Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Apr 1862, p. 1

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i 1 :ý .ý , . ý ýî ý -, .,.f !-,ï!-ý- -- .ý ý, , -_ ii. l.- ý, ý , ! ý* i,.i-ý - , - 1 1 ý . ý- 1 1 - , ý -II ý . 1 ý 1. __ 1 1 _ _ 1 ý , ý- , 1, .( ý , ý ý , - 1 - ý - . . - -_1 ý .- ___ *:ý11 1 - ý [ , 1 , 1 -, ., ý ,: i, . lý 1 ,ý 1 ý , , ., .Il1'ý ý. ,j , ý 1, 1 ý. àL,ý:1.1, -> - ý . . ýý t ;' ,; j : , -1 ý ý ý 1. ' . __ 1 ' , » 'I :1 - 4, ý .«, ý .ý . ý 1 ý - .f , 1 - ' , , , . l 1 ý!.l lý . - 1 . . ý ý - 1 _ý,j ý , [ 1 ýý ., - -ý! 11ý 1 ý Il i . ý . , ý-, ýW Il - ý - .. - Il 1. ý 1 __ 1- ýý f -.r- . ý Y.-.111l- ý.._ - . :I-..ý,., ý _êlý _ ý ___ ý 1 ý . ___ , 1 __ ý- i J 1ý - ý ,-- - - ý ýý 0" . .ý.ltx ý 1, 1ý4 ., - 1- , M, , - ýý j , ,ý :ý ý . . 1 ýý - - - ý_ .- . .1 ý : 1 . . : ý ý . i ý ý . . - _ ___ ý ý ý .. ý i 1 , li ý,,, ý ý ý ; . ' 1 1 . :'. 1 1 . ý .ý . 1 ý 1 - - ,,ý , ! ý 1 : - 1 ' . 1, 1 i i 1 ; ý '. .. ; '_ ý . . ý ý ! e Il . . ý ' ' i ý . - - .. ý. .. 'i. ý. . . . ý ý . - l . - . ý 1 . . . 1 e ý', ý ', î . 1 . ý ý ' 1 1 ' . ý ý : ý 1 i - "' Il ý 1(ýchtKI.1ü0 " . - . . . > ! , .. ý . 1 1 . 1 . i 1 1 ý - . I.i-i- i 1- , ý , î .: l J ' '. ý . 1 i , 1 ý 1.ý 1 . . ý î. 1 1 ý , * . . ý ý li . e - ý . ý ý 4 . ý 1 : ', ý 1, ý ý 1 ý . . . ý . ý ý - - ý 1 . . 1 . 1 ý . 1 . ý 1 .; ý , . ý 1 ý 1 1 . ; . ý 7ý ý -', . 1 1 . . - ý,,.Idllicmeý-ý,ýý-.: ý l'-ýZpâl,4.iu,_ý- e;"71731l"'Il, -e ,ý-jj . ý . ýl ___ --r 'i. , , - --- âÏll - pý-,--U..»Aogý, .:ý.wlelglob , Iý-- ý ; '. ,11 ___ l lýý ý-,*W-«MomboK,ýd:-rr--.-ý-ýrý - I.,%. _- ý 1 - .. - - . -, , - --. 1 .ýl ý ,ý - 1. - 1 K-_ Mýý -, 1 ý - -; - - ', -ý, - , , - ý,ý 1 -1__ - 'l'1-" ' ', _1iý___ ___ _ý - - - - - __ - ý l ___ .- __ __ . __ _ý tý ý ý_ 1 !* L -- - 1, Lýý ý _t- ý ý .- ý , 1 ý 7 , 1 _ _ ----.t-- ý - --i - . - . . - 1 . . - - . ý ý ---- . il , ý 1 1 1 ý ý 1 ý_l - . - t 7 . _ . - - ý ,!ý ý 1 i 1- - ý-r7---- ";--i ' mmý*ý , 7-7- .1 .1 . . . Book an&'Iob Print . Il 9 ý _ - 1 - --,-ý-- ---- . - __ _ýý_ 1+ . _-= - .. _. 1 - . . Wcamalee #81 ý ý1 7 ,ý 1 1. ý ý . - - . _.. .---ýi - 1 - - - 1 ý . - . _)_ - c ý ,,, ý ,_,_qlý,43ýýY'-DE_8çBIÈT;9;m, , - - . 1 7 1 - ___ ý - - __ _. - *ý ,M ýý - ý . - - - . ---.- .. , - . , I.ý .1 !c.!Lý f& à ,, - Neý,11, It ýý .. . " 'a: )ý Yýr 'ý.j . l ; l .1mitira - . ,q41ýz*R-q i "ai Lý-mE44__ -i'-_ _ý -', - ý . 1. » 1yea ý li .... L 11.ý, il ý 1 1 'a Il 1 1 l. . ' 1. * .. (.1 -i - ; 1 . ý :Il, id - - _+ ý __ ý 1 «-, 1 Il . L iLàLý : 1 -9 ---- , ý i Il --. .: .; ý 1 . . 1 . ý-1 '! 1,ý ý-, ', 1 1 ', .. ' ., 1 ý ',,, 1 ,î!) ..» . -.. h - 'l i a ,, ' ý _ 1 1 .. 1 ý i . 1 . L -1 l.e 0" . . lie'l, ý 1 'ýj . 'l "9.#4ý.1 ._, -,.,-ýýI - . ýV ý ý ', .) 'i ,i . ýý. -l -1 _ ', - . 1 ý 1, P., 1 :! f ý . il 121 211. N-ýo£16à.vjLju -1j jw -, r.qce ý ý1 . t.., ý, .ý ý; t 1 . , 1 1 1 p :: Z3 - ý . ý : , -- t, .,. , en - - 1ý # 1 ý I&vdi * ?-"e&,.-,.q.-,.- _ý ,- . i ý iil, -- 1 -ý __ 1 ýý: - -D i - ý - 1 pue 1 a . 1 , .% Il , ý1J ý M , iiii, .;, p ' w ... , . . 1 , 1 ýý . ,ýý ý 1 1 . ,ý . - 1 l . -, __ .. : 4 * ýý Il . ' .1 . ,m ce - - ' -_ - . ý lËl 1 p . . . 1 ' . ý mr ..10 - " t,., 'l'a , _i Il - - « n n ', 'el li 1 1 t, -ý' 1-- 1 ï ll-.ý, 1 ,.1 7ÉZ I R* 1 . 1 dý oil 'biind4 . :1 . - .slnîl 1121 Il ,, - , ý ý.,;11,ýAýýýl:ý,Zeýýqmty!djQi!!,. bloý% 1:1111, 1",,e.,,ý'ilýý,,,, alz e ,Ils 1 1 . ý, . , ; 1 ' ý . : , .... Î! .ý,.-.,- . . 1 1: 1- (ý 1 . ý ý 1 . , ' - ' e l 1 - 1 . - 1 ý. 1. îiý1 - : ' - - 11 . ý . 1- 1 V -,Pobtert. Business carrifil Dinh d!ý, Sh+bâl., ý ý . . Il - -, x ïýý b . 1 ., 1 ;, , ý -. , ý ;ý. .ï. ý . ý . 7 - -, 1. , PjrOgramnIèý8t«ge Millui 112 M a 1 , ; . , - -41-SIX . , - , .... ë ltl*eél«"-c:er. ý il , . -1 !;Lý:. , . 1, I£ý lt, le ' i* ail Ili AND COUNTY OF .11t, N' - ER :*.' i , lI".lr ý"-,; ý.I 1 ..-X __ . ý ý - . ,ri" 1 ý ý ý - , ý e!nc, ý%IsIl sol , 1 - - _ - ý__ E T E LLlrxB ?ýe ý . "àtný,l, - , ý _-ý . - ý M . ý . i-,ý. ,W 1 Aùj al ifis., _1Z 14 .. rsVERYKI'ir),OFFA'NCY"PRIN.TlNe. . - 0il'e -lié 1 II . ý . . _ - ý=_ ý , 1 1. 1. àýtliený,'4"P , - . In (ioi.mro ,or Bronze. 1 t '1 ,,, - 1 4'TJIIE PRIES@-Tite Pall'alilluillum 0fýtIhe petit, ý . ý ý , , ; _ ý - 1 (Il *e 'ea. 4p 1: 7 . . - 1. ... . . - , 1 ý 1 1 1 . - 1ý.1 ý - ý 7: , , ý_ 1 : . : 1 _ ý , , , ý - , ý r f , ý el . . , - 1. une*&'Itlghti.11 . . :_ - . .1 ' . ý 1 i - i ý",.", 1 . 