Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 1862, p. 2

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"M P Part. urne, . $hnýt la o0à te du- né'n to-da), tw, a lardritir, offlie Susquehanna, in' 19 ofibeexpeditit-ii. Ant-GwunÎýsiWvit c, fite wcptipewdirjthý fibot and.. ait? brtom'a rep y sus ' Ù)a e frutti 't The Rip Raps nexf worèârtdfrômtheoinglq criant ily lit Ibo PPitit.'whS on om Ilt litt siTuck'isit4e vicin:ï>doii'btlftïliiý b gaz, u bà alot, rèd iàde. of thé Xônhbr wu (or lit adveri or tbe fleet anti allie 'continue,] in je il it 1ýi&hirî a toile Orýý tain or, the 2. rl corriiiierable %x«c.ýIOn nuit ire le by lier affltategripg. 'J'itt ý3;0gj u in the b-ek grrnd.. th?. rangego r KUM.erALblid& eiüg> go en., Sevra l' iiskly.ý Thé ýjp' 11, ws 9 battery ri >ý tilt 1ý0101Sli'-%wiew4ile driru from tk Loint. ý Tho Afoili teil timeiethrurd.from W advanced i là Onned the, tient. , About balf. à ade leér-iépeaniix t refuri i li the (-, Noubt r. T à il ne lis etil, l'allait. Tllè'.W ni i- a toulta l'herme is-no: Pr al (4 30). îý? ý Fort Monroe, NIDY, S. 3 P. M. mach«Wýu» beck under the gars lsundj*6dthe SfonitorisiOLLSII)* loirduhe.ratfc',Iop.,ýed. lits Allin aise "M g op il li qpepMd, h brin1to ipar Ille rubAs ont egain. ', 1 palit Our 1 he fitet- 8 ëeIl à -in, , endrt)rwatl.-butit . lerrim 5î!ý 1 der the gonA of Cru - 0illid.. il; loir id 1ying nbnt a naile und a hair 'r4 Meriimie, sud lits Dacotafi, Saisit E and"inot6grestillintlie,=r. ý 'l là et" in abo inovisig up toweds lItl Mr. ': The MictKimota, Aràp;- aný V there à on Prospect ùf a ý&bt ÏO-nigli ]Prosid.-nt, riévell the actil-fi -fèoi-n - a ti 1 rig'abont a mile in rear of Lhe, ileil. t f.aving reIirt4l, Ille Mérrirnac i iritam'it-gouL Of Me many nijoiâ,î the rèbew, net ono struck any oi unir 1 karia by steamer, front Torktoq ri 6 -n. MrClellati han advanced 12ucliles 1 Wil î insbtirg, and hall boit several.-,k i -1 wilb Jk- t-'ti,-my, training thém witi In". The embléricatitin of troops ré ]Point was prQiÎàsing vrith grest ir il &M a henry bett'ë hud taken . pluce 0 nésdaralrternoffl,ýbetweeu'thé troci Frioul n and &*wick-ond the te 1£e, 1 tho weré endenvoiring tu moite 4tî te Mo lit ýa ï in irbeld ha ttk Dm' Iiiiisula, 0 1 toinil il , ted nnd fidnke ira d! i d back te rit Ile, Ce. Job Il on 'he 'iI,.ýkht lie Feil ton in)' wbole Imm ýf t erals illi.-C eren vii;i wu 800. , The ehemy were, 9 back y our Éolithes S w:th. greut allât Tbey ad noL leu titan 3oooo tyl sur ieliale furre 'Was ont over 20.000, Il 11aîd n-,, bcéa tir the guiibn,&tà we tiare yu dereàteci. 'l'ile crew or th thai dé-erted rroin the eneiny repn -1 thpre.ýtýns crest excitement ut Norto;I morniiii.119, tliat G -il. Bliriiside' tvi-ri, "firte wiIhin a férir miles of W Id thst IL reb, 1 troups ore èvaienath 41 Il posîibleiýp,»ed. 'S th sé are aiready abin(tudeii, and ý Il ilie tire making tu d'st'n and aliter publie property. , y the à*4av, Pitikanm Fierry, Ark., 8.-Fi r law lis the orily dýreud4 on the M -F, L; that isi.cotisider,,à suaire on the wuteW «en. ýrice'j% brmy bas goule te Flirt 1 and Coriiith. Tlie rorce at POudtobýý1100(iO. Firseenb.)tktqari latýLitile R)ck, takinz onboard 1 Arkanàas triýolis for corinth, 'l'lie 1 1 have barrit very Ligh, an-I Napoleou il New Voile May 9.- -The report il irobelllby Ii front Poh 110.1-al . Il il tlie N4,liville aucm-ded in gettiu.- ilit), Millitgn'ýiv. C. ý ý: oei.i'à 1ý Chic igo Timps.) c'-iro. Mey 4-The stennier Broyr 14 a 't lia, arrivid 4hia mantille -A break 1,0&'er,],'y nioriIiný folie rente] gu r1nundeý the Peint, mikilig their way 1 m ont, evid tly wuli the intention oi turing . thecà. Our il te férmcd i orbattie, sud tbe ecks etre clenri "0 soute v s Ifly re rired wl c riche ta reti éiýnoe aras lit m 1 , =les lit impfflible Io tell. whetil ýi týok effict. "ile firing -, tara wIîiýýh liait bren Pomp.!ti(16J for tw wis feriewtxl. and whe'l lits growil. ýleri coilig'à wýùl grest thé làïalmimb. BI wn NORFOLK TAKEN 1 Illie marais withls.97. 1wIý»f alobib DEl"EATOP THE Re;BELS 0!ý Newinf&rkel, Va.ý h1sy 1l1ý_DewrLM 1 Ibo enternyxepvlit tutrice 41 Ive, caïnsed the gmtet depr î aincing the rebel officers, 'Who lon4 upor 1 cein",e ils linpetéssi Fhëir 901diýF3' ore ragged And witlintit lits meaug or gg it Do n ti. ýcy wquld 'bo kit 1; ourolndere, enemv*a î &m ont* llàHy fïin hý efe,ý;tiO' V uý - is dry. N;. meéffim I 1 ny 'lave en dièffl wItbt Wàr-D. qurtmeti à ýh i rit lillotmi4on h-ts -. 1 i mi mownitiiin iiie ri lait il. S .1, 1 latter a, folrzrnarch 24 houri, mode jui 'lion w1ilk n. m 1,'V-ý. lý ellard) p L'a ri i . 1 1.- . . . . i ! N' 511,111 'l . "- -. ý : 1 ' l 1 -, . been :ý ý:,M ýîIg i . . . . ......... Itý ___ - ý -1 . - - ----- --,-.ýl-..- ý,,ý ,.,." ,.ý ý ., ', 1- ý. ý 1 . . ý 1 - - - . . __ _ - ;r-i...L-ý __,._ _,;ý_.ý__L__.ý_ - ýý2 t !, t . 1 ý 0,>,2,Fbýý, ý . - -1K--ý7- -- __ - - ---q bsgv:,1ý ý i _17ez t . M -- ir -9-cý . 11 ýý .ï -1 Ný ri1g fi - % . - Z . . . _. 1-_1 -l il ëj: îw , 1 ._.. 1 oL LO , ,-ýuý),z - ýý i . . 1 - a ý 1,ý _ý . - ý ,:"ýLýi i:-ý.1-c ' ,r, ,ý 1 . u ý -,ý_ ý e . t >, ,ý_,q,-.'"- *ýe.-ý ý àf\ý_ àý ý, I& - ! . , . ýý' - - -_ -_ - - ý ý - 1 - 1 i Dr a . ini 0 a in'? i & la , '!