Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Apr 1862, p. 2

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~. - -- 1 T~' C~fAwAN.CHAPION. __________ nt'cenao rbp2whîbch tire iportant fie LgGISLATIVE'COIJNCI .* e-eti!ppiato tU per Cann a.Iexeede' tt t Làer Ca- - aa,n lrrary, 186 1,) hs, no eis th" QUtr,iETrirday ' Marci 21. 8 S A stia ; itat tire exc-z cf pi. Tire Speaker lo:ik ftelchair a'tirrea ilarii'oh ppen 'CaOnada cas oui>' 64,- ~?nrrI. 1lrr~ E, raiirrisa-el'int 174at tire tingOftige celinslie 1851 aneaW crit Lcinue In tir e ccion oe t i acviJi tiatliadinpmeportioa na ise a fincuber tg!: èerve'duriug lie rlmiu- cumnig ratereery 3pear ;tiint tir der of tie tenur ton Sauirea'Division, coiiance f ttire apten aviicir givea te in roan ortire inn. J. ?:,,Pggttoà Whisrtie tevoseinas an cqrrreinimber of rer suciris baesoan er t v t~naainlatire legilaînre, it, in vier aatdDlvhio ras lffice- et af theirc lts, araniteatlyipujttand Soliita Geerrl tr pesu. cnatla', raîghtit -t great danger te tire peace wIrbirebY hils scat lgirasbeénnre vacant." rnd gond' overnament oattire ciratny; In makirg Itins nation ll4c Posatetr %vu tiertçur devR-lr regret tirat bis Ex- G&iatook tlre Opportunrti- ta ntorceliarrepbns rit bren ndvised te recon- tire Huesa-tiat -litE'cCo.!lertey han-ieen! menud for ork. adejrtt"on sore mensure far P60aheitr a ppointrle io n. ir. frN~iams caring taet116a largepopulation in Up- 'Belleana. lMigîtr of -etAgricultord, oie(l> per Canada tir nhgtruollahae oftpari.a -elrar5ed-asien wthîtrsdartica of Rperrn- mnrtary. rppteneantienanmd tieirjit la- teàdig ie-Raagrarnon Depailmnt arrd flueer .lalte Goverimet."1 tihe cal<salatiatir oudè. TieRa i. Me: N. Sicotte mared ho amendarent tira Sirerggvoud b ai almeeca appalrritd Coco. ailw da aftgirr rrTiairbeiratrirek out and nrhslorrer kif crean Laids- thein! Jus. tire ltojni ' inltitetel :ý.iWc collai Rlttoft .SnltOiion Generait o Jpper durit,'unden present crninstancen, pro- Canada-' re. r J B. RoisonsPa idnper- ta statu ta yemr- Encellerre>, as tire utho.dnoncrý and Mr.- Joua C rlIhrg- opinioreàdthtie Hernie, that th Ir nieî Meeehem (aa4rrl. - of equal o-cpréentrathon wan tira baasnof Tbtaitlaýiwsuadnpte -- j.tire compac.t apue whih tire Union ire. w. Ilaer Joih-n-; t deu ronie, an cx- twcorn U1iîer sud Loacer Canada wnn plalanuttiat û0,) reaioa,, utf is reti rr ent toraed,.qn d r1iessentil ta tire miintaja transiGoverrýqeni, i re entia-el ocfa succett at Unioni an it new exista, lana Pre-ahù*a , , . .. . iemu i s alhirreea àgoarcsîîte e cere Hon. Mr. Bouton meluthe ld ptin tgia eirsection rit Unitedl Ciiada tire en- ot tihe irat paragrapir et tire Adlias la joecrr a I nad lintitutiona conu e nepl tuIre Speech fronrtirhe Thrtnd. Ïrital te t4ire esand reqaîrnrtea a gfilb M n .M. Lacosite secon4ed th a las- hlabitaats.") tien. ' I .Tiredelnte-o s na amendaconti wn Andelsatearaa.saand.wa.cantiûrrkelnp adjour-rerl at.ri-lrright uatil te> day. touax Ocllelrîi .ieittira Hoane-arljc uned On tir î.m'aonig ai tira Horinle ai - F011 irre. Otile&' I tiree. ùolaock to-dy, a petien 'van pro. * ~ sc-te4i b7 ýMn. M. C. Carerona agahoarne LEGSL,.TIE CUNC . thaerÊrüýo J. Sirter Siii, Enq., ns LEGIS"TI.k.C1DUC 1 muleierfor tir asnt Ridiag et Dnr-ham, - . Qunc 4, I d ancthe. bp Mr. Simpson froar. 