2 ..qýrn ,1 ,1 ý-.,. 1, ý : , ,ýiîý i; e in ÎÏ1 . - ! ý . . , l- , 1 ý ý ý, .*. , i !ý W B 1 1 - ý , =ý _t- ý - 1 - ý_-_ -------- - _;_±- " . _. 1 1. - -- ý . . - . . , , . , ý _ _ ; . ,!"jL, _; - 9.of 1 . - G àtý a e!n ;nÎiý..iin'jJ to tlý1 ; 1 ý -111; ý ý 1 ý_ '- 19 ; ýV_' isj , ,ý,,ý.qf!ý îq. P&tIicf'lnaer;qtali'nttl Acmlnm nt . 1ý ' ' ! . . ý . ýý ', - ýý MIri 1ý . . . ! _ Il 'il ýK ., . . - ý . ' à or + , 1 t'es, a., li.'t'lbletForii or berw ;.,.., ai rIll ý VOL. 1.] ' - M ON, WEDNESDAY,, à ' .. La. - "'Pa'- 1 m PIUL 2, lË6'0 :-IL xr.,vjr. ed t r' , 1 .e. .1 ý wo . -ýo ,ý 14 Il. , . ,rtar ýlttce:d priii -, : VI ý 1 . 1 . . . ý -:. 1 ; 1 _.. 1 . l ' , , iýý iliviýéý.i.:ý"., .. ;, - ý 1 - - " .: ý -  tflâl i . é i .1 ý . ýý . . ý.t--- ----,--- ----- ... _. - .. .1 ý - .. Il ý - :: l gi [ . ý . - ,- . ý . 1 j ail ls'q a . IIu_&ý 'W£ ý. ' - .---- - .. ý ýýý 11, ý _______1rý ---- .-.,. 1; -, ', 'Il ý, -1 ". je j II 74770 , - &W : , , . )uden'id&l-','irdtéýqhLIyl - ý * ks-bdme the eiptifsud lebW' . , . :"ý, . . - , il il r ý tuaity-r-for God, and pity ý- i ;l Otl),rgttowù! e,111sifliss ' torii M IW - Il' sintzs Pi titérk). Vottrq. i carlv'eâ, %villa -file ici stock full ofsha 4po Yeti thilik 191 pay laitention tal sel oppor ý lis ..È., ýkI;l *ee -ý--j ý , - - ,,-.- 1 ý , - , - Il - __ ý . rial ý, -1 1 ý , 1 £11111-11 - nonsense? Awl wiýyç« Il ý 1. Pi llutom.;g,- ohiér Main. -att,:*itlirthe'lady pui*alýer,ý,badloW- __ 1ý, J09 - 0 1 1 > î 1 Ï)Icý;. fi l - - "' ' ý - ý _ _ _------ý- teuIU,,and-tlà4!t surfacelÇ'timd wil.11-red. ; ,If i# very stratil bix. Faùlkile" '- iq L VINGBTON. LL - , MONIE CF, ', , ý - _ 1 trlvüdto-elude this -saiagýes,'Bad mdcb and >,ellow.,pi4ments.. - ýTliydl;ot aeveral . . . ( ship _Marthl Srfîtal « , a- - 1 *-:Po> 8ý11LIÎ;1$1'£R ý'ý&Tl109NFW-îT- ,À IV ,vttt,,u. 0. IV. ý . OAW i YDZGETI t,*ô'he-ce ri the cri hm . .. . '. -. - ; ý . r, 0 . e, Offloit tonal froin 10 ý.,i. toi __ birds,'anl bririging the ido mýitb'ïh 1 ý111l LJZ"be1.1 1 ici saine boàdàwfilcèjàîîîýl ý ., . . ýjjj0LjLL1 . ILMCll,%NCF.al7, p P. .%L ý là a every a . . ý , ,fý a Con'Cltati -ri d y- Erid y They ail me elle, Oni fcarvalard 6 et oiisamhb"t The cl banal the smp of papier . '_ ý . . . . . . ý ýý ' - 1 U te forge hins.- - boat, whore Ili trofIntit . i ý illisil ýý :ý1 .ý; . Z lai fr> ýsj ýjjl . --àý'Iii CD :su, mit. . -1 - ii; l 1-ly. . returned te the ;M ifelloi ' ' - tayt * - iktbàlijââàtrc>yed witb" ', 1 k . . ý , Th.,y fronts, net wbat they look . i and hevokas *an. ellainaist ho Ciplain cafter final if. - ý"7 1 1 ý E Il iltYCiWN. l >ý j the sailors, wIl Lac! bal týA'tisilli Ihem- ossibly literie mal bd 1*00 ship limier. 44 ýwm »bbré Iota à, i!ebéik iý_ ý .ý . , - et - C ý.. : . 6 il the. Ithip ail thé esptain, iThis ýafiirAbe .. - . .1 - 1 ý "I' -7 24ý i oý» 19 D ZW A IEý J;., Who Il cny woManlii belli te val sulpesingaâe'ring shelhýofwbicl,,th,,y i e diorning.1 - - ' , - ".,;i. ý'Ajowl.-Nt-_ .4 .1 - I., . , , _Il . ý . , . , l ' We shWI awice in in but the 2ndt of'JnnO; thl lent t be ilag isIjal ý '. . 1 .1 - .. . e _..ý.z , ý To. il nnwtdoom-j fal t'ourlai several rare and ceifiýoikopççejineni ý Tjle ni-ht wax cl and ,ý ýýl ;_ , , . ý . , . 1 , and file seen te., . ý- . irristàýe' tterfftp_ý-tIt-ffinjo, ý ý Thtay d,,R. .cîý .lac My future yeil "" . 1 8 r,ýswîeùg ý,ýkhI ý'D ILY RERXA'N', '1ý i -' oit tilt 11il "i!Ç&-', 'y!" -bi.r(fs and fui 1 icýmnan shZa lig -ï- ' ý, . ý -, U' s«'%ý] th e ' - 1ý ý 'et gléom la esat ; - IýJ -ftot but As sono as the 1 officers rétacariavail on Kn.ip»-,:ýIý-N -iji ' Pç Câta êgit : , . , A étend 0, trop - .; la 1 i wi èr bil ibié" tg ai., Office hinirs Ton, 1HANCERT, tbg.idoi, liai ý souvenir of flair Vital peil iýnjatà4,1i.«Ilt as dj ý% "Lunes or belli a etýuneâ ý v5ab Wd,ý,'ajajd it -ivas thýùL& s0ýiI'VI -IN a 1 1! ce Il 10 4 m. du,ýljvr., te ý , boa, ,qq ýYFiud 011 the Ill il the« -,'àhadow4, vii Il determined fui keep ai stili nt, O b rë- and *.* ' jý dé frol ' ui bil r hi, m 1 1 [P. j . 1 -dàe.idoog of iýar lyic , 4il ý ;- ý 1 .. ý .. .