è. T i 1. k l ý . VM N ýIfýý. ý. . ï ,,,'VU L . 0 vit . an 1 r i ý . la ýas @bu - :ý a lie r Ovà by M , d lifir., ý os e-4 'cela *«M5ý IÏ4;, .. - ý, ý.. - - : ... ý - .£juan« ý ý e 'la ' el. y tý 70 IItOý t ille ; . fr.y,ý l jIý fit *il . on il ý 11ý t il eiýj .In toplieto ý Mala ', une 0 te 4 Iý,ýýý ý ý " ( . the ý . i * 1% 0 la -,,' t bc la .8 île .IL ta. 11 1 , r . t the e r0wý II J141 d - ý iýý ,, ' - - ' ý - -- .i....ý5..ij. - Je -& .1 MII lm KU __ 'ev Il ýji . 1 X% of 1uý . ' y ý ý_ .f ýM ý 1'140 0 _' fl U 61. t 3 c'el - , " Il'W 1 ý ý -UMIMIOYIM muet put imself into a court d , willeh . ou ý r lit *8 ce, - ;e . il, ý ! 1 fige AfHf 011w, emp),Im 'Il . T e e er Ir , ,cilié 1 , air. 'l'. '. ý ýd.,ý. P; i ý' -.1 le ace nt th makes hir1li 69 M . , / ý , 1 " . Y 2ed by Mi. M - k__ 1 4 , ý . l , . ý -Id 1 i:X Indoq, ýý7-OMOC ligues ' hjspýA. inýtIge F,,ýecutive - Oed l'. , , X ,ýVA:., May 10, 3 p. M.-Ille . FI C le te: a . .ý ý lire, wildi U . .W. 10 . ..7ptiiv4= ;,r9,.,l% ,dJC.O;itý,ý serai. r . . .fi fi"- týat the natal of $80 lie granted te grad iFIZIýZ', -j î ý p l - III 1,'.'te:,* .: 1'. e;jacilitu iâti t ?f týc.r.eLreaiing robots by tue trýops jaco crayst, ,_ , ,,, r46i i. % de 1 . . , D"11, 'Ut k ,O N 2ýcu:V"4ýJCL ý14 40 C Gen. Ston ý leu, sinte0âts end a 1 ý hig(al4 bili 1 lýý gmoed b", i6 , - çapwi4 COrginiaud or - - .ýi - ý .14 on tÉe Bue: Lion, býwCcn the 3 7 9. -pfa%«cý or >*the iFrýé!»Ijl 8 .. malt hisi in anl shadbe - -or CO Filý, - 'l Ir ha dui 0 court, W. L. P. Ba thon rend the lrader's report of a speech il coûccâsionoý,àýnd thaf.y _ Hilbiniçon. embrnéed, !p ' nu- ligId -, , - * » e Boa. et rl-9".rl ,O 3. ' t . elfirs. lli)bt. WM . , 1 ,MM04 91 ,ryý Mf pecty been Eluccesorni. lits hend- nod keep h lac --lie - Li ýi i au 'Il criait 6 1 9.e8 i. Th -de rIment -of Pub i 8 I4;rCý !, ta , bý4. tbÇ.bon. gentleman, in which lie dis- J.obn.%I" sll satin Edward! McCann lie Com - Warka ecâbi' - 1 . c , u tnnge qi gr frý, arc colle here, 27 lui tan franc tticib- lookinj '111ce a priýv:4. WA *11 t 7 : es - "? lbSl "" - Il B«ém«, .agriw - C4 le ý 1 t Io M.P. 1 Il. 0'it .-Érg lý'otio fbtri 'ff himself to ielieve To- -missionerge t * _j .Ob" t, firg ôfýthe*eth le . b j_ . o expeud = ,gn ný, file lwyno*b -Ilà- foi W ethable ti.'%à1ý è(edàe the àame.ý CaffleiL - culture gave emplo . _ý,obubcs t ý iléeli, ' l' - fit « . . 6 . 1 li-,-)-énSd; any -J., avili Elsl. , emqui.thiftyýtve pee II ý es "' The oit- one illettrée] toi ait t 1 idées t àloved by 1. Jeurvis, Eiq., seconded bý 1,11r. -nu, who, drew as ý ' r ' ' vo'c"i' engt. . _ rair, T. Racey, Enq-Rourn route of'$112,000 of taxation, or resign ... - 'A*rj«..Om . ý - o(koing thillier-1" re, 1 I, 1 - B cil, choc James Sherwood bc patb" ierin 'l'hePrimapier 47, .- ndmirnbly se. ý.;fmb;wotsldlpro My . . , , - , 1 ', , *-j ý;! ,, t ý1sjqE7ýt in the Council. Mr. Robinson a ; experts& or(t;beenfèrraýlf" ruied *n'ver tbirtý Point. eý yl r,= ,'.', beeli most . 1 te*, che 11, q=_ . - .à - - .. .1 1ý drid row ffiuýir Rond division, No. 39. Carriýd. _à!iý tirent the rbýnPit fied. éirryiligain . ý ý , l'lie J(Îtdricb Genéftl"Fitit arid'M' ,ésfý kept - - ý, ,Výn1Mf,1c" _ýMotbg1 ff.etiï;,Ou.llpo-r. '112., -ùt.t là. 1 îLtbmwer4lu.Vrplýaýeýi-«, dit etibordiffler, ibybb rmiyed;#= Sà boat evleytbing v Jfui ye e -Dàr-::ý*:-.rt--#..Ruw.w - - ý - e ýjr tter:* ,at -abatte 'ragn-ât=r.-. .- - _ 15 I I adiaitied the correctitess or the Coverbilli jair road di _ nW'àb;omit-Ir rA ' , iqq p, - -, -.-." t . .. , Milie4h inà a;ýf(îà ypioari6ui eliee'iiiÏnd laug'h-;7 11ài C. C. 1 . - .i 'Tg;.-- ý , _ ._Iith __ "Gmmnbo p 4wk-er-CuLinusl-1.8iw.,Md th ' Ili e day , 1 ýVûjr oa_ - cladniiO yqu. 2ud de ........ Tt. Balmer, Oakville. 1311.799 88, lneWiling the itep oý ffl , ýý ýpe, M l i ., t; »-* ïbdf ' l . Site do etown. %yaoaitn-ný.s - tb ;rj report, Moved by Mr. Buckseconded . . - ypb Z , et.ii.vitatii)n wheij fi . . . îc - ,,I: ý'j e 'the lill 0"*"'etblifig the w .e ilkýý,ýt ýýW déclic ,,ý,,,,r..-elý, 1 altilIgil, l'fie elICjný A? bill xe- " ý 'i 1 he op yûùr -.. "' a teîowtf.5ýèý C;fýtý,. jW" "jILýoLjé- no, ' . ' - , , ý_W_ 0 ", ni ,1-" ' ' 't t twlql a 69, .1 . , 1. W fa * if ' [rien thé ci m a, ýb . ý Y.L. , Idt, , ,erg .-l'.. 1 1 - . V141on,;No. 14j Who . -, ý irCs .ý t t4éà *9 0 .C ' et' __ %th do.-.ýýý _ a, a.-Limà,.Nauoffl eyj6 Îhe LàaâïL ;, 1 - ý . 'Iý Accon. - .doltel'am, ic - ' - m.. ýý",qj t4oreiboq .. . . i - et. 4w do ..,,..-.. i Imu'u P -ftment swells ont 'lit sti-exýenoM z ' \' ý p4iittoit arenâ Ille CbîÙZý al, 1 ý âtiwï. . i -NOfflet er !ýat.Tho --- 1 ý - ' 'Iâ 1 ý Aý ;Cin, a - delà do ..ý .. 1 * * ci onding Iiiin, doclaréd Merci] _. -_ - Depu - ayffig inng am ý pliby- ý' elle réel g+sýat'tfiC ýOict if th. -1 - - . -.!I. i ,. leýw!llS"wlbwdiiv ...04.§ AýG,,UpQcby. - t ombilic 4ecaS4q bc ý , ý m ý ýý2ejisn, and'uteal de Itbï' etaitt ý - 1 wae trait (te lie bçhind - 9z;Mý --»-u.ÇK, 1 rh VI , , ý à 1 ,14i lie made yond the others-, Il j - O . :l ý , .e . ,.. ý ! - ', when ; 'S- 'Êý' * b * , i -* ' ' ait'.%«ICIPàLOrFi ý Colle. 1 - 'ba, 'Tl, .1. * ' el -IýAG Hg F, a gime Part pillýqW 1 into the , àlardic, 1 Win. Clay, E.q.'