9r8.rmyRaret il O'nnor-' prsie gaanttertr Tir-81.eaker toak-tne tcrair aI. tIa-on *f.MrýArtur atn igahit trereir O'clack. i R.O o iilrhs ta en r lier t Thra Clerk cailer tire rail Oat b On inoerk(oi t dty e ren.omter, tir Tributes ot resqpect Io thre !nm ofe l.rcierclidtr ree h a - - for reWnsrrbg tire demIe upjd ir s lx- tti. elomrs cIra hadlducal dirrii g tire celiéeonSeer mi--tirelate Hon. Mn. Carti4band 'î'ba-iehateocen-ibe resiotution ot Mr. rire lateHon. Mr.. frey-.'were i paid 1 -nedetettr dre -'Hn frE .Tache a"dthé' utao. àeDeagallinramn etofheade b Ha. Sr B.P. nid Mr. Sicottee nreiadareat et Mr. Mn. Cî PbO. * . McDoàgall'à nmendaterrt, waa tiren con- Noticesofotaion -werc g ihea r ru- dslaid,;arrd 'an prruediig chen air-re- tuan respecting tire Cièrgy etes pr iad s'bd Coeinoni emol ai ld' iltira i sutijeut of thea Octaan Steanrrulip Srib- A imesagea cas rneceiviel tro Ris Excelleacey granting leuve of abiçnce drig thlin motest tireHnt - J, Fer' Tire 'tal' amoant if waten-prpe laid TiireMirairW-ea- praceesètoi rufr cfet, or aearl 37-miles, tirer corraidnaatlaa ot tire Amudisi n e- *lythie Speecir intireé perg iro Par- Tire Parisians are -about te ereeta itel wrcP aurnni erte cerai patate oun1the ýIanoif tuat of adopted witiscut amendarert.'. Sdmr1m Tirelion., 6. 'Smithr aiasîrrced tiraI George Natter, çt Bramatenel, N. Il, Hils Excelleney w'ternibu irapeppr d tea leasinga içire., and* tireborne- ut reitheir Addreun at hait-poat tree iis nulle off. Monr ayaternoon. -, Tlirlo-iisô thrnaljiane * Tire kinmget Pr-naila in a tnte ot __________________ - ealti viich excies nîeir untaminsi j Fear canal itiranrnr-i, ttia nmtosgi, QnaccHaem'7 la biry al abiouts, are aaw beiag The SpealIým toek. tiiechair it bree- 0 mnt .at Iffalo. orcloek. Tfrcre iant been îoow anficient et Oit tie reiof tire day being cg lied. any limte la Barnotairle ýCo., -Mss., tire Atty. te,-.Cartier sandl e could1 fI- îceent initer, for goad sieigiing. fi tira pronlie h arde ta, tire 0%Olipas- 'Oult famue sxyo eet e itian >eaerday. -Me hadl thaeiheu<sr t terp sabdinxaorsa e ar oe anniasacethat-tha vacaicien l lltCab- 'ieaphailell ua erae 1re rI ~e ilda. I xa~iicponlp sotertea or tavela-eare now ivi-ý liead beau pleased te appoint the Hon. The Baptiat Bible Hause prriperty ln 7Ar.,'Sieravoed te the officee oICoaisi- New York ca soid on Satur-dsp week, aigner of Cre0" Lande; tha Hon.Lirr. urrier treciosire et , morîgage, for Patton Solicitor Cenerai of Upper man- $65,000. ada ; Hon. J. B. 'Rnbinson, Presidu è t A oroffcttnmceel b-tr tit Exeentive Couaicil ; in:tIr. :an- Gravenoint agents at Hihroa Heselad ii'gRereis'er Geoeri4 anid; Sir Naattret gi srlt abu$2 ~eiau isitee of fApiiculturetire 00) cor h.ý driles et wir!ci fficeolir.-iadidscaiged for a taw dirpupaàL. Mr. Olterhea ted Tvo mrilion visiting cani pasied 'titi respect tarira rpfirenrrt cf Mr. tirraglie tie Par-rn poal-offico on tire finit Rosa tron tire office ef Coamiionrofrettir-e'dapa cf tire year, beaudes tire omet- f-eurblilc Workî, lirat il was asoieip 0aging nany Icters. lésrira itate ot bis hieltir adc. is r-i't he .2iz rpa te go ta Engianel fr a long porioc, iryeTired Jàt o'rthnnocain oiras reeet net wiehireg a ireh sanei«limeé tu>hoîd arrd conveiiene d.fice, airci cut tirca offietfromtfeclinge et delicacy or con- $25 000 arientinilraesui, aithiaict ir liExcel qney 3 ' 'toulel have bcen cillrag te grani bglm *AcWriter la tire Bbaton Traveler napu Iee oÇ,,alnemnce. the prouin of e capital in 'tire loynîI M.Sdtenid tire Hanerebat net StitPi xceeda the ceniamiprion- $400,- bncau inforel!cirattren' rie Hon. Mn. 000,000 aunually. *- - Rreiî d reigneel. Pi iaKog, tire Regent et Ciina, Gai .Macdlonal:salel ho.a leiras Kel u et tFac, o reigneel. lie melu ittM. Spi apak n eto n lao ac teYtangra do issme ie warrants for cnila for new Enieoi aacnn ftr ao eldeliona in Toronito artelLondon, tg nrpcror plp tire ,Place, edereel vacant b î th ~e "iin' Iinereen miel. itt Eng- arceptaice o fficeirjMeaaÏ«rs. RoÉii lidtoor lida -tereGreat: Wesrern, alielCarliag-ýCrin5. Grandti;Trtrk, arre l Bnfflo. snd Lake Hon. Mr.,Foley 'akeel if te^Btrbnau Humoi Ragilieapp atlet tgagte éAgncirture 'casnetunîder sire oe tpIO Tire :New Yorkc Price Cureul et atteciireel stas anotherthofthe pas Mtty..Gar. Cîrtier re l itiwsMna le'ey udiirepn 'l P 'ti a ix se rpice aS cottena ianfallen sbitlii cé1lae~b. edmipro- elevea -tenta eroia regitive la appoining SirN. Bell l e t e an it, aid,Ïberi 'tould. ira legllatiôeto tireo TlIe Minnesota Snite hadl recentély subjéct-drridrgtisnsessioni.