtiýýOnebres cnoiutrshitig cotnhoditOinn.D The reports a 'ith, ho eilided rtih. B- ' bon bond of the B - 1 ck-ing coller the ten-fathomed level ' istriet Superinien- would ranch the following a . l' bd il- is of tolerable witith, is yieldilig large turc iloteroburg ý ru- iiine ý l 1 M. Lizars bas beau appointed Judge of --ive B an order on this Ilecciver for a . , trio, liundrcd were lie- dents werc also of flic saine tenor. .Rou- tique mentioned, the lookout bserved ri six miles, odoccil Il ted:yý.c. * bon traneacted, rifler bright fiaine bursting clef about 'raid- lie renched the renide of e[»friends . Frais Àtlants therle 1 is'isothing défi- the County OfPerth. . 1 1 uantities of gond pre-contuige of cap. 1 grocol mal.y of choque -ý P,,hP ýf'any whicli file affiner ided, hi te - . l inigglit Cive A ta that ill and thus per. 1 thora, stolen or runawny elaves.3 tilt of fille business wais cfor thé current year ships of flic vessel. All bande were who ai . The race plie, but thors, is Tic a ubtr gherbiàn la . i ý Ir[U a Po 1 1 'i' ý rite debta could bc satisfied, ond stili 31,%RRINGION ýITNE.-»e No. 2 advertiseinent Iiimyet Lecoq publishtd in werechown. The élective and appuintý calleil on dock, the vessel turned ta land through the 'O a r.ibed- ait lu- . dpating*itha stars resistan ' en. The A . lý the money waii untrnielied ; .ci 1ew lictes sbaft sinkià, under the -seveisteon-fitth- the papers calliii, lie 111 9 1 E , ", PROLIFIC FAMILY. - We au in- -, upoii personq who ail Companionq were theit-iiivested and and t pu p quickly ma ned' but diertique -in, the el , et- and iiell it MilitW -han beau - ta a respeetable coorrespdrident on the leger saveil the trecuble of cout.t- am level, is threc feet vrille, aild con- have lost slaves il) c site Ilirtvitrl nad installed in the following order, brokérî durin&- the. sime 1 -Whôled of jh Georgie ' . debted 0 viz ..- despite the efforts of bath crew and mighti ha. The 1 1 1 platina is»eýfrOnt, an . the I. à'etivity of for. the face related 'below. Thme ing, and the laits by frietion al >the met- tains mundie, peach, and gond moues of identify their property and tiik-C it; ý may ý ý . 1 * 1 Paeý.gero, who worked witb i doterini- ho Wim in the Woocl subsistai on ý beil John Aiton, of alo, and the coins were ittrongy guard. copper ore. lu the other ,partions of lire have clef observed such advertide' GRAND OFFISERS FOR 1 S64 - 65 rintion inspired by the des te ilature es and Othe' irild fruit and Wh lffoèd'haeenabledbiqto.Ùko'tlhe Of- ,:ý,0ýtoItîbsfý the Iota ,h. r eu 40 ici. en the. the work tique is no materiai ira i . Out àýttiomut ho :wu ý ý " i This in thought te have bc -ings - ment. M E Camp. T Douelas Harrington, of thuir position, the Ore gai (a jqidly, machina, un ý fensive, no thut SbermýIu Je Obligea ta th ý p of Trafalgar, bave hua - fin Origin of paper money. ATTyý concilier provement, with the excoption of meet- Lutely tbere were many neý,ro" re- Quebee, G Z. naïf ,11 hopè of staying il& ri lugest be- ecarcely able ta walk, b ' î log IM@ l 1 i centrant ýiq lieu, ta ivoid the rougb ildidren et - five births, vis - Mis- A ý h- Of peiuons having the requisitý amarrai iug with a croswourse in theseventeen covered frima the raiding party ofKautz RE el A A Steyeuboi : 1 ' , Montrent ing quickly dispelleci by the fearful et fleah. Rè suffored y and boa . ' Id reWve,ý. lie soloin, 1 twins'twice; Mrs. M. e&yi of coma or bultion may ask thli Govern- fathnm level and South wutýlirom the 1 and Wilson ; their .a,,,u were ver G. H. 111--lity with whieh if coin nunicAl if bai beau ' for the iùdOý8 of hie - ý liendling bis i" ,«+ ý . . r whieh i if grant, Ohaft. - y - de .1 Charles D Miredonnel, front eue point ta another'of t in doomed friends, 'iroffl t . nt fer a,%nrt charte 1 properly. publimlied, oeil their amincis - ho Volatil halte " ub"y. - . ý. . . 1 .. ý. . 1 . . l ýq ho cas 1 ý. ýý:, ed, limite the power,'fixes file rate of LLE 311NIS appears inermed Wh »ro th ' '-eotild comýe and .. Kingston, G. J. Vésinet. The life-boais wére c rdered io .ho= ciptured. -, ý ý ý inâtwice; and àlrz.McDuffy,.gffl t- me , in' now s ntre, nolied- bobina ý à i - Trix LENNOXVI ý . vorks ullood in 'W By -rmilng f0rýthéd . 