.'... Cbun(y Ckrk . 8 ter m«eatoixtysevéïpm.oýnl*a ébk sur, 2o5." ý, Il . - , .. * lenole),tlle *ÇmtvI Au 1 esirpet, for i ý pon îý in g"l«r"-galgý pled-gies. ý 1 ý """'T"O .. .1ý * ý place of,." rge ýhe tMdi erýt oftlw'Dbpam Mots Lie. al*, _. ; .i. ,; ,4 .frchýd - on . - . 'ba"T"Oin tifignienth tiîcèý,îî -ni id ' ries was 33wýM 59.- ý ý ,_ , . ý 1 Wou done ý I! leu-, .V, .pýjï.ebblýý..,cïýý;jrý. P _ - i au ý " * hf- ý L "Mli,4 Cuirg, ý.IjÏ il.'* * elle de ....ièiýý»'oippuslllg a 'thin, do net P. ligiubuýgh. E'aq-Every Sittarday franc 10 ,; SuÇb an Ilublushilig C feôsion 4Y a Langtre , " to:att ,.Canied. ,rws-,ýmunýt.jlo ý erýWogglylort , . ý ý t ggoý tic, kop . Tg, lion, G,4ç4*p.N'ici '. ý ,imngiýe tiàatyon"going loi yyourseif. te 4 ..... Obueily IVW#Urer, F. xlaÇailtim, Ebq., pr,Éptwkampnty Iliat,-,,to secure .. -m ,av r... h1te,ý@ecbonded by Ur.Buck-. Parrot, à -e I&val;-.en M- amicale, for _No, IrOW, Ndm but tdurk a aw., , allow to.r"17 ý t ý ýwbýCà' tÈ' ' ýs 4-y could -EveryFýidaylana saturdley fý-...O te 4. ML'nc4 ý . 1 1 - - ta chose am loyedinthé depgbrtmèf9iý Nez t > * ' .§ Po!n re6o!p bave'bjiyn prepariýg,. tpOW RIabe: th lie 'J'If " ut 'h f£1èbslý-ý - Royalty lins al- - Jdl*r, Jl- Visualisa Eàq- i 1 - . . ' - ut",',, Pal ý-,. p -ý . , et, e , ý' ýe 1 bis élection, lie had given promises chat 33fat ýr 1 came never6ý gracres devotért te eôiitigencieir - Coý n m4rb;î,nýW. Inie.iubt-I ilLýetc*ôllslàtigiËidt,éight ,,,,iÏ,',Ïi.W, go t'S ý C'stock, pro bly offi 1 .. . Il f - SoneW4.4Secre- ý , - la Oýý f2l 1 i toIrs; or obII-TnXý which lie bad clq intention fit, fulfil vre be- fOrm Ilis 1 r ithiTown Lie loi for the santé offlotsý Ilus, the Coctiq"Il _ý t op leu ' il :M,ýýe a thé héreditbory leg-of mutton-and turÙipp, and, lawr W. D. Lyon EM...ý. 71timb, Clerk, P. 1. ; . . . . . . . . . ýý . 41 ý .. ,., . 1: oc ' ý bettleten Triant- expenses of the Sovernôr :Cla gtln*bdàt roefCf"À belle, was noyer ,beforie, beard on .the cou ' 'tury's ofliee amon-iled fin ýi0,72G lille - of't- Corroie 4rithîTIcîg*,ý;. fýýj'fm1.& Mr ý,tTj Xonday. - «"" floorofPôrliameht. lfr.'Robinsonhu ýý __ . . .. r. "' " .ddW et. ..l q.tum of rite pudiie« 1foKay. Coigalcit umtwverY'Qthe'r gar »Il Nb ' ý;ý , . ý'.î-*,-j i 1 .. the Provin - ciel $ecréturyls.of&e,,to$tl'lâ.. fSble tante ýogsêîmw ýý;"..;brllwre f riboses and illit bit of old't,Ç,h-ab.reg -,riç4,,SLdtoii, , 11ovoti by M ' L L1ýý ý z ! le'àèfiogÏ ý . ý;. seconded by àlrl White, - un la l' - , tri '011 ý 'or c ý not much character Io locale ; 'but if the ni this .w&ebldwti;ufiudo , air,î .. ýpb)ýQkqàçeêWr tiiew, iiiiii iqbýWý the . Il - 1 th . X Sý;lc. pp,)inted Coin- 8;ý- Eioctifivý- Cou4ýiI.offIce; 894»35, ý ý à 1, _: 53 - Provincial Rc*jstrir'a ý office ý 83.618. nt . 1.60 . 1 1 ' - . ' position rettir, lr.'ntider,'tke! É L'âts - ore.., ,y 4ýjçiý stpled MOÏ e't' ' .0 dinneý-j 1 'X - -- 1 .... ý . ,flotte its duty, even1c, mn.v lie made misolorger Il ' . t or P.Iërmo aidèwo _. aîtrible lilloise nifice. $8239 58 ' ý - . 1 ý ... ý ýI ' ý . p" ý ý .lits, Fil J *Celle _ý ci ' ý - on crue si 'L in répast, en leil v , ii ý tes' I 9 ý lý E , , plirflt]ý in plu - Auditee Oflire Ï980Qýý7 ; Ëcrèfi' _r-, en toc nnatti ,; 39 i * - jrýo t , . ý - . - - 1 . . .. ,, ný 1: Aorécly, fil in ' ý ý .,ý te reel lut Iwo .twp 'CUDL4,wero>g elle on re- t- endblou 'Cbomplon.. 1 : hàt lie 'Q4nngîî ýýîth lm ce erDr. Bück sybo declines ta act. Caýr ý ai'& offlice, 18.494 I4;ý Publie Worke De- ý - Il eý1al., rùnwu:: but ' 1 - ' * .'l p ta.* put, ffl ;. . . . 'Êt-Y zl - Î862 . - 4rive publie _ ý - * lint Il , - ' ted . .ý scorci, bjr O&týriqg &cchýoq ried. ,- e f-. -ýý' . - 1 _1 pirtment. 87111 83,-'ýutown :IAW De>rt.. 'ri lit: ,..,a 1 . ý le' , 1862. -Moved by. Ur'. Buck, seconde d by Mr, *Mte- . ble 1 Intibrir Iv' . 1 .1 1 1 '. ý merý4y tosip and-to t a veille , ý AII .1. ý . 1 . -.w--------i.- insult Ito elle encra 1 sense of it,é COU11try.. ý -ment. 8%333 15 - Orow)i Lands Deporturent n l"bo, e. ti.'ýDAvrs courses, no chat ont, il , &]Io%-ed ta pet, nIot, Pr_ . ý ý'4fý ed.) , ý inded of thir la- , 1 1 chat H&rvey ?4uibuliand bc ý -, $31,842 25 ; guieàtÏ of Akhitditire, 86,- ý 1 - pretent 1. (.'itiltnitý ebrbhitin(l*tkeTtern'PlutiD, hfibbl ýMOU 1't'ist 01 the'Btfumido- l'bol viande t VOli L GISLATWE CQUNCILLOR - 1 m forci bis etatute latter, on the, 2nd Concession 86.5 ý1 ,-âd genemi diabonWninti, $il,- 1 - . - ý- ý ' - -, lire of. Lbç' best, the cuisine perti.ýc4 chIb'vii.saý - * . 1 -Ott Ilite.. ' Ca 213 76-making -émti . siogippi ýi eèr; ý pro, ti!m 'l . r gels seperb -but one can merc1jr tas tel Itl-y ,S ýs ý - .ý. --r- : -,ý . à.,D. , tweed the &W ituýd .. - - ý 1 1 ., . 9,. bc «I ý 1 . .... . il total fort affleur j : 'C a . . .1 .. ý ,ý - . . . ul!fo nppetite was blunt&,d on the legýof mut, ,ý,,,,.- ,',.,,__-,,-,-,- 1-111- 1 cd. ý of,$109,967 où.and nn*illg . fle Mèrri- ; ; , ,i - - 1 .; ý We bave recely ý cd the new Bankrupicy bill, ri, 1 11b.ý ý dprink the yýàbr, Gwfat Bizi in% Tm . . ý , , ton and the ptid(ling, 1îhe'ýh ý . . a g 1 1 -.7- tied p , eu . , . P. M. G. te . zf* guiChe bot. ' . GUr New volisme. lntr'udti'ced ibi Bi'di*teyi-gmiti il air-' Moved by Mr. White, gabscoubleil by Bir. Due ' tOcet Ofegenses of*ileil goireènrmnt - "">ý, ýý ý ý;ý'! 