- befere threniMfi%. Saimns, taprrena Mré. )enieetirben moýed hie Ad irosa a bill and mad a speechifr lOàLorea's f'oi miihén poeded tata p Vino restrictions on lire travel etfer- è rce cdte tg c ieignera in tire Resalât Empire bave heere tsa 'gahr.r-nnr.sIiOe ilna t P l a . , i t ir m Mm . oic P OL ita er A I inire l b 7 tire arder- o ft hl e ankea or qaÉpaaeioaa ante> tir e-nn poousea, larc roirlttrnnegt o!lie MIte ',snd A nurier ot Praosninasavanle ant tai tire causea o0 Itbr'gntemert decc Fing seat ta Athnna te akaraie rcirorgicai te. sccept ointe. i cxcavitlans tire, and direct tinir naspe. Att>'. Gs Mcdâca Il. eoied ri4t tire clalattentlen te rire Acrmpi.. - iel ,2, )e- he te M 1 d ce F ; x- or p- ia- 11- at id ie le Df e- la n- D- ts is mit 3t La ,n M y Le CI 7 IlIf was large and ethiuiastier. Afler- giv- ing isa vie-elan plain unaritakeirle lnngna- g, areuolutien,.plcdgingleirn thi support et tireimoctr resseat, iinanimnoau- ly pasncdl. Ome Frida7 ir e ilaltaio acetraga-n ina tii Towvn Hall, Nas- negaeya, nnd tire airer la Campbiella- ville. Bath -Meetinegs aven eu iattend- e, anal neaolutlante>the frclowaiag ef- fort cire apmsed 51 irot i 'eerg:- 'Moreel bp Duncas Campbell, EM4, and pecoeeleal bp Thimas Hopknoa, sq, Resoliud-Tlraî iavlng reird lire uen- lirnontzeneeeraiuett by J.- C. Aikins, Eiq., on te lcading qiesetioc ect île. Cap, and iirenatimenats irepleelges ta aipport if electel, vce do éeety agrer te give hlm erir uniteni support, and-re iris aar hent indeavors te seur-ebis oies- tion as Legisiative Coîrîcilor tonrlire Hone DiaLsior.-Caneied neanimeuly. Tire meeting bell aI Lîgneyrs Sehool Houee was Pretty celi attendeel, con- eidern- g tire airt ntice; àad it aise nunanimcaaip endorael tir enmnts of Mr. AikIns, ai tire tollaavtng Resohîttan aili shoaw Meoe by Jeirn MeNaîgliten, Eeq., anC ecendeel b>'Ducan Stewart, Maq., aid 1 RESeLr-mn-Irat ave have ireard tire vinavu Of J. C. Aiinî Eriq., on tire aanp icmding and intricate qicmtinntaftie day, cii arieatisietion, and an aidries are tuimical witir Our oci, ce do hereby plelg cOurséa-es te gir. im crn caamint, Unitedl etpport, andl tiraI'we ciii de aur alacast ta aucara is retira as Legiatire Counriliar fer tha- Ileae Dirlaion-Car-. riid oumimmnuly. Mnr. Aikhrci i maibrdelmeetingsinlu tie frmloirngpaces nlanlag tire presentt aind, rexl weels,vrce 'tahope ire 'ilt meet linge audience&: Wellington Sqrrîre, on Tutidayn. veiimg et 6 p. aM.1 1 -Camnpheihiville,ora Wednadny eveningi aIS e . a.t Mflton,o ci:Tirurada> aIl2 p. se. Paleron Thansda>' eaening at 6 Wpa's Inn, on Friday aI 1I. .- Drunqain, an Frielny-eaeaag il 6 !p.. Hrraby Wet, en Saturaa 1 P . Neen-al 1 ara Tusay AprI 8th, sOlO' Stecarloava, on Trieiday AprIl Sdi lit2 Georgeown, eon Tiecdrp Apnil lIth atP 7 r. m-. -a Genemal, on t'le suiject ofthe aboliione et postage on!Inilapapena. Tire Halîonu Medical Associatioen lecl a meeting 1er1 Miltonen ciTirrsdny tire 7t i nt., 'thea tire fe'itocing aiiedra vere ippeintel for tire ceuiag peau Dm. Bock,.' . ..,.-. -Piedidc-nt.' Dr. McNiece,.'.:. . Vice-Pleinaat: Dr. BHune,-...Tresurer. Dr. Iraidliar -....Secrtanp. Tire toliow ing mer-e sppoiuted' a cea- mitten ro draft Bp-avi Docos enaFeman, Hume, Desmuonel, Laidise, andl IblNlece. Mbter unne' peliremrry priceeiiogi il, 'ts agreedMe4at thé next meeting take Pince nt Mllteir, on lire 1tt Map next, chia tire Preeldeni avli la-en a Theasa on toenMedreal sabjeect. NiE Sroite.