Whltby Free prs, W*iesday, December 8,1993, Page 33 I E Il RUAI..' ClilLO CARE CHILO CAftE APARTUENTS HOMES Ij ESTATE SERVICES I SERVICES FOR ItEMT FOR SAlA ___________ LAND WANTED TU IIENi. I LOVING CHILDCARE available in my home. Nutritieus lunches & snacks, lots of activities (indoors & outdoers). Ail ages welcome. Rosedale Dr. (Dundas & Hopkins area). Please cail 430-9694. WANT a hapy, fun. stimulating environment for your child. Vears of experience. Lots of T.L.C. and activities. Specialize in babies. Cal 430-9520. CARING MOTHER will provide a happy environment for your child. Nutrilous lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (wafls, crafts, stonies>. Thickson & Rossland. Ask- for Debbie 404-0815. REUABLE LOVING DAVOARE in my Fallingbrook home. CalI 430-1682. LOVING MOTHER will provide day care in my home, full- or part-time. Nutritious lunch & snacks. Non-smoking environment. Cail 430-336. RELIABLE DAYCARE available in mny -home. Full or part-time. Watking distance frem Palmerston Public School. Cail 666-5909. Watchà Prmte Borne Dai Cave The system that provdes.. *Unscheduled home vsits ensure quality care for your child *FuIly trained providers "U recoivo ongoing Agency support *Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays "*Complete insuraflce coverage " Income tax receipts *Children six weeks" and up " Full or part-ime For more Information caîl: 686m3995 a ioensed Agency MOTHER 0F TWINS willing to babysit any agle. Rossland and Brock area. (Mcrien Court). Cali 430-6394. Specializing in Early Childhood- Education. For Peace of Mnd. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 BIROOKUN. Close to al amenities. Available now. Cali 655-5539. BROOKUN - 1 bedroom, kitchen & f ull bath.* Parking, cable. $350 inclusive. Suitable for mature person. Cali 655-3012. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ton minutes from Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low weekly rates. Caîl 655-5308. LARGE SEMI FURNISHED room in quiet residentiai area. Use of kitchen, separate bath. Suit single fematde. References required. Availabe January. $100 weekly. Firstllast. 430-8972. AJAX - Partially furnished room, use of bathreom, kitchen. $280 a month inclusive. Suitable for mature person ony. References required. Cali 428-3307. OSHAWA. Partially furnished 3 beroem semi-detached te share wfth 2 females. Female preferred. Laundry facilities, parking. $340/morth. AvaWEle kmeeb*. Gall 434-2998 beave message. 7tem qa ged SricemsTE *CARPET & UPHOLSTERY DIVISION Resadential and Commemrcial Cleaning (ask about our X-Mas specials) *DISASTER RESTORATION DIVISION FireWater/Smnoke Cleanup and Restoration (24 HR) "FOR YOU ONLY THE BEST WILL DO" 4L3&60S e~ The Mutual Group I ERB TRAN cl for quotation 668-9669 u432-72161 BACHELOR APARTMENT. Br'ght & clean. Walkout te backynard. Heat, hydre, cable, pkig & laundry facilities. Mature working female prof erred. First/last. $450/month. 666-9453. WHITBY. Spacious 2 bedroom home with fireplace and inground pool. Walk to GO. Fridge, steve and laundry. $850/month. Available immediately. CalI 668-1153 or beave message. IN BROOKUN - 2 bedroom apartment. Full bath, fridge and steve. CatI 655-3281. WHITBY. Main floor of brick bungalow. Garage, storatge, laundry areas. Lot 292' x 70'. $895/month + V/2 utilities. Barry 655-8176 or 721-2650. Whitby. 