ÇPDsultat là dai 0 ONV P,',Y AN C B R, &CI 'Titi buried Li the p fi ' . I', c, ý , the frets, h à à -E m - - ; 1 év'!ry 1- ri(Illy. ; , 1 - ý , '; , 1 * - dectè,ll-.d iiIve-r'ted',iri thO«'MdWôtb'Water. of( and on , ne i , ýl termination of the (Lw Il ý1 ý : 1, ", l I - ý I nir iý« r tu tbowôu '. _ '. au. -%Vbt;*4ýns -à 14ht brueze fetin struitjidùlëboatiolid «40ýat o dý te -dbeký__ 1- ___ - __ __ _,ý_ _1ý ý___ ellril store, blili At el-,ht n'Étel file iigk . m e ni bc C as ýfrom,4helibeýr',.ýx i: ý ..., ý .1 'D'el ,no . . ý' 'l - 1 1, . ý ý ý . il 0,13 à FZT -YOýi i4b i - , , 1 ýý . , ý . ,26-IT. They lafil me sol rigole, sud . Il . net, il saute as if the'le" hadj bel flit, iiiiii, m d' ý ýil« 4èt _ 1, .. 1 i ad Opea il ý . .ý qiime'g ý . au file il _ , Er- apared-svancijA - .feethýýith, vrail V ýta.those forvrWd W11WRaW.- j:-;ý ý , ý : Oivitléw cýtiirtidI4tk, iCýýýlýýnër lit àfyýwldovji weeds »Ide; pli the open seil and siolitini pàrf#'ýuIar Il -;F -emilli -câlin au 'fui. 'm. & , 1 atl ý ilissacil ý , ý . ý *, Beach. 0fficIj.ýMjj e",eesu. . . . ' "' P A'N T 'O 'Îql . i . 1 ý eck a ýk 1 ely ci armed, and'proil with water and c ill ** e ho - - ' ' ý W ., They hint that 1 may yet bonasse 8. .tb4 1 . '---rî- ---ý-ý - - ý - , ý - .1 ,ja 1 nectirred until midnight, talhen, sel lit is . haine te sieep un such a nighl isions, te sestréla the isfands lboroW toits boitai. They"C., - = - Me ý ; ý. 1 , ,, . ý ýw.ýZil f "iý; ' 1* ý , ý , 1 rail or . Ag ty and joyon bride. 1 . Ing to'nàutiical ctistogil, iceight lait-ilin vrai said the captain. 1 . a ' cris Il . ' - ILV ?,IZI O ? 1 Ah! Iluiedrajam Ïbose Ratter'ng frisottai val ryrloiv. ,,P,, of digc:bvëring the uùlmppy pa"ej --.-one :gentIù" .JMýcleîiho - ý '. - -. ,-, . . . , , la, ý ý, ý il .,Aide- bobmle Deralier In ai king. ilf r, ^Wý , ' 1 live Jant ta regret struek, and the watoli below wjjji led ý The- third lieutenant liai come on deck captives - ý - ci thild --mto Prineet.Çd"id*oilb- 1ý . 1ý ,.M-W WNI, - ý- te relieve their 5hipmateé. Scamoly, te relative the second, but both -nt widout l' '* .1 li ..1ofùqciýo;ý)1 ý,ýjtrSL ý tfie cafficer ta Yý-"l'iére they aË*ýlinded itaisaltil .. - _ _ Royil ,1, surance -0 Mpany, Severai da5m vers AV qny 1; 'ý __ . ' Iii 1 rý ' ý Those belli bis prettenne larigistamed 'final flic 1 ime howeyer, fat tones of Mie bail ,and cataitain, iýemaiasrd chil t?#Çther discovery having been mal abd file Scarmit ,lapwd bet4re*an,%'Ib:isg! W 111l' PeIl, Il bail. met offtlie Island ivberé':tlie ther was Ar ceci ta vibrato, %vl.en iieil;lit bal vras il riteral tu - 410. &)nuit O .d il of filons who Èadjetcipéd-.ý---- - ' ý J. 1j' ,T A .Il ý (Ill ni, ri.icag orýTII&PÀÉÀCIC. Whôlù they wil me te forget - ý haa i 1 ý Wr létal î - ý i. , Milton, 96v.19.1861. , - - j29-IIY. , Il otiedound of the., ý 1 8.,aàýý à if , , EL M' &kir' opposill )Ir. ri - ! : M11,T0N.ý . . . til digtidetly silLruck. which called Dit several ,r 1 iniscences rnyliteri bell, final been in . the boat' , but nt léogilà inWlëgftee - ý . ý ý . s te déclic gForvtrd ÏÈbmt.i shouted th They s! rive with gold and gem il IlfutPn- ni strange and mystericaus adventures et beard. Oit Iniiding if was evident en- .%vite iocuived OfýiIl s-de,,acýriym:,atTi* ý 1 ý : il 1 ileipamÉ, . . 1 -,-- - - . - ant orthe wsleh '%Vbo atrmit '.bat LEU ?* mur, of . tel- liaving o4n"4,,gr4gl ba" , ;ffl Aý 1 ý My pale and sel brow, qen. A gond ail of the watch aiso call finit, tb,,uglb ne * unintacclaiteil as ' - ' ý . i ý G .T. BASTEDO, . TiLere vairait ùý-repIy. Carrislte laistrel and Gencral Black m th . And finie, they my, will disalipil rial te rernain on deck, and Il fiacre- Oli . til for ,livaut of-fuod. It-wasilsomaid i 1 - Glai,. i 1 : ,%Vbo struck ibat ha-Il Il Who allai ,,I,,, down, nearjihe ion carrijl in ed Li the natives siri file sloop of %var the câlitaln val Il iÏe sailoreli j . ýW.orntp;,'ennistèr,*r. The gloom chat shrocj me nov. C a. and à pq**engel ý:IllL j.' Î ' 1 .- i à Éj & h ý ý iratox, . te strike if the a il ' il ? 1 insilit Lilial thou, - At lengtla a p ý arty of se 1 ri had 1;ý'dn Vrù4fq __ ! - 1 JAMÈig MOORE. ý That omilles si dits Wed face -th for an hour they remained bail civil if. . . mur . : a. , .117c>111111r. 1 ripera knpv!inji crilýytnIiet.ilsnetr. midmir 1 - * * 1 ' nençcal ý'Dýi*rl i Dry Gondi, ý Grec Pr!egý Million, De' 1 . ý à ý .