-BY Reterence ta Ourf aelaertisIsg clainas, il cIhI bm ueo lirag: Mn. T. L. Whits irasopened a n graa Srore iretire village aof Kilirnide. Mr. Wite ira-ring, puncirasgea hie gouda tor Catýisnl a cheirp market, eir na nbleýh tuoffer godas /tire hst quality it-ait- tenisihglp e* pre.a. W. ar-n atiafiel, freux tire sinapip ae have aeen-and the pr-e-c put on Fhasee saplear ti raIM. White avIlI couper.. favoaetly witb n»Y catabishmaernt ia-the Coanly. Tirnemai.ngmembiu intia Minis- try gave thieirrýtiring cclleagueresUr. Vaîkougirnet, pRo.. andl Morion, a ,dinnar o y ih et Mn. Bell, et irrirircirene arne ca telegrapheel as vating ciltheytireps, on 'tire Spae"d14p qretion, veleel citi lire nays. T-eiegrà ate EMtbua- Tir anirnof02,0 cîs tabsenibiel last ccek bl a leav wrf tirainfiabtants cf Mii- tan ft e lirapp Ofetgefttrg a Telegrepir coamaunicalio4 te tire aifiereat partastof tire province. ire Cuty andl Town Caunihbe m ýven $50'eacir., We art îa't certain lb4 projecl -wal iucbecd BxwÀRXaaOF ýrm Pourm.-Tire Tocs Cou-ci l rs gven tire Mayor instructions te procure a nBâliaepouarl for theisal- pounding nfa-t Itpiga &c., feane rnnning aI lange. : 1 -Q BfCOlit aab lane th fefowin (,ouNTING HOUS S e i ti sueMtW fieriaî chcngea: EN»Hoa Gçfgelserneil ralgna the Re. 143 i B 2. eierGe hllpand irecoarea Comn- IfisallOerof Crewn Laridi. n on.: S'. NIC B elBoleau, a imal r iinarntlI1 DBT Pl IFVIJIJQue be law er, las Miniter of AÉricul. onJarea liattonilaSulicltnr Gerreral out pperC nad RI Jus. ïï 'il 1o1,{I A . toinsaon ib Pre3ident of" UJ~~1Hthen i Ofr. e Coîncil 1 eeie Pe lt -i 0j" M T? Ci4evlei hve te0tr si 0 a"Minorma 1 eaed fi - .Il si 21là I s .1 21 Tin nn ra tiHeaJ have therfoo La a rnfeaead n w tp iii. 0 m etiirlrs, t herobdjala toh Cà ÂT1 ria crvilied Of oreta ea o pr- waaste h da t he j ind wit e re de- c> IVIM 1 e i 0uOT B h.t.aispe A AM Dly i c ionsCa~nrre qwhe ho uaied t mnravvcrere ïi. rtin-tal e aa hor in i erndtepp-ch Ilon .. ittfl 14rCf Es mRenia lom tT 0 Mr.P ttn i ho a eo nd r1ý7 ra at e pub rien ti[lie ine ead e o the . Chiais, Jrrdg.,-J. utr ,--7"Tl n. G ai, RsiiAT, TUBae, PUo o s . e,tir E n e thSee eri dirrijg aelbt l C ad de , a n e i v l e cOenipit arran cr st i ade a O n t 60 MPrdN di . R.E Yoî,Ger i ng.l ;i ompnt h o tfiego t n 4lr d .JEhîTatttiAEw , trc 11h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h dofi.Litr aiaaea wh r i hny 4 e brr t g ars y pn eot- BIh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e do'.I.lciy N ,ioa e tith a t offa i e d , tW ra gent hdi rei .-Wa~&~ Wr. tay El.Carujr Iakadecyofe rte onuiltevole npecsen iË. klm a nd pen@ve atntAM'jy er iM al l a arrr c leprhoientt e r to4 .i2ran4eTersure, t tietIaIltoi t ioer apoe J 5i0 , - , J V aisila ea q. -to i, e f rheurileia i r e thri ad anp IOWN lu te 4. sti o!driin ti uing ofie 5sserW1D.,nîEnq .llieabailap. _______the MeKiy Erq.....0 t.tunrtt arie. a bryiother E@ ori ot To .P agr M.p le Ota, Sbciei .0. Tice lia.. e rîa i w-t h ve i.t pe c mpl e d s MILTedb' B, - Elm f h 0t - .B o in+ ntae1 org w s w APRIL nd, 862 analDavorceEsq.rad Caln-epiyent rae- &= tOR e ai ,LarT. Cou NClL R uMr- in a $1 at Scdet 6 matuira afit COUTY rvloý CORTSxtrs. Oftiempara:lr] inde e ake a.nowhtele ' Jo D. . C&KI H EQ l Kalton- wsblyn h ovri tfracn Mr. Alo IaBla er h I melinga e Ge r ..By trelne arive . rrg tdoeae...h.w.lB.e inuagtiraeMe.eHoule I tr ugdo it..t....Contytote ire purpton a n n hdmayw 3e ls-e àthvdog.....viwa niatra1 N inîpor- a. e irai rec-i ted ai raeioiful prlng- tn dulon...e:' preG. McCa y ireoe Gud. Ci adea inar1yîw MhUrN ICIPHAL arreigwiîm. aa l ikr iete aa r trrcad iriiei. re WtEna IL Cla-y, place.. ire ,,:attends. M ler. stvio e t an îd- Oa4.»