1 ý 1 . , - . ý , - - crier and the guesti a outil ha e kàkýn ý - . le, r 'I'V ur .S4i7,t --;:!aamitton l'imes, ae L . frort 1 bière Ilk ex 1 1-'A very ' doniroctive fire the edge oit #heirq : by a nimilar pýnCé"" ' A yeari lias passeà - , --------Nb-0 - ý _ ý . - fèrâý but liftle Irogin the Bill lntroddSd la t ,chat Edwar-i Fryer, Ezrri'ýènyi and Relit . -0 4b.11 ýFu - r the 00 ' . ýin1tlik City, cotanWheiiig"on, S , At ilieee sadly saleron reýu ý nions doit ai. . -;Iway>!Bince We hall ef, - . . 1 1 - J - , 1 L"k,ýraýd ý lit ope and rgIeine ýÜiffil étinàovu. The lence grkilly ré*lgtlq. TbII in net P'Talti ;a e 'Ireaders ",a,",bntnl4i A, . salon acier et use bu been Brocken, Je., Eliquireil, bé c'mmi.sionero ta . ý 1 the picasiblir of pr'mnting one inuerti, -in ýo -CrJudge in Bankrapt-- superibiteigil the building Of the Brid .N b 5 . Or'igi - lit the coverýd, woo"n ibiid r te your, L)eighbor-ii you knew jùmý 1ýgýi,,g s ,ý 1 . . . .- W ove - (fficiicl;at ý - .34 tu O.' Criminels 1 ho lindsoi w 1, -No 1, (new series). of thé cY raak aaadd - ce With the Palette the Twelv'e")fetre-6'reèkkiddlelt,)ad,"<I)yùý, -ýý --r,- . »D*nCI- wb - 1 nt thrai'pointogn-d T i eti trotte agi do not, opcbay.jur moc'th .uu-ý 1 . - A telegrèph deipotcl-Î --- - ; ; m the the propertyiVtbi.,UeMrttoer îbn4 ýiSgirat " lesî,royaliý.exp ly. ç4ndtueiklis clàIA1%!ýiW With tais, ril WC now dudgeâof theStiperlor Courts of Comrnon PeaCock.) Carried. - 't', ý I ,;;7ýS-- Francisco lin ro'ad,'Ct-rnpaný,, about 1,000teet of ibis te y-ou. Do net 'expe.-t snob a cela; ýM'2,.l Ion à il ' . 1 Irerg siiied luqt week fier thp Oregon and. 1 - tiov Law and the'N"ice- Chancellera, aceùrdifis ta Mos-td bi'llr. linýl;à'ýN46abd by %Ir. WbIýej ' . , I' gay the 5th, says* EýTwe1ye bundred passen- ci. Nàý"«11 -iint-thro'ýuýasilestroïed. WitidF4t.Wtinie, Th.&V 'rIr '(tie 0*"rewra%.Ored fpieste in the dat, of , ý ' hant - ý , 1 enfer 'le4econdyL-ar,*.Liidin oingen, - appointanont, and the other Iwo ibat the ait t " Br1tishýÇolbmbia Mines. TvObiiixm«4 *lit- ;aý il bicui- lit" liiýÏ.fdrinüglïgiýf-", frein elle west, end t fi j 1 v1éiýI - orgie ' ý bateau. -ke catin( 1 ýt but express eue beartrelt Ju ' m Of SwSelira, ..klie- il > ' . 1 rànds of i4 batning' brrdqé7wire car.t 1%e I fier «Cilpie, '. . - ' . 1 . dgeff rank end takî precetience wltbJtidgea sien No. 65, te pay for 1680 fect of' pl épure chia iveek for the sanie place. eller- fil II , y r - 1". y 1 ni ( thanks coeur patrons in (ha.Coul)'Iy of -of Càunty Coartp.accordiiig ta the daLý oftheir quireil Io covetBelqmppd. IMat tbe-same lit 1 - 1 end rite lit a satitherla direction tit tarions' iMrtiý mince ý ýand when O..dZ'tL'QULýen , .ri ý 1 bfr. Jacob Dittricki brgiber-ol Alu.,Dii- The 1 t eýcIty. , %ViiWen dwellingti ýâaiI brick citer ladies riniug. end retiringir ai là ber. Ilait(Îh-,IR 1--Méir libeiàl aupport, and the 4PPÔ'nt'nL'nt"- Ta the 17th clause pruviding paidtoMr.Williarý,1:[oweaPathma'iteý.M1 Id, w . ýO . . ý ý . - , ýIau' trick, of Se. Cat&arinS tif vies driýiri(fi na ý 6,11 el i iiitb- aWrgL- roofs and: woodon esta ennuin.w ýý ton . l - lm the Appointaient of a Reglotrr r foi esch et fýàt (lie aura orsi; 'bc zraniâ te Iloud Divi- -%Vednesday night in ' ,tugbnat .1.93 'Ilitemale guéables elreillain.sagietgn i toutes warin.init re&É,1thejrý havé àanif4sted ficir . a ý il. Our cornices *were set on fire lit several placu and longer, ýailttiiti)- siPpiii« Lheir wige . . . * " ' ý insr op the Créel& .h ý ' thé T ,Ira bille- Üreek. . , 1 ý ý . the thrott et)urte-Hutera, Central, and Went. fillan No. 58, for the saine purpose, and thist Re wu i 'the habii Or 901 i g gain igiiited th'e adjaitiing, builtling.ý, 4L 4ýeeast pering in siblail laiota Ilth baLe4 bý.rOLa X-t the welfarc Of"tlle CRANPIO'.V, since il$ erik-the following ' rds bave been 'added- Thon. B. Pattern, Pathmantir, recelve"Ige ta fisit et D'JrlIt, and je in o4p4M4 - efface ha ' firtl bj or Trày side of elle ridgeî - . . . .. wo ý ý tell asleep dit ing elle fi; lit â6d'roliedi-into- .., . .q%*.emý.storL-1 were 1" t:keinoc officer of elle ljoq.-eholl1ý'ýe,!eInt Commence Ment. We have used 'eue eii- Amà tic purson. allait ha appointeil Registrar unie ; the Tres-gurer bereby -authoýized, ta 1 ' ; as. titan romand. ' . ie vesseh, mabîy & thern set In- dàm&, ;vhile ihere were ,,, !W-à hind legs noir hitijeiq.iculi es . eut th:fbe ý . t'le W" rIs2b . f. ý . 1 ,a. i M wlioii@ cette Befrister ut law crue 1 ý 1 ý ý dèren of buildi.--8 burning a Iî'àll,ýaliçI quar. -Thé Queet)" as* a toast. whieh every elle denvors t make -the parler a weléonue yeamotand . ini ai the Bar of Cpper C . . . . . ,l ý -1 Èay bo4ýf urbýounts. - uùeleil 1 . - - offi Prittaville Pa.-.-May eth, ' Il thqt ter if in belle ,Qlý;iit. ' There algrâ lire in Mules. ý If igny mWe menalher of the 1 Roy 1 i ovea by IfnýBuck. oeconded-by èfo.i#h1îý" ,t, , Cýrg1, -Ilî ierà of the ' . lit viito: intô every family ' soyý .