ýý.1ý 3'l-ly awake, re'.atin.-, litre their superiore, men atumi11&1,om a lienip of ail ail Iléred- Ily-the saval m El en b"il ----.- ",ýý WIth belli w" umý dlneutesir, obodý11 itfengthaj - . ing, 1 , cr4èkèrY.-ý Colline of Main and Guell b-ob- DeIL-sive &U 1 my withered beait ed th fi tl au . . 1 livrer- fêles of m . 1 mlog,'totlýiliodt-litteiýthéir ahip-ysterions occurrences theý trournai. The oMfar*-Wcro satil filial; 0 swi O the etàptivýa'weie'rgâliy"tir- iý _ý ý ý - - . 1 .JDANLEL Ol c final belli or met with during their ad- the- nativEs nul bat close all hand, and mit-- ,ý - . - .7 'Ti% buried In the tomb., ,Z.,= Y"r,.,idý" l , ' . r rect in flic 1 , ý'11 , »ý ý ; - ----- ---- - i : the lieutenant te the vienturous, career. __ý the on this nen.laiée, il oit the forme ý ' ý ; 1 c ý . -Ri ATTORNEY NOTA- baatqweln, W 'One u'elockl sel the _capl ' ý file- t* .,ý -_8111- a t.^,r H AM, . BARRISTL h ft et [bis moment. - . they had vacated thé Island. (an file cap- - Thui tho discoirel of the ý**Mélf of -ý1T i , . . 1 . ry-p-mie1àfýiablici"tô'r"tn'cba'S"-Y.,ý p Oeil of the white men. Thias. was titi lie ship Nfortha cif Bristol, sait-ilit-icial l - Ire Dealer In Tir ware, 1 Thj jal me te Ibrgét bilan, 16 out Who Il as fiant bal 1 lieve [ allait go belov-ànd turn in. WIj laval &c., 90. - ý - ý1LY. QFFICP-CornerýofBiàln'and Brown Stil ý - - sual with filent, Ij tlleyweri,- generally __1 % ýý - nd î * Il rISI a . r -mý - . ý ýý. ' . The joyait ofoillier Yearil 1 insist ripitai knowin ,et limier %veig-ti ai day break, Mr Allait. II il ci* el t th wàltift ' ý ý , l 1 ý.ý , ' 1 ** . ucar il 0.4cart ffoue Milton. ý ý 1 Il air., the could net the old quartet 1 . 1 ster JncWWeisitpW ý . ý .. ; fi_.._ýýZ71-__ - Miltacal fais, 1 ý ; 4:;-i ýTis Il ail laientalatlai abst turf 1 ,Tho, men say nobody ixas oeil the àl'ine Fitii!krier, let us have a glais or Siitil)0#31htt)rylt tenu bc-IL citer 1 -struck eiglit belli, as 9, 1Iieý -"i'tlIiý, Ili luemil ý- el MiLsoix, iiiû'61b. 186 , y- enger for prèseiitsý wilen ? )t gog Il J" 1 - - Tbil watered LI my il . ,incite brandy aud water togetiler before we taillader: if was reaeonable thp.rétt)re the 0110%viai 1 la 'O !ý"l'utjý. - 1 ý lý ly. ý -- - . . . . ' . ,feli r. Vol 8 , 1. ý1 .ý - . i stoppeil fi-om,;themTur à ivît' - i Il irl replied flic buattativain. Il ý 1 ý V D A VA D"LA T T ýL E Ag liàbt among the mounta ri tops, 1 ,D'il aloi hear if ?' il flic dira. il in.' le suppose fil . ey bad octroi spý,i.I'.otir. -id rèmainedý -diýw CH .'T.H A Y E R, , . - - - _11 il attelai llngers yet , a 'Sirike the Ill tvro!' sang ont ilie of- fur di 4al)ptýaring. tain, who Li. _O'cboâ ý ze., ý, 1 1 - ý ý Ili 11% XIL» 9Zli M21-1 ý U! 1 Local fthe4ýOpiiilraël,«ind ý ' ý 1 ; I_ ý 1, aitaro alwajo'ôn ý la . er. -ýIou --lht 1 drji.1 cabiallt rard"I.; ýp es - J I flic ficer of file vrafchza the captain and the -i- [y , R-vrth hoids no gem bair m dear,- %V hile the parti of officorts in cortical Coq ettel-hait l 1 ý ý 1; ý . , ,VF;YT]ýou »Tô 7,111ximJ1,7ýxOPFICE'. 'Thuuýh't;,,u dial 1 'Yottamust bc sure first lieutenant descended into the naît ri. of t1te expédition werc still doliberitting tiie iclatialcence of the inen who-W boeld ý; ý . 1 sbý;1) ôli,%I'.till-ýt. ýi 1 , - * ' ilien, alliait yen, Vil furget. ý eï _ý,ý ý ý--- ý , 1 . , ofit, il 1 ail ail l'il finit unt (bd,- Tite clang of ý the bal req,)nntled 1 L de, they livere startled by ILI' uniustlY Pl!n'shEd:ýad bassin . -ý i-*> ! .. ! WEF[FtOt4D, 1 . NIM TON. Loum X. - L cl ;.a «r'. .11 . - . prcrj ý ýý FURQUI and &ri _ II and mi orciers atlacided te with panotuality, and 1 Jove, l'Il pu-ti,&h'tbe whole throughout file ship, telling that one liaur w ail t . rnpîdIy - 1 - i. Offender, or by linuitail of lie belli Itio%'.' nain, 1 ,:ýý ý Genera, u c r and deraiet in Ilond _ ý ,Itli)%v pricéal . watch il ortlie %l had p; Il ýîj ; but O . à CÏnfirMed Gru lel ý ý >.ý ' >.- a. , sl 1 ' 1 ly. . 1 i4 E i ý ;', . - Scal licid flic 1,*Cntermnt irp)len horaire again II e sol il lin cerise Io vi- strokijjj hoard, tlien one feeble one . . . . , .'. ý ,m CMASTER, , Miltl . ,;i.Xiý. ri. Ill(A. MIT BELL 1 . - , ý: 1 -, . WM. . 