*n i Ti ra sr e.g o eld am, cl- the orsini or fRaiie prentai i e ing or J. Actea hnirBe ar l t-1med d e lu liii zlleuey bctho Governonr no6-ràtata passear u-re yen nnr-&y citir pou aur iel eceocî loras, eand .Loisas>' 7 ýl o wi-r r a rive i eni.c rnerveh A pca dsacteteRpulcn abondant mccens. dateal nean Islandl Ne. 10, riretirhe ercniug I Wilî diligent le pear exertljai tuOfettire 26tr, SOI ya t tnly tirneairelle ri seenre tire 'eaitb o ifs gorrltwce icpe 'teutirrown b he io mr-tirs te do>-' te yea aili net negînrî lhat "Pearl oftgmnaî avicno esP OpnqO as imade y tise re- prire" in eompasn 'iti s învainc hais.! golel snuilto insignilicane, but avile Tis moraingýCcî. Briterd lnetI a ne- "rdiligent in irusineas s a- a- e ire erent ronnahcihng part>'et taveat> môn ut tire ln spirit nervingire Lorni" 27lti Illinois down tire shore. Tie re> s. As a aliglet teirçnof o ar respect anal resteal tir-cc erominent neidentswiréc-V eeercte prenant cach ot pari wth a port lirat 2,000 iiegroes are daplopeel on cr-iîiog eeain muet ebin oreign climas tire isiarralanda ahe tîirateriesa leneg ice- ou ue tica rememier your rienda «t nFoere; tat sixte' ie rebel troupa-, in- brime forget peu nt. -ciudirrg Ico Lierirtenanîs anC 40 negrees,U 'Tut tire gond ibande of thei Lord me>' bave bien killel -b>-o ur sheila m ebat tise cS ire ripon 0"cranad 70cr dcrire ha speedilv uppen ahore batteries are abandorcee, bie - j cromplesiel citlreainest iirnfyci otpar thlie etbcri are beil s trenglirereetaI sinrere friiends. lire ener' i 15,00 - tînng, and a t (Signed'et 'lcoe.preenut,) - lieir 'encapmeirtiraa been imoveden r- Mr oeh.Boceeairbehaitofia tinel>' ortet rmige at our- gue. The ne- V Josn ep. .b 1 ra7onfide Of ucessi andiay, sel su trene, rpihel.îap ave e.rond te: T,erton aipti SrîomnLAeÂrx AN FaINDcs.-It us o lier pointe, yhpcich tbdp cen encape- w'tt bath pleasiig anel painful ematisa chenaver tire>'chemoni. Tire>'bave n tirar I vise ta expreas to ynri aur carouitlleotp cf provisiones. . - 5îr thasirs fer this tairea et attectienale ne- 1, Titrees nbel steamers, iraded itir91 .gsnd, accorpailnidb7 ai manygoel houpe, ar-n seun valIrigtirt shore, ta 0 ciirenfor oui filueaproiperit>'. YWirle preçant eomnieatias frea hbore. cee prerapteel by s lainditriaambition, hie -Thrctalr! tmeroet tire enemy'i tnaa-' farirei in a tiare te dear ald cirinireel aplafl la 11. frienns anelail isa cntaring aniocietioseas Tta an lirnen balioca ascenions baver of chblaiteraronnd irome, it l l ra>'ifen made by Capt. Steiner, but ire gratn g taeirîoc Ihat 'teare aceeni- ceaIrer cas tri, tilefofntavorabrle air- paieni by tirecaracal prayera and but nenvatian. -ciben et tiroin cboai soceIp e so One o et Iipartiy firishieelgenirantse mmcli njoyed. e t Memrpis, 'as fired lire cIrer nigirt, Wn dceplp a peciate thie expressicn but lire lire cas exlinquinireal biore anale ot pour frlendsIirand n*hall value the"e damage cas deeninie. M article,not niy for tinir intrinslc cortbicg, Mannir27. p but ass aremenoa atpurnffectionata re- Mempisuapiera of lin 22nd sate tiai g adricien tiehres oun tcrnatirvealy one manr 'as iilleal le tise frs-at. landlairali have munir bseeati r rr-sble.Cour dapa ireabar-prnenî ntIsllandl No. 10. nL horizon, and elveare. suroundeal by tha He aavaecietiznof etmapis. r nni ingllocs-, travelling bencaîli lie raye-nf itropical u, on wending OurWniogî,Mrr28 ta>' rip tire r-ngged teounrain sîcep, nier- A special espacir ta rire '«ribune"rr iiendn crvaltleel'ry incnrrierageetie gale" 1omyr Itha tire Qurnr-nmnter et Gonerai in eouase-Tbiyinatetsace gage i.,a»ro sain7 Sciasr âturo a d Marcir 2iiir1 taasthe lriagan Prlday. iav theUn AU page llaipel N. 10, ci qgareiabas-.Vire Conrederates rpeneel ruma anew bitera, ?fhe Confodar8tes Ra-anforolng. Rn- arourrig tsaîpeel l one4 lau Ns. 10.Tir eerny ceulel haseua'citteqg as~ A.N ATTACKO", ÉEIr'WORLEANS EXPECTEB tr-""'0' airce Pua'lIp nrg tr-el dotirr - ' - 'cr oeeence. 'lhey neeni ta re* daiv gtiiig 1010canosiinpositiona. Conlriairds.