-t .:;C.ný . . . selveral - mines in , ,' boycott marty ý diMetidzis chat the -Ore *departrneln'ot 'Paruity bc profitent, lie boW@ eu acknoWiedge- 1 ; and WC bave ho ne ara ta bi vîîcIiiity.ýaýç on a utilité týo.dty,.and bave - ý mi-Aes Conld4QOtý maire about prngreu, end elle likh M.-IlL ciffee rullows, and dieu theigneggs reilson te ý19eIieye one effortu, bave secured takel an ontb, similar ta t e joli ,bc reen. ciagse lei la àew, reqùiring 9 0 thatAntbnny bbà joli. Browarldlip.1bej)ý. la . llèt§vY windcontlnqtxltospreid thefluages. Alter deparL-a belle ta the drawing. r . 1 . "'àanittej lany high-hjcdedý end outrag . ' ' unir, wh- re off't e dèlest of ce. À tbmOéý6f pointed 'cothminioàern- tê' superintend the ý "' ý the gel ergfl app ballon of its' readers, curl'eÉ ý4 nus sels. Thé pelrdplàg enkilitai bf i6me of W-t , tl!e ' ' la] babnied s'joue Wf a, block- oit the ýmcidsDf botter dire yole !Dg, 1 ru balfit. dozeu %verdit bave enprefix i lie thelQrj;èftWlierit.ý *ce stoppedbý botte tý t' CI ' erection of the Br ligne over the Sixteen If * ô es '. il il dtý of Iliver etrect,,,ooi4tli; i.ts, pro- going Force. wherd le le to. bc suppom? i 1 'O n - on the Ott Nue, between the old 1 ëd carisirg à lierions- desfruclioný .-Ir pr pe y ý il ... 11, belli, in t il -country. * ltprçvlouslv etoodjaakýng etill ' re Cre0k, . r , et accoMed since eue rom- Mo 1 a trou . tous arrepteil nt tint, , puint, mari Ws ont ot bis 'l", an ý 'a 7 The suz a . Close the design of remun biew Survey, 1 neu were the, abject of th 1 but' meaiîtime il laid made fëarrul pre rid 1 Of bis gnowni X Un r m lis cil . e[40àg the RegW . ý g4t: . ý uniteil violence. The Suite authàriheig halte . orifice grens iý elle 4th, 3rd ati4 80 sotte Otrent aysters sud Wout. a 1I.ý- am in 1 « ' toi mencernent bat; càvincedjus, chat à trariby the payaient of fee&.Lantly the clause- 3110,41 by Mr. Roud, secondril by Mr Boq- - - . - 'Ir WAY in t4e,2nd wardâ motif or the (leslr.%yêIf were one alto experigui , ý 1 amen Cent finit companiei areoýganizi(Ig. - 1 ý 1 ý . .. Il . 1 beer.thdi Thos. B. Pattenon J beau called oit te fuinish trfiops. yoinatW en fi fcar1e-1ý ný a 1ruIýfîd paper mut, and bas 'been expuig-d'from the old bill rcluiriiig r'.- be nýp,.inted coniffillisifflibis 1 . >ý n7the priiýaté-resideno a in-the wmrde liamed, many royal dicline; Re w . LI 1 * 1 ne . shériffs Baliiffli and Constables,4vithla choir the of filera thé best il) the cityi ý -The ilibole banal ý .. 1 ý 1 te imporintend the erection of týe Bridge, bc . - sifflerait mach. ý; ý . : ,:, witl pýompir ý Haiton; and wé flatter Our- -on lots saute 6 igear the 7th - Bý>t:itno.% lw.qin"F%ýs or ToItTURO.- Thp e.,, a, lie- ber ýf buildings bornait Ili Wie.ved! Io lie bc.;. ' . ý . , , . . . respective limite, te attend the aittings of the . Iwo lino, Trufobl- .C 1 1- ý .1 t:l selves tbatýve bave conducted the Ckax -iied. . ý 1 ,Iýnnp,,,n,, delle Géaticis,' of Pak-rirýo', moi' under tween à0d and 600. The total losq appr . +ý ý ' 1 Cent te of Bànkruptey and Courts of Appeal gar. Car ! .Io et illenvery whieh bu just been made Thei matà illiée million «dollars. Thé tutbjo1ý,ý - 1 Priagg ià.the SOILtb.-, 2 -pl" dites é4rent this broad printi heýer, filet the Atifierternent R nie up , . . - Movesi by tir. Buck, Recondeà by Mrý Bo",ý- n th. eu, 11-- . ý - . 1 Vie , la Baukruptey. oit prellenteil by 1 1 le for chat City. On i digRi M, and surancis la naïf; fàý rroin*, $1.400j000 in Lui- etinet adhereing perupulousty, Io the course ý -------- 1-3-elb-«@- ,hmmor for IiI62. lýacceptel _Carried. bit theRni)rnf a' storehoqabs of arc Ilery. three. . driven -pOî,,jLýverpool. New-Y. trk Boston Phiiedt-1- Týý * eholesào 1 fid AcomeiLi la Terato. secondea by,,ýfr. Da, . rolowins ara the I iliu Movell by Mr. Ilood, 'e horrible instruments.« torture, bâtied under. ightei. phial Springfield, Harttô;Ï-'ând 'Ïi-oy Coin- priées ý M ai own-jin eue prospectus. .:: . - beer. th,ý%t Mr. Irvin. lie appointod Pàthrnistà elle Bnýrbon-, wert"bronzhÏto, light. IrIne, . IL talc (;hiýlesteli 1--aper : - - . for road division 'Zr).- 49, In place ni Janici, wasth cap of silence. einqistin whiît panie9j t : . . _. ,ý 1 ' . Our gýontiiitied aim will bc te -mèke - Oit Sunday ]ose, alicitit one tb'cit)ck a k Ot4gyn , , la.-dinl. . The logis is weil distiibuted b.,)th'ýimnnL, io, à n 4;; - , ý serz i . ý Divas-calohiel, $6.126 'per f cor: ý 1 Cunninizhamwhorcrigned. ,ýiso John B.-ne per lionps. one of winch oseille, lie .. - woufil ' ou t'am 82 i6 leur papier ý truc Ç.XpODeýt or S e- déplorable al ècident, écinseerby the ope îndiý4liàls and WBurauce éoèbbbjýnies icoIiid. Péràs'SýIePerP hd-'er or ýrtar1 1 , ,-e t. I'Àtlim"ter for rond tliv!mrýNe. 50, lit t iglit minuit the fleuri, otalind .tliei)thee tlig!it Il per lxniKI ; suds, 864C rer finaud ;:niirie orm linnçjpies :- ta- vagance tiiig of a sail boat, look place opposite Place Or Patrick MoCoùville ýwLo 4volined ta rou ., il ti-e litre. l'lie er in.qttijnipnia'%rtr,!. . le lu, ingfliettxtetitortliefire. Thebuqinesspur ý . . ý ' 1 t Ih.-t scid, 81 75 ptr poutui ; au ph n4id, 76 lu 80c MOVed I)V Nfr. White, FA-Cnndeil hy Illl' 1; IoIý 1 - ut fi cripple extra . net. Uarried. Il - ' fige burning chair and réoc barbai -r. 