1 'Il a el 1 . 1 .,andingw gLqghisarmy ly of twins. Boat -0"ierestand affirds protection ta the bette T et et Tho attiempl made .- b ý . . ri thora having boom, fotind in the take il,". bd 11 *a lýiiLâd;ea'> black mus B Harris, Hamil- bc lowered, an4 au . WOOds, hacclécier, ha * threw hie à ' l . 86 u ta àýpdsch the. -14occi roadthe log ý, ý 1 ý ew bank. Books are opdaned for ' acte. costeanings and sinkinge -Circuits of rucala taken ariVre in the .I>etvrobur,ý., tell G S E renaît shore. The firat of tique, couder pauses . ý ý liFqzmDrAmeu Argn SACItlLlWr.- o .99 the tmok,-md çetting*ýhito a bIlIV ý1 lisq& Of ý - '. - ; i the enutlir. . WrMers, and lie who baye one or more Copper ore intirmixed with iron-pyrites. trenèhés'(moBt iy operly taken olive, Il et «Denis Gale, Quebec, G S LN. commanda of the secon- --tel Mr. Jolie- wu drives te a nt betï"Sau Lee in saýd toi baye leil thirt'y tko- a On.Sùndày morning about six o'clock,ý sharee leucomes a etockholder. At a The striais in of gond Oppolcunce for as they proewm I«noquarter,") now . Thomas MoCraken, Hawil- blonaghan, and dopoupind by îve 'd;Ï and Arnheratbiýg and ir6Ïeà the criler thé Congr!gatiobal Chuwh, in Brol Convention dl eharéholders they quýc- mineral. that they lire in Our bolide are worth 1 ton, GýTrqîaq. bande and four pamn'gerb--aýMes , twi.1ftig boiý-"WçàFoiqg.w"»-i , ! 1 .- 1 df Bond, 1 ana ta ý - -, . . . Vaincrons t 1 0. ý the iia 1 . fora ! , 1 1 ' TnE NOEL HILL MINE.-CRtem- h&lfa million. de Id . ni, 7- ý . !vu dimkovered ta be, on lire. The tact front - among theiùselvR directors If moy ha hoped that Henry Durable, Kingston, khowee vus placed -1 n'a Position -te -ý parfum by pro. ý . ý 1 à ' ings are etill carried on, ahowing copper strict examination will bc made among Re ' trar. lowered. but, unforWnMly, trait of the Awytil.-The New Yg* UniIiîrdty 1 ý , have mimmmea: thoirr 41, * l llùyland land alum,-wu.iiumediatelygiven. Thefire- "'a of tirage, one in ehosen es presi en 4 places opër;u'd[, - them,.aucL due colline piven ta such as CC .è Mar= Crourible, Belle- ropes'were ilàà ballon the dathir, and the ai il& Iota ooloquissacence ': - 1 . listing a wmt «%m 1 sud a cuiffiier in appointea, but' lie muni in inaïn of the ý nt made ,nà folie trien vereýquickly on the -spot, As sucre as Tur r a MiNE, Bituated eut of Len- juive la omüïknla-làitâhed ictitit ilher wàtpr-.- T hý 1 thoir. »;«. à- *. butit no# ha oneof theuticelves. ., tel,'v bee'n robbeà of snob nroner- 1 ville. G p ,qui- f- -P ;àà-:-. -: .". . 1 ! . 1 ip..-..Iýd;Ieîî. - .,p tl,..tth.lè.»- shai- . ýll ý , , - i - 1 - ý 1 ; -- --- --- -- 1-- n iM irie7y, 1ouýG. T bornas ibi ilt(tm, týoQtreaI, preyented ard from Best lioney W a ken rendek àýf.'»ý iý1m'ue un d couine ýis riý any of those on Mý A Hz,%Vyi IXDIAIV WAR AMCIpin bombins treal saUg anything more than thor = -%d do -2* diates -,A Washington despiteh of ' . Dý. mmeent in speeie ony one tires. Oite theeain poured in upu sp gerowd of prisone 4 Pt was oqKk4 of the. -OminF;, mm,'répu M Lliob. en atcarloo ectâ. An attem m Best Roui' im-dé Sf-imlh 50 Aug. 12 te cause of fail- re fr Providence send us that-he wu unable te extrica " n^ al se and ca> Bept pai and plaSd on thé same qooting was a Townships District, gave at least part of the Ves ir xelà'à Coain Sobtà 1 00 bbMeibu, mi gm ',in fur "Uuàultm- tbe N. Y. ffeald Fays:ý-«The' Commit-- in aburtdant bartégt the cereals bemmo or tc-make bis pogitiDn knowato hm ftl- sight the moral e&et ofwhieh apon the ci Irsce BoRts Richard. Pope, Quobm,, g&; a haidmr was attached, ai d she was p'r sica'r P! In litu Ànifi bas re.-eiyd a d- - éhcap; thit indùCCs mcà te btiy thein wasl oilly- itfLer he. staTL-- of pctcrsbtrrg atèý could uot bc 7:le- 1 Ily towcd into aw )w V .... ... Qucbeç Diutrict. eventun 2id se But Do ;Do De DoI Do 2 Do 2n Do -2814, Sèdl But Boit 2Q se But 2a Jkst la- 2dd' r4 , LZig NO a" bolr u ;Î6 'e tbe Ti