>-îte tient tfierebcl si en- WSresnlied rire fleet last btgirt rira mer- Mer-imireha ving beere fou7 rep;tred four"'Ctnlederate guaboats, Partiy',clael W"a hrtougirt eut oflirer- dmy duck ceae011 aira loapemelbls1Prs Munay ooringtiei br- adr- trd Pleaat,'but' ai Gi-i2. Popes Iceteriea- boru piaceel a.'board, anrd sire m a; rei'rpeuieîd a; r stCt iinuons line for t5 fur actioni. Sernl negoir ra fet maier 9 eîldi nomt'bellea-ed-tirey con farce-a metaitirnu slire sd 'irefure,Iraî. betce asnage.. Tire rebel teamers Jameatecasu Yorktown Live as e rceatl p tr-engui-1 enel, andal avre fu- prepareel for aîtrcrr, and r-cudy tri nicempany trie Mennrie. Tirefliagorittire Yorhnirv m-Ite a Cein- inodor-c'à penoane, iau tiying cwiren'tire contraebads teft.X Frnnrne Monroe, Mar-ci22. Tierce- deser-rersa as-iveil ber-eIla-day iii a boit fr-rarireertir t ieetrJacmes, River. Tirey beulng le aiNantir Cana/i' nai regiment, andl report trot tire rebel steamer han bren daiiy capect- : cd te cerneueut and.l ttrok lire Moniter for tireliant thmee dia. i Thre retrel garebeat Jameltoivrr eradej a ecorrrur3arnce tIre clu ominni doavi corne dlitace iretu'tCramie>' lannd. - Waaiinglon, Mardi 27. 1Newsaliras heen reeeia-ed il tire 'rvy Djeparmmerrt coneirnng lire atatrurent Iliat tire Mcrrir tiaigain reîdyfrtua.j Ucîet. JeirFrica, o et tiregtitor sent tend ccp tmils inrrring ta Canpt. Dîirlgr'Z liraI ire lnid nuofenot tire reonit etf tire nit cunteert. Secrctr eln Vlies inakioFlCoirgns for $30,000,000,1 te roke inon ldel ilc anid ieavp erdnnece. Relative t b Nariiitr r"Criebidge"r reports thecr rNabLirlter iu)aded cil/r a vairirile crgs f 4r Ime arde vl areeores. Sire r-arr tb. bléaile _qn.Tieaday aigirt lise. Tire nigis% waa d.rk and tira igirt extilagniairc. Sire e-au fairip abreast o et r rCuubie1". befere iscuverel.à On Sunda>'therrCiilîjpîc&t'a faston ste-mer, cent to aktih ie place rt tiere c.Cambidge,",. ani Beaîfeôr-t'ame stilIlu *- Nec York, Marirh 30. Tre 5irnioat ifualarilie arn-cC luhi- ,evenrng frrrinKey West aiona'lls.25 .Adviens f-oui tire Mississippi Pases ý,qat ttiati h(.07 liring: aas hrearel ti théd lied ethlirePresse,,cirer, reomuf' onn ce-osIelgone. -Tbe meioider ef Part q'nleà d tlinel Ailif ie) Weet, togetli;r 'tikk eerl et our .gunboate. 1. ; Aesit tar-k on New Ouaeis casara- mc rtariily enpectcd. laArr cnpedriicri ugainst Apalacircqa is :ieontemrplationr>rtront K'6îWest. *COn- sidenable cettme',ta atereel rlrre, arrelil: nsi dctfierdbiy 13 gmrs and Al3OO.Con- fedcmotes. A 5'reeci r ai-of-a, frorri Vera Cra, tend 27 cases oetypnliec frver o , 4buard Tave if tire crow captîrdnd atire Con-, federate seeancr irlagoha; ireport 5meat ,reparaidrea at Nav01 ilenratu. nuise an Uttack.'- - Searemial goniroal. cere building-artd martimi laaw wnl soco ire proiriirel. Teel-ein ne te-pli in tice reperîet tira captuof Yney le engagel pansage in tira !nailk.rc, adtieichas cuptired bat* changer!irbis mmd ande-as te'-mil frein Iavia la tireschroaner, Bre1k O'iDapt Pen!cacola ins ben er-acuatel, inclire-r iug, aise- Fonts Bar-incasand MetRie. The Coatedeates aporCceî rt entina abaredmuarnt cf Florrels. - Tre noterions Briganid Qoarel ' cinla 200 otftria guririlla baiel,aide' a nueldera nI nd ie.epe.lelattack on a delicrmene et . Coore illip'î regiment etM i soi militia, rodr MnjýFonte atiWrens-. burgir, on "dieelnsay istut ster a. àrpiriterlaitinnis tiey avere driren frasar lIce loavaaviiticth lois oft9 killed anel 17 wrirded;2'0 irorbsa lýcir ptared. Our- lois cas 2 kilicel art 9 avoinelse. Qian. irai ade anotirer altack enoa tossaeunon the olelowing day, tire refrît oet chier r» - WIIdLandL 'Tire qu' ntity oftclildlidsinuCiaih is&tbus 'ataleal Acres', UosnrP'aepe'landsinluLower- -ý 1 Canada---------. -11,76,961 ýrttl yed bal unnolel ta Lower > C ppada Canda..... Suryeyed nànsomail,1 tIp(Y Tolal Crocwn Lnds.. ...li3S3 or0 th rs i 130,041 A272 ceaeeel e n-alue, Caiati is tire great fcmr-st o. Engiend 'Great BritietanClrelanntdjrnpoit an - ually seme 17,000,00 caîi e tt, ao-' .1,0,000 1l* d, et Csanaa -tanner, the greatear parI