'l'lie for- , . lhecilly husuffigred coinparatively 0 25 per gallon -, in ali dep ,ýtm t 1 offi il nue for Toi-orýto. A y(jung'liiian by flic came ,lier iA n'Rn of opper, nia whielà the viefi ' ý ; f rL; tilid; cùâlor Cil, Si II u et"" 'In ' ' li't, ý The'area. *liotrut obier le aboui à@ O e lier, .50c.per popud ; i-airighorQ6per tbC 1nIýî a and ecýontmieni Of Willibl ; . 8 P', i . 1 lý t the tivn ciel k bc authoriud to, grant li Il la -tcbriý. ý Ti e riciniber or persoits'ilitoýti ou( polind s'a erosecte cil, e8 05 per lýýu c. sic ,ron weýe [et irait a cvjty in the bark. Thý' k. tibia tient m Ward, about là yearB of.a gel , ,,a,,,,, t. Idr. it. 114rriti. te kèiýp -% Pnldie 'IL" t'aP clown' White plate»L-ef-iie& ;rt 1 ri, font nf homes lit vert . in ur ltic large, und ribrivate and pub- BMrin oil, 8.5. 1 . ý . syst .a, in a mil Ituum at isrcntA St«ttbntu..t-d tir wu,,._ jl - 1 lie nie:Istin,!g-tire beinz laiton te rouiller every UnDc a ý 0, e publie revenue ernbarked boat for et crinse fleur). Varrieil. - . ý1tIbî,Ir Itl a kinti of itlmr.-tai hmt "msind on lin- ;ý Il City - st, - ClifeRp si li round : common a ý i oit !lie Bay, accompanied by Ibis live I,,,ýx, y min box. in %ybieli a rire i ý 11-iI., n%-iý19àce. Tliere is nitich sufféring and (les. nd file prbperly disposing fi[ elle patron m h Mr. Wlilte-. Fftcoqdsîd hy Mr. B toit ;cap. 34 et 41t; per poui)ir".Itile final). 60e ! Plimbe,7 ,Ihat the ficin Of $100 ho adra . li't t illou ru- ' rd ý per p loi d , rit" î - , . OMI hy 1hý the ilrisolier hall hiI font in à (Tt' ap Ille )repar- ti-.uti.où'. zieveýa'of.11ýochnr(4eah;ttethrowiI ' - iminsl,$"225 per bnx, tnilow age of elle ýState; elle ùall, consequehtly siatcrs Tiorned respectively- TrýInirer. Ln Mr. l' part p,,iymiit.iii mn-el thlIt titres idtm"ntl.t tir te en lie bient - . A e-, 89c ; ce pnind - Ica, t3 8: 5 fier 1 work vigil ntly for.-the purpose of ; ver- ,ý Ya op-1 thcit ,en ta the jl(,Dleje..$, and the ca 5 te II Mary Ann, Jane, Ci mline, and Margaret. his contract. for intilaing thé B, idge tirer fil,- te Dindon lu- bc Bhown toftbe British par . i ri Pil- but thé. met nieltinclicly part Lf Ille d:sýLq. Di.y Goi-Da-Enliali bloached li)ngiclotll, throsriug t 4 preaept corrupt Adinitýstra- The eldest girl ivims-labout thirteert years "it-il. 1 . .ýdiIizý»â ha.' in large quantifiés ; poli .il ; malt tics, 81 0 In 1 et graw. : à .1 ý Tvelve ilile Creek, is horeby authoriz.!d. Cii- liagnent. ' - 1 ý. - ý . .. . ter is file face àat several persjns are knowo *2L IO 38c per yurd ; priniedjlonsiing, 47& p -r lion, whosè ý bik lins been ai . vari. of agi,,and elle youngest only font-.- .1fored by-Xfr. Hood, Recondill by Ur..Iluck, sel 1 12CERS ý-ýVMbbn étorn. 1 ' 'id,!ýý-ý te hýve rose theirlives, and the re, nias havv yard; printcd caiiibrics,60c'per prit, Preicl' -"ý.!ry A Dr7TnqicTiv? Ili-s * a T ý ý bel-" - Most of them remained i ance witk thcse ý1ev5. After sailing tilt and tl,)wn elle Bar for flint the 'rrLnmurer i. h,ýrl-hy anth,,rJzýd in pay of tl)eqýiantitilýs orliqii(Iri .1iýtillel dnd brew ' 1 h , hiluses trying te arrive thpir goodist, aun priý fi, 62&c per ynrti ; laçéra. 3ýd ;c ptjýr j-sitxl,.t Mr. Carrol, c-ntricifir, file ,fini or $ 100-t» him cil In elle District nf.-N1ônýrebd (]string e i l rIèli'l'ýp%-v Il.l.itýiddenly cenveloiteil ju dames ; othem sesiiie silk, $,27 50; spool rition, 5o0ýYnrà, But effigie -. kIirp.. watching our un fleur or en, wlien about hall a mille commet. Aime te Mr. Pt-acnck oit bis con- quellèter endin ý the 'W esbeh, $2 35 fier dozen; ffilx tl!r(ýnd. ,97 j 0 per de a tract. the soir, nt ffln. Carried- ý 9 .%Iarcli-31,'it appêars,.'that , 1 1 12.000 ýc'réiinfirm persans 'i-llèée are songe tel] litical riàhts rtfith groat care, we ,ill Out front Messrs. CCO rh- m & CO.'m 2.39'960 gallons tir proof spirits, and _Z47,- 1 P"" liber ; ý - r'ounIl ; White agate pont butions, s'i perdez.- Po 31ovql hy Mr. Ittick. reconded by hfr. B.i'r' ait liquitifs ivrere malitifigoi or- ý. i' ý ý rive ý ing. . ' . 'd, and thé lire I)eer.illattbeeutnof$2 bepaldtoS. Cle ' 996 gallons of m . . es . 1 'ý white bonc parti butions, 81 78 per doxen. ' continue té deydte a lai- space te a wharf the boat capsize m r - , is LIOIV . 1 go for removing a quantity ordrift w 'il f'nt8 Ni -nd chat in choir prodliction, 164,291 , 1 _7 1 .- STA'Tio.,C.&Ry-lel ter putiet #si 1 2f pet recto; ., --nevirs troll ad, girls, were drowned, file boy cacapeil by the afin gobent or the Bridge . near O ' 1 ba'ifielg of grain were destroyed. 'l'he y- ,Irrlvàl of th ' q? për retient; cwiner- ý gerberai mi celifil) apteil - Il'tllidlI« Y . ellicti accruilig t(Ï elle Province from ilie frira- ý ý e 41,Anstralà8faný ,ru led cap pli per, 8 1 5 25 .Villm, Sixteen Mile Cru.-k. Ci - irried. con- ý ýý. t - . 1 cial note parier 89 25 per imm; envelopes, Io eài ý inprest the gorgerai readb. r c:iiiging te elle boat. ' 1ýlll,-, wic; si 9,8(ý3 ý 36e -, but Who C41d ý ; _ ; . ý . Mnv(ýd by lie. Bowbeer, seecndëd hy ittr- te , hall- fat elle , . NEw Yeux, May 7 i810 p" tiiousaiýd. 1 -togetherýwith local enterprises, desi- : 1 Buck, that rond division No. 1 .a In 1 . a ý . 