228 Brook St. One bedroom main floor, dock w/o. Modern baths, kitchen and fir ea . $595 p Vus 12 utilities. Barry 655,-8176 or ,721-2650. Taunton Rd. E. te Hampton N. te Conc. 6 N.W. corner f ron 1 & 2 bedroom. Clean and modern apartment in farm house. $595 plus 1/3 utilities. Barry 655-8176 or 721-2650. WHITBY. 2 beciroom luxury apartment. Close to GO train. Plenty of parking. On-site laundry facilities. Private patio. Cali 430-8608. NORTH OSHAWA. 2 bedroom bungalow. $595 _per month & utilities. First/last. References. Cati 725-3330. WHITBY - DUPLEX, upper 3 bedreom $895 +. hydro. Lower, 3 bedreom, $795 + hydro. Includes heat & water, fridge, stove, washer, dryer, parking for 2 cars. 655-4120. HOUSE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? If you had adverised here, ¶ ,OOOs lke you would be readng thils now. Cail 668-6111 WHITBY PRINGLE CREEK - Executive 2 storey, main floor famity ,oom, taundry, double garage. $1,200 rmonth plus utilities. F i rst /lFast.1 Marjorie Aukema 436-1800. NRS Realty One Ino., Reator. BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset Bivd. (Brook St./Manning Rd.) * 3 Bedrooms * 1112 Baths * 5 Appiances i~~~ * Central Air_ * Garage * Paved Driveway * 3 Models * On Site Management * Easy Access t0 "Go" 668-1389 K.C. McCalI Property Management 666-5794 - 924-1100O POWER 0F SALE. (Repo ssessed properties available in Oshawa f rom under $80.000. For more information cail Carol Ross, Sales Rep., Guide Realty Limited. 723-5281 or 723-6610. WHITBY. Spaclous bungalow& garage on treed lot with basement roc. room, firoplac 3 pc.& kitchen. Centrai air, upgraded broadloom. Ideal for in-law apt. Walk te downtown. $159,900. OSHAWA. Watk te GM. Big 3 bedroom plus dining room, eat-in kitchen, upper apt. rented $500 mnonth. 3 rooms, kitchen & bathreom in basement. Hi gh off. f urnace. Main floor vacant. Mlove in t-Il Afrn% A.t, S...1Iiiq nt would like te rent about one acre, in the Whitb area, for gardening pu pses. lýesecal Rick, 668 -717. INDOOR STORAGE for cars, boats, etc. AIso, some outdoor storage. Phone 725-4414. BOAT & RV STORAGE. HIGHLAND VAN & STORAGE. Boat & RVP storage, 90 cents p>er foot per month. Whitby - 668-6611t (Sales Rep.) Re/Max Summit- Reataty (1991) Ltd. 668-3800. .... .. FARMSFOR HIRE - 16' cube van with 1 or AC E2ar men. Ln or short distances. ______ __ ------__-- ____ od rates. CaIl 433-0775. 200 ACRES. Excellent soul, 175 workable, 25 acres hardwood bush. Property located in very scenic area east et Port Perry. 2 houses, three barns, etc. Owners will hold ist mortgage. The price is right. Age & health reasons for selling. CatI Joe Kirley Real Estate 705-324-0206 anytime. ............ . . P O RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. r MORTGAGES as low as 5.75% o.a.c. Caîl Michael 668-7200. Anubis Investments Ltd. Servlng Ontario since 1972. Financial Corporation MORTGAGES I st &2nd'sto95% * Debi Consoidatons s571-2880 or 686-6450 (Tor. line) CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IrS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. BuSINESS opps. WANTED: Two Manufacturer Representatives tor unique ineofa water realment chemnicals. The Tas k: Appoint Agrlcutural. Industrial and Swimmlng Pool Dealers thraughout Ontario. Great Patential. 1 (604) 850-1400. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwestern Schaal oI Auctianeering. Nexi Class: March 12- 18. Inormation, contact: Soulhweslern Ontario School of Aucioneering. R.R.45, Woodslack. Ontario N45 7V9. (519) 537-2115. A NEW CAREER! Crticale Incarne Tex or Baokkeeping caurses by correspondence. Free brochures. No obligation. U&R Tex Services Ltd.. 1345 Pembina Hwy.. Winnipeg, Manioba. R3T 2B6. 