t firic i la omaoatactaned on lire Otwa river andiýftitarihaaie - rire opacatona cfr tis mapaestarw-ex- hunel oireri npwardatif, [1,090 squaea toiles, mnd gira empîcyreentîte .amioe lia 40,00 man; irrtatheeara ponhaps, but feav ie£ngtlmd cie have marc Ihan Lhe ment imlat-conception mf the arin.'l ,ricir tire:gîersts ettire fncsjiaue eécteel la tire dominatoaan. ". Vecrnonb pradicesabohut 4,000,00 pounda of'cerol'pçe annuas. Tire people ofjiriIoca toceharir r« in ïiua,' clectela inai for anytn. Tiscro la gnaat' dialmeàs affaagthéd iveearna aÇ Ce-cuIr>', glail, et cirent tn'entipe thoiend are eut et caplo- (1 S Cfl Xi .mtU ub ujf ~ Iwill foadly daveil crtiepat,andRtiha Bl6nliria dîvioisai tat&"ât dis î - jihee nea o tii evenng willlfrequuitiyCçnfadenaîo aaidieras natr"riiag usoa Tire Demie on thmalaiportant question, prenent thirnelves.. 1I 50, vited TaiFaù I Caner lH*aà yeter- Wais long aridipiniteel, ater wiinttirý, e ne Iaùa»afor'igratitude that rinrry. ' rée ei:o,-ktthat ime nto'i Houa. divdt4-oa Mr. Canoror' Avainetimar ni rhome, theirle boan te tckee4 a&id rve 'Oit-tire Moldiers, and manidatent, aviicir waa lost--75 ta 44. sme exterrt been dissnaareateel, aialth I; dealroyed. lirelr. toreiai ttieaetra Yctî-Aideneoa. , Artit, Bell,* (Ndrth liseand tirer-e are feone a fîlitafl Mik - tearWrg-dw kaI.rra fnié agoi A Lanarlr,) Biggar, Brown, Bnrwell, John arorrary drapeurng tire wort of Lite, part efthtie Germenar divrrrron1was orclered, Il. Camner-on, M. C. Carercrn, Clark,* With yoî, déir trienda, we rejoico that tirere trarn Ceatr-evile la gourrd tire 10wrn Connor, Coavai, Crawford, Dickson, *0sall itillirear tire 8P Oetti-tai"'I frontarsahr arneandera. 1j Dunatord, Fergtone, Faley, Hurconrt, flreg, aid ritir orr Canadian friendà tn- Thre Preaident wlltOco-.>nc Huntain, Heoper, }olerand, Jackson, mata a brottreriroielta love aid -know ite ýtie Senatliroe amaeeoardl:~ MeKenze, McDoigali,/McKeltir, Mor- our noble Qtleerr. lor aiSerear-y et0 .layar b Ty ris, Morrisnî, teowat, Mùnr, Notman, Again tlaukingyoiu, and aarring yoai Peters'aurg. Patrick, Ranin, Ryer-aorr, ykert, Ry. Iliat pour iarurda iaitever rennoicr- 'Tire ]pýeiideiî iras placedi aI Iaintrn mal, Scatcerd, Smithr, Somervilir, Strr- list ot triendà, and hOPiag tient h ltiad Cianen'i sdIsposaI a trlgite'teriyrbini ton, Street, Waliridgé, Walsir, White, Providence:-may prte.rt bell, yen audrelt Europew napeprrgrdt ia Wilson, Wrighti.4Ç. ns, aird ere mirrp somiera pan permit marite intereste et hie ceeitry lintris. NA.Y-Mesa. Ahbott, Alleyo, Areir- as to reaow oaF frieednip,. ave bld pou avar.. Mr. Cameroas. a Jecîlaed,qireq amirarui, Baby, Beanien, R. Bell, (Rum- an cfectionate farewell. courteep.. pei,) Benaimiar, Bondreari, Blanchbet, (Sigaad,> ç JOS. A. BQWES, It tas ain tint Secretary Siaitea au-. Bourassa, Brorveau. Bureau, Caronr HENRYFALLIS. llrontzodjidgo"TlioarasN(fpmiiican)froýy. Atty. Gen. Cartier, Caucchoa, Chai"a", Teel'an aevryp nti spatBoatonnIo0 a>'tbat niqoon as .efficeri-ot, Diorest, Dawson, DeBouclrerville, Ije- he h~a.vor- a P 0 iCIraik ponLd elrecoarenet iwtirout. iijur>r; Cazes, Denma, Desoulireer, D.rriona, Ios- inu sorial ceneersastion and paking. Mr. tràiesrie e.Snearlllire tried, tale, DrrimondAler. Dufreiie, Joseph J. B. Wilarstt dlechiging.the ditici et by court-miial- Ditrésoe, Dunrin,. Evaitrirel, Faîkoor, President. Mr. Jeu. W. Boivea tione rit : Fort Monroe,. Mardi 29. Fortier, Fournier,,GignOn, Gait, Girrdet, Vice -P«dn.,Wietefral Hçbert, Horrt, Jobrar ioly, Janes, Krerz- e rnda.Xiietr a -art'Of Ala quietbiere. Tho SV*'Lawrence- towakh, Knight, Labrecire, Wrger La- drinking toasts was dipensed wtii, tireliras irrived tramn Neivhern, ill. 18 quier tramoisre, Langevin, LeBoutttllier, Lcr- uan eermenta wene given and respord.