Page 4. Whflby Foee Pros. Wedhieday. Deoember 81993 ----------- ee\el By Mark Reesor 4À Durhaxn Centre MPP Drum- mond White in urging residlents to protest a proposai to make 19 a aa aa nn aM lmedical services ineligibie for Mý coverage under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). A joint management commit- IrSNE ASr ryr EEPYOOY AFE)? te mae u ofreresentatives from the Ontario Medicai Asso- Mi ciation and Ontario Ministry of BOflIOIfeIHeaith cmine up with the "non- ese,*ntiaimecai services»list. MULliGRAIN BREA Inciuded are such poeue YÀM ý% as reversai of sterilization, sur- OnIv~gery to correct severe snoring n in-itofertilization, annual Ç7 Large Butter aCROISSANT I WW Re55(I 1nt dozen per cusceer wiih ids eupon Ofv = Dff 4,19 **NSNDY 1380 Hopkins Street Whitby 666-1 177 hoalth examinations, genera~ an- aesthesia for uninsured dental procedures, routine circumeision, repair of deformed earlobes resuiting from use of pierced earrings, correction of outstand- ing ears, removai of non-sevore acne 'pimples, tattoos and benign or pigmented skin lesions and tosticle, and penile prothosis. A roview panel le asking for public comment on the cuVe and will make recommendations Vo the management committoe, which is Vo announce what ser- vices willi bo cut sometime next year. Shalamar Shalamar S'~Crystal Crystal specializes in spiral perms staring at $90. Tues.-Fri. 9am-6pm & Saturday 9am-3pm h153 Brock St. N. Units 8 & 9, Whitby- 430-8998 7ES $29.00 LKS $37.00 Produets Gift Baskets Available FACIAL WAXING & EAR PIERCIýNG DRUMMOND WHflE White says he believes many of the services being considered "are more than just essential... (they) provide preventative Whitby's newest CONSUGMENT STORE We cany> new and neafly new children 's & matemîty fashions If uaimrhavuutei*NI'd qaiI If you have toys, children's books and children's fumitwre, we wîl accept them only if M~y are dea, conplète and sale. 10 112 Mary St. W., Whitby (Pearson Lanes~J 666- KIDS province money in the long run as weii as preventing untold human suffering... "(I) question the *udgmnent which wouid suggest that max»' of these services couid be with- held without any conequence." White says he was visited by one man sheduled for surgery lest week te have a lesion remo- yod. «Yes, it is a benÜrn losion (non-cancerous), but it blods and causes hlm pain.., if the proposod cuta go through, it wouid not be covered... and he was afraid he wouid have Vo cancel it because ho cannot afford, Vo pay for the surgery himself... I also had a caîl from another senior who old me he'd be dead right now if it hadn'!t been for his annuai check-up. Hie doctor found prostate cancer in time, it's been treated and he is alive and well ... " that cost up Vo a quarter/million dollars that have no beneflt whatsoever in people's minde are stili eligible for OHIP fund- in, whil some of the services tt could be cut do have real merit. The annual heaith exanis, for example, (which) many seniors rely on... or the circumcision issue, something that's verX cru- cial Vo certain communities. The amount of money the cuts would save le insignificant when compared Vo total health care spending, says White. He urges constituents Vo uget involved, present submissions and lot this panel know in no uncertain ternis that we will not accept these cuts in service." Ail submissions muet be sent Vo the review panel by Jan. 10 1994. The panel wili hear oral submissions Jan. ' i rPE1j1MS $30.00 IHI-LIT] COLOURS $27.OOI STREAI Appinb-=,=,coes .y.~teta S.T. inlu& mmý MýMmmmqq %k a VVjý, 1 r- Vi IITBY (AYFICAL \ ý*y 1 fflýý