1-800-665-S5144. FREE 'CAREER OPPORTUNITIES' GUIDE. Train et home for careers in: Accounting: Aircanditioning; Baakkoeping; Business; Eiectrnnics:, Law Entorcemenl: Medical Secrelary; Paraiegai; Travet: etc. 263 Adeaide St. W. (SA> Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. FARM EOUIPMENT FOR SALE BARN CLEANER REPLACEMENT chain for ail makes aI cleaners. qusntity an hand at gaod puice. Cail Husky 519-846-5329. FOR SALE AS SEEN ON TV AT $26. Super Health Bag. The Mcrowavable Heeting Pad. On $1995. Greet Chrismas gift. VIS~A/ MC. 2os Enterprisos 1-800-461-5757. Maney Bactr Guaranlee. ENERCRAFT A LEADING manufacturer oI Portable Band Sawmills aisa carrnes tor immedialo delivery, 3 pi hitch and soit canîained waadspliiters. edgers. chainsaw chein grinders. bandsaw blade grinders, skidding winches and more!! Celi 1-800-387-5553. MISCELLANEOUS AUTHORS PRINTING CLUB helps authors publish their awn books and pamph'lets. Heip 6035. Usualty home evoninga and wookonda. PERSONALS GREAT SEX noage9 limit. Overcamo erection problems caused by diabolos, prostate surgery etc. Gel the tacts tramn: Pertormance Modicat. Box 418, Valomnount. B.0.. VOE 2Z0 1-800-663- 0121. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, rInonda and families -. lind ouItlacts tho Society doognIt want yau ta know. Contidenliai. Write: JW Facîs. Box 294. Nelson, 6.0. ViL 5P9. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership iimesharo7 Wattl tako il! Americas tergest, oldost resale ctearinghouso. Resori Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare rentais needod.Oetil 24 haurs a day. SALES HELP WANTED DREAM JOB. Keep tho moat important job in your lie as wite and mathor. Worlc 15 hours weekIy, average $250 commission end cor aiiowance on Ioweirv party plan sales. 1-800-363- 8976. STEEL BUILDINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Winter Spociat. Keep the tactory busy during the Winter manthi and lako doivery in the Spring. Sae up la 25%. Cati 1-800-668-8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel SlrailwalI Type - nat quonset - 32x54 $7.899: 40x72 $11,924. 50x90 S16,954; 60xt26 $25.883- other sizes availabie - Miscelianeaus clearance -Peragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICESI 20x3O $1,723.00. 28x30 $2353.00. 34x40 $3.550.00. 40x44 $4704.00. 40x5O $6.530 00. 40x100 $13064,00. 50x00 $16.402.00. 56x120 S24,106.00, Cal Pioneer 1-800668-5422, Yor ad could eppeur ln community newspapers in Ontario, or right &cross Canada, or any I Individual pro vince. Space la Llmiled, so Cali Thia Newspaper TodaylJ ""CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE'O To raffe awmi.rmamkel. ao'verise ttheouho.* te rogon-imembershio of the Ontario ard Canemlan Comm undy Nw. , Assocatons. CenIrai Ontario 55 newspopers - $160 lfor25 words - A Ontario newspa>ers - $350 gor 25 words At Canada 572 new spers- $1.121 for 25 woeds For turther Information please cati the Whitby Free Press Classlfieds - 668-6111 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTIVIENT Financial ýc oncept Securities .Financial Ccncýpt SecvrMwý;* s a bui;ý",,s ttyle eqý, travon o.ýed by F C G copcxauon Whitbv Free Press 6.68-161*1 l:ý:* - Otfide Hours.. Monday to Friday, 9,-,00 am to 5400 pm Fax 668-0§94. 1