- tirere. Gea. RaMande irselgie ta Beau-- nager, Macibetir, Atty. Gen. Macdonaeld, cd tea hrie yeerng Getle~ e anlytort and'litken -possesaion grf the plane.. J. S. Mracdonad, MeCaini hrcLaeilinnayTirere nsia areshsitance wliatever an& Moigennis, Solictor-General Morin, aIl rreseat taklag pu&it ho the apeakirrg. no irarna oe propersy. F!*rî Marne Morion, OrMallerare, Pope, Ponîman, Airait 12. o'ctoek lIev. Mn. Bnrtiett %mon nitijt Ôecirpe i ir fedeate Poirpare, Powell, Prevat Renillard, cloaed iitronyer. trm30taf0 trong, buit tiey wrepe ERoiuaille, Rose, mirer J. Romi, Jothn S. Tira Guesta 'lefi aoe Frlaiy manning entirelx Cnt offaid aimuet on SR areader.. iosi, Scotît, Sirerwood, Sicotter Simird, r Simipson, Splieari, Tascheretau, Tanne: for New York and} parposed sailirrg pes: . * Rula, Mo., Y» rir~9 Tett.-75. . terday (Tedi) fur Sadi Franeao 1. Rl4beesaaj arncha aar. er-r letesutanme stOOOaytro.aad eacnali- Sixteen Upper Canadiana mhd tire coinrpnny wrth 1t'5 otirniroartireConnly 'rtn ie soritir,000nte ir.andt ienCoîfi. irardihonel trigo agiait trIs measure, bat oa-May aiccenra attenrd tirear. ,1Van, Dora and Prire have reireîlei et- tirne wili work tire cerne;. and Uppe tirney aérOsî t4re Boots. Mountains, andl' Candawil av lir igts 0ne ow ntrinPiitreana Fort Saritir, Litile IRock rath ie Ankeias River, On Tueadap ea-enhnig tire 12i;51bManr 'fÎh-sicr endy« ior Sea. wiieh jta iî. a nada wiofthaer ong fii eeiia d igara.Mvepri aa farne et tirope n n a(calodaga E SCPE07T - AREM "SteLouis, Ma rcir301. tiroir eateem ta Messrs. Henry Falli e Courhitaeaii ailue dirt iofftae Cuit Thanse.a 23 ii f TheirE -th - unard tireChi in togti Peter lIeu Faîl Wi ExtrFai..; P'eu... Potatce Eggs per r Bitt#rPt syappet ttotcza THIO Eos ITO T.L orl twý Drugi 1'. aMi r- ~E3~ .1 -r r0 hie Dri ta aira4 I.. spa -A t. ~ uuerir. Mitre r- 'r- Wsa \TE To~ r - $1 / 14 PE~ -. / anal Josephr A. Boires, prea-tona ta their departune tfcr Britlish Colaumbia. Tire aipper cas senveel ip in gonel stple ire Mn. J. B. Wtliarott'aoifice. Tcarrty of tireir> poing friendi atr eoave and iraviog doen jasti ce ta lire phynicul conforts provideel fur irea, Mr. Bcbt. Hamtilton rernd fii lIowtng. îddnesî. R. Enctîrin and Isaac Cartinur maiie5lie presten- talions. Tu HcEîvt FALLrS reNieJes. A. Bowcs. RESierTED FatRIPNum:-Onîtco Ee 91t purn cepamtnne trin peour trmesandc fr-ru yorrnrative liend, perait ris ru ca- pre-as te you aur regard tur yori pemnion- slip and our irest e-nires for yonm pros- peritp inapmar new andl andueus unertak- ing. The separallon- t fSerolmates nde tniends who!ae perritul dapi bave ireee soperit nacin lachiiirsi eir-en. îrr-aily awakena lu th iraîne frrnd me- momies efthlie past. Stern ner-oecity, choice, onrlthe taitifal disesargeof ftie prietiesi drclcen ut lire, lIrever, fie- qucntly coui upun ni ru neyer frmiiy and s-ocIal tics anal md adieu lulironie wirir altitn pleaoing anscintons te joui-ney ta eltatand rmrtrittd tends. lu youe coin rire pairr crf pamting la ,eotrcd by tireex- pecîntien tîrat*sreun Our nulcmcourae 'tili be rereeee. WViie as frieudi ca-e arer-p ta bld pou fir-ecei, ave trope fr'eqaeretiy ta hear fr-on yes et puenneteecîmg ý ureussti that tan fimeel negien crf goil'wcithr you are jour-oeyisg, acrndcprer - yyeri aire past once mure te eeo yerr f.ntrcntr faces on oer star-crIs andirr-old yon lirppp, proupenous andl reîpacled citizens ef mirr native Cuctp. Miile as Ccenrdrasrs we anc aorry lu, par-"itir Citizene 'gor)d men arrd tree, -tt0pleae iag ta koavieint la tire countrp wlitir for a lime ciii ire yoasm troue, yen willil l lire rader tire mitl' mad b 'n;g- nant sanpor tire acepîneofut ermbeiree Quereanal ne citienc&'eriait otil ir nate hyte tr-engaand indiiolueiri aad et love for aur Gracubue Sovemiga Qney,ù Victoria. An pria jurncytrp theayapirntire stormy deep or rengran rrlIeacirerie e ti

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