1 ý - - - ;le ài%*iil( ferrite Ille crInbè,'(Perhapsmibrder;ý ý),. Nyil- The ftoyal %lait SI.eamgbip Aubar . al . y About 50 te 75 ý or*ýym. Was, and tridents, ,,ovrrty, end a legion or mi 127 . . irr cent la Athled te the Gaol Smuhk aeýcorIl.ince with the jwLiIion . e. . 1 : ý 1 ,9 . CapÈ, ý%n4ýrtoý,,ivli;ch saileil train Liver 1 ab4jvefortlerela price. rablè and àeded bightvayt;,and cilice -Z . m'au' , . 1 - -rit. and th il Janbolý Beard4 o"rý11 . ey, Eq, bc op. tailed ution ibis City end djàtrictý Ihii ý et 8-30 On the morabilik of flic 26th, Oit ý rom -----,-m.$* in, . ý pointeil P.%thmaýter on the western division. liquor.- [ýtontreal"I gaies. ý è, 14 . ,, ý -15 Of MctýriiàI progrtý,>a, as the publie ivi Icarn î . ; - qii Il qto%%*n on the 27th Off., arrivtd bere ai Siimmer Ratée. . 4.rg ,flic Pictoi "Ti mes" ,off bit Rail),!.--Carrie(l front 6.30 P.Ix. - tliat îIhree m-cii made ait attack on flic Moreil hy .1fr. Huait. F0ýCnnded hy 3fr. Bow- MOnF CAPITAL FOR CAý(,4DA.-AU Dewei-.%-, - 11, ý . _ ý ý 1 . gond mtLy ý,equire. . ý ý rranted tu 11w Agricultnrai dar- ýivItquite meagre. ý ' boer 7 bat $ ý0 lie L flou for elle iiiv(Itment of money in Vanada > ý --ý - ! The §,cerner I'aW Cain had loft We nvê Innâh plea.qum in inýertinz, for. As the CîtAiipinq cnjnys a large and Juif of thai town, and succeeded in liber- Society. of Trafalgar. in er)iftpli..ncp witli a ,and tir c'lier obje .ý à,brizits . - -ithacàrgoormrmi; a, - Ih@ýbeiiefit, of ihe,,coinmercial pui.lie, Ilic ' . foliant r.nod. Investiront and Colnilizailoli ý . tq the pnol'eo.. Xasian Il, extensive Oirculation, it - will W forind a ating a malt by the Came of Elijah IVil- policier. in that, effftt. and illat file. Treaqurer Ml_ 1, 1 J ' _. or cap- iutînItiOh,ýdoubtIessd grueil for the S71utýr_ suintiner races of ùw(J. IV. il kilway Coin. ' ' ý .1 lie auchorizeil te pay Ille above angultint ta file Cý)mpotl%-,">ie nit elle ' Thé lýitrilaineaWryt-en continued pally. ý Most excel' Ilon;c Il , lent medium of adré-rtising- lianil. The Jailor staliblied crie of elle Treatinrer of the milice S ci e ty S;Ome or th F) nint of comblvilition et in fille ThM London Star givés a report tÏat the wilh a bavonet, amend6 -4 bnaved'hy, llr. White. 1 who attended the récent ineetýng of the.Brit, . ,,,il for Pron'Illoittreai to Lvulon, (aU rail.) therefore, persons in ait kinds of business agsailants naired Watts ' . Recondod l)ý Mr. Buck, il 1 yooli.neil have -Heurt II , 'l Austi-jau Opi-ertingnt hpd cleinaistied explanti- . fterwards was captured. Daniel nu lighp te pay the puhli""Ilý.1.1b '_ L fur .ny 'igla North ý1rnf Ion, bave inc . ý el, ht' dons relativé te Lard ?aimýýtOn's laile ibpe;ýýh j -t t;lýg.«, Dry 0onds, &c., 5M per Ion lits. can keep their cannes and their wares Who a , h untpr,«e4 %vigilant a vote o,ýpyýlhe gratin pay- fonce si, . 1 ibil. 1 of - ' soc oiý.p..ýfflÈjejý tilde res(finess-týD, Ibis , . .,ý , ( greai on 1 taly,, se fer les reÎai& the retentlon 21id, 0 Or-ocerl-s, Hardware &êý38 istantly ýefore elle public, in titis great 0 di ert, te tht elle t. The mmendicient, having a proposied ta biblivaince monny i IL, r ally blettit. . - 3rd- «t Sugar S &c, 33c. . V. Cîý 1 Williams, brother t elle person colifiue being ililailtteil en the vote of file Couneil Was On much ensier i ter - n,,ý,; bu a.aarcàý1lc editorial nia Pro 4th Il - Pig ï;.7,ul* . mediurni foý both the disposer qpd the was alio e . mil as regs riq ilitierest ý , Ber Iron, (;. elate, aptuéed. ý, ,àù oldii.t 1= 1 e , . carr 'ri Tl', ý1i lots ptoclàtdàtion forý'a ddY Of rockery, Aluin, &c., 3Lc. 4uyer. î 1. ,ý irtl liy the casting, vota of the Reeve. le fil 1 tbankm1,4vlng; and thiiikfi*it flotte premature, . ý . . allier éostiq,-tlien th6se paid 'to- the --Ca >t wa ý 5tF ', ,lVhituingswanýheal(ýleachiýj) , : 1 - - 1»-- - l . Iloiýt-lbvtýd by Mr. Rnvbeer. seconded 4Y 3fr- Ager;cy Company,' ý i - - . hë dividende on whièh .1 as Ille' 2frmrs or the ligne Werj mont, critical, zo., 30c, 1 ý Gràmm;t 8chool, 1 ý à- the 844r" of -, . . tire Mi,ýers. Buck. AppeIýLe. and 8()%v- have been 20 lier cent, on tirait Imttioiilwere. impending.l lit saint, citai , . i ý - Leer, are li(,rûl)y app,)iiiLýd and commiètpioned, whiéhlwerc santé morithis. et 300 R. spikes & - __ , 'cent - _,ý. ý m(.,an#ig of t41ný ILIrt,,,or 4b(t. prociatuatiqu 6th "ý, Pig irori, 21c. .. ýo.tteý*a bnildi4i. t 'n tu LqnRtrtiet K Bridge . . th per ý - - . !,ï.rëfýra'tn e 1 train foreiglà*irk- ývilI net beenng 1 , ý traitera ý . .t Fiah nnd Ros;n, 70c. per bbi. 7 7 - ' ý i oit the. !,Ili Lino, 8 D. S. and offier trottai 1 Prê"ellpm- The OýJ Cf' or e -new society 9il i 2ic 4 f - . 7tý .O j 1 ,, Pupils are nuis, admi ted both tri the, te lI(lvel""l' for ton& "' O -tý mere !money legading ý ý ý 0, . tùIîlý,b ý 7ih SÙ117, lei II tibia 415c ': Front, * ý,ery important Euglish and Classical departirgents o necordance k!Lh the petition orNr. Gabl na nel âid.in4"en«ôn. Il @caié,lï el * ' documents ' n' iDg'ooratiotm in elle p le tan ýbi file thrdy juistice doue in the Mobson S'lino BdiflextiOI3*iLiâb«e by Illa otlier,-. The tenders 'te 1.) received ai in, and S;iýl filiale. . ter end ý contained'i ob, výCjp.rhý jette ,laid before the.Gý-ammarSchool for the saille fouillant ,., t and quai bank .urcltue - , . ý .