5 . Saine iime agio tbere lived iw Edinâ ý ý ý £ . ý 1 - 1 OR ý ý these words, rail the bel val again Lamie, 'tiro bel'&' wus disil repeat- 14, in È,Iïl!! GLoccrits iIrôdncý 'ke JÛHN DUNBAIL, , 1 . , and ait vrais 'tilt - ý . . caler 1 . 1 heurt! distinctly sounling eight clear eIl,,il)pareiitly front flic ship's biall,' as be- I That LIEU waq touraded, Lay thI -car.- bel a weil-knéwa grnmbler.-.'" sd, ýý Pl.%IiliIi-st. . . _ . . _ýý EH THE 1 03T OFFICE OF TOURPS ÎÎTRAIT. Thé captain and a caray Sandy Mail whose offert Atil ------%- 1 ý GE'YPýR;lt Bý;ICKSII ITII & 11011SE Suu - stil l'ore. accueil lieutenant tivil we are in senrch of, l'Il wager 1 i , , 1 ý 1 HUCfH MILLOY, , 1 . à il . ý. ý ý1, , , ; Carril Il IInpIemeiii,ýIaau- Twodý#or4iaboveW&IlaS'âllc)tel. Allorders ý . peral.ed cafficer, 1 Vais >is (no Inal Tiiiî i %Vital under huaven can tli;s meau la i The ajoutait seoilied te conte frein bc- ainu uig ,scênescif senàeIfsàýirrýtâbîIîI,1Y;1% ', l MAIN-STREE a , MILTON. MY.-;TEIIIOU.i Nial AD%»£.,cTuRp. . By Ife;ivinf; Il exclainied the Il rat urned te t fil, deck. ý commission,' alliai bue of flic office-- of spleen or. ýindigèstioni prèducýNI 1§6ine lie 1 ùltleeril glacill FI"' t ex,-cuoýd'vil neatuein sud de il weri bighly Ti4y. . . 1 sý'jIj Te flic xjoýtIjYard of the island Il -is Il mutiny. Whoever the rasent i.i, cried the captain. ý y ý il, '1ý ý 1 1 __ _ _1 ý 41-1y,= tient (if Austrcl sepaliatinq ît front the l'Il malle au example ofili'n.' sWbo del tu etrike tient bell el The whole party proceeded in the di- file Iý-uIe'sgOOd, patient-little Wiko--L,:i . 1,1 1 ý -rHds. YO .,Jrc].]Ez:lvcal. m-.'&.Xi&,",. large island ýf Poirua, or Noiv Guinea He licasteneil forvaH as ho allaite, and aung out flic third lieutenant, Allen. ý recti(I'n-tjqggeAtetL Nothiiigwasbeard One ýln-Iôi;ning, Sandy ruse tient oà:ai, , .>, i P N G, \ ,cal fais former q' ,1)..,Ir er ait flaritu-àrý-, GIl LICE N SED. AIJUTIO N -.ER, il], in' repe aie replied: or ne the wood diàtýurbince ; the hadd7ses'andigp*ïre 1 Liery, raInte, oqs. ý ' E lititè a naral %Irait, studdqd w - unations in atigry The bontswain'a m en, and tbey passed out of i excellent, dette te - _ ý .ý 1 . 1 .;hný Findirik's, tac. ." tic'! balcon In 1- C.mplprl,ýviue, No!-.Rgawer- . nuineil iitands, rock-, ilio'ttla, reers toiles. A groultiofrailurs %vers assembled 1 1 struck two bal air, but only once, te file opposaite allure. About two hund, a tarit, anaî had*bpiàl : -, r 1 ehX,ýjîl. or (lý»d.-. ý1airi .-I-Iy. .., Sales attendrit oit Yhort notice. 87-..Y- and Il baillil reiiderist6r the., navPzt- ira the vicinity i)f th-- laclil, but 'Done of when 1 bear-1 the sol repeated. If il yards distant'was à amolli deuil ordered by himself the pirevionà éven'.,ig,, ý il 1 tion. intricate and dangercius, natal impâss- thein; very rallier if. AIL utere gazing qc-ems to me op in flic il just over Ilie wooded inlet, net more titan half on and breakfast p;jued without file looke& . ' . ' -7-lWc k E*N 7,1 ta. C, , "' i . . ý _ . t compl-,tèly bidde rrom l'or eu Il of complotai. aù il .m'xrc>m&l.%'« 331M r able except Liai the Lacl of dal Tu uI)O11ýitOr upuà theairorover thebowa tiiip's bowil . . - Irait aw .uud.lla, 1ýF) !ýM 1 TH - acre in exterj ll. ý Id B ýý..« F ilitailcr, .1 oist, _ ; G E N E ILA L B 1, A C K - - lait. rrilither 1 %%'Ilatvillyuu,ý;ýýefqt4nneý,Sandy?' l e;;; 1 - ý, dry , wil - - y * STEWAÉ.TTC,#,,. ESQyziXG. ' add te the perilil arl or the Islande Or Lho vessel, W th cotintenancelà expres- Tite uificers allwent forward. , Again the strait by the large isla . - ý ; -1- - are a Aed vrLi roqelveti. th rty proceil in force, and the '1 'I - ýnhabited by Papuan savqgets-u, mater C olarm. the viral had gath-rèd, file saiti,2Nies. B. ' 'ade anIIýkept . ' f t Il P" I ,kýcýiýkell,---O-oýt-WOWýt,« ,Ql Tý lFtUST014*, Itil and W;;ýý 1tonghl on between the Aloi Tilèyw - - -0 lie former q2ystery va, 13 i . y- la d al i io roi (y, once again saroual the bal so%,eral un expl: ;ned. ý ! i ý 1 * 1 , ciimtaiilly on hatil . 1 1 , llzgi-t. I)y.-etnfr,%.Iseetl. and 1 Wagons, Buggies, race'cIýpci si .-"il - - luiving jOin0d -themr Ani the The party of natives came down tu 'Roast or boiled ?', asked thé.wife. ý l' - Chernist a ci Dr ý1.c.. iruiled lin allé liburtexemutice, and et the and the nezio ofAustmlia', and posàoils- file oflicer repFctýd the quasi . - «oj ý - ý1 ý' ., station -Y. ma-ti ,treet 1-1 Y. ni-1-t rtýt-ýtial-li; rial ý - ing ail the-sàvage troachery of the for- ' un u.i-,-inr---mnone eý us struck oesttfieoidqýÎ;trterciaiter.' ý'Heréýpeated the ývater's edge te meet tbem., Opo of 1 1 Coiifouýd if, madam, itycint land beau .- __ . a gond'àrà4 considerate ivifei'3,oja'd fici ý' 1 ý ý . : 1 ___ ---- ; -.-----t- . Il ürdra rLeliettiiily moliciteil. mer, with th,,ý disguating, bestial furucity the bell arter Mr.. Haidy.' tais warning more soluinly thon .beil the sel could speak th, Malay long- known before fiais vrillait 1 lilil Sàti'OY, 1 . ý E.;TFLAVISý ý StevwttoNvu, inti. 17, i862. .1 _. ý ý : ý - - - - --------3-7-'Y' of the lutter class of savages. -rio you daretell nie Il a barefacelà «and woit of file mqals coaintenances ex- linge imperfectlviald arted as ititerpe- 1 . 1 . ý 1 Cabinet M, kur. Tilrner %lait Géneral Dcal lr i ri - 7. _ -: l- if is tberefoi la generally the eustom falaehool 1 1)1) j'oit meill te illial, lut presse] al arid alarrin. ter. 'l'he oflIceý nletimmaiid 'dimanded 1 ,!rowled out, and atterri file dont be- 1 ý ý j ý1 ý to orier:on-,elio 1 tt notice. 1-1y. Facilitai c j cil alwil or% haiidý(Ir il M alcolm Rainey$-IL 3). ,vbc. ,essels are bound from Sydney, or eiglie bella werD net d;stinctly '8Ïruck, 4 There is sorte mystery in filial' said ,if once the libiliration of thé captive binai faim, left file hol ý ý : ý . - . __ ý l - (.LIýSGOW, M. R. C. 8. EDI.NZGBURGII. Il port in Austi alia, te lndia or Chinsi thred distinct timei II - the captain. The men generally are guill white men on the! Iil 1 lie iiativvs if was spring, il a friend i vil val . 1 ý 1 15AJýH BAILEY, 1 .. 1 ý . -necessil a plissage through liait Il Ïbonglit t lipard, il, sir . se did my lal Either soine one arucinge client i4 positively deraiedîhere %verre any there. present fleurai the little vrifesny,ý'I.Sandy's ý J 'rallur .1111 %tain SIl 1- ý - Tite officeil insistý il thet Ibert, val and o-day ; 1 $bail net 1 . 1 . p ý y 'ICI. ' fo. M ACCOCHEUR. channel, known as Torres Strait-for qllipmates taire ; but, t'vil nebody by soinc rail playilig on the Il p tient, on a disrturbance t ý Y. ý P11. S .IN,,ýUIIG N Aý cjaý-d striick the bell arter Mr. Hardy; stitious fears of the rest, hY !- tril the ail wa.9 scoûred, but liant '-h there plea.4e hini, do wliat I eau.' 1 " 1 ' ! ý ýý 'ID P.ýRTICULAR Attentinu devoil in Chron one, captaiii te vrait for another, uoi! si ý DÂVID LEE, ý ' i. ý..:, mi ý le (IlReaecg. (lotili: wo, three, or moto vesil 1 i take if hotv as Iý%vý-trnt our bell ' il be a xhii) wýar Il Inust 1j'ive been et toast .1 il. red of Thc d in aier flanc camé, and Èaody cinstil . - rillantil t -La are ready to, an( as or else there mais nit 1. Ilainter, il, ager, etc., G telph 1 .( l$ait the Il qoun led froin the quarter- both se,,ces on theii8land, they coutil Dot bis friend but down te diiiner -', -the fléli, i ý,ý ý " mieriýaper a 1. y. itualidence -Sin i ll Gottàge, nexi to Mr. Dev. sait te ettler and tc- keep company, and stru Il 1 was enfeu i'n-silence, tind on rdiýng-the 1 , :. ý 1 . . renJer Il other assistance, (teck like rial .î.tial the seuo4d lictitL'n- discal a tnce of the Gaftives Of wbýý)nl reet. rejIl latin, 7th Coiiý EýIucsIig. 35-ly te c should if il, net fil put off thiti wayl re- ' ýl . --- - - , . envier di fil disir before him; inl:a toisleil JO N BAILEY, lirch. - ý i , ,,ý 1 1 ý ho Deal . The practice is for cranta pli,-( the lieutéiptnt. "'TlierL-'t3 no vieil ànt. ý they vitre in se . .1 1 rt n.tice, ai Il BR0Û1ý1S ! 1 BROO)IIS 1 1 ! ' vosiel te keep ïa -ýt" 4 Sortait] is deceitfril, often, eipecially of But that they liait hélerai flic bal and 'Il pns-qionl)e càlléd ont:- j: ' 1 - ,4 - 'tallor. Trork il II lin couple of men el oeil tis--!rhere,!, nobody on the Island 1 ble ýat-,XIeljIh ý8treL.t. Iý ly. ý ' Boiled 'chickeit 1 1 hàte if madam. A f ý 1 ý - during dayýIi.-ht ca mark the course, since and X dintincilLylicard, the bell fais bell iiightl replied the captain. 'At ail eventa but-, ' -1. 