ýý - . rail- ý ý,É_ : . . - - - ý. . ' illeeting nt conneil. ý carried. ,.- . . 0 f cythange but will extend te the enýnnrajIe- Negri fill the Itiqlltzembers of.1-arlfàmezlt Ist claits, 40 cents. iýarJiamQýýevefy, , éxiblectation 'Bis te el- offées as in the Contagion Sellool, viz- ý tonne Io ý e . àloved ley .Ur. %Vbitp, lScniffled hy Ifr. Buck, lm i a -1 -. ý * civile Of.iMinili t on by j diri un ý end hild éikiýé4 a petitton te the ilopige of (;ô,n- . 2ntl -1 30 - trâýagaucej 1 That bill! enmrniemiýtiers appointed tri min - fiewlyarrived soute . tuons tué. thy'restomtidn of the Gal*ày sug. Connectait niche the Govern- 25 ondes per Mentît. ' accueil 1 aide ýý 1 . ý - !., ., . . 1 3rd & 4th 27J il . . 1 tend-tho liiiilditig tir tbêlb-idge over the TZFve , y 'te titrer fer the- alvan6p; Ne land ý 1. îl , - : ; ý Rite Crýek. %filiale Il 'fui, are lIère-bY inntrnel- specillatinns wili forrd pcirt'of the. schéma-, l'H.E 1 . Id M rïported chat a I)iUiplacing, L' the di ý - 1 rittI - 2.5 ý, ment., 8uilýng1. lias been frilly realized. ity the Conneil, te advcrtise for teilderti ta the promoters of IL harving à persoitIld i . . 6th -* , 17 if we muni q6ote à, fèW! sentences. The' FnF.- We learn filai on Saturday laist ed fit pq8îgý1 ci thp Ewpee iW' >,;c4uquniji;tendt,,d go ', th 1ý 60 - - * - ý . ' ý - * 1 011 lie cartel work frotte the welit bill and il, tllep.-Ogregs and nterro. il- th,ý dwelling hou-e of prosperity of ý the pin- ý ý rosira - el %ý-g 1 (W Immédiate- relvelations irý.sqanbljbjous in elle extreme. a lire occurbred i make flic approaches ta scia Bridge in Foch a ,ý ý ; * , ý 9 firmire 17-ý,lri,'aiýetobeafromiý;jythe,ý,,qýný C laiblier ' " * ý . 8th « 40 Il . - 1 il . il mariner as thev inay think proper. The ceci. vince.- f Leader. 1 , Il 1 : ý . bi k viC-ý - Wýýf3 nik was fi bs'rý d cleelirïlng nt 101. Te New York, as per through,ýduifica' ý ý . . . liner, Omazh, and before Ib - ý Nie. Rilialymapdrts the Valbje of work Mr. Faul . -rfb te b- recéiired nt nekt, meeting of Cou - - i " saiT - . 35cà ý ;iý . Vht 1 il., ..1ý tion- .. , , . . 1 dulie end alerià] ,uppl;ëd op te De- coluld bc subdued the butine vras cou cil. Carr i'à . 1 n- 1 . Ilie .. GaýÉj&w4f hall reliounced histinten tien cd_«o- !ý I-L clients, 61 85 ý 1 ý ý The hearts of the Sontherheii.!'!t,»ie hinýutho Iug La - ý 1, . cenib Il ý . ý4 . . Moved .by Mr. Rond. Peconde4 by Nir. Bow. fwrnorne exas evidenced by a despallois. jà thac .; very 1 I j M_ý ",rz,.ii t , , ' , . . . er lot ý 189 Il, on the Parliamenta sumedý e Ce Io ý 1 hondred and- th ý 1.býa ý guil .. 85 1 ý -_ nt Drumqtrtirn,'on the third .lboùIIaý of J'tue tchèz, et follows:-The- * 1 Etticg : ej ýj.j, Z, g là 0 gr Inimutibi iviir !, «t .. !Y i boer, that thisacoutic-il do now adjourit -lié nicet ýNëwÔrleiins'&TrueD,,ItalloftheI ý@,Ote , 1 i 3rq . - . . bitants orErin ri xt. ýI 7 '.1 F, ý, ý1 , - . , , 4ilr2m, air thon ,90 te d5o-ri . Buildings ;jý " . rebsrbbbnlrand-ýNeijeaflt ither- i bâ.,. 81 ô5 cach. ý Départ e il BtiMiIdinalg541;2$1803'n'd on the- village Rotoe 4,an.tro' "' ' * Fldàr, Id Ws or fin . n - A Di:Ï EXn1x'O,ý 7Te ints II Jeu[, f Ar . r a,.Ilald -or 8aragroýbsL, , 1 1 ce- kg'Fimeb q.nliýi ýl' ' a bbad c W. ý . ý . pave put le flight. Ille inignates ci - JAMES APPLFBE, JOgN J.ý,RVIS, soir t ý i ý , * ý or" t9 Woël in'bale, fine per 190 lit ý Reeve liave-aotnpee cd loir ,inilitaiy oeganlutibu, Mil - ý 8, 00 1 '*Mi atgo'i-euoi-1s';thal hOulte th Il @candalýzed the blocs. Ili injur log Town.-hip Clerk. pnta ,".« 9 '. le À - PFeMoiLofragtion. toi . 1, ' ý , cali and ;ce In for the wae. 1 700 the IPU ý . ' .. «;. ý the property they went foc l'or. r , ney IR* ,%pmdbLti'iirel beroby noüeed et il 4 .1 . , ià fraire, 'Ir 1 ' -th ô y éw ý^! aý;,!ettntIerbîe où 1,',opt -ýxéw;"Yo',-X'* M London. ' ther i ...e >rçqpimd tofiiii6b ibel'ar- 1 . r . ore . bl3ei"ý III . 1 ôrder ý te gei le qW . . . 1 nt tho' réit à bf9cbý 1. ý t ,er fq.r Non, Orleans thé - Ai ý a atcb;drýifimh,15ýj "y, IL ; ' , Illit luit8l, M . ý. 1 - . Orrect OnMýnday i ,:, ' , m , liste of choir Statue Larer. . . - - I . ; ', ts mi th . . £ - liamentary - thet 1 . . m.,.i4 oz ., ". se -rabbats billard, cd ,&.ýtaçk 1 ý 2ad -ý -IIO . iklifigs,.$454i82.,,); fur ýtýý 1 ý t .La a var'm'Isj4robée._ý .. 1 TraâkarMoiiiieil. . e. Thé-inàuuyn(dement . .-I . ID)epuitnien ]3qjjUings $3ý2,394 ; -et - - JAI.W-ESAPPFLBE,!.C. mHàidreraný.grrýeratMsisesriWdniipnpnitiù chat cil' ' The ý. , l ., . 3 il ' l 60 ' . - .ý »Md parler aliserts chat a c7LOf 'éf"ko û_ý- .*TýC . . Clui 40-&-ot'. ,ý" te bO 4 b -1-.. 32j l'or exterit ýrork,. $267 90-idaking i - PAT.zr&o, May 5, 1862. ý Ttie Publie service .), f . fdrmed in New Oýrienn« -Orbite 1 à" làl--- 1",Ioýn ofý. , ,2 coin 1 thé, action r Ill [Ahdôw bd t a - i. ý , . ; ! ý ...- ,-..-:, - _- - .- -ý:-------. . ý - r lundi th.. uýibomd'Itbat thèbrasýnb'.1.46,- , --------%> 0 - iriali.ýýinnlknû _,I.:ýI. -;fi. fIiý..i ý Ï5îfiý.' But fo; - - - - fil ild 4001

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