1 t for the strail retreat, of the uni i , __ - 1"I!ý _ _ . - "Pa" hiâten boiled lis a chicken 'féd 1 1 1 à . 9. L. KENNEDY, G AUD & SEARCH the ,xater as usually sinooth as filet, or -stiti(,,k thred Cartes. 'nie matter shali vre car, discover nothing tilt dt'Yli,-ht-- fil the larger Ici sinaller ï-dand on linmoglidiely the covjer *aît raised from 1 1 .; pointer, G, .à)' ý a lake, ;trait the . sand hantait ani shnale lie investilj tlinrotl!!hly, and the of- Kepp a gold look out, Mr. Allatk.' il approacil lis find evidently been. Ils- 1 Guelph treet. ý '411 order.4 piinchual-ý I',',: ii.ý.v[,4G r...,t.,,Ii the Manufacture of cun be distin tly. seil beneatil.-Evtýil fonder shall bd ileveril punitj 1 ý Thus .%peaking lie and the second lieu case, trac oificers ýY0uld have giveil uli an( filet- ilisll, rolisted te a. ton ý 1 ý ý1 i tended . ci 1\ ý .ýY. o Ilrooms in Stevurttowili are liow Pre- then the currênti are 80 strong. natal un- Ipiertate, oir," baid cl or the men, II tpna If went bel,'w - the searc in espair. I Madatit, I %vi)n*t ont, rouait è,hivkdh;,: ý ,ý. ý . , ý _ _ pareil an Supply ail derail et the lowest re- etc, tain dirai if ils Often rit tilt te %vite ýt-inding bere whe Il 1 be now, ail T ' Pour beils,'six rind eiglit, vrere sitruck mnile they were triant tri ri,.l Sandy ; lymi ktiùw -hcl ýit shuntai i _ý 1ý i ý JA » B..'DAIVIS, , muni-rative pril In the Town1fall. Ail r Il oui] diffic i ý ý il ý. , > ,, , i . ý ý Ilroom5 malle in this establishment - errai thrtad sortie of the narrow paît3ages ; tilcuglit as ý how flic bell sounded op il, in torii, bat wiLliolait roin-tition, giviii;, (Io, the bell soutided ;jl qu te aient- ,lave lial couked : . D.irrister a d AtIýroi 4 . ri 1 - ta IIty t Liv, Foliciler in ed. l and as sono: l% 'if becomes (tarit soxný- the air y ,ý . riIe in tho mind-i of the vffi :ýjl to a.belief client aider tIf,ý carth. Il A ý, tiiat in.qtant a bal chicken witli i j', Charnier ., CoiiveyýLIicýé,.t. etc. Office. Firgt nit-.411roome vins placed.on the 1âbl«.ý and IIpparentlýS'rF.%vAn-r-ro)v.,;, Nov. 4, 1.961. 27-Ily. spot is chosçn'%vhercit, te conte te with, ail elle of the men bad been playing was ,uni ýirregularly, as if someone vil 1 . l ý doiar S u Il "r,.irt',il utidry,-Wri.mL,)ton Il Il %vas on the-Wk' oeil; sait' anothel .1 ýý ý ( IV 1 b --- - -- - Drang . ri rili'-ing ýT i ý . N. 13. 31 ue 'a. ili'nd'in su .i tof sa j; . o:,roly- . the Digit, %viten t al and liait been afraid ta conti 'event anotbLr tri)' 'aVithorit green péril Il,. 4 oared the ý: 1 ,, - . à kedge anclior il ' !and, In me if 1 sounded as if lie bol trick nue trying te pi ý -..umbler. __ ý ' - ý , ,ý em : . ý.'. 1 1-lV. essary te keep a %%,oit irmed crew them, fur ý had the il come front a if. The savageil *emed te beconte Il ý 1 . 1 ý . ,J ý ; , -omover ' .1 i ý . - 1 1 t -,- - on déclic tri prevent; file crew from bain came fi 1 the linwa.' I; lormed, and thelý officer in corraffiand 1 lient- filial are, (Icar,' soid ýNirs. IB ý , 1 1 , l. ýPFLE8-rOl l Hè)T.EL, - , % % 1M ýý IT ýL (L î if is nec 9 Tvirnt lin: morfal hind frtick fhit 41j if %vould have been repèated througli a *ý;. , ..- - 1 Iaurprised by savajll ' the raigtiC At four o'ciock the ship *as t1irvatened, ifthl notaieliver op their 1 Ilow claire ycu opérait iny môney in ! 1 1 1 ère bptl ynur;hnnorl said on old boat- fiant way ?a slr 'vry c , 1 IF Stil)-cril)ý,r bas removed front hie old Tite is ands are not ail inhabité 1 1 got undeé %v g , mail, .ý il 1. et; ore-k l-, ,eirtiil,!nc fèý'Lhe 1 ci, and: xivairals mate, gnlqmnly. 'If wfts atruck ûiýh and'sonn aft(ýrvards it captives, fi? ex4rminate every re a present,' kid thé wille, ý ýli. 1 . T ame'at.. was tirant] dayligh . No ship was in wo-nan and vhilai en the latterait. jý Tmvelti;ýi'Lblic.' ',&t.a&tj,-b-ive hoiqerýin Siiop on àlaiii-st., to hi private arcsidence I am of the opinioii that file nalivecs are Il, i,,iible spirit nt t foireras a ýý. at" àtiet.. , ý . l' -' on %iiii Sl nppagite the Tenip;!mnce flatl, in the hzl ofrosm ng final cime te aneth- Fliglit thotIgh the hurizon could bc swept This threat vil they fratind that lie an, him. 'l' - ' ' ýY iný'11r1-11p1f Z ý ý ---.,-F- 1 D. c K 1 N N j '.1l wh(»rfý lie wilf il happy te attend to î ril-losin -, il ail was iii earnest fil the effi-cit. They Raisingri-onn Ili& chair and lruslling' j ; ý ý - 1111 urderl; la bis line orbumil l ý. ,,il ý . er as their fancy choos", or as fish- Bodicea, i la ard a bell strike just the in a oirele Il r - - ý -growa scarce. But ailendenvors' te finit ont ivhc- liait i Il bc ici if they from file reniai corail a rosi of-iànihter i 1 . !ni ' been playing the e);ý'ýrs.1 Elâtairkstulth'.51à, a Street. Sawl . Vil ROSS. their clsief'food fil mmé Way, aný b4are a week was over ý asked if they wo from Lis, friend, lie clerached bis! ýIjj il ' : ý iný, ýtc,, ,tu -le nit mort lantice. . . 1 1 ý ý il ton. Jan. 20. 1802. '. 3-à-3m. oftheLslands reperfoutparàdise,. Tite the +el'er fever'br-ke ont riboill and rick with titi» bal %vers delivered op the virilite cri -ýe ,6houted : ý - . . ý - i « -- - - tend il und,21ýiàt* - * _ je vain and the meil grole vras stopped, i x iéer, 'il they h i ng fi) the c.,iptaiiI's ordpr. sufféred no injury of your liands., 1 Huw attire you recoive a prestent ', . . RAM90AD'EURANés, 1 IDC>C)]M IE'I'r--,'!%,«M:M». ing, riýing auto bills or Iwo fost hülftlie cafficeris and creval ,ý .L ol ai the ýofl a 1 id,- ý - 1, . ýý.jcl )lie tolerable, dividéd by val IStuft and notransil exclairrind thr 'ecolf ýl i , 1 1- . 1 ,ýý - . - . -il in sceoery te flic happy cil of . Titres days crier the Coquette rellicheil who appeart ci Out col leave II . . ; . ý il , , This Rbau in sýt, d t the rang ! tralala; r'l.RI)ERS left ai thlla Offlea for FANCY equ After sortie parley, one -l-àý 4 imutçnant bittf-dhlibtftil, YeMnwilling to . 1 ý . .. 1 i ý uu,&4ueuç.rgètownýý 0 1 se- IDOOR 11LITES and SUALr. Sl Rasselas, l'rince ofAtr the termination ofthe strait. Here oit- te bc 87 chier toit the offical throtig!i lý ý RWIlway S" , 1 - WAI sele in the . . Il - ai '. _! , 1 ý. . ý tiraient - 1 r m ended ta. Tbez wlll be w.ell wooded, well scoci give;in to etip4,ratition. a ý '1 of ý ý, . . ý , Fil , w [. .- estions r the travelling pul .. All si bc p d ptly !ýý1 _______.-___ _ _ -.,i.;.ý if thix invisible sol eanlt hie 1 noted, far op art froin jal of file othet dense fumait te a cavern, appa - i'N A SCROOL ItOOM.- irait -9 ý à . _ _ __ l' - . . . I 1 1- _. - - Il - SÇý--'ÇE e - 3 S h ieen aslebeteao t ri nfifteen or tw¢nty acres, but te esoil Was....-rat sodbs fo 'Y -'willnot snswer,' continued the middle öf the strt.WivecmaThbelhdbesrukythld;tesrenho'a'opr r- wêegoo o oor sbami t ho s s, ndlattgan denel, ooedcapiain,'Mr faulkner, see tha't the whole and a few yams--nd a little water (on1but after having struck it the second pneheal for m1dical aitanc. A ME [CAN H0s5 t y wy, my tgt ad the mtur onr o iesGdwatch hve ‡he *bileelowan.Ce of grog boardranslÜ»baple our comrse to Ti- tires- twobel-n hopea of attractilig Mil-gd'rplied ainé of the bearers, AndGenra S nnk nenero ad itht t dtha ece o mchgeto led for.apreek.' -imr., Lefton the island, in the powrthateioofhsenbodtesipatante.'y, sd hfidn et Ste , ilion c. . W lch tr Tet cPlease, ydur honor, it's very hard.' of the natives secveral 'of our shipshates, elhe hadlbeen, tiurstned withinstant lher- Voice in. sIrelfefenceav'e n.tobus n i osór p ees w h i e wandred al ov ri satheél u triatrwohadied oerewoman and child.-Three others death if she went near it again. Whnun-ntet igelietitenatitbrejon*tf. 'It's ara wth lus. the ship sadled they hadl returned tu the ANI)nCiEAI»y.Z=CUa.D m e rsalles ie,ri 00 ery ard neno . tke dsle rm 'To the commander of a ship of wr" r caetsnIvsbl a prahortebai n rtihe ld), hny the housmad, having on e auglt-i sercxon A. rà n E naED cneaousuhe otashes f ies iden invsibltwas no mort han ou of any n éioe• watchiedlher chance, ml at the risk of ittummning 0-the piano, ean AT EE O RQ E'O T C, Ni noteg but ot, aý nd ftind a t E9*mast rs of merchantmen will please her life h id struck the bell again. - .om plimentary surprise that 'etLgught Offce over Mr. Barclayslstore A H HM O OFChl oatd u hy e n aa tenck that m fara hecrei he uthrsatdtatfo ntteict bney invested on Gjý>d Security. 8y mgtre tees.Iî h is fwoIt. icy camt; forward a -w r at,'s;ud the captain repth

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